Reviews of the
Religious Education Congress
Items about the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
found on the Internet:
• Appearing in
Angelus (formerly The Tidings, newspaper of the Los Angeles
• Photos/Videos of Congress
• Appearing on the Internet
• Press Releases
• Congress History
• Congress Online Chats
Read about the Congress Themes
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Los Angeles Religious Education Congress |
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www.twitter.com/LACongress @LACongress hashtags #RECongress |
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RECongress |
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Instagram - LACongress |
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Flickr - RECongress |
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Tumblr - RECongress |
APPEARING ONLINE / IN PRINT (by publication) | ||
Angelus (formerly The Tidings) - AngelusNews.com | ||
2022![]() |
Acclaimed LA Catholic artist John August Swanson passes at 83 |
September 23, 2021 | |
2021![]() |
People missed the crowds but say virtual congress offerings still valuable |
February 26, 2021 |
First-ever virtual REC offers answers for a world ‘hungry for the truth’ |
February 22, 2021 | |
Pandemic invites us to be changed by suffering, Pope tells REC 2021 | February 18, 2021 | |
Pope Francis to deliver message at virtual LA Congress
February 2, 2021 | |
Speaker lineup for virtual LA Congress event announced |
January 28, 2021 | |
LA parishes asked not to use David Haas music amid misconduct investigation |
July 31, 2020 | |
LA Religious Education Congress to go virtual in 2021 | July 1, 2020 | |
2020 |
Than Words
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February 28, 2020 |
Evangelizing through mercy and holiness emphasized at LA Congress |
February 23, 2020 | |
2020 LA Congress puts the focus on holiness | February 23, 2020 | |
A look ahead at the 2020 Religious Education Congress | February 21, 2020 | |
Angelus RECongress 2020 issue
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February 21, 2020 | |
Timothy O'Malley
February 20, 2020 | |
Bishop Daniel Flores
February 18, 2020 | |
Julianne Stanz
February 19, 2020 | |
God's eyes, their hands
(planning of Youth Day 2020) |
January 31, 2020 | |
Meet the LA teens in charge of the 2020 Youth Day | January 31, 2020 | |
Congress 2019![]() |
America’s most prominent nun says women should ‘seize the moment’ |
March 26, 2019 |
R.E. Congress calls Catholics to hope after painful year |
March 25, 2019 | |
Bishop says recovery from abuse scandals a ‘generational’ task (by Speaker John Allen) |
March 25, 2019 | |
REC preview: Q&A with John L. Allen, Jr. |
March 20, 2019 | |
REC preview: Q&A with Sister Norma Pimentel, MJ |
March 20, 2019 | |
REC preview: Q&A with Msgr. Eduardo Chavez |
March 20, 2019 | |
Theologian on 'deaconesses': Focus on baptism, not ordination (Speaker Sr. Sara Butler) | February 22, 2019 | |
Special report: Can there be women deacons? (Speaker Sr. Sara Butler) |
February 22, 2019 | |
Pro-immigrant nun praised by pope to meet Trump at the border (Keynote Sr. Pimentel) | January 10, 2019 | |
Congress 2018 |
Pages from Angelus March 23 issue (photos) | March 23, 2018 |
Made for God: Our favorite moments from this year’s Religious Education Congress (photos) | March 22, 2018 | |
To those who are Lazarus Archbishop Gomez’s closing homily at the 2019 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress |
March 21, 2018 | |
Conducting a liturgical whirlwind at the Religious Education Congress |
March 16, 2018 | |
Salvadoran cardinal: Romero’s canonization a ‘gift from God’ Speaker Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chavez |
March 19, 2018 | |
Youth Day kicks off 2018 Religious Education Congress in Anaheim | March 15, 2018 | |
Embrace Trust (photos)
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March 10, 2017 | |
Embrace Trust in a Thirsting, Divided World says Congress Keynote
speaker Msgr. Raymond East
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March 10, 2017 | |
Youth Day at 2017 Religious Education Congress
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March 10, 2017 | |
Religious Education Congress in L.A. hosts anti-death penalty rally | March 1, 2017 | |
Trust': How encountering Christ is key to religious education
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March 1, 2017 | |
See the Angelus Congress 2017
Special Issue (Handed out too all Congress attendees) |
February 2017 | |
On July 1, 2016 The Tidings newspaper transformed into the weekly Angelus newsmagazine. | ||
The Tidings | ||
Visiting L.A. Congress 2016
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March 4, 2016 | |
Abolishing the death penalty (Congress speaker Fr. Chris Ponnet) | March 4, 2016 | |
Boundless Mercy (photos)
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March 4, 2016 | |
Sister Helen Prejean's 'Dead-Man-Walking' journey | March 4, 2016 | |
Religious Ed Congress: Still growing, a half century later | March 3, 2016 | |
Thousands celebrate God's 'boundless mercy' at Religious Education Congress | March 3, 2016 | |
Where God's desire meets our
own (Archbishop Gomez column) |
March 2, 2016 | |
Javier Stauring leaves Restorative Justice Office, but continues ministry (Congress speaker) | February 26, 2016 | |
Congress coordination: Behind the scenes of the R.E. Congress
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February 26, 2016 | |
The Religious Education Congress and Brenda Ueland's 'If You Want to
Write' (Congress speaker Heather King) |
February 12, 2016 | |
On not being
stingy with God’s mercy (Congress speaker Fr. Ronald Rolheiser) |
RECongress 2016 | |
Stripped: At the intersection of cancer, culture and Christ (Congress speaker Heather King) | RECongress 2016 | |
Trust in the
providence of God Director, Father Christopher Bazyouros |
RECongress 2016 | |
Sister Helen Prejean to address role of mercy in her ministry (RECongress Keynote) | RECongress 2016 | |
See the Congress
Special Issue (Handed out too all Congress attendees) |
RECongress 2016 | |
Congress 2015 |
RECongress (photos)
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March 20, 2015 |
L.A. Religious Congress draws an estimated 40,000 | March 20, 2015 | |
Thank You! (to Sr. Edith Prendergast) jpg | March 20, 2015 | |
"Seeing with the Eyes of the
Soul: the Challenge to cure Our Blindness:" Congress speaker Fr. Ronald Rolheiser |
March 20, 2015 | |
"Catholic Social Thought
Post Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and..." Congress speaker Fr. Bryan Massingale |
March 20, 2015 | |
CRS on 'the Central American
nightmare' Congress speaker Richard Alan Jones |
March 20, 2015 | |
'To see the world in a grain of sand' | March 20, 2015 | |
"Seeing our reality as
migrants" Congress speaker Fr. Clodomiro Siller Acuña |
March 20, 2015 | |
Honduran Cardinal on the Church of the future | March 20, 2015 | |
"You were made for a better
life" Keynote Rick Warren |
March 20, 2015 | |
Meet Father Chris Bazyouros Director, Office of Religious Education |
March 14, 2015 | |
LA Youth Day draws huge crowd, energizes teens about the Faith | March 13, 2015 | |
A faith-filled journey | March 13, 2015 | |
Religious education and the encounter with Christ: Archbishop José Gomez Message | March 13, 2015 | |
Renowned author and speaker Matthew Kelly to present two workshops at RECongress | March 6, 2015 | |
Songs of the living: The music ministry of David Haas | February 27, 2015 | |
Human trafficking survivor to present two workshops at RECongress | February 20, 2015 | |
See the
Congress Special Issue (Handed out at Congress) |
RECongress 2015 | |
Congress 2014 |
Fraternas: Living and serving with ‘the total security of God’ | March 28, 2014 |
A Church 'afire with hope' in
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March 21, 2014 | |
In Anaheim: A Church 'afire with hope' at Congress | March 21, 2014 | |
Youth at Congress: 'Never Alone, Forever Accepted' | March 21, 2014 | |
Question: How has Pope Francis made a difference in your faith? | March 21, 2014 | |
Home -- and Faith -- Afire
in Anaheim
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March 21, 2014 | |
Attendees: They came, they saw, they said.... | March 21, 2014 | |
Workshops: From Catholic living to social outreach | March 21, 2014 | |
To hunger for holiness and thirst for justice - Archbishop José Gomez | March 21, 2014 | |
New Evangelization re-connects us to Christ and each other | March 7, 2014 | |
NET on the road youth evangelization ministry comes to L.A. | March 7, 2014 | |
Congress registration 'well beyond' 2013 as event nears | March 6, 2014 | |
Congress 2014 theme selected | September 13, 2013 | |
Congress 2013
New Evangelization re-connects us to Christ and each other | March 6, 2013 |
Faithful and faith-filled
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March 1, 2013 | |
Photos: Celebrating faith,
fellowship, fun -- and mystery
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March 1, 2013 | |
'God's Got This': 12,000 youth pray in confidence to the Father | March 1, 2013 | |
Keynote John Shriver: What it means to be a 'good man' | March 1, 2013 | |
Speaker Amy Florian: 'Walk with people all the way to their resurrection' | March 1, 2013 | |
Speaker Fr. Ricard: The 'unapologetic' truth about being a priest | March 1, 2013 | |
Congress 2013: 'It's a time to be stronger in our faith' | March 1, 2013 | |
Fr. Ron Schmidt: Grandfather/priest/filmmaker's amazing journey - Film Showcase 2013 | March 1, 2013 | |
Teacher of the faith
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February 15, 2013 | |
What does it mean to focus
our attention on God?
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February 15, 2013 | |
Congress '13 preview: Affirming that 'Christ is the center'
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February 15, 2013 | |
Lenten Reflections: Psalms and Songs for meditation by Congress speaker Graziano Marcheschi | February 8, 2013 | |
Requiem for Unborn Mass: Voices for the voiceless
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January 18, 2013 | |
Our Lady of Lourdes Church: A history - Pastor David Loftus, Congress speaker ![]() |
January 11, 2013 | |
Major events mark start of new year in L.A. Archdiocese
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January 4, 2013 | |
‘Tweets’ of Vatican II quotes reveal council’s impact, legacy
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November 2, 2012 | |
How do we get the ‘nones’ back in the habit?
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October 19, 2012 | |
Congress 2012
May 25, 2012 | |
Catholic game-changers: "Transform ourselves"
April 27, 2012 | |
To the cross and the empty tomb
![]() by Archbishop José H. Gomez |
March 30, 2012 | |
Cardinal Mahony on immigration: Remember Matthew 25
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March 30, 2012 | |
Congress 2012: ‘Voice Infusing Life’
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March 30, 2012 | |
Congress Youth Day ‘calls out’ 15,000 young Catholics
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March 30, 2012 | |
March 30, 2012 | ||
Religious education for the new evangelization
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March 23, 2012 | |
RE Congress
begins March 23 in Anaheim
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March 23, 2012 | |
Jacob and Matthew Band: ‘Our goal
is to serve’
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March 23, 2012 | |
‘Congress’ at 45: Still renewing, refreshing, re-energizing
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March 16, 2012 | |
RE Congress begins March 22 in Anaheim | March 9, 2012 | |
A year as archbishop: ‘I am very happy to be here’ | February 29, 2012 | |
Congress 2011
Rabbi: Jews and Christians 'live in amazing new times' since Vatican
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April 15, 2011 |
The Bible and the blues:
A connection, says LMU professor
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April 8, 2011 | |
Congress Youth Day collection raises $15,500 for Japan
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April 8, 2011 | |
Cover Photo:
Holding Firm in Faith
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March 25, 2011 | |
Youth Day: 'Jesus loves
us to the end,' archbishop tells them
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March 25, 2011 | |
An 'awesome' beginning for Archbishop Gomez | March 25, 2011 | |
Trust! Photo highlights
from the 2011 Religious Education Congress in Anaheim
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March 25, 2011 | |
Father Richard Rohr: Crossing into the second
half of life
![]() Congress Speaker Father Richard Rohr |
March 25, 2011 | |
L.A. youth plan 'Christ Care of for Japan' | March 25, 2011 | |
Religious Ed Congress:
'A great moment for conversion'
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March 25, 2011 | |
Sr. Edith Prendergast's Congress reflections gathered in 'Grace
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March 11, 2011 | |
Sr. Pacatte to receive Magis Award at Congress
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March 11, 2011 | |
RECongress 2011 Schedule
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March 11, 2011 | |
Congress expands
horizons with greater broadcast outreach
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March 4, 2011 | |
Women in leadership: 'He has been true to his commitments':
'First-time' appointments
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February 25, 2011 | |
Reflections: An Interview with Cardinal Mahony | February 25, 2011 | |
Cardinal Mahony at
Religious Education Congress' Closing Liturgy...
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February 25, 2011 | |
Cardinal Roger Mahony talks with CBS' Mike Wallace...
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February 25, 2011 | |
In recent years,
Cardinal Roger Mahony has engaged in online chats... ![]() |
February 25, 2011 | |
Bringing compassionate touch to Cambodian kids
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January 7, 2011 | |
Congress 2010 |
Father Lawrence Boadt, former Paulist Press leader, dies (Congress Speaker) |
July 30, 2010 |
a bounce in your step and a resilient spirit? |
April 16, 2010 |
is 'the Church'? |
April 2, 2010 |
'I never thought of praying as a fun thing to do' |
April 2, 2010 |
March 26, 2010 |
Youth Day: Just sayin' yes to God | March 26, 2010 | |
Photos: Congress 2010: An Abundance of Faith and Joy | March 26, 2010 | |
Congress attendees: 'Every year there's something new' | March 26, 2010 | |
March 12, 2010 |
Congress speaker Michael Theisen: Church-family partnership benefits youth |
March 12, 2010 |
Environmental, social justice events highlight Congress |
March 5, 2010 |
Sr. Rose Pacatte: A life of faith worthy of a good film |
March 5, 2010 |
Youth Day: "I'm Just Sayin'... a call to 'a healthy rebellion' |
March 5, 2010 |
Congress speakers discuss faith in the Facebook generation |
March 5, 2010 |
Early 2010 -- A full slate of events in the archdiocese: Religious Education Congress: March 18-21 |
January 8, 2010 |
Congress 2010 spotlights God's 'Incredible Abundance' |
December 18, 2009 |
Congress 2009 |
At Congress: Building faith, fellowship and relationships | March 13, 2009 | |
Congress 2009: Energy and spirit despite tough times | March 6, 2009 | |
Cover: 'Igniting Our Yes!' | March 6, 2009 | |
Youth Day (photos) | March 6, 2009 | |
Youth Day: 15,000 'step up to life' in Anaheim | March 6, 2009 | |
Photos: 'Love Unfolding' at Congress | March 6, 2009 | |
Religious Education Congress 2009: Workshop schedule | February 20, 2009 | |
Congress plans diverse entertainment | February 20, 2009 | |
Bioethicist: Octuplets' birth brings In Vitro problems to light (Speaker Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk) |
February 20, 2009 | |
(Speaker Abbot Christopher Jamison) |
February 13, 2009 | |
Congress 2009: 'Love Unfolding...Igniting Our Yes!' | February 6, 2009 | |
Latest 'Chicken Soup for the Soul' is written for Catholics (Speaker LeAnn Thieman, CSP) |
January 30, 2009 | |
Looking Ahead: Major annual events on tap Religious Education Congress: Feb. 26-March 1 |
January 9, 2009 | |
Congress 2008 |
Sr. Gonzalez honored with Esperanza Award at 'Soy Catechista' Event |
March 14, 2008 |
Raised up in Anaheim |
March 7, 2008 |
Youth Day: 15,000 "Focused on God" in Anaheim |
March 7, 2008 |
Congress: Envisioning church with eyes of the heart |
March 7, 2008 |
Sr. Prendergast honored at Congress for leadership, support |
March 7, 2008 |
Congress 2008: Gazing with the Eyes of the Heart (photos) |
March 7, 2008 |
Sights to Behold in Anaheim |
March 7, 2008 |
Faith and campus relationships in a 'hook-up' culture explored at Congress workshop |
February 22, 2008 |
Congress speakers: The complete list |
February 22, 2008 |
Congress speakers share wisdom from global church |
February 15, 2008 |
Congress organizers predict another record-breaking year |
February 8, 2008 |
Catholic Legislative Network debuts in time for '08 elections |
February 1, 2008 |
Congress Speaker John O' Donohue, popular poet, dies |
January 18, 2008 |
Looking Ahead: Religious Education Congress: Feb. 29-March 2 |
January 11, 2008 |
Congress 2007 |
Keeping a mellow heart in a bitter time by Congress speaker Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
March 16, 2007 | |
"Who has needs and who has the gifts?" (panel at RECongress workshop) |
March 16, 2007 | |
Thousands encouraged to embrace "God's transforming light" | March 9, 2007 | |
Living out love at Congress Youth Day | March 9, 2007 | |
Standing In (and embracing) the Light in Anaheim (a pictorial essay) | March 9, 2007 | |
The world as a phone booth by Congress speaker Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
March 2, 2007 | |
Film Essay: 'Amazing Grace: Christianity in action by Congress speaker Sr. Rose Pacatte |
March 2, 2007 | |
For hearts, minds, souls: Reading for Lent (Book Review of "Media Mindfulness" by Congress Speakers Sr. Gretchen Hailer and Sr. Rose Pacatte) | March 2, 2007 | |
International array of speakers/catechists expected in Anaheim | February 23, 2007 | |
Released from death row: Cleared inmate to speak at Congress | February 23, 2007 | |
Intelligence by Congress speaker Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
February 23, 2007 | |
Religious Education Congress set March 2-4 | February 16, 2007 | |
Congress workshops: Variety and depth | February 16, 2007 | |
Matt Maher crosses boundaries | February 16, 2007 | |
Embracing Our Dying: A resource for California's Catholics by Congress speaker Liz Sumner |
January 26, 2007 | |
Looking Ahead -- Religious Education Congress: March 2-4 | January 19, 2007 | |
Congress 2006 |
Sources of demoralization (Rev. Richard McBrien on Keynote speaker Rev. Timothy Radcliffe) |
June 9, 2006 | |
Demoralization in the Church (Rev. Richard McBrien on Keynote speaker Rev. Timothy Radcliffe) |
June 2, 2006 | |
St. Louis Jesuits: "I don't think we're rebels at all" |
May 5, 2006 | |
Mother Earth needs loving care -- fast, warns IHM
sister (Congress Speaker Sr. Nancy Sylvester) |
April 21, 2006 | |
Bishops: In favor of reform, not illegal immigration (Congress Speaker Bishop Gerald Barnes) |
April 14, 2006 | |
"In the Time of Christ" (Congress Speaker David Tlapek) |
April 14, 2006 | |
"If it is God's will, we won't die" (Congress Speaker Gabriel Meyer) |
April 14, 2006 | |
Congress '06: "Becoming Free" means drawing closer to God | April 7, 2006 | |
Youth Day: "Never forget Christ loves you" | April 7, 2006 | |
Marymount's Liturgical Dance Ensemble readies for Youth Day 2006 | March 17, 2006 | |
Reproductions from new Saint John's Bible to be exhibited | March 17, 2006 | |
Compendium of Catechism available at Congress | March 17, 2006 | |
Special Preview Section | March 10, 2006 | |
Cardinal's 'online chat' set for March 31, 2006 | March 10, 2006 | |
Congress: An unmatched experience of faith | March 10, 2006 | |
Composer, poet among many talented artists at Congress (Congress Speaker David Whyte) | March 10, 2006 | |
Congress: What's in the works for young adults | March 10, 2006 | |
Does religious illiteracy cause dissent? (Congress Speaker James Davidson) | March 10, 2006 | |
Reunion of St. Louis Jesuits group like magic, member says | March 10, 2006 | |
January 20, 2006 | ||
New ways of being Church with fewer priests (Speakers Zynn Zupan and Rev. Paul Boudreau) | October 14, 2005 | |
Five named Cardinal's Award recipients for 2006 (Fran Curry, Congress volunteer) |
September 9, 2005 | |
Congress 2005 |
Panel speakers: 'Open up the conversation' on gay priests | March 18, 2005 |
Embrace diversity for positive change, says Sr. Eva Lumas | March 11, 2005 | |
Talking to teens about sex (Congress speaker Pam Stenzel) | March 11, 2005 | |
Revisiting ecumenism and 'One Lord' | March 4, 2005 | |
Next pope: 'We are going to be surprised,' says [Congress speaker John] Allen | March 4, 2005 | |
Record crowd 'awakens,' celebrates, learns at Congress '05 | February 18, 2005 | |
Teen enthusiasm prevails at Congress Youth Day (and photo highlights) | February 18, 2005 | |
Becoming 'a catechizing community
of faith' (Congress speaker Bill Huebsch) |
February 18, 2005 | |
Gethsemane as liminal space (Congress speaker Rev. Ron Rolheiser) | February 11, 2005 | |
Congress: Multi-sensory feasts for soul, mind and body | February 4, 2005 | |
"This is their big day to celebrate God": Youth Day is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for high school students | February 4, 2005 | |
Whole Community Catechesis: Workshops at Congress | February 4, 2005 | |
"Blessed Art Thou" : Mary in art and prayer | February 4, 2005 | |
"Awake to Grace": Religious Education Congress 2005 | February 4, 2005 | |
Congress Workshops: An endless wealth and variety | February 4, 2005 | |
The inclusive embrace of Catholicism (Rev. Ron Rolheiser, OMI) | January 7, 2005 | |
Religious Education Congress: Feb. 17-20 | January 7, 2005 | |
Actress explores death penalty, grief issues in morality plays
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November 4, 2004 | |
in a pluralistic, privatized world
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March 5, 2004 | |
RECongress Poll: "What are the challenges of being a Catholic at this time? And how do you hold on to your faith?" | March 5, 2004 | |
The message of the Gospel keeps me focused
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March 5, 2004 | |
Help wanted:
Theological teachers to walk with us (Congress speaker Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu) |
March 5, 2004 | |
2004: A zeal for faith education
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February 27, 2004 | |
They have an idea about faith![]() |
February 27, 2004 | |
Faith lift in Anaheim
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February 27, 2004 | |
Faith lift in Anaheim
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February 27, 2004 | |
Steeped in Mercy, Faith & Spirit | February 27, 2004 | |
in Mercy, Faith & Spirit
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February 27, 2004 | |
Youth Day: A way for youth to experience 'the big church'
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February 13, 2004 | |
Congress 2004:
Something for everyone (again)
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February 13, 2004 | |
Religious Education
Congress registration available![]() |
January 30, 2004 | |
Looking ahead: Archdiocesan events | January 16, 2004 | |
NOTE: Tidings links before 2003 no longer work. |
St. Monica's hosts 'faith lift' with Terry Hershey | December 26, 2003 | |
Congress, Regional Congress dates announced | August 15, 2003 | |
NCCL honors Sister Prendergast | May 16, 2003 | |
Congress 2003 appearing in |
Incarnation rockers riding high | March 21, 2003 | |
Social activism: It all starts with prayer (Rev. Michael Kennedy & Martin Sheen) | March 14, 2003 | |
'Carrying a Scandal Biblically' (Rev. Ronald Rolheiser) | March 14, 2003 | |
A season for changing hearts | March 14, 2003 | |
'Criminal Justice Through the Eyes of Faith' (Rev. George Horan & Panel) | March 14, 2003 | |
'Make us instruments of your peace' -- Prayer for Peace, read by Martin Sheen | March 7, 2003 | |
[Youth Day] 'Whatever' does that word mean? (Cecilia González-Andrieu) | March 7, 2003 | |
Youth Day: 'Teens Trying Together' | March 7, 2003 | |
Challenges and problems, yes; a loss of faith, no - say Congress-goes | March 7, 2003 | |
Congress 2003: 'The chaos cannot triumph' | March 7, 2003 | |
Nun with Nikon photographs nature's wonders | February 28, 2003 | |
Remembering fishermen (by Congress speaker Cecilia González-Andrieu) | February 21, 2003 | |
Congress workshops, speakers address 'Hope, Spirit' | January 31, 2003 | |
Obituaries: Msgr. Leland J. Boyer (Congress founder) | January 24, 2003 | |
Looking ahead: Religious Education Congress, Feb. 27-March 2 | January 10, 2003 | |
Vatican II: 'What's going on?' (by Congress speaker Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu) | October 11, 2002 | |
Pueri Cantores (Congress-appearing choir) plans auditions | September 13, 2002 | |
'Bearer of Hope, Restoring Spirit' is Congress 2003 theme | August 23, 2002 | |
Religious Education director, Sr. Edith Prendergast, honored as 'distinguished leader' | April 26, 2002 | |
Congress performers ValLimar and Frank Jansen featured in concert | April 14, 2002 | |
Congress 2002
Restoring justice -- one family at a time: Victims against death penalty (Congress speaker Bud Welch) | March 22, 2002 |
Diana Hayes: Walking with Jesus on His Journey to the Cross | March 8, 2002 | |
Rev. John Heagle: Helping young people heal from sexual abuse | March 1, 2002 | |
Rev Bernard Bonnot: Spirituality and television | March 1, 2002 | |
Rev. Richard Rohr: Faith in time of exile | March 1, 2002 | |
Teens reflect on choosing to choose life | February 22, 2002 | |
Gaining knowledge, growing in faith | February 22, 2002 | |
Transformation begins at home | February 22, 2002 | |
Gifts overflowing in Anaheim | February 22, 2002 | |
Congress workshops to address consumerism | February 15, 2002 | |
'God Squad,' Sr. Prejean to speak at Youth Day 2002 | February 8, 2002 | |
Congress workshops: spirituality, social justice and more | February 8, 2002 | |
Registration up from last year as Congress approaches | February 1, 2002 | |
'Early' deadline nears for Congress 2002 | December 14, 2001 | |
Religious Education Congress 2002 set for Feb. 14-17 | November 9, 2001 | |
Congress 2001
appearing in
ValLimar & Frank Jansen Jazz concert to honor late sax great | September 28, 2001 |
Transfiguration youth serves as Youth Day MC | March 9, 2001 | |
Congress workshops: In search of healing: Part I - Understanding 'social sin' | March 2, 2001 | |
Congress workshops: In search of healing: Part II -- Gospel healing stories | March 2, 2001 | |
Congress workshops: In search of healing: Part III -- A 'duty to die'? | March 2, 2001 | |
Congress 2001: The workshop experience: Part I -- Nurturing healthy families with the power of media | February 23, 2001 | |
Congress 2001: The workshop experience: Part II -- Women changing the face of Christianity | February 23, 2001 | |
Congress 2001: The workshop experience: Part III -- Recognizing the 'disability culture' |
February 23, 2001 | |
Congress summons 37,000 to be 'clothed in love' | February 23, 2001 | |
Clothed in Love at Congress (published photos) | February 23, 2001 | |
Bishops, lay ministers stand vigil against death penalty | February 23, 2001 | |
Youth Day participants celebrate God's love at Congress | February 23, 2001 | |
Congress liturgies embrace many cultures | February 9, 2001 | |
Religious Education Congress 2001 | February 9, 2001 | |
Congress 2001: Morality, spirituality and more | February 9, 2001 | |
The past history of the Religious Education Congress | February 9, 2001 | |
The Arena: Where spirit takes center stage | February 9, 2001 | |
The early days: 'A certain spirit' | February 9, 2001 | |
A fountain of spirit at Youth Day | February 9, 2001 | |
Song, dance and 'heavenly partiness' | February 9, 2001 | |
Record crowd expected at Religious Education Congress | January 26, 2001 | |
Congress 2000
appearing in
Virginia speaker calls for new, collaborative approaches in ministry | April 28, 2000 |
Hope and Jubilee in Anaheim (published photos) | April 14, 2000 | |
Record crowd of 37,000 'Shouts Jubilee' at Congress 2000 | March 31, 2000 | |
Congress marks 30 years in new Anaheim Convention Center | March 31, 2000 | |
'E-talk' has its merits and it dangers, say Congress speakers | March 31, 2000 | |
From selecting a theme to recruiting speakers, a 'behind the scenes' look at Religious Education Congress 2000 | March 3, 2000 | |
Web site promotes annual Religious Education Congress | February 4, 2000 | |
New technology director appointed | January 28, 2000 | |
Congress 1999
appearing in
Church leaders to gather in L.A. to discuss human sexuality | June 17, 1999 |
Former religious education teacher serves market through technology | April 23, 1999 | |
Life is Gods decision to take away, says Father Coleman at Congress workshop | March 19, 1999 | |
Catholics are more alike than different, says sociologist James Davidson | March 12, 1999 | |
God Squad duo calls for better understanding between Catholics and Jews | February 26, 1999 | |
Thousands seek wisdom through new eyes at Congress 99 | February 19, 1999 | |
The eyes of Congress '99 (published photos) | February 19, 1999 | |
Youth Day brings together 11,000 youth for one day of sharing, singing and prayer | February 19, 1999 | |
The way to transformation: Immersion in Christ -- says Fr. Barren | February 12, 1999 | |
Church closing loophole allowing capital punishment, Prejean says | February 12, 1999 | |
New faces among presenters at Congress '99 | January 29, 1999 | |
Congress offers multiple keynote speakers at 1999 event | January 15, 1999 | |
Anaheim Celebration - Religious Education Congress drew a record 37,000 | December 18, 1998 | |
Congress 1998
appearing in
Southland Catholics morn loss of Scripture scholar Father Raymond Brown, who was a popular presenter at Congress | August 14, 1998 |
Father Richard Fragomeni praises Cardinal Mahony's liturgy pastoral letter at Congress workshop | March 13, 1998 | |
Cultural challenges abound for todays Catholic educators | March 13, 1998 | |
Morality lessons from 'Dr. Laura' Schlessinger | March 6, 1998 | |
Speaker warns educators not to dismiss the power of mass media, especially television | March 6, 1998 | |
Record crowd of 37,000 exhorted to image love, empower lives at annual four-day event | February 27, 1998 | |
Youth Day '98: Celebration in the crowds | February 27, 1998 | |
An interview with keynote speaker Milwaukee Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland | February 13, 1998 | |
Lay leadership roles to be addressed at Congress '98 | January 23, 1998 | |
Congress 1997
appearing in
Reconciliation, AIDS education workshops featured at Congress 97 | December 27, 1997 - January 3, 1998 |
Parishes must focus on service, not self, say experts in Congress workshops | March 7, 1997 | |
Religious Education Congress 97 (published color photos) | February 21, 1997 | |
Congress-goers urged to echo God's word with action. | February 21, 1997 | |
Congress speaker asks: Is the world coming to an end in 2000? | February 7, 1997 | |
Congress '97 workshop will focus on successful ministry outreach to young adolescents | January 31, 1997 | |
Congress 1986 |
More Than 17,000 Persons Expected to Convene | February 7, 1986 |
Archbishop Mahony Invites Adults and Youth to Congress | February 7, 1986 | |
Archbishop Schotte To Address Congress | February 7, 1986 | |
Congress 1973 |
1973 Congress Arena Liturgy Liturgy on a Theme: "God Shows Us Who He Is" iPaper format |
1973 |
1967 |
CCD Congress Given Insights on Apostolate | January 20, 1967 |
'Emerging Layman' An Obsolete Phrase | January 20, 1967 | |
6500 to Attend Catechists' Congress | January 13, 1967 | |
Other Publications | ||
Orange County Catholic | Religious Education Congress Opens Feb. 26 | February 2009 |
A Weekend of Learning, Prayer and Togetherness | March 2001 | |
Learning in Faith for All Ages | February 2001 | |
Religious Education Congress | The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine: History in the Making | 1972 Registration Guidebook |
Inland Catholic | Milwaukees Archbishop Weakland Promotes a New Catechesis of Church | March 1998 |
The Los Angeles Times | Young Catholics Get Word in Anaheim | February 14, 1997 |
Catholicism's "largest event of its kind" to draw 30,000 in attendance | February 8, 1997 | |
Congress expected to draw more than 20,000 attendees this year | February 12, 1994 | |
Poet Angelou Extols Value of Faith, Charity short | February 21, 1993 | |
Religious Education Congress to attract best attendance yet | February 1991 | |
Religious Ed Congress is the country's largest Catholic annual event | January 6, 1990 | |
Vida Nueva |
Para aquellos que son Lázaro (La homilía de clausura del arzobispo José Gómez en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Los Ángeles 2018) |
22 de marzo, 2018 |
‘Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2017’ vuelve a brillar en Anaheim | 10 de mayo, 2017 | |
Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2016! | Febrero 2016 | |
Sesenta años de Congreso de Educación Religiosa
![]() |
7 de Marzo, 2016 | |
Ver | 14 de Abril 2015 | |
Se Aproxima el Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2015! | 11 de Febrero 2015 | |
Este 2015 se Corona con el Congreso de Educación Religiosa | 9 de Marzo, 2015 | |
Tener hambre de santidad y sed de justicia por Arzobispo José H. Gomez |
22 de Marzo, 2014 | |
Se aproxima el Congreso de Educación Religiosa | 11 de marzo, 2014 | |
Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2014: Una impactante experiencia de fe | 8 de abril, 2014 | |
Miles de personas de todo el mundo se congregan en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa | Marzo, 2013 | |
Hemos Entrado al Misterio: El Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2013 fue un tremendo éxito | Marzo, 2013 | |
A la cruz y la tumba vacia por Arzobispo José H. Gomez |
25 de abril, 2012 | |
Educación Religiosa para la Nueva Evangelización | 25 de abril, 2012 | |
Maestro de la fe por Arzobispo José H. Gomez |
18 de abril, 2012 | |
Congreso de Educación Religiousa 2012 a su máximo esplendor | 10 de abril, 2012 | |
Nuevamente llega el Congreso de Educación Religiousa al sur de California | 5 de Marzo, 2012 | |
Más de 40 mil asistentes en el Congreso de Educación Religiousa 2011 | 13 de abril, 2011 | |
El ambiente energético y entusiasta del Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2009 | 23 de marzo, 2009 | |
6 de febrero, 2009 | ||
'Alza tu Mirada, vuelve a mirar' | Marzo de 2008 | |
Permanecer en la Luz Anaheim Congreso de Educación Religiosa | Marzo de 2007 | |
Miles de personas atendieron al Congreso de Educación Religiosa en Los Ángeles | Marzo de 2005 | |
Prevalece el entusiasmo de los adolescentes en el Día de la juventud, en el Congreso | Marzo de 2005 | |
"Inmersos en Misericordia, Bálsamo para el Mundo" | Marzo de 2004 | |
Martin Sheen | Marzo de 2004 | |
Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2004 | Febrero de 2004 | |
La presencia hispana es hizo notar en el congreso de educación religiosa 2001 | 22 de febrero, 2001 | |
Congreso de Education Religiosa 2001 | 8 de febrero, 2001 | |
Miles de personas participaron en el Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2000 | 13 de abril, 2000 | |
Miremos con ojos de sabiduría el nuevo milenio | 18 de febrero, 1999 | |
Termina el Congreso "Reflejando Amor, Dando Poder" con un renovado espíritu evangelizador | 26 de febrero, 1998 | |
Tema del próximo Congreso de Educación Religiosa | 12 de febrero, 1998 | |
Celebración del Congreso de Educación Religiosa | 5 de febrero, 1998 | |
Detention Ministry
Newsletter |
Kirby Center Youth Shares Homily with Bishop at Youth Day Mass | March-April 1998 |
Ministerio de Detención
Newsletter |
Un Jóven de Kirby Center Participó en la Homilia con el Obispo en la Misa del Día de la Juventud | Marzo-Abril 1998 |
ORE REsponse Newsletter | January 2000 |
Appearing in The Tidings • on the 'Net • Photos/Videos • Press Releases • History • Congress Chats
Pope Francis to Religious Education Congress: Pandemic invites us to be changed by suffering | Catholic News Agency | February 18, 2021 |
RECongress 2019
Friday, March 21, 2019
Sunday, March 23, 2019 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2019 |
La inspiradora historia de una inmigrante indocumentada que está a punto de convertirse en abogada
univision.com![]() |
May 10, 2019 |
youtube/LACatholics![]() |
March 23, 2019 |
California Catholic
Conference![]() |
March 21, 2019 |
Many #RECongress attendees shared their experience with us. Here are just a few! #RiseUp |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 20, 2019 |
Thank you all for being part of #RECongress 2019. We hope to see you next year! #RiseUp |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 18, 2019 |
Day 2 is over. There are so many things from today that we will always remember. #RECongress #RiseUp |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 17, 2019 |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 16, 2019 |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 13, 2019 |
twitter/LACongress![]() |
March 11, 2019 |
Carmelites Rise Up! at Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (photos) |
carmelites.net![]() |
March 2019 |
youtube.com/RECongress![]() |
March 2019 |
RECongress 2017
Friday, February 24, 2017 Saturday, February 25,
2017 Closing Liturgy (am) (437 photos) Lunch (77 photos) Period 8 (35 photos) Closing Liturgy (pm) (577 photos) |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2017 |
2016 Religious Education Congress (photos) |
Incaglendale.org![]() |
November 12, 2016 |
OCCatholic.com![]() |
November 1, 2016 |
RECongress 2016
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2016 |
RECongress 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2015 |
holyfamily.org |
June 18, 2015 |
Fr. Jim Martin, SJ Interviews Comedian Judy McDonald Congress Speaker |
YouTube/Judy McDonald![]() |
March 13, 2015 |
OCCatholic.com |
March 13, 2015 |
March 2015 Issue - Religious Education Congress, Anaheim, CA | sanlorenzofoundation.org |
March 2015 |
Youth Day 2014 photo slideshow |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
August 11, 2014 |
Youth Day 2014 | Interview with Noelle Garcia |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2014 |
Youth Day 2014 | Interview with ValLimar Jansen & Thomas Awiapo |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Opening Ceremony & Welcome |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Closing Eucharistic Liturgy |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Keynote | Rev. Robert Barron |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 1 | Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 2 | Jim Wallis |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 3 | Mark Hart |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 4 | Fr. Tony Ricard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 5 | Pilgrim: Seeking the Way |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 6 | Fr. Richard Leonard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 7 | John Allen Jr. |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Period 8 | David Wells |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Stations of the Cross tour in Sacred Space |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Urban Fusion Mass |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Native American Mass |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
REC 2014 | Saturday Morning Praise | March 22, 2014 | |
REC 2014 | Weekend Recap Show |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
Youth Day 2014 | Interview with Noelle Garcia |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
Youth Day 2014 | Interview with ValLimar & Thomas |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 22, 2014 |
20K Young Catholics Gather In Anaheim For 2014 Religious Education Congress |
Yahoo! KCAL 9![]() |
March 14, 2014 |
Blessing over undocumented advocates at RECongress 2014 Closing Liturgy |
Daniel Houze![]() |
March 17, 2014 |
Religious Education Congress - 2014! |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
December 6, 2013 |
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014 |
Photography by George
Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2014 |
Youth Day 2013 | Arena Workshop | Fr. Tony Ricard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 19, 2013 |
Youth Day 2013 | Afternoon Liturgy |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
Youth Day 2013 | Interview with Jacob & Matthew Band |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
February 26, 2013 |
Youth Day 2013 | Interview with Fr. Tony Ricard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
February 26, 2013 |
Youth Day 2013 | Fun Interviews with Joe Melendrez |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
Youth Day 2013 | Lunchtime interviews! |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Opening Ceremony & Welcome
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Saturday Keynote | Mark Shriver |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 1 | Terry Hershey |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 2 | John Allen, Jr. |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 4 | Rev. R. Tony Ricard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 6 | Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 7 | Rev. James Martin |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Period 8 | Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Closing Eucharistic Liturgy |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Archbishop Gomez Sunday Homily |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 19, 2013 |
REC 2013 | Lalo Garcia artist interview |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
Archbishop José Gomez and Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark participate in an on-line chat |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 20, 2013 |
RECongress 2013 | photo slideshow |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
August 11, 2013 |
The secret to teaching adults--LA Congress 2013 |
YouTube/TeamRCIA![]() |
February 16, 2013 |
2013 RECongress
RECongress, Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 • Opening Ceremony (249 photos) • Period 1 & Archbishop Chat (28 photos) • Lunch (68 photos) • Period 2 (94 photos) • Period 3 (49 photos) • Liturgies (231 photos) • Concert (206 photos) Saturday,
February 23, 2013 Sunday,
February 24, 2013 |
Photography by George
Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2013 |
What Lent Means to Jake Martin, SJ |
YouTube![]() |
March 4, 2013 |
Jim Martin, SJ, Interviews Jake Martin, SJ |
YouTube![]() |
March 4, 2013 |
Catholic Volunteer Network: 2013 LA Religious Education Congress |
YouTube![]() |
February 28, 2013 |
Loyola Press at LA Congress |
YouTube![]() |
February 27, 2013 |
LIVE WEBCAST Los Angeles Religious Education Congress February 21-24, 2013 |
YouTube![]() |
February 21, 2013 |
REC2013 | Register Now (HD) |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
December 10, 2012 |
REC2013 Promo Video #2 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
December 10, 2012 |
2012 RECongress
RECongress, Thursday, March 22, 2012 Friday, March 23, 2011
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
June 2012 |
Religious Education Congress |
Mount Saint Mary's![]() |
April 24, 2012 |
2012 LA Religious Education Congress |
Animoto![]() |
April 5, 2012 |
Youth Day Liturgy 2012 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
Youth Day Arena Workshop 2012 | Mike Patin |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
Youth Day Rally 2012 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Opening Ceremony & Welcome |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 1 | Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 2 | John Allen Jr. |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 3 | Matthew Kelly |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 4 | Fr. Greg Boyle |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 24, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 5 | Fr. Tony Ricard |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 26, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 6 | James Martin, SJ |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 26, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Period 7 | Rev. Ronald Rolheiser |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 27, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Saturday Morning Praise |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 24, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Saturday Keynote | Fr. Anthony Gittins |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 24, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Celtic Mass | Saturday 5:15pm |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 26, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Interview: Archbishop Jose H. Gomez |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 26, 2012 |
REC 2012 | Interview from Sacred Space | RECongress 2012 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 26, 2012 |
Youth Day Rally 2012 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
A video submitted by Eric and Jonathan Donkers |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 |
"Be A Voice" Contest - Tom Nestojko (#12) |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 |
"Be A Voice" Contest - Torri Winn (#11) |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 | |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 | |
"Be A Voice" Contest - Aurora Vilchis (#8) |
Facebook![]() |
March 25, 2012 |
Facebook![]() |
March 24, 2012 | |
Facebook "Be A Voice" Contest - Alma Amador (#6) |
March 24, 2012 | |
Facebook "Be A Voice" Contest - Theresa Thibodeaux (#5) |
March 24, 2012 |
Facebook "Be A Voice" Contest - Janet Ward (#3) |
March 24, 2012 |
Facebook "Be A Voice" Contest - Kay Harter (#2) |
March 24, 2012 |
Facebook "Be A Voice" Contest - Rory Olsen (#1) |
March 24, 2012 |
I Love L.A.! |
Catechist's Journey Speaker Joe Paprocki |
March 23, 2012 |
More From Los Angeles Religious Education Conference 2012 |
Catechist's Journey Speaker Joe Paprocki |
March 23, 2012 |
Religious Education Congress 2012 Mass Entrance |
YouTube![]() |
March 27, 2012 |
David Haas at LAREC 2011 |
YouTube![]() |
March 20, 2012 |
Rohr at 2011 LAREC
YouTube![]() ![]() |
March 7, 2012 |
Michael McGrath at LAREC 2011
YouTube![]() |
March 7, 2012 |
Office of
Religious Education booth at LAREC 2011
YouTube![]() |
March 7, 2012 |
Los Angeles
Religious Education Congress 2011: Inside the Exhibit Hall
YouTube![]() |
March 7, 2012 |
Religious Education Congress | Holy Names College | March 2012 |
RECongress (photo) | Newman Catholic Center | October 2011 |
2011 RECongress
RECongress, Thursday, March 17, 2011 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
June 2011 |
Religious Education Congress |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
August 28, 2011 |
L.A. Congress & the Exhibit Hall |
YouTube![]() |
March 31, 2011 |
Liguori at LAREC |
YouTube![]() |
March 28, 2011 |
RECongress 2011 - Sr. Rose Pacatte |
YouTube![]() |
March 22, 2011 |
LA Religious Education Congress-Jesse Manibusan |
YouTube![]() |
March 22, 2011 |
Los Angeles Religious Education Congress 2011 |
YouTube![]() |
March 20, 2011 |
Get Green for Catholic Relief Services at RECongress 2011 |
YouTube/GGtoGG![]() |
March 9, 2011 |
Youth Day 2011 | montage & Judy McDonald |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
Youth Day 2011 | cantors interview |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
Youth Day 2011 | Rally competition winners |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
Youth Day Rally 2012 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
Youth Day 2011 | photo slideshow |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
January 23, 2012 |
Black Culture Liturgy Homily | Rev. J. Glenn Murray |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
May 6, 2011 |
Youth Day 2011 | testimonials |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 28, 2011 |
Youth Day 2011 | intro video |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 28, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with Char Wenc Saturday, March 19, 2011 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2011 |
Closing Eucharistic Liturgy 2011 Sunday, March 20, 2011 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with Fr. Richard Leonard Friday, March 18, 2011 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 23, 2011 |
Opening Ceremony & Welcome 2011 Friday, March 18, 2011 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 19, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with John Angotti |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 18, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with the Jacob & Matthew Band | recongress.org |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 18, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with Fr. Robert Barron | recongress.org |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 18, 2011 |
Book: Grace Abounds by Sr. Edith Prendergast |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 11, 2011 |
RECongress.org/LIVE Interview with Jesse Manibusan | recongress.org |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 5, 2011 |
RECongress.org/LIVE Interview with Donna Pena & John Angotti | Kandle | March 2011 |
Los Angeles RE Congress 2011 live on-line |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
March 1, 2011 |
LIVE Interview with Fr. Tony Ricard | recongress.org |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
February 28, 2011 |
RECongress 2011 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
December 8, 2011 |
Youth Day 2010 |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
May 18, 2010 |
2010 RECongress (number
of photos)
Thursday, March 18, 2010 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2010 |
RE Congress Day 3 - Closing Mass | YouTube | March 31, 2010 |
RE Congress Day 2 Part 2 - Prayer Jam | YouTube | March 30, 2010 |
RE Congress Day 2 Part 1 - Prayer Jam | YouTube | March 30, 2010 |
RE Congress Day 1: Jacob and Matthew Band at Lunch | YouTube | March 25, 2010 |
RE Congress
Day 1 Preview Jacob and Matthew Band |
YouTube | March 24, 2010 |
Celtic Liturgy at the 2010 Religious Education Congress | YouTube | March 22, 2010 |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 | |
Donna Pena
@ RECongress 2010 - Radio Interview |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 | |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 | |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 | |
YouTube | March 30, 2010 | |
YouTube | March 28, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Facebook/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Clap for Poland at Youth Day 2010 |
YouTube | March 24, 2010 |
YouTube | March 24, 2010 | |
Catechist's Journey Speaker Joe Paprocki |
March 22, 2010 | |
Youth Day 2010 Skit |
YouTube | March 21, 2010 |
Religious Education Congress |
vimeo.com | March 21, 2010 |
twitpic.com | March 21, 2010 | |
Enjoying our students singing on the big stage at RE Congress... |
twitpic.com | March 21, 2010 |
YouTube | March 20, 2010 | |
Youth Day 2010 - (Immaculate Heart of Mary and Christ The King Parish) |
YouTube | March 19, 2010 |
YouTube | March 18, 2010 | |
YouTube | March 18, 2010 | |
Ustream.com | March 2010 | |
YouTube/RECongress | March 24, 2010 | |
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser - 1 of 7 |
YouTube/RECongress | March 24, 2010 |
Fr. Tony Ricard - 1 of 10 |
YouTube/RECongress | March 21, 2010 |
YouTube/RECongress | March 20, 2010 | |
YouTube/RECongress | February 24, 2010 | |
January 2010 | |
January 2010 | |
YouTube/RECongress![]() |
September 6, 2009 | |
Fotos y Recuerdos.com | March 2009 | |
Youth Day @ LA Congress | YouTube | March 18, 2009 |
RECongress 2009 Photo Slideshow | Flickr > RECongress | March 13, 2009 |
Call To Worship - Closing Liturgy RECongress 2009 | YouTube | March 13, 2009 |
2009 RECongress (number
of photos)
RECongress, Friday, February 27, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
March 2009 |
A Field Trip to Congress | faithandfamilylive.com | March 7, 2009 |
Jacob and Matthew - Let Us Stand @ Congress 09 | YouTube | March 5, 2009 |
Jacob and Matthew - How Beautiful @ Congress 09 | YouTube | March 4, 2009 |
Jacob and Matthew - Forever @ Congress 09 | YouTube | March 3, 2009 |
Jacob and Matthew - Teach Me Your Ways, O Lord (Pslam) | YouTube | March 3, 2009 |
Jacob and Matthew - O Glorious Lord @ Congress 09 | YouTube | March 3, 2009 |
Catholic Moments #92 – LA Religious Ed Congress | CatholicMom.com | March 2, 2009 |
Jesse Manibusan in concert at LA Congress 2009 | MyCatholicVoice.com | March 2, 2009 |
Blakesley and Thomson in concert at LA Congress | MyCatholicVoice.com | March 2, 2009 |
Religious Education Congress 2009 (Prelude) | YouTube | March 2, 2009 |
Congress 2009 | YouTube | March 2, 2009 |
Congress 2009 (mariachi concert 2) | YouTube | March 2, 2009 |
Congress 2009 (mariachi concert) | YouTube | March 2, 2009 |
Congress 2009 (Vietnamese troupe) | YouTube | March 1, 2009 |
Congress 2009 (Vietnamese troupe) | YouTube | March 1, 2009 |
Youth Day 2009 | MyCatholicVoice.com | March 1, 2009 |
Star in your own online video clip about Congress 2009! | MyCatholicVoice.com | March 2009 |
Facebook: Young Adult Ministry (YAM Los Angeles) | March 2009 | |
Jacob and Matthew - Step Up and Live! RECongress Theme Song 09 | YouTube | February 16, 2009 |
Step Up and Live! 2009 RECongress Theme Song |
MyCatholicVoice.com | February 16, 2009 |
YouTube/RECongress | January 26, 2009 | |
YouTube/RECongress | January 2009 | |
MyCatholicVoice/RECongress |
January 2009 | |
RECongress 2009 Welcome by Sr. Edith Prendergast | MyCatholicVoice.com | January 2009 |
2008 RECongress (number
of photos)
RECongress, Friday, February 29, 2008 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2008 |
www.kandle.ie | March 28, 2008 | |
Catholic Moments | March 5, 2008 | |
Ang Katawan Ni Kristo | YouTube | March 3, 2008 |
LMU.edu |
March 2008 | |
Fotos y Recuerdos.com | March 2008 | |
Video Questions for Cardinal Mahony at RECongress 2008: •
is a Cardinal? What is the hardest part of being a Cardinal? |
MyCatholicVoice.com | March 2008 |
Video: Welcome to Congress 2008 from Fred Fosnaght of MyCatholicVoice | MyCatholicVoice.com | February 2008 |
Video: Welcome to Congress 2008 from Sr. Edith Prendergast | MyCatholicVoice.com | February 2008 |
Congress 2008 Highlights Community | MyCatholicVoice.com | February 2008 |
LA Youth Day 2008 - I Will Testify | YouTube | February 29, 2008 |
LA Youth Day 2008 - Holy Is The Lord | YouTube | February 28, 2008 |
2007 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress | YouTube | February 23, 2008 |
Jose Murillo at the Religious Education Congress | YouTube | January 30, 2008 |
Sue Ann Pinner - O Maria! O Christe! | YouTube | January 21, 2008 |
2007 RECongress (number of photos)
RECongress, Friday, March 2, 2007 |
Photography by George Westlund Official Congress photographer |
April 2007 |
Mount Community Celebrates at Religious Education Congress | www.msmc.la.edu | March 22, 2007 |
LA Congress 2004 Tony Ricard | YouTube: kimle78 | March 15, 2007 |
Youth Day video compilation | MySpace /YouthDay blog | March 15, 2007 |
LA Congress 2007 Extreme music Makeover 1 | YouTube | March 14, 2007 |
LA Congress 2007 Extreme music Makeover 2 | YouTube | March 14, 2007 |
LA Congress 2007 Extreme music Makeover 3 | YouTube | March 14, 2007 |
LA Congress 2007 Extreme music Makeover 4 | YouTube | March 14, 2007 |
RECongress 2007 Photo Slideshow | Flickr > RECongress | March 14, 2007 |
Youth Day 2007 | MySpace Vids | March 12, 2007 |
Youth Day | MySpace Vids | March 12, 2007 |
The 2007 RECongress highlights cultural diversity in the Church of Los Angeles (pictorial essay) | The-Tidings.com | March 9, 2007 |
Closing Mass@Religious Education Congress 07 | YouTube | March 7, 2007 |
Matt Maher | YouTube | March 7, 2007 |
"Stand in the Light" | MySpace Vids | March 6, 2007 |
"Stand in the Light" part 2 | MySpace Vids | March 6, 2007 |
RE Congress | YouTube | March 6, 2007 |
RE Congress Sunday Mass | YouTube | March 6, 2007 |
RE Congress Mass | YouTube | March 6, 2007 |
Music Jam | MySpace Vids | March 6, 2007 |
SJB at Youth Day 2007 | YouTube | March 5, 2007 |
Youth Day Mass 3/1/07 | YouTube | March 5, 2007 |
Fr. Tony Ricard at LA Congress | MySpace Vids | March 5, 2007 |
Slow-Mo Wave @ YOUTHDAY! | MySpace Vids | March 5, 2007 |
Youth Day 2007 "Theme Song" | YouTube: yabpresident | March 4, 2007 |
Native American Mass | YouTube | March 3, 2007 |
Religious Education Congress 2007 by Salvador Zacarias (slideshow) | Fotos y Recuerdos.com | March 2007 |
RECongress' Latest Photos | Flickr > RECongress | April 11, 2006 |
Youth Day | MySpace Vids | April 10, 2006 |
Celebrating "Freedom" in Anaheim (Photo Album) | The-Tidings.com | April 7, 2006 |
Steve Angrisano at Youth Day in LA (Anaheim) | MySpace Vids | April 5, 2006 |
A joke from Father Tony Ricard at Los Angeles Religious Ed Congress. | MySpace Vids | April 5, 2006 |
I Love You Lord by Matt Maher | YouTube | April 3, 2006 |
Matt Maher at LA Congress (no audio) | MySpace Vids | April 3, 2006 |
RECongress 2006 | MySpace.Blog/Anthony | April 3, 2006 |
At YouTh DaY WitH lIkE mY lOvES!!! | MySpace Vids | April 2, 2006 |
Jesus Rap | MySpace Vids | April 1, 2006 |
Religious Education Congress 2006 | Hat Cai Photo Gallery | April 2006 |
RE Congress - Anaheim 2006 | www.jeffandlucy.com | April 2006 |
Annual Religious Education Congress | Dennis Doyle | April 2006 |
Pix from LA Congress 2006 | JaimeCortezMusic.com | April 2006 |
Youth Day Mass (images from the Religious Education Congress website) | Quamdiu Domine | April 2006 |
Religious Education Congress 2006 Slideshow (Congress photos) | Fotos y Recuerdos.com | April 2006 |
YouTube/dasalsakid | April 1, 2006 | |
Bryan. Lucy. Mark Hart | YouTube/lylkweenuh | March 31, 2006 |
Youth Day 2006. Righteous B | YouTube/lylkweenuh | March 31, 2006 |
Religious Education Congress in Anaheim (official Congress photographer, view and buy
Kodak Slideshows: |
Photography by George Westlund | March-April 2006 |
RECongress 2005: Photos from the rehearsal for Youth Day 2005, held at the Anaheim Convention Center Arena | AOL Photos | December 12, 2005 |
Teen enthusiasm prevails at Congress Youth Day (and photo highlights) | The Tidings | February 18, 2005 |
Religious Education Congress 2005--Anaheim, CA (photos) | Salesian Youth Ministry | February 2005 |
Incarnation at the 2005 Religious Education Congress: Youth Day (photos) |
Incarnation Catholic Church, Glendale, CA | February 2005 |
Incarnation at the 2005 Religious Education Congress: Exhibit Hall & Liturgies (photos) |
Incarnation Catholic Church, Glendale, CA | February 2005 |
in Mercy, Faith & Spirit
(photo highlights) |
The Tidings | February 27, 2004 |
Drum C at Congress 2004 | YouTube | 2004 |
LA Congress 2004 Tony Ricard | YouTube | 2004 |
[Photos] Los Angeles Religious Education Congress | PBase > Ben | March 3, 2003 |
Susan J. Paul's Photo Collection | Susan J. Paul site | February 2002 |
Clothed in Love at Congress (published photos |
The Tidings | February 23, 2001 |
The Tidings • Photos/Videos • on the 'Net • Press Releases • History • Congress Chats
The Tidings • Photos/Videos • on the 'Net • Press Releases • History • Congress Chats
Congress 2014 | "More than 40,000 will attend this weekend the largest gathering of Catholics in the United States | March 14, 2014 |
Congress 2005 | "Awake to Grace"- Religious Education Congress 35,000 to attend | January 5, 2005 |
Congress 2001 | "Clothed in Love, Summoned Beyond" - Religious Education Congress 20,000 to attend | November 3, 2000 |
Congress 1999 | "Lead with Eyes of Wisdom" - Religious Education Congress 20,000 to attend | November 3, 1998 |
Congress 1998 | "Imaging Love: Empowering Lives" - Religious Education Congress 18,000 to attend | November 3, 1997 |
The Tidings • Photos/Videos • on the 'Net • Press Releases • History • Congress Chats
The Tidings • Photos/Videos • on the 'Net • Press Releases • History • Congress Chats
Read the transcripts from other Religious Education Congress online chats |
Congress Chat
History: Beginning in 1996 on CompuServe, Cardinal Roger Mahony conducted the first nationwide, online (typing) live from Hall A at the Anaheim Convention Center. in 2001 the Cardinal suggested adding a private chat with students from a school in the Archdiocese. Since then, we have had the tradition of a private school chat. Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez continued the tradition of a Congress Chat, and now we've expanded our chats to include regional bishops and schools from their region. This year, Bishop David O'Connell joins us for our sixth video chat with a school from his region. |
![]() 2019 (All Souls, Alhambra) |
![]() 2017 (St Francis of Assisi, L.A.) • 2016 (St Mary Magdalen, Camarillo) • 2015 (St Finbar School, Burbank) • 2014 (St Columbkille School, L.A.) • 2013 (St Bernard School, L.A.) • 2012 (St Dorothy School, Glendora) • 2011 (St Thomas School, L.A.) |
![]() 2010 • 2010 (St John Chrysostom School, Inglewood) • 2009 • 2009 (St Elisabeth, Van Nuys) • 2008 • 2008 (Sacred Heart, Covina) • 2007 • 2007 (St Benedict, Montebello) • 2007 (St Rita, Sierra Madre) • 2006 • 2006 (Holy Innocents, Long Beach) • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2001 • 2001 (St Jerome, Westchester) • 2001 (Holy Family, South Pasadena) • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997 • 1996 |
![]() |
2016 Marks 20 Years of
Congress Chats — The first (typing) RECongress chat was held on Friday,
February 23, 1996 on CompuServe with Cardinal Roger Mahony. Ten
years later, on Friday, March 31, 2006, the Cardinal's annual chat
was conducted in a room hosted on ChurchWerks.com. The Cardinal
participated in 22 Congress chats (both nationwide and with schools)
over 14 years. At Congress 2016, Archbishop José Gomez has continued the tradition of (now, video) chats with school students from the Archdiocese. This was his sixth Congress chat (and fourth video chat) conducted from the Tech Center, located in the center of Exhibit Hall A at the Religious Education Congress. The RECongress chat are now continued through the regional bishops, while the Archbishop now holds an event on Facebnook Live. Beginning on CompuServe, the RECongress nationwide chats have been hosted by AOL Live! (1997-2000), Beliefnet (2001), CatholicWeb.com (2002-2003), and ChurchWerks.com (2004-2010). The school chats have been conducted on AOL (2001-2006), Yahoo (2007), Chatzy (2008-2012), Skype (2013-2014) and Google+ (2015-2016). |
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