Transcript of online session with Cardinal Roger Mahony and students from St. Elisabeth School
Friday, February 27, 2009, 10:00-11:15 a.m.
Cardinal Roger Mahony annually conducts a nationwide, online chat live during the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Before that session, he conducted a private chat session with 12 students (seventh- and eighth-graders) from St. Elisabeth School in Van Nuys, Calif. Chris Krause (RECongress) moderated with the Cardinal from the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. And special thanks to Barbara Barreda, principal at St. Elisabeth.
Beginning of chat (chatroom created Fri Feb 27 2009)
This room is expressly for Cardinal Roger Mahony's School Chat on Friday, February 27, 2009 with students from St. Elizabeth School in Van Nuys -- the seventh school ever to be involved in such an event!
Cardinal Roger Mahony was born in Hollywood, Calif., and was ordained a priest in 1962 for the Diocese of Fresno, Calif. While there, he taught social work at California State University, Fresno. In 1975, he was made Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Fresno by Pope Paul VI. That year, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Bishop Mahony as the first chair of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, where he worked with Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers and various growers in the state to resolve labor disputes.
In 1980, Bishop Mahony was appointed as Bishop of the Diocese of Stockton. Only five years later he was appointed to lead the Archdiocese of Los Angeles -- the first native Angeleno to hold the office. Bishop Mahony was elevated to Cardinal by Pope John Paul II in 1991.
Cardinal Mahony joins us this morning, in his 24th year as leader of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, the nation's largest diocese.Mr. Booker joined the chat
ATM joined the chat
Dag09 joined the chat
AkatsukiEmissary joined the chat
RT joined the chat
JS joined the chat
capicorn5 joined the chat
Student1 joined the chat
SCORPIO224 joined the chat
Danny joined the chat
Josey joined the chat
Naday joined the chat
jed joined the chatRECongress joined the chat.
RECongress: Good morning all. The Cardinal has arrived!
Cardinal Mahony from joined the chat
Mr. Booker: good morning
SCORPIO224: hello.
Dag09: Good morning
Student1: Hello Cardinal
JS: Hello good morning
AkatsukiEmissary: Hello Cardinal Mahony
ATM: Good morning, Cardinal Mahony
jed: good morning
RT: Good Morning
capicorn55: good morning Cardinal MahonyCardinal Mahony: Good morning, everyone!
Josey: Hello Cardinal Mahony
Naday: Good morning to you cardinalCardinal Mahony: What grade are you in?
ATM: I'm in 8th Grade.
capicorn55: 7th
SCORPIO224: 7th.
Danny: Good morning, Cardinal Mahony
AkatsukiEmissary: 8th
jed: 8 grade
Naday: I am in the 8th grade
Student1: Seventh Grade.
Josey: 8th grade
Dag09: We are some in 7th and some 8th, I am in 8th.
JS: I'm in 7th grade
RT: I am in 7th grade
Danny: 8th gradeCardinal Mahony: How many are you, and are you in the computer lab?
capicorn55: 12
jed: 12
Dag09: 12 and yes.
JS: 12
SCORPIO224: 12, and yes.
ATM: Together, we are 12 and yes.
RT: 12
Naday: There are 12 of us and yes
Danny: 12, yes
Josey: yes there are 12 of us
Cardinal Mahony: I grew up in the Valley, and had many friends in Van Nuys. They went to St. Elisabeth parish.
Naday: That is very interesting
jed: Very interesting
SCORPIO224: that's very interesting.
Josey: thats is very interesting. I also have many friends in Van Nuys
Cardinal Mahony: Do you have any comments or questions today?
ATM: We have all have questions, but we'd first like to know your opinion on abortion.
ATM: How do you feel about abortion?
Cardinal Mahony: As you know, abortion is the deliberate destruction of a fetus who is destined to be born. It is one of the most serious sins and crimes against the human family. The Church has condemned it since the earliest days.
Naday: How do you feel about prop 4, notification of the parents.
ATM: But what if the mother is in danger and the baby is as well?
Cardinal Mahony: ATM: your example is virtually impossible with today's medical abilities. I have spoken to many doctors who said that they never have to face such a dilemma. They always try to save both.
ATM: Well two years ago, my aunt was in danger, she was in the middle of labor and the doctor told my family the mother would most likely die or the baby would.
jed: What about if it has to do with rape?
ATM: Luckily enough, both managed to survive. But what if the situation wasn't as fortunate?
Cardinal Mahony: Jed: are you suggesting that the baby has to die because of the earlier crime of rape?
jed: NO because who would want to give birth to a baby that they didn't intend to have.
Josey: How do you feel if a minor went through abortion with out notifying a parent ?
Cardinal Mahony: Josey: It is really tragic if a minor can't discuss something so important with her parents.
Cardinal Mahony: ATM: your answer confirmed what I said. The doctors tell me that they never have to face that situation. It is used in propaganda, but not in medical practice.
ATM: Oh alright, thank you.
Naday: Do you think it's a good idea for the minors to tell their parents about the option of abortion with a risk of domestic violence.
ATM: Thank you, that is all the questions we have regarding abortion.Cardinal Mahony: Naday: I don't understand your reference to domestic violence.
SCORPIO224: Do you believe that some taxpayers money should go to private schools, and not only public schools??
Cardinal Mahony: In our discipleship with Jesus, let's start there--and not with a single problem such as abortion. Tell me a little about your own life with Jesus Christ, what it's like, how you deepen your life in Jesus, etc.
Naday: Well, If the parents get upset about the idea of abortion, anger can get in the way.
ATM: Well, in my opinion, I deepen my life with Jesus Christ by making moral choices and praying to him when I need comfort.
Cardinal Mahony: Private schools are a great gift for America, but they operate more freely without government assistance.
Dag09: Well, I am a male. Of course any minor would be afraid to confront their own parents. But I think that if we do tell them there is always going to be help involved.
Cardinal Mahony: Dag: if we grow up with honest communication with our parents, we should be able to discuss anything with them.
RT: I feel that going to a catholic school is such an honor to learn about Jesus Christ.
Dag09: Yeah but I think not all children have the strongest relationship with their parents.
Cardinal Mahony: What are you studying now in your Religion class?
AkatsukiEmissary: 8th grade is studying Morality
SCORPIO224: We in 7th grade are learning about the prophets.
jed: I go to prayers at my mother's friend's house and participate in yard sales.
Student1: In seventh grade, we are studying prophets.
RT: I am learning about the old testament.
Josey: We are studying morality, freedom, and liberty in the 8th grade religion class
Naday: We are studying freedom, and morality in the 8th grade.
capicorn55: In the seventh grade we are learning about the prophets of Jesus
SCORPIO224: We are studying the old testament, but in this chapter we are learning about the prophets.
Cardinal Mahony: The old testament is a great collection of prophets, history, and praise of God.
SCORPIO224: i agree.
JS: me too
Cardinal Mahony: And you will recognize many names from the OT that we still use a lot: Joseph, Samuel, Daniel, etc.
SCORPIO224: yes.
Cardinal Mahony: Do any of you have a name that comes from the OT?
Dag09: My name is Daniel.
ATM: Only one of us.
ATM: Wait, two of us, my bad.
Cardinal Mahony: Dag: terrific! Have you read the Book of Daniel yet?
Dag09: No i haven't read it yet.
Danny: In the 8th grade class we are learning how some people make the wrong choices and they lose their liberty but they haven't lost their freedom. They still have the freedom of changing who is inside of them.
Cardinal Mahony: Danny: what a great insight--thanks!!!
Cardinal Mahony: How many students are in the 7th and 8th grades?
RT: 30
ATM: 30 in 7th, and 19 in 8th.
JS: there are thirty student in the 7th grade
Student1: There are thirty in the class but only five are here; Seventh grade.
Cardinal Mahony: Dag: you should because you will have a great hero to imitate!
SCORPIO224: Do you think that someday women can become priests?
capicorn55: 30 7th and 19 8th
Josey: In the 8th grade class there are 19 students.
Cardinal Mahony: Those are very large classes.
ATM: Cardinal Mahony, did you always want to become a religious figure as a child?
Cardinal Mahony: ATM: in grammar school I felt called to be a priest, and pursued that. I went to St. Charles Parish in North Hollywood.
Cardinal Mahony: How are you going to spend Lent this year?
capicorn55: I'm going to give up my favorite thing to do for Lent
SCORPIO224: This Lenten season, I am giving up my favorite soft drink.
jed: I'm giving up video games for Lent.
Student1: I am going to do as many good things as I can to replace all the bad that has happened in my life.
RT: What is your future outlook on the economy?
ATM: The Student Council in our school will focus on encouraging students to do more selfless service work during the Lenten season and carry it on afterwards.
JS: Cardinal Mahony, what if not only public schools need the support of the government but also the catholic schools
Cardinal Mahony: js: Catholic schools need a lot of support, but once we take government money, then the government starts making le to the rules and we will not be able
capicorn55: I think our economy going to improve greatly
Naday: This Lent I am going to give up soda and candy
Danny: As an 8th grade we will be doing the stations of the cross.
Student1: What is your opinion on gay marriage?
Josey: in the first amendment it states that the government can not support religion in schools. how do you feel about that.
Cardinal Mahony: The First Amendment really says that the government shall not establish an official Religion, nor impede any faith from practicing.
Cardinal Mahony: Jed: yes, many people are suffering from loss of jobs, loss of houses. We must pray for them during Lent.
SCORPIO224: has the economy been affecting you?
Naday: I agree with praying for those people
SCORPIO224: or any people you know?
jed: Yes the first amendment says that but do really say what we want.
Cardinal Mahony: All of you who are making special sacrifices during Lent could offer those for everyone hurting from the economy.
Dag09: Yes I agree, but i don't think that just because they have a catholic school doesn't mean they can't support a private school. Financially etc.
Josey: yes, i believe that we shall all pray for those who are having a hard time at this moment.
Dag09: I agree.
SCORPIO224: I agree...
Cardinal Mahony: Dag: we do receive some services, such as the Title I programs. But we need to be in charge of our schools.
SCORPIO224: What do you mean by being in charge of our schools?
AkatsukiEmissary: What do you mean by taking charge of our own schools?
capicorn55: What do you mean be in charge of our schools
RT: What do you mean we need to be in charge of our schools?
Cardinal Mahony: rt Being in charge means setting the policy, allowing Crosses in the room, teaching religion, etc.
Cardinal Mahony: Are there any gang problems in Van Nuys?
Naday: Yes, I believe there are
Josey: Yes, there are some gang problems in Van Nuys as much as any other area
capicorn55: Yeah there are many gangs in the valley
Student1: There is a lot of gang problems. There is many graffiti.
SCORPIO224: I think that the entire San Fernando Valley has gang problems
jed: Yes there are graffiti and shooting.
Danny: I have been living in Van Nuys for about 13 years and yes there is gang problems
Cardinal Mahony: Make sure you all stay away from gangs--and keep your brothers and sisters away from them also.
capicorn55: We had a shooting last year on the street of our school
RT: We had a shooting along the street.
Naday: Will do Cardinal
jed: I will do Cardinal
SCORPIO224: My house was graffitied just last week by a gang called the Bryant Street Gang.
Student1: Of course, we do not want to be close to any violence.
Cardinal Mahony: scorp We need to organize our communities so that we are in control of them, not the gangs.
SCORPIO224: i agree completely
capicorn55: I agree with you
jed: Violence never solves any problems.
Josey: Ok then Cardinal Mahony i'll try to keep them away from gangs, but it can be hard when you aren't with them at school and control their influences.
SCORPIO224: my neighborhood is full of gang violence, and sometimes I don't feel safe. what should i do?
ATM: How do you feel about peers our age getting involved in drugs and alcohol.
Cardinal Mahony: ATM I don't favor any activity that harms a person--and drugs and alcohol, especially at your age, create life-long problems for you.
Naday: I think it's a really bad thing that they get into that sort of thing
JS: What do you think will happen if the age of drinking is lowered
Danny: As the 9th child out of 12 children I will try to keep my little brothers and sisters away from gangs, but they just keep coming from different places
jed: True
ATM: What could you do to help a person to get out of a harmful habit like drugs and alcohol?
capicorn55: Drugs will mess up your life if you do them
Cardinal Mahony: Kids join gangs because they are not getting a really good education, are not encouraged nor inspired to build their lives.
RT: What is your opinion with the war in Afghanistan?
SCORPIO224: well then, i will probably NEVER EVER be in a gang.
AkatsukiEmissary: They also do it for attention.... I think
Student1: How would you help a child our age who is involved with drugs or alcohol?
Cardinal Mahony: Student Fortunately, there are many programs in all of our communities to assist young people who are in trouble like that.
Student1: I think children join gangs to feel more protected or to rely on people to be there.
jed: They are also forced into gangs Cardinal.
SCORPIO224: Sometimes people do it just to be cool...
AkatsukiEmissary: Yeah
SCORPIO224: When really... It's not that cool..
Dag09: I think the reason for a child a to be in a gang is because they don't have the support of family, friends, and peers. So they depend on others to have someone looking out for them.
Naday: I think it's wrong that they force people into gangs
jed: People can be forced into gangs with no reason.
Cardinal Mahony: jed No one is really forced to do things that are wrong. There are always alternatives.
SCORPIO224: yes.
Student1: They can be threatened and not able to go to police for help.
Cardinal Mahony: dag Amen! Gangs are a bad substitute for the love and encouragement of a family.
capicorn55: Sometimes people join gangs cause they feel more protected by them
SCORPIO224: I strongly agree with that, Cardinal...
jed: Yes but those people that are forced by their life on the line.
Student1: Cardinal, do you feel that gay marriage should be allowed in the United States?
RT: What is your suggestion about ending gang violence?
Cardinal Mahony: A good education and a good job are the best way out of gang life.
Josey: How do think kids can stay away from gangs?
capicorn55: People that join gangs really impact their family
ATM: Cardinal Mahony, if you were in our position in this day and age, how would you deal with people who want to influence you with drugs, alcohol, gangs, etc?
Cardinal Mahony: Have you heard of Fr. Greg Boyle and his Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles? Go to his website and you can see how he has rescued so many from gangs.
Naday: But what if people just look at their gang life and don't give them a chance
jed: Sure
ATM: Yes, I've passed by and while we did, my father explained how Homeboy Industries helped gang members lead a better life.
Dag09: I will be sure to tell my teacher about this.
Cardinal Mahony: ATM: The temptations are just as strong today as in the past. But we have greater strength in Jesus Christ and in one another.
AkatsukiEmissary: and those who lead a double life of a gang member and a successful man
SCORPIO224: Cardinal, do you believe that eventually women could become preachers?
jed: Yah will they?
Cardinal Mahony: There are many former gang members who come to our Catholic hospitals and clinics to get their tattoos removed.
jed: That's good
capicorn55: Yeah I knew that used to be in a gang but then he cleaned up his life for his family
Cardinal Mahony: Thanks be to God, we have incredible women active in the Church and very important leaders. But the Church does not believe that Jesus intended that women be ordained priests.
Danny: Do you believe that the Economy will ever get better
SCORPIO224: ok thank you for your reply.
Josey: Och i hear removing tattoos is painful, but if its to change it worth it .
SCORPIO224: if we can't be ordained, then how can women work close with the church?
Cardinal Mahony: scorp I'm at the Religious Education Congress right now, and the top leadership of the Congress, as well as those attending, are incredibly gifted women.
RT: What is your future outlook on the economy?
Cardinal Mahony: Yes, the economy will get better. But it will mean further sacrifice and it will take some time.
Student1: How do you feel about the government lowering the drinking age?
jed: I hope the economy would get better.
SCORPIO224: So that doesn't completely answer my question.
RT: What do you think about the war in Afghanistan?
SCORPIO224: ........
Naday: That's nice to know that women are a part of that.
SCORPIO224: thank you
capicorn55: How do you feel about lowering the drinking age to 18
Dag09: What do you feel about that?
Cardinal Mahony: cap I don't favor lowering the drinking age. It is a huge problem right now at 21. It would just get worse if lowered.
capicorn55: I think if we were to lower the dinking age their would be more violence and car accidents
Danny: Do you believe they should raise the drinking age?
jed: Do you know who's RECongress
ATM: Cardinal Mahony, what are some hobbies of yours?
Cardinal Mahony: danny No, I think they should leave the drinking age just where it is right now.
Josey: How do you feel about the death penalty?
ATM: In 8th grade, we had debates on current bills going through congress. Are there any bills that have interested you?
Dag09: How do you feel about a person being in prison for a crime. Well what i really want to ask is the bill of Guantanamo Bay?
Cardinal Mahony: dag I think the government is trying to close down Guantanamo Bay and disperse those people to other countries.
jed: What do you think about shipping the criminals to their countries
capicorn55: Sept then they would soon again cause a threat to the U.S
Danny: But there are so many problem's going on right now
SCORPIO224: What did you do to get your position as Cardinal??
Cardinal Mahony: I think we will see a lot more activity with those prisoners--some type of legal Tribunals, sentences, and some releases.
capicorn55: But if they were to disperse those people to other countries they would be a threat to the U.S again
Student1: Again, Cardinal, do you believe that gay marriage should be allowed in the United States
Josey: Do you believe gay marriage is an issue ?
Cardinal Mahony: Josey The issue is taking the term "marriage" and applying it to relationships not part of God's plan. Marriage has a very sacred and precise meaning, and it is meant to help with bringing future generations into the world.
jed: Many problems
JS: What do you think about gun control?
RT: What is your opinion about healthcare and the people who cannot afford it?
Naday: Do you believe there should be a death penalty?
jed: Yes death penalty
Cardinal Mahony: Wow! You guys sure change topics in a hurry!!!!
ATM: Recently, in class we discussed why people suffer and why there is evil in the world. We could not come to a final answer, can you help us answer or understand why there is?
SCORPIO224: so you don't believe in gay marriage?
Student1: Our apologies, Cardinal.
jed: Yup
SCORPIO224: I'm sorry.
capicorn55: We have lots of questions
Dag09: Ohh Sorry
JS: Sorry we have lots of questions
ATM: We have lots of questions, and we're eager to get them answered, apologies.
RT: Sorry I am very curious.
Student1: We have many question.
Naday: We have a lot of questions, sorry
Danny: We are so curious
SCORPIO224: we are very interested. its an honor to speak with you.
jed: Really interested
JS: It is really an honor
Cardinal Mahony: The problem of evil has been around since Adam and Eve. There is a struggle between God's love and mercy, and the forces of hatred and violence. Jesus calls us to be faithful to God's plans.
AkatsukiEmissary: I don't believe that evil exists. I think evil is just the absence of God
AkatsukiEmissary: Just like darkness is the absence of light
Cardinal Mahony: I love your questions! But I can't keep up with all of them very well!!!
Student1: Okay, we'll slow down.
ATM: We'll try to slow down.
SCORPIO224: ok. we're sorry. we'll try to be slower
AkatsukiEmissary: and cold is the absence of heat
jed: I'll try to be slow
SCORPIO224: How do you feel about the bill of legalization of Marijuana??
Cardinal Mahony: Marijuana has been shown to be destructive of many areas of the brain, and over time, can destroy a person.
RT: We will be patient
jed: We'll wait
Josey: We'll try to slow down
SCORPIO224: i strongly agree with you.
JS: Ok we will give you time to think about it
SCORPIO224: i do not believe that marijuana should be legalized, but it would greatly help our economy
capicorn55: But it will increase our economy
capicorn55: It will mean more jobsCardinal Mahony: capicorn But at what real cost? Can't we improve the economy in a way that helps people, and not destroy them?
SCORPIO224: i think that we could help the economy without harming others.
capicorn55: True I agree
ATM: In 8th grade, we had debates on current bills going through congress. Are there any bills that have interested you?
Cardinal Mahony: atm I am most interested in genuine immigration reform. Long overdue, and the Church is very much involved in trying to bring legal sense to this mess.
Student1: I think that there are other ways to improve our economy, and marijuana is not an option.
jed: I agree
Josey: I agree with Student1.
JS: me too
Cardinal Mahony: Most of our economy grows with businesses that offer a positive benefit to society.
ATM: What is your position on the the issue?
capicorn55: I agree with you
jed: Lots of benefit.
Naday: I still would like to know what you think about the death penalty
Dag09: I think as time goes on the economy will have to get very bad. But as time passes the economy will get much better.
Cardinal Mahony: Dag I think that Fed Chairman Bernanke said the other day that in 2009 the economy will stop declining, and begin to increase.
jed: That's great
Naday: I hope that's true, it will increase
Student1: Cardinal Mahony, do you think that President Obama will improve our economy?
Cardinal Mahony: student Our president is doing his best to impact all of the factors that are harming the economy, and all of us have to work together on this.
SCORPIO224: i agree. we all have to take a part to make not only our lives better, but for others.
Dag09: Yeah.. Every day in the morning I listen to the news radio about the economy. We discuss how is it possible for our country to be able change it so fast. That's why i think it may take time for the economy to become stable enough so that we won't be able to have debts or loans with other countries.
Cardinal Mahony: josey The Church is totally against the death penalty since it is not necessary to protect society from bad people.
capicorn55: agreed
jed: True
jed: How about gun control?
Josey: I would also like to know your view on the Death penalty .
Cardinal Mahony: Pope John Paul II spoke strongly about the evil of the death penalty.
RT: What is your opinion about healthcare and the people that cannot afford it?
capicorn55: I feel if we were to stop the war I think they will bring the war to the U.S
Student1: I agree. What is your opinion on the war in Afghanistan?
Cardinal Mahony: The area in and around Afghanistan is really dangerous, and I'm glad the President is going to address this. It is the area with the most terrorist training camps.
Naday: But should we punish those who committed severe crimes?
SCORPIO224: The war is impacting many people. Some children's older siblings might have gone to war, or husbands, and other loved ones.
Josey: I believe those camps should be shut down.
jed: What do you think of it?
Cardinal Mahony: jed It seems to me that we have a good balance now with gun control: people can have guns, but there are some limits--no assault weapons, etc.
jed: God be with them!
SCORPIO224: world peace is my main problem. Why can't we all just get along?
JS: I think after the war is over we should make peace.
Danny: It wasn't right to start the war in the first place
Student1: I believe that our troops should come home and end the war, bringing peace with them.
Cardinal Mahony: student I think we are almost there with Iraq. However, the 9/11 folks came from the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
jed: Did 9/11 have an impact on you or the Church
Josey: making peace with them after we destroyed part of the citizens life will be complicated. What do you think cardinal?
Naday: Really, I didn't know they came from the boarders
Cardinal Mahony: Do you have anyone in your classes with a relative serving over in Iraq or Afghanistan?
SCORPIO224: my neighbor went to the war, and came back with a broken leg.
ATM: Cardinal Mahony, do you any questions for us?
capicorn55: But if we stop the war they might bring the war to the U.S
Student1: I think the war should be ended as soon as possible. The people from 9/11 who attack did wrong, but they were also lied to.
SCORPIO224: yes they were.
Cardinal Mahony: One of the biggest challenges for you is how to use the internet responsibly. Huge problems out there on some websites, and you have to know what to avoid.
Dag09: Yes I agree
Naday: We are learning what to avoid
Cardinal Mahony: Be careful with MySpace and some of those sites.
jed: Yes
Student1: Yes, every year a class from the junior high does a presentation for Internet Safety
JS: Ok
JS: Why do you think we should be careful
jed: Why
Cardinal Mahony: Too many kids give out personal information to strangers, and end up in big trouble. Be good Christians on line!
capicorn55: They're people out there that can hack computers and steal personal information
jed: Isn't that their fault.
Danny: What is wrong with MySpace?
Cardinal Mahony: Danny Nothing--as long as you control who you let in and have access to your material.
Dag09: But we also need to know how to use the internet efficiently so that we can communicate with others. The technology today has enhanced the communication of today.
SCORPIO224: myspace is bad if you give away too much info.
Cardinal Mahony: I have a space on Facebook!
jed: Sweet
SCORPIO224: me too!!!!!
Danny: Have you used Myspace
ATM: In the beginning of the school year, 8th graders did a project on how to be safe online dealing with social network sites to knowing if information posted is accurate or false.
Cardinal Mahony: ATM Terrific! I hope they continue that!!
jed: Oh yeah huh
Student1: Recently I heard on the radio that Facebook is now going to own any pictures you put on their website.
SCORPIO224: WOW really?
SCORPIO224: that's not right.
Cardinal Mahony: student No, they back-tracked real fast because everyone got mad at them.
Cardinal Mahony: The internet is so valuable for learning--I use it all the time to find information. But we have to be responsible.
SCORPIO224: can i add you to my friends on Facebook ?
SCORPIO224: what's your username?
ATM: Cardinal Mahony, do you reach out the younger community of Los Angeles?
Student1: Oh, thank you. I did not know that.
ATM: *How do you reach out to the younger community of Los Angeles?
ATM: Do you chats like this frequently, or do you do other things to reach to the younger crowd?
Cardinal Mahony: atm I like to visit our Catholic high schools, have Mass with the students, and go to high school football games.
Naday: That's great, so you like sports.
ATM: Oh I wasn't aware of that. It must be quite a sight to see the Cardinal at a high school football game.
Cardinal Mahony: A big focus now is with our Young Adults--so many talented young men and women out there, and we are trying to connect with them.
Cardinal Mahony: One of my goals: to be able to send out a blast email to all of our Catholic homes.
jed: Have you been all over the world?
Cardinal Mahony: jed Fortunately, I have been able to visit many countries on most of the continents.
SCORPIO224: yes, because some young adults choose the wrong paths.
Student1: Cardinal, do you have any questions for us?
Cardinal Mahony: student I am really impressed with your knowledge, your goodness, and your great questions! Continue to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus as you continue to grow up!
Naday: We will.
capicorn55: Yes I will keep on
Cardinal Mahony: What do you want to do when you grow up???
JS: Pharmacist
RT: Own a restaurant
capicorn55: I want to be a game designer
ATM: I want to study and pursue a career in law and criminal justice. Or something in that field.
SCORPIO224: I want to study marine biology, or become a paleontologist.
jed: Be a great musician!
Dag09: To be able to be a disciple and a leader of the faith of Christ and be able to have my family
Dag09: To support them
Naday: I'm not so sure right now but I would consider law or medicine
Josey: I want to join the FBI, but not sure if it's the right choice.
Student1: I have not considered that option yet.
AkatsukiEmissary: I want to become like my dad: a chef and own my own restaurant
Cardinal Mahony: Where is your dad a chef now?
AkatsukiEmissary: In Hollywood
AkatsukiEmissary: He owns a sushi restaurant
Danny: I will like to get closer to God to be a good Christian
Cardinal Mahony: Some really great responses!!SCORPIO224: thank you
capicorn55: Thank you
Student1: Any other questions for us, Cardinal?
ATM: Thank you, you had fantastic questions.
Josey: Thank You
JS: Thank you
jed: Thank You!
Cardinal Mahony: Anyone there thinking about being a priest or a Sister????
AkatsukiEmissary: Not really
JS: No sorry
SCORPIO224: no. not really. I'm sorry.
Student1: Not exactly.
Josey: Not really Sorry
RT: not really
capicorn55: No sorry Cardinal
jed: Sorry not really Cardinal.
Naday: No, not really
ATM: Not at the moment, God has not called any of us yet.
Dag09: No sorry but I still want to be a Christian leader.
ATM: But we're willing to listen for his call.
SCORPIO224: we're waiting for God to call us
Dag09: I think that
Cardinal Mahony: There is great job security!!!!!
Dag09: is all
Danny: Not really because i would want to raise a family and teach them the rights thingsRECongress: We have just a minute or two with the Cardinal. Any final questions or comment?
AkatsukiEmissary: Happy Birthday, Cardinal Mahony!
Student1: Happy Birthday, Cardinal Mahony!!!!!
SCORPIO224: Happy Birthday to you!!! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Cardinal Mahony!!!! Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
JS: Happy Birthday!!!!!
capicorn55: Happy birthday
RT: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Dag09: Thank you and happy birthday
Josey: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARDINAL MAHONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danny: Happy Birthday Cardinal Mahony
Naday: Happy Birthday Cardinal and thank you
Dag09: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cardinal Mahony: How old do you think I am??
Dag09: 99
AkatsukiEmissary: 13
SCORPIO224: 29
Student1: Fourty-five
JS: 12
Dag09: 15
ATM: Happy Birthday Cardinal Mahony. I wish you a great birthday and another good year.
jed: Happy Birthday to You! CARDINAL
capicorn55: thirty five
RT: 65
SCORPIO224: 29
ATM: Between 40-70 years old.
Danny: 70
SCORPIO224: 29
Dag09: 1-89
jed: 63
jed: Dag09 is just kidding
ATM: Your old enough to be a great leader.
RT: your old enough to be a great leader
Cardinal Mahony: I really love those lower numbers!!
RECongress: Thank you all. We will be switching to our national chat
JS: Thank You
Josey: Have a great birthday and may the Lord be with you Cardinal.
AkatsukiEmissary: Thank you
SCORPIO224: thank you.
capicorn55: Happy birthday
RECongress: Thank you students
ATM: Thank you, this really was an honor.
Student1: Thank you for your time, Cardinal. We greatly appreciate it, Happy Birthday and have a great day!
SCORPIO224: it was an honor.
JS: Ok thank you and happy birthday
RECongress: And thank you Cardinal Mahony
Cardinal Mahony: I will pray for all of you during Lent.
Dag09: Later and bye Happy birthday
capicorn55: bye
Danny: Your welcome
Student1: Thank you!
ATM: We will for you, as well.
capicorn55: Thank you
Dag09: Gracias
SCORPIO224: BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naday: bye and thank you
ATM: Good day.
jed: I will pray for you too.
Read the transcripts from other Religious Education Congress online chats
Congress Chat History:
Beginning in 1996 on CompuServe, Cardinal Roger Mahony conducted the first nationwide, online (typing) live from Hall A at the Anaheim Convention Center. in 2001 the Cardinal suggested adding a private chat with students from a school in the Archdiocese. Since then, we have had the tradition of a private school chat.
Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez continued the tradition of a Congress Chat, and now we've expanded our chats to include regional bishops and schools from their region. This year, Bishop David O'Connell joins us for our sixth video chat with a school from his region.
with Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell of the San Gabriel Region
2019 (All Souls, Alhambra)
with Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez
2017 (St Francis of Assisi, L.A.) • 2016 (St Mary Magdalen, Camarillo) • 2015 (St Finbar School, Burbank) • 2014 (St Columbkille School, L.A.) • 2013 (St Bernard School, L.A.) • 2012 (St Dorothy School, Glendora) • 2011 (St Thomas School, L.A.)
with Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles
2010 • 2010 (St John Chrysostom School, Inglewood) • 2009 • 2009 (St Elisabeth, Van Nuys) • 2008 • 2008 (Sacred Heart, Covina) • 2007 • 2007 (St Benedict, Montebello) • 2007 (St Rita, Sierra Madre) • 2006 • 2006 (Holy Innocents, Long Beach) • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2001 • 2001 (St Jerome, Westchester) • 2001 (Holy Family, South Pasadena) • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997 • 1996
with Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark of the Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
2016 Marks 20 Years of Congress Chats — The first (typing) RECongress chat was held on Friday, February 23, 1996 on CompuServe with Cardinal Roger Mahony. Ten years later, on Friday, March 31, 2006, the Cardinal's annual chat was conducted in a room hosted on The Cardinal participated in 22 Congress chats (both nationwide and with schools) over 14 years.
At Congress 2016, Archbishop José Gomez has continued the tradition of (now, video) chats with school students from the Archdiocese. This was his sixth Congress chat (and fourth video chat) conducted from the Tech Center, located in the center of Exhibit Hall A at the Religious Education Congress. The RECongress chat are now continued through the regional bishops, while the Archbishop now holds an event on Facebnook Live.Beginning on CompuServe, the RECongress nationwide chats have been hosted by AOL Live! (1997-2000), Beliefnet (2001), (2002-2003), and (2004-2010). The school chats have been conducted on AOL (2001-2006), Yahoo (2007), Chatzy (2008-2012), Skype (2013-2014) and Google+ (2015-2016).
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