Volunteer Opportunities and Mobility Assistance
Religious Education Congress
February 20, 2020 (Youth Day) &
February 21-23, 2020 (Adult Days)
Youth Day Volunteers Youth Day Volunteer positions include:
- Area Captains – who are responsible for a specific space such as the Convention North, Hall B, or the Arena.
- Chairperson – is responsible for a specific workshop room or location
- Assistants – assist the Chairperson and Youth Emcee in a specific room or space
- People Moving & Security – assist with the traffic flow and crowd control on Youth Day
- Hospitality and Information – these are responsible for welcoming and directing participants
- Prayer Team – those committed to praying for the young people throughout the day
Any adult over the age of 21 who is not chaperoning a parish or school group is invited to volunteer during the event. All volunteers must be compliant with their diocese’s Safe Environment policies and procedures (fingerprinting/background checks, etc.) including compliance with required Safe Environment Awareness Sessions. Please contact your diocesan Youth Ministry Office to find out details about your required programs.
Requirements for Youth Day Volunteers:
- Must be available all day for Youth Day.
- All volunteers must arrive by 7:00 am on Youth Day and stay for the entire day.
- All new and returning volunteers are asked to attend the Volunteer Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm at Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School, 2900 Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90006. (map)
- Prospective Volunteers will be contacted either by phone or email by the Youth Day Volunteer Chairperson.
- Once all Volunteer positions are filled, additional volunteer requests will be considered for Youth Day 2021.
- Questions and forms can be sent to our Volunteer Coordinators Anitra & Robert Gil at youthday@la-archdiocese.org.
English Volunteers
for adult daysWe are in need of energetic, happy people to assist us as volunteers at the Adult Days workshops at RECongress. There is a discounted registration fee for those accepted as workshop Volunteers. Volunteers must: 1) be 18 years or older and have a valid email address; 2) be available to help at FOUR sessions over the weekend (February 21-23); and 3) be willing to serve in a role as MC, Chairperson or Assistant for your assigned sessions. Be sure to contact us early since workshop Volunteer positions are limited.
- Workshop Volunteer positions include: Assistants (ticket takers/greeters), Chairperson (coordinator) and Master of Ceremonies ("MC" to introduce the speaker and make announcements). Volunteers must be willing to assist at all of the positions – no exceptions.
- All volunteers will receive instructions on how to register via email.
- Volunteers must be available to work FOUR workshop sessions – no exceptions.
- All volunteers must arrive 20-30 minutes prior to the workshop and stay for the entire length of the workshop to which they are assigned.
- All registered Volunteers should plan to attend the Volunteer Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm at Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School, 2900 Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90006. (map)
- Not sure if you are a "registered" Volunteer? Contact Ana Gomez at RECvolunteer@la-archdiocese.org.
- Volunteers must indicate which workshops they are registering for – in English, Spanish or Vietnamese – and may only volunteer for one language.
- RECongress Volunteers receive a discounted registration fee of $15, provided they registered by January 6, 2020.
- If you are interested in volunteering, submit your name, mailing address, email address and cell phone number to our Volunteer Chairperson, Ana Gomez at RECvolunteer@la-archdiocese.org.
- Prospective Volunteers will be contacted either by phone or email by the Volunteer Chairperson.
- Once all Volunteer positions are filled, additional volunteer requests will be considered for RECongress 2021.
Area Captains
- If you are interested in volunteering as an Area Captain during the adult days of RECongress, please email Area Captain Chairperson Steve Meza at smeza031@hotmail.com. The discounted registration fee is $10 for Area Captains.
Voluntarios (Spanish Volunteers)
por dias adultosNecesitamos personas enérgicas y alegres que nos ayuden en las conferencias de los días de adultos del RECongress. Los voluntarios deben: 1) tener 18 años o más y tener una dirección de correo electrónico válida; 2) disponible para ayudar durante CUATRO sesiones durante el fin de semana (21-23 de febrero); y 3) dispuestos/as a ser MC, Presidente o Asistente para la sesión asignada. Asegúrese de contactarnos temprano ya que las posiciones de voluntario en la conferencias son limitadas.
Voluntarios (Spanish Volunteers)
por dias adultos
- Las posiciones para voluntarios incluye: Anfitriones (recaudador de boletos), Presidente (coordinador/a) y Maestro de Ceremonias ("MC" para presentar a la conferencista y hacer anuncios).
- Todos los voluntarios recibirán un correo electrónico con instrucciones para inscribirse.
- Debe de estar disponible para trabajar en CUATRO conferencias – sin excepciones.
- Todos los voluntarios deben de llegar 20-30 minutos antes del inicio de la conferencias y permanecer durante todo el desarrollo de la sesión asignado.
- Todos los voluntarios registrados deben planear asistir a la Junta de Voluntarios en martes, 21 de enero 2020 a 7:00 pm a Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School, 2900 Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90006.
- ¿No estoy seguro si usted es un voluntario registrado? Póngase en contacto con Ramona Meza a RECvoluntario@la-archdiocese.org
- Los voluntarios deben de indicar a que sesiones desean asistir: en inglés, o español o vietnamita.
- Los voluntarios pagaran $15 por su inscripción para el Congreso, si es que se registran antes 6 de enero, 2020.
- Si está interesado en ser un voluntario para el congreso, comuníquese con la Presidenta de Voluntarios, Ramona Meza a RECvoluntario@la-archdiocese.org proporcionando sus datos personales: nombre, dirección, correo electrónico y número de teléfono.
- La Presidenta de Voluntarios se comunicará por teléfono o por correo electrónico con los que desean ser voluntarios.
- Una vez completo el número requerido de voluntarios, las peticiones adicionales serán consideradas para el Congreso 2021.
Congress Choir We extend an invitation to those who are interested in singing at the Closing Liturgies (Sunday at 8:00 am and at 3:30 pm). Volunteer musicians are required to attend two scheduled rehearsals offered in different regions of the Los Angeles Archdiocese prior to RECongress.Here is your invitation to the 2020 RECongress Choir!
- If you would like to be a part of the RECongress Choir, contact RECmusic@la-archdiocese.org with your name, mailing address, email address and phone number.
There is a regional "first rehearsal" in various regions followed by a combined rehearsal. - Check the invite link above (when available) for further information.
Eucharistic Ministers (Arena only) Are you a trained Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion? If so, sign up to be a Minister of the Cup for any one, two, three or all the Arena liturgies at the Religious Education Congress.Floor Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are Ministers of the Cup on the “floor” of the Arena. To serve as a FLOOR Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and receive training session information or if you have any questions, please contact Maryann Nguyen at ma.nguyen5@gmail.com or RECministers1@la-archdiocese.org and she will respond with further information regarding your assignment.
To serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion in the upper levels – for the Loge (second level) and Terrace (third level) of the Arena:
- You will need to attend the meeting held at RECongress on Friday, February 21 at 11:45am on the north side of the Arena behind the altar.
- If you are unable to attend the Friday meeting, please stop by the Eucharistic Minister sign-up table located just outside of the sacristy on the west side concourse area of the Arena to sign up.
- You may serve at all four of the Arena Liturgies but whether you are serving at one or four, you must be able to climb stairs.
- To serve in the upper levels – the Loge or Terrace levels – or if you have ay questions, please contact Keith Morlock at (RECministers2@la-archdiocese.org) and he can respond with further information.
Eucharistic Ministers (Young Adult Mass) Young Adult Ministry is in need of Young Adults who would like to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Ushers for the Young Adult Mass at the 2020 Religious Educations Congress. The Mass is on Saturday, February 21 at 5:15 pm in the Marriott Marquis Ballroom. There is also a brief rehearsal during lunchtime that Saturday.Mobility Team If you have any questions or concerns regarding your ability to attend or enjoy RECongress due to handicap access or mobility concerns, please feel free to contact Rob Williams at RECmobility@la-archdiocese.org. RECongress' Mobility Team will be available to help with wheelchair transport, special seating and any access issues within RECongress. At RECongress you can find the Mobility Team located just outside RECongress Headquarters (AR-1), in the Arena Lobby area.
NOTE: The Convention Center does not provide wheelchairs. Please contact Scootaround for wheelchair and scooter rentals in Anaheim, including mobility scooters, manual wheelchairs and powerchairs. For more information, check www.scootaround.com online or call (888) 441-7575.
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