YOUTH DAY at the
Religious Education CongressFebruary 20, 2020
Held at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Ave., Anaheim, Calif. (just across from Disneyland).
Find more of our Youth Day videos on our YouTube page
Youth Day opens our event and is held annually on the Thursday of the Religious Education Congress weekend. It is a day just for youth from many different backgrounds from throughout the Archdiocese – and beyond – to participate in a Rally, It is a day planned by young people, for young people. Young people will have the opportunity to experience speakers, exhibits, music, liturgy, and prayer that invite them deeper into their relationship with Christ. Young people will leave inspired and challenged to live as missionary disciples in their homes, schools, parishes and communities.Who Can Attend?
Youth Day is designed for all students from public and Catholic schools, grades 9 through 12. Unfortunately, young people in 8th grade or those who have already graduated high school are not permitted to attend. Young people must register as part of a group and be accompanied by a Chaperone at all times. Parents and Chaperones wishing to accompany young people at Youth Day should become familiar with the Chaperone Policies in advance.
Youth Day 2020 Theme
Our theme for Youth Day is "20/20 Through God's Eyes." Each teen has a different perspective of how God sees them. Sometimes, we get caught up with comparing ourselves or judging others for what they have or don’t have and we forget the important thing: God doesn’t care about all the “riches.” He cares that we see ourselves through his eyes. Often, with social media, we are judging others, or worse, ourselves. No one likes to be judged, so why would we do it? Our vision is blurred when “we are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do” because society forces us to live up to unrealistic expectations that can get exhausting and overwhelming. Teens and the whole church need to see "Through God's Eyes" so we can fight the injustices that are tearing us apart as human beings. Not judging a person for who they love or where they are from but rather loving them because they are who they are. Looking through his eyes, he shows us how perfect we are in ways that he has created us to be. Come and get ready to see yourself with those new lenses, 20/20 Through God’s Eyes!
Youth Day & Social Media
Keep connected with us across all social media platforms. Find us @LAYouthDay on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. Make sure to use #LAYouthDay in all of your posts. We look forward to seeing the day through your perspective
Facebook: LAYouthDay
Twitter: @LAYouthDay
Snapchat: @LAYouthDay
Instagram: #LAYouthDay @LAYouthDayTweets by LAYouthDay Youth Day Videos
Announcing Youth Day 2020 Logo-wear
Youth Please let your groups know that the official Youth Day T-Shirt will be on sale during the day – in both the Arena Lobby and the Lobby outside of Hall B! There will also be other great merchandise available, including the Youth Day T-Shirt ($15), Pop Socket ($10), Long Sleeves ($20) and a Hoodie ($40),
NOTE: If you didn’t get your Youth Day swag, you can email Jenny Guzman at to get yours while supplies last! There are still some types available: Black Long sleeve in XL, 2XL; White shirts in XL, XXL, 3XL; and Hoodies in M, L, XL, 2XL
Features of Youth Day 2020!
Youth Day Track Times: Whether your group likes to arrive early or beat the crowd and avoid traffic, we have an option for you. Youth Day features staggered opening and dismissal times. Both Tracks will conclude earlier than in past years.
Location of Events: All Youth Day events will take place either in the Arena or in ACC North (the new Convention Center expansion). No workshops will be held in Hall B or in the older part of the Convention Center.
Workshop Selection: Workshops no longer need to be selected in advance. All workshops can be chosen on site at Youth Day. Please make sure you are familiar with the offerings in advance. Workshop attendance is on a first-come, first-served basis.
Youth Day Registration: Youth names are no longer required when registering for Youth Day. With registration, simply enter in your parish information, the Group Contact information, the names of your Chaperones and the number of youth badges needed..
Youth Day Schedule
Though our schedule for Youth Day has changed slightly, both Tracks get an Arena experience with our Keynote speaker, a General Session and a Liturgy with Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez. Each group chooses either the morning Arena General Session (Track 1) or the afternoon Arena General Session (Track 2). Please note that the Tracks now feature staggered opening and dismissal times. Track 1 begins at 8:00 am and concludes at 3:30 pm; Track 2 begins at 8:15 am and concludes at 3:45 pm.
7:30 am
Doors Open
7:30 am
Doors Open
8:00 am
Arena General Session
8:15 am
Workshop 1
11:30 am
9:45 am
Workshop 2
1:00 pm
Workshop 1
10:45 am
2:30 pm
Workshop 2
12:15 pm
Arena General Session
3:30 pm
3:45 pm
• View the Youth Day 2020 Schedule
• See the Youth Day 2020 Workshops
• Download the Youth Day Section from the 2020 Registration Guidebook• Download the Track 1 Brochure • Download the Track 2 Brochure
Costs for Youth Day are separate from the fees charged for the adult days. The fee for Youth Day 2020 is $40 per participant, with special discount pricing of $35 by January 10, 2020.
About Youth Day – from the Youth Ministry E-VINE
The Office of Religious Education distributes the Youth Ministry E-VINE emailing, highlighting important information in the field of Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Excerpts relating to Youth Day appear here. Additional information for the Youth Ministry E-VINE can be found at the end of the messages.
Youth Day Collection Beneficiary
This year, the primary collection beneficiary at Youth Day 2020 is Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles. Union Rescue Mission cares for men, woman and children devastated by homelessness. Their mission is to provide hope and healing for a changed life. Our Youth Day Coordinating Team has asked that funds support the outreach for emergency services of families with teens. (To find out more about Union Rescue Mission of Los Angeles, visit their website at
Volunteering at Youth Day 2020
Looking to get involved? Youth Day invites all young people to consider sharing their gifts in one of the following ways:
- Liturgical Ministries: Serve within the Eucharistic Mass as a cross bearer, candle bearer, gift bearer, altar server or lector. These roles support our ritual worship.
- Ministers of Movement: Youth who express themselves best through movement are invited to lead the assembly in gesture and prayer. This may include dance, liturgical movement and ritual gesture.
- Music: Those singers and instrumentalists who have a passion for performing are invited to join the Youth Day Choir. Please note that soloists and instrumentalists must go through an audition process.
- General Session Host: Youth who are confident speakers in front of a large audience are invited to audition. Roles include skits, storytellers, poets and those who provide narration.
- Workshop Emcee: Youth comfortable speaking in a smaller setting are invited to assist in introducing our speakers and presenters. These individuals will also be responsible for opening and closing our day in prayer.
- Social Media: Serve as part of the social media team to assist in capturing content and usable quotes.
- Spirit Squad: Serve as a member of the Spirit Squad whose job it is to pump up the crowd at Youth Day!
All youth interested into a leadership role must be registered for Youth Day as part of a group. Most of the above roles require additional days of preparation and rehearsal to be scheduled in advance. Youth volunteers must by chaperoned to all rehearsals. Any additional expenses -- including meals, lodging and mileage -- are the responsibility of the youth or their group and are not reimbursed by the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress.
Youth Day Rehearsal Day: All young people interested in one of the above roles are invited to attend our Youth Day Rehearsal Day on Saturday February 1, 2020 from 9 am-2 pm. Please sign up here. The day will take place at Holy Family (1527 Fremont Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030). All LA Youth Day participants must register in advance.
All Volunteers assisting with Youth Day must be over the age of 21 and in compliance with their diocese's Safe Environment Policies. This includes fingerprinting, attendance at awareness sessions, and proof of active participation and good standing with your parish community. If you are unsure of what is required by your diocese, please contact your diocesan Youth Ministry Office.
Volunteers interested in serving at Youth Day are asked to be available for the entire day beginning at 6:30 am. Your service will conclude by 4:00 p.m. All new and returning volunteers are asked to attend a Volunteer Meeting prior to the event as well as a morning gathering on the day of the event.Youth Day volunteer positions include:
- Area Captain:: Those who are responsible for overseeing a specific area of space, such as the Arena or ACC North.
- Chairperson: Those who are responsible for overseeing a specific room.
- People Moving: Those who will assist with the traffic flow and crowd control during the day.
- Hospitality: Those who serve as a welcoming face to young people. These individuals may also be used to assist in giving information and directing participants.
- Prayer Team: Those who are committed to praying for the young people throughout the day.
Those interested in volunteering are asked to complete the Volunteer Registration Google Form or contact Anitra and Robert Gil at
Looking to get involved and help make Youth Day a success? We are looking for high school-age teens and adults to help make Youth Day a fun and faith-filled event. Youth volunteers must be registered for Youth Day through their parish or school. Adult volunteers must be 21+. To sign up to volunteer,
Youth Volunteers -- register by January 6, 2020
Adult Volunteers -- register by January 17, 2020.
Permission Slips and Forms
Group Leaders will need to have Permission/Release Forms on file for each young person and adult participant. These forms do not need to be submitted to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Office but should remain in your possession for the duration of the event. If needed, the Group Leader must be able to produce compliance records for each Chaperone attending the day.
Group Leaders:
Group Roster (to be kept by the group leader)
Safe Environment Compliance Forms (to be kept by the group leader)If you reside within the Los Angeles Archdiocese, please refer to the following links:
Youth Participants:
Student and Youth Activity Permission Form
Medication Authorization and Permission Form (if applicable)
Youth Behavior ContractAdult Participants:
Adult Release
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Guidelines for Adults Interacting With MinorsIf you reside outside of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, please contact your diocese's Youth Ministry or Safe Environment Office for the required forms.
Verification of Attendance: On occasion, a parish or school may require proof of attendance. It is the Group Leader who should download and fill out the Retreat Registration Card, and return it to the requesting organization.Transportation
We encourage all Youth Day attendees to arrive to the Anaheim Convention Center before 8:00 am (doors open as early as 7:30 am). Participants from Track 1 should move directly to the Arena for the General Session. Participants from Track 2 should head to ACC North for their selected workshop.
Bus Parking: Parking is available in the Toy Story lot on Youth Day for $35.00 per bus (cash only). Bus drop off is also available. (Groups will receive a sign with their group ticket packet to be displayed in the bus window to help attendants direct buses for staging.) Traveling south on Harbor Blvd. your bus will turn left into the parking lot entrance. Heading north, you will turn right. Once parked, walk west on Convention Center Way toward the Convention Center. Buses are not allowed to drop-off participants at the Convention Center nor are they allowed to enter from West Street (behind the Convention Center). If your bus will not be parked at the Convention Center, let your driver know to return to the parking lot by 1:30 p.m. in order to be re-staged in the appropriate place. Please alert your bus company in advance of these directions.
All bus transportation companies must be licensed by the Public Utilities Commission of California. We highly recommend that you make sure your bus company is listed among the valid bus companies at parking: Parking is available in any Convention Center lot for $18 per car. It is recommended to park in the ACC North structure since it is closest. Young people should not transport themselves to Youth Day, and Chaperones who are driving must by 25 years of age and in compliance with all diocesan policies.
Lunch Options
The Convention Center strictly prohibits catered meals and the delivery of food to groups. Groups are welcome to pack their own lunches; however, delivery of pizza, catered meals or other fast food is not be permitted. In addition, groups may not bring in any large ice chests or coolers. There will Hall B in addtion to many food stations around the Convention Center as well as food trucks and seating in the Grand Plaza. As a reminder, all young people must be chaperoned at all times -- this includes during lunch. Please be respectful to the neighboring hotels during the lunch times.
Sacred Space at Youth Day
Youth Day participants are invited to visit Sacred Space throughout the day. Sacred Space is a quiet place for prayer and personal reflection and features a variety of prayer experiences, which include a Chapel, Labyrinth and multimedia exhibits. Sacred Space is located in ACC North 151-152 (lower 100 Level). Hours on Thursday are 7:30 am-4:30 pm.
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a department of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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