Religious Education Congress
February 20, 2020 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Every group must choose between the two tracks on Youth Day. Track 1 has the Arena sessions in the morning, Track 2 has the Arena in the afternoon. This allows every participant to experience all Arena activities while still allowing everyone to hear two additional workshops. To enter into the Arena for either Track 1 or Track 2, please line up and use the fountain doors nearest the Hilton Hotel. Your name badge will make it clear to which track you have been assigned. We ask you to not go to the Arena until your track's assigned time.
Religious Education Congress
February 20, 2020 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Both Youth Day tracks get to see our Arena Keynote speaker. In addition to the Arena Keynote, you make your choice of two Convention workshops from the remaining 14 sessions held in the Convention Center meeting rooms. Note this year, all workshops will be located in the Arena, Hall B or the new ACC North building, just east of the Arena.
Speaker: Doug Tooke
Location: Convention Arena
Times: morning & afternoon sessionsThe challenge to pursue holiness and sainthood seems difficult … at first. In this keynote, Doug Tooke will show through story, Scripture and real-life practices that the pursuit is worth the risk!
Doug Tooke is Vice President of Ministry Advancement for ODB Films as well as an adjunct staff member with Life Teen International. He has over 25 years of professional ministry experience and has traveled to over 100 dioceses teaching, keynoting conventions and training youth ministers. Tooke is a recipient of the National Catholic Youth Ministry Award from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He, his wife and their five daughters all live in Helena, Mont. when things do not go our way?
Speaker: Doug Brummel & David Wilson
Location: ACC North 161 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmHave you ever been confused at Mass about why we say this, the priest says that, why we sit, stand, kneel and sing? You won’t want to miss this fun, faith-filled experience that explores the joy, beauty and history of the “source and summit” of our faith. This brand new “catechetical comedy” is a fast-paced, music-filled session that brings to life how we worship through the Mass with original music and an original format that engages all generations. Warning: Mass Confusion may induce unexpected laughter and learning ... all at the same time and may cause more participation and understanding of the Mass!
Doug Brummel and Dave Wilson, together as The Doug and Dave Show, are Catholic Christian speakers, catechetical comedians, musicians and storytellers. Over the past 25 years, Doug has served over 1400 parishes and conferences with his Lighten Up! Parish Family Missions as well as presented at national youth, adult and family conferences. Dave is an established musician, singer, and storyteller for over 20 years.
Speaker: Andrea Chavez-Kopp
Location: ACC North 256 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmThe loving adults in your life are terrified. They are worried about screen time, addiction, depression, lack of social interaction and way too many other things. The root of these fears is technology. The problem is, technology is awesome and it’s here to stay. This session is about how teens can be leaders in ministry by accompanying their adults in their relationship with technology. It is easy to fear what is not understood. By positive role modeling and some communication and care, we can help bring our adults into the 21st century through patience, mercy and demonstrating holiness in digital spaces. Feel free to bring your favorite digital device to this interactive session.
Andrea Chavez-Kopp serves as Director of Formation and Digital Engagement for the National Catholic Education Association in Washington, D.C. She joined the NCEA staff in 2015 and has 19 years of teaching and ministry experience. Kopp has served in several leadership capacities including iPad Coordinator, Google Apps Administrator, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry and Confirmation Coordinator. She has served on several national committees including the Partnership for Adolescent Catechesis.
Speaker: Stephanie Clouatre Davis, OPA
Location: ACC North 256 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmYou are loved, you are made on purpose, and you are created by God. These are promises of God; yet, we struggle to believe that we belong to Someone. How can we use these promises to fight feelings of loneliness, anxiety, worthlessness, sadness and hopelessness? Drawing on the wisdom of St. Ignatius, Stephanie Clouatre Davis offers concrete tools to help you see through God’s eyes.
Stephanie Davis, an Associate with the Dominican Sisters of Peace, is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director and itinerant minister based in Covington, La. In her more than 20 years of ministry for the Catholic Church, she has directed hundreds of retreats and spoken at many conferences for teens, young adults and adults. Davis has spent more than 15 years teaching junior high, high school and college courses. She has devoted her life to teaching and developing youth and adult retreats and programs.
Speaker: Chris Estrella
Location: ACC North Hall 251 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmYes, we know. We’ve heard it. The world is “noisy.” And it’s full of temptation (“Just one more episode!’’). But one of the greatest temptations we face starts with the lie to ourselves that leads us into it: “We’ve been together for so long and we’re in love”; “I could be doing something worse than this”; “God would probably agree”; and the almighty, “Just this once.” Chris Estrella is going to charge right into these, challenging us to wake up, speak real and live in the truth! You were made for so much. Stop settling for weakness. Stand up and demand greatness. God offers nothing less.
Catholic music artist and speaker Chris Estrella is also coordinator of Liturgical Music for the Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif. The former youth ministry coordinator and confirmation catechist travels nationally presenting talks and worship experiences at conferences, parish missions, youth and young adult events (including three World Youth Days) and is a worship leader for youth and young adult liturgy and prayer. He is represented by Oregon Catholic Press - Spirit & Song.
Speaker: Sergio Lopez
Location: ACC North 252 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmNo matter how hard we all may try in life, one thing is certain: We will eventually get lost. There is no way around it. Getting lost is part of the deal. Fortunately, God created us with an “inner gift” that too few of us ever discover and even less of us learn to use well. Come and explore through storytelling, art, music and prayer, practical ways for accessing your “inner compass.” Together, we’ll cover the basics of what it is and how to use it so that it can help you find your way through times of trouble.
Sergio Lopez is a faith-based activist, trainer and former youth minister from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Based in Simi Valley, Calif., he has worked for Catholic Relief Services since 2014, and is currently their Community Engagement Manager, organizing Catholic communities for global justice in the western United States. Lopez has presented at the Los Angeles Youth Day, the Religious Education Congress and the Archdiocesan Regional Congresses and has been a keynote at the Fresno Diocesan Encuentro and speaker at the Fresno Diocesan Youth Day and Congress.
Speaker: Jesse Manibusan
Location: ACC North 251 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmMarvel or DC? Pick a hero, any hero. The end game, however, will always be: How do our gifts – and the use or misuse of those gifts – transform us and our world? Life isn’t a movie. There are no shortcuts. There are “cheats,” but the only way to live a life of lasting joy, hope and gratitude is through the power of mercy and holiness. Come see, hear and experience something truly super and heroic!
Jesse Manibusan, founder of Jesse Manibusan Music Ministries, has over 30 years of experience as a liturgical music minister, youth worker, catechist and parish mission director. He has presented at all the major youth conferences, including the L.A. Religious Education Congress, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and several World Youth Days. Manibusan has performed at various conferences worldwide and has several CDs published with Oregon Catholic Press
Speaker: Katie Prejean McGrady
Location: ACC North 255 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmIt’s easy to believe that there’s a purpose for our life. It’s harder to figure out what that purpose is. And then, it’s even harder to convince people that the path you’re taking is good and right. So, what comes next? What will you do with your life? Where will you study and work, who will you marry, where will you buy a house, will you go to the seminary or the convent to become a priest or nun? What. Comes. Next?! Let’s figure out how to ask – and answer – those questions together.
Katie Prejean McGrady is an international speaker, traveling to 38 states and three countries, and author of “Room 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist” and “Follow: Your Lifelong Adventure with Jesus.” She is the host of The Electric Waffle, a podcast of conversational chaos about culture and Catholicism. Mc- Grady was one of three delegates chosen by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to attend the Pre-Synod gathering on Youth, Faith and Vocational Discernment at the Vatican.
Speaker: Joe Melendrez
Location: ACC North 161 (lower Level 100)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmWords are powerful, they have the ability to build up or tear down. Words can be a form of witness and sharing what God has done in our lives. The Word of God is our source of nourishment and strength. Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is alive and active.” How can we let God’s Word take root in our lives? We all have access to this divine resource that can inspire, encourage, transform, and so much more. In this session, we will learn and participate in the S.O.A.P. method, an easy, daily bible study tool that will deepen our understanding of Scripture and help us Get in the Word! Billed as a Catholic performer who is “relevant, relatable and deep,”
Joe Melendrez is a speaker, musical performer, MC and retreat leader. He has presented at numerous national and diocesan youth conferences across the United States in addition to World Youth Days in Brazil and Spain and the God is Good Festival in Germany. His CDs include “Kingdom Come” and “Fully Alive,” along with his latest release, “Chosen.” Melendrez currently resides in Los Angeles with his wife and their daughter.
Speaker: Chris Padgett
Location: ACC North 252 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmGod is a family. The way He has revealed Himself is through family imagery. But our families are messy and often broken. Why is family still important in this day? God never intended us to be alone. We were meant to be in community, to belong and feel love. This workshop looks at seven ways family is important – how we can not only just survive, but thrive! There will be a lot of practical examples, stories, laughter and time for questions.
Chris Padgett is speaker, author, musician and President of the non-profit ministry Catholic Family and Marriage. He has traveled the world for over two decades giving concerts, talks, parish missions and retreats. Padgett currently teachesi wth Catholic Distance University in between speaking and writing engagements. He has published numerous books and articles, and has also been involved in video, television and radio for many years.
Speaker: Mike Patin
Location: ACC North 255 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmNearsighted. Farsighted. Double vision. Night blindness. There are countless challenges to physical vision. The same is true for spiritual vision. The challenges of school, family, friendships and more can blur our vision and make it difficult to see how we can live as disciples when there is so much going on. We’ll take a different look at being vibrant, young
Mike Patin, the “engaging Cajun,” lives in Lafayette, La. He has served the church as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan staff person. Patin previously was with the CYO/Youth Ministry Office for the New Orleans Archdiocese and, since 2003, he has been a full-time “ faith horticulturist” addressing groups across the United States and Canada as parish mission presenter, trainer and retreat facilitator. He has published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
Speaker: Bob Perron
Location: ACC North 155 (lower Level 100)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmLet’s face it, relationships can be tough. To be a good friend requires our willingness to be vulnerable and let someone really see us as we are – with our gifts, our talents and our unique weirdness. Yet, in the end, friendship is worth it.
For over a decade, Bob Perron has presented in more than 60 dioceses across the United States and Canada. He has been a keynote at the National Catholic Youth Conference and the L.A. Youth Day as well as a presenter of numerous workshops at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry. His latest book is entitled “God Sized Family.” Perron currently serves as Executive Director of JMJ Pregnancy Center in Orlando, Fla.
Speaker: Roy Petitfils
Location: ACC North 155 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pmUnlike Instagram, we can’t always change what our reality looks like. Stress, peer pressure, anxiety, depression and relationship drama are real. But so is God’s grace. In this session, come learn more about yourself and discover practical ways to deal with your real life.
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered among youth and young adults in parish, diocesan and school settings. Today, he is a counselor in private practice. Petitfils shares his natural humor to matters of faith at conferences and workshops. He hosts the popular podcast, “Today’s Teenager,” to help adults understand, reach and influence teens. He has spoken at TEDx and has published several articles and books, including “What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You).”
Speaker: Dr. John Rinaldo
Location: ACC North 258 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:30 pmWhat do you want to talk about? Teens want to be heard, acknowledged and affirmed. Yet, too often leaders brush aside your thoughts and questions. Yet, Pope Francis himself has asked us adults to listen, and listen intently. In this session, we will be taking your questions about the Church, what it teaches, what it believes, and how it behaves. This is your time to ask questions. And it is our turn to listen to your wisdom and finally talk about the topics you want to talk about.
Dr. John Rinaldo is a coach and trainer for the Parish Success Group. He brings a wealth of pastoral ministry experience having served as a parish and diocesan director of youth and young adult ministry, a parish business manager, has served on the executive leadership team for Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, and as a member of the Board of Directors for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. Dr. Rinaldo is also an adjunct professor at Santa Clara University in California..
Speaker: Susan Searle
Location: ACC North Hall 256 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 1:00 pm“Anxiety can work against us by making us give up whenever we do not see instant results,” Pope Francis warns. Your stress and anxiety may come from your addiction to constant stimulation, immediate gratification and other distractions that make you think you are not enough. God sees when you are struggling, and God wants you to know peace. Prayerful meditation and contemplation invite you to surrender your distractions to God and explore the restorative power of silence. In this workshop, we will practice a variety of meditative prayers to quiet the distractions in your head. Come prepared to turn inward, be still, and seek God’s peace.
Based in Colorado Springs, Colo., Susan Searle is a Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services for The Center for Ministry Development (CMD) and is Project Coordinator for their Just5Days middle school missions and the YouthLeader high school programs. She also provides nationwide ministry workshops, trainings and teaches CMD courses for the Certificate in Ministry Studies. Searle has several published sessions for youth ministry and blogs quarterly for CMD.
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