Transcript of online session with Cardinal Roger Mahony and students from Sacred Heart School
Friday, February 29, 2008, 10:15-11:15 a.m.
Cardinal Roger Mahony annually conducts a nationwide, online chat live during the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Before that session, he conducted a private chat session with 12 students (seventh- and eighth-graders) from Sacred Heart School in Covina, Calif. Chris Krause (Moderator) moderated with the Cardinal from the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim. And special thanks to Mrs. April Luchonok, principal at Sacred Heart School.
Beginning of chat (chatroom created Wed Feb 7 16:21:15 2007 GMT)
Cardinal Roger Mahony was born in Hollywood, Calif., and was ordained a priest in 1962 for the Diocese of Fresno, Calif. While there, he taught social work at California State University, Fresno. In 1975, he was made Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Fresno by Pope Paul VI. That year, California Governor Jerry Brown appointed Bishop Mahony as the first chair of the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board, where he worked with Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers and various growers in the state to resolve labor disputes. In 1980, Bishop Mahony was appointed as Bishop of the Diocese of Stockton. Only five years later he was appointed to lead the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, the first native Angeleno to hold the office. Bishop Mahony was elevated to Cardinal by Pope John Paul II in 1991.Cardinal Mahony joins us this morning, in his 23rd year as leader of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, the nation’s largest diocese.
S-Man 2105 joined the chat
lauren_ashleyx3 joined the chat
lauren_ashleyx3: hello?
S-Man 2105: hey lauren
Moderator: Good morning
lauren_ashleyx3: steven!
lauren_ashleyx3: good morning
Moderator: Is everyone beginning to log on?
lauren_ashleyx3: yes
Gerard S. joined the chat
Theresa Y. joined the chat
Marisa P. good morning
lauren_ashleyx3: hey theresa
lauren_ashleyx3: hey marisa
Maddy C. joined the chat
Danielle: Hey everybody
lauren_ashleyx3: hey gerard
Ally B. joined the chat
Gerard S.: Hello Everyone
lauren_ashleyx3: hey maddy
Laura joined the chat
lauren_ashleyx3: hello!
Theresa Y.: hey
Marisa P. joined the chat
Moderator: Cardinal Mahony is standing nearby
Moderator: He will be sitting at the computer shortly
Marisa P.: hello everyone
Moderator: How are you all doing?
S-Man 2105: good
Mario R joined the chat
Maddy C.: Great
lauren_ashleyx3: we just took graduation pictures (8th graders did)
Moderator: I'm Chris and I will be the moderator of the chat
Laura: very well
Danielle joined the chat
S-Man 2105: hi Chris
Gerard S.: I'm doing great today!
Marisa P.: hi
lauren_ashleyx3: hey Chris!
Ally B.: good morning Chris
Mario R: Hi Chris
Maddy C.: good morning!
Gerard S.: good morning
Theresa Y.: morning
Marisa P.: morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danielle: good morning!
KatrinaMulan joined the chat
Gerard S.: Hello everyone
Ally B.: hi!
lauren_ashleyx3: hola!
Marisa P.: hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KatrinaMulan: Hello everybody!!!
Gerard S.: my code name is Mr. President
lauren_ashleyx3: =]
Marisa P.: :)
Marisa P.: )
Moderator: What grades are represented?
Danielle: 7th and 8th
Moderator: And how many will we have online?
Theresa Y.: 8th and 7th
Maddy C.: 7 and 8
Laura: 7 and 8
lauren_ashleyx3: about 12
basketballgirl09 joined the chat
Gerard S.: we are representing 7th and 8th grade
Marisa P.: student council
S-Man 2105: around there
CardinalMahony joined the chat
Moderator: Welcome Cardinal Mahony, he is here now
Marisa P.: yay
CardinalMahony: Good morning, friends!
Gerard S.: Good Morning Cardinal
S-Man 2105: good morning cardinal
lauren_ashleyx3: good morning cardinal
Laura: good morning cardinal
Maddy C.: good morning
Mario R: Hi
Ally B.: Good Morning
Marisa P.: Morning
Danielle: Good Morning
Theresa Y.: good morning
basketballgirl09 hello cardinal!
Gerard S.: how are you doing
KatrinaMulan: good morning to you!!!
CardinalMahony: How many are you on line now?
Laura: good morning!!!!
Theresa Y.: 12
CardinalMahony: Sacred Heart Parish?
lauren_ashleyx3: yes, this is SHS!
CardinalMahony: And you have both 7th and 8th graders there?
Marisa P.: yes
Ally B.: yes we are
CardinalMahony: We are in the third week of Lent. How is Lent going for all of you?
S-Man 2105: ok
Maddy C.: it’s great!!
Mario R: Good
Laura: awesome
Gerard S.: lent is going fine
Theresa Y.: good
Marisa P.: very good, what did you give up?
Danielle: It is going great, but it is very hard to give up chocolate.
Ally B.: I gave up texting!
lauren_ashleyx3: Lent is going great! I'm trying to follow the braces rules!
KatrinaMulan: Lent is still great !!!
CardinalMahony: What is the "braces rules"?
lauren_ashleyx3: just follow the rules when you have braces.
Maddy C.: i gave up fries!
lauren_ashleyx3: like not eating gum or drinking soda
Theresa Y.: what did you give up for lent, cardinal?
CardinalMahony: For me, I chose to set aside desserts and some of my favorite foods.
Theresa Y.: that's cool
Laura: that is what my dad chose
CardinalMahony: But Lent is also to be about what we are doing to bring Jesus deeper into our lives; and to reach out to the poor.
CardinalMahony: I also eat less, and send that money each week to one of our Catholic Charities programs around the Archdiocese [from now on, AD]
Gerard S.: Next month, the 8th graders are doing a presentation of the Stations of the Cross.
lauren_ashleyx3: im an angel!
S-Man 2105: im Simon
Ally B.: im singing
Laura: im a cantor
Gerard S.: I'm going to play Jesus
Marisa P.: i'm a reader
Danielle: I'm an angel too
CardinalMahony: Where will you do the Stations of the Cross?
S-Man 2105: in the church
Ally B.: in the church
Mario R: In our church
CardinalMahony: Gerard: are they going to actually nail you to a cross????
Gerard S.: no, I am only pretending
CardinalMahony: That's good--we need you around!!
S-Man 2105: i have to help
lauren_ashleyx3: haha! =]
CardinalMahony: Do you have any questions this morning?
lauren_ashleyx3: what is your favorite movie?
CardinalMahony: I don't get to movies very often because of my schedule. But one of my favorites from last year was "Breach" about how they caught the FBI spy.
lauren_ashleyx3: sweet!
Marisa P.: cool
Ally B.: Have you ever had a girlfriend when you were younger?
CardinalMahony: No real, long-term girl friend since I entered the high school seminary after 8th grade.
CardinalMahony: What are you studying in Religion class now?
basketballgirl09: we are studying Lent
Mario R: Studying about lent
Ally B.: and the eastern and western church
Gerard S.: in religion class, the 8th graders are studying the history of the Catholic Church
Maddy C.: when you were young did you always want to be a priest?
CardinalMahony: What have you learned new about Lent; something you did not know before?
S-Man 2105: kinda
Mario R: We learned about what the number 40 means
Gerard S.: the 7th graders are leaning about the 40 days of Lent
basketballgirl09: I learned that Lent is about more than just giving up chocolate, it is also about trying to be a better person
CardinalMahony: Tell me a little about "40"--great symbolism!
KatrinaMulan: we learn about many 40 things, just like when Jesus went to the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.
Mario R: And Noah's ark
Gerard S.: Katrina Mulan is SHS Religion Commissioner
CardinalMahony: And the Jews were in the desert for 40 years.
S-Man 2105: w/ Moses
Gerard S.: that's really cool
basketballgirl09: Mrs. Renie Kolb, our religion teacher taught us that
Maddy C.: Yup! our teacher Mrs. Kolb taught us that
KatrinaMulan: Yes, I am a religious affairs commissioner.
Maddy C.: when you were young did you always want to be a priest?
CardinalMahony: My first idea of being a priest started in grammar school; St. Charles in North Hollywood. We had great Sisters and young priests; they inspired me.
Maddy C.: ohh
Danielle: That is really cool
Mario R: That's cool
Maddy C.: that's cool
Gerard S.: Sisters and Priest inspire me alsoCardinalMahony: Any of you hearing the voice of Jesus calling you to be a priest or Sister????
Gerard S.: I was thinking of becoming a priest
KatrinaMulan: when I was young I wanted to be a nun.
Gerard S.: that's a good question
CardinalMahony: Great! The number of Catholics continues to grow, and we need many more priests and Sisters. Especially from SHS!!!Marisa P.: Marisa P.: Have you met any celebrities before?CardinalMahony: The best celebrity I have met is named Jesus Christ!!!
Marisa P.: Hannah Montana?
S-Man 2105: cool! you met JC
Gerard S.: that's cool
KatrinaMulan: that's cool
Theresa Y.: awesome
lauren_ashleyx3: jonas brothers?
CardinalMahony: There are lots of TV and movie celebrities; however, each one of you is a celebrity when you love Jesus and live out His life each day!!
Marisa P.: thank you
lauren_ashleyx3: aww.
Gerard S.: I like your comment
Maddy C.: aww... thank you
KatrinaMulan: me 2
Laura: that is so cool
CardinalMahony: Did you ever notice how many so-called celebrities live such miserable lives? Drugs, alcohol, broken marriages, jail, etc.
S-Man 2105: yea
basketballgirl09: yup
Marisa P.: yes
Theresa Y.: yes
Gerard S.: i noticed that a lot
lauren_ashleyx3: mmhmm
Laura: yes
S-Man 2105: yes.. (hmm) Lindsey Lohan
Ally B.: ya its bad
Maddy C.: yes
Mario R: That's true
KatrinaMulan: yes
Gerard S.: they need a better life than always having the attention
CardinalMahony: We are happiest when we turn the spotlight away from us, and see others through the eyes of Jesus--then we are celebrities!!
Ally B.: that's why Jesus is our celebrity
S-Man 2105: awesome
CardinalMahony: Just one of you interested in being a priest or Sister?
lauren_ashleyx3: happy belated birthday!
Gerard S.: Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laura: oh yah happy birthday
Marisa P.: happy bee day!!!!
basketballgirl09: happy belated b-day
S-Man 2105: happy b-day
Ally B.: Happy b-Day
Maddy C.: Happy belated B'day Cardinal!!!
KatrinaMulan: Happy belated B-day to you
Danielle: happy birthday
Mario R: Happy birthdayCardinalMahony: How old do you think I am???
S-Man 2105: 50
Laura: 20
basketballgirl09: 25?
Gerard S.: 60
Marisa P.: 45
KatrinaMulan: 16
Gerard S.: 16
Marisa P.: 21
Ally B.: 30
Maddy C.: 37
Danielle: 34
lauren_ashleyx3: 42?
Mario R: 55
Maddy C.: idk...
CardinalMahony: You guys are my FAVORITES with those low numbers!!!!
Marisa P.: young
S-Man 2105: yea
CardinalMahony: How about 72?????
Mario R: I know
Laura: wow I would have never thought that
Gerard S.: you look younger than that
basketballgirl09: with Jesus, you can be as young as you want
Marisa P.: u look very young
Ally B.: ya you do
KatrinaMulan: I know you are still very young!!!
CardinalMahony: A big raise for Gerard's allowance!!
Theresa Y.: wow
Gerard S.: thanks
Maddy C.: haha
S-Man 2105: can I get one too?
Gerard S.: have you met the pope or Mother Teresa?
CardinalMahony: Yes, I knew Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.
S-Man 2105: cool
Danielle: wow
lauren_ashleyx3: cool!
KatrinaMulan: awsome
Maddy C.: ohh that’s so cool
Mario R: awesome
Gerard S.: That is really cool! I wish to meet them also
CardinalMahony: Do you know when Pope B-16 is coming to the USA?
S-Man 2105: when?
Gerard S.: I don't know
Ally B.: this year
Marisa P.: 2008
Maddy C.: in April?
CardinalMahony: He is coming on April 15 and is leaving on April 20. He'll visit Washington DC and New York
Danielle: Wow that is cool
Ally B.: I wish I could go
Gerard S.: I want to meet him
lauren_ashleyx3: me too
CardinalMahony: Pope won't be coming to the West Coast.
Maddy C.: aww..
basketballgirl09: oh man, not LA
S-Man 2105: darn
KatrinaMulan: I want to meet him
Laura: have you heard of the Pueri Cantores choir directed by Mr. Flahive?
CardinalMahony: To prepare for the visit, you need to study about the Pope and what his role is for us.
KatrinaMulan: ok
Laura: we are going to Washington to sing with other choirs around the world this year
CardinalMahony: Yes, I have heard of the Pueri Cantores choir.
Danielle: What was it like choosing the new pope?
CardinalMahony: When are you going to Wash??
Laura: during the 4th of july
Theresa Y.: i'm in Pueri Cantores
Maddy C.: some of our fellow classmates participate in that choir
CardinalMahony: Do you know what Pueri Cantores means??
Mario R: No
S-Man 2105: choir of angels
Marisa P.: the director Mr. Flahive is our music teacher
Maddy C.: Choir of Angels?
basketballgirl09: Choir of Angels
KatrinaMulan: Chior of anglelsCardinalMahony: Pueri: means children, young people; Cantores: means singers.
Theresa Y.: that's cool
KatrinaMulan: that's great
Maddy C.: ohh!CardinalMahony: So, you are Young Singers for God!!
Laura: we saw the original French Pueri Cantores choir
Danielle: cool
Maddy C.: Yup
S-Man 2105: awesome
Theresa Y.: cool
Ally B.: is it true that you are coming to our school for Confirmation?
CardinalMahony: Those two words are actually Latin words, but many choirs around the world use those Latin words.
Ally B.: my sister is getting confirmed so i will be there
Danielle: What was it like choosing the new pope?
CardinalMahony: Yes, I am scheduled for your Confirmation--can hardly wait!!
Ally B.: maybe I will get to meet you
Maddy C.: Me too
Danielle: What was it like when you were choosing the new pope?
basketballgirl09: my dad was confirmed by you
CardinalMahony: Entering the Sistine Chapel to help select a new Pope was the most awesome experience of my entire life!!!
Gerard S.: what did you do?
Laura: we went to Rome that year and sang there
CardinalMahony: You feel so humbled, so inadequate; I kept wondering why I was here for such an awesome task.
S-Man 2105: what did the church look like?
Gerard S.: the pope does have an awesome job
CardinalMahony: The presence and power of the Holy Spirit were so evident during those days in Rome!!!
basketballgirl09: well, you are an awesome person
CardinalMahony: Go on line and you can find the Sistine Chapel; photos, etc. famous for its Michelangelo murals!!
Gerard S.: the presence of the Holy Spirit is within all of us
Laura: Michelangelo is a talented painter
lauren_ashleyx3: I google it up (in the words of Mrs. Wick)
KatrinaMulan: As a religious affairs commissioner in my school, how can I help my school be more religious?
CardinalMahony: Help the young people discover the power of God in their lives, and share their stories of faith. Help them reach out to others in the name of Jesus.
Marisa P.: you should come to one of our masses
CardinalMahony: You need to help see the face of Jesus in the poor, the immigrant, those most in need.
KatrinaMulan: would you like to celebrate our first Friday mass?
Ally B.: we do many community services
CardinalMahony: What time is your First Friday Mass?
Danielle: 10:30 AM
KatrinaMulan: March 7th
CardinalMahony: I don't have much time to visit our 221 Catholic grammar schools; but send me a letter and I will see if I can come sometime for that Mass.
lauren_ashleyx3: mmkay.
Marisa P.: yay
S-Man 2105: thank you
Danielle: Cool
Theresa Y.: ok
KatrinaMulan: a ok
Maddy C.: sounds like a deal to me
Laura: great
CardinalMahony: If a First Friday does not work for my schedule, then maybe we can do a First Thursday Mass!!
basketballgirl09: Did you go to Catholic school or public school?
Gerard S.: :)
Ally B.: that's totally great
Maddy C.: definitely!
Gerard S.: a first Thursday would also be fine
CardinalMahony: Mother Teresa visited us many times in Los Angeles. We have her Sisters, her Brothers, and her Contemplative Sisters here--all doing great work.
Laura: the kids would love to see you speak in person
S-Man 2105: yea
Gerard S.: that's really cool
Laura: amazing
Mario R: Yeah that's really cool
CardinalMahony: I really enjoy these on-line conversations!!! A great way to connect!!
KatrinaMulan: me too
S-Man 2105: i never did a chat room b4
basketballgirl09: Did you go to Catholic school or public school?
CardinalMahony: Do your parents do much text messaging??
lauren_ashleyx3: no, i do
Ally B.: mine do
Theresa Y.: no
Maddy C.: just a tad
KatrinaMulan: no, I do
Mario R: no
Laura: no
basketballgirl09: not really
S-Man 2105: no way
Ally B.: i do tons that's why i gave it up for lent
Marisa P.: rarely
Gerard S.: sometimes
Danielle: no they don't know how to work it
CardinalMahony: How many of you have your own cell phone?
Ally B.: i do
lauren_ashleyx3: me!
Marisa P.: i do
basketballgirl09: I do
Maddy C.: ME!!!
Laura: i have
Danielle: i do
Gerard S.: i don't have a cell phone
Theresa Y.: i don't
Mario R: i don't
CardinalMahony: Giving up, or limiting, text messaging is a great thing for Lent!
KatrinaMulan: I don't have a cell phone too
Laura: that's what ally did
Ally B.: thanks its hard
S-Man 2105: that's what ally did
basketballgirl09: Did you go to Catholic school or public school?
CardinalMahony: I went to St. Charles grammar school in No. Hollywood for 8 years.
basketballgirl09: cool
Maddy C.: ohh ya sorry you already mentioned that
CardinalMahony: When Lent is over, trying cutting back on text messaging--use that time to read, to talk with friends, etc.
Marisa P.: we are having a play next week
Laura: oh ya
Marisa P.: the wizard of Oz
Ally B.: the wizard of Oz
Laura: im dorothy
S-Man 2105: im scarecrow
Ally B.: im glinda
S-Man 2105: have u ever solved a Rubik cube?
CardinalMahony: No, I never could figure out the Rubik cube!! Some kids can do it in less than a minute--awesome!!
Danielle: im a lead dancer
basketballgirl09: I'm in the audience!
Marisa P.: i'm a LEAD DANCER!
KatrinaMulan: I am watch the play.
Maddy C.: ME too!!!
Theresa Y.: me too
S-Man 2105: i'm scarecrow
Laura: do you like the wizard of oz movie?
CardinalMahony: Do you remember anything about Kansas in the Wizard of Oz??
S-Man 2105: Topeka
Laura: yes it was sepia color
KatrinaMulan: munchins
Laura: the book is based on American history
Mario R: What Saint do you look up to?
CardinalMahony: My favorite saint is St. Joseph--foster father of Jesus, husband of Mary.
KatrinaMulan: cool
S-Man 2105: mine is St. Stephen
Danielle: cool
Gerard S.: he my patron saint
KatrinaMulan: awesome
Mario R: cool
Maddy C.: my patron saint is Saint Rose of Lima
basketballgirl09: mine is St. Teresa of Avila
Marisa P.: Mine is Saint Augustina
lauren_ashleyx3: mine is St. Lucy's- I'm going to St. Lucy's Priory High School
Danielle: mine is St. Anthony
CardinalMahony: Have you visited your new Cathedral yet?
lauren_ashleyx3: yeah
Laura: some of the characters are symbols of what happened in history
Theresa Y.: yes, i sang there
Ally B.: yes for choir in our school we used to go
Maddy C.: yes we went on a field trip in 5th gr. , the 7th grade did
Laura: me too
CardinalMahony: Have you seen the Tapestries in the Cathedral?
KatrinaMulan: yes
Danielle: Oh yes i have they are beautiful!
Laura: yes St. Lucy is on there
basketballgirl09: yes, in fifth grade we went there for a field trip
Ally B.: ya really beautiful
Gerard S.: those tapestries are really elegant
KatrinaMulan: beautiful
S-Man 2105: what high school did u go 2?
CardinalMahony: I went to the high school prep seminary--now closed.
Laura: did you see Judas Maccabeus at the cathedral
Danielle: OH
Laura: it was a great play
CardinalMahony: Yes, Judas Maccabeus was fantastic!!
Laura: who was favorite character?
CardinalMahony: Do you pray each day for family and friends who are sick?
Ally B.: yes we do
Gerard S.: sometimes
basketballgirl09: yes, all the time
Danielle: yes
Maddy C.: yes today we went to church
lauren_ashleyx3: yes
KatrinaMulan: have you ever met our pastor Father Brian?
CardinalMahony: Yes, I know Fr. Brian very well--a great priest! He celebrates his Golden Jubilee this year as a priest.
basketballgirl09: yes, my great uncle
Marisa P.: HE'S HERE
Gerard S.: he is here with us
Maddy C.: he is here with us
CardinalMahony: Do you know someone with cancer? So much of that disease around.
Maddy C.: yes
Ally B.: ya i do
Laura: yes
lauren_ashleyx3: yes
Danielle: yes i do
Theresa Y.: most of my mom's family died of cancer
KatrinaMulan: yes
Gerard S.: yes, it is sad to see people who are sick
S-Man 2105: no
CardinalMahony: We must continue to place our trust in Christ the Healer.
KatrinaMulan: cool
KatrinaMulan: ok
CardinalMahony: Does Fr. Brian text message??
basketballgirl09: no
KatrinaMulan: no
Marisa P.: no
S-Man 2105: no
Gerard S.: no
Mario R: no
lauren_ashleyx3: haha, no he doesn't
Marisa P.: no
Laura: he says no
S-Man 2105: he says hi
KatrinaMulan: he is here right next to me
S-Man 2105: cool
Theresa Y.: are you a democrat or republican?
CardinalMahony: I'm an independent--makes life so much easier for me!!
Ally B.: do you text?
S-Man 2105: lol
Mario R: lol
Marisa P.: he says HI
CardinalMahony: Fr. Brian: you have a great group of young people there!!
KatrinaMulan: he says yes
Mrs. Luchonok: Cardinal Mahony, I have the good fortune to be the principal of SHS...we are sad that Fr. Brian is retiring! We love him....please pray that we are sent a new pastor that is as generous and supportive!
CardinalMahony: When Fr. Brian retires, you need to teach him how to function on-line!!!
Gerard S.: he functions online pretty well
CardinalMahony: Great news!!!
lauren_ashleyx3: what do you think the youth could do about speaking out against abortion?!
CardinalMahony: Youth can help most by understanding the value of each human life, and protecting that life in every way.
Danielle: that's nice
Ally B.: do you text?
Gerard S.: ally can't text for lent
S-Man 2105: cool
KatrinaMulan: do you think my brother, Gerard S., will be a priest?
S-Man 2105: pope
S-Man 2105: for sure
Laura: I think the movie Juno also demonstrated the value of human life
CardinalMahony: The fire alarms have gone off here at Congress, so I will have to sign off. May God bless each one of you!!!!
lauren_ashleyx3: awww
S-Man 2105: bye
lauren_ashleyx3: run!
Gerard S.: thank you
Theresa Y.: bye
Marisa P.: BYE RUN!!
KatrinaMulan: bye
S-Man 2105: run!!!!
basketballgirl09: run cardinal
Danielle: bye
Ally B.: bye
lauren_ashleyx3: bye!
Gerard S.: Run Run
Maddy C.: buh bye :)
KatrinaMulan: run run
Mario R: Bye
Danielle: thank you so much
Marisa P.: I'LL MISS U
basketballgirl09: bye thanx
lauren_ashleyx3: thanks! you are one cool dude!
S-Man 2105: see ya
Marisa P.: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerard S.: Bye bye
KatrinaMulan: thank you
Theresa Y.: thank you
lauren_ashleyx3: =]
lauren_ashleyx3: we love you
Laura: bye it was an honor to speak with you
Marisa P.: RUN!!!
basketballgirl09: bye bye
Gerard S.: we will miss you
KatrinaMulan: I'll miss you
Maddy C.: thank you so much it has been fun
S-Man 2105: RUN!!!!!RUN!!!!
lauren_ashleyx3: come back
Moderator: The fire alarm is still going off, so we have to leave the building.
Moderator: What excitement!
Danielle: I'll meet you again maybe at adopt a family
Ally B.: thanks nice talking to you
Mario R: You are very nice
Gerard S.: hope to speak to you again
basketballgirl09: see you at church on Thursday
S-Man 2105: RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerard S.: are you still there?
KatrinaMulan: you are an awesome person to talk to
Marisa P.: bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gerard S.: Bye!
lauren_ashleyx3: class of 2008 & 2009 rock!
Danielle: good bye
Marisa P.: I’ll remember u
KatrinaMulan: bye bye
Marisa P.: bye bye!!
Mario R: bye
KatrinaMulan: thank you again for everything
Gerard S.: thanks for the chat
lauren_ashleyx3: thanks! :]
Danielle: thank you so much
Maddy C.: thanx!!!
lauren_ashleyx3: thanks Chris!
Gerard S.: very exciting
Theresa Y.: thanks Chris
Ally B.: thanks Chris
Maddy C.: thank you Chris
Mrs. Luchonok: Thanks, Chris...this was great!!!
Danielle: Laura says thanks
Gerard S.: Bye
Marisa P.: Bye
Maddy C.: Buh bye!!! :)
Mario R: bye
Marisa P.: )
Maddy C.: :)
Ally B.: bye
Marisa P.: tell him we said bye
lauren_ashleyx3: see you all at school- right now.
Marisa P.: k
Maddy C.: :)
Ally B.: k
Mario R: Bye
Maddy C.: okay buh bye
Moderator: We just got the OK. It was a false alarm
Moderator: Thank you for joining in the chat!
Marisa P.: Is the Cardinal still there?
lauren_ashleyx3: Can we still talk to the cardinal?
Moderator: No, he has left.
lauren_ashleyx3: aww.
Marisa P.: ahhh bye
Ally B.: thanks
lauren_ashleyx3: thanks. bye!
Mario R: bye
Maddy C.: thanks so much, it is much appreciated :)
End of chat as of Fri Feb 29 20:18:30 2008 GMT
Read the transcripts from other Religious Education Congress online chats
Congress Chat History:
Beginning in 1996 on CompuServe, Cardinal Roger Mahony conducted the first nationwide, online (typing) live from Hall A at the Anaheim Convention Center. in 2001 the Cardinal suggested adding a private chat with students from a school in the Archdiocese. Since then, we have had the tradition of a private school chat.
Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez continued the tradition of a Congress Chat, and now we've expanded our chats to include regional bishops and schools from their region. This year, Bishop David O'Connell joins us for our sixth video chat with a school from his region.
with Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell of the San Gabriel Region
2019 (All Souls, Alhambra)
with Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez
2017 (St Francis of Assisi, L.A.) • 2016 (St Mary Magdalen, Camarillo) • 2015 (St Finbar School, Burbank) • 2014 (St Columbkille School, L.A.) • 2013 (St Bernard School, L.A.) • 2012 (St Dorothy School, Glendora) • 2011 (St Thomas School, L.A.)
with Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles
2010 • 2010 (St John Chrysostom School, Inglewood) • 2009 • 2009 (St Elisabeth, Van Nuys) • 2008 • 2008 (Sacred Heart, Covina) • 2007 • 2007 (St Benedict, Montebello) • 2007 (St Rita, Sierra Madre) • 2006 • 2006 (Holy Innocents, Long Beach) • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2001 • 2001 (St Jerome, Westchester) • 2001 (Holy Family, South Pasadena) • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997 • 1996
with Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark of the Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
2016 Marks 20 Years of Congress Chats — The first (typing) RECongress chat was held on Friday, February 23, 1996 on CompuServe with Cardinal Roger Mahony. Ten years later, on Friday, March 31, 2006, the Cardinal's annual chat was conducted in a room hosted on The Cardinal participated in 22 Congress chats (both nationwide and with schools) over 14 years.
At Congress 2016, Archbishop José Gomez has continued the tradition of (now, video) chats with school students from the Archdiocese. This was his sixth Congress chat (and fourth video chat) conducted from the Tech Center, located in the center of Exhibit Hall A at the Religious Education Congress. The RECongress chat are now continued through the regional bishops, while the Archbishop now holds an event on Facebnook Live.Beginning on CompuServe, the RECongress nationwide chats have been hosted by AOL Live! (1997-2000), Beliefnet (2001), (2002-2003), and (2004-2010). The school chats have been conducted on AOL (2001-2006), Yahoo (2007), Chatzy (2008-2012), Skype (2013-2014) and Google+ (2015-2016).
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CeJy �1996-2020 Office of Religious Education,
a department of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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