Transcript of online session with Cardinal Roger Mahony and students from St. Jerome School
Friday, February 16, 2001
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
For the past six years, Cardinal Roger Mahony has conducted a live chat session during the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. This year, in addition to the scheduled chat, the Cardinal went online in a private session with students from the Archdiocese. This chat with school students was conducted with eighth-graders from St. Jerome School in Los Angeles (Westchester), Calif. The Cardinal [RECongress] spoke with eight students (logged on as StJeromeLab1 through StJeromeLab10 ).
Special thanks to Sr. Donna Ann Bachman, principal of St. Jerome School, Sr. Barbara Joan Nicewander, and the school’s computer lab technician, Gabi Camberos.
The following is a transcript from that online Yahoo Chat session. (Unfortunately, there are some dropped sections indicated by ellipses.)
You are in RECongress:1 (Chat with Cardinal Mahony)
Welcome. We are at the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim.StJeromeLab1:
cool, are you going to a Duck’s game lolRECongress:
It is a great morning here in Anaheim, and so much joy and enthusiasm.StJeromeLab1: yes, I know it is
how’s the meeting going?StJeromeLab1:
So besides doing work for God, which I know is your pride and joy, what else do you enjoy in your off time?RECongress:
Let’s take a question from each group: group 1, proceedStJeromeLab6:
Are you at the convention?StJeromeLab1:
How’s the meeting going?RECongress:
The meeting is going well, the Youth Day was yesterday. Lots of young people.RECongress:
2: questionRECongress:
lab 3: questionStJeromeLab4:
Do you like to do anything like playing golf? RECongress: No golf, but a great treadmill--we all need exercise all our life long.StJeromeLab1:
I agreeStJeromeLab1:
Do you like to play any sports.StJeromeLab3:
So besides doing work for God, which I know is your pride and joy, what else do you do in your spare time?RECongress:
I used to play basketball and softball, but not as much anymore.StJeromeLab3:
that’s coolStJeromeLab4:
yes I play all sportsStJeromeLab4:
like soccer and golfStJeromeLab5:
If there was one person you could ever meet who would it be?StJeromeLab9:
do you like auto racing?StJeromeLab10:
Do you have a close relationship with God?RECongress:
The best thing about being a priest is celebrating Mass, and helping all our people.StJeromeLab3:
it’s an honor talking to youRECongress:
lab 4: questionStJeromeLab9:
I’m a huge, huge, huge, race fanRECongress:
It’s easier if I ask each group in order, otherwise we will miss someStJeromeLab6:
Mr. Skinner wants me to say hello to you, he’s visiting our school, and he just gave us a wonderful giftStJeromeLab6:
from the Fritz Burns FoundationStJeromeLab3:
who‘s your favorite basketball team, Lakers, Magic, who?StJeromeLab10:
What do you think of the energy crisis?StJeromeLab5:
If there was anyone u could meet, who would it be and why?RECongress:
Who would I like to meet? The young people who work with those suffering from earthquakes and other natural disasters.StJeromeLab5:
thank you for answering my question.RECongress:
Give my very best to Mr. Skinner--he is terrific, and their Foundation helps many people.StJeromeLab10:
Mr. Skinner says thank youStJeromeLab3:
Who’s your favorite basketball team?RECongress:
Are you all praying for those suffering from the earthquakes in El Salvador and India?StJeromeLab4:
Yes we haveStJeromeLab6:
yes, we pray for everyone in needRECongress:
We all make a difference in the world when we care for one another, both locally and internationally.StJeromeLab7:
How long have you been a cardinal?RECongress:
Ten years--I became a cardinal in June of 1991.…
some speak in SpanishStJeromeLab9:
Cardinal Mahony, who do you think will win the Daytona 500?RECongress:
I’m not sure about the Daytona. Several great drivers have never won, others have won several times. Good question.RECongress:
I travel to Rome a lot, to Washington DC for Bishops’ meetings.StJeromeLab3:
Have you been to Disneyland, since you’ve been here, in California?RECongress:
I‘ve been to Disneyland some years ago, but not to the new California Adventure.RECongress:
Have any of you ever been to Rome??StJeromeLab1:
I’ve been to Ireland and FranceRECongress:
I see the Pope each time I go to Rome, so I have been blessed in seeing him many times.StJeromeLab4:
Which is your favorite Bible book?RECongress:
I will tell the Pope how great the 8th graders are at St. Jeromes.StJeromeLab6:
how many times have you been to Rome?RECongress:
I have been to Rome about 3 to 5 times a year, for several years.StJeromeLab3:
What is your favorite section of the Bible to read?…
I agreeStJeromeLab10:
Our lunch lady says helloRECongress:
The Lunch Lady is the most important person there!!StJeromeLab4:
she says thanksStJeromeLab7:
Doris says yah babyStJeromeLab10:
The lunch lady says thank youRECongress:
Do you study the Bible in your classes?StJeromeLab9:
Have you seen or met a teacher named Sr Barbara Joan. She teaches our eighth grade.StJeromeLab1:
I thought our principal was the most important person here?StJeromeLab1:
Well, the principal is the overall most important person. But at lunchtime, she cedes that honor to the lunch lady.…
: yesStJeromeLab6:
will u be my sponsor for confirmation?StJeromeLab10
: Will you be my sponsor in Confirmation?RECongress:
Since a Confirmation sponsor must participate each week in the program, I regret that I can’t sponsor you.RECongress:
Thanks for asking, thoughStJeromeLab1
: What do you do in your spare time?RECongress:
I enjoy going on line, browsing the Internet, electronicsStJeromeLab3:
What’s your favorite music group out now?StJeromeLab10:
What kind of music do you listen to?StJeromeLab9:
What’s your favorite food?StJeromeLab7:
What kind of music do u listen to?RECongress:
Favorite music: classical, some country/western, and now much into: Who Let the Dog Out, Woof Woof!StJeromeLab5:
What’s your favorite parish to visit?RECongress:
We have 290 parishes, and I enjoy visiting all of them.StJeromeLab6:
What kind of computer do you own?RECongress:
I own a NEC laptop, and with a docking station at home, it is very versatile.StJeromeLab4:
What is your favorite part of the world????StJeromeLab10:
What kind of pets do have?StJeromeLab1:
What kind of pets do you have?StJeromeLab10:
What is your favorite pet?RECongress:
I have two cats: Miguel and Rafael, after the Archangels.StJeromeLab10
: so niceRECongress:
What is the name of your school mascot?StJeromeLab1:
We don’t have a mascotRECongress:
Do you play other schools in sports?StJeromeLab10:
What high school did you attend?RECongress:
I went to the seminary prep high school. But it does not exist anymore.StJeromeLab7:
Hola como estas?RECongress:
Estoy bien, gracias a Dios.StJeromeLab1:
What happened to it?RECongress:
We need more priests and sisters--any volunteers in your class?StJeromeLab5:
I wouldStJeromeLab1:
What city do you live in?RECongress:
Ruben, are you interested?StJeromeLab9:
I have two "yes." That’s pretty good!StJeromeLab3:
What brings tears to your eyes?StJeromeLab5:
What’s your favorite subject?StJeromeLab3:
I love shoppingRECongress:
Favorite subjects: science and history.RECongress:
Have you heard about our new Cathedral under construction downtown?StJeromeLab10:
when is it going to be finishedStJeromeLab10:
the cathedralRECongress:
Visit our Cathedral website, and click on the webcams. You can see it under construction:
You need to check out the Cathedral website, the photos change every 3 minutes.StJeromeLab6:
every three minutes? That’s niceStJeromeLab1:
it does, coolStJeromeLab6:
How often do you go to mass?RECongress:
I celebrate Mass each day, sometimes more than once if there is something special happening.StJeromeLab5:
do u celebrate the liturgy of the hours?StJeromeLab5:
and how often?RECongress:
Yes, I pray the Liturgy of the Hours each day – great praying the PsalmsStJeromeLab1:
What do you think of pop music?RECongress:
Pop music is fine, but I like music that is more enduring.StJeromeLab3:
Do you like ‘NSYNC?RECongress:
I don’t really have any favorite groups.StJeromeLab1:
N Sinc is not a good music group. That’s what I think.StJeromeLab6:
How often do you chat on the Internet?RECongress:
I chat on the Internet just now and then – about twice a monthStJeromeLab9:
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?RECongress:
Favorite ice cream: vanilla, then anything with lemon or pumpkin.StJeromeLab6:
Have you ever met Bill Clinton?StJeromeLab7:
Do you like him?StJeromeLab1:
Do you watch TV?RECongress:
Yes, I have met Bill Clinton several times.RECongress:
Pres. George Bush visited Ascension School in October, he was very impressed with our Catholic Schools.StJeromeLab3:
What do you think about visual arts? Do they interest you?StJeromeLab1:
What’s your favorite TV shows?RECongress:
I usually see the late TV news, but seldom am home for other programs.***
StJeromeLab8 is now offline.RECongress:
I like things on PBS, the Discovery Channel, and the History Channel.RECongress:
So long, 8!!StJeromeLab4:
have you flown on Air Force 1 with the pres?RECongress:
No, I have never been on Air Force One.StJeromeLab10:
I like the cathedral websiteStJeromeLab1:
I agreeStJeromeLab4:
me tooRECongress:
We are going to upgrade the Cathedral website, so it will get even better.StJeromeLab6:
That sounds interestingStJeromeLab5:
If there was one thing that you could change in American history, what would it be?RECongress:
The Cathedral will be finished in March 2002, dedicated in Sept 2002. After that, we want all our school members to visit.StJeromeLab1:
I have been on many news programs, but not other TV programsStJeromeLab4:
how old are you?RECongress:
I will be 65 in a couple of weeks – getting up there, but I feel like 50!!StJeromeLab6:
Good for uStJeromeLab1:
good for you.StJeromeLab4:
Do you like Burger King and In N Out?RECongress:
One needs to take good care of themselves, especially diet and exercise – and having a couple of great cats helps!RECongress:
Both hamburger places are great since they make the burgers fresh.StJeromeLab3:
Did you have different views about the movie "Stigmata"?RECongress:
I did not see Stigmata. Many of these are unhelpful and exaggerate.StJeromeLab1:
What’s your favorite movie, and whyRECongress:
I don’t really have a favorite movie: I try to see a few each year, but no one of them stands out.…
Where are you all going to high school?StJeromeLab5:
probably St BernardStJeromeLab4:
I would like to go to Loyola High SchoolStJeromeLab9:
Loyola High SchoolStJeromeLab1:
My choice is either Loyola high School or Bishop Montgomery High SchoolStJeromeLab10:
Probably St. MonicaStJeromeLab6:
I’d like to go to MarymountStJeromeLab3:
LA County High School for the Arts, I am such a drama queenRECongress:
All of those are great schools!!StJeromeLab1:
What activities do you like to do?RECongress:
One of my former my former hobbies was flying helicopters – lots of fun, but not much opportunity now.RECongress:
Are any of you artists? Painters? Cartoonists?StJeromeLab10:
do you like flying in airplanes?RECongress:
Yes, I love to fly…
Have you ever seen "The Mummy"?RECongress:
No, I have not seen The Mummy.StJeromeLab3:
What’s your favorite fruit?RECongress:
Favorite fruit: apricots, lemons.StJeromeLab5: What’s your favorite candy?
Candy, unfortunately, almost all kinds!StJeromeLab4:
Is St. Jerome your favorite school?StJeromeLab10:
What textbook do you use for religion in your class?StJeromeLab9:
what’s your favorite dessert?StJeromeLab4:
an old oneRECongress:
St. Jerome’s is one of my most favorite!StJeromeLab4:
we are getting new ones next yearRECongress:
An old one??StJeromeLab1:
We are learning about the Church and the Church’s history.StJeromeLab1:
It’s really interestingRECongress:
There are lots of great new textbooks on display here at the Congress. Have your principal drive down and take a look.…
St. Joseph is my real favorite. Such a good, ordinary person.StJeromeLab9:
I love camping at the Sequoias.RECongress:
I usually get up at 5:00 AM each day. Prayer follows, breakfast, then each day is different after that.StJeromeLab1:
clam chowder is my favorite foodStJeromeLab4:
I love snowboarding in MammothStJeromeLab1:
Mammoth is cool; great snows right now.RECongress:
Favorite thing each day: celebrating the Eucharist.StJeromeLab3:
Do you feel flattered when people speak highly of you?RECongress:
: Well, don’t take too seriously what people say.…
I agree.StJeromeLab10:
Do you ski or snowboard?RECongress:
The Eucharist is a great mystery of faith, so I don’t focus on the taste of the bread and wineStJeromeLab5:
have you heard that they recently have found a mummy?StJeromeLab4:
It’s been raining like crazy. Hail was falling in my neighborhoodStJeromeLab7:
What’s your most embarrassing moment in public?RECongress:
Most embarrassing moment: introducing someone using the wrong name!…
How do you feel about scientists cloning a human person next December??StJeromeLab9:
Cloning might be a good thing, but I’m not sureRECongress:
Cloning people is ethically unacceptable. Even cloning sheep has problems.StJeromeLab9:
It’s actually sickStJeromeLab10:
What kind of technology toys do you have?RECongress:
Since I’m a radio amateur, I have radio equipment. Cell phone. Computers.RECongress:
I don’t have a Palm yet, however.StJeromeLab4:
Talking to GodStJeromeLab4:
on the cell phoneStJeromeLab4:
are you aiming to get a Palm?StJeromeLab4:
I am looking at the Compaq or the HP palm devices.StJeromeLab3:
Do you pray for yourself when you are sick?RECongress:
Sure, we all pray that God will heal us when we are ill. Christ the Healer is a great patron.StJeromeLab3:
What’s your favorite gospel song?StJeromeLab9:
What’s your favorite psalm?RECongress:
Favorite Psalm: probably 23.StJeromeLab4:
No favorite Gospel song. So many out now.StJeromeLab4:
Lunch lady is bragging that you think she is specialStJeromeLab9:
Do you have like an electronic agenda scheduleStJeromeLab4:
I was just giving my aunt a hard timeStJeromeLab4:
What do you like to do on the weekends, weekdaysRECongress:
Have you ever visited the website for the Bishops’ Conference? It has all kinds of great links so you can look up everything.StJeromeLab1:
not yetStJeromeLab5:
No, I will throughRECongress:
Check out the website: http://www.nccbuscc.orgRECongress:
Or it could be .comStJeromeLab6:
thanks for the siteRECongress:
What neat about that site is that you can look up anything about the Church.StJeromeLab6:
the website that you recommended is very interestingStJeromeLab4: i
t’s really coolStJeromeLab10:
It even has movie reviews!! LOLStJeromeLab3:
What’s your favorite Church symbol?RECongress:
Favorite Church symbol: the Dove, and the Candle.StJeromeLab1:
cool, I like the fire of the Holy SpiritStJeromeLab1:
When will you visit St. Jerome School?RECongress:
I usually don’t visit the grammar schools. There are 229 of the, and only one of meStJeromeLab10:
Are you going to St. Jeromes to say a massStJeromeLab10:
this yearStJeromeLab1:
Will you be visiting, any time, I would like to meet you in personRECongress:
I have been several times, your parish is very convenient for many, so we have big events there.…
Have you even been surfing in your life?StJeromeLab9:
I like when God speaks to me when I am downStJeromeLab10:
Are you going to celebrate mass this school year at our school?RECongress:
A better idea: bring the entire 8th grade to visit the Archdiocese Pastoral Center on Wilshire, then I can meet you there.StJeromeLab3:
What encouraged you to be a priest?StJeromeLab4:
we’ll tell SisterS
StJeromeLab1: YEAStJeromeLab4:
are you seriousStJeromeLab4:
do you want to see all of usStJeromeLab4:
we’ll try to convince our teacher, because our class is bigRECongress:
Yes, please come for a visit. We have had lots of 8th graders come through. We can help set it up.StJeromeLab4:
oh coolRECongress:
They give you a tour of various floors and offices, then I get to meet you and take a photo with you.StJeromeLab8:
That would be greatStJeromeLab3:
Do you think highly of your accomplishments?…
Me too (eddie)StJeromeLab5:
me three (jenn)StJeromeLab4:
same as Sister BJ [Barbara Joan]RECongress:
Thanks so very much for chatting with me today! Come and visit! God bless you!StJeromeLab1:
me four (Ruben)StJeromeLab4:
peace outStJeromeLab1:
praise GodStJeromeLab4:
Best WishesStJeromeLab1:
see yaStJeromeLab6:
good luckStJeromeLab5:
thanks for the wonderful websiteStJeromeLab6:
thanks for the websitesStJeromeLab9:
good bye, hope to see you in the near futureStJeromeLab7:
Hope to meet you later next week, thank you for the wonderful website.StJeromeLab5:
nice chatting with uStJeromeLab4:
Thanks for the web sitesStJeromeLab7:
Hope to do this againStJeromeLab3:
just do it, like Nike says (ALANA)© 2001 Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Read the transcripts from other Religious Education Congress online chats
Congress Chat History:
Beginning in 1996 on CompuServe, Cardinal Roger Mahony conducted the first nationwide, online (typing) live from Hall A at the Anaheim Convention Center. in 2001 the Cardinal suggested adding a private chat with students from a school in the Archdiocese. Since then, we have had the tradition of a private school chat.
Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez continued the tradition of a Congress Chat, and now we've expanded our chats to include regional bishops and schools from their region. This year, Bishop David O'Connell joins us for our sixth video chat with a school from his region.
with Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell of the San Gabriel Region
2019 (All Souls, Alhambra)
with Los Angeles Archbishop José Gomez
2017 (St Francis of Assisi, L.A.) • 2016 (St Mary Magdalen, Camarillo) • 2015 (St Finbar School, Burbank) • 2014 (St Columbkille School, L.A.) • 2013 (St Bernard School, L.A.) • 2012 (St Dorothy School, Glendora) • 2011 (St Thomas School, L.A.)
with Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles
2010 • 2010 (St John Chrysostom School, Inglewood) • 2009 • 2009 (St Elisabeth, Van Nuys) • 2008 • 2008 (Sacred Heart, Covina) • 2007 • 2007 (St Benedict, Montebello) • 2007 (St Rita, Sierra Madre) • 2006 • 2006 (Holy Innocents, Long Beach) • 2005 • 2004 • 2003 • 2001 • 2001 (St Jerome, Westchester) • 2001 (Holy Family, South Pasadena) • 2000 • 1999 • 1998 • 1997 • 1996
with Auxiliary Bishop Edward Clark of the Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region
2016 Marks 20 Years of Congress Chats — The first (typing) RECongress chat was held on Friday, February 23, 1996 on CompuServe with Cardinal Roger Mahony. Ten years later, on Friday, March 31, 2006, the Cardinal's annual chat was conducted in a room hosted on The Cardinal participated in 22 Congress chats (both nationwide and with schools) over 14 years.
At Congress 2016, Archbishop José Gomez has continued the tradition of (now, video) chats with school students from the Archdiocese. This was his sixth Congress chat (and fourth video chat) conducted from the Tech Center, located in the center of Exhibit Hall A at the Religious Education Congress. The RECongress chat are now continued through the regional bishops, while the Archbishop now holds an event on Facebnook Live.Beginning on CompuServe, the RECongress nationwide chats have been hosted by AOL Live! (1997-2000), Beliefnet (2001), (2002-2003), and (2004-2010). The school chats have been conducted on AOL (2001-2006), Yahoo (2007), Chatzy (2008-2012), Skype (2013-2014) and Google+ (2015-2016).
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