January 13, 1967
6500 to Attend Catechists' Congress
Approximately 6500 persons have registered for the first Southern California Regional Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.
The three-day Congress opens tonight, Friday, at 8 p .m. with a general assembly in the main ballroom of the International Hotel, Century Blvd. at Sepulveda.
Because of the heavy enrollment for, the Congress some sessions have been scheduled at the nearby Holiday Inn. Some courses have been booked solid and Congress officials have had to turn down many requests for registration.
The Congress is co-sponsored by the Confraternities of the Monterey-Fresno and San Diego Dioceses and the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
Its purpose, according to CCD officials, is "to provide an atmosphere of Christian unity and learning where all who attend may advance scholastically and spiritually for the benefit of each and the common good of all mankind."
In assessing the purpose of the Congress, Msgr. John K. Clarke, Archdiocesan Confraternity director, said its effects would accrue to the benefit of the community at large by enhancing moral values.
Bishop John J. Ward will preside at tonight's general assembly. His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIntyre is expected to preside at Saturday morning's general assembly.
Bishop Timothy Manning will be celebrant of Mass at noon Saturday and Bishop Francis J. Furey of San Diego will preside at the general assembly Saturday evening. Msgr. Clarke will preside at Sunday's opening assembly.
Participants have a choice of 61 courses prepared especially for the Congress, according to Father Leland J. Boyer, Congress chairman and assistant director of the Los Angeles Confraternity.
Registration for six-hour special training courses closed last Monday. The courses start Saturday and will be continued Sunday.
For those who did not elect the six-hour courses, three-hour courses have been arranged for Saturday and Sunday. In addition, enrichment courses are open to all both days.
Among speakers at the three-day Congress will be Father Charles Sheslo, University of San Diego professor; Mrs. Robert Uhl, Archdiocesan district chairman from Long Beach; Mrs. Marjorie Miller, exceptional children's program chairman from Pasadena; Sister M. Aloyse, I.H.M., chairman of Immaculate Heart College's psychology department; Sister M. Joseph, S.H.F., of Holy Family College, San Jose; Msgr. Lawrence Gibson, Archdiocesan director of Vocations; and Brother Harold Frank, F.S.C., of La Salle High School.
Certificates of achievement will be awarded upon successful completion of nine selected six-hour special courses, according to Fr. Boyer.
The Congress will close with Mass Sunday at 5 p.m.
Copyright 1967, 2005 The Tidings -- January 13, 1967
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