Appearing in The Tidings Newspaper - Friday, February 9, 2001
"The Past History of the Religious Education Congress"
The first Southern California Confraternity Congress was held January 13‑15, 1967, at the International Hotel near Los Angeles International Airport, with a registration fee of $5. The theme was adopted from the words of Pope John XXIII in his opening address to the Second Vatican Council:"The greatest concern of the Ecumenical Council is this: that the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine should be guarded and taught more efficaciously.”
"From these words the decrees of Vatican II have formulated for Christians everywhere certain duties: to learn; to live and to share more fully the message of salvation, " the pre-event materials stated. "The Southern California Confraternity Congress hopes to provide an atmosphere of Christian unity.. and learning, where all who attend may advance scholastically and spiritually for the benefit of each and the common good of all."
At the second CCD Congress February 2‑4, 1968 (also at the International Hotel), registration remained $5, with, self‑parking 50 cents, $1 or valet. The theme: "The unmistakable work being done today by the Holy Spirit in making the laity ever more conscious of their own responsibility and encouraging them to serve Christ and the church m all circumstances."
The third Congress (February 21‑23, 1969) was the last at the International Hotel, and was the first to incorporate Scripture in its theme: "How beautiful on the mountains, are the feet of one who brings good news, who heralds peace, brings happiness, proclaims salvation, and tells Zion, `Your God is king' " (Isaiah 52:7).
In 1970, Congress moved to the Anaheim Convention Center (February 20‑22), where registration was $5 for one day or per workshop; $10 for two days. The first day was a Youth Conference for high school students only.
The March 26‑28, 1971 Congress carried the theme "You Shall be my Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth" (Acts 1:8), while the February 18‑20, 1972, Congress was a 50th Jubilee celebration of the creation of the CCD in Los Angeles.
In 1973, the event was retitled the Religious Education Congress, and bilingual themes were adopted in 1979.
A list of Congress dates and themes:
March 1‑4, 1973: Who Do You Say 1 Am?
February 7‑10, 1974: Jesus, Others, You
February 27‑March 2, 1975: Praise, Pilgrim Rejoice
February 12‑15, 1976: Free to Live
February10‑13, 1977: Come Follow Me
February 2‑5, 1978: Doing the Truth in Love
February l‑4, 1979: He Calls Us Each By Name/¡Nos Llama por Nuestro Nombre!
March 6‑9, 1980: Family Together in His Love /Familia Unida por su Amor
February12‑15, 1981: Many Gifts – One Lord/Diversos Domes Pero un solo Señor
February 11‑14, 1982: Growing in Age, Wisdom, Favor/Creciendo Edad, Sabiuría, Favor Favor
March 17‑20, 1983: Making alt Things New to Christ/Haciendo Todas las Cosas Nuevas en Cristo
March 22‑25, 1984: The Lord is With Us/El Señor está con Nosotros
January 24‑27, 1985: Journeys Together in Faith/Caminar Juntos en Fe
February 13‑16, 1986: The Word is in Your Heart/La Palabra está en su Corazón
March 12‑15, 1987: Sent to be a Blessing/Enviados a ser una Benedición
March 10‑13, 1988: We are God's Work of Art/Somos Obra de Arte de Dios
April 20‑23, 1989: Proclaim God's Glory/Proclama la Gloria de Dios
January 25‑28, 1990: Voices that Challenge/Voces que Desafían
February 14‑17, 1991: Waters of the Earth/Aguas de la Tierra
March 19‑22, 1992: On Holy Ground/En Tierra Santa
February 18‑21, 1993: Compassion Poured Out/Companion Derramada
February 17‑20, 1994: Live the Promise/Vive la Promesa
February 16‑19, 1995: Passion for Justice/Pasión por la Justicia
March 21‑24, 1996: God's Liberating Power/Poder Liberador de Dios
February13‑16, 1997: Embrace and Echo the Word/Abraza y Haz Eco la Palabra
February19‑22, 1998: Imaging Love: Empowering Lives/Reflejando Amor: Dando Poder
February 11‑14, 1999: Lead with Eyes of Wisdom/Dirige con Ojos de Sabiduría
April 6‑9, 2000: Embrace Hope: Shout Jubilee!/Despierta la Esperanza: Grita Jubileo
February 15‑18, 2001: Clothed in Love, Summoned Beyond/Vestidos en Amor, Llamados al más allá.
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