2016 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, February 27, 2016
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
Come and celebrate the Holy Year of Mercy, convoked by Pope Francis, with GIA artists Tony Alonso, Jeanne Cotter, Chris de Silva, David Haas, Marty Haugen, Fr. Michael Joncas, Liam Lawton, Donna Peña and friends, as they present beautiful songs on compassion, forgiveness and care, intertwined with moments of reflection, readings from Scripture and prayer. During this session, we will embody the Pope’s call for us to be merciful, and inspire those assembled to put their faith into action.
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso, among the prominent voices in contemporary liturgical music, has recently released “A House of Prayer” with GIA Publications. He presents at workshops and conferences across North America and Europe. Alonso formerly served as Director of Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is currently a doctoral student at Emory University in Atlanta.
Jeanne Cotter
Jeanne Cotter is a liturgical composer, author, parish mission director and prolific inspirational speaker. For over a decade she has performed her original songs throughout the United States and Canada. Cotter shares a bounty of knowledge, grounded in her own story and what she calls “the authority of experience.” Her latest works include “Tender Hearted.”
Chris de Silva
Chris de Silva is a composer, arranger and recording artist with GIA Publications and has appeared at national conferences and diocesan and parish retreats around the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. De Silva has served several parishes in the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is presently Associate Director of Music and Liturgy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
David Haas
David Haas is a member of the Campus Ministry team at Cretin-Derham Hall High School in St. Paul, Minn., where he is also founder and Executive Director of “Music and Ministry Alive!” Haas has been a concert performer and recording artist for over 30 years, and has spoken internationally and authored over 20 books and composed over 50 original recordings with GIA.
Marty Haugen
For more than 35 years, composer Marty Haugen has presented workshops, concerts and presentations across North and Central America, Europe, Australia and the Pacific Rim. Haugen has over 35 recordings and 400 published editions; his works appear in hymnals for United States, Canadian and Australian Catholics, Evangelical Lutherans and other Protestant denominations.
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas
Composer, author and speaker, Fr. Michael Joncas is Artist in Residence and Research Fellow in Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. Fr. Joncas is author of six books and over 200 articles and reviews in journals including Worship and Ecclesia Orans. He is also composer and arranger of over 300 pieces of liturgical music.
Liam Lawton
Liam Lawton is a priest of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland, where he serves as Director of Music. He has recorded 16 collections of music and has written two books. Fr. Lawton has recorded a number of TV specials including two on PBS. He has presented at conferences in Europe and across the United States, and is one of the most frequent L.A. Congress presenters.
Donna Peña
Donna Peña is a musician, composer, playwright and visual artist, whose work is wrapped in her Mexican and Cherokee Indian heritage. Peña is a conference presenter and performance artist who has published with GIA, OCP and WLP. Formerly musician/manager for Mariachi Flor y Canto, she currently performs with her family as La Familia Torres-Peña Music Group.
5-02 Molehill to Mountaintop: Transforming Everyday Prayer into Profound Moments of Grace as a Young Adult
Clarissa Valbuena Aljentera (bio 3-02)
There are dull and difficult moments in our week that make us blind to God’s mercy and grace. As young adults, we may find that our spiritual gas tank is always on empty. We will examine ways in our busy and over-connected lives that can draw us closer to God no matter how small or insignificant they seem. The guides for our conversation will be the lives of saints, Sacred Scripture and Scripture-based rap.
5-03 Reverse Thinking: The Joy of the Gospel Reveals that Everything is Under Review
This workshop will offer liturgical and pastoral strategies through the lens of mercy. By first identifying what the result of worship is, we are able to develop strategies that will create worship and catechesis relevant to the people of God in their everyday lives. John Angotti brings his experience in parish and school life, his expertise in pastoral studies, and years of traveling as a music missionary to share what thinking in reverse can do for your school or parish programs.
John Angotti
Based in Memphis, Tenn., John Angotti is a fulltime music missionary providing concerts, workshops, retreats and worship. He is a frequent presenter at parish missions as well as regional and diocesan conferences across the United States and abroad. Angotti is an accomplished composer, with numerous publications under the World Library Publications label. In 2013, John Angotti Music Mission (JAMM) debuted his original musical, “Job: The NOW Testament.”
5-04 Building Bridges to the Heart of Discipleship
As people who lead or serve in our parish, we know how important it is to help others grow in faith and embrace living as good stewards, as people who recognize that all they are and have are gifts from God, and to return these gifts with gratitude. Explore how each of us, and our parishes, may build bridges to those around us, making a difference in the lives of family members, friends and fellow parishioners, and building a stronger parish as we do so.
Leisa Anslinger
Leisa Anslinger is Co-Director of Catholic Life and Faith, a pastoral resource center for stewardship leaders. She is co-author of the Bridges Leadership Series, including “Building Bridges to the Heart of Discipleship” and “Turning Hearts to Christ.” Anslinger is a founding team member of the Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community. She is a presenter at national, regional and diocesan conferences and in-service days, and speaks and writes on catechesis, stewardship, parish engagement and strengths development.
5-05 Reaching the Next Generation of Ministry Leaders: A Mission of Mercy
In this session, we will look at the “world” in which our youth live and how we can best reach them with the Gospel message so they can share it with their peers. We will look at the best ways to share faith with young people and how to empower them to do the same with those around them.
Dr. Ansel Augustine
Dr. Ansel Augustine has worked for over 15 years in his hometown of New Orleans, and is presently Director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He also serves on the faculty at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana and is on the Board for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. Dr. Augustine has presented workshops at youth rallies and national conferences around the country and has written several publications related to ministry.
5-06 Formation of Unbaptized Children and Teens in the RCIA
This session will address challenges and strategies regarding the formation of unbaptized children and teens within the framework of the four periods of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We will explore what the RCIA intends: that there is only one catechumenate rite – not a separate rite for children and one for teens – adapted in an age-appropriate manner for each specific age group. We will consider the vision of the rite in tandem with the practical, living reality of family life in most parishes.
5-07 Songs of Mercy and Celebration: Echoing the Message of Jubilee
John Burland (bio 2-07)
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we have been called to be “merciful like the Father” and to share the Good News that God loves us. John Burland will share a variety of engaging songs that celebrate and affirm God’s mercy and love in our world. These songs are suitable for children at the elementary level and incorporate gesture, traditional prayer and communal song. Come join us as we echo in song the message of Pope Francis in this Jubilee Year of Mercy.
5-08 “Reaching the Multitudes” – Effective Content and Viral Concepts
Dallas Carter Jr. (bio 3-05)
Many catechetical leaders have started using social media as a great way to engage the New Evangelization. However, questions remain on how to reach the multitudes. In this session, we will discuss the most effective “traction” and “retention” techniques to build your online presence.
5-09 Life Changes: Swim or Struggle?
Changes and transitions, whether chosen or imposed, are an inevitable part of life. However, we can often confuse the two and experience unnecessary suffering and anxiety. In this workshop, we will look at the states of transition and develop a spirituality that will help us negotiate smoothly and happily the many changes we face as we progress through our lives.
Rev. James Clarke, PhD
Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of Spiritual Formation and Assistant Professor of Spiritual Theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. With an extensive academic background in the fields of spirituality, adult education and counseling, Fr. Clarke also serves as Chair of the Spirituality Commission for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and as Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. He is fluent in English and Spanish and his work has taken him around the globe.
5-10 Spirituality for Blended Families: A Stepmom’s Story of Finding Faith, Following Love and Feeding a Family
With over 23 million blended families in the United States today, one in three people is a member of a step-family. After marrying a widower with three young children, Robin Davis learned firsthand the unique challenges for communication, parenting and sharing faith in a blended family. She will share her experiences of how she used food to connect with her new family and how her new family restored her faith.
Robin Davis
Robin Davis is Editorial Director at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where she works as Editor of their award-winning alumni magazine. Before joining the staff at Kenyon, she was Food Editor for the Columbus Dispatch. Born and raised in Ohio, Davis spent 13 years on the West Coast as a restaurant critic and food writer for the San Francisco Chronicle and as Assistant Editor at Bon Appétit magazine in Los Angeles. Her latest book, “Recipe For Joy,” was published in spring 2013.
5-11 Mercy in the Street and in the Home
God’s boundless mercy is the core of the Gospel we proclaim. How do we get this urgent message through the church doors and onto the streets? Come share how your rebuilt, amazing parish broadcasts the mercy message. We will share best practices.
Msgr. Raymond G. East
The grandson of Baptist missionaries to South Africa, Ray East was born in Newark, N.J., and raised in San Diego, Calif. Now a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., he served in six local parishes before being named Pastor at St. Teresa of Avila Church. Msgr. East formerly served as Director for the Office of Black Catholics and Vicar for Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. The popular RECongress speaker continues to present workshops, facilitations and keynote addresses at major national events.
5-12 Transgender in the Church: One Bread, One Body
Gender identity and expression – even the word “transgender” – have found their way into secular and ecclesial discourse. Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice will speak from a decade of experience ministering with transgender and other marginalized Catholics as he moderates a panel with Fr. Bryan Massingale and two transgender Catholics. Fr. Massingale will consider theological and pastoral perspectives, and the transgender Catholics will offer narratives of their spiritual journeys. All will suggest ways we can respond to those who are transgender or discerning their gender identity. Insights from Church history, theology and bioethics will help explore the beauty of gender diversity within our faith communities.
Arthur Fitzmaurice, PhD
Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice is Resource Director of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry, based in Atlanta. He formerly served as Chair for the Los Angeles Archdiocese Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons and has received the Archdiocese’s Lumen Christi and Cardinal’s Young Adult in Ministry Award. Dr. Fitzmaurice has contributed to America Media and appears in the Ignatian News Network’s YouTube series on pastoral care of LGBT Catholics.
Fr. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
Fr. Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wis., has served as a seminary and university professor for 20 years and currently is Associate Professor of Theology at Marquette University. A noted authority on Catholic moral theology and social ethics, Fr. Massingale has addressed most national Catholic conferences and numerous colleges and universities. He is a previous RECongress Keynoter and past President of the Catholic Theological Society of America and Convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium.
5-13 The Sacrament of Boundless Mercy: Pondering the Seven Gifts of the Eucharist
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni (bio 1-05)
The Eucharist is the third and climatic moment of Initiation into the Body of Christ. It is the sacrament of God’s inestimable mercy, offered to the Church by Christ in the Holy Spirit. Examine the depth of this mercy and learn the seven gifts that are offered to us and to all creation as we “proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again!” Consider this conference session, and walk in wisdom with this sacrament of boundless mercy!
5-14 Why You Always Marry the Wrong Person: Toward a Practical Spirituality of Marriage
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz (bio 4-10)
One of the greatest challenges facing contemporary marriage is our culture’s obsession with romance and passion and a belief that God has chosen one perfect person to be our life partner. This workshop will challenge the issue with a more bracing and practical spirituality of marriage aimed at sustaining the marriage commitment for a lifetime.
What is “beautiful” and why is it what it is? What is it about music, poetry or a sunrise that so uplifts and delights the human spirit? Why does beauty captivate and evoke joy, awe and wonder? What secret power does it possess that enables it to touch and transform us? Beauty is the glow of the true and the good radiating from every ordered state of being. God reveals the true, the good and the beautiful through the wonders of nature, the universe, humankind, Jesus and the power of Love.
Darrell Hall
Darrell Hall is the former Principal at St. Thomas More Collegiate in Burnaby, British Colombia, Canada. He has taught religious education for 35 years and has spoken at national conferences across Canada, including the Catholic Educator’s Conference, Catholic Christian Outreach’s “Rise Up” conferences, and Reverence for Life conferences, in addition to various parishes, senior high schools and retreats. Hall has published a book on Christian apologetics entitled, “I Am Convinced: God, the Truth and You.”
5-16 Our Vocation Is Love: Called to Be a Catholic Artist
Twenty years ago, Heather King traded lawyering for the precarious life of a creative writer. Since then, she’s published several memoirs and now writes the arts-and-culture column for the Los Angeles archdiocesan newspaper. Her watchwords: obedience, fidelity, integrity. Her material: the tragicomedy of daily life. Her “marketing strategy”: Christ. Join Heather as she discusses mining families, friends and complete strangers for stories; how to pay rent while earning slave wages; and the bountiful rewards of freedom, joy and wild-card opportunities that come with following your heart’s true desire. As Thérèse of Lisieux observed, “Our vocation is love!”
Heather King
Heather King is a sober alcoholic, a former attorney and author of several memoirs. Her column, “Credible Witnesses,” appears monthly in Magnificat magazine and she writes weekly for The Tidings, the Los Angeles Archdiocese newspaper. King blogs and is author, most recently, of “Stumble: Virtue, Vice and the Space Between.” She has been a keynote speaker at a variety of parishes, universities and conferences, including the 2014 Catholic Media Association Conference. She also leads recovery and Catholic retreats nationwide.
5-17 From Surviving to Thriving
Cunning, baffling and powerful, addiction affects us all, directly or indirectly. This presentation will be of interest to those wanting to recover from any addiction, those struggling to journey with them, and anyone seeking to learn more about the addictive process and the 12-Step program. We will address being fully human, dealing with emotions, the nature of addiction, the importance of fellowship, forgiveness, mercy, grieving and the healing power of the 12 Steps. We will also explore the unique way first nations, Judeo-Christian and 12-Step spirituality come together to form a spirituality of recovery.
Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie, OMI
Archbishop Sylvain Lavoie, a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, has spent over 30 years ministering among the aboriginal peoples of north and central Saskatchewan, Canada. In 2006, he was appointed Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Keewatin-The Pas, Manitoba, Canada, and retired as Archbishop Emeritus. Archbishop Sylvain’s new role is as Chaplain and Spiritual Director at the North Retreat Center in St. Albert, Alberta. The accomplished author’s latest book is titled, “Walk A New Path” about addictions awareness.
5-18 Reaching the Marginalized
Wake up now, because there’s nothing easy in this session. Jesse Manibusan will share “the three easy steps” to reach the marginalized: Honesty, humility, and a courageous compassion are the way of the missionary disciple. Let us bring our faith, hope and joy, along with our oft-hidden skepticism, arrogance and assumptions. Be surprised, invigorated, informed and inspired. And bring friends!
Jesse Manibusan
Evangelizer, energizer and encourager, Jesse Manibusan has over 30 years in ministry as a liturgical minister, youth worker, parish associate, catechist, parish mission and retreat director. Founder of Over the Fence ministries, Manibusan has presented at conferences worldwide, including national youth and pastoral musician conferences and international World Youth Days in Denver, Toronto, Rome, Cologne, Sydney, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. He has a number of CDs published with Oregon Catholic Press.
5-19 Renewing the Face of the Earth: Scriptural Support for Laudato Si'
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen (bio 1-16)
Pope Francis made rich use of the Scriptures to support his critically important teaching on the relationship between humanity and the rest of creation. This workshop will examine this treatment and then expand beyond it to equip catechists and preachers with the tools necessary to use the Scriptures as effectively as possible. The goal is to build a deeper consciousness of the value of the created world and our relationship with it.
5-20 Making Core Values into Core Memories: The “Inside Out” of Values and Virtues in Media
As cinema continues to tell us who we are and ought to be, this interactive presentation will consider the place of character education in basic human formation within the context of popular culture and film specifically. Participants will be led in an exercise to articulate and teach values and examine how these can bridge life and faith, integrating catechesis and spirituality in everyday life. A resource booklet will be provided.
Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP
Sr. Rose Pacatte, a Daughter of St. Paul, is a media literacy education specialist, author, noted print and online film and television critic, and an online facilitator for the University of Dayton’s catechetical Virtual Learning Community. Most recently she taught a communication and media literacy course in Nairobi, Kenya, and served on the Catholic jury at the Venice Film Festival in 2015. Sr. Pacatte is Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Culver City, Calif. Her latest book is “Martin Sheen: Pilgrim on the Way.”
5-21 Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues …
Sr. Helen Prejean is a storyteller from the South. During this session, she will relate how she became involved with the Ministry Against the Death Penalty and stories about the many special people she has met along the way. Having witnessed and accompanied six men to their execution, she is passionate about the mission of abolishing the death penalty. She sees no dignity or justice in this punishment.
Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ
Sr. Helen Prejean, a member of the Congregation of St. Joseph, is author of “Dead Man Walking.” The human rights activist speaker has been instrumental in sparking national dialogue on the death penalty and helping shape the Catholic Church’s newly vigorous opposition to state executions. Based in New Orleans, Sr. Prejean travels the world speaking about her ministry. She is presently at work on another book, “River of Fire: My Spiritual Journey.”
5-22 Synod on the Family: What Happened, Why It Matters
Thomas J. Reese, SJ (bio 2-24)
What happened at Ocober’s Synod on the Family, and why does it matter? Topics will include the process, divorce and Communion, annulments, church treatment of gays, and how it can support families in crisis.
5-23 The Spirituality of Administration: Pathways for Inspirational Leadership
“Me, an administrator?! How did that happen?” We might not want to think of ourselves as administrators but there is a reason the word “administration” has the word “ministry” imbedded within it. Combining humor with practical insight, coupled with her experience as a parish and diocesan leader, Julianne Stanz will outline creative and practical pathways for leadership and administration with a deep focus on cultivating the spiritual values necessary for inspirational leadership.
Julianne Stanz
Originally from Ireland, Julianne Stanz is a nationally known speaker, retreat leader and storyteller with workshop and presentation experience both locally and nationally. She is Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., where she was Adult Faith Formation and Young Adult Ministry Director. Stanz also serves as a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization, and is co-author, with Joe Paprocki, of the book, “The Catechist’s Backpack.”
5-24 The Lost Art of Sacred Symbols
For centuries, we have surrounded ourselves with Christian symbols. We place them in our churches, our homes, our towns and even around our necks. Sad to say, many people have lost the art of interpreting these symbols and thus have lost access to these daily reminders of our faith. In this workshop, we will look at the origin and role of some of the most important Christian symbols. We will discuss ways in which to return these symbols to their due place of importance in our liturgy, in our catechesis and in our lives.
Johan M. J. van Parys, PhD
Since 1995, Dr. Johan van Parys has served as Director of Liturgy and the Sacred Arts at The Basilica of Saint Mary in Minneapolis. He is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Theology at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minn., and a national consultant and speaker for RCL Benzinger. Dr. van Parys is a liturgical and art consultant for numerous dioceses, cathedrals and parishes. He is author of two books and several magazine pieces, a monthly contributor to Liguorian magazine and writes a weekly blog.
5-25 Spiritual Care for Your Choir & Music Ministers
An active spiritual life that is linked to music helps us be authentic and inspiring music ministers. Come and explore this journey from personal prayer through music rehearsal to Sunday worship.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is an internationally known church composer, speaker on liturgical music, and choral conductor. He served as Director of Music for the Clifton Cathedral in the United Kingdom for 18 years and now is Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles. A conductor of choirs and orchestras in England and the United States, Walker travels the globe giving workshops and lectures on church music and liturgy, choral and cantor techniques and children’s spirituality.
5-26 Moving with God’s Inexhaustible Mercy Within Us
The Gospel often calls us to be like little children with their boundless energy and loving spirits. It invites us to dance with their spirit and that of the angels, the promise of heaven just before us. Come enjoy this sacred recreation and the joy of God with us, Emmanuel. This interactive workshop will be led by John West, Artistic Director of the Valyermo Dancers. All levels of experience are welcome.
John West, Obl OSB, MEd, MA
John West, an oblate of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, Calif., is President of Nardin Academy in Buffalo, N.Y. His experience with the Religious Education Congress began in 1970, and since 1991, he has served on the Congress Liturgy Committee. West is an national and international workshop leader and lecturer in the field of medieval, sacred and liturgical dance at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the University of Nations in Kona, Hawaii, and Bathurst College in Australia.
Vietnamese Workshop (Youth Leadership in the Church: An Everyday Journey of Holiness)![]()
Empower youth leaders and catechists with the means to become protagonists of their faith formation, showing youth with their example how to become leaders by being good Christians and honest citizens.
Sơ Đỗ Vương, FMA
Năm 1979 Sơ Đỗ Vương và gia đình rời Việt Nam bằng thuyền đến Thái Lan và đã lưu lại Thái Lan 5 tháng. Sau đó chính phủ Hoa Kỳ cho phép gia đình Sơ vào định cư tại Hoa Kỳ. Sơ lớn lên tại Nam California và sinh hoạt với giới trẻ đoàn Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể. Sau 6 năm làm việc với nghề trị liệu. Sơ theo tiếng gọi của Chúa và đã gia nhập Dòng Daughters of Mary Help of Christians năm 2003 và khấn lần cuối 2013. Hiện tại Sơ Đỗ Vương là Giáo sư Toán lớp Tiểu học và cũng là Bề trên nhà ở Laredo, Texas.
Sr. Vuong Do, FMA
In 1979, Sr. Vuong Do and her family escaped Vietnam by boat to Thailand. She lived with her family in Thailand for five months before her family could emigrate to America. She grew up in Southern California and worked with the Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth for nearly two decades. After six years as an occupational therapist, she joined the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in 2003 and taught religion at the elementary and junior high levels and helped prepare young adults in missionary work. Sr. Do made her final vows in 2013. She is currently a junior high math teacher and Superior for her community in Laredo, Texas.
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