2016 RECongress Period 1
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 26, 2016
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
1-01 Moral Loneliness in Our Lives and Ministry: The Deeper Reality Beneath Our Longing for a Soul Mate
Our deepest loneliness is not emotional, but moral. More than longing for someone to sleep with sexually, we long for someone to sleep with morally. In our depth, we often feel we are unanimity-minus-one, hence our poignant longing for a soul mate. What is moral loneliness? From where does it derive? What’s its role in our spiritual journey? How does it play out in our lives? What is its invitation to a deeper grace, and what are its specific dangers?
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is a community-builder, lecturer and writer. He has taught at the college level and served as Provincial Superior of his Oblate Province and as General Council for the Oblates in Rome. Fr. Rolheiser is currently President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. His books have been translated into many languages, and his weekly column is carried by more than 80 papers worldwide.
Our world is increasingly a media world. Teens are constantly wired, plugged in, communicating. Media devices are potential portals for connection, entertainment, education, information and inspiration. But they also have a dark side. Who is helping young people navigate their social media world? Are we adults giving them media skills, tools and modeling good media habits? This workshop will offer insight and life hacks to help teens (and everyone!) be media-savvy, media-literate and media-virtuous.
Sr. Helena Burns, FSP
Sr. Helena Burns, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, is a movie reviewer for Life Teen. She is writer-director of the documentary on the life of Blessed Fr. James Alberione, founder of the Daughters of St. Paul, a co-producer on www.The40Film.com, and on the vocation team for the Daughters of St. Paul. Sr. Burns has presented media literacy talks and seminars since the 1990s, and since 2006 she has presented Theology of the Body talks to teens and adults across the United States and Canada.
1-03 Is Your Heart in the Eucharist of Jesus?
Is the Eucharist of Jesus the heart of your life? Why would you answer “yes” to this question? And why would you answer “no”? Do you wish the Eucharist of Jesus were the heart of your life? In this session, Fr. Bob Fabing will take an in-depth look at these questions, bringing to light the gift of this sacrament and the driving force of Christ Jesus that is home to all people. Fr. Bob will use his music and poetry to aid in pondering these questions and seeking their resolutions.
Robert Fabing, SJ
Fr. Bob Fabing has founded 89 marriage counseling and family therapy centers – The Jesuit Institute for Family Life International Network – with locations on five continents. He is also founder and Director of the 36-Day program in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos, Calif., where he lives. Fr. Fabing is composer of 12 CDs of liturgical music with Oregon Catholic Press and author of five books.
1-04 Many More Stories & Songs of Jesus
Experiencing the joy of children listening to the true simplicity of the Gospel message and responding from their own profound spirituality can be very rewarding and enriching for us. Children’s natural spirituality is deepened by hearing Gospel stories and then singing Gospel songs written just for them. Join Christopher Walker and Sr. Paule Freeburg to see how fulfilling it is to share “Many More Stories and Songs of Jesus” with young children.
Sr. Paule Freeburg, DC
Sr. Paule Freeburg, a Daughter of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, is the Western Region Spiritual Advisor for the St. Vincent de Paul Society and based in Mountain View, Calif. She has an extensive background in religious education for children and adults. For the past 25 years, Sr. Freeburg and Chris Walker have written and published biblical material for children, and she has written song and prayer texts for many well-known collections of children’s music.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is an internationally known church composer, choral conductor and speaker. He served as Director of Music for the Clifton Cathedral in the United Kingdom for 18 years and now is Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles. A conductor of choirs and orchestras in England and the United States, Walker travels the globe giving workshops and lectures on church music and liturgy, choral and cantor techniques and children’s spirituality.
1-05 The Newly Revised and Translated Rite of Marriage: A Way to Celebrate Love, Communion and Covenant
Marriage liturgies are opportunities to celebrate the core values of our Christian faith. Study the newly revised and translated rite of marriage and consider pastoral recommendations that could revitalize the depth of this liturgical moment in the life of the parish and in the lives of couples joining in this sacrament at the service of communion.
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Fr. Richard Fragomeni, a priest of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics, and Chair of the Department of Word and Worship at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He has written widely on liturgy, music, symbolism, the catechumenate, the Eucharist and liturgies with children, among other subjects. In addition to his teaching, preaching and other duties, Fr. Fragomeni serves as Spiritual Director for the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, an Italian-American parish in Chicago’s Little Italy.
1-06 Teachers, Transformation and Technology: Teachers Guiding Students to Change Our World
Are you a Catholic schoolteacher who would like a better understanding of how to use technology more effectively? Are you also looking for strategies that will transform your teaching to address the learning of all students? Today, mobile and personal technology has called teachers to examine their pedagogy. In this dynamic, interactive presentation, Dan Friedt will take you on a journey with the latest apps and strategies to support your work in the classroom. The heart of this presentation is how you can become a transformed teacher who uses technology to support students on their learning journey.
Dan Friedt
Dan Friedt is Principal at St. Angela School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has 36 years of teaching experience from kindergarten to grade 12, with 18 years of administrative experience, and is recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator (2013). Friedt has presented throughout North America, including the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Quebec, as well as in California.
1-07 Loving God: A Sacrifice of Praise
At its core, Christian life is about love of God. For God so loved us that the Christ, the Messiah, was sent into the world. In and through Christ Jesus, we have the opportunity for relationship with God. The active pursuit of God’s love results in the radical transformation of our hearts into compassionate reflections of God’s mercy in the world. All of this is the result of generations upon generations of believers offering God “a sacrifice of praise.” Through a scriptural and theological analysis of what it means to offer God “a sacrifice of praise,” this workshop will explore the necessity of a life of prayer for all the baptized and the forms of prayer available in and through Christian tradition.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon is a Roman Catholic theologian, author and lecturer. She served in administration at the University of Massachusetts and at Regis College in Weston, Mass., and was a diocesan director in Washington D.C., Oakland, Boston and Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Gordon was one of eight American women invited by the Vatican to respond to John Paul II’s encyclical on women. The first woman to deliver a Baccalaureate Address for Boston University, Greer is a frequent speaker at RECongress, having delivered the Keynote and Sunday Morning Addresses.
1-08 Walk With Christ: Praying and Singing as the Beloved of God
Come for a time of prayer and song, where we will celebrate how our spiritual life connects more deeply with our liturgical journey as the Body of Christ. We will pray, sing, reflect, celebrate and mark time with each other with the liturgical arts of proclamation, song, dance and communal prayer, uniting our hearts with the music and stories of our faith, as we pound the pilgrim path to strengthen our search for God. As God’s blessed works of art, we will give thanks not for what we have or what we do, but celebrate who we are as God sees us – as the Beloved.
David Haas
David Haas is a member of the Campus Ministry team at Cretin-Derham Hall High School in St. Paul, Minn., where he is also founder and Executive Director of “Music and Ministry Alive!” – a formation program for high school and college-age youth. Haas has composed over 50 original collections and recordings of liturgical music with GIA Publications and has been active as a conference and workshop speaker, concert performer and recording artist for over 30 years. He has spoken internationally and has authored more than 20 books.
1-09 The Magic Bullet: Where Ministries Go Wrong … and How We Can Change It
Ministry sure is glamorous … and, oh, so easy, isn’t it? There never seem to be enough dollars in the basket or laborers in the parish vineyard. Thousands come to Mass; thousands more do not. The same few souls appear to do a majority of the work. So, where is the disconnect? What’s the good news? What do we try next? How do we “turn a corner” in our ministries and parish programs once and for all? We know the challenges. Come pray, laugh and learn with Mark Hart as he proposes a few solutions.
Mark Hart
Mark Hart is Executive Vice President for Life Teen International. A best-selling and award-winning author, he has traveled the globe speaking to millions. Hart is a regular guest on several Catholic radio programs, co-host on SiriusXM Radio, and produces a weekly podcast for Life Teen. He has a popular DVD Bible Study series, “T3” and “Altaration,” and is co-author of over a dozen books; his latest include “Behold the Mystery” and “Zealous.”
1-10 Blessed are the Disenchanted: Finding God in a World of Meh
It’s a selfie world. We are all victims of this social media-crazed, busy, noisy, self-absorbed planet. This often leads us to boredom, distraction and a troubling sense that we are “less than” everyone else. Where is God in the midst of all this? How does it affect our faith? With stories, songs, prayer, sharing and general good vibes, come participate in a workshop that will reveal what God really wants to say to and through us. Lose the “meh,” dive a little deeper and learn what it means to fully live a life inspired by God and informed by faith!
Sarah Hart
Sarah Hart of Nashville, Tenn., has been a singer, songwriter and keynote speaker for 20 years. Her parish missions and itinerant ministry have taken her across the United States and abroad. Hart has performed for countless parishes, conferences and conventions, and for Pope Francis in 2013. She has written several retreats for parish, women’s and adult catechesis, which she herself presents. She is a Grammy-nominated artist and her songs have been recorded by numerous performers and are found in many hymnals.
1-11 Rest, Renew, Live – A Place for Grace in Our Life
Have you known times when life is just “too much”? When that happens where do we go for the reservoir of strength and grace that assures us we cannot be undone by life’s unkindness or sadness? Terry Hershey reminds us that we cannot access that reservoir as long as we are running with a deficit – without time, resolve, heart or fortitude. When we see only the deficit, we are owned by fear. We shut down and don’t listen to our heart. So, where do we rest, renew and replenish? Any one of us can be selfish, petty, fearful and controlling, but today we are reminded that we also have the capacity to be vulnerable, forgiving and generous.
Rev. Terry Hershey
Rev. Terry Hershey is a speaker, humorist, author, dad, Protestant minister and landscape designer on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound near Seattle. He is an internationally renowned speaker and retreat facilitator. His work has been featured on CNN, PBS and NPR. Hershey is a regular contributor to The Hallmark Channel’s “New Morning” show and his gardens and books have been featured in magazines and newspapers of the Pacific Northwest. He regularly speaks throughout the United States and Canada.
1-12 Sparks from Ashes: Young Adult Evangelization
On Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent each year, an increased number of young adults and inactive Catholics return to church, at least for a short while. This session will explore the meaning behind such an incredible phenomenon and creative ways we can turn these brief moments into boundless milestones for young adults on their journey of faith. We will also consider how church leaders can learn from this particular moment of return to enhance the community’s year-round outreach to and ministry with men and women in their 20s and 30s.
Paul Jarzembowski
Based in Washington, D.C., Paul Jarzembowski works for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, serving as key staff for the bishops’ initiatives on youth and young adult ministries and World Youth Day USA. Prior to this, he was Executive Director of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association. Jarzembowski has consulted with over 250 dioceses, parishes and Catholic organizations in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and at the Vatican.
1-13 Do You See What I See: From a Catholic Schoolteacher’s Perspective
What we see in life depends on lots of things. What is it that contributes to how we see or how we form our perspectives? What are the perceptions we hold as Catholic schoolteachers? It’s important to ask ourselves these questions from time to time to make sure that our answers reflect the call of Jesus in our lives. This session will discuss perspectives and perceptions that Catholic schoolteachers might hold in regard to their ministry, their faith and their students and how these perspectives and perceptions contribute to our teaching as Jesus did.
Dr. Saundra Kennedy
As a Catholic schoolteacher, Dr. Saundra Kennedy has taught at the elementary, junior high and high school levels. She began working in Catholic publishing 26 years ago serving as a national consultant, speaker and contributor to catechetical basal series. Based in New Orleans, Dr. Kennedy has presented keynotes and workshops at diocesan events across the country, in addition for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Presently, she serves as Our Sunday Visitor’s Senior National Curriculum Consultant.
1-14 Praying in Color: Doodling and Coloring as a Path to Prayer
Sometimes doodling and coloring are just a way to relax and de-stress. Other times, they are a way to be with God. When words fail, the mind wanders and the body protests, the childlike practices of coloring and doodling can help us to pray. In this participatory workshop, we will pray for others, explore a word of Scripture and learn how to create our own prayer coloring pages. No artistic skill necessary! Bring paper, pen, colored markers or pencils (if desired) and a hard surface to draw on.
Sybil MacBeth
Author Sybil MacBeth is a dancer, doodler and teacher. She combines her experience of 15 years as a community college mathematics professor with her lifelong love of prayer to offer workshops and retreats on Praying in Color. Her 2007 book “Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God” has been translated into Korean, Spanish and Italian. Author of four other books, MacBeth’s latest offering is titled “The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Extremist.”
1-15 The “Culture of Encounter” and Social Justice
A core message of Pope Francis’ social teachings is the need for a “culture of encounter” in both the Church and society. Building on his addresses and homilies during his visit to the United States, we will explore the Pope’s affirmations of our social life – and the challenges he presents to U.S. Catholics, too.
Fr. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
Fr. Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wis., has served as a seminary and university professor for 20 years and currently is Associate Professor of Theology at Marquette University. A noted authority on Catholic moral theology and social ethics, Fr. Massingale has addressed most national Catholic conferences and numerous colleges and universities. He is a previous RECongress Keynoter and past President of the Catholic Theological Society of America and Convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium.
1-16 Catch Me Lord! I’m Falling: The New Testament on Peter
There is probably no more attractive and distressing figure in all the Scriptures than Peter, who loves so passionately, speaks too quickly, fails catastrophically and repents so deeply. We all end up feeling better about ourselves when we study Peter’s life, and how, despite his failures, he remained so close to Jesus. In this workshop, we will immerse ourselves in the scriptural evidence to deepen our love for this great saint, and to find, through this study, a window into our Lord’s mercy and compassion.
Rev. J. Patrick Mullen
Fr. Pat Mullen, a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., and Pastor at the neighboring Junipero Serra Parish. He is author of two books and numerous articles. Fr. Mullen often presents to priests of various dioceses in the Southwestern United States and annually speaks at the L.A. Congress as well as other regional conferences, from San Diego to Detroit, as well as the Little Rock Bible Study Summer Conference and the Texas Catholic Conference.
1-17 Catholic Schools in an Increasingly Hispanic Church
Catholics schools have served as a major resource to help immigrant communities in the United States promote Catholic identity and social mobility. At a time when nearly 60 percent of U.S. Catholic children under age 18 are Hispanic, we need to examine with new eyes how Catholic schools are serving this population. This workshop introduces the findings from the National Survey of Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families (2015), conducted under the leadership of Dr. Hosffman Ospino. Come and learn from fresh data and analysis on a very important topic for the future of the Catholic community in the United States.
Hosffman Ospino, PhD
Dr. Hosffman Ospino teaches Pastoral Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. Having served as principal investigator for the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry (2011-2014), Dr. Ospino is currently working on a book on multicultural congregations as well as one on parishes with Hispanic ministries. His most recent book is titled, “Evangelización y Catequesis en el Ministerio Hispano.”
1-18 A Theology of Food, Communion and the Domestic Church
In today’s world, relevant conversation can lead to conversion, and it all starts in the family home. Join award-winning chef and theologian, Fr. Leo Patalinghug, a.k.a. “The Cooking Priest,” as he brings our attention back to the “theology of the dinner table,” presenting a dynamic pastoral theology for the domestic church. Using family-based catechesis and starting with a “theology of food” as a lesson for Catholics families, Fr. Leo teaches us how God desires to feed us – from the Garden of Eden all the way to the Supper of the Lamb in Heaven.
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Fr. Leo Patalinghug is a priest member of a Secular Institute of Consecrated Life called Voluntas Dei (The Will of God). Born in the Philippines and raised in the Baltimore area, he is a best-selling author, an internationally renowned speaker, host of “Savoring Our Faith” on EWTN and a SiriusXM Radio contributor. Fr. Patalinghug is founder and host of the Grace Before Meals movement and author of the book, “Grace Before Meals: Recipes & Inspirations for Family Meals & Family Life.”
We were created for relationships. From the moment we are born, they are central to who we are and who we become. Through our interactions with our parents and family, and through our friendships, we learn the most valuable lessons of life. Building strong relationships in youth ministry is an art. This workshop will provide practical ways to build solid relational ministry that will ultimately point young people to a relationship with Christ.
Bob Perron
Bob Perron is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.V. He is one of the most popular Catholic speakers in the United States and Canada, and for over a decade, he has presented in more than 60 dioceses. Perron has been keynote presenter at the National Catholic Youth Conference and moderated workshops at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry. His most recent book is titled “Lessons Learned From a God-Sized Family: In a Me-Sized World.”
1-20 Hurts So Good – Ministering to Adolescents Who Self-injure
Research shows that one in four adolescents cut, carve or burn themselves in order to feel better. You will not want to miss this session, especially if you have ever wondered: “What would make a teenager do this?” and “What can I do to help?”
Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
For 20 years Roy Petitfils has ministered among youth and young adults in parish, diocesan and school settings. Today, a counselor in private practice and a speaker, Petitfils has presented at conferences, workshops and parish missions in over 30 dioceses throughout North America. He has written many articles, has a syndicated monthly column and has published several books, including “What Teens Want You To Know (But Won’t Tell You)” and “What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About the First Five Years of Marriage.”
1-21 They Could Trample Me: Ministering to Young Adolescents
Katie Prejean teaches high school freshmen and has a recurring nightmare that large groups of children will one day trample her. Both of those facts make her an expert in how to minister to the most awkward kids on the planet: teens, tweens and everything in between. Effectively teaching and ministering to young people between the ages of 11 and 15 can be challenging, intimidating and exhausting, but in the end, it is perhaps the most rewarding ministry you will ever do. Come join in; we’ll discuss how to create a culture of encounter, how to share the truth joyfully, and what this age group needs the most. And don’t worry, Katie won’t trample you.
Katie Prejean
Katie Prejean teaches theology at St. Louis Catholic High School and is Youth Director at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church, both in Lake Charles, La. She has spoken at events throughout the country, ranging from small sessions to the National Catholic Youth Conference. Prejean reads voraciously, blogs occasionally, is a diehard New Orleans Saints fan, binge watches Netflix, loves Jesus, works out every day, and doesn’t like to be hugged. She is presently working on her Master’s degree in theological studies.
1-22 Mission Matters: The Social Dimension of Evangelization
Pope Francis’ call to transform the parish into “a center of constant missionary outreach” is more important than ever. Now is the time to bring the healing message of Christ’s mercy to persons who are poor and marginalized – as Pope Francis says, to go “out from the sacristy and into the street.” This workshop presents pastoral approaches based on insights drawn from “The Joy of the Gospel” and the social doctrine of the Church. Participants will leave with practical ideas for how to do all parish ministry activities in a “missionary key.”
Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP
Sr. Theresa Rickard, a Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, N.Y., is President and Executive Director of RENEW International. Before joining RENEW, she ministered in two inner-city parishes in the South Bronx, was Director of Vocation and Formation ministry for her congregation, and was a member of the New York Archdiocese Parish Mission Team. Sr. Rickard is author of “The Living Gospel: Daily Devotions for Advent 2015” and “We Preach Christ Crucified,” and blogs for RENEW under “God in the Stuff of Life” and is an avid sports fan.
1-23 The Bible Across Cultures
In this session, we will explore two issues in biblical interpretation: 1) the Bible itself as a writing that engages different cultures; and 2) why modern “cross-cultural” analysis of the Bible represents an exciting frontier of biblical interpretation in the 21st century.
Prof. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher has taught for 26 years at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he is Associate Director for Graduate Studies in Theology. He has received numerous awards for teaching and for research, including a Fulbright award. Dr. Christopher has published over 40 scholarly articles and 14 books. In addition to his primary focus on the Old Testament, he maintains particular interest in theological issues related to African-American and Native-American history and experience.
1-24 Where Is There a God Like You? – Micah 7:18-20
The prophet Micah reflects on this God who pardons our sins, delights in forgiveness and continues to have compassion on us. We too are overwhelmed by God’s boundless mercy. In the song, “Greater” by MercyMe, the lyrics state: “I hear a voice and he calls me redeemed.” We are redeemed. Our role is to bring those in our ministries to a point where they also are able to say: “I hear a voice and he calls me redeemed.” So much depends on our concept of this God. Do we fear this God? Does this God truly love unconditionally? The response to these questions will be the focus of this presentation.
Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD
Sr. Maureen Sullivan is a Dominican Sister of Hope from New York. After 26 years of teaching theology, she is now Professor Emerita at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. She also serves as a religion consultant for the William H. Sadlier Publishing Company. A popular speaker at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, Sr. Sullivan has written two books on Vatican II: “101 Questions and Answers on Vatican II” and “The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology.”
1-25 Francis, Families and the Synod: Where Do We Go From Here?
Pope Francis chose “family” as the foundational element in reviving the Church, spending much of the past two years teaching, listening and accompanying leaders and parents alike toward a deeper and richer sense of what it means to be church in the world. What impact will Francis’ methods and models, along with the insights and outcomes of the Extraordinary Synod, have upon the daily practice of faith among our families and faith leaders? Let’s join together to reflect on the possibilities.
Michael Theisen
Michael Theisen has been involved in youth ministry and faith formation for 30 years, authoring more than 15 books and numerous articles. His experience as a speaker, trainer and ministry leader reaches from parish to diocesan and national levels. Theisen serves as Director of Training and Formation for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in Washington, D.C., where he also is National Coordinator for the Strong Catholic Families Initiative. He resides with his family in Rochester, N.Y.
1-26 The Church in a Digital World: Sharing Good News
(originally scheduled with Msgr. Paul Tighe)
This workshop will focus on establishing criteria to ensure that the Church maintains an appropriate presence in the environment of social media. The following issues will be addressed: the mission of the Church; the nature of digital culture; the digital presence of believers and Church institutions; and the language of the networks. The workshop will articulate a strategy for appropriate engagement and evangelization by the Church.
Fr. David Loftus
A priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese and a graduate of both All Hallows College in Dublin, Ireland, and Boston College, Fr. David Loftus currently serves as Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Northridge, Calif. For a number of years, he worked in the archdiocesan Office of Religious Education as Coordinator/Consultant in Catechist Formation and Adult Education. Fr. Loftus maintains membership in the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, where he has served as Vice President.
1-27 Spiritual Friendship: The Art of Receiving and Offering Gentle Wisdom
A spiritual friend is one who calls us to be all we can be without embarrassing us that we are where we are. Understanding the wondrous, practical and simple dynamics of spiritual friendship helps us accept, offer and embrace this relationship informally and formally with family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and those in a special position to offer to, or receive from, us gentle, clear companionship.
Dr. Robert J. Wicks
Dr. Robert Wicks is Professor Emeritus at Loyola University Maryland. He has taught in universities and professional schools of psychology, medicine, nursing, theology and social work, and has published over 50 books. His latest books are “Availability: The Challenge and the Gift of Being Present” and “Conversations with a Guardian Angel.” In 2006, Dr. Wicks received the first annual Alumni Award for Excellence in Professional Psychology from Widener University.
1-70 Các Thánh Tử Đạo Việt Nam: Chứng Nhân Lòng Thương Xót vô bờ của Chúa
Đức Thánh Cha nhận xét là cả chức sắc trong một xã hội ngày nay cũng tránh trách nhiệm, sợ mất giờ riêng, nên khó kiếm những giáo lý viên trung thành dấn thân nhiều năm. Ngược lại, Các Thánh Tử Đạo Việt Nam hy sinh giây phút của cuộc đời, sống Niềm Vui Tin Mừng, yêu người không điều kiện. Là con cháu các ngài, chúng ta rút những bài học để sống Niềm Vui Tin Mừng trên đất Mỹ ngày nay.
The Vietnamese Martyrs: Witnesses to God’s Boundless Mercy
Pope Francis lamented that even pastoral leaders today “avoid any responsibility that may take away from their free time” (Evangeli Gaudium, #81). In contrast, the Vietnamese Martyrs lived the joy of the Gospel, loving others boundlessly. In this session, we examine their lives to see what we can draw from their heritage, to live the joy of the Gospel in America today.
Rev. Giuse Nguyễn Việt Hưng, ICM
LM Giuse Nguyễn Việt Hưng thụ phong linh mục năm 1969 tại Việt Nam, dậy Chủng viện Thánh Lê văn Phụng thuộc giáo phận Long Xuyên, và làm cha sở giáo xứ Thánh Antôn Padua & Lê văn Phụng tại Baton Rouge. Hiện nay Ngài là chủ tịch Ủy ban Giáo Lý Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ, đồng thời là Tổng Phụ Trách Tu Hội Nhập Thể Tận Hiến Truyền Giáo.
Rev. Joseph Hung Viet Nguyen, ICM
Fr. Joseph Nguyen was ordained in 1969, taught at St. Le-van-Phung Seminary in Vietnam, and was Pastor at St. Anthony of Padua & Le Van Phung Parish in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is Chair of the Vietnamese Catechetical Committee in the USA and Superior General of his religious congregation Incarnatio Consecratio Missio (ICM).
Lê Xuân Hy
Tiến sĩ Lê X. Hy dậy tâm lý và thần học mục vụ, và làm giám đốc chương trình Công Giáo Học cũng như Viện Phát Triền Nhân Cách tại Seattle University. Chương trình Chuyên Viên Fulbright Cao Cấp gửi ông qua phục vụ bên Đất Thánh.
Prof. Le Xuan Hy, PhD
Prof. Le Xuan Hy teaches psychology and pastoral theology, directs the Catholic Studies Program, heads the Institute for Human Development, and holds The Reverend Louis Gaffney, SJ Chair at Seattle University. He served as a Fulbright Senior Specialist to Israel.
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