2016 RECongress Period 4
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, February 27, 2016
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
In a different kind of session, come and hear Fr. James Martin read excerpts from his first novel, “The Abbey.” Anne is a recently divorced woman struggling to make sense of the death of her young son. Mark is a handyman at a Trappist abbey, frustrated with a stalled career and the turns his life has taken. Paul is the abbot of the Abbey of Sts. Philip and James, and wonders about the loneliness he often feels. Come and see how God brings all three of these people together and what you might learn from how each of them encounters God.
Fr. James Martin, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin is Editor at Large of America magazine. He is author of several award-winning books, including “Together on Retreat,” “Between Heaven and Mirth,” “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,” “My Life with the Saints” and, most recently, “The Abbey.” Fr. Martin is a frequent speaker at national conferences, retreats and parish groups and has presented at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress over the past several years.
4-02 Dancing with Monks and Mystics
Through the centuries, monks and mystics have called us to a deep encounter with the boundless mercy of God. Come enter into six simple participatory dances based on the gifts of the mystics for our time. Dance with King David, kindle the Divine Fire with abbess Amma Syncletica, sail on a sacred voyage with St. Brendan, encounter God’s greening power with Hildegard of Bingen, enter the flow of the river with poet Rainer Maria Rilke, and start a revolution of the heart with Dorothy Day! These are simple chants and dances for every body, commissioned and published by Abbey of the Arts.
Betsey Beckman, MM
Betsey Beckman, a freelance movement artist, teacher, performer, producer and author, is founder of The Dancing Word: Embodying the Sacred in Liturgy and Life, a ministry that includes her offerings in liturgical movement, choreography, storydance, SpiritPlay and spiritual direction. Beckman is also Director of Movement Ministry at her home parish of St. Patrick Church in Seattle, and collaborates with Abbey of the Arts in creating online retreats, overseas pilgrimages and prayer resources, including the recent “Dancing with Monks and Mystics” DVD.
Laura Ash
Laura Ash is Music Director at St. Patrick Parish in Seattle, where she has supported the ministry of movement for over 20 years. She has presented with Betsey Beckman at a number of RECongress workshops over the last 14 years. Laura and her husband, David, have composed and published three collections of liturgical music and have created music for many dance offerings with Beckman. Their most recent work is music for the production, “Grace on the Margins,” which debuted in April 2013.
4-03 Divine Mercy in the Womb of God
In the Old Testament, the word for “mercy” is derived from the same word as “womb.” Therefore, one might say that Divine Mercy is “womb-love.” This idea is found again and again in passages that depict God’s care.
Dianne Bergant, CSA
Sr. Dianne Bergant, a member of the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes, is Distinguished Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She was President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and an active member of the Chicago Catholic-Jewish Scholars Dialogue for the past 30 years. Sr. Bergant wrote the weekly column, “The Word,” for America magazine (2002-06) and is now on the Editorial Board of Biblical Theology Bulletin.
4-04 The Church in Action: A Field Update from Today’s Top Humanitarian Emergencies
In this session, Caroline Brennan will share reports from the front lines of emergency and developmental work across the world, including recent events in Northern Iraq, the Syrian border, Eastern Ukraine and the Philippines. Perspective, stories and insights of the Church’s response to the most pressing humanitarian crises of today will be discussed.
Caroline Brennan
Caroline Brennan is Senior Communications Officer, Global Emergency Response Team for Catholic Relief Services, and has worked in 22 countries. She was based in CRS’ South Asia bureau in Delhi for three years covering emergency response in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Brennan was deployed to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake and to the Philippine islands struck by the 2013 typhoon. Previously, she worked with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants in Washington, D.C.
4-05 Engaging New Parents Through Baptism and Beyond
Many families drift away from church during the stressful early childhood years. At parishes, we may struggle with the question of what we can offer them. We wonder how to communicate God’s Boundless Mercy to them. This is when we need to help parents step into their role as the primary cultivators of faith for their children. But we need to start with where they are. This workshop will explore how can we use the baptism preparation process to evangelize and support new parents, how we can continue to keep young families engaged, and what resources are available to support leaders in this ministry.
Paul Canavese
Paul Canavese with his wife, Ann, are co-Directors of The Pastoral Center and the Web site GrowingUpCatholic.com. Based in Alameda, Calif., their family operates a mini-urban farm. Paul focuses his ministry on coaching parents, daily life discipleship and evangelization, and helping parishes implement Pope Francis’ vision. He is a presenter for The Pastoral Center at parish, deanery and diocesan events.
Music is a path to the heart and a path to faith. Come and join Australian Andrew Chinn on a journey through the school and liturgical year and see how music can be used to enhance teaching and learning, prayer and celebration, sacraments and liturgy. From September to June, from kindergarten to eighth grade, from Christmas to Holy Week, from baptism to confirmation through graduation, Andrew will share a range of songs, stories and strategies that will bring joy and depth to the faith life of your class, your school, your church. This session is geared for all who work with elementary school children.
Andrew Chinn
Andrew Chinn worked as a teacher in Catholic elementary schools in Sydney, Australia, for nearly 20 years before moving into full-time music ministry as Director of Butterfly Music. He has performed in more than 2,000 concerts across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Chinn has released nine CDs, five DVDs and five picture books for children. In 2013 Chinn became part of the WLP family, which now distributes his music in North America.
Rich Curran (bio 2-10)
Every Catholic parish in the world wants to grow and multiply, but few seem able to achieve it. Why? How can two parishes, in the same region with similar populations, produce such different levels of engagement? Both have the same ancestry, same sacraments, same love from God. The difference is behavioral. Tap into a few of the essential behaviors all growing parishes share. It’s not an accident, it’s courageous!
4-08 “Aid in Dying” and the Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide
“Aid in dying” legislative proposals have defined the American public debate in various states, most recently in California with Senate Bill 128. The conversation, and the ethical challenge it entails, is here to stay, quite independent of its unsure legal trajectory. The challenge must be met by competent response on the part of the Catholic community. Far from demonizing the understandable appeal of a “good death,” we work to unmask the hidden premises of legislative proposals favoring “aid in dying,” their impact upon medicine’s understanding of the physician-patient relationship, and society’s commitment to the care of the elderly and the sick.
Roberto Dell’Oro, PhD
Dr. Roberto Dell’Oro is Director of the Bioethics Institute and a Professor in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He has written three books, translated two from German and is published in national and international journals. Dr. Dell’Oro has presented papers on bioethical issues at the Pontifical Academy for Life and the 2014 International Conference on Autism, organized by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers under the auspices of Pope Francis.
4-09 God’s Anger Lasts but a Moment, His Mercy FOREVER!
If you think God can’t forgive you or that He is angry with you, this is the talk you’ve been waiting for! We will take a look at how our most merciful Father has loved us from the beginning of time and how, even though we keep messing up, He continues to love us through our faults and weaknesses. As a matter of fact, God laughs at us continually because we don’t seem to learn the lesson. If you want to laugh and cry, don’t miss this session. I promise that after this session you will leave renewed with a sense of purpose and be the “missionary disciples” that Jesus and Pope Francis need us to be!
Rev. Joseph A. Espaillat II
Fr. Joe Espaillat is Pastor at St. Anthony of Padua Church in the Bronx, N.Y., as well as Director of Hispanic Charismatic Renewal for the New York Archdiocese and of the Hispanic Charismatic Catholic Center in the Bronx. Before this, he was assigned by Cardinal Timothy Dolan to open up an Office for Youth Ministry, where he became Director and is now Spiritual Advisor. Fr. Espaillat is keynote speaker at youth rallies around the country and has led diocesan youth conferences along the East Coast and in Alaska and Texas,
4-10 The Challenge Still Before Us: Implementing Vatican II with Pope Francis
As important as it was, the Second Vatican Council represented an “unfinished building site” in which important work was left uncompleted. This workshop will offer an understanding of the work still to be done in completing the council’s unfinished project, using the pontificate of Pope Francis as a guide.
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. He previous taught at the University of Toledo in Ohio and at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota and served as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America from 2013 to 2014. Dr. Gaillardetz has authored over 100 pastoral and academic articles and has written or edited 10 books, including “Keys to the Council” (co-authored with Catherine Clifford) and “When the Magisterium Intervenes…”
4-11 Church in the 21st Century: Continuing the Renewal and Reform
Thomas Groome (bio 3-12)
Pope Francis is calling the Church to redouble our efforts in the great program of renewal and reform that the Holy Spirit launched on the Church and the world with the Second Vatican Council. This presentation will reflect on some pressing challenges in our time and how best to respond to them.
4-12 The RCIA: Who Really Belongs?
Baptized uncatechized; baptized and never catechized in another Christian tradition; non-practicing baptized Catholic who missed First Communion and confirmation; practicing Catholic who missed confirmation; practicing Episcopalian who wants to become a Catholic – the list goes on and on. This workshop will focus on the question: Who belongs in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process?
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
Dr. Jerry Galipeau is Vice President and Chief Publishing Officer at World Library Publications in Franklin Park, Ill. He is past Chair of the Board of Directors for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and has authored numerous publications and has offered keynotes. Dr. Galipeau has presented workshops at all the major Catholic liturgical and catechetical conferences as well as diocesan conferences throughout the United States and Canada. He also maintains a blog for those interested in liturgy, music and initiation.
4-13 Soul and Science of Healing: Bridge Between Ministry and the Healing Arts
There is an explosion of scientific and clinical data regarding the inter-relationship among spirituality, human health and well-being. Yet many health-care professionals and those trained for ministry often miss the connection of science, medicine and the sacred work of healing. The Soul & Science of Healing offers a model where the lay minister and parish community of the future can provide a more holistic and integrated approach to dealing with spiritual pain and human suffering. This model especially speaks to younger generations of spiritual seekers, but also offers wisdom for care givers and ministers of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.
Richard F. Groves
Richard Groves is an internationally respected teacher of the sacred art of living and dying. A chaplain for 30 years, he has spoken throughout North America as well as internationally in Asia, Europe and Africa. He and his late wife, Mary, are co-founders of the Sacred Art of Living Center in Bend, Ore. Groves has served as a retreat director for numerous programs including health-care and faith-community professionals. His latest work is titled “The Anamcara Project.”
4-14 Born to Dance: Let’s Break Out the Wine and Live from the Inside Out
Rev. Terry Hershey (bio 1-11)
In our hearts, we are all dancers. God wants us to be our true selves – joyous, aware and living each moment with arms wide open, responding to the love of the Beloved. So why do we choose to live guarded and afraid, our days filled with hurry and noise? Fear labels and dismisses and restricts. The voice of grace tells us we are more than our labels, more than our fear. The Hopi say, “To watch us dance is to hear our heart speak.” So, in this workshop, let’s dance. Terry Hershey will help us learn what it means to dance free from our limitations of fear, insecurity or pain; and how, in the eyes of the Beloved, we are free to love, free to serve, free to live.
4-15 The Name of God is Relationship
Rev. Daniel P. Horan, OFM (bio 3-13)
While some philosophers claim that the name of God is “pure being” and some theologians claim that the primary name of God is “the good,” Fr. Dan Horan suggests the name of God is best understood as “relationship.” Beginning with the way God reveals who God is to creation throughout Scripture and moving toward a deeper look at what the spiritual wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis and others tell us about God, this workshop encourages contemporary women and men to reconsider how they imagine their Creator and renew their understanding of faith in the modern world.
4-16 The Laughter, the Tears and the Boundless Mercy in the Heart of God
Rev. Joseph G. Kempf (bio 2-14)
What if God laughed – so much more often than you thought? What if God wept – more tenderly than you ever pictured? What if the mercy in the heart of God were indeed boundless – beyond anything you could ever earn, deserve or imagine? What if there were ways for you to experience all of that in your own heart? Would you like a taste? Using stories, demonstrations and the wisdom and insight of 35 years of parish priesthood, Fr. Joe Kempf (and his helpers) will lead you – and help you lead the children entrusted to your care – more deeply into the heart of God.
4-17 Sex & the Cinema: A Christian Approach to How the Media is Forming Our Values
Whether we like it or not, the media is now a major player in forming the hearts, minds and values of our young people, especially in regard to sexuality. How did we get here? What’s happening now? What can we do about it?
Rev. Richard Leonard, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Richard Leonard is Director of the Catholic Office for Film & Broadcasting, based in Sydney, Australia. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Gregorian University in Rome and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles. A popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress, Fr. Leonard is author of nine books, including “What Are We Doing on Earth for Christ’s Sake?” and, his latest, “What Are We Hoping For?”
4-18 This is the Time: Songs for the Seasons
Michael Mangan (bio 3-17)
So much of our liturgical “circle of life” is contained in the songs we sing. Australian composer Michael Mangan will lead us on a musical journey through the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter as he shares his passion for vibrant, inclusive and meaningful music in parish and school liturgy, and in catechesis.
4-19 “The Quality of Mercy Is Not Strain’d”
Megan McKenna (bio 2-20)
The line from Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice” begins a prayer: “…we do pray for mercy; and that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy.” These words – mercy, pity, compassion, justice – what do they mean? How do we express them beyond words in our deeds and priorities? How do we look like our God for others? Come listen, obey and catch a glimpse of mercy’s power and presence.
4-20 What Do Young Adults Have to Offer the Church?
David M. O’Brien (bio 3-20)
Are Catholics in their 20s and 30s really as absent and apathetic they say we are? Maybe the Church is trying to catch up with how we experience and express our deep faith and desire to live the Kingdom that Jesus preached. How do we take our place in the Church and hold onto our unique insights and contributions? How do we help our peers see that the Church is a place where they can find meaning, direction and guidance as they make the biggest decisions of their lives?
4-21 encountering Islam: Catholics & Muslims and the Challenges of Today
This workshop will explore the historical and theological relationship between Islam and Catholicism with a focus on contemporary challenges such as ISIS, the environment, and Islam in America.
Jihad Mohammed Turk
Jihad Turk, the former Imam/religious leader at the Islamic Center of Southern California in Los Angeles, is founding President of Bayan Claremont, an Islamic graduate school at the Claremont School of Theology in California. Imam Turk is a Palestinian-American Muslim who spent his college years traveling and exploring the Muslim world, studying Arabic at the Islamic University of Medina and Farsi in Iran at the University of Tehran and in Qum. Turk has been featured on the History Channel, CNN, and in the Los Angeles Times.
4-22 Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Execute Those Who Trespass Against Us?
This session invites you to participate in one of the most merciful actions people of faith can participate in: to self-reflect, understand and put into action our faith teachings as they relate to the use of the death penalty as a form of justice. Chaplain Javier Stauring will moderate a panel of inspiring and insightful speakers, including gang intervention expert Fr. Greg Boyle, activist Mike Farrell, and a family member of a homicide victim. As Pope Francis notes: “The death penalty is contrary to the sentiment of humanitas and to divine mercy, which must be the model for human justice.”
Rev. Greg Boyle, SJ
Fr. Greg Boyle is founder and Executive Director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang rehabilitation program in the United States, now in its 26th year. The native Angeleno and Jesuit priest was transformed by his work in Bolivia, Mexico and Folsom State Prison in California. It was in the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles that Fr. Boyle started Homeboy Industries, which serves former gang members. He is author of The New York Times best-selling book, “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.”
Mike Farrell
Mike Farrell, an activist best-known for his portrayal of Army Capt. B.J. Hunnicutt in the TV series “M*A*S*H,” is President of Death Penalty Focus. As a host and narrator of documentaries, he has discussed alcoholism, environmentalism, children of divorce and the death penalty and enriching the lives of the disabled. Farrell also served on the Board of Directors of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty and is former Co-Chair of the California Committee of Human Rights Watch.
Javier Stauring
Javier Stauring is Co-Director of the Office of Restorative Justice for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Since 1996, he has overseen the largest Catholic detention ministry program in the nation. Stauring supervises programs at all juvenile halls and probation camps in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. In addition, he oversees three restorative justice programs: Ministry to Victims of Crime, Ministry to Families of the Incarcerated, and Ministry to the Formerly Incarcerated.
4-23 Commuter Spirituality: Lessons Learned from Migrant Workers
Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson (bio 3-24)
Do you spend inordinate amounts of time in a car? Do you find yourself trying to become more rooted spiritually even though you’re constantly on the move? Bishop Joseph Tyson from the Diocese of Yakima, Wash., will share 10 key lessons he’s learned from the migrant ministry in which he and his seminarians have been engaged that apply to people on the move who desire to grow spiritually in their love of Christ and love of neighbor.
4-24 The Skills of Christ-like Leadership
Have you ever walked into a church and felt a sense of community? As a parishioner, do you feel you are valued in this environment? Does your parish model the virtues of integrity, responsibility and respect? It is the ability to treat people well that is the success in our churches; it is knowing how to listen, talk, write and establish rapport with others. This is key to successful leadership. This session will empower everyone to lead with Christ … successfully!
Joe Paprocki, DMin (originally scheduled with Char Wenc)
Joe Paprocki has over 35 years of experience in pastoral ministry and is presently National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago. He has presented in over 100 dioceses in North America, including Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. An author of numerous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis, Paprocki serves as a catechist at Evergreen Park, just outside of Chicago, and blogs about the experience.
4-25 The 12 Steps of AA and the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius ... Parallel Paths
Some people credit/blame the Jesuits with helping write the 12 Steps of Recovery. This is not true. Bill Wilson, one of the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous, did not meet his first Jesuit until 1940 when he was five years sober. Ignatius of Loyola developed a way of living and thinking that fosters a life of gratitude and service. Many have commented on the similarities of these two spiritual paths. In this session, Fr. Thomas Weston will examine these two powerful experiences and tell the story of these two pilgrims.
Rev. Thomas C. Weston, SJ
Fr. Tom Weston has been working with alcoholics and addicts since 1976. The Jesuit priest is a leader of retreats for people in recovery from addiction and serves as Superior of the Jesuit Community of Oakland, Calif. Fr. Weston has spoken at conferences for over 30 years. His world travels served him in past rolls as Director of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, working with Jesuit Retreat and Renewal Ministries, and teaching at Loyola High School in Los Angeles.
4-26 availability: The Challenge and Gift of Being Present to Others, Ourselves and God
Robert J. Wicks (bio 1-27)
Sitting in a small kitchen in an apartment just off Harvard Square near the center of Cambridge in Massachusetts, author Robert Wicks discussed with spiritual writer Henri Nouwen the true importance of the attitude of “availability.” That encounter over 30 years ago was to prove transformative as he began a lifelong journey of fathoming the balance of being present to others, himself and God. Starting with the intriguing scriptural image of “pruning,” in this presentation he shares the result of this journey by addressing such themes as faithfulness, openness, darkness, true prayer and experiencing, in Nouwen’s words, “a quiet stream” within.
4-70 vietnamese workshop (People of God: The Christian Faithful)
Who are the Christian faithful? Who belongs to the people of God, to the Church: who is a member? Using his canonical background, the presenter aims to discuss some ecclesiological perspectives on the topic of the “Christian faithful.”
Cha Phêrô Hồ Việt
Cha Phêrô Hồ Việt được thụ phong linh mục cho Giáo Phận Orange vào năm 2000. Ngài hoàn tất chương trình giáo luật tại Giáo Hoàng Học Viện Gregoriana tại Roma vào năm 2008. Cha đã từng phục vụ cho các giáo xứ đa dạng văn hóa. Hiện tại cha là Phụ Tá Tư Pháp và Giám đốc Tòa Án Hôn Phối cho Giáo Phận Orange.
Rev. Peter Viet Ho
Fr. Viet Peter Ho was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Orange, California, in 2000. He completed canon law studies at the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome in 2008. Since then, he has served in several multicultural parishes and is currently Adjutant Judicial Vicar and Director for the Marriage Tribunal for the Diocese of Orange.
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