2016 RECongress Period 2
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 26, 2016
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
2-01 Be Fearless for Me: Courage and the Gospel of the Marginalized
Pope Francis insists that the credibility of the Church rests in how we bring the Gospel to the marginalized. Fr. Greg Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, will explore the invitation of Jesus to be courageous in living the Gospel at the margins. Drawing upon 30 years of working with gang members, Fr. Boyle will focus this reflection on joy, hope and the courage of tenderness.
Fr. Gregory J. Boyle, SJ
Author and speaker Fr. Greg Boyle, a Jesuit priest, is founder and Executive Director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang rehabilitation program in the United States, now in its 26th year. The native Angeleno was transformed by his work in Bolivia, Mexico and Folsom State Prison in Northern California, and when he returned to the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles he started what would become Homeboy Industries. Fr. Boyle is also author of the N.Y. Times best-selling book, “Tattoos on the Heart.”
2-02 A House of Prayer for All People: Liturgy, Music and Daily Life
Music is one of the most profound ways in which we give voice to our praise and lament before God through all the seasons of life. This workshop will inspire reflection on ways in which music-making, inside and outside of liturgy, shapes and expresses our belief about one another and about God.
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso is one of the most prominent voices in contemporary liturgical music. His latest release is “A House of Prayer” with GIA Publications. He presents at workshops and conferences across North America and Europe. Alonso formerly served as Director of Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and at St. Nicholas Church in Evanston, Ill. An emerging theologian, he is currently a doctoral student at Emory University in Atlanta.
2-03 Gotta Move! Sing, Dance, Pray!
Here is a creative movement workshop for teachers who work with children, from kindergarten through the sixth grade. Tap into the creative spirit and energy of your students. Come ready to move and learn how to weave some of our favorite songs and dances from several collections of music for young people by OCP artists Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt into your classroom activities.
Donna Anderle
Donna Anderle is an accomplished dancer, teacher and choreographer who is nationally known. She is on the teaching faculty of the Cincinnati Ballet and Ballet Theatre Midwest, and is involved in Cincy Dance, an outreach program for Cincinnati inner-city schools. Anderle continues to give workshops, keynote presentations and dance in concerts, and has choreographed for major national youth conferences. Her work is compiled in four choreography books and a video with Oregon Catholic Press.
2-04 Bringing the Music and Spirit of Taizé to Your Community
Learn more about the mission and songs of the Taizé community. Find out ways to introduce this simple prayer to your local community and beyond. Find out why so many are drawn to the life, spirit and song of this international, ecumenical monastic community.
David Anderson
David Anderson is Vice President for Church Music and Senior Editor for GIA Publications, in addition to being Director of Music at his parish, Ascension Church in Oak Park, Ill. For the past 22 years, his home parish has welcomed hundreds for a monthly service of prayer and song in the spirit of Taizé. Anderson presents at various conferences throughout the year on topics of liturgy and music for the parish. He frequently leads services and retreats that incorporate the spirit of music of the Taizé community.
2-05 Lessons from the David Stories
The cycle of stories dealing with King David, found in First and Second Samuel, are among the most compelling, psychologically rich and theologically significant texts that have come down to us from the ancient world. From these great narratives, we learn about sin and grace, courage and duplicity, heroism and corruption. Throughout, we are provided with an incomparably vivid presentation of the ever-faithful God of Israel. In this talk, Bishop Robert Barron will explore some of the splendor of the David stories.
Bishop Robert Barron
Most Rev. Robert Barron is a prominent theologian, a podcasting bishop, media evangelist and author. The Chicago native was appointed in 2015 as an Auxiliary Bishop for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. In 2000, he launched Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and appears regularly on EWTN and Word on Fire’s YouTube Channel. Bishop Barron lectures extensively in the United States and abroad and he has published numerous books, essays and DVD programs. He is a frequent commentator in the media on faith and culture.
2-06 RCIA: Evangelization and Faith Formation in the Pre-Catechumenate
This session will unpack the period of pre-Catechumenate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and the faith formation intended by the rite. We will explore the vision of the period – that evangelization and conversion of heart are primary to the context – and make practical applications for the parish.
Mary Birmingham
Mary Birmingham is Director of Liturgy, Music and Christian Initiation at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Fla. She has been involved in RCIA ministry on a national level since 1992 and is a former team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Birmingham travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada providing diocesan workshops in the areas of Christian initiation and sacramental and liturgical catechesis.
2-07 Let’s Pray! Let’s Sing! An Engaging Way to Teach Catholic Prayer to Children
The journey in faith for children encompasses many Catholic prayers that children come to know and use on a regular basis. As religious educators, we are tasked with teaching these prayers to our children and students – and sometimes the families we serve. Incorporating song into faith formation to teach and join in traditional prayer has a positive impact on learning and makes the role of the catechist, teacher and parent much easier. Join John Burland as he shares the treasure of Catholic prayer through easy-to-use, engaging and prayerful music resources for children and families.
John Burland
John Burland is an educator and composer of religious music for children and adults. He is the Education Officer-Liturgy/Music for the Catholic Education Office in Sydney, Australia, and a workshop presenter, composer and touring musician for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. Burland has worked as a teacher and religious education coordinator for over 20 years in school and parish communities. He is a regular speaker at conferences and gatherings across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and North America.
Pope Francis said, “Ours is not a joy born of having many possessions, but of having encountered a person: Jesus, in our midst.” Join WLP artists James Wahl (from North Carolina) and Andrew Chinn (from Australia), as they share songs, stories and strategies for the early childhood classroom that bring the joy of knowing Jesus to young children. See how music can be used to teach Scripture, lead prayer and celebrations, and draw children deeper into their faith. This workshop is designed for those who teach young children (3-8) … and for the young at heart as well!
Andrew Chinn
Andrew Chinn worked as a teacher in Catholic elementary schools in Sydney, Australia, for nearly 20 years before moving into full-time music ministry as Director of Butterfly Music. He has performed in more than 2,000 concerts across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Chinn has released nine CDs, five DVDs and five picture books for children. In 2013 he became part of the WLP family, which now distributes his music in North America.
James Wahl
WLP composer James Wahl has been performing children’s music for over 15 years. He has presented at various diocesan youth events in the dioceses of Phoenix and Raleigh, N.C., over past 10 years. Wahl is currently Director of Music at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Raleigh, and previously ministered in California, and at SS. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. He has a CD of original music for young children titled “Standin’ On the Rock.”
2-09 Crossing the Sacred Threshold: Mindfulness in the Dying Season
In terminal illness, there is an urgent invitation to cross the sacred threshold into both meaning and loving connection. This workshop is for patients, caregivers, clergy, pastoral ministers, family members, friends and health-care advocates. Together, we will explore end-of-life issues from medical and spiritual perspectives. Dr. Jaena Wisniewski provides clinical experience and health-care advocacy strategies, while musician/storyteller Jeanne Cotter creates the spiritual environment where we can sensitively attune to the dying season.
Jeanne Cotter
Jeanne Cotter is a liturgical composer, author, parish mission director and prolific inspirational speaker. For over a decade she has performed her original piano works and songs throughout the United States and Canada. Cotter shares a bounty of knowledge, grounded in her own story and what she calls “the authority of experience.” Her latest works include “Tender Hearted” and “The Old Gravel Road.”
Jaena Wisniewski, MD
Dr. Jaena Wisniewski is a pathologist who has been in practice for 10 years as Partner at North Pathology Associates in Robbinsdale, Minn., and Chief of Pathology at North Memorial Health Care in Saint Paul, Minn. Dr. Wisniewski works with oncologists, critical care doctors and nurses. She is Chair of the Blood Management Committee and has presented for webinars, fundraisers and conferences.
2-10 Beyond Content: Engaging the Heart, Not Just the Head
Witnessing the awakening of the mind gives us great joy and a spring in our step. Witnessing the awakening of the soul takes our breath away and even changes us. We are more than teachers: We are evangelizers. Explore the difference between those who teach knowledge and those who transform lives.
Rich Curran
Rich Curran is founder and Executive Director of the Parish Success Group. Having served as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., Curran is a regular presenter at the National Catholic Youth Conference and the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry conferences and other national, regional and diocesan Catholic conferences, parish and school events. He has keynoted at 30 diocesan conferences and is a regular presenter of parish missions at parishes and schools.
2-11 Why Should I Go to Church?
This might be the most frequently asked question today. Sad to say, it might be the most seldom answered question, too. This workshop will answer that question with a simple, declarative sentence. And then we will explore how the many dimensions of Catholic Mass help us appreciate why we should go to Mass.
Rev. John C. Cusick
Fr. John Cusick, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, was creator, coordinator and Director of the diocese’s Young Adult Ministry from 1970 to 2013. He resides at Old St. Patrick’s Church in downtown Chicago, has spoken at numerous national and international conferences and is a part-time adjunct faculty member in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. In June 2014, he received The Spirit of the Conference Award for Service on behalf of Lay Ministry from the National Association of Lay Ministers.
2-12 Why Does God Want to Forgive Me? The Sacrament of Reconciliation for Teens
This workshop unwraps the gift of the sacrament of reconciliation for teens. It addresses the questions: Who am I? How does God relate to me? What is forgiveness? Is forgiveness possible? The sacrament of reconciliation is introduced in the context of God’s relationship with the young person. The sacrament is a powerful expression of God’s love for and trust in the one who celebrates. The sacrament calls teens to reflect on their own lives and on the confidence that God has in them.
Fr. Paul Farren
Fr. Paul Farren, a native of Ireland, is Director of Religious Education in the Diocese of Derry, Northern Ireland, where he is also Administrator of St. Eugene’s Cathedral. He teaches adult religious education courses in the diocese and gives presentations throughout Ireland, England and the United States. In 2014, Fr. Farren formed the Derry Youth Community, a diocesan community of young people ministering to teens. His latest book is titled “The Light of Forgiveness.”
2-13 The Influence of Music on the Lives of Teens
There is one thing every human being, no matter age, race or creed, has in common: love of music. Music can impart powerful social messages and capture the attention of teenagers. Society “gets” the influence of music from the marketing standpoint. It’s time for us to “get” it from the perspective of our call to evangelize!
Noelle Garcia
Noelle Garcia is a Catholic recording artist with World Library Publications. She travels the country speaking at parishes and conferences, appearing at events including CNN’s “Latino in America” documentary, EWTN’s weekly show “Life on the Rock,” in addition to World Youth Day 2008, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and the L.A. Congress. She is married to fellow musician and youth minister, David Garcia, and lives in Dodge City, Kan.
In Laudato Si', Pope Francis calls us to care for all creation. In the Roman Missal, we find that the bees have returned to the Exsultet. Learn about the meaning of the Exsultet, the music you can use and the candle that it praises. Illumine your appreciation of Easter and deepen your respect for bees! Human survival is dependent on the work of the bee. Life on Earth depends on bees. Albert Einstein once said, “Once we lose the bees, the human race has only four more years to exist.”
Msgr. Kevin Kostelnik
Msgr. Kevin Kostelnik is currently Pastor of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. After ordination and two associate pastorships, he served as Priest-Secretary to then Archbishop (now Cardinal) Roger Mahony. He held that post for 10 years until the Cardinal appointed him to the Cathedral pastoral post on February 1, 1999. On July 1, 2016, Msgr. Kostelnik will conclude his term as first Pastor of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels.
Martin Marklin
Martin Marklin has been fascinated by paschal candles since he was an altar server at Holy Cross Parish in St. Louis. In 1975, he began creating paschal candles and worked to perfect a wax-inlay process. Ten years later he started his own business, Marklin Candles, based in Contoocook, N.H. – one of about seven U.S. liturgical candle companies. Marklin, a woodworker by training, made candles for the U.S. visits of Pope Francis, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
John K. Flaherty
John Flaherty has been involved in music and educational ministry for over 20 years as an educator, elementary school principal, music director, liturgy director and composer. He is presently on the Campus Ministry team at Loyola Marymount University, where he serves as Director of Liturgy and Music. Flaherty has served as the chairperson of the Liturgy Committee and Music Director for the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress since 1991.
2-15 So What? I Mean, Really, So What?
What difference does all this make? Whatever our life calling, sometimes there is just so much to discourage us. We try so hard. We have some successes. We are set back by many failures. Sometimes we wonder why we do what we do. Yet, could the question “So what?” actually rekindle for us, and for those we serve, joy and meaning in our daily living? Fr. Joe Kempf offers several key perspectives and concrete strategies that will make a profound difference in your ministry – and in you.
Rev. Joseph G. Kempf
Fr. Joe Kempf, a priest of the St. Louis Archdiocese, is founder and President of the non-profit Gospel Values. He has presented at religious education gatherings across the United States and Canada. Fr. Kempf is author of “No One Cries the Wrong Way” and a number of children’s books, including “My Sister is Annoying,” and “Don’t Drink the Holy Water.” He has a CD of guided prayer reflections and four volumes of DVDs under the “Big Al LIVE” series.
2-16 Mission-centered Ministry: What Difference Does Our Mission Make?
You probably have a carefully crafted mission statement for your community, organization or ministry, but what difference does it really make in how your ministry is practiced? Do we really need a mission separate from the one given to us by Jesus? Being mission-centered is one of the qualities of truly transformational parishes and ministries. We’ll share practical advice on what a good mission looks like and some of the traps we need to avoid. We’ll also explore how a mission can help focus our ministry, making it more effective, more attractive to others, and even help avoid burnout.
Douglas Leal
Douglas Leal is Director of Mission Services for St. Joseph Health, based in Irvine, Calif., and previously led the Division of Adult Faith Formation for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He has worked as a management consultant and as a professional actor and director. Leal has presented at numerous conferences, including the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, the Catholic Bible Institute, and Theology on Tap. He is author of the skill-building book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!”
2-17 The Season of the Nativity: Celebrating the Incarnation with Embodied Practices
Advent, Christmas and Epiphany celebrate God’s coming into the world as flesh and blood. This is a season for delighting in and engaging all of the senses – smell, taste, sight, hearing and touch. Learn simple, sensory ways to experience this rich season each day at home – whether you are 5 or 85. We will sing, move, pray in color, engage Scripture and celebrate the season of the Incarnation with our whole body. Enrich the chaos of the “Christmas” season with playful and prayerful practices.
Sybil MacBeth
Author Sybil MacBeth is a dancer, doodler and teacher. She combines her experience of 15 years as a community college mathematics professor with her lifelong love of prayer to offer workshops and retreats on Praying in Color. Her 2007 book “Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God” has been translated into Korean, Spanish and Italian. Author of four other books, MacBeth’s latest offering is titled “The Season of the Nativity: Confessions and Practices of an Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Extremist.”
2-18 Ever Ancient, Ever New: New Media for the New Evangelization
Fr. James Martin, Editor at Large for America Media, hosts a panel of writers and editors from The Jesuit Post (TJP). Staffed by Jesuits in formation, TJP regularly publishes articles, spiritual reflections and essays that share the Gospel in light of trends and issues in popular culture. The panel will share what this ministry has taught them about how to engage young Catholics and seekers: by speaking “as one friend to another” (to quote St. Ignatius). Online communities and social media have formed a new marketplace of ideas where people gather and share. Come explore what the work of TJP shows us about communicating faith and evangelizing young people today.
Fr. James Martin, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin is Editor at Large of America magazine. He is author of several award-winning books, including “Together on Retreat,” “Between Heaven and Mirth,” “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,” “My Life with the Saints” and, most recently, “The Abbey.” Fr. Martin is a frequent speaker at national conferences, retreats and parish groups and has presented at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress over the past several years.
Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ
Keith Maczkiewicz joined the New England Province of Jesuits in 2008. He has served as a Campus Minister in high schools and at universities, including Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. Maczkiewicz has offered retreats at the Jesuit houses in Barrington, Ill, and in Los Altos, Calif. He currently serves as Associate Editor for The Jesuit Post.
Joseph Simmons, SJ
Joseph Simmons is a Jesuit of the Wisconsin Province, currently studying theology at Boston College in preparation for ordination to the priesthood in 2017. He taught at Marquette University High School in Milwaukee, Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Minneapolis and at Creighton University in Omaha, Neb . Simmons has been writing and now editing for the Jesuit Post since its launch in January 2012.
Jason Welle, SJ
After several years working as a flight attendant and serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in southeastern African country of Malawi, Jason Welle entered the Jesuits in 2006. He has worked at Seattle University, studied Spanish in Colombia, and traveled Mexico’s migrant corridor. He joined The Jesuit Post in 2013, and just finished a term as Managing Editor. Welle will be ordained to the priesthood in June.
2-19 The Holy Family: Models of Mercy for Today’s World
Using the colorful images and stories from his trilogy of art books on Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Bro. Mickey McGrath will offer unique and inspirational glimpses into the life of the Holy Family and their relevance for us in our 21st-century, multicultural church. The themes of respect for women and a thirst for social justice will be highlighted alongside the simple details of ordinary family life. A joyful and moving look at life, death and love – all the elements that make ordinary families quite extraordinary indeed.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath
Bro. Mickey McGrath, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is an artist, author and popular speaker at retreats and religious education conferences throughout the country. He also creates art for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and many Catholic publishers. Bro. McGrath has won awards for his books “Go to Joseph” and “Good Pope John XXIII,” which was presented to Pope Francis. His latest works are “Dear Young People: Inspiration from Pope Francis for All” and a series of video presentations based on his most popular books.
Among the 99 names for God in Islam is God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Jesus tells us we must be as merciful and as compassionate as our Father/God is toward all. Names reveal truth, but they also call us not only to preach and proclaim, but to practice as witness to our belief in God. What does it mean to be merciful and/or compassionate today in our personal relationships, in Church and in the world? Come try out the cloak of mercy and compassion in story, example and hope.
Megan McKenna
Megan McKenna is an international speaker and storyteller, author and theologian. She has spoken at national and international conferences. Author of 50 books, McKenna teaches at universities, colleges and pastoral institutes worldwide and presents workshops for dioceses and small communities. She is an Ambassador of Peace for Pax Christi USA and has won the Isaac Hecker Award for Justice and Peace.
2-21 Called to Discipleship: Removing Our Sandals Before the Sacred Ground of the Other
Pope Francis tells us, “The Church must look more closely and sympathetically at others whenever necessary. In our world, [we] can make present the fragrance of Christ’s closeness and his personal gaze” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 169). God invites us to accompany others, so they may know the companionship of God – and so we may know it more deeply with them. Using prayer, music, photographs and storytelling, explore the themes of missionary discipleship and accompaniment through the Sacred Ground of our sisters and brothers who live on the margins and discover how these concepts shape our call to serve.
Ted Miles
Baltimore native Ted Miles first worked in Belize and Guatemala in a two-year Jesuit Volunteer position. For nearly 30 years since then, he has served in parish ministry, Catholic high school education and archdiocesan leadership development. For 10 years, Miles has worked for Catholic Relief Services as Relationship Manager for Youth and Religious Education and Coordinator of Outreach for the United States. He now speaks nationally and internationally on behalf of CRS.
Ben Walther
Ben Walther began writing songs while serving as a worship leader in college. He taught religion for over five years and spent 13 years in parish and school ministry. He has served as a diocesan event worship leader, retreat host and conference speaker. Walther now teaches religion at St. Paul Catholic School in North Canton, Ohio. He is a recent addition to the OCP/SpiritandSong.com family; his CD is titled “Make Your Home in Me.”
2-22 Faith Formation for Ministry with the Special Needs Community
In this workshop, faith formation leaders will be guided in best-practice models, methodologies and resources. Mary O’Meara will use, “Forming Disciples for the New Evangelization,” as the teaching guide to better help special needs students and their families grow in the knowledge, understanding and living out their faith as valued members of their parish communities.
Mary O’Meara
Mary O’Meara serves the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. as Executive Director of the Department of Special Needs. She is a presenter at national conferences for children with disabilities and special needs and at diocesan workshops across the United States. O’Meara serves on the Executive Board of the International Catholic Foundation for the Service of Deaf Persons and is Course/Certificate Designer for the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation Certificate in Disability Ministry.
2-23 A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion
Pope Francis is eager for our parishes to become places of boundless mercy. In response, several popular books and seminars have proposed ways to “rebuild” and “renovate” the Church according to Francis’ vision. Unfortunately, these proposals require “rock star” pastors, large budgets and an upper middle-class demographic. In this workshop, pastoral minister, catechist, author and speaker Joe Paprocki offers 52 exciting, practical, realistic and viable transformation strategies. We can change the way average parishes think, function, worship, form people in faith and engage the world to truly become a Church on the move where we encounter boundless mercy.
Joe Paprocki, DMin
Joe Paprocki has over 35 years of experience in pastoral ministry and is presently National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago. He has presented in over 100 dioceses in North America, including Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. An author of numerous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis, Paprocki serves as a catechist at Evergreen Park, just outside of Chicago, and blogs about the experience.
2-24 Pope Francis and the Environment: Caring for Mother Earth and Her Children
In his encyclical, Laudato Si', Pope Francis tells us what he learned from scientists about threats to the environment and why he thinks this is a moral issue. He explains the causes of the environmental crisis in our political and economic systems and how we should respond to what is the most important challenge of the 21st century.
Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Thomas Reese is a senior analyst at the National Catholic Reporter. From 2006 to 2013, he was Senior Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, where he focused on religion and public policy. From 1998 to 2005, he was editor of America magazine. Fr. Reese is author of several books, including “Archbishop: Inside the Power Structure of the American Catholic Church.” He frequently appears on television and radio discussing Catholic issues and is often quoted in the press.
2-25 Same Lord, New Soundtrack
How did Jesus do it? He met people and knew instantly what they needed. Could we claim this in our ministry with young people? Jesus is in tune with the soundtrack of their lives. His message is also constant as is the change in music teens listen to. Learn ways to incorporate the real needs of young people, honor their culture and tap into the music of their hearts to improve your ministry. Arrive to this workshop ready to laugh, listen, share and walk away with four proven strategies.
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is a columnist for their Top Music Countdown online resource and host of the audio show, “Burning Issues.” She has made over 2,300 presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days and major conferences for religious educators in North America. Serving on the Board of Directors for the Catholic Youth Foundation USA, Scally has presented at RECongress for over 20 years. Her most recent book is titled, “Keys to Happiness.”
2-26 Connecting with Generation C
“Generation C” is being defined as people who are under 25 years of age. The reason for the “C” label is that they are connected, creative, curious and seeking community and good content. One of the things that may be missing from the “C” generation is Christ. In the spirit of the New Evangelization, we need to develop new and engaging ways to connect with this generation and not just evangelize, but catechize as well. In this workshop, we will explore who is Gen C and possible strategies on how to reach out to this group. Online and social media activities will be shared during this session.
Victor Valenzuela
Victor Valenzuela is a National Religion Consultant for Bilingual Resources for William H. Sadlier, Inc. He has been in ministry for 20 years including classroom teaching, youth ministry, teacher training, and writing and developing new materials. Valenzuela has presented workshops to numerous groups both regionally and nationally. Born in Arizona to parents of Mexican descent, he is fully bilingual and bicultural. He is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at Barry University in Miami.
2-27 “Harvolic”: Lessons Learned from Working for Two Worldwide Brands
Harvard University and the Catholic Church are two of the most recognizable worldwide institutions and brands. Loyola Press author Matt Weber spends his day job as Director of Digital Communications Strategy for the Harvard Graduate School of Education – and his lunch hours and nights as a host and producer for the CatholicTV Network. Drawing from his experiences leading the Harvard University brand and shaping the conversation on his new CatholicTV show, “The Lens,” Weber will provide useful tips and insights for best positioning your school/parish ministry with an authentic “digital heart and soul.”
Matthew O’Donnell Weber
Since 2009, Matt Weber has appeared as a host and producer on CatholicTV. He is also Director of Digital Communication Strategy at Harvard University, where he produces their Graduate School of Education’s podcast “The Harvard EdCast.” Weber, author of the book, “Fearing the Stigmata,” is a frequent contributor at Harvard University and to “Busted Halo” and the Huffington Post. For the past three years, he has had national speaking engagements at colleges, parishes and national educator gatherings across the country.
2-70 vietnamese workshop (The Boundless Mercy of God)
The history of salvation is also a history that express the mercy of God for humanity. God of the Christians is presented as the Creator, the Liberator and the Divine Protector (Providence). His mercy is shown especially through Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the World. Through Jesus, God became intimate with humankind and companioned with them. We need to realize His mercy for humanity as well for each individual.
Đức Cha Giuse Vũ Văn Thiên
Đức Cha Giuse Vũ Văn Thiên sinh ngày 26 tháng 10 năm 1960 tại Hải Dương, chịu chức Linh Mục ngày 24 tháng 1 năm 1988 và được bổ nhiệm giúp giáo xứ Mỹ Đồng và cha còn hỗ trợ lo cho trên 10 nhà thờ xung quanh. Ngày 6 tháng 11, 2002 Đức Giáo Hoàng Gioan Phaolồ II đã bổ nhiệm Cha Thiên làm Giám Mục Giáo phận Hải Phòng và được Phong chức Giám Mục ngày 2 tháng 1, 2003. Hiện tại Đức Cha Giuse Vũ văn Thiên đặc trách lo cho giới trẻ của Hội Đồng Giám Mục Việt Nam.
Bishop Joseph Thien Van Vu
Bishop Joseph Thien Van Vu, born on October 26, 1960, was ordained a priest on January 24, 1988 for the Hai Duong Province in Vietnam and served at My Dong Parish and provided pastoral over 10 parishes. Pope John Paul II appointed Fr. Vu as Bishop of Hai Phong on November 6, 2002 and was ordained on January 2, 2003. Currently, Bishop Vu heads the Episcopal Commission for Youth of the Vietnamese Bishops’ Conference.
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