2016 RECongress Speakers/Topics Listing
Religious Education Congress
February 25, 2016 (Youth Day) &
February 26-28, 2016
Schedule • Speakers • Workshops • Speakers/Topics • Exhibitors • Exhibitor Categories • Speaker Signings Congress 2016 offers workshops on a wide variety of topics. This topic category has been identified by the Office of Religious Education. Speaker-identified categories can be found on the Speaker Categories listing page.
Asterisks with session numbers indicate recorded workshops. “Key” indicates the Saturday Keynote or a Sunday Address. Youth Day workshops are labeled by a session letter (A, B, C, etc.). Congress sessions are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period. Sessions 1-, 2- and 3- are Friday; Sessions 4-, 5- and 6- are Saturday; Sessions 7- and 8- are Sunday. The two-digit number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English; -50 to -58 are in Spanish; -70 is in Vietnamese.
Click on a column heading to sort by Speaker Name, Topic, Session Number, Title or Language. If you click again on a column it will sort in reverse order.
Topic Session Workshop Title Language Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Parish Leadership 1-51* Discípulos que fascinan, multiplican y acompañan (Hall B) Spanish Alcántara Mendoza, Rev. Dr. Rogelio Catechesis/Evangelization 1-52* El combate espiritual y la misericordia de Dios Spanish Aljentera, Clarissa Valbuena Young Adult Ministry 3-02 Aw Snap! The Pastor Wants Me to Start a Young Adult Ministry English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 6-02* All Things Catholic: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Global Church English Alonso, Tony Liturgy/Music 2-02 A House of Prayer for All People: Liturgy, Music and Daily Life English Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music 2-03* Gotta Move! Sing, Dance, Pray! English Anderson, David Liturgy/Music 2-04 Bringing the Music and Spirit of Taizé to Your Community English Angotti, John Liturgy/Music 5-03* Reverse Thinking: The Joy of the Gospel Reveals that Everything is Under Review English Angrisano, Steve Liturgy/Music 6-04* Crossing the Great Divide – Creating Events for Whole Parish Communities English Angulo, Katherine Family 1-53* Sanación, salvación y seguimiento en Jesús – ¡La clave para mantener la fe en nuestros hogares! Spanish Anslinger, Leisa Stewardship 5-04* Building Bridges to the Heart of Discipleship English Arévalo, Elsy Parish Leadership 1-54* Portavoces del llamado: Siete pasos para atraer y retener voluntarios para el ministerio Spanish Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 4-02* Dancing with Monks and Mystics English Augustine, Dr. Ansel Youth Ministry Track 5-05* Reaching the Next Generation of Ministry Leaders: A Mission of Mercy English Bagladi, Lisa Ferlita Spirituality 3-52* Ritmo, Oración y Movimiento (Rhythm, Prayer, Move) Spanish Barnes, Bishop Gerald Multicultural 1-55* La cultura México-Americana y la Iglesia de hoy Spanish Barron, Bishop Robert Theology 2-05 Lessons from the David Stories English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 4-02* Dancing with Monks and Mystics English Bergant, Sr. Dianne Scripture 4-03* Divine Mercy in the Womb of God English Bielski, Mary Youth Ministry Track 3-03* The Good News About Desire, Sex and the Path to Freedom English Birmingham, Mary Catechesis/Initiation 2-06* RCIA: Evangelization and Faith Formation in the Pre-Catechumenate English Boyle, Fr. Gregory Restorative Justice 2-01* Be Fearless for Me: Courage and the Gospel of the Marginalized (Arena) English Bracamontes Ayón, Sr. Maria del Carmen Sexuality 5-52* Sexualidad y afectividad en la vida cristiana Spanish Braxton, Bishop Edward Multicultural 7-02* The Racial Divide in the United States English Brennan, Caroline Justice/Peace 4-04 The Church in Action: A Field Update from Today's Top Humanitarian Emergencies English Bryant, Sr. Kathleen Human Growth/Development 6-05* True Stories of Survival on the Streets English Burland, John Elementary 2-07* Let’s Pray! Let’s Sing! An Engaging Way to Teach Catholic Prayer to Children English Burns, Sr. Helena Youth Ministry Track 1-02* Teens and Social Media English Burton, Fr. William Scripture 3-04* Demystifying the Book of Revelation English Cabarrús Pellecer, Rev. Carlos Rafael Spirituality 5-53* Bases sociologías y psicológicas para una buena espiritualidad Spanish Calderón, Rev. Juan Luis Scripture 3-51 Lo creado y lo construido: Lugares de encuentro y celebración (Hall B) Spanish Canavese, Paul Family 4-05* Engaging New Parents Through Baptism and Beyond English Cano Valero, Julia Life Issues 3-53* El sistema familiar y su funcionamiento Spanish Carter, Dallas Media/Technology 3-05 Ancient and Holy Truths in the Language of the New Generation English Chairez, Rita Restorative Justice 5-55* Madres al pie de la cruz y el poder del perdón Spanish Chinn, Andrew Elementary 2-08* Sing With Boundless Joy! English Clarke, Fr. James Spirituality 2-52* Los cambios de la vida: ¿Nadar o luchar? Spanish Colson, Craig Youth Ministry Track 8-03* Effective Contemporary Music Ministry: Color Inside the Lines, But Use Bright Colors! English Cortés, Sr. Ondina Young Adult/Jovenes 4-54* Reconciliación personal y social del adulto joven Spanish Cortez, Jaime Elementary 7-05 Building a Strong Children’s Choir English Cotter, Jeanne Liturgy/Music 2-09 Crossing the Sacred Threshold: Mindfulness in the Dying Season English Covarrubias, María Family 3-54* Revitalizando la misión catequizadora de la familia Spanish Curran, Richard Parish Leadership 2-10* Beyond Content: Engaging the Heart, Not Just the Head English Cusick, Fr. John Liturgy/Music 2-11* Why Should I Go to Church? English Davis, Robin Family 5-10* Spirituality for Blended Families: A Stepmom’s Story of Finding Faith, Following Love and Feeding a Family English de Silva, Chris Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Deck, Rev. Allan Figueroa Adult Education 3-55* Fuentes latinoamericanas y Jesuitas del ministerio del Papa Francisco Spanish Dell'Oro, Dr. Roberto Morality 4-08* “Aid in Dying” and the Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide English Do, Sr. Vuong Vietnamese 5-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Youth Leadership in the Church: An Everyday Journey of Holiness) Vietnamese Dwyer, Fr. Dave Young Adult Ministry 7-08* Empowering Young Adult Leadership and Receiving Them in Parish Life English Dysinger, Fr. Luke Sexuality 6-07* God’s Gift of Intimacy: A Catholic Understanding of Human Sexuality English East, Msgr. Raymond Catechesis/Evangelization 5-11* Mercy in the Street and in the Home English East, Tom Confirmation 6-08* Preparing Youth for Confirmation Through the Life of the Parish English Elias-Juarez, Marco Men's Issues 3-56* Redescubriendo mi espiritualidad: La importancia de ser consentido, vivir con-sentido y actuar con-sentido Spanish Ellair, Steven Elementary 3-06* Effective Prayer with Children! It’s Easier Than You Think! English Encarnacion, Sr. Catherine O. Spirituality 2-53* Cuidemos la tierra Spanish Espaillat II, Fr. Joseph Youth Ministry Track 4-09* God’s Anger Lasts but a Moment, His Mercy FOREVER! English Espín, Dr. Orlando Theology 7-54* Teología latina para la pastoral latina Spanish Fabing, Fr. Robert Liturgy/Music 1-03 Is Your Heart in the Eucharist of Jesus? English Farrell, Mike Restorative Justice 4-22* Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Execute Those Who Trespass Against Us? English Farren, Fr. Paul Sacraments 2-12* Why Does God Want to Forgive Me? The Sacrament of Reconciliation for Teens English Feduccia, Robert Youth Ministry Track 6-09* Science, Faith and Atheism English Felix-Rivera, Sr. Karla Sacraments 2-54* Teología del matrimonio y el proceso de nulidad matrimonial Spanish Fernández, Santiago Catechesis/Evangelization 3-07* The Quinceañera and Its Capacity to Truly Reach Hispanic Families English Fields, David Justice/Peace 3-08* God’s Mercy Alive Through Ministry to the Poor English Fitzmaurice, Arthur LGBT Ministry 3-09* Love Is Our Mission with LGBT Catholics: Church and Family Fully Alive English Flaherty, John Liturgy/Music 2-14* The Bees Are Back! English Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Morality 5-56* La familia, escuela de misericordia Spanish Florian, Amy Life Issues 3-10* A Friend Indeed: Helping Someone in Grief English Foley, Fr. Edward Liturgy/Music 6-10 Eucharist and the Real Presence: The Modern Contribution to the Conversation English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Sacraments 1-05* The Newly Revised and Translated Rite of Marriage: A Way to Celebrate Love, Communion and Covenant English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Elementary 6-11* The Gospel of Luke: The Drama of It All! English Freeburg, Sr. Paule Liturgy/Music 1-04* Many More Stories and Songs of Jesus English Friedt, Dan Parish Leadership 1-06* Teachers, Transformation and Technology: Teachers Guiding Students to Change Our World English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 4-10* The Challenge Still Before Us: Implementing Vatican II with Pope Francis English Galea, Fr. Rob Human Growth/Development 3-11 My Journey from Teen Rebellion, Depression and Addiction, to Priesthood English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechesis/Initiation 4-12* The RCIA: Who Really Belongs? English Garcia, Noelle Youth Ministry Track 2-13* The Influence of Music on the Lives of Teens English Garrido, Ann Parish Leadership 6-13 Challenging Conversations: Strategies for Working through Ministerial Conflicts English Gordon, Greer Adult Education 1-07 Loving God: A Sacrifice of Praise English Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 3-12* Education in Faith and the Challenges of High School Theology English Groves, Richard Life Issues 4-13* Soul & Science of Healing: Bridge Between Ministry and the Healing Arts English Guerra-Calderon, Rev. Walter Justice/Peace 5-57* Justicia y misericordia: Formación sistemática en la vida de la Iglesia Spanish Guffey, Fr. David Media/Technology 6-14* Video and Film for Evangelization, Catechesis and Community Building English Haas, David Liturgy/Music 1-08 Walk with Christ: Praying and Singing as the Beloved of God English Hall, Darrell Theology 5-15* The Power of Beauty English Hart, Mark Catechesis/Evangelization 1-09* The Magic Bullet: Where Ministries Go Wrong … and How We Can Change It English Hart, Sarah Young Adult Ministry 1-10* Blessed are the Disenchanted: Finding God in a World of Meh English Haugen, Marty Stewardship 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Heft, Fr. James Morality Key* Address: Pope Francis, the Environment and U.S. Politics English Henry, Fr. Perry Justice/Peace 3-08* God’s Mercy Alive Through Ministry to the Poor English Hernandez, Wil Spirituality/Prayer 6-15 Mere Spirituality: The Spiritual Life According to Henri Nouwen English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality/Prayer 1-11* Rest, Renew, Live – A Place for Grace in Our Life English Ho, Rev. Peter Viet Vietnamese 4-70* Vietnamese Workshop (People of God: The Christian Faithful) Vietnamese Horan, Fr. Daniel Spirituality/Prayer 3-13* Incarnation Anyway: The Spirituality of Why God Became Human English Hy, Prof. Le Xuan Vietnamese 1-70* Vietnamese Workshop (The Vietnamese Martyrs: Witnesses to God’s Boundless Mercy) Vietnamese Jansen, ValLimar Women's Issues 3-14* Women at the Crossroads English Jarzembowski, Paul Young Adult Ministry 1-12* Sparks from Ashes: Young Adult Evangelization English Joncas, Fr. Jan Michael Liturgy/Music 3-15 Celebrating Merciful Liturgy English Just, Fr. Felix Scripture 7-14* What Does the Bible Really Say About “Mercy”? English Kempf, Fr. Joseph Sacraments 2-15* So What? I Mean, Really, So What? English Kennedy, Dr. Saundra Elementary 1-13* Do You See What I See: From a Catholic Schoolteacher’s Perspective English Kernion, Anne Kertz Spirituality/Prayer 3-16* Neuroscience and Contemplative Practices English King, Heather Human Growth/Development 5-16* Our Vocation Is Love: Called to Be a Catholic Artist English Kolar, Peter Liturgy/Music 6-55 Cantos para el Año de la Misericordia Spanish Kostelnik, Msgr. Kevin Liturgy/Music 2-14* The Bees Are Back! English Lavoie, Archbishop Sylvain Spirituality/Prayer 5-17* From Surviving to Thriving English Lawton, Liam Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Leal, Douglas Adult Education 2-16* Mission-centered Ministry: What Difference Does Our Mission Make? English Leonard, Fr. Richard Media/Technology 4-17 Sex and the Cinema: A Christian Approach to How the Media is Forming Our Values English López, Rev. Pedro RCIA/Catechumenate 2-55* Niños y jóvenes en el proceso de RICA, ¿Qué hacer con ellos? Spanish MacBeth, Sybil Family 1-14* Praying in Color: Doodling and Coloring as a Path to Prayer English Maczkiewicz, Keith Spirituality/Prayer 2-18* Ever Ancient, Ever New: New Media for the New Evangelization English Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 3-17* Sing Mercy, Sing Justice, Sing Mission English Manibusan, Jesse Multicultural 5-18* Reaching the Marginalized English Marklin, Martin Liturgy/Music 2-14* The Bees Are Back! English Martin, Fr. James Media 2-18* Ever Ancient, Ever New: New Media for the New Evangelization English Massingale, Fr. Bryan Morality 1-15* The “Culture of Encounter” and Social Justice English Mateo, Sr. Hilda Adult Education 5-58* ¿Creo en el Espíritu Santo? Un examen de conciencia para reavivar mi discipulado Spanish Matovina, Dr. Timothy Theology 4-56* Márgenes, Misión, Misericordia: Siguiendo a Jesús el Rechazado de Galilea Spanish Mayersohn, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical/Interreligious 8-17* The Spiritual Bridge: Moses to Jesus English McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry Track 7-15* Emerging Trends in Youth Ministry: The Pain and the Promise English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neil Family 2-19* The Holy Family: Models of Mercy for Today’s World English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality/Prayer 2-20* The Names of God English Miles, Ted Youth Ministry Track 2-21* Called to Discipleship: Removing Our Sandals Before the Sacred Ground of the Other English Molina, Amalia Restorative Justice 5-55* Madres al pie de la cruz y el poder del perdón Spanish Montes, Hon. Richard Sacraments 6-19* Examining the Catholic Myths and the Legal Impact on the Family after a Civil Divorce and Church Annulment: A Necessary Dialogue English Montes-Jaime, Lic. Rosa Family 2-56* Auto-estima: Una forma consiente de cambiar tu vida Spanish Morris, Fr. Jonathan Ecclesiology 3-19* Mercy and the Spiritual Life English Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 1-16* Catch Me Lord! I’m Falling: The New Testament on Peter English Neeley, Rev. Peter Justice/Peace 1-56* Ven a ver la Misericordia de Dios en la frontera Spanish Nguyen, Rev. Joseph Hung Viet Vietnamese 1-70* Vietnamese Workshop (The Vietnamese Martyrs: Witnesses to God’s Boundless Mercy) Vietnamese Nguyen, Fr. Truc Vietnamese 3-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Things You Need to Know about Marriage Nullity) Vietnamese O’Meara, Mary Special Needs 2-22* Faith Formation for Ministry with the Special Needs Community English O'Brien, David Adult Education 3-20* Reconciling the Polarized Church the Pope Francis Way English Ocegueda Juárez, María Elena Elementary 4-58* ¡Abordemos la misericordia en la catequesis para niños! Spanish Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Catechesis/Evangelization 1-17* Catholic Schools in an Increasingly Hispanic Church English Pacatte, Sr. Rose Catechesis/Evangelization 5-20* Making Core Values into Core Memories: The ”Inside Out” of Values and Virtues in Media English Paprocki, Joe Catechesis/Evangelization 2-23* A Church on the Move: 52 Ways to Get Mission and Mercy in Motion English Patalinghug, Fr. Leo Theology 1-18 A Theology of Food, Communion and the Domestic Church English Patin, Mike Catechesis/Evangelization 3-01* Encounter: Significance Over Success (Arena) English Peña, Donna Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Perron, Bob Youth Ministry Track 1-19* Created to Relate English Petitfils, Roy Youth Ministry Track 1-20* Hurts So Good – Ministering to Adolescents Who Self-injure English Petras, Very Rev. David Petras Ecumenical/Interreligious 3-22* The Importance and Beauty of the Eastern Catholic Churches English Plascencia, Javier LGBT Ministry 6-56* Siempre serán nuestros hijos: Cuidado pastoral para/con los católicos gay y lesbianas en nuestra parroquia, nuestra comunidad y en el hogar Spanish Ponnet, Fr. Chris LGBT Ministry 3-09* Love Is Our Mission with LGBT Catholics: Church and Family Fully Alive English Prejean, Sr. Helen Restorative Justice Key* Keynote: Boundless Mercy and the Compassion of Christ English Prejean, Katie Junior High 1-21* They Could Trample Me: Ministering to Young Adolescents English Reese, Fr. Thomas Ecclesiology 2-24 Pope Francis and the Environment: Caring for Mother Earth and Her Children English Ricard, Fr. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 3-21* All Lives Matter: Recognizing the Inherent Dignity of All (Arena) English Rickard, Sr. Theresa Catechesis/Evangelization 1-22* Mission Matters: The Social Dimension of Evangelization English Rodriguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Adult Education 2-51* La memoria herida y sus consecuencias (Hall B) Spanish Rojas, Roberto Adrian Ecclesiology 6-57* ¿Por qué los Movimientos Apostólicos son importantes en la respuesta a la primer encíclica del Papa Francisco? Spanish Rolheiser, Fr. Ronald Spirituality/Prayer 1-01* Moral Loneliness in Our Lives and Ministry: The Deeper Reality Beneath Our Longing for a Soul Mate (Arena) English Rubalcava, Pedro Spirituality 3-52* Ritmo, Oración y Movimiento (Rhythm, Prayer, Move) Spanish Saju, Lic. Juan Pablo Spirituality 3-57* Apertura del corazón ante una mirada de amor Spanish Scally, Anna Evangelization 2-25* Same Lord, New Soundtrack English Shawver, Rosie Chinea Young Adult Ministry 7-08* Empowering Young Adult Leadership and Receiving Them in Parish Life English Siller Acuña, Rev. Clodomiro Ecclesiology 2-57* Qué fuerza necesitamos para poder compadecernos de los demás Spanish Simmons, Joseph Spirituality/Prayer 2-18* Ever Ancient, Ever New: New Media for the New Evangelization English Smith, Rt. Rev. Alexei Ecumenical/Interreligious 3-22* The Importance and Beauty of the Eastern Catholic Churches English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 1-23* The Bible Across Cultures English Spitzer, Fr. Robert Human Growth/Development 6-22* Science at the Doorway to God: An Assessment of the Universe, Near-Death Experiences, and the Shroud of Turin English Stanz, Julianne Parish Leadership 5-23* The Spirituality of Administration: Pathways for Inspirational Leadership English Stauring, Javier Restorative Justice 4-22* Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Execute Those Who Trespass Against Us? English Sullivan, Sr. Maureen Theology 1-24* Where Is There a God Like You? – Micah 7:18-20 English Theisen, Michael Family 1-25* Francis, Families and the Synod: Where Do We Go From Here? English Tighe, Msgr. Paul Media/Technology 1-26* The Church in a Digital World: Sharing Good News English Tobar van der Mensbrugghe, Dora Women's Issues 1-57* Mensaje urgente del Vaticano II a las mujeres Spanish Tooke, Doug Youth Ministry Track 3-23* From Maintenance to Mission English Torres, Fr. Augustino Young Adult/Jovenes 3-58* Espiritualidad de jóvenes Spanish Trujillo, Yunuen LGBT Ministry 6-56* Siempre serán nuestros hijos: Cuidado pastoral para/con los católicos gay y lesbianas en nuestra parroquia, nuestra comunidad y en el hogar Spanish Turk, Jihad Ecumenical/Interreligious 4-21* Encountering Islam: Catholics and Muslims and the Challenges of Today English Tyson, Bishop Joseph Justice/Peace 3-24* Missionaries of Mercy: The Reflection Component of Youth Service Projects English Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 2-26* Connecting with Generation C English Valladares Paguaga, Sr. Xiskya Media/Technology 3-59* La gestión del conflicto en grupos de fe Spanish van Parys, Johan Liturgy/Music 5-24* The Lost Art of Sacred Symbols English Vega, Ernesto Spirituality 6-51* La sanación interior y la misericordia van de la mano (Hall B) Spanish Vega, Rev. Richard RCIA/Catechumenate 1-58* Experimentando la Misericordia Inagotable del Señor en los escrutinios y el rito penitencial del RICA Spanish Vital Cruz, Lupita Catechesis/Evangelization 2-58* Los catequistas como discípulos portadores de la dignidad humana Spanish Vu, Bishop Joseph Thien Van Vietnamese 2-70* Vietnamese Workshop (The Boundless Mercy of God) Vietnamese Wagner, Nick Catechesis/Evangelization 6-24* Five Steps to Telling a Great Story: How to Teach Like Jesus English Wahl, James Early Childhood 2-08* Sing With Boundless Joy! English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 1-04* Many More Stories and Songs of Jesus English Walther, Ben Youth Ministry Track 2-21* Called to Discipleship: Removing Our Sandals Before the Sacred Ground of the Other English Weber, Kerry Young Adult Ministry 8-23* Millennials and Mercy: What Pope Francis Can Teach Us about Young Adult Outreach English Weber, Matthew O'Donnell Young Adult Ministry 2-27* “Harvolic”: Lessons Learned from Working for Two Worldwide Brands English Welle, Jason Spirituality/Prayer 2-18* Ever Ancient, Ever New: New Media for the New Evangelization English Wells, David Adult Education 3-25* What Are You Waiting For? 100 Tips for Becoming a Missionary Parish English Wenc, Char Family 3-26* Becoming a Parent is a Gift, While Parenting Itself is a Learned Skill English West, John Liturgy/Music 5-26* Moving with God's Inexhaustible Mercy Within Us English Weston, Fr. Thomas Life Issues 4-25* The 12 Steps of AA and the Spiritual Exercises of lgnatius ... Parallel Paths English Wicks, Dr. Robert Spirituality/Prayer 1-27 Spiritual Friendship: The Art of Receiving and Offering Gentle Wisdom English Wisniewski, Dr. Jaena Life Issues 2-09* Crossing the Sacred Threshold: Mindfulness in the Dying Season English Yzaguirre, Dr. John Family 4-51* El corazón y el alma de la unidad en la vida matrimonial (Hall B) Spanish Zanotto, Luigi Adult Education 6-59* Lectura hispano-catequética de "Laudato Si'" del papa Francisco Spanish Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Multicultural 4-52* La familia: Protagonista principal de la misericordia y la catequesis Spanish Alcántara Mendoza, Rev. Dr. Rogelio Catechesis/Evangelization 6-52* La misericordia de Dios en el más allá Spanish Aljentera, Clarissa Valbuena Young Adult Ministry 5-02 Molehill to Mountaintop: Transforming Everyday Prayer into Profound Moments of Grace as a Young Adult English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 7-01* The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines (Arena) English Alonso, Tony Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Angulo, Katherine Youth Ministry 4-53* Ministerio Juvenil ¡Un tesoro escondido! Spanish Arévalo, Elsy Parish Leadership 8-52* “Como tú, oh Padre, estás en mí y yo en ti, que también ellos estén en nosotros” Spanish Bergant, Sr. Dianne Scripture 6-03* The Community of Earth English Birmingham, Mary Catechesis/Initiation 5-06* Formation of Unbaptized Children and Teens in the RCIA English Boyle, Fr. Gregory Restorative Justice 4-22* Forgive Us Our Trespasses as We Execute Those Who Trespass Against Us? English Bracamontes Ayón, Sr. Maria del Carmen Spirituality Key* Asamblea: La Misericordia: Un don entrañable que recrea la vida Spanish Bryant, Sr. Kathleen Human Growth/Development 7-04* Moving in the Direction of Mercy English Burland, John Elementary 5-07* Songs of Mercy and Celebration: Echoing the Message of Jubilee English Burton, Fr. William Scripture 6-06* At Table with Jesus: “Do This in Memory of Me” English Cabarrús Pellecer, Rev. Carlos Rafael Spirituality 8-53* Indicadores de una espiritualidad sana Spanish Calderón, Rev. Juan Luis Scripture 5-54 Los símbolos sacramentales en tiempo de cambio climático Spanish Canavese, Paul Family 8-02* How to Coach Parents to Form Their Own Children in Faith English Cano Valero, Julia Life Issues 6-53* Salud mental en la sociedad actual Spanish Carter, Dallas Media/Technology 5-08 “Reaching the Multitudes” – Effective Content and Viral Concepts English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 4-06* Gotta Sing, Gotta Pray English Clarke, Fr. James Spirituality 5-09* Life Changes: Swim or Struggle? English Cortés, Sr. Ondina Young Adult/Jovenes 7-52* “Ay de mi si no evangelizo”: Jóvenes adultos en misión Spanish Curran, Richard Parish Leadership 4-07* The Courageous Parish English Cusick, Fr. John Liturgy/Music 8-04* A Deeper Appreciation of Some of Our Favorite Gospel Stories English Davis, Robin Family 8-05* Food as a Language for Family English Do, Sr. Vuong Vietnamese 8-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Youth Leadership: A Witness to Love) Vietnamese East, Tom Confirmation 8-06* Encounter and Mission: The Adolescent Disciple’s Journey English Elias-Juarez, Marco Men's Issues 6-54* Descomunicados en un mundo más comunicado que nunca: Ventajas, desventajas y retos del mundo de los celulares, iPads, tabletas, computadoras… Spanish Ellair, Steven Elementary 7-07* Bringing Sacrament Preparation to Life! English Encarnacion, Sr. Catherine O. Spirituality 7-53* Espiritualidad de la creación Spanish Farren, Fr. Paul Sacraments 8-07* Freedom and Forgiveness: A Fresh Look at the Sacrament of Reconciliation English Fernández, Santiago Catechesis/Evangelization 4-55* ¡Descubran su castillo interior con Santa Teresa de Ávila! Spanish Fitzmaurice, Arthur LGBT Ministry 5-12* Transgender in the Church: One Bread, One Body English Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Morality 7-51* La Misericordia: Don y Tarea (Hall B) Spanish Florian, Amy Life Issues 7-09* Live Fully While You Live – Pass On a Legacy When You Die English Foley, Fr. Edward Liturgy/Music 7-10 Paul’s Teaching and Eucharistic Living English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Sacraments 5-13* The Sacrament of Boundless Mercy: Pondering the Seven Gifts of the Eucharist English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Elementary 8-08* Will Wonders Never Cease! English Friedt, Dan Parish Leadership 6-12* Leadership and Social Justice: How Catholic Parishes and Schools Can Change Our World English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Sacraments 5-14* Why You Always Marry the Wrong Person: Toward a Practical Spirituality of Marriage English Galea, Fr. Rob Human Growth/Development 8-09 Jesus and “The X Factor” English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechesis/Initiation 7-11* The Catechumenate as the Inspiration for All Catechesis: Why and How? English Garrido, Ann Parish Leadership 8-10 Mentoring in Ministry English Gordon, Greer Adult Education 7-12 Leading in Grace: Serving God English Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 4-11* Church in the 21st Century: Continuing the Renewal and Reform English Groves, Richard Life Issues 8-11* Deep Change: Meeting God During Time of Transition and Failure English Guerra-Calderon, Rev. Walter Justice/Peace 8-54* Monseñor Romero: Su predilección por los pobres Spanish Guffey, Fr. David Media/Technology 8-12* Catholic Video-maker’s Forum English Haas, David Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Hall, Darrell Theology 7-13* Can Man Live Without God? English Haugen, Marty Stewardship 8-13 Laudato Si’: Singing and Praying the Canticle of Creation with Francis English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality/Prayer 4-14* Born to Dance: Let's Break Out the Wine and Live from the Inside Out English Horan, Fr. Daniel Spirituality/Prayer 4-15* The Name of God is Relationship English Hy, Prof. Le Xuan Vietnamese 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Vietnamese-American Families and Communities Learning from the Vietnamese Martyrs) Vietnamese Jarzembowski, Paul Young Adult Ministry 6-16* Walking with Young Adults: Transition and Pilgrimage English Joncas, Fr. Jan Michael Liturgy/Music 5-01 Songs of Mercy (Arena) English Kempf, Fr. Joseph Spirituality/Prayer 4-16* The Laughter, the Tears and the Boundless Mercy in the Heart of God English Kennedy, Dr. Saundra Catechesis/Evangelization 8-14* Keys to Proclaiming the Word: The Task of Catechesis English Lawton, Liam Spirituality/Prayer 8-15 The Celtic Heart of Mercy English Leal, Douglas Adult Education 6-17* Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice: Opening to Boundless Mercy English Leonard, Fr. Richard Spirituality/Prayer 8-16 What Are We Hoping? Stories of Mercy for Lent and Easter English MacBeth, Sybil Family 2-17* The Season of the Nativity: Celebrating the Incarnation with Embodied Practices English Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 4-18* This is the Time: Songs for the Seasons English Martin, Fr. James Media 4-01* The Abbey (Arena) English Massingale, Fr. Bryan Morality 3-18* Black and Catholic: The Gift and Challenge Today English Mateo, Sr. Hilda Ecclesiology 8-51* Tonantzin Guadalupe: La pedagogía del Dios de la misericordia (Hall B) Spanish Matovina, Dr. Timothy Theology 6-18* Margins, Mission, Mercy: Following Jesus the Galilean Reject English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality/Prayer 4-19* “The Quality of Mercy Is Not Strain'd” English Montes-Jaime, Lic. Rosa Family 7-55* Comunicación: Luz y vida para las familias Spanish Morris, Fr. Jonathan Ecclesiology 8-18* Light in the Darkness English Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 5-19* Renewing the Face of the Earth: Scriptural Support for "Laudato Si'" English Neeley, Rev. Peter Justice/Peace 4-57* Jóvenes y la misericordia en la migración Spanish Nguyen, Rev. Joseph Hung Viet Vietnamese 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Vietnamese-American Families and Communities Learning from the Vietnamese Martyrs) Vietnamese Nguyen, Fr. Truc Sacraments 6-19* Examining the Catholic Myths and the Legal Impact on the Family after a Civil Divorce and Church Annulment: A Necessary Dialogue English O’Meara, Mary Special Needs 7-17* From Access to Belonging English O'Brien, David Young Adult Ministry 4-20* What Do Young Adults Have to Offer the Church? English Ocegueda Juárez, María Elena Elementary 8-55* El catequista signo de la misericordia Spanish Ospino, Dr. Hosffman Catechesis/Evangelization 5-59* Las escuelas católicas en una Iglesia cada vez más hispana Spanish Patalinghug, Fr. Leo Sacraments 6-20 Adoring Food: Pastoral Theological Presentation on the Eucharist English Prejean, Sr. Helen Restorative Justice 5-21* Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues … English Reese, Fr. Thomas Ecclesiology 5-22 Synod on the Family: What Happened, Why It Matters English Ricard, Fr. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 6-01* “Ask Fr. Tony” – Answering the Questions on Faith, Hope and Love English Rodriguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Adult Education 4-59* En el cansancio del perdonar Spanish Rojas, Roberto Adrian Media/Technology 8-56* ¡La Nueva Evangelización en la era de las redes sociales! Spanish Rolheiser, Fr. Ronald Spirituality/Prayer 6-21* The Second Step in Spirituality: The Deeper Secrets Inside the Gospels English Rubalcava, Pedro Multicultural 7-19* Shared Parishes and Intercultural Life English Saju, Lic. Juan Pablo Spirituality 7-56* A veces tenemos que perdonar y a veces tenemos que pedir perdón Spanish Siller Acuña, Rev. Clodomiro Scripture 7-57* La Misericordia y la compasión en el Nuevo Testamento Spanish Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 8-19* Genesis, Evolution and the Image of God English Spitzer, Fr. Robert Human Growth/Development 7-20* Physician-Assisted Suicide: Responding to a New Problem of Cultural Decline English Stanz, Julianne Parish Leadership 7-21* Forming Adults as Missionary Disciples: Five Creative Strategies English Sullivan, Sr. Maureen Theology 8-01* A Restless Humanity in Search of Meaning (Arena) English Theisen, Michael Family 6-23* What Happens When We Accompany Families in Their Faith Journey? English Tighe, Msgr. Paul Media/Technology 7-22* Building a Culture of Encounter: Humanizing the Social Networks English Tobar van der Mensbrugghe, Dora Family 5-51* La familia: Instrumento de salvación -- Sínodo 2015 (Hall B) Spanish Torres, Fr. Augustino Young Adult/Jovenes 8-57* Liderazgo en el ministerio juvenil Spanish Tyson, Bishop Joseph Justice/Peace 4-23* Commuter Spirituality: Lessons Learned from Migrant Workers English Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 7-58* Cultivando la espiritualidad en nuestras familias Spanish Valladares Paguaga, Sr. Xiskya Media/Technology 6-58* Vivir en cristiano en la era del Internet Spanish van Parys, Johan Liturgy/Music 8-20* Liturgical Celebrations as “Source and Summit” of Christian Hope English Vega, Rev. Richard RCIA/Catechumenate 8-58* RICA: Invitación a evangelizar y hacer presente el rostro de la misericordia Spanish Vital Cruz, Lupita Catechesis/Evangelization 8-59* Evangelizando con el poder de la misericordia Spanish Vu, Bishop Joseph Thien Van Vietnamese 7-70* Vietnamese Workshop (A Society in Need of Mercy) Vietnamese Wagner, Nick Catechesis/Evangelization 8-21* How to Evangelize Like a Rock Star – In a Subtle, Catholic Kind of Way English Wahl, James Early Childhood 8-22* Using Boundless Energy to Form Boundless Faith! English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 5-25* Spiritual Care for Your Choir and Music Ministers English Weber, Matthew O'Donnell Young Adult Ministry 6-25* Gut Check: The Thread of Love English Wells, David Adult Education 6-26* “The Perfect Family Doesn’t Exist”: Encouraging Boundless Mercy in the Home English Wenc, Char Parish Leadership 4-24* The Skills of Christ-like Leadership English Weston, Fr. Thomas Life Issues 7-23* Augustine of Hippo: A Person of Faith in a Time of Crisis and Confusion English Wicks, Dr. Robert Spirituality/Prayer 4-26 The Challenge and Gift of Being Present to Others, Ourselves and God English Yzaguirre, Dr. John Family 7-24* The Heart and Soul of Unity for Couples English Zanotto, Luigi Adult Education 7-59* 2016: Un año decisivo para la comunidad hispana de los Estados Unidos Spanish Augustine, Dr. Ansel Youth Day Arena Step Up the Hope English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neil Youth Day (Art) G BFFs from Heaven English Hart, Mark Youth Day (Scripture)ion A Beyond Boring: Reading the Bible for a Change English Feduccia, Robert Youth Day (Faith)Ministry Track B “I Don't Believe in God; I Believe in Science” English Tooke, Doug Youth Day (Evangelization) C Proudly Proclaim English Patin, Mike Youth Day (Family) H Messy, Madness, Mayhem: Families! English Bielski, Mary Youth Day (Sexuality) E The Truth About Love, Sex and Relationships English Burns, Sr. Helena Youth Day (Vocations) F “Hey You! Yeah, You!” What Is God Saying About Your Future? (Vocation Discernment Made Easy!) English Prejean, Katie Youth Day (Stress) D Keep Calm & Love Jesus: Dealing with Stress and Chaos Every Day English Petitfils, Roy Youth Day (Communication) I Share Your Story English Perron, Bob Youth Day (Relationships) J Created to Relate English Flores, Theresa Youth Day (Human Trafficking) K A Bar of SOAP HOPE ... Human Trafficking: What It Is and How to Fight It! English Rodriguez, Rosario Youth Day (Forgiveness) M Finding Hope in the Midst of Pain and Tragedy English Espaillat II, Fr. Joseph Youth Day (Decision-making) L God Is My H.E.R.O. English Miles, Ted Youth Day (Prayer) N HopeBound in Prayer English Walther, Ben Youth Day (Prayer) N HopeBound in Prayer English Kroger, Sarah Youth Day (Prayer) N HopeBound in Prayer English
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