2016 RECongress Period 3
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 26, 2016
3:00 - 4:30 pm
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= Recorded session
3-01 Encounter: Significance Over Success
Pope Francis has been making “culture of encounter” a theme of his papacy. What specifically does this mean? How do we do this in ordinary ways and in our evangelizing efforts/ministry in the Church?
Mike Patin
“Faith Horticulturist” Mike Patin lives in Lafayette, La., and has worked in ministry since 1984 as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan youth minister for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He has spoken to groups ranging from 10 to 23,000 in over 130 dioceses in the United States and Canada on issues of Catholic faith, positive attitude, using our gifts and living life fully. Patin has published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
3-02 Aw Snap! The Pastor Wants Me to Start a Young Adult Ministry
It always takes courage to start something new. In this session, we will look at invitation, communication and evangelization strategies to help equip young adults to lead among their peers. We’ll explore dynamic and engaging strategies to start building Christ-centered community. Young adult ministry is an exciting place to be, so let’s get there together.
Clarissa Valbuena Aljentera
Clarissa Aljentera is Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation and Media Resources at the Chicago Archdiocese’s Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry. She is a speaker and consultant, appearing at regional and parish conferences around the Chicago area and nationally, and author of “The Parish Guide to Social Media: How Social Networking Can Recharge Your Ministry.” Originally a newspaper reporter from California, Aljentera now performs “improv” and writes rap based on Scripture.
3-03 The Good News About Desire, Sex and the Path to Freedom
This talk addresses the two hottest topics on the planet: Sex and God. St. John Paul II “marries” these two topics through his compelling vision for love and life. Using a mix of real-life examples, theology and cultural references, Mary Bielski will answer questions about our deep desires for intimacy, sex, our bodies and provides a vision and path to fulfill our unique call to greatness.
Mary Bielski
Based in New Orleans, Mary Bielski is a national speaker, youth minister and founder of ALL4HIM Ministries. With 15 years in youth ministry and 12 years as a national speaker, she has presented to over 75,000 teens and adults across the nation, at high schools, parish and diocesan rallies and young adult retreats and conferences, including the Steubenville Youth Conference and Life Teen-Inspiration. Bielski focuses on a variety of topics, including conversion, prayer, the Holy Spirit, sacraments, chastity and the theology of the body.
3-04 Demystifying the Book of Revelation
In America today, the loudest voice in the discussion of the Book of Revelation has been the “Rapturist’s” – a voice characterized by the “left behind” books and movies. This popular interpretation is at odds with mainstream biblical studies and does not attend to the apocalyptic genre of which the book is part. Yet, without understanding this peculiar style of writing, we risk misunderstanding the book itself and miss its pointed message. In our session, we will recapture the challenge this enigmatic book continues to pose to us and to our society.
Fr. William L. Burton, OFM
Fr. Bill Burton, a Franciscan friar of the Sacred Heart Province, began his 20-year teaching career as a professor of undergraduate and graduate courses in Biblical Studies at Quincy University in Illinois and at DePaul University in Chicago. Currently an Assistant Professor of Scripture and a spiritual director, Fr. Burton has published several articles in The Bible Today and a DVD series. He leads parish Bible study, retreats and workshops, study tours and pilgrimage travels throughout the Holy Land, Greece and Turkey.
3-05 Ancient and Holy Truths in the Language of the New Generation
Hebrews 13:8 makes it clear that Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Utilizing advancing technologies and the power of social media, we will take a look at how we have been empowered to engage in unprecedented opportunities to bring Christ’s Truth and the beauty of Catholic tradition and culture to a new generation.
Dallas Carter Jr.
Hawaiian native Dallas Carter is a small business owner, Catholic apologist, national Catholic speaker, marketer, lecturer and consultant. He also is a Diocesan Catechist for the Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii, and since 2004 has been part of the diocesan faculty, lecturing in theology. Carter appears annually at the Faith Formation Conferences in Oahu, Kauai and Maui, and presented at the 2012 National Conference for Catechetical Leadership in San Diego.
3-06 Effective Prayer with Children! It’s Easier Than You Think!
Ever get stuck when it comes to prayer with children? Looking for new and creative ideas? Then sign up for this workshop! We will explore how essential prayer is for children and learn easy (and fun!) skills for creating powerful prayer experiences.
Steven Ellair
Steven Ellair is a Senior Editor and National Presenter, Content Passioneer and Curriculum Manager with Saint Mary’s Press. He has been involved in catechetical ministry for 25 years and has served as a parish catechist, youth minister, Catholic schoolteacher and archdiocesan catechetical consultant. Ellair has been involved in Catholic publishing for over 12 years and continues to write and speak nationally on issues related to catechesis. He has presented at national religious education events for 18 years.
3-07 The Quinceañera and Its Capacity to Truly Reach Hispanic Families
As the Church of United States continues to celebrate this most beloved Latino tradition, parish ministers have realized that, in embracing this celebration, they have a unique opportunity to truly reach Hispanic families. In this interactive session, Santiago Fernandez will review the liturgical celebration step by step, present various musical options and discuss opportunities for evangelization and catechesis as you work with families in your own parish. Come ready to sing!
Santiago Fernandez
Active in parish ministry for the past 30 years, Santiago Fernandez is Music Minister at the Church of the Holy Family in Novi, Mich. He also serves as a clinician and composer for Oregon Catholic Press and is a frequent speaker and workshop presenter at events and conferences around the country. Fernandez was Music Director for the National Catholic Council for Hispanic Ministry and served as Music and Liturgy Coordinator for the First National Encuentro for Hispanic Youth in 2006.
3-08 God’s Mercy Alive Through Ministry to the Poor
This workshop will create an awareness about poverty and a heightened sensitivity about it. One of the objectives is to instill in everyone a sense of responsibility and empowerment to the tools and resources available to overcome or survive financial and other difficulties. Everyone can suffer some type of poverty, but people have at their hands the ability to provide assistance and offer support to our brothers and sisters in need, in a Christian manner.
David R. Fields
For more than 20 years, Southern Californian David Fields has been a dedicated Vincentian with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Los Angeles Council, where he currently is Executive Director. He served as President of St. Elizabeth Conference in Altadena, District President of the San Gabriel Council, Chair of the Council’s Vincentian Services Committee, and member of the L.A. Council’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Fields has also served as President of the Black Catholic Association of Altadena and Pasadena.
Fr. Perry Henry, CM
Since 2014, Vincentian priest Fr. Perry Henry has served as Director of the DePaul Evangelization Center in Montebello, Calif., where he regularly presents ministry formation programs. He was Provincial for the Western Province of the Congregation of the Mission. Fr. Henry was Pastor of St. Joseph Church in New Orleans from 1996 to 2010, where he led the rebuilding of the parish following Hurricane Katrina and established the Rebuild Center, which provides relief and recovery assistance to the chronically homeless.
3-09 Love Is Our Mission with LGBT Catholics: Church and Family Fully Alive
Pope Francis challenges the Church to acknowledge difficult pastoral situations and respond with love and mercy. The Synod on the Family has accordingly opened a space to hear the stories of families of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Catholics. In this workshop, we will present a brief background of Church teachings on homosexuality. Our focus will be discussing the writings surrounding the Synod and reflecting on how the Church and our families can grow fully alive through love and acceptance of LGBT Catholics.
Arthur Fitzmaurice, PhD
Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice is Resource Director of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry, based in Atlanta. He formerly served as Chair for the Los Angeles Archdiocese Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons and has received the Archdiocese’s Lumen Christi and Cardinal’s Young Adult in Ministry Award. Dr. Fitzmaurice has contributed to America Media and appears in the Ignatian News Network’s YouTube series on pastoral care of LGBT Catholics.
Fr. Chris Ponnet
Los Angeles-native Fr. Chris Ponnet was ordained for the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1983. Since then, he has served as Director for the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry. Fr. Ponnet has also been involved with the U.S. bishops’ peace pastoral regarding non-violent action. Their statement, “Always Our Children,” is among the many primary Church documents he addresses. He speaks regularly and provides consultation and spiritual direction to those in and connected to ministry.
3-10 A Friend Indeed: Helping Someone in grief
A friend in need is a friend indeed. And we need each other most of all when life doles out inevitable grief and loss. Yet, because we are never taught what to say and what not to say, we perpetuate mistakes and platitudes that too often fail to comfort. Learn about grief itself – what the experience is like and what is normal. Learn practical strategies and words that are truly comforting. Look at the impact of faith when a person is grieving. Discover how to help your parishioners, friends and family become whole and heal back to life, so they can live it vibrantly and find joy.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement consultant, instructor in a graduate ministry program at Loyola University Chicago, and CEO of Corgenius, a company that teaches professionals to support clients in transition and loss. Florian has 30 years of parish and conference experience and has authored over 90 articles and three books, including “No Longer Awkward: Communicating with Clients through the Toughest Times of Life.”
3-11 My Journey from Teen Rebellion, Depression and Addiction, to Priesthood
Join Fr. Rob Galea as he recounts his personal story of coming through sadness, anxiety and anger to a place of hope. He will share this journey through story and music.
Fr. Rob Galea
Singer/songwriter Fr. Rob Galea is an ordained Catholic priest currently serving in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. In addition to his series of recordings and CD releases, he has written a number of songs for various events and international conferences. Fr. Galea is founder of “Stronger,” a youth program in and around Victoria state’s Sandhurst Diocese, Perth and beyond. He performed at the 2011 World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain, and has appeared on several TV and radio shows in Europe, Canada and Australia.
3-12 Education in Faith and the Challenges of High School Theology
In their theology curriculum, Catholic high schools are uniquely situated to nurture the faith life of their students at a time when it is most strategic for their spiritual growth. Are we taking full advantage of this opportunity? The U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops’ Curriculum Framework for Young People, when coupled with engaging and effective pedagogy, can help us to meet the challenges.
Dr. Thomas Groome
Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College, where he is also Chair of the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry. The award-winning author has written or edited 10 books and numerous articles and essays. For the past 35 years Dr. Groome has lectured all over the world, presenting thousands of workshops and seminars, and has presented at all the major North American conferences for religious educators and pastoral ministers.
3-13 Incarnation Anyway: The Spirituality of Why God Became Human
Why did God become human? The typical answer – “because of human sin” – suggests the Word would not have become flesh had humanity not sinned. However, a closer look at Scripture, the theological tradition and the insights of key Christian thinkers such as St. Paul, Irenaeus of Lyons, John Duns Scotus, Thomas Merton and Francis of Assisi, among others, offer an alternative yet entirely orthodox answer to this question: It was God’s plan from all eternity to become human regardless of human sin. This workshop explores the spirituality and theology of the Incarnation to renew our personal and pastoral understanding of Christology, especially in this Year of Mercy!
Rev. Daniel P. Horan, OFM
Franciscan priest Fr. Dan Horan, a speaker and columnist at America magazine, lives in residence at St. Anthony Shrine and Ministry Center in Downtown Boston. He is author of several books, including “The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton” and “The Last Words of Jesus,” as well as numerous academic and popular articles. Fr. Horan has taught in New York at Siena College in Religious Studies and at St. Bonaventure University in the Department of Theology and has lectured throughout North America and Europe.
Using her unique style of storytelling, music and inspirational message, ValLimar Jansen will lead participants through a journey in which they’ll meet women of Scripture and tradition who encountered Jesus at a pivotal moment in their lives. What can we learn from them? What can they reveal to us about God’s boundless mercy? What can they teach us about how to respond in faith?
ValLimar Jansen
Traveling to over 80 events annually, ValLimar Jansen serves the Church as a composer, singer, storyteller, speaker and evangelizer. She received critical acclaim for her solo albums, “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010. She was the MC for the National Catholic Youth Conference in 2011 held in Indianapolis. ValLimar and her husband, Frank, performed for over 300,000 people at the Loreto/Angora international papal event in Italy, broadcast on EWTN and across the world.
3-15 Celebrating Merciful Liturgy
This session will be an exploration of celebrating mercy through the texts, music and gestures of the Eucharist, the sacrament of reconciliation, the anointing of the sick, and the Liturgy of the Hours. Various resources will be presented.
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas
Composer, author and speaker, Fr. Michael Joncas is Artist in Residence and Research Fellow in Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. He has served as parochial vicar, campus minister and pastor. Fr. Joncas, an ordained priest for the St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese, is author of six books and over 200 articles and reviews in journals including , Ecclesia Orans, and Questions Liturgiques. He is also composer and arranger of over 300 pieces of liturgical music.
3-16 Neuroscience and Contemplative Practices
What do neuroscience and contemplative practices have in common? A lot more than you might think! Come join us in exploring our contemplative tradition, from the Desert Fathers and Mothers to the saints, mystics, Thomas Merton, Mother Teresa, Thomas Keating, and more. These spiritual guides provide timely advice on how to nurture silence and live in the present moment, enhancing our lives in myriad ways. We will see how the latest neuroscience findings support and affirm these contemplative practices, revealing that meditative prayer, mindfulness and gratitude can bring greater peace, compassion and joy to ourselves and others.
Anne Kertz Kernion
Anne Kertz Kernion is owner and artist of Cards by Anne, a greeting card company specializing in hand-calligraphied cards begun in 1986. She has taught theology at Carlow University in Pittsburgh for over a decade, and chemistry and religion courses at the nearby Community College of Allegheny County. Kertz is also a public speaker, gives retreats and teaches yoga. Her latest book is titled, “A Year of Spiritual Companionship.”
3-17 Sing Mercy, Sing Justice, Sing Mission
Music can help open our ears, eyes and hearts to core Gospel values. Join Australian composer Michael Mangan as he presents a vibrant and engaging intergenerational repertoire sure to inspire children and adults alike to experience and embrace the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Bring your voice and be ready to sing!
Michael Mangan
Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher and music liturgist from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The former elementary school music specialist teacher has over 250 compositions that are used in parishes and schools throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Mangan is a member of the Australian Academy of Liturgy, National Deputy Chair of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network and is Music Director at All Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane. His latest music collection is entitled “Sing Mercy.”
3-18 Black and Catholic: The Gift and Challenge Today
This workshop explores the reality of black Catholic faith today, especially in light of the challenges of racial justice in our country. After looking at these challenges, we will examine the responses of the Catholic Church and then see the contributions that black Catholics can make as the quest for social justice continues.
Fr. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
Fr. Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wis., has served as a seminary and university professor for 20 years and currently is Associate Professor of Theology at Marquette University. A noted authority on Catholic moral theology and social ethics, Fr. Massingale has addressed most national Catholic conferences and numerous colleges and universities. He is a previous RECongress Keynoter and past President of the Catholic Theological Society of America and Convener of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium.
3-19 Mercy and the Spiritual Life
In this session – and in this Year of Mercy – Fr. Jonathan Morris will talk about letting go of resentment, anger and a misplaced passion for fairness to embrace the freedom of mercy.
Fr. Jonathan Morris
Fr. Jonathan Morris is currently Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Bronx, N.Y., and was parochial vicar at the historic St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in New York City. Fr. Morris previously served as Program Director for SiriusXM’s Catholic Channel and as Communications Advisor to New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “The Promise,” “God Wants You Happy,” and “The Way of Serenity,” and is regularly called on by the national media for ethical and moral commentary.
3-20 Reconciling the Polarized Church the Pope Francis Way
Aren’t we all sick of hearing how “they” are like that and “they” just don’t get it? Enough with the “us” and “them”! Are we Catholic or not? Is this Church big enough for all of us or not? Pope Francis is cutting through these divisive factions and offering a way forward as a community that is united enough to be a family even when we disagree. What is he doing, and can we adopt it in our lives?
David M. O’Brien
David O’Brien is Professor of Theology at Saint Leo University in Tampa, Fla., and works as Director of Faith Formation at St. Timothy Parish in Lady Lake, Fla. He is an international speaker on Catholic evangelization and social justice and recently returned from six months in Uganda working with child soldiers. O’Brien is author of “Catholic Strategic Peacebuilding” and “There’s a Beer in My Handbag: Unusual Thoughts about Everyday Faith.” He is caring for his aging parents and still grieving the loss of his 7-week-old baby.
3-21 “Ask Fr. Tony” – Answering the Questions on Faith, Hope & Love
Fr. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv (bio 6-01)
In St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, the Apostle to the Gentiles asks, “How can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?” (10:14). In these two basic questions of faith, Paul points out that we need ministers of Christ who are willing to answer the questions the followers of Christ may want to ask. This interactive workshop will deal with some of the major questions of our faith. It will also allow participants to “Ask Fr. Tony” their questions about faith, hope and love.
3-22 The Importance and Beauty of the Eastern Catholic Churches
First, we must answer two important questions: What are the Eastern Catholics Churches? What is their origin? The answers will show that the Eastern Churches are an essential part of the universal Church of Christ, which would be incomplete without them. They are very relevant to the life of the Church today, and the beauty of their theology, spirituality and liturgy has enlivened the faith and are necessary for its health in the contemporary world.
Very Rev. David M. Petras
Rev. David Petras is a priest of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma, which is headquartered in Parma, Ohio, and covers the Midwestern United States. Having formerly served as Pastor at St. Nicholas Church in Cleveland, Rev. Petras taught at the Byzantine Catholic Seminary from 1995 to 2013 and was Director of Spiritual Formation. He has been a member of the Orthodox Catholic Theological Consultation from 1984 to the present. In 2013, he retired and is living in Phoenix, where he teaches online courses.
Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith
Born and raised in the Hyde Park area of Los Angeles, Greek Catholic priest Fr. Alexei Smith is assigned to two Eastern Catholic communities in El Segundo, Calif. – St. Andrew Russian Greek Church and St. Paul Melkite Greek Mission. He has served as the Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer for the Los Angeles Archdiocese since 2000. In 2011, he was elected President of the Southern California Ecumenical Council, the first Catholic to hold this position. Fr. Smith is a frequent speaker at the L.A. Congress and at local interfaith venues.
3-23 From Maintenance to Mission
Empowering the young Catholic faithful as authentic witnesses is hard work! Through the lens of genuine discipleship formation, we will immerse ourselves in authentic realistic approaches. Come learn about creative leadership empowerment in youth ministry. This workshop will break open effective and practical means of developing healthy youth leaders in your faith community not just today, but for life!
Doug Tooke
Doug Tooke, Executive Director of Reach Youth Ministry and owner of Monarch Catholic Ministries, directs youth ministry events in the Diocese of Helena, Mont., where he formerly served as diocesan Director of Faith Formation. He has over 20 years of professional ministry experience and has traveled to more than 75 dioceses in the past 15 years teaching, training youth ministers, keynoting conventions and presenting at events, including World Youth Day and the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry.
3-24 Missionaries of Mercy: The Reflection Component of Youth Service Projects
Are we just clocking the hours, or are our service projects tied to deepening of our relationship with the Lord? Pope Francis speaks of God’s “boundless mercy,” a mercy that goes far beyond the human notions of fairness. Do those who engage in “required” service projects in our schools and parishes know this? Have we given them the tools to discover that they are “missionaries of mercy” for those they serve? If you’ve wondered about how those service hours in school curriculum and confirmation preparation can be better anchored in the spiritual life, this might be a workshop for you! Participants should come ready to network and share current best practices.
Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson, DD
Born and raised in Washington state, Bishop Joseph Tyson was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle in 2005 and named Vicar General. From 2008 to 2011, he served as Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Bishop Tyson is presently Bishop of the Diocese of Yakima, Wash. He is an active member in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and sits on the Sub-Committee for Asia Pacific Affairs and is Region XII Chair, serving on the Administrative Committee and on the Plans and Priorities Committee.
3-25 What Are You Waiting For? 100 Tips for Becoming a Missionary Parish
In July 2015, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales gathered delegates to consider the “how” of a New Evangelization. Pope Francis has given the Church a firm “why,” but it is now time to put his Evangelii Gaudium into practice! Gathering the wisdom offered at that conference, a list of 100 tips has been compiled to help parish communities and individuals get excited, confident and active about the mission of the Church. In this workshop, David Wells will summarize these tips and suggest that whoever you are, or wherever you live, it is time for every one of us to get busy proclaiming the reason for the hope we have!
David Wells
David Wells began his career as a teacher before becoming a research assistant for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, and the Adult Religious Education Adviser in the Diocese of Nottingham, England, where he is currently Diocesan Adviser for Evangelization. Wells has spoken at more than 350 conferences worldwide, in Europe and North America, and has guest lectured at three English universities; this will be his 15th appearance at Congress. He is author of two books, including “The Reluctant Disciple.”
3-26 Becoming a Parent is a Gift, While Parenting Itself is a Learned Skill
A parent’s job is indeed challenging at times. Though it may be difficult to be consistent in parenting, it is one of the greatest gifts we can give our children. Setting limits for our children provides them the security and boundaries they so need in this world. This workshop will empower parents with the wide range of skills to set limits with respect and love. Our goal is to empower and encourage everyone in their parenting journeys.
Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv (originally scheduled with Char Wenc)
Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre is a licensed marriage and family therapist, ordained minister, and family life consultant. She has over 30 years of professional experience helping couples and families. She has developed formation programs for campus ministry, family and children's ministries, lay leadership formation, women in ministry, and community outreach.
3-70 Những điều cần phải biết về việc tuyên bố Hôn Nhân vô hiệu
Những Thủ Tục Mới 2015 về sự Cứu Xét Hồ Sơ do Đức Thánh Cha Phanxicô – Những Ngăn Trở Tiêu Hôn và Ai Được Quyền Miễn Chuẩn.
Things You Need to Know about Marriage Nullity
This session will discuss Pope Francis’ 2015 procedural norms – identifying the teaching of the Church on impediments to marriage and the appropriate dispensing of power by the Church’s competent authority.
Linh Mục Nguyễn Quang Trực
Năm 1975, LM Nguyễn Quang Trực cùng với gia đình rời khỏi Việt Nam và định cư tại California. Sau 8 năm làm việc Kỹ sư cha nghe tiếng Chúa kêu gọi và gia nhập Đại Chủng Viện St. John. Cha được thụ phong Linh mục năm 2000, Cha có cử nhân về Điện tử và Triết học; Cao học về Thần học và Giáo Luật tại Giáo Hoàng Học Viện St. Paul University, Canada, Cha được mời giảng thuyết nhiều nơi về ơn gọi linh mục, về Giáo Luật, đặt biệt về Hôn Nhân và Văn Hóa Việt Nam. Hiện tại cha là Đại diện Tư Pháp của Tòa Án Hôn Phối thuộc Tổng Giáo Phận Los Angeles và là cha sở của Giáo xứ Cathedral Chapel of Vibiana, cũng thuộc TGP Los Angeles.
Rev. Truc Quang Nguyen
Among the thousands of Vietnamese refugees escaping Vietnam after the fall of Saigon, Fr. Truc Nguyen came to the United States in 1975 with his parents and seven other siblings. Having worked professionally for eight years as an engineer, Fr. Nguyen entered the seminary in 1994. He was ordained a priest in January 2000 for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is currently Judicial Vicar for the Metropolitan Tribunal. He is also Pastor at the Cathedral Chapel of Saint Vibiana in Los Angeles, where he has served since 2010.
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