Religious Education Congress
March 30, 2006 (Youth Day)
March 31 - Aprkl2, 2006
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
8:30 a.m.
Opening Sessions
Youth Day begins to the rocking sounds of musical artists Joshua Blakesley, Joia Farmer and the group Ceili Rain! The Opening Sessions follow and feature the gifts of young people from throughout the Archdiocese. These sessions invite each of us to STAND UP and profess our faith through prayer, music and motivating talks!
9:45 a.m.
Morning Workshops
Immediately following our Opening Sessions participants will be able to attend one of the 13 Morning Workshops (listed on the following pages). We will get the chance to hear the wisdom, humor and talents of speakers from across the nation and beyond. We suggest that you share the list of speakers with your young people and allow them to choose (in groups of 10) who they would like to hear. There are many great speakers to choose from and most will be repeated in the afternoon. 11:00 a.m.
The day’s summit is our Eucharistic Liturgies. Cardinal Roger Mahony will celebrate our Arena Liturgy, with music provided by youth from throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese under the direction of Ed Archer of St. Monica Parish in Santa Monica. Concurrently, we will have a second liturgy in Hall B, with Fr. Steve Davoren as presider that will include the music of youth from across the Santa Barbara Region under the direction of John Vasellina of St. Raphael Parish in Goleta. This year we are introducing a third liturgy in the Convention Grand Ballroom on the third floor. This Liturgy will be celebrated with Fr. Norm Supancheck and the great music of Jacob and Matthew!
12:15 p.m.
Following our Liturgies everyone will have time to meet new friends and spend time with old ones during lunch. There will also be lunchtime entertainment in the Arena.
1:30 p.m.
Afternoon Workshops
The Afternoon Workshops are a second chance to hear from some of the nation’s best speakers for young people. Remember, most workshops are repeats from the morning.
2:45 p.m.
Rallies3:30 p.m.
DismissalClosing Rallies in the Arena and Hall B will conclude our day! Join with youth as we focus on how we will NEVER FORGET the enthusiasm gained at Youth Day 2006 and the tremendous blessings from our God. The speakers, musicians and our young cast will help send everyone home re-energized and uplifted!
Thursday, March 30, 2006A Radical Faith – The Clone Wars
You are the light of the world! Don’t hide it by trying to be a clone version of the image our culture throws at us. One of the greatest ways we can worship our Creator is by being exactly what He created us to be. God doesn’t make mistakes, and He made you! And only you can be what God created in you. The Body of Christ needs you! Join APeX Ministries as we explore how we can embrace the powerful plan of a perfect Creator, right here, right now in our own lives. (Afternoon Arena Session only.)
APeX Ministries
APeX Ministries (a.k.a. Gene Monterastelli and Brad Farmer) uses their unique “Christian Vaudeville” presentation style, which includes death-defying juggling, humor, characterizations (skits), storytelling, audience participation and personal testimony. In other words they throw things at each other and are funny. Gene one day hopes to compete in the Olympics as a solo synchronized swimmer. Brad is very strong!
B Today’s the Day … Decide to Pray
We can’t have a relationship with God if we don’t spend some quality time with God. We all know that ... right?? But somehow it can seem so hard! Prayer is NOT just kneeling in a monastery or chanting with the monks! Prayer is being in conversation with God. We can do that in a million different ways, in silence or with music, alone or with others, with a prayer like the rosary or in our own words. Make today a day you learn how to PRAY!
Steve Angrisano
A youth minister, parish musician and music director for a dozen years, Steve Angrisano has also spoken at countless parish, school, camp and diocesan events. He has been featured at major youth events nationally and internationally, including five World Youth Days, seven National Catholic Youth Conferences and many Youth Days at the L.A. Religious Education Congress. Angrisano is a composer of published liturgical and contemporary music.
C Intimacy: No One-night Stand
Dating is the key to a healthy sexuality for young men and women, as well as adults. Our sexuality is a wonderful gift from God. But it is up to us whether we choose to use this gift to build up and connect relationships or to tear down and divide them.
Bob Bartlett
Bob Bartlett is a marriage and family psychologist working with families and couples. He has been a teacher, campus minister, counselor at the Academy of Holy Angels in Minnesota, and is former Director of Youth Catechesis and Sexuality for the Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul. As a consultant to Catholic and public high schools, he often works with youth issues of sexuality, drugs and alcohol, bulimia-anorexia and self-esteem.
D Sexuality and Relationships
Sex is one of the most dominant issues in the life of most teenagers. Jim Burns talks frankly to help take a positive look at teenage sexuality in a clearly Christian approach to love, sex and dating. Jim will use humor, stories and intensity to get his point across. This session will also deal with the trauma of sexual abuse and will offer ways to help those who have dealt with this.
Jim Burns
Dr. Jim Burns, founder and President of HomeWord, is a recognized expert in the areas of youth ministry and family/parenting issues, and is a frequent guest on radio programs. He also hosts his own radio feature, which currently airs daily on over 800 stations. A frequent presenter and award-winning author, Burns has written a number of books and regular columns in Campus Life magazine and Christian Parenting Today.
E Evangelization, The Way Jesus Really Intended It To Be!
Evangelization defined is “spreading the Good News.” Before we can do this we need to have a better understanding of who Jesus was/is. This workshop will examine the divinity and humanity of Jesus of Nazareth. It is important that we as followers of his message understand not only the divinity of Jesus but also recognize the real human being who walked and lived in our world. Let me introduce you to the radical, “deeply rooted,” counter-cultural leader who changed our history.
Paul Ybarra Florez
For 15 years Paul Florez has served as Director of Youth Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Lubbock, Texas. He has also served as a consultant in youth ministry, and has served the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Board of Directors and the National Network for Hispanic Youth Ministers. Florez has conducted workshops for youth organizations and dioceses throughout the United States, Europe and Mexico.
H Racism: A Sin Against God and God’s Children
This workshop will explore the reality of racism in our society through the use of stories and video clips. This workshop is interactive, so come with an open mind and stories of your own experiences.
Carole Goodwin, DMin
Dr. Carole Goodwin has spent the last 27 years serving in either parish or diocesan ministry. The former Director of Religious Education, youth minister and pastoral associate has taught all ages, from first grade through graduate school. A popular conference and workshop speaker, Dr. Goodwin is presently Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Louisville, Ky.
I Walking Into the Path of Justice
Imagine what would happen if we let God’s Justice take hold of us! This interactive presentation illustrates Jesus’ project of peaceful restoration using stories, music and images. Looking into the contradictions of our lives and the social wisdom of our church, we respond to the hardest questions of our time: Do we care? How deeply do we care? Who do we care for?
Joe Grant
Joe Grant’s diverse ministry experiences range from inner city Chicago to the Brazilian Amazon. He lives in Louisville, where he served as the Archdiocesan Consultant for Youth Ministry. Grant has authored publications on prayer, justice, service and Scripture and offers workshops for the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. He is co-founder of Crossroads Ministry in Louisville, and Associate Director of JustFaith Ministries.
K The Naked Truth: What Some People are Afraid to Tell You about the Bible
“Could the Bible get any more boring?” “What are we supposed to believe and not believe?” “What does any of this have to do with real life, nowadays?” Ever asked these questions? Ever wondered how the Bible really applies to you? Join Mark Hart (“the Bible Geek”) as he explains the Bible in a way you can actually understand, and gives you the top 10 things everyone needs to know about the Bible. Laugh yourself into a better relationship with Jesus and see how the Bible can help your life make a little more sense (and a lot more interesting) in 2006. (Morning Arena Session only.)
Mark Hart
Mark Hart, Vice President of LIFE TEEN International, has traveled throughout North America, Europe and Australia, speaking at World Youth Days and dozens of diocesan youth conferences. In addition, Hart writes an online column (as the “Bible Geek”), trains youth ministers, leads parish missions, speaks on college and high school campuses, and regularly appears on national Catholic video programs and radio shows.
m All Are Welcome: Getting Past Labels
We all have labels. I’m male. You’re female. I’m a nerd. You’re a jock. I’m conservative. You’re liberal. I’m poor. You’re rich. If all are truly welcome, then we must move beyond these labels, get to know the giftedness of each person, and come together as one unified Body of Christ to make a real difference in the world.
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson, a native of Baltimore, has served the Texas Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston for over 12 years in the Office of Youth Ministry and is currently Director. Johnson has given many presentations both locally and on the national circuit, including youth leadership training sessions on U.S. military bases in Germany and World Youth Day 1996’s Island Celebration in Guam.
p “Say What!”
You ever been so surprised that you don’t know what to say? You ever think, “You can’t mean me, right?” This workshop will surprise you. There’s a secret about living that will be shared. And … be ready! It should make you think. Oh, yeah, it’s about a Living God!
Mike Patin
Mike Patin lives in the New Orleans area. He spent six years as a high school teacher and coach, and worked in youth ministry for 14 years. Since 2003, he has been speaking full time around the country to young people and adults on issues of Catholic faith, positive attitude, using your gifts, and living life fully.
s Smells, Bells and Yells: Living Our Faith through the Liturgy
As Roman Catholics, we are part of a very active and living faith community. When we come together to worship, we are expected to be very expressive in our communication with God. From our use of incense, bells and our common songs, we know how to celebrate God’s Love. This interactive and fun workshop will explore the liturgical life of the Roman Catholic Church. Come and join in a celebration of “smells, bells and yells.”
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, is Pastor to both Our Lady Star of the Sea and St. Philip the Apostle Parishes in New Orleans. He is also the Campus Minister at St. Augustine High School, and one of the Core Instructors for Church Doctrine at Xavier University’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies. In this past year, he has been dealing with the destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
x How to Party Properly
What does a person of faith look like? Are they glum and negative? Or are they happy and positive? If you come to this workshop, bring your smile and your great attitude. If God is good, and we’re made in God’s image, then it’s time to party properly now, not just in the next life. We’ll show you how.
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is columnist for their Top Music Countdown quarterly poster and host of their audio show, “Burning Issues.” She has made over 2,000 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days. Scally has been a presenter at all the major conferences for religious educators in North America and her writings have appeared in several publications.
z Life to the Full – Let the Revolution Begin
Jesus came so that we could have life and have it to the full. So why do we look so miserable all the time? In this roller coaster of a workshop, David Wells, Joanne Boyce and Mike Stanley explore what it means to be fully alive! Through storytelling, music, prayer, image and movement they look at ways we can help ourselves, each other and the Church experience the sort of living the Gospel talks about. Do you want to live life to the full?
David Wells
David Wells is Director of the Department for Formation in the Diocese of Plymouth, England. Previously, he served in England as Director of Adult Religious Education for the Nottingham Diocese. He is a well-known speaker with engagements that have taken him throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. An author, Wells has appeared at conferences of catechesis and evangelization and has appeared on a number of Canadian TV broadcasts.
Mike Stanley & Jo Boyce
Singers/songwriters Mike Stanley and Joanne Boyce – together known as CJM Music – work in the United Kingdom as music and workshop leaders with youth in high school and parish settings. Mike worked as a teacher and youth leader for many years. Jo became Music Director of Soli House in Stratford-upon-Avon, where Mike eventually worked as a music coordinator. They partnered professionally in 1996.
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