2006 RECongress Exhibitor Category Listing
Religious Education Congress
March 31 - April 2, 2006
Hall A - Anaheim Convention CenterSpeaker Index • Workshop Listing • Exhibitor Listing • Exhibitor Categories
Note: 222 exhibitors -- listing as of November 23, 2020.
Adult Faith Formation: Little Rock Scripture Study
Contact: www.littlerockscripture.org
Art & Gifts: National Association for Hispanic Elderly
Contact: www.anppm.org
Art Works: Concern America
Contact: www.concernamerica.org
Art Works: John August Swanson, Artist
Contact: www.johnaugustswanson.com
Art Works: Notre Dame Creations
Contact: www.inthebetween.com
Art Works: St. Andrew's Abbey
Contact: www.valyermo.com
Audio Visual: Family Theater Productions
Contact: www.hcfm.org
Bells: St. Raphael Collection
Contact: StRaphaelBells.com
Bereavement Ministry: Catholic Mortuaries
Contact: www.catholicmortuaries.com
Bibles: American Bible Society
Contact: www.bibles.com
Bibles: Editorial Verbo Divino
Contact: www.verbodivino.es
Bibles: Fireside Catholic Publishing
Contact: firesidecatholic.com
Bibles: Oxford University Press
Contact: www.oup.com/us
Books: Abingdon Press
Contact: www.abingdonpress.com
Books: ACTA Publications
Contact: www.actapublications.com
Books: Ave Maria Press
Contact: www.avemariapress.com
Books: Catholic Book Publishing Co.
Contact: www.catholicbookpublishing.com
Books: Crossroad Publishing Company
Contact: www.cpcbooks.com
Books: New City Press
Contact: www.newcitypress.com
Books: Paulist Press Book Center / Paulist Press
Contact: paulistpressbookcenter.com
Books: St. Anthony Messenger Press
Contact: americancatholic.org
Books: The Word Among Us
Contact: www.wau.org
Books: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
Contact: www.eerdmans.com
Books & Videos: Ignatius Press
Contact: ignatius.com
Books & Videos: Many Rivers Company
Contact: www.davidwhyte.com
Books & Videos: Paraclete Press
Contact: www.paracletepress.com
Books & Videos: Sunny-Side Up Entertainment
Contact: www.cherubwings.com
Books & Videos: The Matthew Kelly Foundation
Contact: www.matthewkelly.org
Books & Videos: Twenty-Third Publications
Contact: 23rdpublications.com
Books & Videos: USCCB Publishing
Contact: www.usccbpublishing.org
Candles: Acadian Candle Company
Contact: www.acadiancandles.com
Catholic Living: Catholic Digest Consumer Magazine Division
Contact: www.catholicdigest.com
Celtic & Irish Art: O'Keeffe Religious Articles
Children's Resources: Mary Rice Hopkins & Co.
Contact: www.maryricehopkins.com
Children's Resources: one 2believe
Contact: www.one2believe.com
Christian Service Organization: Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
Contact: cfcausa.org
Christian Service Organization: St. Vincent de Paul Family
Contact: www.famvin.org
Christian Videos: Nest Family Entertainment
Contact: www.nestfamily.com/mediamission
Church Furnishings: Tekton Woodworks
Contact: www.tektonwoodworks.com
Church Supplies: San Diego Church Supply
Contact: www.sdchurchsupply.com
Computer Software: ChurchWerks, Inc.
Contact: churchwerks.com
Computer Software: J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
Contact: www.jspaluch.com
Computer Software: Parish Data System (PDS)
Contact: www.parishdatainc.com
Computer Software: ParishSOFT
Contact: parishsoft.net
Congress Logowear: KWD Uniforms
Craft Supplies & Gifts: Help the Poor -- Vietnam
Contact: www.helpthepoorvietnam.org
Craft Supplies & Gifts: Living Water Wood Works, Inc
Craft Supplies & Gifts: Relics
Curriculum: A Reason For/The Concerned Group
Contact: www.AReasonFor.com
Curriculum: Celebrating the Lectionary -- Whole Community Faith Formation
Contact: www.celebratingthelectionary.com
Curriculum: Living the Good News
Contact: livingthegoodnews.com
Developing-World Artwork: Heartbeats
Contact: www.heartbeatscatalog.org
Diocesan Organization: Cursillos in Christianity, Los Angeles
Contact: cursillo-losangeles.org
Diocesan Organization: Department of Catholic Schools
Contact: archdiocese.la/learning/schools
Diocesan Organization: Development Department / Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Contact: KTOconnor@la-archdiocese.org
Diocesan Organization: Diocese of Orange
Contact: www.rcbo.org
Diocesan Organization: Diocese of San Bernardino
Contact: www.sbdiocese.org
Diocesan Organization: Ministry with Lesbian & Gay Catholics
Contact: archdiocese.la/ministry/mlgc
Diocesan Organization: Office of Restorative Justice
Contact: archdiocese.la/ministry/justice/restorative
Diocesan Organization: The Tidings - Vida Nueva
Contact: the-tidings.com
Diocesan Organization: Vocations Office
Contact: archdiocese.la/ministry/vocations
Educational Institution: Boston College Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry
Contact: www.bc.edu/schools/gsas/irepm
Educational Institution: Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
Contact: www.dspt.edu
Educational Institution: Gonzaga University
Contact: gonzaga.edu
Educational Institution: Institute for Religious & Pastoral Studies/University of Dallas
Contact: www.udallas.edu/irps
Educational Institution: Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley
Contact: www.jstb.edu
Educational Institution: Loyola Marymount University
Contact: extension.lmu.edu/religion
Educational Institution: Mount St. Mary's College
Contact: www.msmc.la.edu
Educational Institution: Oblate School of Theology
Contact: www.ost.edu
Educational Institution: Saint John's School of Theology & Seminary
Contact: www.csbsju.edu/sot
Educational Institution: Saint Joseph High School
Contact: sj-jester.org
Educational Institution: Santa Clara Univ., Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries
Contact: www.scu.edu/pm
Educational Institution: University of Notre Dame
Contact: step.nd.edu
Educational Programs: Institute for Ministry -- Loyola University New Orleans
Contact: www.lim.loyno.edu
Educational Resources: Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry & Practice
Contact: ace.nd.edu/CatholicEducation
Educational Resources: Thomas Merton Foundation
Contact: www.mertonfoundation.org
Faith & Justice: Catholic Relief Services
Contact: www.crs.org
Faith & Justice: Latin American Committee
Faith & Justice: Megan McKenna - The Wayfarers' Tale
Contact: meganmckenna.org
Faith & Justice: Office of Justice and Peace
Contact: archdiocese.la/ministry/justice/peace
Graphic Services: OPM Design Group
Contact: opmdesign.com
Greeting Cards: Cards by Anne
Contact: www.cardsbyanne.com
Greeting Cards & Gifts: The Printery House
Contact: www.printeryhouse.org
Lay Vocations: Christian Life Community (CLC) -- USA, Western Region
Contact: clcusawest.org
Liturgical Books & Materials: Libreria Claretiana
Liturgical Vestments: Chagall Design Ltd.
Contact: chagalldesign.com
Liturgical Vestments: CM Almy
Contact: www.almy.com
Liturgical Vestments: Gaspard, Inc.
Contact: www.gaspardinc.com
Liturgical Vestments: Juliet Hemingray Church Textiles
Contact: church-textiles.co.uk
Liturgical Vestments: Maison Bouvrier
Contact: www.maisonbouvrier.com
Liturgy & Music Resources: GIA Publications, Inc.
Contact: www.giamusic.com
Liturgy & Music Resources: OCP Publications
Contact: www.ocp.org
Liturgy & Music Resources: spiritandsong.com
Contact: www.spiritandsong.com
Liturgy & Music Resources: World Library Publications
Contact: www.wlpmusic.com
Ministry Resources: California Catholic Conference for Respect Life Ministries
Contact: www.cacatholic.org
Ministry Resources: Concordia Publishing House
Contact: www.cph.org
Ministry Resources: Creative Communications for the Parish
Contact: creativecommunications.com
Ministry Resources: National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers
Contact: www.nacflm.org
Ministry Resources: Resource Publications
Contact: www.resourcepublications.com
Ministry Resources: Saint Mary's Press
Contact: www.smp.org
Ministry Resources: Salesian Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Contact: salesianym.org
Ministry Resources: Terry Hershey & Associates
Contact: www.terryhershey.com
Mission: Bishops' Secretariat for Home Missions
Contact: www.usccb.org
Mission: Columban Mission Awareness Resources
Contact: columban.org
Mission: Food for the Poor, Inc.
Contact: www.foodforthepoor.org
Mission: Lay Mission-Helpers Association
Contact: laymissionhelpers.org
Missionary: Claretian Missionaries
Missionary: Comboni Missionaries
Contact: comboni.com
Multicultural Resources: Asian Pacific Resources
Multicultural Resources: GrandMaster's Multicultural Resources & Gift Center
Music: Dennis Doyle / Incarnation Music
Contact: english.glendale.edu/doyle.a.html
Music: Heart Beat Records
Contact: www.heartbeatrecords.com
Music: Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries
Contact: www.katrinarae.com
Music & Online Resources: UWS In Christ
Contact: www.uwsinchrist.com
Religious Apparel: J.R. Evans & Company, Inc.
Contact: www.jrevans.com
Religious Apparel: LA Cruz T-Shirts
Contact: www.lacruztshirts.com
Religious Apparel: PAX Clothing
Contact: www.paxclothing.com
Religious Art: Ancient Arts Stained Glass
Contact: www.AncientArtsStainedGlass.com
Religious Art: Carmel of Reno
Contact: www.carmelofreno.com
Religious Art: Center for Spiritual Development
Contact: www.thecsd.com
Religious Art: Creator Mundi, Inc.
Contact: www.creatormundi.com
Religious Art: Faith Expressions, LLC
Contact: www.faith-expressions.com
Religious Art: HolyLand Rocks
Contact: www.holylandrocks.com
Religious Art: Joshua's Stone - Art for the Heart
Contact: www.jstone333.com
Religious Art: Madonna Arts
Contact: madonnaarts.com
Religious Art: Sara K. Rubin Pottery
Religious Art: SHCJ Art / France White
Contact: www.FranceWhiteArt.com
Religious Art: Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange
Contact: www.ministryofthearts.org
Religious Art: St. Andrew's Abbey Ceramics
Contact: ceramics@valyermo.com
Religious Art: Tori ... Inspirations in Clay
Contact: inspirationsbytori.com
Religious Art: Val MacRae, Sacred-Spiral
Contact: sacred-spiral.com
Religious Articles: 3 Arches USA / HolyLandShopping.com
Contact: www.HolyLandShopping.com
Religious Articles: Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
Contact: cotters.com
Religious Articles: Gifts from the Holy Land
Contact: www.giftsfromtheholyland.com
Religious Articles: Sandalstrap
Contact: www.sandalstrap.com
Religious Articles: Soft Saints, Inc.
Contact: www.softsaints.com
Religious Articles: Tree of Life Imports
Contact: TheTreeofLifeImports.com
Religious Books: Buena Prensa
Contact: www.litpress.org
Religious Books: Cistercian Publications
Contact: www.litpress.org
Religious Books: Liturgical Press
Contact: www.litpress.org
Religious Books: Our Sunday Visitor
Contact: www.osv.com
Religious Books: Pauline Books and Media
Contact: pauline.org
Religious Books: St. John's Bible
Contact: www.litpress.org
Religious Books: Wipf & Stock Publishers
Contact: www.wipfandstock.com
Religious Carvings: Bethlehem Artworks
Contact: www.hlhc.org
Religious Education: St. Camillus Center: HIV/AIDS, Pax Christi Justice & Peace
Contact: circlesofhope.org
Religious Education Resources: Benziger/Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Contact: www.mhbenziger.com
Religious Education Resources: Catechist Magazine
Contact: www.catechist.com
Religious Education Resources: Claretian Tape Ministry
Contact: claretiantapeministry.org
Religious Education Resources: Ediciones Dabar
Contact: www.dabar.com.mx
Religious Education Resources: Good Ground Press
Contact: goodgroundpress.com
Religious Education Resources: Group Publishing
Contact: www.group.com
Religious Education Resources: Harcourt Religion Publishers
Contact: www.harcourtreligion.com
Religious Education Resources: Liguori Publications
Contact: www.liguori.org
Religious Education Resources: Loyola Press
Contact: www.loyolapress.com
Religious Education Resources: National Catholic Educational Association
Contact: ncea.org
Religious Education Resources: Pflaum Publishing Group
Contact: www.pflaum.com
Religious Education Resources: RCL
Contact: www.RCLweb.com
Religious Education Resources: S&P Book Distributors
Contact: thefeltsource.com
Religious Education Resources: Sacred Heart Kids' Club/Club del Sagrado Corazon
Contact: sdsh.org
Religious Education Resources: Silver Burdett Ginn Religion
Contact: www.sbgreligion.com
Religious Education Resources: Veritas Co., Ltd.
Contact: www.veritas.ie
Religious Education Resources: William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Contact: www.sadlier.com
Religious Jewelry: Classy Creations, Inc.
Contact: www.classy-creations.com
Religious Jewelry: Faith-Sharing, Inc.
Contact: www.faith-sharing.com
Religious Jewelry: Gold 'N Things
Religious Life: Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
Contact: www.daughtersofcharity.com
Religious Life: Immaculate Heart Community
Contact: immaculateheartcommunity.org
Religious Life: Jesuit Vocations, California Province
Contact: calprov.org/vocations
Religious Life: Marianist Vocation Ministry
Contact: www.buildingcommunity.org
Religious Life: National Religious Vocation Conference
Contact: www.nrvc.net
Religious Life: Sisters of Notre Dame
Contact: www.sndca.org
Religious Life: Sisters of the Holy Names
Contact: www.holynames.net
Religious Publication: Commonweal Magazine
Contact: www.commonwealmagazine.org
Religious Publication: Liturgy Training Publications
Contact: www.ltp.org
Retreats: St. Anne in the Mountains Retreat Center
Contact: www.mountaincatholic.org
Rosary Prayer Resources: Holy Cross Family Ministries/Family Rosary
Contact: www.hcfm.org
Sabbatical Program: SAT Sabbatical - GTU, Berkeley
Contact: satgtu.org
Sacramental Wines: San Antonio Winery
Contact: sanantoniowinery.com
Scouting: Girl Scouts, Camp Fire & Boy Scouts
Contact: ccgscf03@aol.com
Spanish Bibles/Books: Ministerio Biblico Verbo Divino
Contact: www.verbodivino.org
Spanish Religious Resources: El Sembrador Ministries
Contact: elsembrador.org
Spanish Religious Resources: Gethesemani Libreria Catolica, LLC
Contact: www.gethesemani.com
Spanish Religious Resources: Libreria Guadalupana Rio de Luz
Contact: rodriguezjimenez@hotmail.com
Spanish Religious Resources: Libreria San Pablo
Teen Resources: Cornerstone Media Inc.
Contact: cornerstonemedia.org
Teen Resources: The Dibble Fund
Contact: www.BuildingRelationshipSkills.org
Transportation: Catholic Travel Centre: Worldwide Tours & Pilgrimages
Contact: GoCatholicTravel.com
Transportation: Transportation Charter Services, Inc.
Contact: www.tcsbus.com
Vocation Awareness: U.S. Air Force Chaplain Service
Contact: www.usafhc.af.mil
Vocations: Carmelites (O.Carm.)
Contact: www.carmelites.net
Youth Resources: LIFE TEEN, Inc.
Contact: www.lifeteen.com
Youth Resources: PamStenzel.com
Contact: www.pamstenzel.com
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a department of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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