2006 PERIOD 4Religious Education Congress
Saturday, April 1, 2006
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4-01 The Arts: Bridge Between Generations, Window on the Gospels - Workshop Closed
For over 2,000 years, Christians have learned their faith from stories, stained glass, music, sculpture, drama and painting. These arts speak to different age groups, learning styles and educational levels. In a world where communication can be difficult, artistic expression opens windows. Come discover ways the arts can enhance faith formation. We’ll explore Lectionary readings through participative, imaginative activities and experience familiar Gospels in unique ways which prompt new insights, then bring this approach back to your own parish.
Kathy Coffey
Kathy Coffey is an award-winning author of several books and numerous catechetical resource materials. She taught for 15 years at the University of Colorado and at Regis Jesuit University, both in Denver. Coffey has spoken at many diocesan and national conventions and gives retreats across the nation. She works as an editor for Living the Good News.
Paul Colloton, OP
Author Paul Colloton is a Presbyter of the Central Province (Domincans). He has over 37 years of pastoral experience as a preacher, presider, liturgist, musician, educator, spiritual director and catechist. He presently serves as Director of Continuing Education for the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, where he is also a workshop presenter. He conducts various retreats and workshops on liturgy, music and AIDS ministry.
4-02 Just Because It’s Not Wrong Doesn’t Make It Right - Workshop Closed
Barbara ColorosoWhat’s happening in the world today, in our communities, in our families that would cause us to be concerned about teaching our kids to think and act ethically? It seems ethics has become subverted by situational ethics (moral relativism) and that institutional religions have a diminishing role in teaching an ethic rooted in caring. What do we risk if we don’t take an active role in the process? This session will demonstrate how we can confront a culture of mean and integrate ethics into our parenting.
4-03 The Right Song for The Right Moment - Workshop Closed
As musicians for the Church it is our job to engage our assemblies in the liturgical prayers. The right song will allow the assembly to enter more deeply into an encounter with Christ. Let’s explore a few liturgical moments where the right music will help transform the experience for all those involved.
Jaime Cortez
Jaime Cortez is a pastoral musician, composer, clinician and author of many bilingual songs for multicultural liturgies. He lives in Mesa. Ariz., where he serves as Music Director of St. Bridget Catholic Church and music teacher for Queen of Peace School. Cortez has made presentations at many national conferences, including the L.A. Religious Education Congress and National Association of Pastoral Musicians, as well as in Japan and England.
4-04 From Good to Great - Workshop Closed
Rev. John Cusick & Rev. Jack Wall
Most parishes do similar things – hold prayer and worship, offer formation, welcome people, baptize the young, celebrate marriages, preside over funerals, care for the poor and help the needy. They proclaim that Christ is always among us. Yet so many parishes differ in the quality in which these Catholic actions take place. Old St. Patrick’s Church, located in downtown Chicago, has become a paradigm of how to make a good parish a great parish. Fr. Jack Wall and Fr. John Cusick will share how they have been a part of this parish’s transformation.
4-05 The Journey Into Love - Workshop Closed
Paula D’Arcy
Our lives are defined by love: we either run from love, or align ourselves with its power. When we align ourselves with love, it becomes a bridge to stronger relationships, a deeper, true knowledge, and the courage to arise to new heights of action. We are capable of effecting change in this world once we decide to love. But will we?
4-06 Lord, I Love ’em, But They’re Driving Me Nuts!
This lively, practical workshop will explore effective ways to handle classroom discipline and reveal successful classroom management strategies. Focus will be on preventative measures and positive solutions. If you’ve ever had “one of those days” then this workshop is for you!
Steven Ellair
Steven Ellair has been involved in catechetical ministry for over seven years. A former parish catechist, youth minister and Catholic schoolteacher, he served as the Consultant for Elementary Catechesis in the Los Angeles Archdiocese for over eight years. Ellair is currently a Senior Editor with RCL and continues speaking and writing nationally on issues related to catechesis.
4-07 Family Life and Sunday Worship - Workshop Closed
Monday through Sunday – the life of the Christian family flows from the Sunday Mass and prepares for the following Sunday. What in our daily lives enhances or detracts from this living out of our worship experience? We unconsciously infuse many core elements of our faith into our daily lives. This workshop provides real, tangible and applicable exercises, firmly rooted in church teaching and practice, to help families prepare for the Sunday Eucharist – and to be nourished by it throughout the week.
John Flaherty
John Flaherty has been involved in music and educational ministry for 25 years as an educator, elementary school principal, music director, liturgy director and composer. He is currently on the Campus Ministry Team at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he serves as the Director of Liturgy and Music and teaches in the Center for Religion and Spirituality. Since 1991 Flaherty has served the L.A. Religious Education Congress as Music Director and as the Chairperson of the Liturgy Committee.
4-08 The Test for Authenticity: Eucharist and Mission
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
“Our mutual love and our concern for those in need will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebration is judged.” These words by John Paul II will inspire this presentation, inviting participants to explore the relationship between our celebration of the Eucharist and the call to care for those in need.
4-09 Pedagogy for an Accountable Church
Richard R. Gaillardetz, PhD
In the process of doing research on three regional churches in Chiapas (the southernmost state of Mexico), South Africa and the Philippines, Dr. Richard Gaillardetz has encountered alternative approaches to the exercise of church leadership that might provide fresh insight into the attempt of the church in the United States to be more transparent and accountable in the face of scandal. This workshop will explore several of these models for creating a more mutually accountable church.
4-10 Breaking All Our Teacup Talk of God
It is only through sinking into God and being open to deep inner transformation that we will truly come to live out our call to be sons and daughters of God. This workshop will invite and challenge us to be open to the radical spirituality and holiness to which we are called.
Edwina Gateley
Edwina Gateley is an internationally known speaker, author, poet and advocate for marginalized women. She is the founder of a school in Africa, the international Volunteer Missionary Movement, and Genesis House in Chicago for women recovering from prostitution. She is author of 11 books and recipient of 15 national and international awards.
4-11 Total Community Catechesis: An Approach Whose Time has Come ... Again - Workshop Closed
Thomas Groome
One of the most lively themes in contemporary religious education is “Total” or “Whole” Community Catechesis. Will this be simply a passing fad or the shape of education in faith for our future? This presentation will propose that TCC is an idea whose time has come – again – but with some cautions about grounding this approach in sound theology and good pedagogy.
4-12 Our Worship Life / Our Life in the World
How do we make the deep connection between our Eucharistic celebrations and the way we live in the world? This workshop will explore how our formation, preparation and leadership within liturgy can support, nurture, enliven and renew the sacramental life of our communities. We will focus especially upon the words that we sing and how those words can challenge and support Christians as they seek to live the Gospel of Christ within a fragmented, fearful and increasingly self-absorbed society.
Marty Haugen
For over 25 years, composer Marty Haugen has presented workshops and concerts across North America, Europe, Polynesia, Asia and Central America. His range of musical compositions continues to appear in numerous hymnals for North American and Australian Catholics, U.S. Evangelical Lutherans, and several other Protestant denominations.
4-13 Jesus in Skin: On the Journey of Faith Together
Terry Hershey
No one is a Christian alone. Like it or not, we are on this journey of faith together. And if that is true, it dramatically changes the way we live. Terry Hershey talks about four transformations: 1) We give up the need to keep score in our relationships; 2) We learn that our identity is no longer dependent on our appearance, affluence or achievement, so we lose the need to impress anyone; 3) We learn to receive from one another, and to give without expecting a payoff; 4) Together, we make a difference – we are the presence of Jesus to a needy world.
4-14 Aim for Your Adults - Workshop Closed
Having a solid children’s program in parishes and schools is a priority for the church. But even if that program is top notch, if the kids go home to households where the faith is not loved and cherished, or even understood, our work is much less effective. We must focus on adults in order to succeed with the kids. But this is easier to say than to do. This workshop will unfold a marvelous plan to organize your parish and school in order to aim for your adults (as well as your children). Bring your imagination, your note pad and your adult team – pastor and all!
Bill Huebsch
Bill Huebsch has been in ministry since the mid‑1970s and is now President of Twenty‑Third Publications, based in New London, Conn. He has published more than a dozen books in recent years; his most recent work, “The Growing Faith Project,” is an adult education system for parish or personal use, based entirely on the Catechism.
4-15 When The Bough Breaks ... Guiding Youth Through Loss - Workshop Closed
Suzy Yehl Marta
In the “good ol’ days,” families pulled together to weather each crisis. Today, mobility, high divorce rates, deaths, unemployment and even chemical dependency have separated families and left them unprepared. Yet, families are the very foundation from which children are formed into emotionally healthy adults. As Church, we are called to empower our families – and especially children – to face their pain as we minister to their emotional wounds. Quite often what holds us back is our fear of stepping in where we are not wanted or just not having the “right words.”
4-16 Hardwired to Connect: Youth, Relationships and Meaning - Workshop Closed
Ever wonder if your programs make a difference in the lives of the youth we serve? This workshop will develop implications of recent scientific findings that children are biologically “hardwired” for enduring attachments to other people for moral and spiritual meaning. The research calls to strengthen “authoritative communities” (church and community programs) to ensure the healthy development of youth.
Margaret McCarty, DMin
Maggie McCarty is Director of Development at the Good Shepherd Center, a residential treatment center for adolescent girls in Baltimore. She has been in youth ministry since 1977 with experience at the parish, diocesan and national levels. McCarty serves as adjunct faculty member at Loyola University in New Orleans, St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, and will serve at Princeton’s Institute for Youth Ministry in April 2006.
4-17 Unlocking the Religious Imagination
JoAnn Paradise
It is the responsibility of junior-high teachers to lead their students to an encounter with Christ through the teachings of the Church. This session will focus on the need of junior-high students to be actively engaged in the reflection upon the teachings of Christ. Through exploring the world of religious imagination, we will discover creative methodologies that help to form the mind and heart of a disciple.
4-18 The Election of Benedict and What It Means for The Church
Thomas J. Reese, SJ
During the papal funeral and election, Fr. Thomas Reese appeared as an expert on every TV network, and in most newspapers. How did the media do in covering the papal transition? What did they get right and what did they get wrong? Why is it that no expert predicted the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before the death of John Paul? What are the consequences of Benedict’s election on the life of the Church?
4-19 The Death of Innocents
Sr. Helen Prejean shares the story of her journey accompanying six death-row prisoners to their deaths. In so doing, she began to suspect that some of those executed were not guilty. This realization inspired her second book, “The Death of Innocents.” In this workshop Sr. Helen Prejean tells of her experience with the U.S. courts and its broken death penalty system. She will expose how innocent people are condemned to death along with the guilty.
Sr. Helen Prejean
Sr. Helen Prejean has lived and worked in Louisiana all her life. In 1991, while working with poor inner-city residents, she began counseling death-row inmates. This Sister of St. Joseph of Medialle wrote a book about the experience, “Dead Man Walking,” which became a Pulitzer-Prize nominated best-seller and Oscar-winning movie. She divides her time between campaigning against the death penalty and counseling individual death-row prisoners.
4-20 Young Adult Catholics: Is Their Catholic Identity in Jeopardy? - Workshop Closed
Will the next generation of Catholics have a strong sense of their identity as Catholic Christians, or will they reflect a more generic Christian identity, without the distinctives associated with Catholicism? A number of commentators suggest that the Catholic identity of young adult Catholics is in jeopardy. This presentation will explore this question, and suggest some new patterns of Catholic identity that may be emerging.
Thomas P. Rausch, SJ
Fr. Thomas Rausch is the T. Marie Chilton Professor of Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is co‑chair of the Theological Commission and a member of the Ecumenical Commission of the Los Angeles Archdiocese; he also serves as co‑chair of the Los Angeles Catholic‑Evangelical Committee. Fr. Rausch is author of 11 books and over 170 articles, book chapters and reviews.
4-21 The Passion of Jesus and the Passion of Women
The story of Christ’s Passion is a powerful one that helps Christians make meaning of suffering and death. But it has also been told in ways that feed cycles of victimization of abused persons, particularly women, who accept any kind of suffering as their way of “carrying the cross.” Still, the Passion and Resurrection narratives can also help galvanize communities of believers toward transformative change. This session will focus on the Johannine Jesus, who goes to calamity’s depths for his friends, as one image that offers liberative possibilities.
Barbara E. Reid, OP
Sr. Barbara Reid, a Dominican biblical scholar, is Professor of New Testament Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where she has taught for the past 17 years. She has conducted lectures and workshops throughout the United States, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Ireland and New Zealand, and has led 12 study tours to Israel, Greece, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt. She is author of five books or volumes and writes a column for The Bible Today.
4-22 putting the Pieces Together: Implementing the Six Tasks of Catechesis in the Classroom - Workshop Closed
Kate Ristow
This practical workshop will explore creative ways of helping our students to learn, celebrate, live and translate our faith into prayer and service. This session will offer many “hands-on” ideas for classroom activities, seasonal prayer and suggestions for making faith come alive in the classroom.
4-23 Strengthening the Family: Building Character - Workshop Closed
Pam Stenzel
In this session Pam Stenzel discusses the importance of character-building in children. You will hear Pam’s insight and knowledge in this comprehensive training seminar for parents and educators. Don’t miss this valuable information on the difficult task of raising emotionally healthy children.
4-24 Reasons to Believe: A New Approach to Evangelization - Workshop Closed
Since the Second Vatican Council, evangelization has assumed a new importance in the Church’s self-understanding. This presentation will give an overview of evangelization today – the realities before us, the needs of God’s people – and offer insights on stewardship that might assist us in our efforts to be bearers of the Good News in the 21st century.
Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD
For the past 16 years, Sr. Maureen Sullivan has been a member of the Theology Department at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. The Dominican Sister of Hope from New York also serves as a national religion consultant for William H. Sadlier, a position that enables her to speak to Catholic schoolteachers and catechists across the country. Her second book, “The Road to Vatican II: Key Changes in Theology,” is due to be released in 2006.
4-25 Focus Your Parish Vision: Know Where You’re Going and How To Get There - Workshop Closed
Thomas P. Sweetser, SJ, and Peg Bishop, OSF
Many parishes are out of focus. No one knows what it is supposed to be or what the next steps might be. Those that have a focus are clear about who they are and what they want to accomplish. This presentation will help pastor, staff and leaders identify a vision for the key aspects of a parish and will provide concrete and practical means for realizing this vision.
4-26 Partners in Praise
How do a pastor and musician work together to provide a lively liturgy each Sunday? Come and see how planning, presiding and ministering through music can transform your assembly.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is an internationally known speaker and musician. His music – and especially his children’s music – is sung throughout the United States, the United Kingdom and in other parts of the Catholic world including Australia and Malaysia. The former Director of Music for the Clifton Cathedral in England is presently Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Parish in Los Angeles.
4-27 Through the Eye of the Needle: Life, Work and the Poetic Imagination
David Whyte
Courageous action mostly takes place in the midst of the difficulties of life. But courage, inspiration and energy emerge from the human heart. Difficulties can fall away when we make our inner territory larger, while simplifying our outer work. We are all passing through the eye of the needle into new identities that demand more of us than the ability to hang on in our present roles, hoping to survive. Join David Whyte for an exploration of how the poetic imagination can bridge the inner dimensions of human aspiration with our outer, everyday work.
Dr. Peter Phan
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