2006 PERIOD 7Religious Education Congress
Sunday, April 2, 2006
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7-01 Liturgical Dance: Moving Through the Seasons - Workshop Closed
This session will focus on connecting the mind, body and spirit to explore the possibilities in dance for personal and liturgical prayer. There will be an emphasis on ritual, scriptural movement and dance that will take you through the Liturgical seasons. Learn where, when and how to weave this beautiful art form into your celebrations. Come prepared to “move”!
Donna Anderle
Well-known liturgical dancer and choreographer Donna Anderle has served on liturgy committees for several national associations and conferences. Anderle co-founded The Good News Company, a touring group, and operates her own dance studio. Presently, she is Assistant Liturgy Director at Summit Country Day School in Cincinnati, Ohio, and teaches at the Cincinnati Ballet Company and at Northern Kentucky University.
7-02 Singing our Faith: Liturgy, Prayer & Music with Elementary-age Children
Discover techniques and music to help children of all ages sing their faith. Let music become a primary vehicle for prayer and liturgy with children.
David J. Anderson
David Anderson serves as Workshop Director for GIA Publications and Editor of “Ritual Song Hymnal” and “Singing Our Faith.” He also serves as Director of Liturgy and Music at Ascension Church in Oak Park, Ill., where he directs four choirs and coordinates a large Taizé ecumenical outreach of prayer and song.
7-03 The Messiah in the Old Testament and Jesus as Messiah - Workshop Closed
Lawrence Boadt, CSP
What is the idea of Messiah in the Old Testament? Did Jesus understand himself as the Messiah in the traditional sense? How did the New Testament writers understand Jesus as Messiah in light of his Resurrection? This session will survey the development of the idea of Messiah throughout the Bible from the times to King David, and hopes for an eternal promise to the house of David, to the ministry of Jesus and the understanding of the early church.
7-04 Spirituality of Parish Ministry
From pastor to secretary to janitor to usher to the babysitter at the Bible study, the pastoral staff is the face of the parish and agents of God. What can we do to nurture and celebrate the spirit of the Gospel in our up‑front people? This workshop will explore ways to enrich our pastoral ministries through Scripture, prayer, liturgy and practice.
Rev. Paul Boudreau
A former professional motorcycle racer, Fr. Paul Boudreau is now a priest and award-winning writer whose work appears regularly in popular Catholic journals, including Catholic Digest, Today’s Parish and U.S. Catholic. He has given numerous retreats and missions across the country and currently serves San Gorgonio Church in Beaumont, Calif.
7-05 Grieving the Necessary Losses of Life
The Christian perspective of reality is that all of life must die in order to be reborn in a new way. However, this understanding of reality doesn’t take away the pain of loss. How does a person of faith gracefully confront the losses in one’s life? Through stories, ritual, the arts and liturgy, Fr. Jim Clarke will offer some insights to this difficult question.
Rev. Jim Clarke
Fr. Jim Clarke is presently the Director of Spiritual Formation and Chairman of the Spiritual Theology Department at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. He is also Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. Fr. Clarke is a popular retreat director and conference speaker throughout the Southern California area and beyond.
7-06 The Changing Face of the Priesthood – Five years later
Donald Cozzens, PhD
This workshop will address the critical issues of identity, integrity and intimacy raised in his 2000 book, “The Changing Face of the Priesthood,” from the perspective of the clergy sexual abuse scandal and the coming of age of American priests.
7-07 A “Catechumenal Model” for Infant Baptism Preparation
Rev. Robert D. Duggan
This session will tell the story of how one parish transformed its way of preparing parents for the Baptism of their infants using the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults as an “inspiration.” A blend of theory and practical examples will characterize this presentation.
7-08 the Quality of Mercy – Explored Through the Arts
This presentation by artist Michael McGrath and writer Kathy Coffey will focus on the quality of mercy. The collaboration of these two award‑winners explores a quality through the lives of specific women like Dorothy Day, Thea Bowman and Teresa of Avila, who embody the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The slides and commentary (taken from their book “Women of Mercy”) will show the richness that unfolds when two disciplines come together. For the audience, a traditional value will take new meaning and a human face.
Kathy Coffey
Kathy Coffey is an award-winning author of several books and numerous catechetical resource materials. She taught for 15 years at the University of Colorado and at Regis Jesuit University, both in Denver. Coffey has spoken at many diocesan and national conventions, including the L.A. Congress and the East Coast Congress. She gives retreats across the nation, and works as an editor for Living the Good News.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
Michael O’Neill McGrath, a brother of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, is a nationally recognized artist, speaker and leader of retreats and workshops. His work regularly appears in Catholic and Christian publications, and he has been received Catholic Press Association awards for his covers of America magazine.
7-09 Never Thirst Again
Amy Florian
Come “step into freedom” by encountering the Woman at the Well. She came with all her burdens, all her sorrow and sin, and when she met Jesus it changed her life. Can her story change yours? Is it possible that you could never thirst again? Can you, too, be free? Come be spiritually renewed and lifted up. Come and see the one who knows everything you’ve ever done. It could be the Messiah!
7-10 Hopelessness Adapts, Hope Resists
Edwina Gateley
In a world of fear, insecurity and violence, the Gospel of Jesus calls us to healing and new life. This workshop will remind us that grace is ever before us and that we are indeed capable of moving mountains and becoming “birthers” of new life in dark places.
7-11 Hearing the Whispers of God - workshop closed
This interactive workshop will explore the needs of adults in catechetical and youth ministries for prayer, for faith-sharing opportunities, and for personal formation to deepen their own spiritual growth.
Carole Goodwin, DMin
Dr. Carole Goodwin has spent the last 27 years serving in parish or diocesan ministry. The former Director of Religious Education, youth minister and pastoral associate has taught all ages, from first grade through graduate school. This popular conference and workshop speaker is presently Director of Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of Louisville, Ky.
7-12 Pastoral Practice: Overcoming the Bully
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Expanding the conversation about workplace violence, this session looks at adolescent bullying as the root of a similar problem in adult work environments, including the phenomenon known as the “mean girl syndrome.” Practical suggestions from a pastoral, professional and catechetical perspective will be offered. This session is ideal for parish youth ministers and Catholic school personnel.
7-13 To Proclaim Christ: Liturgy & Liturgical Music in the Life of Catechesis and Sacramental Practice
David Haas
The “General Directory for Catechesis” proclaims that the role of catechesis is to make known Jesus Christ and the ministry and faith of those who follow as disciples (#41). Our common prayer and liturgical music have a critical formational role to play in this cause, through the experience of Sunday liturgy and in all parish programs. This presentation will explore new possibilities for communal prayer for use in a wide variety of settings, with liturgical music and catechetical resources to help bring about more effective formational events.
7-14 The “Rite” Way to Prepare Young People for Confirmation
Michael J. Hagarty
There are a wide variety of ways parishes across the country approach the Sacrament of Confirmation and its preparation phase. One proven and powerful strategy is to look to the signs and symbols of the Rite of Confirmation to help us prepare our young people to more fully experience the Sacrament of Confirmation. Participants in this workshop will identify the key elements of the Rite of Confirmation (symbols, actions, readings, etc.) and explore creative ways to present the faith to our young people through those elements.
7-15 Women & Healing: Story, Song, Laughter and Movement
What happens when a good woman tells a great story? Hearts can change and lives can be transformed! Just as women are reclaiming the position they held for millennia as “Drummers,” women are also reclaiming their place in the community as the Storyteller, the Raconteur, the Griot, the Poetess, the Bard. Come and experience dynamic ValLimar Jansen and Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin & Friends who believe in the healing power of music, story, laughter and movement. Step into the freedom of what a “merry heart” can bring.
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen has sung sacred music since she was 5 years old. She is a college and university professor who is also a workshop presenter or leader of worship and prayer at conferences across the United States. ValLimar and her husband, Frank, have recorded two CDs and travel extensively together performing at concerts, parish missions, workshops and retreats.
Frank Jansen
Frank Jansen, a professional musician for 30 years, is a well-respected composer, arranger, performer and teacher. He has a master’s degree in Liturgical Music from Santa Clara University. Frank has been composer/arranger for numerous liturgies and concerts at the Los Angeles Congress. He and his wife, ValLimar, travel extensively throughout the country.
Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
A Sister of St. Joseph, Anne Smollin is a therapist, lecturer, consultant and author. She is currently Executive Director of Counseling for Laity in Albany, N.Y., where she is a practicing psychotherapist. The former elementary school teacher and guidance counselor lectures extensively throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Ireland, Canada and Australia, speaking to religious communities, conventions and businesses.
7-16 The Seven Levels of Intimacy
Matthew Kelly
Intimacy is the one thing we cannot live happily without. But why are we so afraid of intimacy? Matthew Kelly will share the seven levels of intimacy and help us discover how each level affects our lives. Discover the 10 reasons people don’t have great relationships; how to overcome obstacles to intimacy; how to choose a partner; how to move forward with a partner who has different values and beliefs; how to raise spiritual teenagers in a materialistic society; and how our human relationships are affected by our relationship with God.
7-17 Films that Set the Human Spirit Free
Richard Leonard, SJ
If we have the eyes to see it, the contemporary cinema can help us do our job as religious educators. Come and explore how we can creatively use films like “The Hurricane,” “Finding Nemo,” “Erin Brockovich,” “The Truman Show,” “Witness,” “Shadowlands,” “Billy Elliott,” “Whale Rider,” “In America,” “Chocolate,” “A Man for All Seasons” and “Philadelphia,” which enable us to help set the next generation free and stay that way.
7-18 The Catechist as Leader of Prayer
Catechetical skills cannot be separated from the discernment and presiding skills necessary to call individuals and groups to prayer. This sometimes-neglected aspect of catechetical ministry is at the heart of effective catechetical ministry. This workshop will focus on the role of the catechist as leader of prayer and to provide practical skills for those involved in catechesis for initiation, for children, for adult groups, and for liturgical ministers to incorporate into their catechetical practice. Methods of prayer and leadership skills will be presented.
Miriam Malone, SNJM
Sr. Miriam Malone is a consultant and writer who specializes in Christian Initiation and liturgical catechesis, teaching Pastoral Liturgy at Holy Names University in Oakland, Calif., and giving workshops throughout the country. Sr. Malone is a Team Member for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and serves on their Board of Directors. She was Director of Christian Initiation for the Los Angeles Archdiocese prior to spending two and a half years as an itinerant mission sister in Alaska.
7-19 Cry Freedom: Multicultural Liturgy as a Rehearsal for Justice
J‑Glenn Murray, SJ
That we are a multicultural Church in America (North and South) is now a given. How we worship in a multicultural way is still being explored. This workshop will examine the Church’s call to have a liturgy that welcomes and engages many cultures and peoples and the practical steps to bringing that call to fulfillment in our parishes and schools.
7-20 The Death of Innocents
Sr. Helen Prejean
Sr. Helen Prejean shares the story of her journey accompanying six death-row prisoners to their deaths. In so doing, she began to suspect that some of those executed were not guilty. This realization inspired her second book, “The Death of Innocents.” In this workshop Sr. Helen Prejean tells of her experience with the U.S. courts and its broken death penalty system. She will expose how innocent people are condemned to death along with the guilty. (This is a repeat of Session 4-19.)
7-21 Breaking the Mold: Rethinking Women in the Gospels
Stories of women, named and unnamed, appear in the four Gospels. Why are their stories included? What do they tell us about the early Christian communities? In this workshop we will revisit some of these Gospel women, look at fresh interpretations of their narratives, and explore what meaning they have for us today.
Dr. Judy Yates Siker
Dr. Judy Siker is Associate Professor of New Testament at the American Baptist Seminary of the West and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif. An ordained Presbyterian minister, Dr. Siker also teaches, preaches and leads spiritual retreats in churches throughout California. Her current research includes work in Jewish/Christian relations and the history of interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.
7-22 Theology in Dialogue with Asian Religions: Historical Examples from China, India and Vietnam
This workshop explores the historical encounter between Christian theology and Asian religions, focusing on specific examples from China, India and Vietnam. The goal of this workshop is to discuss both the well‑known examples of Matteo Ricci in China, Roberto de Nobili in India, and Alexandre de Rhodes in Vietnam, as well as endeavors from the first Christian millennium of St. Thomas Christians in India and the Assyrian missionaries in Tang Dynasty China, whose pioneering theological achievements remain unmatched today.
Jonathan Y. Tan, PhD
Malaysian born Jonathan Tan currently is Assistant Professor of Minorities’ Studies and World Religions at Xavier University in Cincinnati. He has presented at mission and ministry gatherings across the country. He has a number of published articles and recently has been awarded the Louisville Institute’s 2005 First Book Grant for Minority Scholars, which will enable him to write his first book, “Introducing Asian American Theologies.”
7-23 Faith Conversations – Helping Parish Groups to Work - Workshop Closed
David Wells, Mike Stanley and Joanne Boyce
St. Paul encourages us to do all we can to preserve the unity that binds us together. Yet where two or three are gathered someone gets upset! In this workshop we will explore the tension between the unifying call and the diversity of believers. We will consider why our well-intentioned groups so often reduce conversation in its deeper form to discussion and disagreement. We will look at some biblical metaphors to see if there are clues to help us be more effective together. The workshop will include a range of media, storytelling and music.
7-24 Parenting – Are We Having Fun Yet?
Char Wenc
Do you worry if you are parenting effectively? Do you ask yourself: Now what do I do? Are your children the only ones having fun in your house? If so, come and enjoy this high-energy presentation on parenting. Learn practical aids for everyday parenting that will help all children develop into happy, responsible people. It is possible!
7-25 From Mental Illness to Spiritual Wisdom: A Father-Daughter Odyssey
Barb Zanzig, 30, has endured several traumatic life experiences and continues to struggle and grow through her bipolar disorder. Her father, Tom, is an international leader in adolescent religious education and adult faith formation. Together they share their story – one of occasional wracking pain but also, through God’s grace, a story of spiritual exploration, discovery and transformation.
Tom Zanzig
After devoting 25 years to the development of youth ministry and adolescent religious education materials, Tom Zanzig is now a freelance writer, trainer, retreat director and speaker. He recently founded his own consulting and publishing company, Zanzig & Associates. He has presented hundreds of presentations, workshops and retreats throughout the United States and Canada as well as in Germany, Australia, Singapore and the Arab Emirates.
Barbara Zanzig
Barb Zanzig works as a make-up artist for MAC Cosmetics in Madison, Wis. She has learned to accept her mental illness as a gift that offers powerful spiritual lessons. Along with her father, Tom, she hopes sharing that wisdom will benefit others.
Rev. Francis Vu
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