2006 PERIOD 5Religious Education Congress
Saturday, April 1, 2006
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5-01 A Global Church in a Globalized World: The Rise of the South in Roman Catholicism
John L. Allen, Jr.
American Catholics account for 6 percent of the global Catholic population of 1.1 billion. As Jakarta, Indonesia; Abuja, Nigeria; and Buenos Aires, Argentina increasingly become the centers of intellectual and pastoral energy that Paris, France; Milan, Italy; and Louvain, Belgium once were, what will that mean for the universal church? Which issues will be important in the church of the 21st century, and which will fade? This session listens to the voice of the global south, and examines what it will mean for Roman Catholicism.
5-02 Liturgy of the Word for Children: Music, Rituals & Storytelling - Workshop Closed
Enable your children to more fully participate in the Liturgy of the Word through great new music, exciting and meaningful rituals and creative scriptural storytelling, mime and drama. Learn how to integrate prayerful movement, gesture and sign, making the stories and songs come alive. Great ideas for classrooms as well!Donna Anderle
Well-known liturgical dancer and choreographer Donna Anderle has served on liturgy committees for several national associations and conferences. Anderle co-founded The Good News Company, a touring group, and operates her own dance studio. Presently, she is Assistant Liturgy Director at Summit Country Day School in Cincinnati, Ohio, and teaches at the Cincinnati Ballet Company and at Northern Kentucky University.
Mark Friedman
Mark Friedman has been active in religious education, teaching in Catholic schools for more than 20 years. The former Director of Religious Education and Campus Ministry Coordinator is currently Pastoral Associate and DRE at St. Margaret of Cortona in Cincinnati. Friedman is also Music Director at St. John Fisher Church in Newtown, Ohio. The published composer gives workshops and seminars across the country.
5-03 Dancing into Freedom!
God led the Israelites through the turbulent water of the Red Sea – and what did they do when they stepped into freedom? They danced! Like the Israelites, we too are “baptized” into freedom, and we are called to courageously proclaim God’s goodness with hands, arms, faces, feet and voices! In this workshop, explore simple forms of liturgical movement (sign language, gesture, procession, dance and drama) as ways of experiencing and embodying the gift of God’s liberating grace. Let’s follow in the footsteps of Miriam – let’s dance!
Betsey Beckman
Based in Seattle, Betsey Beckman is a freelance liturgical dancer, choreographer, spiritual director, retreat leader and storyteller. Her background includes six years teaching at the Institute for Transformational Movement, six years performing with the Fountain Square Fools, and 10 years with the practice of InterPlay. She is a featured artist at numerous national conventions and has published books, audiocassettes and videos.
Laura Ash
Laura Ash is Music Director at St. Patrick Church in Seattle, where, with Betsey Beckman, she has been involved in the ministry of movement for over 13 years. Ash, with her husband David, has composed and published three albums of liturgical music and has created and scored music for numerous liturgical dance offerings, including the video, “The Dancing Word: Miriam and Mary.”
5-04 Survival of the Unfittest: Ministry to Gangs and the Incarcerated
Amid the tyranny of success and failure, we will explore ways to stay hopeful in this difficult and daunting ministry. How do we feel ourselves called, not to be successful, but faithful? How do we cultivate the grace to stand in awe at what the poor have to carry – rather than stand in judgment at how they carry it? How do we keep our “preferential option for the poor” from morphing into a “preferential option for the well‑behaved and the most likely to succeed”? Scripture and stories from the barrio will be used to illustrate the theme.Gregory J. Boyle, SJ
Jesuit Fr. Greg Boyle is founder and Executive Director of Jobs For a Future/Homeboy Industries, an employment referral program for gang-involved and at‑risk youth. The former Pastor of Dolores Mission is a nationally renowned speaker at conferences for teachers, social workers and criminal justice workers. Fr. Boyle focuses on the importance of adult attention, guidance and unconditional love in preventing youth from joining gangs.
5-05 The Education & Formation of Catholics in a Religiously Diverse World - Workshop Closed
Sr. Mary C. Boys, SNJM
The United States has become the world’s most religiously diverse nation. What might we learn from the 40 years of interreligious exchange and dialogue since Vatican II? How might we deepen in our own religious commitment while respecting other religious traditions?
5-06 Adult Discipleship - Workshop Closed
This workshop will address the role of adult Catholics in the life of the Church and the virtues that are especially needed to meet the present crisis of credibility and authority. As the last feudal system in the West, the institutional Church is confronted with a liberated, well‑educated laity expecting accountability and transparency. Things will never be quite the same.Donald Cozzens, PhD
For more than a decade, Fr. Donald Cozzens has been writing and speaking about the crisis facing the Church and the priesthood. As such, he has been widely interviewed on network television. He is presently Writer in Residence at John Carroll University in Cleveland, where he teaches in the Religious Studies Department. A pastoral theologian and psychologist, Fr. Cozzens has served as spiritual director, counselor and retreat master.
5-07 The Pope’s Challenge to Catholics: Grow Up in Faith - Workshop Closed
Michael H. Crosby, OFMCap
In his homily opening the Conclave of Cardinals that elected him Pope Benedict XVI, the then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger spoke of the need for an “adult faith.” Capuchin Franciscan Michael Crosby will offer a grid outlining some characteristics of a child-, adolescent-, and adult-approach to faith. In the process he will suggest that, once Catholics “step into the freedom of adult faith,” there will be many changes.
5-08 Freeing Yourself from Past Hurts – Steps That Allow Us to Forgive - Workshop Closed
Constance Dembrowsky
This powerful session presents specific steps that will empower you to: 1) overcome bitterness; 2) keep past hurts from haunting your life now; and 3) attain the inner peace that forgiveness brings.
5-09 Proclaiming the Gospel – A Look at the “National Directory for Catechesis” - Workshop Closed
This workshop will present a brief overview of the U.S. bishops’ new “National Directory for Catechesis.” We will pay particular attention to those sections that help catechists share our faith effectively. We will look at suggested methods and resources, and talk about how the Directory can be an inspiration for our own personal growth.Judith Dunlap
Judith Dunlap has been involved in religious education for nearly 30 years. She has worked as a director of religious education in suburban and urban settings. She co-authored a catechetical series, has written two books and numerous articles, and for nine years wrote the religious education column for Church magazine. She is presently a catechetical consultant for St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communication.
5-10 Becoming Peacemakers: Freeing a World at War - Workshop Closed
Barbara Fiand
It is extremely difficult to sustain an inner peace that radiates out and transforms the environment. However, there are ways to do this and we will explore them and how we can effectively and with hope commit ourselves to being about peacemaking. Our faith is not cozy. It is a searing and soul-searching affair that wants to live in us for the sake of the Body. Being peacemakers in the truest sense of the word does precisely that.
5-11 Baptized Imaginations, Transformed Minds, Surrendered Hearts: The Theology of the “Chronicles of Narnia”
C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia” were written in order to help people as young as 12 years old experience what he called the baptism of the imagination or the liberation of true Christian feelings. Dr. Paul Ford will discuss why Lewis wrote these seven books; why it is important for our feelings and our imaginations to be converted; how to read the Chronicles with the heart; and point out their major themes.Paul F. Ford, PhD
An international authority on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis, Dr. Paul Ford is a repeat speaker at many Los Angeles Archdiocesan conferences, and a workshop and retreat director throughout California. Since 1978 he has taught at the graduate level at Fuller Seminary, Loyola Marymount University, and Mount St. Mary’s College and presently is Professor of Theology and Liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. He has a collection of published works, including books and music CDs.
5-12 Humility: A Teaching from the Catholic Tradition - Workshop Closed
Humility is at the core of our experience of life in Christ. So central is this quality of being, that it may be said that for a Christian, humility is what Enlightenment is to a Buddhist, Realization is to a Hindu, Sincerity is to a Confucian, Righteousness to a Jew, and Surrender to a Muslim. Humility is what others see as our Purity of Heart. This session will be a teaching on the Catholic way of humility.Mary Margaret Funk
Sr. Meg Funk has served as Religious Education Director for the Indianapolis Archdiocese and as Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue. She writes and lectures on topics of contemplative practice. Sr. Funk is the former Prioress of the Benedictines in Beech Grove, Ind., where she is currently Director of the School of Lectio Divina at Benedict Inn, her home monastery’s retreat and conference center.
5-13 A Presence that Disturbs: Discipleship Today - Workshop Closed
Anthony J. Gittins
Disciples are those who answer a radical call to follow Jesus. We are called to be disciples. There is no “cheap” grace. Discipleship is costly – but life giving. We will look at the New Testament and the early church to see what potentialities and challenges there are for us.
5-14 God Is Here: Liturgical Music Celebrating Christ Among us
Liturgical music ministry shares the same vision and goal of catechesis: to reveal the love and mercy of God in the person and mission of Jesus Christ. Through the exploration of liturgical repertoire, this session will celebrate and explore the themes and principles of what sung prayer has to offer the praying Church. Many musical possibilities will be presented, as well as an examination of the role of the music minister and liturgy in this ministry of reconciliation. Come ready to sing, pray and celebrate the mission of being disciples on the journey.David Haas
David Haas is Director of The Emmaus Center for Music, Prayer and Ministry, and Campus Minister/Artist in Residence at Benilde‑St. Margaret’s High School in St. Louis Park, Minn. He is a workshop and conference speaker who has composed over 40 collections of liturgical music and has written more than 14 books. He is a senior advisor for Harcourt Religion Publishers and a regular columnist for Ministry and Liturgy magazine.
5-15 Middle School Youth Ministry: On Your Mark, Get Set, Grow! - Workshop Closed
Young adolescents are a vital and energetic part of our Church. They deserve the best we have to offer them as a faith community. Participants in this workshop will get “on their mark” by learning about the nature of early adolescents, “get set” by identifying essential ingredients for middle school youth, and “grow” a comprehensive youth ministry program through key planning skills and procedures. This interactive session will help parishes and schools begin, improve or enhance their middle school programs no matter what the program’s state.Michael J. Hagarty
Mike Hagarty has been involved in youth ministry since 1980 as a parish and diocesan youth minister, high school teacher and coach, lecturer for Washington Theological Union, and a former staff member at the Center for Ministry Development. He is currently the Youth Ministry Consultant for the Diocese of Raleigh, N.C. He is also a presenter in the Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies Program teaching the evangelization and catechesis course.
5-16 Free Advice: Step Right In, Your Job Just Got Easier - Workshop Closed
With a task as great as evangelization it is easy for leaders and volunteers to become overwhelmed. How do we evangelize more people with fewer bodies and smaller budgets? Breaking out of the “chains” of traditional catechesis does not mean forfeiting tradition. Learn why certain communication styles are less effective with this post-modern culture. Hear key scriptural insights and how to more effectively catechize this media‑driven society. Discover practical ways to inject fun and creativity into basic catechesis while not sacrificing depth.Mark Hart
Mark Hart, Vice President of LIFE TEEN International, has spoken at World Youth Days and dozens of diocesan youth conferences. In addition, Hart trains youth ministers at National LIFE TEEN Conferences and retreat experiences, leads parish missions, speaks on college and high school campuses, and regularly appears on national Catholic video programs and radio shows. Hart, also known by his penname “Bible Geek,” writes a biweekly column.
5-17 The Ongoing Challenge of Vatican II: Forty Years Later - Workshop Closed
Dr. Diana L. Hayes
For many today, Vatican II and its sweeping changes are a thing of the past, to be ignored or overlooked. Yet the changes it brought opened the Church to new (yet old) ways of being church together. How do we revive the spirit of Vatican II in our midst in a global world and secular nation? How do we ensure that its teachings continue to be a source of action in the world for us?
5-18 To Dance an Authentic Life
Fr. Joe Kempf
Some have described life as a dance. Yet, it is not a dance that we invented, and we don’t always know the steps. How does one dance an authentic life in a world of so many tempo changes and competing melodies? Who is leading this dance anyway? Using down-to-earth wisdom and real-life examples, Fr. Joe Kempf offers a wonderful perspective on – and some important suggestions for – the dance that is an authentic life.
5-19 Giggles & Wiggles! Music and Movement Activities for Circle Time - Workshop Closed
Sharron Krull
This is a fun-filled participatory workshop demonstrating a variety of techniques and props for presenting music, movement and creative activities. Have fun, get inspired and take home lots of new ideas to make your group time more effective and enjoyable for all involved.
5-20 Freedom’s Dance Step to Everlasting Love
Imagine the invitation to step into freedom as God taking us by the hand and leading us to the graced dance of encountering ever more intimately the Lord’s everlasting love. We will creatively explore how small faith-based communities such as Christian Life Community (CLC), which is rooted in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, can be a profoundly liberating way to discover a new life as an eternal dance in the abiding peace of this most loving relationship. (Fr. John LeVecke is joined by some of his key lay leaders who represent the regional, national and ethnically rich expanse of CLC.)John LeVecke, SJ & CLC Companions
Fr. John LeVecke, a Jesuit priest of the California Province, serves as the National and Western Regional Ecclesial Assistant for Christian Life Community-U.S.A. He has been involved in a broad range of local, national and international ministries, including parish priest, television producer, administrator, campus minister, and Engaged Encounter diocesan coordinator. His credits include numerous television programs and documentary films.
5-21 Step into the Freedom of the Son of Man - Workshop Closed
Megan McKenna
“We want to see Jesus” – and Jesus reveals himself as the dying one, the one who seeded into the ground and then is lifted up, the one who learned obedience by suffering with and for us. What was the reverence of Jesus like and how did he know his Father so intimately that even when he was troubled, he leaned on God and was intent on drawing all of us to himself? There will be stories of being seeded, and being lifted up. Come see Jesus with those who came looking from outside, asking to step into the freedom of Jesus.
5-22 Order My Steps: Processions at Liturgy
Theologically, we are a pilgrim people. Ritually, that gets experienced and expressed in procession. This workshop will explore the nature of processions and how they form children, youth and adults as we journey through life to our final home and holiness.J-Glenn Murray, SJ
Fr. J-Glenn Murray, a member of the Maryland Province of Jesuits, is Director of the Cleveland Diocese’s Office of Pastoral Liturgy. He was the principal drafter of “Plenty Good Room,” a document from the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Liturgy and the Black Catholic Secretariat. In addition to his other duties, Fr. Murray maintains a busy national speaking schedule.
5-23 The Secrets of the Kingdom: Searching for a Vocabulary to Understand the Heart of the Gospel
Ronald Rolheiser
What is the deep heart of the Gospels? What is the key to grasping them? Why did Jesus speak in parables, and what is couched under those parables? This session will be an attempt at creating a vocabulary within which to more clearly articulate the heart of Jesus’ invitation to us.
5-24 Maintaining Your Sanity while Parenting a Teenager - Workshop Closed
Patt & Steve Saso
Parenting an adolescent is complex. Learn “tender loving care” tips that dispel the myths that teenagers are wild and dangerous, and parenting one is hard and frightful. Learn to bring out the best in the parent-teen relationship by addressing normal family changes, unexpected challenges, and improving ongoing communication with daily opportunities for affirming interactions.
5-25 Pauline Controversies Then and Now: Sexuality, Women and AuthoritY - workshop closed
In this workshop we will address some of the more controversial issues addressed by the Apostle Paul in his day, and then take a look at these same issues in the contemporary church. In particular we will examine Paul’s approach to sex and marriage, women in the Church, and ecclesial authority. What does it mean for us to read Paul’s letters as Scripture in the 21st century Church when it comes to such controversial issues? Please bring a Bible!Dr. Jeffrey S. Siker
Since 1987 Dr. Jeffrey Siker has taught New Testament studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he currently serves as Chair of the Department of Theological Studies. Dr. Siker is also ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), and teaches in churches of various denominations throughout Southern California. He is author of several books and numerous articles in the area of New Testament studies.
5-26 Human Sexuality: Nature and Relationships in Cultural Milieus
Richard C. Sparks, CSP, PhD
Within Church circles, and even in the wider American society, there are few topics so fraught with potential “explosions,” misunderstandings and polarization than those related to human sexuality. What is it? What are the Catholic/Christian moral boundaries? How do we deal with those whose views differ from our own strongly held convictions? This promises to be a candid but careful walk through the “moral minefield” of sexual morality in the early 21st century. Come, let’s tiptoe together on the icy surface very carefully!
5-27 Adult Faith Formation: Trends, Tensions and Tactics - Workshop Closed
After decades of professing our commitment to adult faith formation, we might be ready to do more than talk. But the challenges are immense and the needs incredibly diverse. What is the current climate for adult faith formation? What reasonable goals might we pursue, and how can we achieve them? Let’s talk.Tom Zanzig
Tom Zanzig is a popular presenter who has directed conferences and retreats. He has given hundreds of presentations and workshops on youth ministry, religious education and spirituality throughout the United States and Canada as well as Germany, Australia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. He recently founded his own consulting and publishing company, Zanzig & Associates.
Sr. Theresa Phan
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