2006 PERIOD 2Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 31, 2006
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2-00 “Come Away by Yourselves and Rest A While” (Mark 6) - workshop closed
Mike Patin
It’s Lent. Programs, relationships, paperwork, phone calls, emails …all necessary but draining and numbing. Today’s three-session experience isn’t about doing (youth) ministry better, it’s about a chance to step back, slow down and take a second look at what’s been happening within us. (Note: This is part of a Friday all-day session. Please also select Sessions 1-00 & 3-00.)
2-01 The Pontificate of Benedict XVI: What We’ve Learned So Far
The election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI unleashed fears in some quarters and hopes in others. By now, the new papacy is almost a year old, so it’s an appropriate moment to take stock. What are the main themes that have emerged so far? Where has Benedict XVI confirmed expectations, and where has he confounded them? What can we expect in the future? This session will examine where Pope Benedict XVI seems to be leading the Catholic Church.
John L. Allen, Jr.
John Allen, Jr. is the Vatican correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and a Vatican analyst for CNN. He lectures widely on Vatican affairs and has written a book entitled “All the Pope’s Men: A Guide to the Psychology and Culture of the Vatican.” Allen is currently working on a book about Opus Dei.
2-02 The Holy Work of Seeking Understanding: Catholic Perspectives on Interpreting Scripture - Workshop Closed
The intricate process by which the Bible was formed and its long usage in the Church invite us to draw out its meanings patiently. Learning the art of interpretation is all the more imperative because how we read biblical texts has real consequences for how we live.
Sr. Mary C. Boys, SNJM
Mary Boys, a “teacher of teachers,” holds the chair in religion and education at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, and serves as an adjunct member of the faculties of Jewish Theological Seminary of America and Teachers College at Columbia University. Author of seven books and some 80 articles, she also brings extensive experience in Catholic-Jewish dialogue.
2-03 Pouring New Wine Into New Wine Skins: The New Evangelization and What it Means for the Way We Do Catechesis - Workshop Closed
The “New Evangelization” is, in fact, something new. It is not a mere matter of renewing the work of evangelization, of doing it all over again with renewed enthusiasm and renewed energy. The New Evangelization is “new wine” that must be poured into “new wine skins.” This workshop will present a fuller understanding of the New Evangelization, how it differs from the Old, and how it will necessarily change the way we do catechesis.
Bishop Edward Clark
After receiving a doctoral degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, Edward Clark was professor of theology for 11 years at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., and President/Rector of their Seminary College. In 2001 he was ordained Auxiliary Bishop for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and appointed Episcopal Vicar for Our Lady of the Angels Pastoral Region.
2-04 The Eyes Have It: Contemplative in Everyday Life
Often thought to be the “business” of monks and nuns behind monastery walls, the call to contemplative living is heard in the hearts of more and more people who are immersed in the “stuff” of ordinary, daily life “in the world.” In this workshop, Dr. Michael Downey will focus on the riches of the Catholic contemplative tradition, inviting participants to live more contemplatively through the simple discipline of learning how to look, learning how to see.
Dr. Michael Downey
Dr. Michael Downey is the Cardinal’s Theologian for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and Professor of Systematic Theology and Spirituality at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. Author or editor of more than 20 books, he recently completed “The Heart of Hope: Contemplating Life, Awaking Love.” On March 31, 2005 Pope John Paul II awarded him the Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.
2-05 The Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist and Mission of the Church
In October 2005, bishops from around the world met in Rome to speak about the Eucharist as the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. This workshop will examine this recent synod and explore how liturgy (most especially the Eucharist) is the authentic source of the mission of the Church and her end.
Rev. Michael S. Driscoll
Michael Driscoll is a priest of the Diocese of Helena, Mont. Ordained in 1977, he has taught at Carroll College and at Notre Dame, where he is presently Associate Professor of Liturgy and Theology and Director of the Masters in Sacred Music program. His specialization is in the area of sacramental theology and liturgy. He is an active member in the North American Academy of Liturgy, serving as President in 2002.
2-06 Purpose Driven and catholic - Workshop Closed
Millions of Christians have discovered God’s purpose in their lives through Pastor Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life.” Now, Catholic parishes nationwide are adapting the 40‑day campaign for use in Advent and Lent. Come share your experiences and discover the possibilities of the purpose-driven parish.
Msgr. Ray East
Msgr. Ray East is presently Pastor of St. Teresa of Avila in Washington, D.C., where he also directs the Office of Black Catholics and is Vicar for Evangelization for the Archdiocese. Msgr. East has worked in the areas of youth ministry and evangelization.
Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson
Los Angeles native Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson is Pastor of St. Monica Parish in Santa Monica, Calif. He has served at the archdiocesan level in Los Angeles as the former Director of the Office of Religious Education and Youth Ministry, and as a regional Dean.
John Draper
John Draper, on staff at Purpose Driven Ministries, was one of the keynote speakers at the regional Catholic Purpose Driven Church conference in Illinois. Draper serves as a lay minister in Celebrate Recovery at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif.
2-07 The Virgin Mary: Our Lives Transformed by the “Perfect Disciple”
The Blessed Virgin Mary is described as the “perfect disciple” in the new “National Directory for Catechesis.” Nurture your relationship with Mary by engaging your own life experience with images, prayers and song from the Church’s rich legacy of Marian piety. Open your heart to the power of the Blessed Virgin Mary and allow her to transform you into a more perfect disciple of Christ.
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Since 1990, Fr. Richard Fragomeni has taught at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he now is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics and Chairperson of the Department of Word and Worship. He has been active in parish renewals and diocesan workshops and has authored a number of articles.
2-08 RCIA: Animating the Initiating Assembly
Too often our assemblies are “spectators” during the celebrations of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. Discover practical ways that music, ritual gesture and the crafting of liturgical texts can involve your initiating assembly and bring new life to the rites for English-, Spanish‑speaking and bilingual assemblies.
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
Dr. Jerry Galipeau, Worship Resources Editor at World Library Publications, presents workshops nationally and internationally on the RCIA, spirituality, and ritual music. Past Chair of the Board of Directors for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate, Dr. Galipeau has written “Prayer Services for Parish Life” and “We Send You Forth: Dismissals for the RCIA.”
2-09 Catechetical Perspectives: u.s. Economic Policy & Catholic Social Teachings- Workshop Closed
This session will explore the social gospel tradition concerning the rights and responsibilities of individuals and states in times of economic crisis. Practical strategies for effective catechesis and stewardship will be offered, reflecting lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina (a national perspective), the Sudan crisis in Darfur (an international perspective), and ways in which American economic interests stand in tension with Church teachings. This session is ideal for adult educators, youth and young adult ministers, and parish finance committee members.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon is Director of the Frederick Douglass Unity House and is a member of the faculty of the Department of African/African‑American Studies and Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth. The Baton Rouge, La., native is a former teacher, religious education director, consultant and author. Her most recent book is “Symphonies of the Heart.”
2-10 A Womanist Perspective on the Church’s Mission in the World
Serving as a missionary has historically meant leaving your home country to live in a new and different land. Today, the new land and those needing evangelization are in our midst. They are Catholics who have come from other lands, as well as those already here but unchurched. How do we help them become full members of our Church while recognizing the gifts and challenges they bring? A womanist perspective brings together race, class and gender as critical aspects of how we reach out to others, teach them and be taught ourselves.
Diana L. Hayes, JD, PhD, STD
Dr. Diana Hayes is a Professor of Systematic Theology at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. In 2003 she received a sabbatical grant from the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, where she did research in womanist theology. Author of five books and over 60 articles, Dr. Hayes has lectured throughout the United States, Africa and Europe. She is recipient of the U.S. Catholic Award for Furthering the Cause of Women in the Church.
2-11 Play Power! Fun and Games to Keep Kids Moving, Motivated & Fit - Workshop Closed
Brain research reinforces what children instinctively know: “Playing makes me smart for school.” What children do physically affects how well they will develop all other abilities, including reading, writing, mathematics and creativity. Learn cooperative group games, play and exercise with the parachute, and use simple “loose materials” to help children develop fitness, improve motor skills, coordination, concentration, cognitive development and self-confidence within a fun and non-competitive environment.
Sharron Krull
Sharron Krull’s teaching experience spans over 35 years and encompasses nearly all areas of early childhood education, including preschool teacher/director and elementary schoolteacher. She is presently a Child Development Instructor at Modesto (Calif.) Junior College and Las Positas College in Livermore, Calif. Krull is recognized nationally as an early childhood expert, author and consultant/trainer.
2-12 Lights! Camera! Action! Educating Believers in a Media-Saturated Culture - Workshop Closed
Catholic educators have to form their students within a media marketplace where minds and hearts are won and lost. How much do we know about the media? What is on our agenda, whether we like it or not? What is our response to this agenda in religious education?
Richard Leonard, SJ
Fr. Richard Leonard directs the Australian Catholic Film and Television Offices. He lectures in cinema and theology at the United Faculty of Theology in Australia and has been a visiting lecturer in Australian cinema at the University of Melbourne. Dr. Leonard is a consultant to the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Media Committee and a film critic for all the major Catholic newspapers of Australia. He has traveled on speaking engagements throughout Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
2-13 Letting in the Light - Workshop Closed
In the midst of a growing sense of darkness in our world, we need to encourage each other to open ourselves to the light. We need to remind each other that the central Christian Mystery is an invitation to joy. In this session we will share light from Scripture and science, from literature and laughter, from theology and the wisdom of our lives. We will focus on the Light that shines in the darkness, the Light that the darkness will never overcome.
Patricia Livingston
Counselor, award‑winning author and speaker, Pat Livingston has been giving workshops, retreats and lectures across the country for 25 years. She currently is President of Livingston Associates. Formerly she was Associate Director of the Center for Continuing Formation in Ministry at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. She has written numerous articles which have appeared in Liguorian, Church and other magazines.
2-14 From Inspiration to Illumination: An Experience of The Saint John’s Bible
Saint John’s Abbey and University have commissioned the first handwritten, illuminated Bible in the modern era – the Saint John’s Bible, created by scribes in a Scriptorium in Wales under the artistic direction of Donald Jackson, Scribe to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Crown Office at the House of Lords. In this presentation of video, images and page, participants will have the opportunity to see, hear and learn the story behind the making of The Saint John’s Bible. Several illuminations will be explored through guided imagery discussions.
Carol Marrin
Carol Marrin’s role as Director of The Saint John’s Bible Project includes facilitating its first exhibition at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and planning for a Bible documentary. She handles its national and international tours and all publishing and licensing contracts for productions of the Saint John’s Bible. Marrin has served as President of the College Stores Research and Educational Foundation and is on her parish’s finance committee.
Tim Ternes
Tim Ternes is Director of Public Programs and Education of The Saint John’s Bible and the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. He works with public access, tours, exhibitions, presentations and educational program development for The Saint John’s Bible Project and library collections. Ternes also serves as Arts Commissioner for the City of Saint Cloud, Minn., and is on various arts and church councils.
2-15 Raising Successful Children in Turbulent Times - Workshop Closed
From the onset of this century, life in America has dramatically changed. This workshop will focus on raising a child during such a bewildering era – when in more than 70 percent of two-parent families, both parents work outside the home, and technology and media are neither child-friendly nor safe. Our children are forced to live in a grown-up world with limited life experience. As parents, teachers or caregivers, you will learn skills on how to create a loving foundation so that even the youngest may grow up with confidence and compassion.
Suzy Yehl Marta
Suzy Yehl Marta is an award-winning, internationally recognized expert and author on the subject of loss and the experience of grief that results from divorce, death or any other painful family transition. Not only did she found Rainbows in 1983, she wrote its first curriculum, which has expanded into three other age-levels and has spread throughout the United States and 16 other countries. Marta presents international seminars and workshops and has been interviewed extensively in the media.
2-16 Catholic Youth Evangelization: A Call to the Good News - Workshop Closed
It’s not that youth don’t want the “Good News” ... it’s just not being proclaimed in a language they can understand! This workshop will describe the basic dimensions of comprehensive evangelization, identify practical approaches and methods, and provide basic skills for outreach and evangelization. We will also affirm the “Good News” that young people want and need to hear.
Robert J. McCarty, DMin
Bob McCarty is Executive Director for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He has been in professional youth ministry since 1973, serving in diocesan, parish, school and community programs. Author of six books, McCarty offers workshops and training programs in youth ministry skills and issues internationally, and is a volunteer in his parish youth ministry program at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Md.
2-17 As You Enter Into Freedom, Possibility Comes To Meet You
In this workshop we will explore the invitation to freedom which the Lord has written on our hearts. So long and so wearily we allow ourselves to live in prisons of our own making. We endure and survive, and forget to live and celebrate. Our time on Earth is so brief; now is the time to come alive and bring out the dreams and hopes of the heart. Our inheritance is the freedom of the children of God. When we avoid freedom out of fear, we become ghosts in our own lives. As St. Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is the human person fully alive.”
John O’Donohue, PhD
John O’Donohue is a poet, priest, philosopher and scholar from Conamara, Ireland. The storyteller, teacher and acclaimed prolific author is a popular seminar lecturer and speaker at major conferences throughout the United States and Europe. “Echoes of Memory” was his first collection of poetry published in 1994; his most recent book is “Beauty: The Invisible Embrace.”
2-18 Creating and Leading Prayer in the Catechetical Setting - Workshop Closed
Learn how to create an environment, use music and craft words to create a prayer service. Once the ingredients are in place learn how to use your body and voice to present and engage an assembly in prayer.
Robert W. Piercy Jr.
Bob Piercy is the Director of Worship and Music for Holy Family Parish in Shorewood, Ill. With experience as liturgist and musician in parishes throughout the United States, Piercy is a well-known author, lecturer and speaker on rites and rituals of the Catholic Church. He also works with GIA Publications in Chicago.
2-19 Exploring Prayer for 4‑ through 14‑year‑olds - Workshop Closed
Through the person of Jesus we come to know God. It is through prayer that our relationship with God is nourished and sustained. Education in prayer is at the heart of religious education. This workshop explores strategies and methodologies in prayer for 4‑ through 14‑year‑olds. It will deal with different expressions and forms of prayer, praying in the context of the liturgical/school year, prayer rituals, prayer formulas, praying with icons/holy water/oil, etc. Expect to actively participate in this practical presentation.
Brendan O’Reilly
Brendan O’Reilly is a teacher, lecturer, catechetical writer and National Director for Catechetics in Ireland. Previously he was Administrator of the “Alive‑O” Catechetical Programme for Ireland and Scotland. He has taught at all levels from primary (elementary) to post‑primary (high school). O’Reilly is currently working on various national (Ireland) initiatives as Executive Secretary of the Irish Episcopal Commission on Catechetics.
Maura Hyland
Since the 1970s, Maura Hyland has been working in religious education in Ireland as a teacher, catechist and author of religious education texts for use at the national level. Most recently she has been employed as Director of Veritas Communications, an agency of the Irish Catholic Bishops Conference, and is Publisher of the National Catechetical Programmes of Ireland.
2-20 A Survival Guide for Thinking Catholics
How does a thinking Catholic survive in the Church when he or she disagrees with certain Church teachings or certain actions of the Church? If you think everything in the Church is wonderful, you can skip this session. But if you or the people you teach are upset with the Church, this session might help you.
Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Currently a visiting scholar at Santa Clara University in California, Fr. Thomas Reese was Editor in Chief of America magazine from 1998 to 2005. Prior to that he was a Senior Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, where he wrote a trilogy on the politics and organization of the Catholic Church. Fr. Reese is a widely recognized observer of the U.S. Catholic Church and is frequently cited by journalists.
2-21 I Will Survive! Living Through a Time of Disaster
On August 29, 2005, life as I knew it changed. Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and destroyed much of what I call home: Both of my churches and my rectory were flooded; my relatives’ homes were completely lost in the floodwaters. For months, we lived at the Louisiana Lions Campsite in Leesville, La. Little did I know that the words from Gloria Gaynor’s hit song would be what I would need to gain strength – “I Will Survive” has been my mantra. This interactive and fun workshop will focus on how Christians can come to recognize our strength in Jesus in a time of disaster. In Christ, “We Will Survive.”
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, is Pastor to both Our Lady Star of the Sea and St. Philip the Apostle Parishes in New Orleans. He is also the Campus Minister at St. Augustine High School, and one of the Core Instructors for Church Doctrine at Xavier University’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies. In this past year, he has been dealing with the destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
2-22 Every Parish Can Do Lifelong, Intergenerational Catechesis!
Parishes all across the country, of every size and culture, are incorporating intergenerational catechesis into their faith formation efforts. It is quickly becoming one of the best ways to provide structured catechesis for the whole parish community – with tremendous benefits to individuals, families and the entire parish community. Discover a dozen practical ways your parish community can implement lifelong, intergenerational catechesis. Learn how lifelong, intergenerational catechesis can revitalize your parish community!
John Roberto
John Roberto is founder of the Center for Ministry Development, based in Connecticut, where he is Project Coordinator of their Family & Intergenerational Ministry Services, the Generations of Faith Project, and Ministry Education Services. He has authored three volumes of intergenerational programs in the People of Faith Series: “Acting for Justice,” “Following Jesus,” and “Professing Our Faith.”
2-23 Morality and the Law: They’re Related, But Not The Same
“If it’s not against the law, then it’s morally OK to do!” Not so. “If it’s immoral, then there ought to be a law against it!” Likewise, not so. We don’t mandate by civil law everything that we think is good. Nor do we outlaw everything that we believe is immoral. “Morality” is a bigger, fuller, more complex notion than “law.” They’re related, but not synonymous. Come, enter into the layered world of moral discernment and legal boundaries. This session is helpful for teachers, catechists and interested faithful citizens.
Richard C. Sparks, CSP, PhD
Fr. Dick Sparks, a Paulist priest, currently divides his time between being a speaker/lecturer on biomedical ethics, sexuality and fundamental moral theology, and serving as Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also Adjunct Professor of Moral Theology at the School of Applied Theology program at the Graduate Theological Union, also in Berkeley.
2-24 Extreme Makeover – Liturgical Music Edition! - Workshop Closed
Join in this uplifting, informative session with some of the finest pastoral musicians in the Los Angeles region as they demonstrate simple and advanced techniques for breathing new life into some of our most loved (but sometimes worn out) Catholic standards. You’ll leave with a renewed outlook on music in the liturgy and practical tips on how to achieve full and active participation from your congregation. This session is for all clergy, music and liturgical ministers, educators and anyone who simply loves music. Come prepared to sing your heart out!
Vic Vanacore
Celebrating 25 years as Music Director at St. Euphrasia Church in Granada Hills, Calif., Vic Vanacore is an accomplished composer, arranger, conductor and music educator. He has traveled the world performing with the London Philharmonic, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Vienna Boys Choir, the Jackson 5, Johnny Mathis, Barry Manilow and others. He was recently honored with a Grammy Award for his work with Ray Charles.
Cesar Marquez
Celebrating 20 years in music ministry, Cesar Marquez is a bilingual Catholic recording artist and founder of the Wings Music Ministry. He has led music ministry workshops and formation classes in the Los Angeles area and has served as a cantor, featured presenter and performer at parishes and retreats throughout Southern California. He currently serves as music minister at St. Monica’s Parish in Santa Monica, Calif.
Sean Mahon
Celebrating over 25 years in music ministry, Sean Mahon is a Los Angeles-based musician and songwriter. He currently shares music director responsibilities at American Martyrs Church in Manhattan Beach, Calif. He has recently formed the Catholic Artists and Musicians Group, which seeks to lead and promote the advancement of Catholic music through the development of new artists, new music and new recordings.
2-25 Communicating Love to Children - Workshop Closed
How do children come to know they are loved? Despite the raw energy of love, it remains difficult to accept and hard to communicate. Come to this workshop and explore the love languages of children. Using a wide range of evidence we will look together at how children express and receive love. Special consideration will be given to the role of parents and catechists, both having an important role in communicating God’s love to children. The workshop will include a range of media including research, storytelling, music and images.
David Wells
David Wells is Director of the Department for Formation in the Diocese of Plymouth, England. Previously, he served in England as Director of Adult Religious Education for the Nottingham Diocese. He is a well-known speaker with engagements that have taken him throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and North America. Also an author, Wells has appeared at conferences of catechesis and evangelization as well as a number of Canadian TV broadcasts.
Mike Stanley & Jo Boyce
Singers/songwriters Mike Stanley and Joanne Boyce – together known as CJM Music – work in the United Kingdom as music and workshop leaders with youth in high school and parish settings. Mike worked as a teacher and youth leader for many years. Jo became Music Director of Soli House in Stratford-upon-Avon, where Mike eventually worked as a music coordinator. They partnered professionally in 1996.
2-26 Benedict XV: The Papacy in a New Age (1914-1922)
Benedict takes the Chair of Peter as Western Europe collapses into the horror of the First World War: alliances, revenge, rivalries, armaments, peace treaties and millions of refugees. Nations collide and shatter. Benedict is a voice of reason and peace, and is ignored by the warring powers. It is time to look at this forgotten Bishop of Rome, honored by our present Pope.
Thomas Weston, SJ
A retreat director for more than 20 years, Fr. Tom Weston has worked extensively with alcoholics and addicts in recovery and their families. A resident of Oakland, Calif., he is a pastoral assistant at St. Patrick’s Church, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, and at Holy Names College, all in the Oakland area. He is an active member of the Jesuit Retreat and Renewal Ministries at retreat houses and parishes throughout the United States, Canada and Southeast Asia.
Dr. Van Tham
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