2006 PERIOD 8Religious Education Congress
Sunday, April 2, 2006
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8-01 Spirituality For the Long Haul
Wilkie Au, PhD
Dr. Wilkie Au, Associate Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, teaches in the area of spirituality and pastoral ministry. A former Associate Editor of Human Development, Dr. Au is author of “By Way of the Heart: Toward a Holistic Christian Spirituality,” which won the College Theology Society Book Award for 1990. His “The Discerning Heart” (with Dr. Noreen Cannon Au) is scheduled to be released in March 2006.
8-02 Revelation as an Imaginative Journey - Workshop Closed
What do C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia” and Tolkein’s “Lord of the Rings” have to do with the Book of Revelation? They are all imaginative journeys designed to create understanding and hope within the reader. If you are tired of the end‑of‑the‑world hype focused on in Revelation, learn to read the last book of the Bible in a way that offers wisdom and personal growth to the person who dares to go on the transforming journey of John the visionary.
Stephen J. Binz
Stephen Binz is a Catholic biblical scholar, author and psychotherapist. He has written over a dozen books, including the acclaimed new series, “Threshold Bible Study.” He is former Editor of God’s Word Today magazine and former Director of Little Rock Scripture Study. He did graduate studies in Rome and Jerusalem and holds degrees in social work, theology and biblical studies. Binz works as a writer, speaker and counselor in Little Rock, Ark.
8-03 Energizing Religious Education through Music and Movement - Workshop Closed
John Burland
How can music and movement be effectively incorporated into religious education to creatively enhance the learning process? This workshop will present a variety of practical strategies for using both music and movement to promote knowledge, understanding and faith development. These songs and activities are suitable for children at the elementary level. Come ready to be energized!
8-04 story, Symbol, Season and Song: Creative Catechesis in Relation to the Sacraments - Workshop Closed
Nancy T. Bird
Using story, symbol, season and song as our foundation, we will explore ideas and discover practical and creative strategies for helping children and adults embrace the Seven Sacraments.
8-05 The Gift of Resilience
Trauma, heartache, illness and death are a part of the human experience. Resilience comes not only from surviving difficult times, but being transformed by Grace in the midst of suffering. Join musician and inspirational speaker Jeanne Cotter in exploring the Charism of Hope called Resilience.
Jeanne Cotter
Jeanne Cotter is an acclaimed recording artist, performer, speaker and author. With formal education in theology, psychology and music, she offers concerts, parish missions, retreats, ministry workshops and personal growth seminars throughout the United States. Cotter’s works are published through Mythic Rain, GIA Publications and Oregon Catholic Press.
8-06 What the Latest Research Tells Us About American Catholics
James D. Davidson
This session is for clergy and lay leaders who want to keep up with the latest research on American Catholics. The presenter reviews recent studies of clergy and laypeople, highlighting their most important findings. He also explores the implications these findings have for planning and decision‑making in several spheres of church life. Participants will learn how research can be a valuable resource for ministry.
8-07 Eucharist and Social Justice: The Unreformed Closing Rites - Workshop Closed
Rev. Michael S. Driscoll
There is a close bond between liturgy and life. Our prayer (lex orandi) naturally leads us to live out our faith (lex vivendi). This workshop will explore how the closing rites at Mass should commission us for ministry and send us forth to bring the Good News to the world.
8-08 Family Faith Formation - Workshop Closed
Judith Dunlap
Family catechesis is not just for children. It is one of the best ways of engaging adults in their own faith development. The new “National Directory for Catechesis” reminds us that family catechesis “precedes, accompanies and enriches all other forms of catechesis.” In this workshop we will look at various ways to help families share their faith at home and at the parish.
8-09 Inquiring Minds Want to Know – Sharing Faith with Young Adolescents - Workshop Closed
Adolescents (ages 11 to 14) are entering a new world with new questions, challenges and opportunities. More than ever before, these young people need to hear the faith story and have leaders who can walk with them on their journey as young disciples. This workshop will explore the dynamics of catechesis and evangelization with young adolescents. This will include practical strategies, tested methods, suggestions and resources from the fields of young adolescent ministry and faith formation.
Tom East
Tom East is Director of the Center for Ministry Development and Project Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services. He is also the National Coordinator for the Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies. Editor or author of a book, programs and resource materials, East has been involved professionally in youth ministry for the past 18 years. Formerly, he served as the Director of Youth Ministry and the Associate Director of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
8-10 Archbishop Oscar Romero – A Martyr for Our Time
Julian Filochowski
The assassinated Archbishop of San Salvador was a martyr to the Magisterium of the Church. He lived the option for the poor authentically as pastor and prophet. He gave his life for the poor on March 24, 1980 – after three years’ ministry as Archbishop. He was a paradigm example of a Gaudium et Spes bishop and a future patron for justice and peace.
8-11 Beyond Oppositional Dialogue: What Would Thomas Merton Do? - Workshop Closed
Mary Margaret Funk
We can come to the table of dialogue with our voice, but not our opposing view. If our voice rises from our contemplative view of this world, our voice is compelling. This session will be a teaching from Thomas Merton on dialogue.
8-12 RCIA: Where Are Our Catechumens and Candidates after Initiation? - Workshop Closed
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
This workshop will explore ways to minimize the “drop-out” rate of the newly initiated. We will focus on practical ways to involve catechumens and candidates in parish life long before their initiation as well as explore strategies for an effective mystagogy.
8-13 Our Voice and Power! Freedom and the Development of Critical Thinking - Workshop Closed
Popular culture, saturated by entertainment media and commercial interest, is the dominant force shaping our environment. In this workshop we will explore ways to question, critique and transform these influences. We will learn how to use tools to further the development of our capacity to think critically and to use this ability for the good of the community. Adding one more step to the process of “see, judge and act,” critical thinking begins the process of asking “why?” which seeks freedom in God’s gift of our ability to discern the good and the true.
Cecilia González-Andrieu
Cecilia González‑Andrieu is a writer and educator completing doctoral studies at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif. Her area of specialization is theological aesthetics, working with Hispanic literature and drama in collaboration with the Department of Spanish at the University of California, Berkeley. González‑Andrieu was recently awarded first place by the Catholic Press Association for her ongoing column in The Tidings, newspaper of the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
8-14 Leading with Whole Heart, Soul and Mind: Ministry Challenges Today - Workshop Closed
Every lay and ordained Catholic is a leader in some form and forum, but what knits us together as a community for ministry and wholeness? This workshop considers three aspects of our shared responsibility to form a church of free and faithful adults who minister to others for wholeness of heart, soul and mind.
Dr. Michael Horan
Dr. Michael Horan is Professor of Religious Education and Pastoral Theology at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He has ministered to youth and young adults on high school and college campuses in New York and Washington, D.C., and is a well-known presenter of workshops and addresses. Dr. Horan is also contributing author to the parish textbook series “Blest Are We.”
8-15 Growing in Faith as Catechists - Workshop Closed
Bill Huebsch
It’s no rocket science to figure out that if we are going to help others meet and know Christ then we as catechists must be deeply rooted in Christ. Whether as parents, catechists, schoolteachers, young adults, pastor or parish leader, we know that deep human happiness and contentment comes only from being “in Christ.” But how do we make this a part of parish life? And how do we help folks move from “knowing Christ” to “understanding and loving the church”? This workshop will tackle these questions with new insights and ideas – and humor and faith.
8-16 Faithful Approach to Bilingual Gatherings - Workshop Closed
The Rev. Eric H.F. Law
Participants will learn how to design a bilingual event in which no one group is disadvantaged because of the language that group speaks. Participants will experience and learn techniques and skills in facilitating a bilingual dialogue.
8-17 Living the Good Life: Virtues for Adult Christians
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
So often we think that Christian morality is a matter of knowing and following rules, most of which forbid us to do something. This presentation explores another way of looking at the moral life – one that is deeply rooted in our tradition, which focuses upon cultivating a virtuous character. We will examine the tradition virtues found in the Christian tradition, and look at more contemporary efforts to articulate what it means to “live the good life” as a follower of Christ.
8-18 Mary in the Bible and in Catholic Faith
The core teachings on Mary in Catholicism are often misunderstood. This workshop will focus on Mary in the Bible, the four Marian dogmas in Roman Catholicism, and the teaching on Mary in Vatican II. Particular emphasis will be given to the implications of teachings on Mary for contemporary Christian faith.
Dr. Timothy Matovina
Dr. Timothy Matovina is Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. He has offered presentations and workshops on a variety of theological topics for dioceses, pastoral institutes and ministry formation programs throughout the United States.
8-19 Self‑Discipline 101: Connect Needs, Behavior and Pro‑Active Strategies - Workshop Closed
Patricia M. McCormack, EdD
If helping a child grow into a person who is responsible, self‑disciplined and respectful is a recurring theme in your heart, do not miss this presentation. Many ingredients combine to foster self‑discipline: effective communication, authority style, applying consequences rather than punishment, and expressing encouragement rather than praise. In this session you will learn to understand the basic needs that motivate children, identify how to avert misbehavior, know how to “read” the danger signs, and determine responses that lead to re-connection.
8-20 War and Faith in Sudan - workshop closed
Foreign correspondent Gabriel Meyer and filmmaker David Tlapek take us inside the tragic civil war in Sudan. Based on repeated visits to Sudan from 1998 to 2005, this workshop examines the Church’s role in the defense of human rights and the cultural, racial and religious fault lines dividing people all over the world today.
Gabriel Meyer
Freelance writer Gabriel Meyer is an award-winning foreign correspondent who has lived and worked throughout the Middle East and the Balkans. He was especially acclaimed for his coverage of the first Palestian intifada and of the Bosnian War. In 2000, Meyer spoke before the Senate Foreign Relations panel on Sudan. In addition to his journalistic works, Meyer has published poetry, two novels and a recent book, “War and Faith in Sudan.”
David Tlapek
David Tlapek lives and works in Los Angeles, developing film and television projects, and has taught at Loyola Marymount University. He is on the Board of Directors of Catholics in Media Associates and on the Executive Committee of the City of the Angels Film Festival, where he serves as Director of the festival’s documentaries program. He wrote, produced and directed the award-winning documentary about L.A. Cathedral tapestry artist John Nava.
8-21 Advising the Conqueror: The Book of Daniel
Dr. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
The Book of Daniel places a Hebrew in a strange and dangerous place: advising the conqueror of Nebuchadnezzar! What is the meaning of this Book, especially for those who are forced to live under power?
8-22 Planting Seeds of Happiness – Nurturing Joy
Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
Joy is not in externals; it is not related to material possessions or achievements. Joy is an inner state of being. It comes to us because we are in communion with our God, in good relationship with other people, at peace with ourselves, and knowing we are in tune with the universe. We will look at how each day is filled with these joyful moments and how we can nurture the seeds of joy, kindness and peace in order to become aware of these divine moments and live more freely.
8-23 Acting Justly in a Polarized World
Nancy Sylvester, IHM
Polarization and divisiveness permeate our social and ecclesial discourse. Yet, Jesus’ prayer is that all may be one. This presentation will reflect on how the shifting worldviews contribute to this reality and calls forth in us a commitment to a contemplative heart to re-imagine our work for justice.
8-24 Freedom to Be “Me” With Jesus
Christopher Walker
Music can transform children’s prayer life and liturgical experiences. How music is used is as important as what is sung. Come and find out ways to help children relate to God through music.
8-25 The Quest for Human Freedom: Recovery from Addiction and Compulsion - workshop closed
Thomas Weston, SJ
In this session we will look at the all-too-common patterns of addiction, alcoholism and loss of spiritual freedom. We will look at the principles of recovery, and the experience of women and men coming back to sanity, human life and service. We will use the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and an outline of practical spiritual life.
Dr. Van Than Pham
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