2017 RECongress Period 1
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 24, 2017
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
1-01 Trust as Living Out of a Blessed Consciousness – Living In Trust as Jesus Did
What does it mean to live in trust? Is trust simply a temperamental quality, like optimism? Trust and distrust are fundamental qualities of soul that color or discolor every one of our actions. To live in trust is to live out of a blessed consciousness, as Jesus did, rather than out of a cursed consciousness. What does that mean? How is trust grounded in a blessed consciousness? How is that lived out?
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. He formerly taught at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and served as Provincial Superior of his Oblate Province and on the General Council for the Oblates in Rome. Fr. Rolheiser’s books are popular throughout the English-speaking world and have been translated into many languages. His weekly column is carried by more than 80 publications worldwide.
We invite your parish team to join us on Friday, February 24 for a full day of workshops, discussions, networking and prayer in this Parish Leadership Track. Note: You must register for all three sessions. (Please make sure to also select Sessions 2-02 and 3-02.)
1-02 Divine Renovation: Developing Parish Leadership for the Sake of Mission
“Divine Renovation” is for pastors and parish leaders who want to renew and revitalize their parish for mission and evangelization. Participants will be led through a series of interactive reflections and exercises to help them establish a functioning leadership team that will assist the pastor in leading the parish in a new direction. We will look at how a leadership team is different from a staff team or pastoral council, and how it best functions in relation to these other groups within the parish. Each team (the pastor or parish administrator along with four to eight team members) will be led through a process to examine the essentials of common vision, team balance, healthy conflict, trust and vulnerability. Pastors and team members will receive tools and insights to form or become a healthier and more effective leadership team. (It is presumed that participants will have read or are familiar with the key insights of Fr. James Mallon’s book, “Divine Renovation.”)
Fr. James Mallon
Fr. James Mallon, a priest of the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth in Nova Scotia, Canada, currently serves as Pastor of Saint Benedict Parish and is founder and Chair of the Board of the John Paul II Media Institute. Fr. Mallon is creator of the video-based catechetical series, “Catholicism 201.” In 2014, he published his first book on parish renewal, followed in 2017 with “The Divine Renovation Guidebook: A Step-by-Step Manual for Transforming Your Parish.”
1-03 Eucharist: Broken Open in Everyday Life
Celebrated faithfully, Eucharist sends us with eyes wide open into a world filled with God’s presence in the practices of everyday life, made extraordinary by grace. Through storytelling, song and pastoral insight, Tony Alonso and Jeanne Cotter will open up eucharistic theology as it takes seriously the blessing and bruising of daily life.
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso is one of the most prominent voices in contemporary liturgical music. His latest release is “A House of Prayer” with GIA Publications. He presents at workshops and conferences across North America and Europe. Alonso formerly served as Director of Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and at St. Nicholas Church in Evanston, Ill. An emerging theologian, he is currently a doctoral candidate at Emory University in Atlanta.
Jeanne Cotter
Based in St. Paul, Minn., Jeanne Cotter is a liturgical composer, author, speaker and owner of Mythic Rain. She is also Artist in Residence at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Naperville, Ill. Cotter has directed parish missions and retreats throughout the United States and has presented at diocesan gatherings and national events including the RECongress, the National Catholic Educational Association, and the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. Her latest works are “Tender Hearted” and “The Old Gravel Road.”
1-04 Music for Celebrating Reconciliation and Eucharist with Children
Are you responsible for preparing children for reconciliation and Eucharist? Music is the natural means for both praising God and learning the language of our faith. Join internationally renowned composer and educator John Burland as he explores liturgical catechesis that builds knowledge, increases participation in learning and moves children to full, conscious and active participation in the rites. This workshop will present a variety of engaging, age-appropriate songs with accompanying prayerful gestures for celebrating the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist. You will leave with more than one song in your heart!
John Burland
John Burland is an educator and composer of religious music and has written and recorded over 250 songs and published 14 music collections internationally. He is the Education Officer for Liturgy & Music for the Sydney Catholic Schools in Australia. Burland is also National Music Consultant for Bayard, Inc. During his extensive career, he has worked as a classroom teacher, principal and a Religious Education coordinator in school and parish communities. He is a regular speaker at conferences and gatherings across Australia, North America, the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
1-05 Taking a Peek Inside the Door of a Catholic Home, Apartment or Condo
Our Catholic faith is grounded in signs, symbols, images and rituals. Yes, in our very secular society, the places where we live can be void of religious/spiritual images and symbols. This workshop will offer a variety of suggestions to heighten the presence of some of the Catholic symbols, images and rituals that can be reminders of the sacred. Specific prayers will accompany each image and symbol. (Many of these suggestions can be great gifts for newlyweds, new parents and first-time renters and condo dwellers!)
Rev. John C. Cusick
Fr. John Cusick, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, was creator, coordinator and Director of their Young Adult Ministry from 1970-2013 and was an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. In 2012, Fr. Cusick received the Blessed John XXIII Award from the Association of Chicago Priests for “excellence in priestly ministry.” In 2014, he received The Spirit of the Conference Award for Service on behalf of Lay Ministry from the National Association of Lay Ministers.
1-06 Aligning Responses to Bullying with Catholic Schools
In this workshop, Fr. Michael Fish will lead us in finding the treasure of the Kingdom in the field of modern life.
Fr. Michael Fish, OSB Cam
Michael Fish, a native of South Africa, spent many years as a Redemptorist priest before leaving the Redemptorists and South Africa to become a Camaldolese Benedictine at New Camaldoli Hermitage in Big Sur, Calif. Fr. Fish now explores solitude and the way of the hermit, while offering retreats, talks and spiritual direction to religious, parochial and lay communities. With the assistance of contemporary writing and teaching, he continues to develop the notion of the “inner monk,” “the hermit in the world” and how to live a monastic rhythm in the world.
1-08 A Word That Will Rouse Them
A perennial challenge of preaching is relating the scriptural and liturgical texts to the lives of people and the concerns of our world. What does prophetic preaching sound like? This workshop will explore that question, especially through the method of narrative preaching, a method particularly useful for engaging the prophetic Word.
Edward Foley, OFM Cap
Capuchin priest Fr. Edward Foley is the Duns Scotus Professor of Spirituality, and Professor of Liturgy and Music at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he was founding Director of the Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry Program. He is also past President of the North American Academy of Liturgy. Fr. Foley has lectured in over 60 dioceses and has written over 300 book chapters, articles and reviews. The award-winning author has 23 books in print, most recently “Theological Reflection Across Faith Traditions.”
1-09 The Denial of Death and Dying with Christ: What Do They Have in Common?
At the Easter Vigil, we will hear again the proclamation from St. Paul: Do you not know that you have died with Christ? What does that mean in a culture that denies death, living in the illusion that we have the power to never die? Learn about the mystical saying, “Die before you die, so that when you die, there is not much left to die.” Learning to die is learning to live. Stop the denial and find the promise now!
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Fr. Richard Fragomeni, a priest of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics, and Chair of the Department of Word and Worship at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He has written widely on liturgy, music, symbolism, the Catechumenate, the Eucharist and liturgies with children among other subjects. In addition to his teaching and preaching duties, Fr. Fragomeni serves as Spiritual Director for the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, an Italian-American parish in Chicago’s Little Italy.
1-10 Catholic Students, Leadership and a Social Justice Attitude
What does it mean to be a leader in our world today? Can Catholic teachers and catechists “teach” leadership skills to students? Whether you are teaching in a Catholic school, a parish religious faith formation program or working with sacramental preparation programs in your parish, leadership – with a social justice attitude – can be learned and lived by every single child within a parish or school setting. In this dynamic presentation, Dan Friedt will demonstrate how children from kindergarten to grade 12 can use the power of the “Five Stages of Social Justice” and “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (with scriptural support) to become leaders for a lifetime.
Dan Friedt
Dan Friedt is Principal of St. Angela School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has 37 years of teaching experience from kindergarten to grade 12, with 19 years in administration. Over the past 10 years Friedt has presented workshops and conferences throughout North America, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and California. As an Apple Distinguished Educator (2013), he presents about technology in the classroom and one-to-one environments with iPads.
1-11 Pope Francis and the Emergence of a Truly Pastoral Magisterium
With Pope Francis’ pontificate, we are witnessing an important new stage in the development of a postmodern papacy. Fifty years later, Pope Francis is realizing Pope St. John XXIII’s vision of a truly pastoral magisterium.
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College and Chair of the Theology Department. He has authored or edited over 100 pastoral and academic articles and 13 books, including “An Unfinished Council: Vatican II, Pope Francis, and the Renewal of Catholicism” and “Go Into the Streets! The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis” (co-edited with Thomas Rausch, SJ). Dr. Gaillardetz also served as President of the Catholic Theological Society of America from 2013-14.
1-12 Intentional Discipleship and the RCIA
How does a parish make a disciple? If we believe the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is all about making disciples, rather than a sole focus on teaching Catholic doctrine in “Conference Room 102 in the Parish Center on Tuesday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.,” how do we re-shape our initiation processes so that making intentional disciples is the goal and the outcome?
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
Dr. Jerry Galipeau is Vice President and Chief Publishing Officer at World Library Publications in Franklin Park, Ill. He is past Chair of the Board of Directors of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate and has authored numerous publications and has presented keynotes and workshops throughout the United States and Canada. His blog provides an Arena for those interested in liturgy, music and initiation.
1-13 Over Bored? Five Keys to a More Vibrant Parish Community
How does a parish light (or rekindle) “the fire” in the hearts of their parishioners? What evangelization strategies are currently working and which might need to be re-evaluated? How do we empower the right people to maximize our efforts but without adding significant cost? Come laugh and learn what the souls in the pews are responding to and those outside the Church need to hear.
Mark Hart
Based in Phoenix, Mark Hart serves as Executive Vice President for Life Teen International, a Catholic youth ministry movement found in 30 countries worldwide. The best-selling and award-winning author and co-author of over a dozen books has traveled the globe speaking to millions. Hart is a regular guest on several Catholic radio programs, a co-host on SiriusXM Radio, and producer of a weekly podcast for Life Teen. His popular DVD Bible Study series includes “Altaration,” “Encounter” and “T3.” His latest books are “A Second Look” and “Behold the Mystery.”
1-14 Stop. Look. Listen: An Invitation to Pay Attention Every Single Day
We live driven, distracted and depleted. Is there a different way? Terry Hershey invites us to heed the simple instruction from our childhood: Stop. Look. Listen. Three simple words can free us, encourage us and help us to live fully awake in the present, and to literally see God in all things. Three simple words can give us the permission to absorb – to rest, renew and live. Permission to see the fullness of life that surrounds us, and make us glad to be alive.
Rev. Terry Hershey
Terry Hershey is an inspirational speaker, humorist, author, dad, Protestant minister and landscape designer on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound near Seattle. The internationally renowned speaker and retreat facilitator regularly travels throughout the United States and Canada. His work has been featured on The Hallmark Channel, CNN, PBS and NPR and his gardens and books have been featured in magazines and newspapers of the Pacific Northwest.
1-15 Discipleship: A Vision for Individual and Community Living
Late in his priestly formation in India, Fr. Satish Joseph came to insights into discipleship – a call to “radical” discipleship and a way for fellow Christians to envision, organize and live their lives as a response to this most basic Gospel call. Over the last eight years, he has succeeded in organizing his parish into an intentional community of disciples. He defines discipleship as, “Think like Jesus, talk like Jesus and act like Jesus.” In this workshop, participants will not only rediscover the Gospel call to discipleship but learn practical ways for growing toward intentional and radical discipleship. Practical ways to organize parish communities into communities of disciples will also be offered.
Fr. Satish Antony Joseph
Fr. Satish Joseph has served in the Cincinnati Archdiocese for over 16 years. He is presently Pastor at both Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception and St. Helen Church in Dayton, Ohio. Apart from serving at the two parishes, he organizes parish retreats and parish missions, facilitates retreats for archdiocesan staff, and leads professional development days for Catholics school staff. Fr. Joseph is also founder of Ite Missa Est Ministries, an adult faith formation program at Immaculate Conception parish.
1-16 What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism
Did you know that Judaism is much more than the religion of the Hebrew Bible? Did you know that Jews have sacred literature beyond the Hebrew Bible (and have their own “New Testament”)? Did you know that Jews mean something completely different than Christians when speaking of the Messiah, sin, redemption, salvation, repentance and forgiveness? Come and question, learn and explore with Rabbi Michael Lotker, author of “A Christian’s Guide to Judaism.”
Rabbi Michael Lotker
Rabbi Michael Lotker spent the bulk of his first career as president of a variety of alternative energy companies, working in wind power, solar and geothermal energy. In 2003, he was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. He presently is the Community Rabbi for the Jewish Federation of Ventura County, Calif., and was recently invited to be a Guest Chaplain at the U.S. House of Representatives. In addition to his studies, Rabbi Lotker teaches widely on topics relating to religion and science, Jewish theology, interfaith dialogue and spirituality.
Playing on the title of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ document on youth ministry, “Renewing the Vision,” this workshop will look at today’s Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube culture and rethink how adults can “win the right to be heard.”
Mike Patin
“Faith horticulturist” Mike Patin lives in Lafayette, La., and has worked in ministry since 1984 as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan youth minister for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He has spoken to groups ranging from 10 to 23,000 in over 130 dioceses in the United States and Canada. Patin has published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
1-18 Reaching the In-Betweens: Young Adult Ministry in our Church
There is an awkward time in every person’s life. Figuring out life as a young adult anywhere between the ages of 18 and 35 is remarkably tough. Discerning how to actually live faith while in college, beginning a career and forming mature friendships is a unique challenge. It’s as if young adults are in a constant state of transition and transformation. Walking the path with these young adults seeking to grow in holiness during this season of life is an even greater challenge. Come discover practical methods for successful young adult ministry while also unpacking the uniqueness of this “in-between” time with Katie Prejean McGrady, who is in this very season of life herself.
Katie Prejean McGrady
Katie Prejean McGrady is a theology teacher at St. Louis Catholic High School and Youth Director at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church in Lake Charles, La. She is author of “Room 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist” and, since 2007, she has been traveling throughout North America using her original blend of humor and storytelling to speak at events ranging from small sessions to national conferences. Prejean is presently working on her Master’s degree in theological studies.
1-19 Same Lord, New Soundtrack: Their Music Is Telling Us What They Are Going Through ... Are You Listening?
How did Jesus do it? He met people and knew instantly what they needed. He was in tune with the soundtrack of their lives. Can we claim this in our own ministry with young people? Like the ever-changing music that teens listen to, Jesus’ message is also constant. Learn ways to incorporate the real needs of young people, honor their culture and tap into the music of their hearts to improve your ministry. Arrive at this workshop ready to laugh, listen, share and walk away with four proven strategies.
Anna Scally
Anna Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is a columnist for their Top Music Countdown online resource and host of the audio show, “Burning Issues.” She received the National Youth Ministry Performer, Artist and Author of the Year Award from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry and serves on the Board of Directors for the National Youth Foundation USA. Scally has made over 2,300 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days as well as major conferences for religious educators in North America.
1-20 Blessed but Broken? Marriage, Divorce and the Catholic Annulment Process
Pope Francis has encouraged us as Church to address the sad fact that some marriages do not work out and sometimes Catholics find themselves in the troubled waters of separation and civil divorce, wondering about the possibility of marriage in their future. This workshop addresses why the Church cares about something as “private” as marriage and civil divorce, the practical aspects of the marriage nullity (“annulment”) process, and the insights and innovations of Pope Francis.
Sr. Tracey Sharp, SCRH, STL
Sr. Tracey Sharp is an Auditor with the Marriage Tribunal of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. The former Assistant Professor of Theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., now presents numerous presentations and workshops on the annulment process. Sr. Sharp is also Vocation Director for the Sisters of Charity of Rolling Hills, and has given presentations and workshops on the history and theology of religious life. She is currently pursuing studies for a Licentiate in Canon Law at Saint Paul University in Ottawa, Canada.
1-21 St. Paul’s Practical and Relevant Spirituality
The empowerment of God’s Spirit lies at the heart of St. Paul’s description of what we today call “spirituality” (i.e., what life in the Spirit looks like). The Apostle offers several ways of reflecting on what it means to say “yes” to God’s living presence within us: the virtues that he calls “the fruit of the Spirit”; the various lists of charisms; the community-orientation of life in the Spirit; and the ministry of reconciliation, to name a few. Paul’s spirituality has uncanny relevance for Christians of all ages today.
Thomas D. Stegman, SJ
Fr. Thomas Stegman has taught theology for 13 years at the Weston Jesuit School of Theology and at Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, where he is Professor Ordinarius and Dean. The Jesuit from the Wisconsin Province specializes in the letters of St. Paul and has several academic papers. In addition to his more technical work, Fr. Stegman is a frequently invited speaker at workshops, parishes and diocesan gatherings.
1-22 The Church and Digital Culture: Sharing Good News
In this workshop, we will focus on establishing criteria to ensure that the Church maintains an appropriate presence in the digital environment. The following issues will be addressed: the mission of the Church, the nature of digital culture, the digital presence of believers and Church institutions, and the language of the networks. The workshop will attempt to articulate a strategy for appropriate engagement and evangelization by the Church.
Most Rev. Paul Tighe
Bishop Paul Tighe, a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland, served as Head of the Department of Theology at the Mater Dei Institute in Dublin before moving to the Vatican in 2007, first serving as Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication and most recently appointed by Pope Francis as Bishop and Adjunct-Secretary to the Pontifical Council of Culture. Bishop Tighe has been involved with various social media initiatives of the Holy See, including the Vatican’s use of Twitter and development of the Pope app.
1-23 What’s New About Catholic Weddings?
The English-speaking Catholic Church just begun using the second edition of the liturgical book for weddings, The Order of Celebrating Matrimony. This workshop will demonstrate the differences between the two editions, the changes that have occurred, and the new opportunities that have arisen.
Rev. Paul Turner
Fr. Paul Turner, a priest of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph in Missouri, is currently Pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish in Kansas City. A former President of the North American Academy of Liturgy, he is also a member of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy. Fr. Turner serves as a Facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. Author of many books, his latest publication is “One Love: A Pastoral Guide to the Order of Celebrating Matrimony.”
1-24 Reading and Living the Scriptures
What is the point of modern believers reading the Bible, a collection of documents that are centuries old? What makes them ever new and what gives these sacred words the ability to continually transform our lives and our world? Come get motivated, informed and inspired to be people of the Word.
Catherine “Cackie” Upchurch
A native of Fort Smith, Ark., Cackie Upchurch has been Director of Little Rock Scripture Study since 1998. She is an editor and contributor for numerous books, publications, articles, study guides and periodicals. Upchurch has been keynote speaker in multiple dioceses and currently presents at diocesan and regional gatherings as well as for parish missions. In addition to her national work, she oversees international partnerships on behalf of Little Rock Scripture Study with the Petrie Catholic Community in Queensland, Australia and Noah’s Ark Ltd. in Singapore.
You love the Lord, you possibly even acquired a degree in ministry, but no one ever said you would be running a mini-corporation within your parish or on your campus. Former corporate executive Greg Wasinski looks to give you a few tools to help run your mini-empire effectively. From organizational charts, to project plans, to budgets, you will learn just a few of the business basics to alleviate headaches that creep into your day-to-day ministry lives robbing you of precious time. Additionally, we will discuss the management traits of Jesus, identify office issue resolutions and reference professional ways to engage volunteers while nurturing them to prevent burnout.
Greg Wasinski
Greg Wasinski is a speaker, author and Executive Director of “Let Me Be…” Ministries and appears daily on SiriusXM Radio’s “The Catholic Channel.” He has been a presenter at many parishes, diocesan rallies and national youth conferences, as well as keynote at youth rallies across the country. Wasinski is a confirmation retreat leader and Bible study lecturer and a contributor to faith formation resources. His book is titled, “Unconditionally: Finding Jesus in the Eucharist.”
1-26 Early Childhood Catechesis – Why It’s Important & Six Steps for Success
This workshop, led by a child psychologist and author of the Allelu Early Childhood Curriculum, will focus on current research about how preschoolers and kindergartners learn best. Participants will be shown specific techniques for actively engaging the mind of the preschooler in learning the lessons of our faith.
Dr. Joseph D. White
Dr. Joseph White is a child psychologist and National Catechetical Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing and Curriculum. He has worked as a parish catechetical leader and spent seven years as Director of Family Counseling and Family Life in the Diocese of Austin, Texas. A frequent guest on Catholic radio and television, Dr. White is author of 10 books and numerous articles on catechesis and ministry, and co-authored the “Allelu” and “Alive in Christ” catechetical series.
1-70 Vietnamese Workshop: Amoris Laetitia: Embracing Trust in Pastoral Outreach to All
Through biblical and doctrinal teachings of the Church, Pope Francis, in Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), explores the essential understanding of family life: preparation, marriage and children. In light of God’s mercy and love, he also calls all of us to embrace trust through guidance, discernment and integration instead of fear, alienation or condemnation of those who are living in “irregular situations” (divorced and remarried or in same-sex marriages). This session will focus on Pope Francis’ theological insights and pastoral outreach from discernment to integration.
Rev. Truc Quang Nguyen
Among the thousands of refugees escaping Vietnam after the fall of Saigon, Fr. Truc Nguyen came the United States in 1975 with his parents and seven siblings and settled in Cypress, Calif., where his parents still live. Having worked professionally for eight years as a production manager in Santa Fe Springs and a quality control manager in Irvine, Fr. Nguyen answered the call of God and was ordained a priest in January 2000 for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He is currently the Judicial Vicar for the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese and Pastor at Cathedral Chapel of St. Vibiana in Los Angeles since 2010.
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