Religious Education Congress
February 23, 2017 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Every group must choose between the two tracks on Youth Day. Track 1 has the Arena sessions in the morning, Track 2 has the Arena in the afternoon. This allows every participant to experience all Arena activities while still allowing everyone to hear two additional workshops. To enter into the Arena for either Track 1 or Track 2, please line up and use the fountain doors nearest the Hilton Hotel. Your name badge will make it clear to which track you have been assigned. We ask you to not go to the Arena until your track's assigned time.
Religious Education Congress
February 23, 2017 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Both Youth Day tracks get to see our Arena speaker. In addition to the Arena Keynote, you make your choice of two Convention workshops from the remaining 14 sessions held in the Convention Center meeting rooms.What Are You Waiting For?
God is calling you to something better. He is calling you to be the saint you were created to be. In this Youth Day Keynote, Bob Perron will look at three practical ways we can grow in our relationship with Christ. How do we trust God with our everyday decisions? Do we surround ourselves with a community to support us on the journey? Will we have the courage to change the things in our life that stop us from letting God transform our lives? What Are You Waiting For? Today is the day!
Bob Perron
Bob Perron is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. For over a decade he has presented his stand-up and storytelling in over 60 dioceses across the United States and Canada. Perron has been keynote presenter at the National Catholic Youth Conference and moderated workshops at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry. His most recent book is entitled “Lessons Learned From a God-Sized Family: In a Me-Sized World.”
A Relationships 101: Drama, Fantasy or Reality HALL B
The media (television and the internet) put forth a lot of ideas about how to be in relationship(s) with other people. Let’s take a look at some myths and some values for our relationships today … from Jesus’ point of view.
Mike Patin
Faith horticulturist” Mike Patin lives in Lafayette, La., and has worked in ministry since 1984 as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan youth minister for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He has spoken to groups ranging from 10 to 23,000 in over 130 dioceses in the United States and Canada on issues of Catholic faith, positive attitude, using our gifts and living life fully. Patin has published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
B Lit for the Lord! – Living Out Our Catholic Faith Convention 210
Get ready! Get pumped! Get lit ... on the love of Jesus! What does it mean to live out our Catholic faith? How can we define our Catholic identity as young people in the church? Through energetic testimony, dynamic teaching and moving music, Joe Melendrez will help you live your faith today! Be prepared to pray like never before, create new bonds of friendship, and get lit for the Lord!
Joe Melendrez
Latino, relevant and relatable – Joe Melendrez is a professional youth minister, inspirational speaker and Catholic performer. He is Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Chaminade College Preparatory School in Canoga Park, Calif., where he has served as religion teacher since 2008. Melendrez’ works range from creating faith-based clothing (God Swagg Apparel), to high energy Catholic hip hop concerts, to transformative spiritual retreats.
C Now Is the Time to Face Fear Convention 204
Fear of uncertainty, messing up, being rejected and feeling awkward can keep us paralyzed in our “comfort zone.” But stress, worry and loneliness are the real costs of staying “comfortable.” Our God calls us to risk choosing a life of action, adventure and vulnerability. By learning to lean into fear, awkwardness and uncertainty, we can discover the joy, peace and happiness God promises.
Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered to youth and young adults in parish, school and diocesan settings. Today, he is a counselor in private practice and a speaker. Petitfils has presented at numerous national and regional conferences, workshops and parish missions throughout North America. He writes a syndicated monthly column, “Our Young Church,” and has written many articles and has published several books; his most recent is “What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You).”
D The Art of Caring for All God’s Creation Convention 207
When you look at what is happening to Earth – our common home – and to many of our sisters and brothers, it’s easy to despair. Jesus, however, offers us a way of hope, and Pope Francis issues a challenge: “Humanity today needs … young people ready to spend their lives freely in service to those of their brothers and sisters who are poorest and most vulnerable, in imitation of Christ.” Join Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for an interactive workshop to explore how God might be calling you to live your faith in care for all God’s creation, each other and our common home. So, when it comes to the care of our common home and each other, What Are You Waiting For?
Ted Miles
Baltimore native Ted Miles first worked in Belize and Guatemala with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. For nearly 30 years since, he has served in parish ministry, Catholic high school education and archdiocesan leadership development. For the past 10 years, Miles has worked for Catholic Relief Services as Relationship Manager for Youth and Religious Education and Coordinator of Outreach for the United States. He now speaks nationally and internationally on behalf of CRS.
Sergio Lopez
Musician and speaker, Sergio Lopez is a former youth minister and worship leader from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He has presented at the Los Angeles Regional Congresses as well as the Fresno Diocesan Youth Day, the Christian Leadership Institute in Santa Barbara, Calif., and the Center for Ministry and Development in Buffalo, N.Y. Since 2014, Lopez has worked for Catholic Relief Services as a Relationship Manager and is based in Simi Valley, Calif.
E Wonderfully Made Convention 209
Most of us have been faced with the question, “Am I good enough?” In this workshop, Noelle Garcia will share her own efforts at answering that question as a young teen through struggles with self-image, cutting and suicidal thoughts. Through an encounter with God that changed her life, Noelle overcame these difficulties and came to believe she was wonderfully made in the image and likeness of God. God has a plan for you, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
Noelle Garcia
Noelle Garcia is a Catholic singer, performer and recording artist with World Library Publications. She travels the country speaking at parishes and conferences, leading music ministry and sharing faith at events including CNN’s “Latino in America” documentary, EWTN’s weekly show “Life on the Rock,” in addition to World Youth Day 2008, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and the L.A. Congress. She is the wife of fellow musician and youth minister David Garcia, and resides in Dodge City, Kan.
F Art: Saints, Cultural Diversity, Healing and Forgiveness Convention 208
Using his own paintings and stories, Bro. Mickey McGrath will share multicultural images of Jesus, Mary and the saints, followed by a period of creative prayerful silence and coloring. This is a perfect time to simply relax and be yourself, and in the process gain a whole new perspective on the many beautiful faces of God in our multicultured world and church. As St. Francis de Sales used to say, “Heaven is peopled with people from earth.” Jesus will reveal himself in a way that looks like you!
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath
Bro. Mickey McGrath, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is an artist, author, speaker and keynote presenter who currently lives and works in Camden, N.J. He is illustrator and author of 13 books; his latest is entitled “Dear World: Art Reflections on Laudato Sí.” In addition, Bro. McGrath paints commissions for churches and schools throughout the United States. He is also a popular retreat leader and presenter in a variety of venues on the national Catholic circuit.
G #Goals: Put My #Faith into Action for a #Betterworld Convention 203
Violence, racism, sickness and even climate change? The world just seems to get crazier and crazier, so we really need to step up! Jesus is calling on us to make some moves and take action. So what is your faith telling you to say and do in this crazy time? Let’s put it all out there and discuss one of the biggest concerns affecting all of us today and how our faith is calling us to take action. Each one of us can make a huge difference. Are you up for the challenge? Come find out how you can make it your #goal to make this world a better place. What Are You Waiting For? – cause ain’t nobody got time for that! The time is now to put your faith into action.
Miriam G. Hidalgo
Miriam Hidalgo is Coordinator of Catechesis with Hispanics for the Office of Education, Evangelization & Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn. For more than 15 years she has served in catechetical and youth ministry at the parish and diocesan levels. A national speaker for Loyola Press, Hidalgo has presented at numerous diocesan and parish conferences throughout the country as keynote speaker and workshop presenter. She is currently President of the Federation for Catechesis with Hispanics from National Conference of Catechetical Leadership.
CHOOSE ONE SESSION FROM H-NH Created and Called into Love Hall B
When God created the world, he said everything was “good.” But then he made mankind, and he said it was “very good.” What’s the difference between us and a zebra? Simple. We are created in the image of Love, and we are called to love others with the same love of the Creator. We share that love with our families, our friends, significant others and even our enemies. What a gift to be made like God. What a challenge to live the life God wants for us. Come explore how you can do this and explore how you are created in and called to love.
Katie Prejean McGrady
Katie Prejean McGrady is a theology teacher at St. Louis Catholic High School and Youth Director at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church in Lake Charles, La. She is author of “Room 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist” and, since 2007, she has been traveling throughout North America using her original blend of humor and storytelling to speak at events ranging from small sessions to national conferences. Prejean is presently working on her Master’s degree in theological studies.
I No Way That’s in the Bible! Convention 210
The Bible is one of the funniest books on the planet … if you know where to look and how to read it. The Bible is also the most important book on the planet, filled with things that literally will save your life. Come laugh and learn with the one and only Mark Hart as he walks you through a few Bible stories that will leave you laughing and thinking about how God really works.
Mark Hart
Based in Phoenix, Mark Hart is Executive Vice President for Life Teen International, a Catholic youth ministry movement found in 30 countries worldwide. The best-selling and award-winning author and co-author of over a dozen books has traveled the globe speaking to millions. Hart is a regular guest on several Catholic radio programs, a co-host on SiriusXM Radio and producer of a weekly podcast for Life Teen. His popular DVD Bible Study series includes “Altaration,” “Encounter” and “T3.” His latest books are “A Second Look” and “Behold the Mystery.”
J Real Presence in the Sacrament – So What? Convention 201
The Catholic Church teaches that Christ is really present in the Eucharist, which is at the center of our faith. While this is the Church’s teaching, many teens don’t feel a personal connection to the Eucharist. Why should the Eucharist matter to high school students who are just trying to get through school, get along with friends and live at home without too many fights? Come to this workshop and you’ll never look at the Eucharist in the same way.
Robert Feduccia Jr.
Robert Feduccia was founding Director of the Youth Liturgical Leadership Program and instructor in the Permanent Deacon Formation Program at Saint Meinrad Seminary in Indiana. He is now Vice President of Christian Faith Events for Declan Weir Productions. With work as a parish youth minister and retreat leader, Feduccia has presented at local and diocesan conferences as well as national events, including the National Catholic Youth Conference and the National Conference for Catholic Youth Ministry.
K Be Real … Convention 204
letter-spacing:-.1pt">Young Catholics demand a genuine, authentic and compelling faith. This attitude is the core of healthy evangelization. How can we help empower this reality? This workshop is all about becoming the disciple you were born to be! With laughter, Scripture, prayer, practice and perseverance, we will break open some true strategies for sharing the faith and growing in personal relationship with our Lord and Savior!
Doug Tooke
Doug Tooke is Director of Youth Ministry events for the Diocese of Helena, Mont., Youth Minister at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Parish and owner of Monarch Catholic Ministries. He has over 20 years of professional ministry experience and has traveled to over 75 dioceses teaching, keynoting conventions and training youth ministers. Tooke has spoken at national gatherings, including World Youth Day, the National Catholic Youth Conference and the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry.
L Imagine That! Praying with Our Imagination Convention 207
Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and this is so true when it comes to prayer! Join Anne Frawley-Mangan on a creative journey through a variety of prayer styles that engage your imagination. Come to this fun and interactive workshop ready to move, play, pray … and be still, as we make space to encounter our awesome God!
Anne Frawley-Mangan
Based in Brisbane, Australia, Anne Frawley-Mangan is an experienced educator, presenter, writer and artist who specializes in using the Arts (particularly drama) to enhance religious education and liturgy. She presents workshops and keynotes nationally and internationally as well as World Youth Days in the diocese. Frawley-Mangan currently is Creative Director of Litmus Productions and teaches at Holy Spirit Seminary in Queensland and at the Australian Catholic University in Sydney.
M Who is the Saint That is “Just You”? Discerning God’s Will for Your Vocation Convention 209
Are you trying to discern the will of God for an important decision in your life? Are you searching for your vocation? At every moment, God is pursuing our souls. In the invitation to follow him, Christ mysteriously only makes one step clear: the one that lies directly in front of us. Come join Danielle Rose as she reflects in story and song upon the intimate process of listening to the voice of God, struggling to surrender, accepting in faith and finding freedom in obedience.
Danielle Rose
At age 17, Danielle Rose traveled to India to volunteer with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity. This experience gave her a desire to serve the poorest of the poor as a “music missionary.” She recorded her third album, “I Thirst,” as a musical tribute to the life and work of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. Since 2002, Rose has travelled the globe as a music missionary, ministering from World Youth Day in Toronto to her hometown of Duluth, Minn. Now a wife and mother, Rose’s CD titles include “Culture of Life,” “Pursue Me” and “Mysteries.”
N Back on My Feet Again! Overcoming Obstacles Convention 203
Just two months before her wedding, Renée Bondi suffered a freak accident leaving her quadriplegic. Although her life drastically changed overnight, she has triumphed and become an inspiration to many because of her perseverance and unfailing faith. Renée will share her faith journey starting before her accident, continuing through the valley of fear, and finally standing strong once again. Renée’s personal testimony is sure to melt your heart and lift your soul!
Renée Bondi
Renée Bondi is a popular Catholic recording artist, speaker and author who founded Bondi Ministries. She travels throughout the United States, singing and speaking her profound story that includes paralysis and a life confined to a wheelchair, for conferences, churches, retreats, youth rallies and corporate events. Bondi has been featured on several Catholic radio and TV programs as well as “Focus on the Family” and “Life Today.”
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