RECongress Speakers/Topics Listing
Religious Education Congress
February 23, 2017 (Youth Day) &
February 24-26, 2017
Schedule • Speakers • Workshops • Speakers/Topics • Handouts • Exhibitors • Exhibitor Categories • Speaker Signings
Congress offers workshops on a wide variety of topics. This topic category has been identified by the Office of Religious Education. Speaker-identified categories can be found on the Speaker Categories listing page.
Asterisks with session numbers indicate recorded workshops. “Key” indicates the Saturday Keynote or a Sunday Address. Youth Day workshops are labeled by a session letter (A, B, C, etc.). Congress sessions are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period. Sessions 1-, 2- and 3- are Friday; Sessions 4-, 5- and 6- are Saturday; Sessions 7- and 8- are Sunday. The two-digit number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers -01 to -30 are in English; -50 to -60 are in Spanish; -70 is in Vietnamese.
Click on a column heading to sort by Speaker Name, Topic, Session Number, Title or Language. If you click again on a column it will sort in reverse order.
Topic Session Workshop Title Language Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Catechesis/Evangelization 1-52* El V Encuentro: La iglesia en salida Spanish Aguilera-Titus, Alejandro Catechesis/Evangelization 4-52* San Juan Diego: Modelo de discípulo misionero intercultural Spanish Alarcón, Fr. Carlos LGBT Ministry 5-53* Doctrina y pastoral de nuestra Iglesia hacia nuestros hermanos y hermanas homosexuales – más allá del Año de la Misericordia Spanish Alcántara Mendoza, Rev. Dr. Rogelio Catechesis/Evangelization 5-52* Curación, sanación y liberación Spanish Alcántara Mendoza, Rev. Dr. Rogelio Catechesis/Evangelization 8-52* La oración de intercesión Spanish Aljentera, Clarissa Valbuena Young Adult Ministry 2-03 Lord, Help Me Find the Words English Aljentera, Clarissa Valbuena Young Adult Ministry 6-02 To Have and to Hold – Let Trust Make Me Bold English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 5-02* The Francis Mission: Progress Report on a Populist Pope and His Historic Reform English Allen Jr., John Ecclesiology 7-01* All Things Catholic: What's Hot and What's Not in the Global Church English Alonso, Tony Spirituality/Prayer 1-03 Eucharist: Broken Open in Everyday Life English Alonso, Tony Liturgy/Music 5-01 Voices of Angels English Alonso, Tony Liturgy/Music 7-02 I Will Lift My Eyes: Embracing Trust Through Song English Amore, Dr. Mary Catechesis 5-03* Rituals, Symbols and Prayer Services English Amore, Dr. Mary Spirituality 8-02* Fig Tree Spirituality: Tilling the Soil with Seeds of Trust English Anderle, Donna Liturgy/Music 5-05* Let Go … Trust: Music, Movement, Breath Work and Prayer English Angotti, John Liturgy/Music 5-11* Rebalancing the Power: Finding Common Ground Between Lay Minsters and Clergy English Angulo, Katherine Confirmation 6-52* ¿Qué esperan nuestros jóvenes de su preparación para el sacramento de la confirmación? Spanish Angulo, Katherine Youth Ministry 8-53* ¿Qué estas esperando? Los jóvenes de tu iglesia necesitan tu talento Spanish Anslinger, Leisa Parish Leadership 2-04* The Difference Talent Makes English Anslinger, Leisa Youth Ministry Track 5-04* The Role of Liturgy in Youth Ministry English Arévalo, Elsy Spirituality/Prayer 3-52* La oración: Camino hacia la unión y confianza Spanish Ash, Laura Liturgy/Music 2-06* A Leap of Faith: Dancing with Mary into Trust English Bagladi, Lisa Ferlita Spirituality/Prayer 1-53* Ritmo, Oración y Movimiento (Rhythm, Prayer, Move) – oración corporal Spanish Barron, Bishop Robert Catechesis/Evangelization 3-01 Catechists, Apologists, Evangelists … WAKE UP! English Bazyouros, Joseph Liturgy/Music 3-03* I’m Not a Liturgist! How Do I Prepare a Liturgy? English Beckman, Betsey Liturgy/Music 2-06* A Leap of Faith: Dancing with Mary into Trust English Binz, Stephen Scripture 6-03* The Grand Narrative of Scripture English Binz, Stephen Ecclesiology 7-03* From Saint Peter to Pope Francis: How the First Pope Inspires Our Current Pope English Bondi, Renée Spirituality/Prayer 3-04* Breaking Through the Wall English Bondi, Renée Youth Day (Overcoming Obstacles) N Back on My Feet Again! Overcoming Obstacles English Boyle, Fr. Gregory Restorative Justice 2-05* Ennobiling: Gang Members Finding Their True Selves in a Community of Tenderness English Bryant, Sr. Kathleen Women's Issues 3-05* Embracing Trust with a Woman’s Heart English Burgaleta, Rev. Claudio Theology 3-51* Confiar en Dios: Ayudas, obstáculos y trampas Spanish Burgaleta, Rev. Claudio Theology 5-06* Trusting in God: Helps, Hindrances and Traps English Burke, Theresa Life Issues 5-07* Pregnancy Loss and Unresolved Grief English Burke, Theresa Life Issues 8-03* Healing the Wounded Heart English Burland, John Elementary 1-04* Music for Celebrating Reconciliation and Eucharist with Children English Burland, John Elementary 4-02* Re-energizing Children’s Catechesis Through Song English Burton, Fr. William Scripture 3-06* Where in the World? Biblical Geography and its Significance for Bible Study English Burton, Fr. William Scripture 7-04* How Do We Know What We Know About St. Paul and His Letters? English Bustos Lopez, Very Rev. Javier Morality 3-07* “Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit” – the Dignity of Physical Death English Bustos Lopez, Very Rev. Javier Morality 4-53* Tomar decisiones morales en el mundo actual Spanish Medina, Dr. Jose Sexuality 2-52* La articulación de los valores humanos con la dimensión cristiana Spanish Vega, Ernesto Spirituality/Prayer 6-53* Espiritualidad y oración Spanish Cano Valero, Julia Women's Issues 2-53* La violencia contra las mujeres: Un drama que no cesa Spanish Cano Valero, Julia Life Issues 6-51* Daño y sufrimiento de las victimas Spanish Carotta, Dr. Michael Confirmation 6-04* Discipleship and Confirmation: Putting an End to Confirmation as THE END English Carotta, Dr. Michael Catechumenate/Initiation 8-04* Teaching for Discipleship: The Call, the Challenge, the Difference English Carrillo Velásquez, Carlos Young Adult/Jovenes 7-52* Cuando el sufrimiento de los jóvenes no es normal Spanish Chairez, Rita Restorative Justice 5-54* A través de los ojos de los niños de los encarcelados Spanish Chairez, Rita Life Issues 8-05* Mothers at the Foot of the Cross English Chinn, Andrew Elementary 2-07* Proclaim! Songs and Strategies for Teaching, Celebrating and Living the Good News with Elementary Children English Chinn, Andrew Early Childhood 7-05* Thank You, God! English Cicciarelli, Joellyn Elementary 3-25* How to Embrace the Use of Children’s Books for Catechesis English Clarke, Fr. James Spirituality/Prayer 2-08* Living in Trust While Acknowledging Our Fears English Clarke, Fr. James Spirituality/Prayer 7-53* Confiamos, a pesar de nuestros temores Spanish Coloroso, Barbara Family 2-09* Discipline and Punishment: Why One Works and the Other Appears to Work English Coloroso, Barbara Justice/Peace 4-03* The Bully, the Bullied and the Not-So-Innocent Bystander English Cortés, Sr. Ondina Young Adult/Jovenes 5-55* ¿Cómo seguir siendo un joven Católico en medio de tantas religiones? Spanish Cortés, Sr. Ondina Young Adult/Jovenes 8-54* ¿Se puede ser espiritual, pero no religioso? Spanish Cotter, Jeanne Spirituality/Prayer 1-03 Eucharist: Broken Open in Everyday Life English Cotter, Jeanne Liturgy/Music 5-01 Voices of Angels English Cotter, Jeanne Spirituality/Prayer 8-06 The Art of Forgiveness English Cusick, Fr. John Catechesis/Evangelization 1-05* Taking a Peek Inside the Door of a Catholic Home, Apartment or Condo English Cusick, Fr. John Catechesis/Evangelization 6-05* Let's Answer Those Tough Catholic Questions English De Silva, Chris Spirituality/Prayer 5-01 Voices of Angels English Deck, Rev. Allan Figueroa Multicultural 3-53* ¡Adelante! Católicos Latinos, ¡enfréntense con el mundo como es! Spanish Deck, Rev. Allan Figueroa Justice/Peace 4-14* A New President: In Conflict or Harmony with the Gospels? English Dees, Jared Family 3-08* Empowering Parents as Disciples and Teachers English DeLeon, Roy Spirituality/Prayer 6-06* Praying with the Body English DeLeon, Roy Spirituality/Prayer 8-07* Praying St. Francis with the Body English DeLorenzo, Leonard Spirituality/Prayer 2-10* Witness: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our Lives English DeLorenzo, Leonard Art/Catechesis 6-07* Art, Literature and the Renewal of the Christian Imagination English Díaz, Iván Liturgy/Music 2-54* Música y educación: Una conexión humana Spanish Díaz, Iván Liturgy/Music 8-55* Fe, música y corazón para Dios Spanish DiPaolo, Michael Family 6-08* The Joy of Love and Marriage English Do, Sr. Vuong Vietnamese 5-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Lead Like Jesus, the Servant Leader) Vietnamese Ductram, Peter Special Needs 1-54* Catequesis con niños con necesidades especiales Spanish Ductram, Peter Special Needs 5-09* Catechesis for Children with Special Needs English Dwyer, Fr. Dave Young Adult Ministry 7-06 The Questions That Deepen Our Faith English Dysinger, Fr. Luke Sexuality 2-11* Called to Intimacy: Catholic Sexuality in Troubled Times English Early Childhood Board, Early Childhood 5-10* “But YOU Said … !” English East, Msgr. Raymond Justice/Peace 4-09* Our Faith Matters: A Candid Discussion About Race English East, Msgr. Raymond Catechesis/Evangelization 7-07* The New Evangelization: Trust the Holy Spirit for the Holy Results English East, Tom Youth Ministry Track 3-09* Ministry with Gen Z – There’s an App for That! English East, Tom Young Adult Ministry 5-12* A Sower Went Out to Sow: A Spirituality for Young Adults in Ministry English Elias-Juarez, Dr. Marco Family 3-54* Puentes de paz, canales de esperanza: Agentes de pastoral ante los retos del odio y la violencia Spanish Elias-Juarez, Dr. Marco Family 7-54* Recobrar la conciencia de ser padres y de ser hijos: Retos y peligros de las “nuevas formas de familia” Spanish Ellair, Steven Elementary 3-10* Bringing the Bible to Life for Children! English Ellair, Steven Elementary 7-09* Lord, I Love ’em, but They’re Driving Me Nuts! English Encarnacion, Catherine Justice/Peace 1-55* Realizamos un ambienta sano para una economía global más justa Spanish Encarnacion, Catherine Justice/Peace 4-54* La Biblia como guía en como leer y vivir el libro de la vida Spanish Espín, Dr. Orlando Theology 5-51* La familia latina como "fuente" de teología latina Spanish Espín, Dr. Orlando Theology 7-55* Comprendiendo la necesidad del perdón Spanish Feduccia Jr., Robert Youth Ministry Track 2-12* Turning the Tide English Feduccia Jr., Robert Youth Day (Sacraments) J Real Presence in the Sacrament – So What? English Félix-Rivera, Sr. Karla Marriage 7-56* La teología matrimonial – aspectos que no deben faltar en la catequesis, preparación y vivencia Spanish Fernández, Santiago Liturgy/Music 2-55* Conversión imposible: La historia de Santa Mónica y San Agustín Spanish Fields, David Life Issues 3-11* Fulfilling Our Christian Responsibility: Serving Those in Need English Fish, Fr. Michael Human Growth/Development 1-07 The Child and the Heart English Fish, Fr. Michael Human Growth/Development 4-04 The Now and the Quest English Fitzmaurice, Arthur LGBT Ministry 2-13* Chastity: Gift, Grace, Fruit English Fitzmaurice, Arthur LGBT Ministry 6-09* Transgender in the Family: One Bread, One Body English Flaherty, John Spirituality/Prayer 6-10* Praised Bee: Laudato Sí English Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Morality 2-51* Alma de Cristo Spanish Flecha Andrés, Rev. José-Román Morality 6-54* El testamento de un condenado Spanish Florian, Amy Life Issues 3-12* Dementia: What You Need to Know English Florian, Amy Life Issues 6-11* Suicide: Better Understanding and Support for This Incomprehensible Tragedy English Foley, Fr. Edward Liturgy/Music 1-08 A Word That Will Rouse Them English Foley, Fr. Edward Liturgy/Music 5-11 Rebalancing the Power: Finding Common Ground Between Lay Minsters and Clergy English Foley, Fr. Edward Liturgy/Music 7-08 Eucharistic Adoration: A Communal Invitation to Mission English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Sacraments 1-09* The Denial of Death and Dying with Christ: What Do They Have in Common? English Fragomeni, Fr. Richard Spirituality 6-12* Christianity, Mysticism and the Esoteric: Pathways to the Divine English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Liturgy/Music 3-16* Let the Children Come: Preparing and Celebrating Family-friendly Liturgies English Frawley-Mangan, Anne Youth Day (Prayer) L Imagine That! Praying with Our Imagination English Friedt, Dan Media/Technology 1-10* Catholic Students, Leadership and a Social Justice Attitude English Friedt, Dan Media/Technology 5-13* Teachers, Transformation and Technology: How Can Teachers Help Their Students Change the World? English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 1-11* Pope Francis and the Emergence of a Truly Pastoral Magisterium English Gaillardetz, Dr. Richard Ecclesiology 6-13* Wrestling with the Tradition -- Why Belonging to a Community of Faith Still Matters English Galea, Fr. Rob Human Growth/Development 2-14* Suffering, Pain and Joy English Galea, Fr. Rob Liturgy/Music 5-01* Voices of Angels English Galea, Fr. Rob Sacraments 7-10 Sacraments and Snapchat English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechumenate/Initiation 1-12* Intentional Discipleship and the RCIA English Galipeau, Dr. Jerry Catechumenate/Initiation 4-05* It's All About Baptism: The Sacrament That Endures English Garcia, Noelle Youth Day (Self-image) E Wonderfully Made English Garcia-Siller, Archbishop Gustavo Sacraments 2-56* “Nunca te olvidare – ¡Confía en mí!” Spanish Gittins, Anthony Multicultural 2-15* The Future of the Global Church: Building Intercultural Communities English Gittins, Anthony Adult Education 5-14* Missionary Discipleship as Authentic Christianity English Gordon, Dr. Greer Life Issues 5-15 In the Midst of the Storm: Grace! English Gordon, Dr. Greer Theology 8-08 Justice, Mercy and Forgiveness: The Ways of God English Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 3-13* Hungers of the Heart: A “Catholic” Response English Groome, Dr. Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 6-14* Hopes for the Church of the 21st Century English Grzona, Ricardo Adult Education 1-56* GPS: Redireccionando nuestra vida espiritual Spanish Grzona, Ricardo Adult Education 6-55* Valores para mi familia virtuosa: El Señor está aquí y te llama Spanish Guerra Calderon, Rev. Walter Parish Leadership 3-55* La comunidad parroquial y su compromiso con los pobres Spanish Guerra Calderon, Rev. Walter Justice/Peace 6-56* La pastoral social en la vida de la parroquia Spanish Haas, David Liturgy/Music 4-06 When I Am Weak, I Am Strong: Singing, Praying and Walking Amid the Mystery of Suffering English Hart, Mark Catechesis/Evangelization 1-13* Over Bored? Five Keys to a More Vibrant Parish Community English Hart, Mark Youth Day (Catholic Identity) I No Way That’s in the Bible! English Hart, Sarah Young Adult Ministry 5-16* Living the Fruit of the Spirit (When We’re All Nuts) English Hart, Sarah Women's Issues 8-10* Sisters: The Friendships of Women as Told in the Scriptures and Sacred Tradition English Haugen, Marty Liturgy/Music 6-15 Singing Truth to Power: Music That Embraces and Empowers Us to Trust in God’s Reign English Heidland, Sr. Miriam James Sexuality 4-07* The Transforming Power of Authentic Love English Heidland, Sr. Miriam James Spirituality/Prayer 8-09* The Glory of God: Man and Woman Fully Alive English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality/Prayer 1-14* Stop. Look. Listen: An Invitation to Pay Attention Every Single Day English Hershey, Rev. Terry Spirituality/Prayer 4-08* Born to Dance: Living from the Inside Out English Hess, Lorraine Youth Ministry Track 7-08* Eucharistic Adoration: A Communal Invitation to Mission English Hidalgo, Miriam Parish Leadership 1-57* Una conversión necesaria para el liderazgo de hoy y del futuro Spanish Hidalgo, Miriam Youth Day (Catechesis) G #Goals: Put My #Faith into Action for a #Betterworld English Horan, Rev. Daniel Spirituality/Prayer 5-17* Franciscan Spirituality of Creation English Horan, Rev. Daniel Spirituality/Prayer 8-01* Fear: The Enemy of Christian Discipleship English Hurd, Bob Justice/Peace 7-11* "Laudato Sí" and Liturgical Catechesis: Praying and Singing for Our Common Home English Jansen, ValLimar Justice/Peace 3-19* A New Solidarity: A Spirituality for Caring for Our Common Home English Jansen, ValLimar Justice/Peace 4-09* Our Faith Matters: A Candid Discussion About Race English Jansen, ValLimar Women's Issues 8-10 Sisters: The Friendships of Women as Told in the Scriptures and Sacred Tradition English Jiménez Rodríguez, Rev. Manuel José Catechesis/Evangelization 2-57* La catequesis al servicio de la iniciación cristiana Spanish Jiménez Rodríguez, Rev. Manuel José Sacraments 5-56* Los sacramentos de la iniciación cristiana Spanish Joseph, Satish Catechumenate/Initiation 1-15* Discipleship: A Vision for Individual and Community Living English Joseph, Satish Catechesis/Evangelization 4-10* "On Earth as It Is In Heaven" English Just, Fr. Felix Scripture 4-11* Do Not Be Afraid: Faith as Trust in the Lord! English Kendzia, Tom Sacraments 8-11* The Joy of the Eucharist English Kernion, Anne Kertz Spirituality/Prayer 7-12* Enhancing Our Creativity: Lessons from Neuroscience and Spirituality English Kheriaty, Aaron Sexuality 2-11* Called to Intimacy: Catholic Sexuality in Troubled Times English Knowles, Jim Confirmation 8-12* Confirmation: Road to Discipleship or Graduation? English Landy, Thomas Catechumenate/Initiation 4-12* What a Global Catholic Church Looks Like: A Resource for Religious Educators English Landy, Thomas Catechesis/Evangelization 7-13* Expressions of Catholic Life in a Global Church English Lavoie, Archbishop Sylvain Human Growth/Development 5-18* If You're Green, You Grow! English Lavoie, Archbishop Sylvain Justice/Peace 8-13* When Justice and Peace Shall Kiss English Lawton, Liam Spirituality/Prayer 5-01 Voices of Angels English Leal, Douglas Adult Education 3-14* Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming! Bringing Scripture to Life English Leal, Douglas Adult Education 7-14* Job, Career or Calling? A Spirituality of Work for Today English Leonard, Fr. Richard Media/Technology 3-15 God at the Movies English Leonard, Fr. Richard Spirituality/Prayer 7-15 What Does It All Mean? A Guide to Being More Faithful, Hopeful and Loving English Lombardi, Dr. Josephine Human Growth/Development 5-19* The Storm Before the Calm: Learning to Embrace Trust Using Lectio and Visio Divina English Lombardi, Dr. Josephine Liturgy 7-16* Encountering Christ in Lay Preaching English Lopez, Sergio Youth Day (Social Justice) D The Art of Caring for All God’s Creation English Lotker, Rabbi Michael Ecumenical/Interreligious 1-16* What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism English Macalintal, Diana Women's Issues 4-13* A Woman’s Place, A Woman’s Work, A Woman’s Call to Ministry English Macalintal, Diana Liturgy/Music 7-17* Living Liturgically: Becoming Stewards of the Mysteries in a Search-Engine World English Mallon, Fr. James Parish Leadership Track 1-02* Divine Renovation: Developing Parish Leadership for the Sake of Mission English Mallon, Fr. James Parish Leadership Track 2-02* Divine Renovation: Developing Parish Leadership for the Sake of Mission English Mallon, Fr. James Parish Leadership Track 3-02 Divine Renovation: Developing Parish Leadership for the Sake of Mission English Mangan, Michael Liturgy/Music 3-16* Let the Children Come: Preparing and Celebrating Family-friendly Liturgies English Mangan, Michael Justice/Peace 7-18* Sing Justice, Live Justice – Liturgical Song Inspiring Social Action English Manibusan, Jesse Multicultural 3-17* Making Time for the Sacred English Marchese, Dr. Veronica Sacraments 2-16* Healthy and Holy Marriages: Effective Parish Marriage Prep and Beyond English Marklin, Martin Spirituality/Prayer 6-10* Praised Bee: Laudato Sí English Massingale, Fr. Bryan Morality 2-01* Conscience and Adult Conscience Formation English Massingale, Fr. Bryan Justice/Peace 4-09* Our Faith Matters: A Candid Discussion About Race English Massingale, Fr. Bryan LGBT Ministry 6-09 Transgender in the Family: One Bread, One Body English Mateo, Sr. Hilda Adult Education 4-55* San Juan Diego: Digno de confianza en la misión Spanish Mateo, Sr. Hilda Adult Education 8-51* Liderazgo catequético: La vocación a formar discípulos/as misioneros/as con la alegría del evangelio Spanish Matovina, Dr. Timothy Parish Leadership 4-51* El quinto encuentro: Raíces históricas y propuesta para la renovación pastoral Spanish Matovina, Dr. Timothy Parish Leadership 6-16* The Fifth Encuentro: Historical Roots and Vision for Pastoral Renewal English McCarty, Robert Adult Education 6-17* Recalibration: Moving to a Grace-filled Future! English McCarty, Robert Youth Ministry Track 7-19* Being a Merciful Church … to, with, for, and by Young People English McCormack, Sr. Patricia Elementary 3-18* Shifting Parents from the Parking Lot to Participation English McCormack, Sr. Patricia Elementary 5-20* “BEING” a Catechist vs. “WORKING” as a Catechist English McCorquodale, Dr. Charlotte Catechesis/Evangelization 4-15* You Can Call Us? Understanding the Up and Coming Post-Millennial Generation of Children and Adolescents English McCorquodale, Dr. Charlotte Catechesis/Evangelization 7-20* Digital Media and Ministry: New Tools for Sharing Faith English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neil Women's Issues 2-17* Wise and Holy Women – and a Few Good Men English McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neil Youth Day (Art) F Art: Saints, Cultural Diversity, Healing and Forgiveness English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality/Prayer 2-18* Trust! Live and Die with Passion and Grace English McKenna, Dr. Megan Spirituality/Prayer 4-16* Embrace Trust with Both Arms and Heart English Medina, Dr. Jose Catechesis/Evangelization 7-57* V Encuentro de ministerio hispano/latino Spanish Melendrez, Joe Youth Day (Catholic Identity) B Lit for the Lord! – Living Out Our Catholic Faith English Miles, Ted Justice/Peace 3-19* A New Solidarity: A Spirituality for Caring for Our Common Home English Miles, Ted Youth Day (Social Justice) D The Art of Caring for All God’s Creation English Molina, Amalia Restorative Justice 5-54* A través de los ojos de los niños de los encarcelados Spanish Molina, Amalia Life Issues 8-05* Mothers at the Foot of the Cross English Moreno, Rafael Liturgy/Music 3-56 La música católica: Medio eficaz para la evangelización y la catequesis Spanish Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 2-19* "Take Nothing for the Journey": Pilgrimage in the Bible English Mullen, Fr. J. Patrick Scripture 6-18* "And She Ministered to Them": Women in Mark's Gospel English Narro, Victor Ecumenical/Interreligious 8-56* El santo y el sultán: Compasión y valor en la promoción de la paz, la armonía racial and la unidad interreligiosa Spanish Neeley, Rev. Peter Justice/Peace 6-19* With Christ on the Border English Neeley, Rev. Peter Justice/Peace 7-51* Con Cristo en la frontera Spanish Nguyen, Bishop Linh Chi Vietnamese 2-70* Vietnamese Workshop ("But Seek First His Kingdom" - Mt. 6:33) Vietnamese Nguyen, Bishop Linh Chi Vietnamese 7-70* Vietnamese Workshop ("No One Can Serve Two Masters" - Mt. 6:24) Vietnamese Nguyen, Fr. Truc Vietnamese 1-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Amoris Laetitia: Embracing Trust in Pastoral Outreach to All Especially in Irregular Situations) Vietnamese Nuzzi, Fr. Ronald Catechesis/Evangelization 6-20 Why Catholic Schools Matter English Nuzzi, Fr. Ronald Catechumenate/Initiation 8-14 Evangelizing to Families English Ocegueda Juárez, Lic. María Elena Elementary 3-57* Los niños y la confianza en Dios Spanish Ocegueda Juárez, Lic. María Elena Elementary 4-56* ¡Dios nos confío la creación y su cuidado! Spanish O'Connell, Bishop David Ecclesiology 5-57* En camino con el inmigrante: Estrategias eficaz basadas en la parroquia Spanish O'Flaherty, Peggy Social Media 3-20* Using Smartphone Technology to REACH All of Your Parishioners English O'Flaherty, Peggy Stewardship 5-21* Unleash the Spiritual Gifts of Your Parish English Ospino, Hosffman Parish Leadership 4-51* El quinto encuentro: Raíces históricas y propuesta para la renovación pastoral Spanish Ospino, Hosffman Parish Leadership 6-16* The Fifth Encuentro: Historical Roots and Vision for Pastoral Renewal English Paprocki, Joe Catechesis/Evangelization 6-21* Nine Steps to Transforming Lives: Teaching and Proclaiming a Gospel of Transformation English Paprocki, Joe Catechesis/Evangelization 8-15* 12 Things We Need to Do NOW to Radically Change the Way We Do Faith Formation English Paradise, Jo Ann Family 8-16* Married and Holy? English Patin, Mike Youth Ministry Track 1-17* Revisioning the New English Patin, Mike Youth Day (Relationships) A Relationships 101: Drama, Fantasy or Reality English Perron, Bob Youth Day (Keynote) Arena What Are You Waiting For? English Petitfils, Roy Youth Ministry Track 3-21* Healing Dialogue with Teens Who Don't Believe in God English Petitfils, Roy Youth Day (Stress) C Now Is the Time to Face Fear English Pham, Fr. Thinh Duc Vietnamese 4-70* Vietnamese Workshop (Epiclesis: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Liturgy) Vietnamese Pham, Fr. Thinh Duc Vietnamese 8-70* Vietnamese Workshop ("Bone of My Bones and Flesh of My Flesh” - Gen. 2:23) Vietnamese Phong, Bro. Fortunat Vietnamese 3-70* Vietnamese Workshop (A New Revolution in Our Catechetical Class) Vietnamese Phong, Bro. Fortunat Vietnamese 6-70* Vietnamese Workshop (A New Vision, A New Sending Forth, A New Culture for Our Youth) Vietnamese Plascencia, Javier LGBT Ministry 5-53* Doctrina y pastoral de nuestra Iglesia hacia nuestros hermanos y hermanas homosexuales – más allá del Año de la Misericordia Spanish Ponnet, Fr. Chris LGBT Ministry 2-13* Chastity: Gift, Grace, Fruit English Ponnet, Fr. Chris LGBT Ministry 7-21* Parables of Jesus and Disney: Embracing Justice from Dory to Moana English Prejean McGrady, Katie Young Adult Ministry 1-18* Reaching the In-Betweens: Young Adult Ministry in Our Church English Prejean McGrady, Katie Youth Day (Sexuality) H Created and Called into Love English Prendergast, Sr. Edith Spirituality/Prayer 3-22* “Still We Rise”: Living and Leading with Trust in Seasons of Dark and Light English Reid, Sr. Barbara Scripture 4-17* Reading the Scriptures with the Mind, Eyes and Heart of a Woman English Reid, Sr. Barbara Scripture 6-57* Interpretando la biblia con ojos, mente y corazón de mujer Spanish Ricard, Fr. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 6-01* Say Something … I’m Giving Up On You! English Ricard, Fr. R. Tony Catechesis/Evangelization 7-23* Tell Me Why? – Understanding What We Believe English Rickard, Sr. Theresa Adult Education 6-22* Be My Witness: Practical Ways to Share Powerful Faith Stories English Rickard, Sr. Theresa Parish Leadership 8-17* The Mission-Driven Parish: Forming Missionary Disciples English Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Adult Education 1-58* “Señor yo confío en Ti … pero yo no soy tonto” Spanish Rodríguez Zambrana, Rev. Domingo Adult Education 4-57* Sin confianza no se puede colaborar en el ministerio Spanish Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Spirituality/Prayer 1-01* Trust as Living Out of a Blessed Consciousness – Living In Trust as Jesus Did English Rolheiser, Rev. Ronald Spirituality/Prayer 6-23* A Secret Hidden Since the Foundations of the World: The Cross as Revealing the Real Basis for Trust English Romero, Mario Scripture 4-58* La alianza: Eje central de la historia bíblica Spanish Romero, Mario Scripture 8-57* El Evangelio de Pablo leído desde los Estados Unidos Spanish Rose, Danielle Spirituality 2-20 I Thirst for Your Love: A Musical Biography of St. Teresa of Calcutta English Rose, Danielle Youth Day (Discernment) M Who is the Saint That is “Just You”? Discerning God’s Will for Your Vocation English Rubalcava, Pedro Spirituality/Prayer 1-53* Ritmo, Oración y Movimiento (Rhythm, Prayer, Move) – oración corporal Spanish Rubalcava, Pedro Liturgy/Music 8-18* A Model for Progressive Solemnity in Hispanic Worship English Ruiz, Msgr. Lucio Media/Technology 5-58* La educación de la persona en libertad y autenticidad Spanish Ruiz, Msgr. Lucio Media/Technology 8-58* La inteligencia como interacción y colaboración Spanish Saju, Lic. Juan Pablo Scripture 1-59* Nuestra vida escrita en las Sagradas Escrituras Spanish Saju, Lic. Juan Pablo Scripture 5-59* Jesús nos ha dado un mandamiento nuevo y un amor nuevo Spanish Scally, Anna Youth Ministry Track 1-19* Same Lord, New Soundtrack: Their Music Is Telling Us What They Are Going Through ... Are You Listening? English Scally, Anna Catechesis/Evangelization 8-19* Volunteers: A New Approach to Getting Them, Keeping Them, Surviving Them English Schmitz, Fr. Michael Catechumenate/Initiation 2-21* Discernment 101 English Schmitz, Fr. Michael Catechesis/Evangelization 4-18* Eucharistic Evangelization Like Never Before English Sedano, Maruja Parish Leadership 2-58* Llamados a ser líderes y colaboradores en la viña del Señor Spanish Sharp, Sr. Tracey Sacraments 1-20* Blessed but Broken? Marriage, Divorce and the Catholic Annulment Process English Shawver, Rosie Chinea Young Adult Ministry 2-22* Empowered by the Spirit: How College Campus Ministry Influences Parish Life English Shriver, Mark Justice/Peace 7-22* Pope Francis' Message of Faith, Love, Humility and Mercy: Does It Really Matter? English Siller Acuña, Rev. Clodomiro Multicultural 1-60* Multiculturalismo en la evangelización y en la pastoral Spanish Siller Acuña, Rev. Clodomiro Ecumenical/Interreligious 7-58* Dialogo y ecumenismo interreligioso Spanish Simon Jr., William Parish Leadership 4-19* Something’s Happening Here: What Makes Vibrant Catholic Parishes Work English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 5-22* The Dustbowl Bible: Reading the Old Testament Exile in California English Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Scripture 8-20* Flamenco Theology: Reading Lamentations with Gypsy Tradition English Spitzer, Fr. Robert Life Issues 3-23* The Redemptive Power of Suffering English Spitzer, Fr. Robert Life Issues 5-23* The Culture of Life and Social Justice English Sri, Dr. Edward Theology 3-24 The Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Reflections on the 20 Mysteries English Sri, Dr. Edward Catechesis/Evangelization 5-24 The New Evangelization and the Extraordinary Mission of Our Times English Stanz, Julianne Elementary 3-25* How to Embrace the Use of Children’s Books for Catechesis English Stanz, Julianne Adult Education 5-25* Transformative Adult Faith Formation: The Discipleship Check In English Stegman, Thomas Scripture 1-21* St. Paul's Practical and Relevant Spirituality English Stegman, Thomas Scripture 4-20* Challenges and Opportunities of Faith as Presented in the Gospels English Sullivan, Sr. Maureen Theology 4-21* Oh This Grace Reaching Out for Me – How Can It Be? English Sullivan, Sr. Maureen Theology 8-21* "My Ears Had Heard of You But Now My Eyes Have Seen You" (Job 42:5) English Theisen, Michael Youth Ministry Track 6-24* Engaging the Head, Heart and Hands of Young People Through Creative Catechesis English Theisen, Michael Family 7-24* Start Where They Are (And Other Secrets to Effectively Engage Families in Faith) English Tighe, Bishop Paul Communication 1-22* The Church and Digital Culture: Sharing Good News English Tighe, Bishop Paul Media/Technology 8-22* Building a Culture of Encounter: Humanizing the Social Networks English Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dr. Dora Women's Issues 5-60* La Aceptación: El amor que sana Spanish Tobar Mensbrugghe, Dr. Dora Scripture 8-59* Pedid y se os dará: El poder de la oración Spanish Tooke, Doug Junior High 2-23* Middle School: From Maintenance to Mission English Tooke, Doug Youth Day (Evangelization) K Be Real ... English Torres, Fr. Augustino Youth Ministry 1-51* Misericordia en acción Spanish Torres, Fr. Augustino Young Adult/Jovenes 4-59* Respondiendo a preguntas difíciles Spanish Trujillo, Yunuen LGBT Ministry 5-53* Doctrina y pastoral de nuestra Iglesia hacia nuestros hermanos y hermanas homosexuales – más allá del Año de la Misericordia Spanish Turner, Rev. Paul Family 1-23* What’s New About Catholic Weddings? English Turner, Rev. Paul Catechumenate 2-24* The Role of the Priest in the RCIA English Upchurch, Catherine “Cackie” Scripture 1-24* Reading and Living the Scriptures English Upchurch, Catherine “Cackie” Scripture 8-23* Trust is the Key to Faithfulness English Valenzuela, Victor Media/Technology 3-58* Los siete sacramentos en el contexto digital Spanish Valenzuela, Victor Elementary 5-26* Five Concrete Ways to Reach Millennials and Their Children English Valladares Paguaga, Sr. Xiskya Media/Technology 3-59* Catequesis con videos en YouTube Spanish Valladares Paguaga, Sr. Xiskya Media/Technology 6-58* Comunicación con corazón Spanish van Parys, Dr. Johan Art/Catechesis 4-22* Beauty That Saves: Art in Service of Liturgy and Catechesis English van Parys, Dr. Johan Art/Catechesis 7-25* The Living Language of Christian Symbols English Vega, Rev. Richard RCIA/Catechumenate 7-59* Semana Santa y los elegidos Spanish Vega, Rev. Richard Sacraments 2-59* Sacramentos: El amor y la confianza de Dios hacia nosotros Spanish Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 2-25* Making Liturgical Rituals Accessible for Children English Walker, Christopher Liturgy/Music 6-25* Where is the Assembly’s Voice? English Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 4-01* The Bridge to a New America English Wallis, Jim Justice/Peace 6-26* Faith and Politics English Wasinski, Greg Youth Ministry Track 1-25* Ministry, Inc. English Wasinski, Greg Young Adult Ministry 3-26* Unconditionally: Finding Jesus in the Eucharist English Weber, Joan Young Adult Ministry 4-23* It’s All About Joy – Evangelizing Young Adults English Weber, Joan Young Adult Ministry 8-24* Inspiring Young People with Catholic Social Teaching English Wells, David Adult Education 2-26* Beyond the School Gate – Can Catholic Schools Extend the Embrace? English Wells, David Family 7-26* Father and Son, Daring to Embrace Trust English Wells, Matthew Family 7-26* Father and Son, Daring to Embrace Trust English West, John Liturgy/Music 4-24* Moving with Trusting Hearts and Minds for Grace to Enter from Unlikely Places English White, C. Vanessa Justice/Peace 4-09* Our Faith Matters: A Candid Discussion About Race English White, C. Vanessa Women's Issues 8-25* Many Paths, One God English White, Dr. Joseph Early Childhood 1-26* Early Childhood Catechesis – Why It's Important and Six Steps for Success English White, Dr. Joseph Catechesis 4-25* Five Ways Psychology Can Inform Catechesis English Wicks, Dr. Robert Spirituality/Prayer 4-26 Prayer in the Catholic Tradition: Exploring the Other Side of Your Soul English Zechmeister Maachart, Dr. Martha Theology 6-59* El movimiento de Jesús: una rebelión juvenil Spanish Zechmeister Maachart, Dr. Martha Justice/Peace 7-60* La autoridad de los que sufren Spanish
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