2014 RECongress Period 7
Religious Education Congress
Sunday, March 16, 2014
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
7-01 The Francis Revolution: The Papacy at the One-Year Mark
John L. Allen Jr. (bio 5-01)
Both in terms of style and substance, Pope Francis has brought dramatic change to Rome and revitalized the papacy as a player on the global stage. John Allen will trace the main lines of the Francis revolution and project where things may go from here, with a special focus on what it all means for Catholics in the United States.
7-02 Liturgical Movement: Aflame with the Love of Life
Betsey Beckman, MM & Laura Ash (bios 4-02)
Ambrose of Milan, the fourth-century saint, called sacred dance “spiritual applause” for a God full of life. How can we bring artful movement to enhance, uplift and deepen our communal prayer? Explore gesture, procession, sign language, ritual action, movement and drama as ways to embody our faith, break open the Gospel, and ignite all ages with the spark of love that brings life.
7-03 Get Wet: 12 Ways to Reawaken and Cele-brate Your Baptismal Call!
In 1997, Pope John Paul II, on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, said that we should celebrate the day of our baptism as we do our birthday. How are you celebrating? This workshop will awaken your baptism vocation and help you discover creative ways to celebrate, teach and live your baptism throughout the entire year. Also included will be practical and simple suggestions for the faith-formation classroom.
Nancy Bird
Nancy Bird has been involved in religious education for over 30 years as a catechist, parish catechetical leader and youth minister. Bird has been a featured speaker at events across the country, including the National Catholic Educational Association, the National Association of Parish Catechetical Directors, the Ohio Catholic Education Association, the Los Angeles Congress, and many other international and diocesan events. Presently, she serves as Division Manager for RCL Benziger and resides in Tallmadge, Ohio.
7-04 Breathing Life into Our Faith: Catechesis and the RCIA
Mary Birmingham (bio 3-01)
Passing on the faith to catechumens and baptized candidates must employ solid principles of adult learning. Discover ways to bring the faith alive in your parish’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. This session will examine the adult learning model and explore how it can be effectively used to unpack Sacred Scripture, doctrine and the sacramental symbols of the Church.
7-05 Enlivening Children’s Catechesis Through Song
John Burland (bio 2-04)
Acclaimed educator and composer John Burland will share a variety of engaging songs for creatively enlivening catechesis at the elementary level. Incorporating movement and story, these songs and activities will enrich and energize faith formation across a range of doctrinal themes. Join Burland and a group of talented students from Catholic schools in Sydney, Australia, as they help us to be more effective communicators of the treasure of our Catholic faith.
7-06 Chasing the Devil Out of Your Parish: Recognizing and Resisting Evil in Parish Life
Fr. Louis J. Cameli (bio 5-07)
Fr. Louis Cameli will draw from his book, “The Devil You Don’t Know: Recognizing and Resisting Evil in Everyday Life,” and show how to apply these lessons to the struggles that we frequently encounter in parish life. He will reflect on the four ordinary works of the devil: deception, division, diversion, and discouragement.
7-07 The New Evangelization and Catechesis
Pope Benedict XVI’s call for a Year of Faith was to set the Church’s ministries on a new trajectory – the path of the New Evangelization. The fruits of the New Evangelization are to be a renewal of our culture. We will assess our catechetical efforts in light of this mandate, examine the catechetical needs of today’s youth, and learn new methods and new expressions for reaching the current generation of young people.
Robert Feduccia Jr.
Robert Feduccia has worked as a parish youth minister, retreat leader and trainer. He was founding Director of the Youth Liturgical Leadership Program at Saint Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. Feduccia is now based in Portland, Ore., as General Manager for spiritandsong.com, a division of OCP. Also an author, he is a program instructor and speaker at various national youth conferences and a keynote speaker at diocesan youth conferences, and has led diocesan in-services on the New Evangelization in over 20 dioceses.
7-08 Play! Pray! Yay! Setting Little Hearts Afire Through Drama
Children love to play. Children learn by playing. And adults can too! Come and join Anne Frawley-Mangan in this interactive workshop to discover ways that creative play, story drama, Scripture drama and drama games can enhance your religious education lessons. By drawing on these dramatic activities, you will help the little children come to Jesus as they develop their religious imaginations. What a joy!
Anne Frawley-Mangan
For over 20 years, Anne Frawley-Mangan has been Creative Director of Litmus Productions in Brisbane, Australia, where she writes and publishes drama and music resources for use in education and liturgy. Anne, who teaches Speech and Proclamation at Holy Spirit Seminary in Brisbane, presents workshops and keynote addresses in Australia, New Zealand and North America. Her research has focused on the arts to enhance religious knowing and celebration. She is presently enrolled in a doctoral program.
7-09 Renewing Our Passion: The Church
Dr. Greer G. Gordon (bio 1-08)
The tragic scandals of the last several years have left many believers heartbroken and confused. Distrustful of leadership and doubtful of proposed solutions, we appear to be languishing in paralyzed disillusionment. If ever there were a time to renew our passion for God and set the world aflame with the hope that is Christ, it surely is now! This session will address the mission and identity of the Body of Christ: the Church.
7-10 Do Not Be Afraid, I Am With You (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Most people would agree that the ministry of music has been a source of comfort, healing and hope for all who struggle in the midst of the terror of life. The celebration of the Eucharist and the sacraments of penance and anointing are at the center of our ritual expressions of our walk with suffering and the promise of hope found in Christ. This session will be a musical journey examining, singing and praying hymns, psalms and inspired songs that can become a source of healing and restoration, deepening the prayer and the walk of faith for the entire Body of Christ. Come sing, pray and let the music take us to a place of transformation.
David Haas
David Haas is a member of the Campus Ministry team at Cretin-Derham Hall High School in St. Paul, Minn., where he is also founder and Executive Director of “Music Ministry Alive!” – an international liturgical music formation program for high school and college-age youth. Haas has composed over 50 original collections and recordings of liturgical music, available through GIA Publications. He has spoken internationally and has authored over 20 books on music, liturgy, prayer and spirituality.
7-11 Set Afire: The Transforming Power of Sharing Tales About Catholic Teaching and the Life and Work of Catholics That Inspire
Ron Hansen and Joe Symkowick are experienced permanent deacons specially trained as Catholic Relief Services Global Fellows. Hansen is a professor of English at California’s Santa Clara University and a novelist; Symkowick, a recognized attorney and advocate. Together, they will share stories about transformed lives and engage attendees in their own powerful stories – personal and learned from others. Both deacons will draw from their varied and rich life experiences and Hansen will also briefly pull from some of his published fiction where Catholic themes of unconditional love, redemption and resurrection recur.
Deacon Ron Hansen
Deacon Ron Hansen is the Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ Professor in the Arts and Humanities Department at Santa Clara University (California), where he teaches courses in writing and literature. In January 2007, he was ordained as a Permanent Deacon of St. Joseph of Cupertino Parish in California. He also serves as a Catholic Relief Services Global Fellow. Deacon Hansen has written nine books and has numerous short stories in literary magazines that have earned him recognition and many literary awards.
Deacon Joe Symkowick
Deacon Joe Symkowick’s life experiences include government official, attorney, manager, lobbyist, husband, father and grandfather. A deacon for 28 years, he serves as Deacon for the Newman Catholic Community at California State University, Sacramento, where he previously served as Adjunct Professor in the Consortium Programs. Symkowick also works with Catholic Relief Services as a Deacon Global Fellow and formerly served as their Partnerships and Advocacy Officer.
7-12 Solving the Social Media Mystery: Tips, Tools and Techniques for the New Evangelization
Lisa Hendey & Sarah Reinhard (bios 2-12)
With new social media solutions being launched at such a frenetic pace, this session will look at the most effective strategies for incorporating technology into your catechetical, ministerial, administrative and communications efforts. We will explore the latest solutions and trends and offer concrete examples of how dioceses, parishes and apostolates around the country have successfully harnessed the power of these ever-evolving tools.
7-13 Parables of Jesus in Matthew: Fiery Teachings!
We all know that Jesus taught using many parables, but do you realize how different the parables in the three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) are from each other? As 2014 is Year A of the Lectionary cycle, this workshop will focus on the parables of Matthew’s Gospel. Why are some of them so fiery, violent and challenging? What are Jesus and Matthew trying to teach us in these stories?
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Just is Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, Calif. He has taught at all three Jesuit universities in California – at Loyola Marymount University, the University of San Francisco, and Santa Clara University. Fr. Just conducts many adult faith formation programs for parishes and dioceses, leads biblically based days of prayer, parish missions and weekend or week-long retreats. He also maintains a large internationally recognized website of “Catholic resources.”
7-14 Motivator, Model, Minister…Catechist, Who Do You Say You Are?
(WORKSHOP CLOSED)Joe Paprocki, bio 1-13 (originally scheduled with Dr. Saundra Kennedy)
As Jesus asked the Apostles, “Who do you say that I am?” he also asks the same of us. Who do we say that Jesus is? And the question we must ask of ourselves is, “Who do we say that we are as his disciples?” The way we answer that question helps define who we are as believers, as Christians, as evangelizers, as people of faith. It determines how we identify ourselves as teachers, as catechists. In this session, the role of catechist as motivator, role model and minister will be discussed in light of Jesus’ call to catechetical ministry.
7-15 The New Evangelization: Re-proposing Christ and the Best Version of You
Josephine Lombardi, PhD (bio 2-13)
The New Evangelization is all about re-proposing Jesus Christ, the Gospel, Salvation and the best version of you. Dr. Josephine Lombardi will provide a brief overview of the New Evangelization and how it applies to self-knowledge, knowledge of God and the great gift God offers us through Jesus Christ – salvation. The New Evangelization re-proposes an encounter with Jesus Christ. This presentation is based on Dr. Lombardi’s new book on the New Evangelization. The seven sectors targeted for the New Evangelization will be addressed. Handouts will be given with suggestions on how to present on the New Evangelization in your school or parish.
7-16 Prayer: Turning the Ordinary into Extraordinary Moments of Grace
As people who hope in Christ, we don’t just “take time out” to pray. Rather, we strive to make every moment of our lives a prayer that culminates in our communal liturgies and daily devotions. How then do we transform the ordinary events of our lives into opportunities for hearing God’s voice, naming God’s grace, and seeing the world as God sees it? Drawing from basic principles from our Church’s communal prayer and using music, text, movement and art, we will explore simple ways to bring the ordinary events of our lives into the extraordinary light of God’s grace.
Diana Macalintal
Diana Macalintal is a liturgist, musician, author, speaker and prayer leader. She is currently Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif. Previously, she served as Music and Liturgy Director at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, Calif., and at Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in Concord, Calif. Macalintal is a presenter and co-founder of TeamRCIA, and is on the Adjunct Faculty at Saint Mary’s University in Winona, Minn. Her collection of prayers, “The Work of Your Hands,” is available through Liturgical Press.
7-17 Who is Jesus?
James Martin, SJ (bio 3-13)
Jesus Christ will always be a mystery to us. And yet, we are called into a relationship with him. The two traditional ways of approaching Jesus – learning about the “Jesus of history” (that is, the man who walked the landscape of first-century Palestine); and praying with the “Christ of faith, the Resurrected One” – are often seen as in opposition. But they are not! Understanding more about the historical Jesus helps us understand the Risen One. Fr. James Martin, who is at work on a new book on Jesus, will introduce you again to the most important person in our lives.
7-18 Ecumenism: What Is Its Future?
This session will examine the theology of ecumenism to discover ways forward out of the present impasse so that Christ’s prayer – “That they may all be one” – be fulfilled. Particularly, Bishop Malcolm McMahon will discuss the attitude that the present state of affairs “is as good as it gets.”
Bishop Malcolm McMahon, OP
Rt. Rev. Malcolm McMahon has served as Bishop for the Diocese of Nottingham, England, since 2000. The London native has served in a variety of pastoral and academic posts, including as provincial for the English Dominican Province. Bishop McMahon is Chair of the Department for Catholic Education and Formation of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. He also served on the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission that produced the statement titled “Mary, Grace and Hope in Christ.”
7-19 Good Church: A Treacherous Adventure
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson (bio 6-13)
The psychotherapist Alfred Adler said: “The chief danger in life is that you may take too many precautions.” Pope Francis said: “I prefer a thousand times over a Church of accidents than a sick Church.” And Jesus challenged: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross.” These are calls for risk-taking, for experiences of Church that are bold, daring, demanding, surprising, delightful and ultimately reckless. Church should be a treacherous adventure! And if it were, imagine how many young people might get involved. What would that look like? What would that feel like? Come find out.
7-20 Pope Francis: What Does He Mean for the World?
Thomas J. Reese, SJ (bio 6-16)
Pope Francis is not only the leader of the Catholic Church, he is also a world leader. What impact will his papacy have on the world? What are his views on politics, economics, justice, the environment and interreligious relations? Will he make a difference?
7-21 Living the Mission of Jesus in Our World Today
As people of faith, we are sent to participate in the evangelizing mission of the Church, to proclaim the Good News, to act justly and love tenderly, and to witness to our relationship with Jesus Christ. This session will examine the hopes and challenges involved in living out this vision and mission in our world today.
Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez-Maradiaga
Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, a Salesian priest, is Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and President of Caritas Internationalis. He was President of the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM) from 1995-99. Cardinal Rodríguez was elevated to the cardinalate in 2001. He was the Vatican’s spokesman with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on issues of Third World debt.
7-22 Young World Changers – Stories from Middle-School Youth Engaged in Service
Yes, you can take middle-schoolers on an extended community service learning event! Not only will younger adolescents spend hours cleaning, digging, sorting and cooking for others, they have fun in the process! Studies have shown that by participating in meaningful service together with their peers, middle-schoolers can increase their personal, interpersonal and social development. By sharing and reflecting on these service experiences, youth also grow in their understanding of spirituality and strengthen their commitment to live out Gospel values. Come hear some of the stories and experiences of younger adolescents who have set the “world afire.”
Susan C. Searle
Based in Colorado, Susan Searle is the Center for Ministry Development’s Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services, and Project Coordinator for their Just5Days and YouthLeader programs. She teaches the Prayer and Worship, and Skills for Christian Leadership courses for the Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies Program and writes for Youth Ministry Access. Searle is an Ambassador/speaker for the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change and speaker at numerous diocesan retreats and workshops.
7-23 Girls Gone Right: Right Foundation, Right Character, Right Relationships
Pam Stenzel (bio 1-20)
Girls are unique, and reaching today’s teen girl with truth is critical. From “The Bachelor” to Miley Cyrus, our culture is telling her that her sexuality gives her value, but God says she IS valuable! Explore how to help our girls develop inward beauty and become the women God created them to be.
7-24 Early Childhood Catechesis: Why It’s Important and Six Steps for Success
Dr. Joseph D. White (bio 6-27)
This workshop, led by a child psychologist and author of the Allelu Early Childhood Curriculum, will focus on current research about how preschoolers and kindergartners learn best. Participants will be shown specific techniques for actively engaging the mind of the preschooler in learning the lessons of our faith.
7-25 A Rich Garden: Intercultural Leadership and Ministry
Dr. C. Vanessa White (bio 1-26)
Today, ministers must be conscious and open to the diverse communities in which they minister. What skills are needed to move from being multicultural-parallel communities into intercultural communities that enrich and enliven each other’s faith and spiritual journey? What stands in the way of our truly inviting and nurturing the diverse gifts of our members so that they can truly become the authentic ministerial leaders that they are called to be. Through story, dialogue, prayer and various multimedia resources, this workshop will address our intercultural reality in ministry and offer suggestions for forming leaders who are attentive to our diverse Church communities.
7-70 Kitô hữu, chứng nhân của niềm hy vọng
Most Rev. Joseph Nguyen Tan Tuoc (buhay 5-70)
Hy Vọng đích thực cũng cần liên kết với Đức Mến để có thể tỏa sáng và sưởi ấm cuộc đời. Kitô hữu, dù là giáo dân, tu sĩ hay giáo sĩ, không chỉ là người có niềm hy vọng, mà còn phải là chứng nhân của niềm hy vọng, nghĩa là phải “sẵn sàng trả lời cho người khác lý do của niềm hy vọng” (1 Pr 3, 15) trong chính cuộc sống cụ thể của mình. Đó là góp phần thắp sáng niềm hy vọng cho thế giới.
Christians: The Witness of Hope
Most Rev. Joseph Nguyen Tan Tuoc (bio 5-70)
It is true that genuine hope is always tied to charity so that it may shine on and warm our lives. To be a Christian, no matter lay or religious, is not only to be a person full of hope, but also a witness of hope. In our present life, one has to “always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Pt 3:15). By doing so, one contributes to illuminate hope for this world. (Session presented in Vietnamese.)
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