2014 RECongress Period 4
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 15, 2014
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
4-01 Ministers of Hope as Prophets and Mystics
This session is a basic introduction to the social justice teachings of the Catholic Church and a reflection on how to live them in our global communities. The reflection on the challenges to hope includes such topics as immigration reform, responsible use of water, voting, racism and similar issues.
Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas
Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas is a native of the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, where he presently serves as Pastor of St. Pius X Church. He is co-founder of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States and is founding Director of the Tepeyac Institute, a diocesan ministry formation center. Msgr. Bañuelas is a member of various boards and commissions and presents at conferences in dioceses across the country.
4-02 Dancing with Hildegard / Dancing with Hope
Hildegard of Bingen, the German Benedictine abbess canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012, is one of the church’s newest saints and the fourth woman ever to be named a Doctor of the Church! Come learn about this 12th-century mystic and artist as we explore prayers, dances and songs based on her teachings. Experience her gift of virtues, move with the psalms that nurtured her spirit, and embody Hildegard’s spirit of viriditas as the greening of our souls. Through her vision of the Divine – “I, the fiery life of divine wisdom…” – let Hildegard lead us dancing into hope!
Betsey Beckman, MM
Betsey Beckman is a freelance liturgical movement artist, storyteller, author and InterPlay leader based in Seattle. She regularly appears as artist/presenter for national conventions, online retreats and international journeys. Back at home, Beckman is Director of Movement Ministry at St. Patrick Church in Seattle and Director of The Dancing Word, her company that produces DVDs celebrating women’s arts and spirituality.
Laura Ash
Laura Ash is Music Director at St. Patrick Church in Seattle, where she has supported the ministry of movement for over 20 years. Laura and her husband, David, have composed and published three collections of liturgical music, have created music for many dance offerings with Betsey Beckman, and have composed the music for the musical “Grace on the Margins,” which debuted in April 2013.
4-03 Can the Natural World Afford a “Just War”?
The traditional understanding of “just war” addresses the effect of war on human beings and property. It does not include the destruction done to the natural world. This presentation will address this aspect. It will raise the question of the legitimacy of this tradition for today.
Dianne Bergant, CSA
Sr. Dianne Bergant, a Sister of St. Agnes, is the Distinguished Professor of Biblical Studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She was President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and has been an active member of the Chicago Catholic-Jewish Scholars Dialogue for the past 30 years. For more than 20 years, she was the Old Testaments book reviewer for The Bible Today, a member of their editorial board and serving as general editor. She also wrote the weekly column, The Word, for America magazine (2002-05).
4-04 Egypt Behind … Gladness to Find
The beginning of God’s people on the earth involved God moving Abraham across ancient borders. Movement to places of new hope is a theme woven into the very fabric of the biblical story. The “negro spirituals” sing over and over of crossing the Jordan as the sign of hope and an escape from despair. In this workshop, Dr. Michael Downey will chart the contours of a spirituality of migration, with attention not only to the migration of persons and peoples across many borders, but to the migration of our own weary spirits from the confines of despair to the gladness of hope.
Dr. Michael Downey
Dr. Michael Downey has served as professor at U.S. universities and seminaries for 30 years, in addition to guiding retreats, giving conferences and lecturing in developing countries throughout the world. After nearly 20 years of service in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, Dr. Downey is now Professor of Theology at Saint Mark’s College at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He is author or editor of more than a dozen books. In 1995, he was honored with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice award.
4-05 Disciple Building Youth Ministry that is BUILT TO LAST
Tom East (bio 2-05)
Parishes throughout the country have found key practices and are providing youth ministry in new ways that help young people live their faith actively as young adults and adults. These communities built a strong foundation for effective youth ministry through vision, collaboration, faith witness, connections with families and active involvement of youth. This workshop will explore the essential strategies and practices of parishes that are building youth ministry that lasts and developing young disciples who thrive.
4-06 Prayer Afire: Enlivening Prayer Experiences for Children
Steven Ellair (bio 3-03)
Do you feel like it’s time to energize and enliven how we use prayer in the classroom? Then this is a workshop for you! We will explore some effective and creative ways to bring prayer alive with children and focus on a variety of prayer ideas that can be used immediately. Come and learn how to awaken the prayer potential for your ministry with children!
4-07 Be Dazzled by the Light of Faith: A Practical Look at the Encyclical of Pope Francis
Participants will bask in the light of faith that is presented to us in the words of Lumen Fidei (Light of Faith), the first encyclical of Pope Francis. Practical implications will be offered for our lives, our ministries and our relationships with one another.
Fr. Jim Clarke (originally scheduled with Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni)
Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of Spiritual Formation and Assistant Professor of Spiritual Theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. With a background in spirituality, adult education, counseling and psychology, Fr. Clarke currently serves as Chair of the Spirituality Commission for the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. He has presented at national events and has given retreats for more than 30 years.
4-08 Will There Be Faith?
According to St. Luke’s account, toward the end of his public ministry, Jesus himself wondered if, when he’d come again, would he “find faith on earth?” This question seems all the more urgent in our postmodern times and as our societies become more secularized. This workshop says “yes, but ... .” So much depends on what faith we share and how we share it.
Dr. Thomas Groome
Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and Religious Education and Chair of the Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. The award-winning author has written or edited 10 books and numerous articles and essays. Dr. Groome has made over 500 public presentations over the last 30 years, including all the major North American conferences of religious educators. Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
4-09 Say What?!? Getting the Church More Engaged at Your Parish
Mark Hart (bio 3-07)
How do we connect with the Church when they’re away from the parish? How do we get the souls in the pews on Sunday to engage Monday through Friday? Join Mark Hart as he offers some interesting insights and practical ideas on how to engage all ages of the Church the other 167 hours a week.
4-10 Reconciliation: The Forgotten Sacrament
During the first half of the 20th century, Catholics went to confession frequently, even weekly. In the second half of the last century, they had gone less and less often but still receive communion, always. What has happened? How often should a Catholic receive the sacrament of confession? Why not go straight to God?
Fr. James L. Heft, SM
Marianist priest Fr. James Heft is the Alton Brooks Professor of Religion, and President of the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. He is author and editor of 12 books and 190 articles. Fr. Heft spent many years at the University of Dayton in Ohio as Chair of the Theology Department as well as Provost and Chancellor. In 2011, he was honored with the Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for his long and distinguished service to Catholic higher education.
4-11 Henri Nouwen: A Life of Hope Amidst Tension (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Henri Nouwen, the Dutch-born Catholic priest and writer, no doubt embodied a tension-filled life riddled with the sobering realities of spiritual imperfections, paradoxes and polarities. Yet, he also exemplified for us all what it means to befriend mystery and tension via the transformative dynamic of hope which can serve to fuel our own continuing journey.
Wil Hernandez, PhD, Obl OSB
Dr. Wil Hernandez is founder and President of CenterQuest, an ecumenical hub for the study and practice of Christian spirituality. A lay Benedictine Oblate of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, Calif., Dr. Hernandez conducts retreats and teaches courses across the country and abroad on the spirituality of Henri Nouwen. He is author of a trilogy on Nouwen, all published by Paulist Press. He also serves on the Planning Committee of the Leadership Institute for Spiritual Directors International.
4-12 Scandalous Love: You Can’t Get Away From a Love That Won’t Let You Go
Rev. Terry Hershey (bio 1-09)
In the Gospel of Luke, a woman lives in a world where she is shunned, criticized and belittled. She has felt broken, and is looking for hope, and grace, and rest. We can all relate. So she goes to a party and pours perfume on Jesus’ feet, weeping, caressing and kissing. In our culture, we believe, or recite creeds. And we certainly discourage indiscriminate desire. And yet this woman finds herself by falling in love. And what are you in love with? What seizes your imagination? God, wonder, wholeheartedness, gratitude will affect everything. In the end, grace heals not by taking shame away, but by removing the one thing our shame makes us fear the most: rejection.
4-13 Creating a Culture of Holiness in Your Parish
Do you want to set your parish on fire? If you do, then plan to create a culture of holiness there. In this workshop, Bill Huebsch will help us imagine and plan for how a parish can launch and sustain a culture in which the call to holiness is sounded often and people are helped to respond. This would be a culture of welcome and generosity; one of self-giving love and dying to self; one of corporal and spiritual works of mercy; one in which people’s hearts are dedicated to the poor; a culture of shared faith, prayer, fasting and almsgiving – all grounded in the liturgical and catechetical life of the parish.
Bill Huebsch
Bill Huebsch is Director of the online Pastoral Center at Twenty-third Publications, where he previously served as President. He worked as diocesan administrator for many years in the Diocese of New Ulm, Minn., where he served with Bishop Ray Lucker. He later served as Director of Religious Education in a suburban Minneapolis parish. Huebsch has spoken to thousands of people both nationally and internationally and has many published works, including the recent, “Come to the Table/Ven a la Mesa.”
4-14 Mothers, Mystics, Martyrs and Models of Faith
In this workshop, we will examine the lives of women from our ancient mothers to contemporary women of faith. How do we apply their experiences to our daily lives to discover joy and fulfillment? Join ValLimar Jansen and Sarah Hart as they use music, storytelling, Scripture, reflection and poetry, to weave a tapestry of faith, hope and love.
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen serves the Church as a composer, singer, storyteller, inspirational speaker and evangelizer! She received critical acclaim for her solo albums “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010. She was MC for the 2011 National Catholic Youth Conference held in Indianapolis, and she performed with her husband, Frank, at the Loreto/Angora International Papal Event in Italy, which was broadcast on EWTN and across the world!
Sarah Hart
Sarah Hart is a Grammy-nominated songwriter, recording artist and producer, based in Nashville, Tenn. For 20 years, the traveling “itinerant minister” and musician has performed, keynoted and/or presented at World Youth Day, national youth conferences and numerous diocesan youth events, women’s conferences and parish missions across the United States and abroad. In March 2014, Hart’s first musical, “Bernadette of Lourdes,” will have its world premiere in Nashville, Tenn.
4-15 Simplicity: A Freedom, a Challenge and a Mandate for Human Survival
Jack J. Jezreel (bio 1-11)
The modest and simple lifestyle of Pope Francis provides an occasion for the faith community to revisit the Gospel call to live simply. The words of Jesus and the testimony of the saints make clear that simplicity is an essential part of the spiritual and moral life of the Christian disciple. In addition, the 21st-century reality makes clear that simplicity is a requirement for our future survival as a species. We will look at the call to simplicity through the lenses of human fulfillment, holiness, resisting consumerism and scarcity of resources.
4-16 What I Heard in the Confessional
Fr. Joe Kempf (bio 3-08)
These amazing, funny and tender moments (with no names given, of course) teach us profound and liberating truths about life outside the confessional! What makes it so hard for us to believe that we can be forgiven? Why forgive? Is there ever a time when we should NOT forgive someone else? What do I teach those entrusted to my care about offering forgiveness? Come learn and laugh with Fr. Joe Kempf as he shares what he has learned through the stories and lives of those who have passed through his confessional.
4-17 “Post-sacrament” Evangelization
As we emphasize the New Evangelization, one avenue we need to explore I call “post-sacrament” evangelization. We are quite skilled at pre-sacrament catechesis, but what happens the day after? After a wonderful confirmation liturgy, what do we have for these young people the next day? After First Communion, what contact do we maintain with those children and families? After marriage, what do we have for the newly married couples? We have terrific RCIA teams; but what concrete steps do we take to make the newly baptized become active members of our faith communities?
Cardinal Roger Mahony
Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop Emeritus of Los Angeles, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Fresno, Calif. In 1975 he was named Auxiliary Bishop of Fresno, and in 1980 he was named Bishop of Stockton, Calif. From 1985-2011, Bishop Mahony served as the fourth archbishop of Los Angeles, and was elevated to Cardinal in 1991. Today, Cardinal Mahony continues to work for comprehensive immigration reform. In 2012, he celebrated his golden jubilee (50 years) as priest.
4-18 How Religion Both Makes and Unmakes Racial Prejudice and Fear
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, STD (bio 3-14)
It is a disturbing paradox that religious people of all faiths are among the most intolerant persons, and yet people of faith are also at the forefront of justice movements. This session explores how religion has been – and still is – used to justify injustice and exclusion, and how religious faith can also lead to a deeper commitment to human equality and justice for all.
4-19 The Peaceful Soul: Making the Serenity Prayer a Way of Life
Fr. Jonathan Morris (bio 3-17)
Fr. Jonathan Morris will break down for us the classic “Serenity Prayer” and teach us how to accept the things we cannot change, courageously change the things we can, and to wisely know the difference.
4-20 Native American Spirituality, Tradition and Storytelling
This session, comprised of a panel of presenters, will discuss Native American spirituality and its connection to Catholicism. Storytelling, traditions, culture, song, dance and rituals will be presented by members of The Kateri Circle, who will take a look at their role in Southern California and beyond. Each presenter will speak on the relevance of Native American tradition and wisdom for today’s society, share their life experiences and speak about the recent canonization (October 21, 2012) of St. Kateri Tekakwitha by Pope Benedict XVI.
Georgiana Valoyce Sanchez
Georgiana Volyce Sanchez is a Native American of the Chumash and O’odham people, born and raised in Southern California. She is an Elder on the Barbareno Chumash Council and Chair of the Chumash Elders Women’s Council of the Wishtoyo Foundation. Sanchez has taught for the American Indian Studies program at California State University, Long Beach for over 27 years. She is a renowned storyteller and lecturer, and a Board Member of the California Indian Storytellers Association.
Luella Wagner
Luella Wagner has taught for 19 years in Catholic education at both the elementary and high school levels. She has taught internationally in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and in the mission field in American Samoa. She recently spent a year teaching on the Northern Cheyenne Indian reservation in Montana. Wagner has been a presenter at Regional Congresses of the Los Angeles Archdiocese and has conducted retreats and workshops throughout the Los Angeles area. She writes for the Inner Wisdom blog.
Clementine Bordeaux
An enrolled member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, Clementine Bordeaux was raised on the Pine Ridge Reservation, where she worked as Youth Ministry Coordinator at the Red Cloud Indian School before attending the Native Voices Film program at the University of Washington. She has presented on American Indian histories as well as on St. Kateri Tekakwitha and now works as an Academic Coordinator for the American Indian Studies program at the University of California, Los Angeles.
David Valenzuela
David Valenzuela has been a member of the Native American community in the Los Angeles Archdiocese for over 25 years. He has held positions of Liturgy Chairperson and committee member assisting in the preparation of monthly liturgies for the Native American community at St. Marcellinus Church in Los Angeles. Valenzuela has spoken often to groups about Native American culture, and has assisted at the L.A. Religious Education Congress in the preparation of many of the Native American liturgies.
4-21 In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproductive Technologies (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
This workshop will examine the current methods of assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). Fr. Tad Pacholczyk will begin with the physiology of human reproduction and the properties of the human embryo. A review of documents containing the Church’s teaching will be discussed, including Donum Vitae, Evangelium Vitae and citations from the “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.” Alternative methods to assist couples in the procreation of children that are consistent with Catholic ethical teaching will be discussed, as well as evaluating emerging technologies, including Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer and Natural Procreative Technology.
Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, PhD
A priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass., Fr. Tad Pacholczyk is Director of Education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. With his advanced work in dogmatic theology and bioethics, he has testified on stem cell research and cloning before members of state legislatures. Fr. Pacholczyk has given presentations and has participated in roundtables on contemporary bioethics throughout the United States, Canada and Europe and has appeared on CNN International, National Public Radio, and ABC’s “World News Tonight.”
4-22 The “Question Behind the Question”: What youth and Young Adults Really Want to Know and How to Address Their Fears, Hopes and Concerns
In this dynamic workshop, you’ll discover common pitfalls of attempting to answer tough questions from “tough” young people and young adults. You’ll learn skills to help you go deeper to find the “question behind the question” – the real issue, fear, longing or concern of that young person that is not evident in their initial question. You’ll discover a method of dialoguing with them to help clarify their thinking, identify their values, articulate their concerns and uncover answers to the real questions of faith and life they most deeply long to understand.
Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered to youth and young adults as a teacher, high school campus minister, administrator and school counselor in parish, school and diocesan settings. Today, he is a counselor in private practice. Petitfils has spoken in over 30 dioceses throughout the United States to youth, young adults and adults at conferences, workshops and parish missions. He has written many articles, and his latest published book is entitled “What Teens Want You to Know (But Won’t Tell You).”
4-23 Evangelization & Justice in the Church’s Mission
Jonathan J. Reyes, PhD (bio 3-21)
The link between evangelization and justice has been frequently articulated by recent popes as inseparable for the Church’s mission. Still, these two dimensions of the Christian mission have not always been easily linked in the actual ministry of the Church. The papacy of Francis provides an opportunity to consider the history of the Church’s vision of its evangelizing and social missions and to offer reflections on some recent developments in this area.
4-24 If Loving You is Wrong, I Don’t Want to be Right! Exploring God’s Unconditional Love
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv (bio 1-16 )
Some have come to believe that they are responsible for telling God whom to love. Rather than loving unconditionally, they choose to exclude folks from the embrace of our Heavenly Father. They choose to marginalize anyone who is not like them. Somehow the poor, the weak, the immigrant and even the gay communities are not deserving of God’s love. This interactive workshop will explore God’s offer of love to those who are often cast aside by the self-righteous. In the eyes of Jesus, we should all be saying, “If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right!”
4-25 The New Evangelization: Called to Be Holy
To be Catholic is to be called to holiness. In this call to holiness, “we realize that a great love has been offered, a good word has been spoken to us, and that when we welcome that word, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit transforms us, lights up our way to the future and enables us joyfully to advance along that way on wings of hope” (Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei). This workshop draws on Sacred Scripture and the deep spiritual treasures of our Catholic faith to outline the New Evangelization through the lens of the universal call to holiness.
Most Rev. David L. Ricken
Bishop David Ricken is the 12th bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., and was installed on August 28, 2008. Prior to his appointment, he served as Bishop of the Diocese of Cheyenne, Wyo. Bishop Ricken is a member of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Chairman of the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis. He also serves as a member of the Bishops’ Advisory Council for the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Catholic Mutual Relief Society.
4-26 Avoiding the “Stale Air”: A Biblical Reflection on the Mission of Jesus & the Essential Outreach of the Church
Fr. Donald Senior, CP (bio 3-23)
In the first months of his papacy, Pope Francis urged Catholics, including bishops, priests, religious and lay leaders, to reach out beyond the boundaries of the Church to serve those in need. In so doing, the Pope reflects a deep spiritual dynamic found in the ministry of Jesus himself and amplified in the New Testament writings.
4-27 Ecclesia: The Church as a Movement
Fr. Michael White & Tom Corcoran (bios 1-25)
God created the Church to be a movement of his people and not simply the preservation of a building. In this session, we will share why it is vital we see the Church as a movement. We will also share strategies for getting your church moving – especially if it has been static.
4-28 Riding the Dragon: Strengthening Your Inner Life in Challenging Times (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Dr. Robert J. Wicks (bio 1-28)
One of the greatest gifts we can share with others is a sense of our own peace. However, we can’t share what we don’t have. By discussing spiritual and psychological approaches to maintaining perspective and inner strength in challenging times, Dr. Robert Wicks, an expert on the prevention of secondary stress (the pressures experienced in reaching out to others), offers insights into how we can live in peace and, in turn, extend our warmth to others without losing our own inner fire in the process. Practical, illustrative and lively, this rich presentation will provide essential information on professional resilience and personal well-being.
4-70 Phụng Vụ và Tông Đồ Giáo Dân
Linh muc Bartôlômêô Pham Đức Thịnh (buhay 1-70)
Hiến Chế về Phụng Vụ Thánh của Công Đồng Vatican II đã mở một chân trời mới cho mọi tầng lớp trong Giáo Hội khi tham dự vào Phụng Vụ Thánh, đặc biệt là nhiệm vụ tông đồ giáo dân. Buổi hội thào sẽ nhìn vào hai khía cạnh thần học và giáo lý đề giúp tham dự viên hiều rõ hơn về vai trò của người giáo dân trong phụng vụ của Giáo Hội ngày nay.
Liturgy and Lay Ministries
Rev. Thinh Duc Pham (bio 1-70)
The “Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy” of the Second Vatican Council opened a new horizon for all members of the Church on their conscious and active participation in the liturgical celebrations. This workshop will focus on theological and catechetical aspects that enable a better understanding on the role of the laity in the liturgy of the Church today. (Session presented in Vietnamese.)
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