2014 RECongress Period 1
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 14, 2014
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
1-01 Keeping the Faith While Teaching the Faith!
This session is a great spiritual boost for anyone teaching the faith! To be “around” faith is not the same thing as “having” faith. With a little humor and genuine appreciation for what catechists and ministry professionals experience, this workshop provides great spiritual and practical suggestions on keeping our own faith strong and keeping us from mistaking our own spiritual journey with our frequent professional “near faith experiences”!
Steve Angrisano
Steve Angrisano has been a musician, music director and youth minister for over a dozen years. The Dallas-based veteran composer/storyteller has been featured at major conferences and events around the world – including appearances at World Youth Days, the National Catholic Youth Conference, and the L.A. RECongress and Youth Day – and at countless diocesan events in more than 200 dioceses. His latest recording is entitled “A New Day.”
1-02 The New Evangelization
Beginning in the 1950s, a movement began urging the church to embrace pre-evangelization and evangelization. This movement culminated in the writings of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and currently Pope Francis. This session will explore how Catholics can live practically the New Evangelization in their faith communities.
Fr. Patrick J. Brennan, MDiv, STL, DMin, PsyD (presented by Fr. David Loftus, bio 3-11)
Chicago native Fr. Pat Brennan founded the Office for Chicago Catholic Evangelization as well as the National Council for Catholic Evangelization. He is currently Director of Development at Mayslake Ministries in Lombard, Ill. He also serves as the Minister of Formation at St. Julie’s Parish in Tinley Park, Ill., and as President of the National Center for Evangelization and Parish Renewal. His most current book is “Common Sense Faith,” published in April 2013 by Orbis Press.
1-03 Not So Fast: Prayer in the Life of Jesus and You and Me (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
In this special interest session, Fr. Bob Fabing will ask us to slow down and explore the inner experience of the prayer of Jesus: Why did Jesus pray? How did he pray? What did prayer mean for Jesus? AND … what does prayer mean for you now in your life experience? Fr. Fabing will touch upon his experience of grace as a spiritual director and marriage and family counselor. Music and poetry will be used to enliven the presentation.
Fr. Robert Fabing, SJ
Fr. Bob Fabing has founded 89 marriage counseling and family therapy centers – The Jesuit Institute for Family Life International Network – with locations in Europe, Africa, Asia, Central America and the United States. The Jesuit priest is also founder and Director of the 36-Day program in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos, Calif., where he has lived for 30 years. Fr. Fabing is author of five books and composer of 12 CDs of liturgical music with Oregon Catholic Press.
1-04 Enough is Enough!
The barriers (rules) in so many parishes are preventing many young people, both single and married, from being present and getting involved in parish life. Let’s begin to put a stop to that. This workshop will take a look at those moments of contact between the parish and young adult people: weddings, baptisms, funerals, eulogies, sponsors (baptism/confirmations). In this session, an alternate model will be presented that is more inviting, inclusive and pastoral to these and other sacred moments in our spiritual lives.
Rev. John C. Cusick
John Cusick, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, has been an associate pastor, college seminary faculty member, coordinator and (since 1985) Director of Young Adult Ministry. He resides at Old St. Patrick’s Church in downtown Chicago. In May 2004, Fr. Cusick was appointed to the Executive Ethics Commission of the State of Illinois. In February 2012, he received the Blessed John XXIII Award from the Association of Chicago Priests for excellence in priestly ministry and significant contributions to the life of the Church in Chicago.
1-05 The Slave Across the Street: A True Story of Human Trafficking in the STATES
Hear Theresa Flores’ powerful story of how an all-American 15-year-old was enslaved into the dangerous world of sex trafficking, all while living at home with unsuspecting parents in an upper middle-class suburb of Detroit. Her story peels the cover off of this horrific crime. Learn why this is a silent epidemic in the United States and how this is happening all around us without most of us even being aware. This is a “must” session for any parent or professional working with youth.
Theresa L. Flores, LSW, MS
Theresa Flores is a human trafficking survivor, best-selling author, victim’s advocate and founder of SOAP (Save Our Adolescents from Prostitution). In 2009, the licensed social worker was appointed to the Ohio Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Commission and testified before the Ohio House and Senate; for her efforts, she received The Courage Award from the governor of Ohio. Flores is an international speaker and guest lecturer on the topic of human trafficking in the United States and abroad.
1-06 Leadership & Social Justice: How Catholic Schools Can Change Our World
Catholic schools are places where students can become leaders for a lifetime. Starting with kindergarteners, this dynamic presentation demonstrates how children who are taught the power of a “Social Justice” mind, the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and “Effective Behavioral Supports” can change the culture of a school and change the world. With practical examples, and a step-by-step process, you will learn how to support the current culture of your school and invite every child to the practice of effective leadership skills filled with hope.
Dan Friedt
Since 1980, Dan Friedt has served as an educator, teaching in Catholic schools at every grade level, and has 15 years of administrative experience. He is currently Principal of St. Charles Elementary Catholic School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Over the past 25 years, Friedt has presented liturgical workshops at parishes throughout the Alberta province, to staffs, educational departments, administrators and superintendents, (and for the past five years) on the topic of leadership for all students at all grade levels.
1-07 The Re-making of the Papacy: From Pope Paul VI to Pope Francis
One of the most remarkable features of the last 50 years is the re-fashioning of the papacy in the wake of Vatican II. This workshop will briefly consider the ways in which Popes Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have each left their mark on the papacy. However, particular attention will be given to the unique contributions of Pope Francis.
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. He formerly was Professor at the University of Toledo, Ohio, and Associate Professor at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Gaillardetz has authored over 100 pastoral and academic articles and written or edited 10 books, including “Keys to the Council” (co-authored with Catherine Clifford) and “When the Magisterium Intervenes.” He is currently President of the Catholic Theological Society of America.
1-08 Temptation, Suffering and Forgiveness: The Spiritual Life
Understanding the interior life is at best difficult, and at worst incomprehensible. As modern-day people, we have become less and less aware of the spiritual legacy to which we have been called. In this workshop, the daily human cycle of temptation, suffering and forgiveness will form the backdrop for an analysis of the Christian call to holiness, as an essential element of setting the world aflame, with the hope that is Christ.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Greer Gordon is a Roman Catholic theologian, author and lecturer. She has served on the administration and philosophy faculties at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; on the theology faculty at Regis College in Weston, Mass.; and as a diocesan director in Boston, Washington, D.C., Oakland, Calif., and Baton Rouge, La. Dr. Gordon was one of eight American women invited by the Vatican to respond to Pope John Paul II’s Encyclical on Women.
1-09 Making a Difference: Being Not Just the Best IN the World, but the Best FOR the World
Have you ever asked the question, “Why should I care anymore?” Peace comes when we see the difference between doing battle with life’s obstacles, and seeing this battle as an uninterrupted struggle. Yes, life is difficult. But if we see it only as a struggle, our mindset is consumed by the next bigger and badder thing – and we never arrive. Terry Hershey helps us see that we are not being asked to let go of the obstacle, but to let go of the struggle. This obstacle – whether pain or fear or limitation – is wrapped around an incredible and grace-filled gift. That gift is an inner life fueled by a capacity to doubt, question, dare, forgive, risk, receive, contribute, celebrate, delight and live unabashedly unafraid.
Rev. Terry Hershey
Terry Hershey is an inspirational speaker, humorist, author, dad, Protestant minister and landscape designer on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound near Seattle. His gardens and books have been featured in magazines and newspapers of the Pacific Northwest, and his work has been featured on CNN, PBS and NPR. Hershey is a regular contributor to The Hallmark Channel’s “New Morning” show, and regularly speaks throughout the United States and Canada.
1-10 Focusing on Forgiveness: How to Prepare a Successful Reconciliation Retreat for Children
Are you in need of some new ideas when preparing your classes for reconciliation? This workshop will provide practical ideas that can be used in a retreat format for religious education classes as well as Catholic school classes. We will discuss how to organize, set up and manage a half-day retreat for your classes. You will receive practical applications, ideas for games, book titles, musical suggestions and Bible story examples that really work!
Rhea Hristou
Rhea Hristou has 20 years of teaching experience in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, Utah. Since 1976, she has taught first through third grades and has earned numerous awards and twice nominated for “Teacher of the Year.” Hristou is currently a second grade teacher at St. Vincent’s Catholic School in Salt Lake City, where she is also Director of Sacramental Preparation. She is a Representative to the Common Core Curriculum team for National Catholic Schools and is an Intel Master Teacher Trainer in her diocese.
1-11 St. Francis, Pope Francis and a Vision for the 21st-century Parish
The legacy of St. Francis and the leadership and message of Pope Francis paint a compelling portrait for a possible future for the American Catholic parish. Drawing from the narrative of St. Francis being called to “repair” or “rebuild” God’s Church in the 12th century, we will consider how Pope Francis is calling us to “repair” the current Church and how we might respond with creativity and compassion.
Jack J. Jezreel
Jack Jezreel spent six years in a Catholic Worker community before turning his attention to transformative education. For the past 12 years, he has given an average of 40 presentations and workshops per year, including keynote addresses – and was the keynote speaker for this Congress in 2011. Jezreel leads continuing education for priests, deacons and diocesan staff as well as parish, regional and national convenings. He is the original author of JustFaith and now serves as President of JustFaith Ministries.
1-12 Forming Students with a Global Catholic Perspective
Catholic Relief Services, an agency of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, brings Catholic social teaching into action in over 100 countries around the world. This workshop will provide suggestions and examples of how to bring the global mission of the Church into the awareness of catechists, teachers and the people they serve. Participants can share best practices and explore some of the challenges they face in forming others in the principles of Catholic social teaching.
Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas, DD
Bishop Gerald Kicanas, ordained a priest for the Chicago Archdiocese, served in the seminary system there for over 25 years. In 1995, he was ordained as Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago. Six years later, he was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Tucson, Ariz., and in 2003 was installed as Bishop. Bishop Kicanas is Chair of the Board of Directors for Catholic Relief Services and serves on various committees and other boards of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He has presented at conferences across the country.
1-13 21 Ways to Build a More Robust Catholic Identity
If being Catholic doesn’t make a bit of difference in your everyday life, why bother? In this session, Joe Paprocki offers 21 tried-and-true practices that lead us to see differently and, as a result, to live and act differently.
Joe Paprocki, DMin
Joe Paprocki, National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press in Chicago, has over 30 years of experience in pastoral ministry. He has served as a Consultant for Catechist Formation for the Chicago Archdiocese and as a parish pastoral associate and Director of Religious Education. Paprocki has presented in over 80 dioceses across North America. He is author of numerous books on pastoral ministry and catechesis; he also serves as catechist and blogs about the experience.
1-14 Setting Hearts Afire: Music and Drama IN Scripture and Liturgy
Internationally renowned Australian presenters Michael Mangan and Anne Frawley-Mangan will share their combined expertise in using the arts, especially music and drama, to help make school liturgies and religious education programs more vibrant, engaging and meaningful. Come along ready to sing, move, play and to experience new ways to more effectively proclaim, pray and celebrate in parish and elementary school settings.
Michael Mangan
Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher and music liturgist from Brisbane, Australia. His 200 songs, psalms and Mass settings are used in parishes and schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Mangan tours widely presenting school concerts, professional development workshops and speaking at conferences. He is a member of the National Executive of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network and is Music Director at All Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane, Australia.
Anne Frawley-Mangan
For over 20 years, Anne Frawley-Mangan has been Creative Director of Litmus Productions in Brisbane, Australia, where she writes and publishes drama and music resources for use in education and liturgy. Anne, who teaches Speech and Proclamation at Holy Spirit Seminary in Brisbane, presents workshops and keynote addresses in Australia, New Zealand and North America. Her research has focused on the arts to enhance religious knowing and celebration. She is presently enrolled in a doctoral program.
1-15 The Burning Bush: A Model for Ministry?
Moses saw a burning bush … but marveled that it wasn’t consumed. In it, he heard the voice of the Living God. How can we be alive, afire and zealous for God while not getting spent, consumed and turned into ash? How can we burn brightly to help reveal God?
Mike Patin
Mike Patin has worked in youth ministry since 1984, spending six years as a high school teacher and coach before working for the Catholic Youth Organization/Youth Ministry Office for the New Orleans Archdiocese. Patin was also on the adjunct faculty at the Notre Dame School of Theology Seminary in New Orleans. Since 2003, the “faith horticulturist” has been speaking full time on the issues of Catholic faith, positive attitude and living life fully. Among his many book titles is “A Standing Invitation.”
1-16 Were You There? Walking the Road to Calvary with Jesus
For Catholics, the Stations of the Cross are synonymous with Lent, Holy Week and especially Good Friday. This devotion, also known as the “Way of the Cross” or the “Via Dolorosa,” commemorates 14 key events on the day of Christ’s crucifixion. For many, praying through these 14 Stations has lost its impact and has become as routine as reciting the rosary. This workshop will help to awaken our understanding of the “Way of the Cross.” It will also help you enter into each Station with a renewed focus on being present for each moment. Soon, you will realize that “Were You There?” is more than a traditional slave spiritual. It is a call to be present with our Savior on the “Via Dolorosa.”
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, currently serves as Campus Minister and theology teacher at St. Augustine High School in New Orleans. He is also an instructor for the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in Cincinnati, and Director of KnightTime Ministries. The New Orleans native and former public school teacher has authored many books and has given keynote addresses, retreats, revivals and youth talks across the nation and in 20 countries.
1-17 Fear and Her Many Children: As Dampening Our Hope and Our Fire
All of us live with religious fears, fears about God, about life, and about our eternal destiny. What kind of fear is healthy in our lives and what kind is unhealthy? From where do our religious fears originate? How do we discern healthy fears from unhealthy ones? How does fear dampen both our hope and our religious fire? This session will be an exploration of the origins and effects of religious fear.
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. He is a community-builder, lecturer and writer. Fr. Rolheiser’s books are popular throughout the English-speaking world and his weekly column is carried by more than 80 newspapers worldwide. For most of the 40 years of his priesthood, he has taught theology and philosophy at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
1-18 Everything is Sacred: An Introduction to the Sacrament of Baptism
All of creation reveals the presence of God. The sacraments tell the story of the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ and how the presence of Christ is embodied in the church today. They also tell of the relationship of Christians with the Son of God, and how we find the Holy Spirit in the world. This session will tell the story of Christianity from the perspective of the sacrament of baptism, the initiation into the community of Christ.
Thomas J. Scirghi, SJ, ThD
Jesuit priest Fr. Thomas Scirghi is currently Associate Professor of Theology at Fordham University in New York, where he teaches Sacramental Theology. He has taught at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, Calif., at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, at the University of Western Australia in Perth, and at the Jesuit Theological College in Melbourne, Australia. Fr. Scirghi is an author and has conducted workshops for clergy and laity nationally and internationally.
1-19 Singing Daniel: Biblical Interpretation in the African-American “Spirituals”
Although they have been studied from the perspective of music, folk music and African-American musical forms for decades, it is rare to consider the spirituals as a form of serious biblical interpretation. In this workshop, Dr. Daniel Christopher will focus on a selection of spirituals that deal with themes from the stories in Daniel (chapters 1-6) and consider how many of these spirituals reflect rather significant, and even provocative, interpretations of the Book of Daniel. We will consider the meaning of “vernacular” interpretation of the Bible! Hopefully… some music will be featured! Stay tuned!
Prof. Daniel Smith-Christopher
Dr. Smith-Christopher has taught at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles for 24 years, where he serves as Associate Director for Graduate Studies in Theology. He has been honored with numerous research and teaching awards, and has spoken at the RECongress for the past 17 years, in addition to Catholic conferences in Las Vegas, San Francisco and Salt Lake City. Dr. Christopher has published dozens of scholarly articles and over 14 books.
1-20 Holistic Chastity Education: Not Just “The Talk”
Our culture is bombarding this generation with messages about sex. It is utilizing every available vehicle, from movies to YouTube, from PlayStation to Snapchat – whatever has your attention influences you. Learn the what and how of chastity education to ensure your students are hearing the truth.
Pam Stenzel
Pam Stenzel has traveled worldwide and has appeared on numerous national TV and radio programs speaking about the consequences of physical and emotional sex outside of marriage. She is presently Director of Enlightenment Communications, based in Minnesota. She previously served on the “front lines” as Director of Alpha Women’s Center, a counseling center for women with crisis pregnancies. Stenzel speaks full time across the United States as well as in South Africa, Australia, Ireland, Mexico and Canada.
1-21 A Long Look at the Lectionary for Mass
The Lectionary for Mass has been one of the greatest contributions of the post-Vatican II Church. What can we still learn about its organization? How much does it influence the rest of the liturgy? Are we using it well enough … or too much?
Rev. Paul Turner
Rev. Paul Turner, a priest of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., is Pastor of St. Anthony’s Parish in Kansas City. He is a member (and formerly President) of both the North American Academy of Liturgy and of the Catholic Academy of Liturgy. Fr. Turner serves as a Facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy. He is an author of many books and writes “Bulletin Inserts” for Ministry & Liturgy Magazine and presents at national and diocesan conferences around the world.
1-22 HIV/AIDS: A Continuing Challenge to the Church and the World
Despite efforts to increase access to treatment of HIV in order to reduce AIDS-related illnesses and death, this pandemic remains a challenge for the Church and the world. Significant numbers of people in developing countries still have no access to treatment, and global solidarity is decreasing because of “aid fatigue” and the global economic crisis. The Church has shouldered some 25 percent of AIDS care in the world, and continues to be present in communities when international agencies withdraw. This workshop will explore challenges and solutions for the Church’s ongoing response based in Catholic teaching and tradition.
Fr. Chris Ponnet (originally scheduled with Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo)
Born and raised at St. Luke’s in Temple City, Calif., Fr. Chris Ponnet was ordained a priest for the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1983 (during the AIDS pandemic), and has been involved for over 25 years as Director of the Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry. He also serves as Pastor of St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care. Fr. Ponnet has spoken about consistent life ethics and the death penalty at the Pax Christi Peace and Justice Conferences, to local congregations, and at meetings around the county.
1-23 We Shall Praise Your Name
Good habits of praying and praising God start when we are very young. We will experience how music, woven into liturgy and prayer times, can engage children in an awareness of their own spirituality.
Christopher Walker
Christopher Walker is an internationally known church composer and choral conductor. The conductor of choirs and orchestras in England and the United States formerly served for 18 years as Director of Music at the Clifton Cathedral in Bristol, U.K., and presently serves as Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles. Walker’s music is sung in churches worldwide. He travels around the globe giving workshops and lectures on liturgy, cantor techniques and children’s worship.
1-24 Parenting: Are We Having Fun Yet?!
Do you feel exhausted from dealing with your children all day? Do you worry if you are parenting correctly? Do you often ask yourself, “Now what do I do?” If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, come to hear internationally recognized speaker and author Char Wenc, who teaches parenting skills that make a difference in how children and parents live together. Her passion for the topic of parenting is found in her style and content.
Char Wenc, MEd.
Char Wenc is an internationally known author and speaker on the topics of parenting and teaching. She is a professor at Loyola University and at the Adler School of Professional Psychology, both in Chicago. A member of the National Speakers Association, Wenc is a popular speaker at the L.A. Congress and elsewhere. She is author of “Parenting: Are We Having Fun Yet?” and “Cooperation Learning Through Laughter,” and a winner of Those Who Excel in Education award.
1-25 Growing a Healthy Parish
Many parishes today are struggling to retain members. Others see congregations aging in place with little success in attracting newcomers. God is the agent of growth in our communities. But, we are responsible for removing growth-restricting barriers. In this session, we will look at specific strategies to make it happen – anywhere!
Fr. Michael White
Fr. Michael White is a priest of the Baltimore Archdiocese, where he served as an archdiocesan Vice-Chancellor; as Priest-Secretary to (then-Archbishop) Cardinal William Keeler and, during that time, as director of Pope John Paul II’s visit to Baltimore. Fr. White is presently Pastor at the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Md., which has seen the congregation nearly triple in weekend attendance and a significant increase of giving and service in ministry. Fr. White is also co-author of “Rebuilt,” which narrates the story of Nativity Church’s rebirth.
Tom Corcoran
Tom Corcoran has served the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Md., in a variety of roles that give him a unique perspective on parish ministry and leadership. Beginning as a youth minister, he later held positions as coordinator of children’s ministry and director of small groups. Corcoran currently serves as Associate to the Pastor and is responsible for weekend message development, strategic planning and staff development. Corcoran is also co-author with Fr. Michael White of “Rebuilt.”
1-26 Sharing the Old, Old Story: Storytelling in the African-American Community
African-Americans come from a rich storytelling and spiritual tradition that has helped them to survive times of trial and trouble. This tradition can be seen in the lives of African-American women who have shared their stories with an entire world: Sojourner Truth, Sr. Thea Bowman, Venerable Henriette DeLille and so many others. What can we learn from these women and how can we use our own stories to strengthen and enrich our faith and the faith of others? How can our stories heal a sin-sick soul? This workshop will help the participants affirm their own stories and honor the stories of their ancestors.
Dr. C. Vanessa White
Dr. Vanessa White is Assistant Professor of Spirituality and Director of the Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. She is Coordinator of the Elder’s Retreat Program at Xavier University of Louisiana’s Institute for Black Catholic Studies as well as on the adjunct faculty at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Dr. White is an experienced workshop presenter, retreat facilitator, spiritual director and teacher who lectures nationally.
1-27 Solace: The Art of Asking the Beautiful Question
Human beings cannot quite believe the depth, drama and even the disappearances involved in the average human life. Each one of us grows almost against our will into a steadily unfolding story where the horizon gets broader and more mysterious, the understanding of loss and mortality more keen, the sense of time more fleeting, and the understanding of our own mistakes and omissions more apparent. In the midst of this deepening, we have to make a life that makes sense: There is no other life than the one that involves this constant beckoning, this invitation to the fiercer aspects of existence.
David Whyte
Poet and lecturer David Whyte, a native of Yorkshire, England, is author of seven books of poetry and three books of prose, and most recently, a book entitled, “Pilgrim.” He is one of the few poets to take his perspectives on creativity into the field of organizational development, where he works with American and international companies offering lectures and workshops. Whyte has been speaking to large and small audiences around the world for more than two decades. He lives with his family in the Pacific Northwestern United States.
1-28 Just Start Where You Are: Turning the Next Corner in Your Spiritual Life
Real spirituality dawns when God becomes as real as the problems and joys you face each day. With this in mind, Robert Wicks invites us to become actively and intimately involved in our own personal inner formation. In pursuit of this spiritual goal, some of the intriguing topics will include: rediscovering the lost virtue of the desert; when invited, enter the doorway to awe; mind the wisdom of spiritual sadness; and practice faithfulness and let God take care of the residue. Dr. Wicks will also address the importance of appreciating more clearly Jesus’ central call and the three doorways to living a more complete, generative and holy life.
Dr. Robert J. Wicks
Dr. Robert Wicks is on the faculty of Loyola University Maryland, located in Baltimore. He has taught in universities and professional schools of psychology, medicine, nursing, theology and social work. Dr. Wicks has published over 50 books for both professionals and the general public. A recipient of the Humanitarian of the Year Award from the American Counseling Association’s Division on Ethics and Values, Dr. Wicks also received the Papal Medal from Pope John Paul II for his service to the Church.
1-70 “Miệng lưỡi này xin ca ngợi tán dương”: Vai Trò của Thánh Vịnh trong Phụng Vụ
Bài hội thảo sẽ chia sẻ về trọng tâm và vai trò không thể thiếu của Thánh Vịnh trong Phụng Vụ. Nhìn vào sự phong phú về hình ảnh cùng các ý nghĩa tâm linh, chúng ta sẽ học hỏi về những kết hợp mật thiết của Thánh Vịnh trong các nghi lễ phụng vụ và bí tích của Giáo Hội.
“My lips shall speak your praise”: The Role of the Psalms in the Liturgy
The focus of this workshop will be on the significant and indispensable role of the psalms in the liturgy. By looking at the richness of imagery and spiritual meaning, attendees will study the three functions of the psalms in various liturgical and sacramental celebrations of the Church. (Session presented in Vietnamese.)
Linh muc Bartôlômêô Pham Đức Thịnh
Thụ phong linh mục cho Tổng Giáo Phận Los Angeles vào năm 2002, Cha Phạm Đức Thịnh đã phục vụ tại Giáo xứ Thánh Gioan Thiên Chúa ở Norwalk, California. Sau bốn năm phục vụ tại giáo xứ, cha đã được gửi sang Roma để theo học chuyên ngành phụng vụ tại Giáo Hoàng Học Viện Sant’Anselmo. Cha đã hoàn tất chương trình cao học của Phụng Vụ vào năm 2010 và cha đang làm giáo sư về Phụng Vụ tại Đại Chủng Viện Thánh Gioan, Camarillo, California.
Rev. Thinh Duc Pham
Ordained a priest for the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 2002, Fr. Thinh Pham served for four years as Associate Pastor at Saint John of God Parish in Norwalk, Calif. Upon completing his first assignment, he was sent to pursue graduate studies at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy in Rome. He completed his License of Sacred Liturgy in 2010 and is currently teaching Liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif.
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