2014 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 15, 2014
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
5-01 All Things Catholic: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Global Church
Veteran Vatican writer John Allen takes a 360-degree look at the highlights and lowlights of Catholic news in the past 12 months, drawing out a few big-picture conclusions about what it all means, and then outlines some important stories to watch in the year to come. This session is for Catholics who want a keen sense of what’s happening in their Church, not just in the United States, but in Rome and around the world.
John L. Allen Jr.
John Allen is the prize-winning Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN. He is author of six best-selling books and writes frequently on the Church for major national and international publications. His weekly internet column, “All Things Catholic,” is widely read as a source of insight on the global Catholic Church. Allen divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver.
5-02 Liturgical Movement for Adults
Donna Anderle (bio 2-02)
Come experience the spiritual expression of prayer through movement, simple gesture and dance! Participants will be guided through the process of preparation – stretching and ballet warm-ups, centering – through meditation and breath work, and execution of the dance and ritual movement to beautiful liturgical music. This workshop is all about participating, so come ready to work!
5-03 Human Trafficking: Going Under the Belly of the Beast
What is human trafficking and what does it mean for you? Are you at risk? Are your children? Join international human rights leader Patrick Atkinson, drawing from his 30 years fighting war, poverty and prostitution around the world, as he explores the historical and contemporary dynamics of human trafficking. Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones, as well as help bring an end to modern-day slavery.
Patrick Atkinson
Missioner, educator and human rights defender, Patrick Atkinson is best known as founder and Executive Director of The God’s Child Project, a non-profit charity he began in 1991. Founder of several schools, clinics and community development centers, Atkinson also founded in 2001 the Institute for Trafficked, Exploited & Missing Persons to promote action against contemporary slavery and human trafficking. He has given presentations at universities, churches, schools and conferences located from Nairobi, Kenya, to Okinawa, Japan, and from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles.
5-04 Missio Dei: Transfiguration of All Creation
Sr. Dianne Bergant, CSA (bio 4-03)
At the end of St. Mark’s Gospel, Jesus sends his Disciples to proclaim the Gospel “to the whole creation.” This session will show that the mission of God – given to Jesus, then to his Disciples, and finally to us – calls for the “transfiguration of all creation.”
5-05 Standing with Those Who “Live Outside the Camp”
This workshop will explore Jesus’ invitation to move from “fan” to “follower,” from “cure” to “inclusion.” Join Fr. Greg Boyle as he shares stories, parables and lessons learned from ministry to Los Angeles-area gang members at Homeboy Industries, a non-profit organization that employs, trains and provides a path of change to more than 300 former gang members every year.
Gregory Boyle, SJ
Author and speaker Fr. Greg Boyle is Executive Director and founder of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention program in the United States (soon entering its 25th year). After his work in Bolivia, Mexico and California’s Folsom Prison, Fr. Boyle, a native Angelino, returned to the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles. It was there that the Jesuit priest started what would become Homeboy Industries.
5-06 Communio
Bill Huebsch (bio 4-13) (originally scheduled with Fr. Patrick J. Brennan, MDiv, STL, DMin)
God did not intend that we live the isolation, independence and loneliness that so many people experience. This session will explore how small Christian communities, neighborhood ministry, family ministry, and leadership and ministering communities can transform a parish into a relational net reflective of the Reign of God.
5-07 Get Them to Church: Ways to Bring Catholics to Sunday Mass, Every Sunday
Drawing from his book, “Bread of Life: Exploring the Presence of Eucharist in Our Lives,” and the recent Year of Sunday Mass in the Chicago Archdiocese, Fr. Louis Cameli will suggest ways of addressing decreasing participation in Sunday Mass. The focus will be on deeper understanding, clear witness and creating a supportive environment.
Fr. Louis J. Cameli
A priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, Fr. Louis Cameli’s ministry of service in Illinois has included: Pastor of Divine Savior Church in Norridge; teaching for over 20 years at Mundelein Seminary; director of ongoing formation for priests; and theologian for the Chicago Archdiocese, where he serves as Cardinal’s Delegate for Formation and Mission. Fr. Cameli has authored books and monographs, and has led retreats as well as catechetical conferences in collaboration with RCL Benziger.
5-08 Secular Sanctity
Can we find wholeness and holiness in our secular age? Author and spiritual guide Fr. Donald Cozzens believes we can. This workshop will draw on the insights of contemporary saints and mystics who have found calm in the midst of chaos, serenity in the face of struggle, and compassion in a culture of fierce competition.
Fr. Donald Cozzens
Spiritual writer and retreat master, Fr. Donald Cozzens is Writer in Residence and Adjunct Professor of Theology at John Carroll University in Cleveland. He formerly served as President-Rector at Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology, also in Cleveland. Dr. Cozzens has lectured in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and at numerous universities and organizations in the United States. He has made many TV and radio appearances, including “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert and “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross.
5-09 The Pastor Has All the Power – However…Without the Laity and Lay Leadership, There is Little Power to Exercise!
Rev. John C. Cusick (bio 1-04)
How often I have heard, “Father, you have some great ideas and suggestions, but in my parish, our pastor makes all the decisions and he likes the way things are”! Sadly, too many lay leaders and parish volunteers become paralyzed by this. This workshop will offer some very practical pastoral strategies for ALL levels of parish life. They can be employed by a pastor, parish council, catechetical board, liturgy team, ministers of care, and you – to enhance our ministry. Don’t stay paralyzed!
5-10 Parishes Working Together: New Hope for the New Evangelization
Jesus came to set the world afire with hope. It’s difficult however to keep hope alive when parish attendance is dwindling and programs are struggling. Is your parish in competition with others? Are you losing members to neighboring parishes or vice versa? What’s growing and what’s dying? Starting with New Testament examples of inter-church action, we will share new ways of evangelizing, where parishes and vicariates or deaneries work with each other in cooperation, not competition. Come learn about the “Mission in Motion” initiative between 12 parishes. Bring your examples of evangelizing with other parishes or congregations.
Msgr. Raymond G. East
The grandson of Baptist missionaries to South Africa, Msgr. Ray East was born in Newark, N.J., and raised in San Diego, Calif. A priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., he served in six local parishes before being named Pastor of St. Teresa of Avila Church. Msgr. East formerly served as Director of the Office of Black Catholics and Vicar for Evangelization in the Washington Archdiocese. He travels the country presenting at local and regional gatherings as well as at major national events.
5-11 The Passion Calls Us to be Peacemakers
The Passionist parish of Holy Cross Church in Belfast has suffered more deaths in the conflict in the north of Ireland than any other community. The traumatic events of “The Troubles” are still being witnessed by people from the community and violence is still a reality on its streets. Fr. Gary Donegan and Brian McKee have lived through the events in Holy Cross Parish and will reflect on the role of faith in bringing about peace and reconciliation in a divided community. This workshop will explore how the call to work for justice and peace has been lived out on the streets of Belfast, and the lessons for other communities marked by conflict and division.
Fr. Gary Donegan, CP
Fr. Gary Donegan has been an itinerant preacher for over 20 years and presently is Rector of the Passionist Community at Holy Cross Parish in Ardoyne, Belfast, Northern Ireland, where he has lived since 2001. He is involved in many initiatives aimed at building peace at both the parish and national levels in the north of Ireland. Fr. Donegan has acted as mediator between armed groups – both police and community groups – over many years and brings a wealth of personal experience to peacemaking.
Brian McKee
Brian McKee taught theology and was Diocesan Director of Youth Ministry for 10 years in Belfast, Northern Ireland. He served for several years as Chair of the National Committee of Diocesan Youth Directors in Ireland and is a frequent speaker at both adult and youth conferences. McKee is currently working in the field of peace and reconciliation with the Passionists in their Holy Cross Parish in Belfast and as Director of the nearby Passionist retreat center.
5-12 Gay Catholic? Identifying as Catholic Before Gay
Many people have left the Church, but even more couldn’t ever even consider that. LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people offer a model for what it means to identify as Catholic above all else. In this workshop, a panel lead by Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice will share why they are Catholic to the end in light of Church teachings on homosexuality. In fact, we will share how homosexual identity has brought us closer to the Church and affirmed our Catholic identity.
Arthur G. Fitzmaurice, PhD & Panel
Based in Washington, D.C., Dr. Arthur Fitzmaurice is Resource Director of the Catholic Association for Lesbian and Gay Ministry. He formerly served as Chair for the Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons. Dr. Fitzmaurice speaks on topics ranging from bullying and suicide prevention to the pastoral care of LGBT Catholics, and has presented at various regional and annual conferences. He also appears on several YouTube episodes produced by the Ignatian News Network.
5-13 A Church Afire with Hope
We are a Church afire with hope! But, with the Boston Marathon bombing, Syrian and other Middle East conflicts and stories of violence, we forget our baptismal call to be “ministers of peace” and to build hope in our communities. Join Fr. Bill Headley, a long-time global peacebuilder and professor at the University of San Diego’s Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies. Explore stories of Catholic peacebuilding, learn how these peacebuilders were inspired and how we can be “ministers of peace” in our own communities and join this hope-filled movement.
Rev. William R. Headley, CSSp, PhD
Dr. Bill Headley, a Spiritan priest, is founding Dean and faculty member at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego. He also serves as Professor of Peacebuilding Practice. Fr. Headley initiated Conflict Resolution at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, served as Counselor to CRS’ President, and was Coordinator for his Congregation’s inaugural International Justice and Peace Office.
5-14 Enriching Sunday Mass with a Hymn of the Day
One of the great legacies of the liturgical reforms initiated by Vatican II is the three-year Sunday and Solemnity lectionary cycle. Explore how employing a Hymn of the Day may enrich the community’s experience of the proclaimed Scriptures, mirror and reinforce the homily, and deepen the experience of eucharistic worship. We will be singing together many examples of Hymns of the Day.
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas
Composer, author and speaker, Fr. Michael Joncas is Associate Professor of Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. He has served as a parochial vicar, a campus minister, and a pastor. Fr. Joncas, ordained in 1980 as a priest for the St. Paul/Minneapolis Archdiocese, is author of four books and over 200 articles and reviews in journals. He is also composer and arranger of over 300 pieces of liturgical music.
5-15 Hi God: Evangelizing Children Through Music, Gesture and Song (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Carol Jean Kinghorn and Carey Landry have been helping teachers, catechists and musicians minister to children for over 40 years. In this workshop, they will demonstrate music from their recordings for children; signs and gestures for many of their songs; music from their new “Mass of Thanks and Praise”; and new ways of celebrating First Communion through song and gesture. There will be an emphasis on music for First Communion.
Carol Jean Kinghorn & Carey Landry
Carol Jean Kinghorn and Carey Landry are partners in marriage as well as in ministry and have been ministering together in the field of music for liturgy, religious education and prayer since 1972. Carey and Carol Jean are also coordinators of liturgical music at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Indianapolis, where Carey directs the choir. Many of their recordings are available from OCP.
5-16 Pilgrim: Seeking the Way
The church is specifically described as the pilgrim church, and for centuries it has pursued and sought truth, life’s meaning, sacred shelter in times of difficulty, and above all, a greater understanding of God’s presence among humankind. These quests, called pilgrimages, can be internal or physical and have their origins deeply rooted in biblical history and folklore. This concept of traveling in search of the way toward a more intimate relationship with God provides the basis of this contemplative prayer experience.
Liam Lawton
Liam Lawton is a priest of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland, where he serves as Director of Music. He has recorded 15 collections of music and has written two books; his latest, “Where God Hides,” was just recently published. Fr. Lawton’s music has been translated into many languages and he has recorded two PBS specials. He has presented at conferences in Europe and across the United States, and is a regular presenter at the L.A. Congress.
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso‘s contemporary liturgical music appears in numerous compilations and hymnals, and he has presented at liturgy, music and theology conferences throughout the world. Alonso is currently a doctoral candidate in the Graduate Division of Religion at Emory University in Atlanta. Formerly, he served as Director of Music for Campus Ministry at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. His latest work, “Pilgrim” (with Liam Lawton and Chris de Silva), is due in 2014.
Chris de Silva
Chris de Silva is a composer, arranger and recording artist with GIA Publications, and shares his gift of music ministry at national conferences, diocesan and parish retreats around the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. He has served at several faith communities in the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is presently Associate Director of Music and Liturgy at Loyola Marymount Univesity in Los Angeles.
5-17 Medical and Moral Decision-making in End-of-Life Situations (WORKSHOP CLOSED)
Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, PhD (bio 4-21)
In this highly informative session, Fr. Tad Pacholczyk will discuss end-of-life circumstances that call for ethical decision-making. The parameters and benefits of Advanced Directives and Health Care Proxies will be compared and contrasted. Concepts of benefits and burdens will be discussed including extraordinary and ordinary medical means vs. extraordinary and ordinary moral means. The statements of Pope Pius XII and Pope John Paul II will be reviewed on the provision of artificial hydration and nutrition to persistive vegetative state patients. “The Ethical and Religious Directive for Catholic Health Care Services” (nn. 56-61) will be highlighted as a guide to policy formation and care vs. treatment.
5-18 Collaboration or Competition: Mass and Sports vs. Mass or Sports
As resources become stretched and young people have more options with their time, should we be competing with other youth-serving agencies or start seeing them as partners in ministry? Learn how partnering with “secular” organizations can enhance your ministry. Using newly established principles for cooperative partnerships (from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry) as a framework, Bob McCarty and Vikki Shepp will walk you through a process for partnering that will allow collaboration, maintain Catholic identity and capture young people’s interest. Though aimed at youth ministry, these principles can easily be applied to other parish ministries.
Robert J. McCarty, DMin
Bob McCarty is Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, based in Washington, D.C. He has been in youth ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, community and diocesan settings. McCarty also provides training in ministry skills and issues internationally. He serves as a volunteer in his parish youth ministry and catechetical program at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Md., and his hobbies include cycling, rock climbing and now grandparenting!
Vikki Shepp
Vikki Shepp currently serves as Vice President of Fund Development for the Girl Scouts of Orange County in California. She has been serving youth and the adults who work with them for nearly 30 years: as a youth minister, Junior Girl Scout leader, middle-school teacher and consultant to parishes and dioceses, as well as a professional Girl Scout. Shepp has authored and co-authored numerous books and articles. She presents volunteer management workshops throughout the United States and Canada.
5-19 Being Christ’s Body
Timothy Radcliffe, OP (bio 3-20)
In the West, the Church faces a vast challenge in the communication of our faith. Fr. Timothy Radcliffe will argue that we can only do this by being Christ’s Body, a Word Incarnate.
5-20 Attuning Ourselves to the Fire, the Heartbeat of Christ: Exploring a Rich Mystical Image
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser (bio 1-17)
How do we listen to Christ’s heartbeat? What are the signs that we are listening? What is then asked of us? The Gospel of John presents discipleship in precisely those categories. How do we become “the beloved disciple” who hears Christ’s heartbeat? This presentation will try to unpack John’s mystical description of discipleship. As Evagrius of Pontus, the fourth century ascetic monk, puts it: Breast of the Lord, Kingdom of God: Who rests against it, a theologian shall be.
5-21 Saved by Beauty: The Healing Power of Art and Music
Refresh the eyes and ears of your soul through the colorful art of Bro. Mickey McGrath and the soulful sounds of John Angotti as they lead us on a delightful journey of inner peace. Stories from the Gospels and lives of the saints in all their healing beauty will inspire you with new ways to pray and be aware of God’s loving presence. Saints from Gospel times to Dorothy Day and Pope John XXIII will help us celebrate the beautiful diversity of our universal Church.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath
Bro. Mickey McGrath is an artist and author currently living in Camden, N.J. He is also a popular speaker at retreats and religious education conferences around the country. The main theme of all his work centers on the healing power and prayerful nature of art and beauty. In 2013, Bro. McGrath’s book, “Saved By Beauty,” received first place awards from the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Catholic Press Association. He has published articles in Commonweal magazine and illustrated posters for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
John Angotti
Originally from Clarksburg, W.V., John Angotti is a full-time music missionary now residing in Memphis, Tenn. He travels most parts of the world performing at workshops, retreats, missions, conferences, liturgies and concerts from Carnegie Hall to World Youth Day. Angotti is an accomplished composer with numerous CDs and collections with World Library Publications. With the completion of his rock-opera, “Job: The NOW Testament,” he is currently working on a book of prayers and reflections for teens.
5-22 Growing Up Catholic: Character and Faith (Young Adolescent Ministry)
Sr. Kieran Sawyer will show the inter-relationship of character development and faith development in the lives of middle-school children and teens. She will discuss how to create classroom, youth group and school environments that promote both moral behavior and a deepening faith commitment. This session will include practical techniques for guiding the minds and hearts of today’s young people and for teaching them to be responsible for their own moral growth and for the moral climate of their school, family and friendship group.
Sr. Kieran Sawyer, SSND
Sr. Kieran Sawyer, a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, is an author, catechetical speaker and trainer known nationally for her creative work in youth ministry and catechesis. She has taught religion at all levels of elementary and high school, in Catholic schools and in religious education programs, and has presented numerous workshops and programs for religion teachers, catechists and youth ministers across the country. Sr. Sawyer is Director Emeritus of the TYME OUT Youth Center in Wisconsin.
5-23 Young Adult Ministry: 10 ways to Engage, Empower and Ignite the Faith of Young Adults
Ministry to young adults is complex, challenging but extremely rewarding. In our parishes, we often meet young adults at the most joyful and hope-filled moments of their life – when they get engaged, married, at baptism and when they seek out faith formation for their children. But our young adult efforts often do not keep pace with where young adults are at and what they are searching for. This workshop will give participants 10 practical and effective ways to engage, empower and ignite the faith of our young adults so that they will “set the world ablaze,” in the words of Catherine of Siena.
Julianne Stanz
Julianne Donlon-Stanz is Director of the Department of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., and is a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. She has extensive workshop, retreat and presentation experience at both local gatherings and national conferences. Stanz, born in Ireland, is presently an adjunct faculty member of Silver Lake College of the Holy Family in Manitowoc, Wis., and serves on the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership Committee for Adult Faith Formation.
5-24 “I Will Prove My Holiness Through You...” (Ez. 36:23-26)
Sr. Maureen Sullivan (bio 2-23)
We are meant to be manifestations of God’s holiness. For many of us baptized so early in our Christian journey, there comes a time when we must come to understand what baptism means and consciously accept the offer of grace made to us so many years ago. Baptism is the embrace of God who first loved us. Have we truly accepted that embrace? Does our daily life attest to that acceptance? Our earthly journey is to become “morally” what we already are by virtue of our baptism. Only then can we begin to embody God’s claim to us offered in the words of the prophet Ezekiel. Benedict XVI’s Year of Faith has concluded ... might the fire of renewal follow?
5-25 American Islam
Jihad Mohammed Turk (bio 2-25)
Despite the high profile nature of Islam in the media, it is not common to hear from or about American Muslims. This session will focus on the history and demographics of the American Muslim community and the role that they are playing in American pluralism.
5-26 Developing the Gift of Faith
Jean Marie Weber (bio 2-26)
Faith is a gift! This workshop will focus on the recognition of the gift of faith and our response. We will pursue such questions as: What does an active faith life look like? Who assists in the process of developing this life? And how can one consciously help to develop the gift of faith in oneself and others? Come and explore!
5-27 Sacramental Imagination and Faith Formation
Sr. Angela Zukowski, MHSH, DMin (bio 2-28)
What is “sacramental imagination”? Why should catechists and Catholic schoolteachers be concerned with cultivating the sacramental imagination of those to whom we proclaim the Good News? Our ability to imagine is a great resource in cultivating a deeper appreciation of the Holy Spirit which surrounds us. In a digital world that clutters our time, attention and imagination with a diversity of distractions, we are discovering a loss of appreciation of mystery, wonder and beauty. This workshop explores ways to re-capture a sense of sacramental imagination for embracing a living faith, as Pope Francis invites us today!
5-70 Không thể hy vọng vững vàng nếu không có Đức Tin
Đề tài nhằm minh chứng rằng Hy Vọng là điều thật cần thiết, nhất là trong bối cảnh xã hội hôm nay, để con người và nhất là kitô hữu có thể sống và sống dồi dào. Đồng thời, niềm Hy Vọng đúng đắn phải gắn liền với Đức Tin như là nền tảng. Chính trong đức tin vững vàng và sống động, người kitô hữu tỏ lộ khuôn mặt rạng rỡ niềm hy vọng.
One Can’t Really Hope Without Faith
The Congress theme emphasizes that hope is vital, especially in our social context, so that everyone, particularly Christians, can live abundantly. Simultaneously, genuine hope always closely associates with its foundation: our faith. In fact, with an earnest and living faith, Christians confidently reveal their radiant face of hope. (Session presented in Vietnamese.)
Đức Cha Nguyễn Tấn Tước
Cha Nguyễn Tấn Tước Thụ phong Linh Mục tháng 4 năm 1991 cho Giáo Phận Phú Cường, phục vụ rất sát cánh với Giáo dân và giới trẻ trong GX Tha La, đặt biệt là lo cho người nghèo. Năm 2006 Cha tốt nghiệp Cao học Institut Catholique tại Parish. Cha trở về quê hương và đặt trách ơn gọi Linh Mục GP. Ngày 14 tháng 3 năm 2011 ĐGH Benêdictô 16 bổ nhiệm làm GM Phó. Ngày 30 tháng 6 năm 2012 Đức Cha Tước đã lên kế vị làm GM Chính của GP Phú Cường.
Most Rev. Joseph Nguyen Tan Tuoc
Bishop Joseph Tuoc Tan Nguyen was ordained a priest for the Phu Cuong Diocese in Vietnam in April 1991 and served at Tha La Parish, he works closely with young people, loves the parishioners and support to poor. He finished his Master’s degree in Biblical Theology in France in 2006. Returning to Vietnam, he was placed in charge of The Religious Vocation for the Diocese. Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as a Coadjutor Bishop of Phu Cuong diocese on March, 2011. He became Bishop of Phu Cuong on July, 2012.
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