2013 RECongress Speakers

Religious Education Congress
February 21, 2013
(Youth Day)
February 22-24, 2013

Schedule  •  Speakers  •  Workshops  •  Speakers/Topics  •  Exhibitors  •  Exhibitor Categories  •  Speaker Signings

This Speaker listing is alphabetical by last name. "Youth Day" indicates a Youth Day speaker; "KEY" denotes either the Saturday Keynote or a Sunday address. Language indicates whether the session is in English, Spanish or Vietnamese. Workshops indicates the number of workshops presented by the speaker.

Workshop sessions are designed by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the period (periods 1-3 are on Friday; periods 4-6 are on Saturday; periods 7-8 are on Sunday); the number after the dash is the workshop number within the period. Workshop numbers -00 to -30 are in English; numbers -50 to -59 are in Spanish; number -70 is in Vietnamese; number -80 is Korean (when presented). Asterisks following a workshop "(*)" indicates which sessions will be recorded (available on Audio CD or downloadable).

2013 NOTE: There will be a Parish Life Directors track on Friday, February 22, with speakers Edward P. Hahnenberg, PhD, Jeffrey S. Siker, Rev. Richard Vega & Bishop Gerald E. Wilkerson. To attend, be sure to select ONLY Sessions 1-01, 2-01 and 3-01 for Friday choices..

Saturday Keynote Mark Shriver
    Saturday, February 23, 8:30 am
    "Faith, Hope and Love in Action"
Sunday English Address Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD
    Sunday, February 24, 8:30 am
    "The Church as Mystery: Reflecting on the Presence of God
      in our Midst”
Sunday Spanish Address Luis Benavides
   Domingo, 24 de febrero, 8:30 am
   "¡El Señor es mi pastor, qué me puede faltar!"
   --   Bajar apuntes
Number of Speakers: 184
Number of Workshops: 310
English Workshops: 215
Youth Day Workshops: 26
Spanish Workshops: 61
Vietnamese Workshops: 8

Updated: 25 Nov 2020

Dr. Shauna Adams, EdD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Early Childhood
     Workshops: 2
         2-02: Blocks, Dress-ups and Make Believe: The Power of Play in the Faith Formation of Young Children (*)
         4-01: Preschool Faith Formation: Learning from the Master (*)
John Allen Jr.
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
         2-03: The Battle for Religious Freedom in the 21st Century (*)
         5-01: All Things Catholic: What’s Hot and What’s Not in the Global Church (*)
Tony Alonso
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         2-04: I Shall Live: Singing the Great Three Days
         4-02: Singing the Mystery
Dr. Mary Amore
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         5-02: Cultivating a Eucharistic Spirituality
         8-01: Weaving the Tapestry of Life and Liturgy and Liturgy and Life (*)
Donna Anderle
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         4-04: Ahhh, to be a Kid Again: Music and Movement for the Very Young and the Young at Heart! (*)
         7-01: Ballet 101: For Ministers of Liturgical Movement (*)
Jane Angha
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         3-02: Service Projects and Mission Trips That Change Lives! (*)
         7-02: Youth, Families and Service: It’s About Gratitude and Giving (*)
John Angotti
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         2-05: Job: The NOW Testament (*)
Steve Angrisano
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 1
         7-03: Keeping the Faith While Teaching the Faith (*)
Laura Ash
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         2-07: Dancing the Mysterium Tremendum (*)
         5-03: Dancing into the Light (*)
Ansel Augustine, MPS
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day
     Workshops: 1
         Youth Day: A - It’s All Good in God’s House! Acceptance of Others and Ourselves

Betsey Beckman, MM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         2-07: Dancing the Mysterium Tremendum (*)
         5-03: Dancing into the Light (*)
Rev. Ruben Bellante
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development
     Workshops: 2
         5-51: La paternidad espiritual: La vida como ofrenda creativa (*)
         8-51: Ser catequista hoy ¿un proyecto sobrehumano? (*)     --   Bajar apuntes
Luis Benavides
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Elementary/Junior High & KEY
     Workshops: 2
         6-51: Cómo entender a los niños y jóvenes de hoy (*)    --   Bajar apuntes
         KEY (Sunday): ¡El Senor es mi Pastor, Qué me Puede Faltar! (*)
Rabbi Michael Berenbaum
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
         7-23: A Rabbi and a Priest Explore a Spiritual Connection Through Film (*)
Stephen Binz
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         3-03: The Bible, the Saints, and the Renewal of the Church (*)
         6-01: Mary as Mother of the Word and Star of the New Evangelization (*)
Nancy Bird
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         2-06: The Power of Prayer: Ten Ways to Pray with Children and Families (*)
         7-04: Don’t Quit Yet – Four Secrets of the Spirituality of Self-Care for Catechists and Church Ministers (*)
Rev. Gregory Boyle, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Restorative Justice
     Workshops: 1
         5-05: Saving Lives Is for the Coast Guard (*)
Grayson Warren Brown
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
         4-05: Faith, Worship and 800-pound Gorillas! Honest Ministry in the 21st Century (*)
Sr. Kathy Bryant, RSC
     Language: English      Topic(s): Women's Issues
     Workshops: 1
         3-04: The Mystery of Human Dignity Eclipsed (*)
John Burland
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
         2-08: Songs of Scripture: Deepening Children’s Understanding of God’s Word (*)
         5-06: Engaging Children in Catechesis Through Song (*)
Rev. Juan Luis Calderón
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         3-51: El Discípulo, el Buscador y el Convertido: los hispanos y su experiencia de Dios
         6-52: Ni secreto, ni oculto: Un Dios al encuentro
Canonigo Dr. Eduardo Chávez Sánchez
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         2-51: Santa María de Guadalupe: Modelo de evangelización perfectamente inculturada (*)
         8-52: Jesuscristo, Centro del Acontecimiento Guadalupano (*)
Andrew Chinn
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
         3-05: Tell the Good News! Sing the Good News! (*)
         4-03: Come Sing My Song! Celebrating Our Faith with Children (*)
Rev. Lawrence Christian
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
         6-02: Priesthood: The Problem and the Promise (*)
         8-02: From “The” Church to “My” Church: Growing in Discipleship (*)
Fr. Gerald Coleman, SS
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
         1-02: The Meaning and Development of Conscience
         4-06: Special Questions in Sexual Morality
Dr. Elizabeth Crabb Breen, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): AIDS/HIV
     Workshops: 1
         6-03: HIV/AIDS: Where Are We Today? (*)
Prof. Alejandro Crosthwaite, OP
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         1-51: El Año de la Fe: Refuerzo de nuestra fe y proclamación alegre de Dios a la humanidad de nuestro tiempo (*)
         8-53: La Nueva Evangelización: Enseñar el arte de vivir (*)
Rev. John Cusick
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 2
         5-07: Creating a Parish Catechism (*)
         8-03: A New Religious Agenda: Less Talk About Church; More Talk About Faith (*)
Fr. Ken Deasy
     Language: English      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 1
         8-04: New Approaches with the New Evangelization: “We’ll Work With You” Rather Than “You Can’t Come In Until You Do” (*)

Fr. Allan Deck
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 1
        4-17: "For I Was a Stranger, and You Welcomed Me!" (*)
Roy DeLeon, OblSB
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-03: Praying 24/7 (*)
         7-05: Body-Praying the Gospel Story (*)
Sr. Carol Dempsey, OP, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         1-04: Enter the Mystery: Job and the Silence of God (*)
         6-04: Enter the Mystery: Grace, Revelation and Jesus (*)
Frank DeSiano, CSP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         3-06: Catechesis and Family Evangelization (*)
         8-05: Evangelization and Catechesis (*)
Dr. Katherine DeVries
     Language: English      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         4-07: Especially for Young Adults: Leadership Skills for Ministry and Beyond (*)
         7-06: What’s So Great About Theology-on-Tap? (*)
Frank DiLallo
     Language: English      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development
     Workshops: 2
         2-09: Bullying: A Catholic Response for Educators (*)
         7-07: Bullying: Help for Parents (*)
Julianne Donlon-Stanz
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 2
         6-05: Adult Faith Formation: From Information to Transformation, From Program to Process (*)
         7-08: Adult Faith Formation for the 21st Century: From Best to Next Practices (*)
Early Childhood Board
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Early Childhood
     Workshops: 1
         5-52: ¿En que momento entran los pequeños al misterio del amor de Dios? (*)
Msgr. Ray East
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         2-10: Grow Your Church the E(vangelization) Way (*)
         8-06: New Evangelization: Indicators of Vitality (*)
Tom East
     Language: English      Topic(s): Confirmation/Bible Panel
     Workshops: 3
         2-11: Sharing Faith as Parents of Youth (*)
         5-04: Building Biblical Literacy in Parishes (*)
         8-07: Preparing Youth for Confirmation: Signed, Sealed and Delivered as Young Disciples (*)
Dr. Dan Ebener
     Language: English      Topic(s): Stewardship
     Workshops: 2
         4-08: Stewardship and Servant Leadership (*)
         6-06: Blessings for Leaders: The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus (*)
Jorge Iván Echevarría
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
         2-52: Recursos teatrales para la catequesis (*)
         6-53: ¡Viva la creatividad! Creativos a imagen y semejanza de Dios (*)
Carole Eipers, DMin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         1-05: Enter the Mystery: Witness the Way
Rev. Virgilio Elizondo
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         4-52: La tierra de Jesus: Una peregrinación espiritual (*)
         6-07: The Land of Jesus: A Spiritual Pilgrimage (*)
Steven Ellair
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary & Junior High
     Workshops: 2
         3-07: Bringing Scripture to Life with Children (*)
         7-09: Engaging Adolescents Through Prayer (*)
Dr. Orlando Espin
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         4-53: ¿Cómo hablar de Dios si Dios es Misterio? (*)
         6-54: ¿Hace falta la teología para ser líder de pastoral? (*)
Fr. Robert Fabing, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         1-06: The Living Jesus in Our Experiences of Love, Joy, Need, Fear, Sorrow and Anger: A Spirituality
Rev. Eduardo Fernández, SJ
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
         4-51: Sacramentos como puertas a lo sagrado y como ritos de pasaje (*)
         6-08: Sacraments as Doors to the Sacred and Rites of Passage (*)
Santiago Fernández
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         6-55: Ministerios litúrgicos: Entrando juntos al misterio
Sr. Barbara Fiand, SNDdeN
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         3-08: On Being His Body, Taking Our AMEN Seriously (*)
         8-08: Understanding Salvation in Contemporary Times (*)
P. José Román Flecha
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
         1-52: Fe, palabra e imagen (*)    --   Bajar apuntes
         7-51: Fe, teatro y catequesis (*)
Amy Florian
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues & Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-07: The Trouble with Transitions
         5-08: Die to Self without Losing Yourself in the Process
Fr. Richard Fragomeni
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
         1-08: Divine Wonder: The Sacraments as a Joyful Surrender and Rebirth into the Mystery of Love (*)
         5-09: Discipleship Bootcamp: Spiritual Exercises to Enter the Mystery (*)
Jackie Francois
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day
     Workshops: 1
         Youth Day: B - Forgiving and Begin Forgiven

Anne Frawley-Mangan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
         1-09: On the Road with Luke: The Drama of the Journey (*)
         8-09: Drama and Sacramental Preparation: A Doorway to the Mystery (*)
Dan Friedt
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 1
         2-12: Teaching Leadership Skills to ALL Students in a Catholic School (*)
Renata Furst
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         2-53: Amigo/a de Dios: El misterio de nuestra relación con Dios (*)
         5-10: Friend of God: Entering into the Mystery of Relationship with God (*)
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
         1-10: Does a Shared Doctrinal Teaching Authority Have an Ecumenical Future? (*)
         4-09: Vatican II: An Unfinished Building Site (*)
Fr. Rob Galea
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: C - Listening to God's Voice: Discernment
         1-11: Evangelization and Young People
         : (*)
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate/Initiation
     Workshops: 2
         1-12: Apprenticeship and Catechesis: Formation in the RCIA (*)
         8-10: RCIA: What Happens After the Easter Vigil? (*)
Rev. David Garcia
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice & Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
         1-53: Solidaridad global y el ministerio de la parroquia (*)
         4-54: Las enseñanzas sociales de la iglesia católica y el papel del laico (*)
Marta García Fernández
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         3-52: Biblia: Siete herramientas para leerte (*)    --   Bajar apuntes
         8-54: ¿Un Job paciente? (*)
Estela García-López
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         3-53: La música como herramienta y fuente para evangelizar (*)
GIA workshop
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         5-11: Can You Hear Me Now?
Dr. Greer Gordon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
         1-13: God, Suffering and Conversion (*)
         7-10: Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Christ (*)
Gloria Grimaldo
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development & Sexuality
     Workshops: 2
         6-56: ¿Quieres sanarte? (*)
         8-55: Después de los 40… (*)
Rev. Daniel Groody, CSC, PhD
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
         2-54: Migración y la Eucaristía (*)
         5-12: Migration and the Eucharist (*)
Dr. Thomas Groome
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis & Evangelization/Bible Panel
     Workshops: 3
         3-09: Catholic Education: From and For Faith (*)
         4-10: Excellence in Adolescent Catechesis and the Credo Series (*)
         5-04: 5-04: Building Biblical Literacy in Parishes (*)
Richard Groves
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
         3-10: Befriending the Unknown: Spiritual Wisdom for Times of Crisis and Transition (*)
         8-11: Jesus the Mystic: The Future of Mature Christian Spirituality (*)
Ricardo Grzona
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 2
         2-55: María desata los nudos de mi vida (*)
         5-53: La oración con fe (*)
David Haas
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music & Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
         4-11: We Are Not Alone: A Musical and Prayerful Journey Celebrating the Presence of Christ
         7-11: Sing as Christ Inspires Your Song, Live the Promise You Believe
Ed Hahnenberg, Ph.D.
     Language: English      Topic(s): PLD Track & Parish Leadership
     Workshops: 2
         1-01/2-01/3-01: Parish Life Director Track (*)
         5-13: The Struggle to Serve: Ministering with Hope in Today’s Church (*)
Sr. Gretchen Hailer, RSHM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 1
         2-13: Aging wth Grace (*)
Darrell Hall
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         5-14: Science, Religion and Faith: The Challenge of Modern Atheism (*)
         8-12: I Am Convinced: God, the Truth and You (*)
Rev. James Hanvey, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         1-14: The Trinitarian Mystery (*)
         6-09: The Theological Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching (*)
Mark Hart
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         3-11: Screen Play: Creating Effective Evangelization and Catechesis Through Social Media (*)
         4-12: Do Tell: Secrets to Teaching Scripture with Middle- and High-Schoolers (*)
Marty Haugen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         4-02: Singing the Mystery
Rev. James Heft, SM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 1
         4-13: Forming Conscience in a Polarizing Time (*)
Lisa Hendey
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media/Technology
     Workshops: 2
         4-14: Starting, Sustaining and Succeeding with Social Media in the Parish Setting (*)
         7-12: Solving the Social Media Mystery: Tips, Tools and Techniques for the New Evangelization (*)
Sr. Glenda Hernandez
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 2
         1-54: ¿Cómo mejorar la relación de una pareja cristiana?
         7-52: Orar con las cartas de San Pablo
Francisco Javier Herrera Brambila
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
         3-54: Honor migrante: ¿A qué venimos? ¡A evangelizar! ... Cantando
         5-54: La oración y el compromiso social: ¿Qué es la venganza de Dios?
Rev. Terry Hershey
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-15: Living Without Fear: The Truth About Intimacy, Love and Passion (*)
         4-16: How to Be Me When the World Wants Me to Be Somebody Else (*)
Dr. Timothy Hogan, PsyD, CIRT, LP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
         6-10: The Gift of Cultural Hurricanes: How to Build Bridges that Empower Parents and Transform Catholic Families (*)
         8-13: Cultivating Healthy Sexuality with Children (*)
Dr. Michael Horan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 1
         8-14: Mystery Unfolding Along the Way: Adult Faith Formation (*)
Bill Huebsch
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership & Theology
     Workshops: 2
         1-16: Let’s Talk: Bringing Both Sides in Parish Together (*)
         7-13: Out to the Highways and Hedgerows (*)
ValLimar Jansen
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: D - Click Your Heels and Say, “There’s No Place Like Mass” (How to Get the Most Out of Mass)
         3-12: Roman Catholic Rituals – Ever Ancient, Ever New (*)
Jack Jezreel
     Language: English      Topic(s): Peace/Justice
     Workshops: 2
         1-17: Kingdom of God Commitments: Seven World-Changing Expressions of Faith (*)
         5-15: Mission-based Catechesis: The Time is Now! (*)
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 1
         6-11: The Mystery of Faith: Its Biblical Foundations (*)
Leif Kehrwald
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 1
         4-23: Empowering Vibrant Faith @ Home (*)
Fr. Joe Kempf
     Language: English      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
         3-13: Why Pray? Sacraments, Miracles, Changed Hearts (*)
         4-15: Was That You, Lord? Hearing the Voice of God as Only You Can (*)
Tom Kendzia
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         6-12: Like a River: Liturgy and Catechesis as a Seamless, Flowing Garment (*)
Fr. Michael Kennedy, SJ
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Restorative Justice
     Workshops: 2
         5-55: Sanando heridas de la vida (*)
         7-14: Healing Life's Hurts (*)
Dr. Saundra Kennedy
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary
     Workshops: 2
         2-15: Heralds of the Good News: Becoming the Best You Can Be (*)
         8-15: Motivator, Model, Minister … Catechist, Who Do You Say You Are? (*)
Paul Kim
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day
     Workshops: 1
         Youth Day: E - Set the World on Fire … Without Getting Arrested

Peter Kolar
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         4-55: La formación musical de la asamblea: Mejorando el cantar del pueblo
Deacon Tom Lambert
     Language: English      Topic(s): Special Needs
     Workshops: 1
         7-15: Welcoming and Valuing People with Mental Illness (*)
Fr. Liam Lawton
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         1-18: Where God Hides
Hy Xuan Le
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
         3-70: Vietnamese Workshop (How Lay People Can Learn Scripture to Live the Liturgy More Deeply)
         8-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Faith Development of Vietnamese Youth in the United States)
Fr. Richard Leonard, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media/Technology
     Workshops: 2
         2-14: Why Bother Praying?
         5-16: Movies to Pray By
Rev. Eduardo Levy, SJ
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Family & Theology
     Workshops: 2
         4-56: Ante cada edad de 3 a 10 años ¿Qué? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? (*)
         7-53: Ante cada edad de 11 a 17 años ¿Qué? ¿Por qué? ¿Cómo? (*)
Fr. David Loftus
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 1
         5-17: Walk the Way: Enter the Mystery (*)
Dr. Josephine Lombardi, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer & Theology
     Workshops: 2
         3-14: Living with the Lord’s Prayer (*)
         7-16: Saved: An Overview of the Doctrine of Salvation (*)
Elaine Mahon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media/Technology
     Workshops: 2
         3-26: The Curriculum Framework: New Opportunities for High Schools (*)
         6-23: The Innovative Religion Teacher: Contemporary Methodologies for the 21st-century Classroom (*)
Fr. James Mallon
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         2-16: Sacramental Renewal in Light of the New Evangelization (*)
         4-18: It's More Than a Course, of Course: Ten Values of Renewed Parishes (*)
Michael Mangan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         3-15: This We Believe: Songs of Faith for the Year of Faith (*)
         6-13: Your Words, O God: Singing the Scriptures in Parishes and Schools (*)
Rev. James Martin, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         5-18: Learning to Pray (*)
         7-17: Laugh – For God’s Sake! (*)
Sr./Dr. Oralisa Martin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization & Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         5-19: The Mystery of Faith: Jesus’ Prayer, Passion and Power (*)
         8-06: New Evangelization: Indicators of Vitality (*)
Dr. Timothy Matovina
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         4-52: La tierra de Jesus: Una peregrinación espiritual (*)
         6-07: The Land of Jesus: A Spiritual Pilgrimage (*)
Michael Maudlin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Bible Panel
     Workshops: 1
         5-04: Building Biblical Literacy in Parishes (*)
Rabbi Michael Mayersohn
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
         8-16: A Rabbi Reads the Gospel of Matthew (*)
Robert McCarty, DMin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         6-14: Youth in Crisis: A Pastoral Response (*)
         8-17: Parish Youth Ministry: A New Map for a Changing Territory! (*)
Dr. Patricia McCormack, IHM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Elementary & Family
     Workshops: 2
         2-17: Tools for Evangelization and Transformation (*)
         6-15: Catholic Parents – Keepers of the Promise (*)
Charlotte McCorquodale, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         1-19: Finding Your Ministerial “Community of Practice” (*)
         5-20: Are you Certifiable? Examining the National LEM Certification Process (*)
Judy McDonald
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: H - Trusting God and Others
         3-16: Sharing Faith with Young People (*)
Bro. Michael O'Neill McGrath
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         7-18: Go to Joseph (*)
Dr. Megan McKenna
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         3-17: Entering the Mystery: Where? (*)
         6-16: Enter the Mystery – Is the Mystery Someone? (*)
Bishop Malcolm McMahon, OP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
         6-17: Themes in Ecumenism & Interfaith Dialogue (*)
Tony Melendez
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: K - An Armless Embrace of Hope
         2-18: An Armless Embrace of Hope
Juan Carlos Montenegro
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         3-55: San Juan Bosco: El SUPER héroe de los jóvenes (*)
         5-56: Creando una cultura misionera en catequesis y pastoral juvenil (*)
Rafael Moreno
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Spirituality
     Workshops: 1
         5-57: "Yo los elegí a ustedes y los destiné para vayan y den fruto" (Jn 15:16)
Bishop Robert Morneau
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 1
         1-20: Mentors and Models for the Spiritual Journey
Fr. Jonathan Morris
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology & Evangelization/Bible Panel
     Workshops: 3
         2-19: Communication and the Catholic Church (*)
         4-19: Does God Really Help? (*)
         5-04: Building Biblical Literacy in Parishes (*)
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         3-18: “All the Families on Earth Shall be Blessed” (Acts 3:25): The Scripture on Parenting (*)
         5-21: “Two Shall Become One Flesh” (Matt. 19:5): The Bible on Marriage (*)
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson, DMin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sexuality & Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         3-19: With Respect to the Paschal Mystery – The Mystery of Passing Over from Death to Life: Are You a Cheerleader or a Participant? (*)
         4-20: Sexuality: Celebrate the Gift and Become Makers of Love
Rev. Hy Nguyen
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
         5-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Faith: Myth or Mystery?) (*)
         7-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Death and Eternal Life: Catholic Teachings on Eschatological Issues) (*)
Fr. Joseph Doan Công Nguyen, SJ
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
         1-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Prayer: The Masterkey to Enter the Mystery) (*)
         6-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Old Testament: The Key to Enter the Mystery of Jesus Christ) (*)
Kathleen Norris
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 1
         2-20: Daily Prayers, Daily Chores: Building and Maintaining an Everyday Faith (*)
David O'Brien
     Language: English      Topic(s): Parish Leadership & Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         6-18: How to Reach Young Adults: Reclaiming the "Lost" Generation (*)
         8-18: "Now Get Out of Here": Lay People's Role in the Church (*)
Dr. Hosffman Ospino
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         3-56: La esperanza cristiana a la luz de la experiencia del migrante (*)
         6-19: My Parish is Becoming Hispanic: Suggestions to Organize Effective Hispanic Ministry in Your Community (*)
Jennifer Owens, MDiv
     Language: English      Topic(s): Young Adult Ministry
     Workshops: 1
         5-22: A Covenant for All Generations: Building an Intergenerational Church (*)
Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Morality
     Workshops: 2
         4-22: Babies Should be Begotten, Not Made: Infertility and In Vitro Fertilization
         5-23: Care and Treatment Decisions for Compromised Patients or Patients at the End of Life
Joe Paprocki, DMin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         2-21: Teaching Outside the Box: Faith Formation that Resembles Mass More than Class (*)
JoAnn Paradise, DMin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 1
         3-20: It Begins With a Question … Evangelizing Families (*)
Mike Patin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Youth Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: M - You Don’t Need Twitter Followers to be a Leader!
         2-22: Finding the Lions in the Rocks – Mentoring Young People (*)
Sr. Rose Monique Peña, OP
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Human Growth/Development
     Workshops: 1
         2-56: Mi espiritualidad y la de mis estudiantes (*)
Hernán Pereda Bulllrich
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Ecclesology
     Workshops: 2
         3-57: Comunicar una gran visión de la Biblia en el Año de la Fe (*)
         8-56: La escuela natural de la palabra de Dios: El año litúrgico (*)
Bob Perron
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day
     Workshops: 1
         Youth Day: P - Warning: Contents Under Pressure

Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization & Human Growth/Development
     Workshops: 2
         5-24: What the Young Church Wants You to Know (But Doesn’t Tell You) (*)
         7-19: “God blah, blah, blah. Church blah, blah, blah”: Why Younger Generations Tune You Out and What You Must Do to Effectively Reach Them (*)
Cliff Petty
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         7-18: Go to Joseph (*)
Fr. Thinh Duc Pham
     Language: Vietnamese      Topic(s): Vietnamese
     Workshops: 2
         2-70: Vietnamese Workshop (Mysterium Fidei: Structure and Meaning of the Eucharistic Prayer) (*)
         4-70: Vietnamese Workshop (The Liturgical Year: Living Out the Paschal Mystery) (*)
Fr. Chris Ponnet
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Gay/Lesbian Ministry
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: S - Having a Servant Attitude
         3-21: Spiritual Concerns and Pastoral Practice in the Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics (*)
Anthony Preston
     Language: English      Topic(s): Sexuality
     Workshops: 1
         2-23: When You Weigh Your Worth, You’re Worth the Wait (*)
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-21: Spirituality and the Universal Call to Holiness (*)
         7-20: Spirituality and the Universal Call to Holiness (repeat) (*)
Connie Rakitan
     Language: English      Topic(s): Special Needs
     Workshops: 1
         7-15: Welcoming and Valuing People with Mental Illness (*)
Rev. Michael Raschko
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology
     Workshops: 2
         6-20: Introduction to the Second Vatican Council (*)
         7-21: Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes: Engaging the World (*)
Thomas Reese, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
         3-22: The Role of Religion in the 2012 Election
         6-21: The Three Pillars of Catholicism
Rev. R. Tony Ricard
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 3
         Youth Day: Arena -
         3-24: Hanging with the Holy Who Dat! We Have a Bounty on the Devil! (*)
         4-21: Diary of an Unapologetic Roman Catholic Priest (*)
John Roberto
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation & Family
     Workshops: 1
         3-25: Faith Formation for Every Adult in Your Church - It's Possible! (*)
         4-23: Empowering Vibrant Faith @ Home (*)
Rev. Domingo Rodriguez Zambrana, ST
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Ecclesiology
     Workshops: 2
         1-55: De la oscuridad del misterio a la claridad del entendimiento (*)
         7-54: El sacerdocio común de los fieles. ¿Y qué es eso? (*)
Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         3-23: Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self (*)
         7-22: Breathing Under Water: The Gospel and Recovery (*)
Rev. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-22: Spirituality as Non-negotiable for Everyone: The Soul Will Have Its Say! (*)
         6-22: Spirituality and the Different Stages of Our Lives: One Size Doesn't Fit All (*)
Pedro Rubalcava
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         2-57: Cantos para acompañar y consolar en los ritos exequibles
Enedina Sánchez-Saucedo
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         3-58: ¿Qué hacer para recuperar los valores cristianos de la familia? (*)
Anna Scally
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Junior High
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: T - Music: The Voice of My Heart
         1-23: Music Does Not Cause Teen Problems, It is Telling Us What They Are Going Through. Are You Listening? It’s Easier Than You Think (*)
Fr. Ron Schmidt, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Ecumenical/Interreligious
     Workshops: 1
         7-23: A Rabbi and a Priest Explore a Spiritual Connection Through Film (*)
Dan Schutte
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 1
         8-19: Ministry to the Ministers
Maruja Sedano
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 1
         6-57: Líderes: Discípulos y testigos, llamados y enviados (*)
Fr. Donald Senior, CP
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         2-24: Living Together in the 21st Century: What the Bible Can Teach Us About Mutual Respect and Christian Dialogue (*)
         4-24: The Heart of the Matter: The Inner Logic of the Gospel of John (*)
Mark Shriver
     Language: English      Topic(s): KEY
     Workshops: 1
         KEY (Saturday): Faith, Hope and Love in Action (*)
Dr. Jeffrey Siker
     Language: English      Topic(s): PLD Track & Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         1-01/2-01/3-01: Parish Life Director Track (*)
         4-25: Jesus and the Mystery of the Kingdom of God (*)
Clodomiro L. Siller Acuña
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Multicultural
     Workshops: 2
         1-56: La antigua y la nueva alianza dios las hace con muchos pueblos (*)
         7-55: El apocalipsis profetiza y denuncia hoy para nutrir nuestra fe (*)
Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         1-24: Challenging Teens to Old Testament Thinking (*)
         8-20: The Traumatized Word: Were Some of the Writers of Scripture Traumatized? (*)
Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         6-24: Joyful, Holy Encounters (*)
         8-21: Little Things Mean a Lot (*)
Mary Elizabeth Sperry
     Language: English      Topic(s): Bible Panel
     Workshops: 1
         5-04: Building Biblical Literacy in Parishes (*)
Rev. Robert Spitzer, SJ, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
         4-26: New Evidence from Physics for an Intelligent Creator – Responding to the New Atheism (*)
         7-24: Ten Great Foundations of the Pro-life Position from Logic, Ethics and Justice Theory – Recapturing the Minds and Hearts of Our Nation (*)
Javier Stauring
     Language: Spanish/English      Topic(s): Restorative Justice
     Workshops: 2
         5-55: Sanando heridas de la vida (*)
         7-14: Healing Life's Hurts (*)
Pam Stenzel
     Language: English      Topic(s): Youth Day & Sexuality
     Workshops: 2
         Youth Day: X - The High Cost of Free Love
         8-22: Make Sure Your Students Never Have to Say "Nobody Told Me" (*)
Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Theology & KEY
     Workshops: 2
         5-25: Three Popes: One Common Message (*)
         KEY (Sunday): The Church as Mystery: Reflecting on the Presence of God in Our Midst (*)
Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle, DD, STD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Multicultural
     Workshops: 2
         4-27: The Year of Faith and New Evangelization (*)
Tom Tomaszek
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 1
         2-25: Between Sundays: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Living (*)
Ailís Travers
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media/Technology
     Workshops: 2
         3-26: The Curriculum Framework: New Opportunities for High Schools (*)
         6-23: The Innovative Religion Teacher: Contemporary Methodologies for the 21st-century Classroom (*)
Victor Valenzuela
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization & Sacraments
     Workshops: 2
         1-57: Los sacramentos con adolescentes: Ideas prácticas para implementar (*)
         7-56: La catequesis como un momento fundamental en la Nueva Evangelización (*)
Rev. Richard Vega
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): PLD Track & Catechumenate
     Workshops: 2
         1-01/2-01/3-01: Parish Life Director Track (*)
         4-57: Celebrado los ritos litúrgicos del rito de iniciación cristiana (*)
Nick Wagner
     Language: English      Topic(s): Catechumenate/Initiation
     Workshops: 1
         2-26: The Secret to Teaching Adults (*)
Christopher Walker
     Language: English      Topic(s): Liturgy/Music
     Workshops: 2
         2-27: Music to Help Children Speak with God (*)
         6-25: Improving Our Skills for Choirs and Cantors (*)
Tracy Webb
     Language: English      Topic(s): Media/Technology
     Workshops: 1
         2-28: What the Tech? Enter the Mysterious World of Cybercrime! (*)
David Wells
     Language: English      Topic(s): Adult Faith Formation
     Workshops: 2
         1-25: Enter the Mystery – How to Make Decisions the Catholic Way (*)
         8-23: Enter the Mystery – How to Turn Our Life into an Adventure the Catholic Way (*)
Char Wenc, MEd
     Language: English      Topic(s): Family & Human Growth/Development
     Workshops: 2
         3-27: Are You Communicating? You Cannot Build Relationships Without It! (*)
         5-26: Parenting is Not for Wimps! (*)
Fr. Thomas Weston, SJ
     Language: English      Topic(s): Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
         6-26: Where There Is Ruin, There May Be Treasure: Recovery from Alcoholism 101 (*)
         8-24: The Methods and Miseries of the 100 Years’ War (*)
Dr. Joseph White, PhD
     Language: English      Topic(s): Early Childhood & Elementary
     Workshops: 2
         1-26: Child Development and Catechesis: Speaking the Learner’s Language (*)
         6-27: Pope Benedict’s New Evangelization: Practical Applications for the Catechist and Catechetical Leader (*)
David Whyte
     Language: English      Topic(s): Spirituality/Prayer
     Workshops: 2
         1-27: The Pilgrim’s Way: Setting Direction for a Future Life
         2-29: Pure and Simple: The Art of Creating a Beautiful Mind
Bishop Gerald Wilkerson
     Language: English      Topic(s): PLD Track
     Workshops: 1
         1-01/2-01/3-01: Parish Life Director Track (*)
Fr. Ronald Witherup, SS
     Language: English      Topic(s): Scripture
     Workshops: 2
         3-28: From Dei Verbum to Verbum Domini: How Catholics Can Be Transformed by the Word of God (*)
         7-25: “We Are Not Peddlers of God’s Word”: Learning from St. Paul’s Use of Scripture (*)
Madonna Wojtaszek-Healy
     Language: English      Topic(s): Special Needs
     Workshops: 2
         1-28: Everyone’s Called to God’s Table, Even the Ones Who Can’t Sit Still in Their Seats (*)
         5-27: God Called Me to Dance, Even if I'm Out of Step (*)
Dr. Carlos Yeomans Reyna
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Family & Life Issues
     Workshops: 2
         6-58: Sexualidad al Servicio del Amor (*)
         8-57: Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (*)
Dr. John Yzaguirre, PhD
     Language: English/Spanish      Topic(s): Family
     Workshops: 2
         4-28: Being Present to Each Other (*)
         7-57: ¿Es posible tener unidad cuando somos tan diferentes? (*)
Rev. Luigi Zanotto
     Language: Spanish      Topic(s): Catechesis/Evangelization
     Workshops: 2
         5-58: Resiliencia: Me estoy muriendo y le canto a la vida (*)
         8-58: El Espíritu que forjó el Vaticano II está creando un nuevo amanecer (*)

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