2013 RECongress Period 6
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, February 23, 2013
3:00 - 4:30 pm
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= Recorded session
6-01 Mary as Mother of the Word and Star of the New Evangelization
Stephen J. Binz
As mother of the Word, Mary shows us how to read Scripture as the way to listen to the voice of God, to understand the story of salvation, and to discoverer the Book of Christ. She shows us how to meditate on Scripture, to experience it with the heart, expecting to be transformed by the Word. By reading Scripture like Mary, we enter a more personal relationship with Jesus and we become living witnesses to the Risen Christ in the world. As star of the New Evangelization, Mary guides the barque of Peter through the night’s darkness and leads the Church to a new dawn. She helps us see the radiant beauty of our faith and shows us how to express it to others.
6-02 Priesthood: The Problem and the Promise
The Church has struggled with the issue of promoting priestly vocations for several decades. Our understanding of priesthood in relation to the calling of all Christians in baptism is vital. This workshop will look at where we have been and where we are going in understanding the vocation of priests.
Rev. Lawrence Christian
Fr. Larry Christian has worked with Catholic parishes as pastor or faith formation minister for over 25 years. Since 2010, he has served as Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi Church in San Antonio. Additionally, Fr. Christian serves the San Antonio Archdiocese working as an adjunct professor at the Oblate School of Theology. Originally from California, he formerly served as rector of Assumption Seminary, overseeing a $13 million expansion campaign. Fr. Christian has spoken as numerous conferences and serves on many pastoral boards.
6-03 HIV/AIDS: Where Are We Today?
More than 30 years into the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, HIV rarely makes the headlines any more. Although progress has been made in treating and preventing HIV, it is still a very real challenge to those infected and those affected individuals and communities. Join Dr. Elizabeth Crabb Breen as she shares her expertise, reports on the latest advances, and answers questions about HIV and AIDS.
Elizabeth Crabb Breen, PhD
Dr. Elizabeth Crabb Breen is an Immunologist with more than 25 years’ experience in HIV/AIDS research at the University of California, Los Angeles, where she is Associate Professor at the David Geffen School of Medicine. Dr. Breen has also served the Los Angeles Archdiocese AIDS Education Task Force/Human Sexuality Committee since 1989. She continues to speak frequently both locally and nationally about the immune system, HIV infection and AIDS.
6-04 Enter the Mystery: Grace, Revelation and Jesus
Carol J. Dempsey, OP, PhD
The Gospel writers invite us to see “behind the veil” with the disciples and to appreciate the gift of grace and revelation in relation to the life of Jesus. This workshop explores the element of mystery as it appears in these five biblical narratives: Jesus’ Baptism, Peter’s confession, the Transfiguration, the Emmaus story, and Jesus’ appearance to Mary at the tomb.
6-05 Adult Faith Formation: From Information to Transformation, From Program to Process
What does it mean to be an “adult centered” community of faith? What does it take to move adults from complacency to vibrancy, and intentionally form disciples who are “on fire” for Christ? This workshop explores contemporary issues and creative strategies to reach out to our adults who come from diverse cultural, ethnic, educational, vocational, social, political and spiritual realities. Participants will gain a greater understanding of the changing landscape of religious diversity among adults and examine national and global trends that are influencing adult faith formation and identify creative strategies in ministering effectively and intentionally.
Julianne Donlon-Stanz
Julianne Donlon-Stanz is Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis. Born in Ireland, she has extensive workshop, retreat and presentation experience both locally and nationally, and is currently working on a doctorate. Donlon-Stanz is a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. She is co-editor of “Come Follow Me” (with Michael O’Rourke) and “A Shepherd Tends His Flock” (with John Girotti).
6-06 Blessings for Leaders: The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus
Dr. Dan R. Ebener
This interactive workshop will focus on the Gospel of Matthew, particularly the Beatitudes of Jesus, to find insight into Christian leadership. After opening with prayer, scriptural reflection and a brief presentation, participants will: 1) dialogue about eight virtues associated with the Beatitudes; 2) discuss lessons that can be gleaned about the leadership style of Jesus; and 3) draw conclusions about what this means for the practice of leadership. Specific examples will be presented and discussed to illustrate the potential that servant leadership holds for today’s church and society.
6-07 The Land of Jesus: A Spiritual Pilgrimage
This workshop is especially intended for all those who have desired to walk with Jesus in his own land, but have never been able to visit the Holy Land. The presentation includes musical accompaniment of singer/composer Pedro Rubalcava, as well as visual meditations on holy sites such as the Cave of the Annunciation, Bethlehem, the desert and the Sea of Galilee, and Jerusalem.
Rev. Dr. Virgilio Elizondo
Fr./Dr. Virgilio Elizondo is widely acclaimed as the founder of U.S. Latino theology. In 1972, he established the Mexican-American Cultural Center. Fr. Elizondo has lectured and taught throughout the Western hemisphere. In 1999, he joined the faculty at the University of Notre Dame as Professor of Pastoral and Hispanic Theology at the Institute for Latino Studies. He continues to commute from his primary residence in San Antonio, where he directs programming initiatives with Catholic Television of San Antonio and serves as vicar of St. Rose of Lima Parish.
Dr. Timothy Matovina
Dr. Timothy Matovina is Professor of Theology and Executive Director of the Institute for Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. He has offered presentations and workshops on U.S. Catholicism and various theological topics for dioceses, pastoral institutes and ministry formation programs throughout the United States. Dr. Matovina is a frequent and popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress in Los Angeles. His latest books are “Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church” and “Virgilio Elizondo: Spiritual Writings.”
6-08 Sacraments as Doors to the Sacred and Rites of Passage
Where do we come from and where are we going? How do we know we are following the right path? Throughout history, people have asked themselves these essential questions. In the celebration of sacraments, God – who becomes present through the Word, sacraments and the gathered assembly – embraces us throughout life’s key stages, which allows us to continue our holy journey. During these times of initiation, maturation, healing, commitment and vocation, sacraments open doors to the Sacred. By engaging visual images and stories of communities worldwide, this workshop explores the relationship between the sacraments and life passage rituals.
Rev. Eduardo C. Fernández, SJ
In addition to teaching classes in missiology and Hispanic theology and ministry at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, both in California, Fr. Eduardo Fernández publishes, gives workshops and retreats, and assists at local parishes. He has also worked in university campus ministry. His latest books are the award-winning “Mexican American Catholics” and “Culture-Senstitive Ministry,” co-authored with Kenneth McGuire, CSP and Anne Hansen.
6-09 The Theological Foundations of Catholic Social Teaching
James Hanvey, SJ
This workshop will explore the way in which Catholic Social Teaching is also grounded theologically in the Doctrine of God and in the doctrine of the Person of Christ and the Holy Spirit. It will explore the ways in which the foundational concepts of Catholic Social Teaching leads to a performative theology in the world which witnesses to the action of God and the coming of the Kingdom.
6-10 The Gift of Cultural Hurricanes: How to Build Bridges that Empower Parents and Transform Catholic Families
Parish leaders live in a cultural hurricane that is washing away bridges of human connection. Dr. Tim Hogan will lay out effective strategies to reinvigorate parish life by creating new connections between parents, children and their parish.
Tim Hogan, PsyD, CIRT, LP
Dr. Tim Hogan is a Catholic clinical psychologist who formerly served as a pediatric psychologist at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan and as a high school teacher and campus minister. He presently is Director of the Grace Counseling Center in Detroit. Dr. Hogan serves as a consultant to the RCL Benziger Family Life Series. In addition to scholarly psychological publications, he has written in the area of spiritual direction, including “How to Find the Help You Need,” a guide to psychotherapy and spiritual direction (co-authored with Dr. Archibald Hart).
6-11 The Mystery of Faith: Its Biblical Foundations
What is “faith”? It is both a gift from God and our free human response. It is both what we believe (doctrines) and our union with the God in whom we trust (relationship). It is not only professed in creeds, but also celebrated in sacraments, expressed in prayer, and applied in life. Ultimately, faith is a mystery. This workshop will explore some of the biblical foundations for these various aspects of Catholic-Christian faith, to help us deepen our own faith-life and bring other people closer to God during this Year of Faith.
Fr. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Just is Director of Biblical Education at the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, Calif. He has taught theology at all three Jesuit schools in California – Loyola Marymount University, the University of San Francisco, and Santa Clara University. Fr. Just travels across the country conducting adult faith formation programs for parishes and dioceses, and leads biblically based days of prayer, parish missions and spiritual retreats. He has created seven audio-lecture programs and maintains a website of Catholic resources.
6-12 Like a River: Liturgy and Catechesis as a Seamless, Flowing Garment
Ritual flows like a river, and we are asked to jump in and be swept away in the experience. Come and explore the ingredients needed to create rituals that draw us in and send us out nourished to be a living witness of the living Christ. Many styles of music will be presented!
Tom Kendzia
A professional liturgical musician for more than 30 years, Tom Kendzia is a well-known composer, arranger, producer, teacher, clinician, author and performer. He has appeared throughout the United States, Canada and Europe at national and diocesan gatherings. Kendzia has 15 collections of liturgical and instrumental music. Currently, he is a Music and Liturgy Consultant for Harcourt Religion Publishers and Music Director at Christ the King Church in Kingston, R.I., where he lives.
6-13 Your Words, O God: Singing the Scriptures in Parishes and Schools
Michael Mangan
Combining words with music brings an added dimension to understanding and internalizing the key messages. Singing the words of Scripture is a powerful way for our parish and school communities to come to know and love key passages. Come along ready to sing and explore the psalms and the words and teachings of Jesus through a range of Michael Mangan’s vibrant, contemporary music.
6-14 Youth in Crisis: A Pastoral Response
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless when our young people are hurting and in crisis. During this session we will describe crisis signs and causes among young people, identify distress signals, and consider possible responses to youth in crisis. We will also look at the three “R’s”: recognition, response, and referral skills.
Robert J. McCarty, DMin
Bob McCarty is Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, which provides resources, training, conferences and leadership for youth ministry internationally. He has been in youth ministry since 1973, serving in parish, school, community and diocesan settings, and still serves as a volunteer in his parish youth ministry and catechetical programs at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Md. McCarty is on the adjunct faculty at a few schools, and his publications include “Thriving in Youth Ministry.”
6-15 Catholic Parents – Keepers of the Promise
Dr. Patricia H. McCormack, IHM
If moms or dads were on trial for being “Catholic parents,” would there be sufficient evidence for a jury to pronounce a verdict of guilty? At their own baptism, parents accepted the call to imitate Christ – the priest, prophet and servant-king. At the baptism of their child, parents promised to be that example within their family. Suppose the prosecutor examined children on how well their parents are fulfilling the vocation of the “first teacher; primary educator” leading children to grow in knowledge, love and service of God? Would there be sufficient evidence to be found guilty as charged? This session will provide positive, proactive support for parents and catechists.
6-16 Enter the Mystery – Is the Mystery Someone?
Megan McKenna
We are baptized into the mystery of Christ and we live no longer for ourselves alone, but live hidden with Christ in God! This mystery is ever-expanding and deepening – demanding and inviting us to a life of grace, of freedom and communion with all. Our hearts speak this mystery and our glance seeks it always. The Mystery is our meaning and hope. Come, listen, respond and become what we have been created to be. Embrace the mystery with courage.
6-17 Themes in Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue
In the context of the Year of Faith, this session will look at ecumenical dialogue and interfaith relationships from a British Catholic perspective, and will examine key deployments and challenges for the future of dialogue in an increasingly multicultural and secular society.
Bishop Malcolm McMahon, OP
Rt. Rev. Malcolm McMahon has served as Bishop for the Diocese of Nottingham, England, since 2000. The London-born former provincial for the English Dominican Province has served in a variety of pastoral and academic posts. Bishop McMahon is Chair of the Department for Catholic Education and Formation of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. He is also a member of Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission and contributed to its recent Agreed Statement.
6-18 How to Reach Young Adults: Reclaiming the “Lost” Generation
Catholic communities often lament the graying population. But when it comes to effectively reaching young adults (18-35 years), we sometimes are at a loss. Come benefit from David O’Brien’s extensive experience working successfully in young adult ministries including catechesis, evangelization, social justice and intentional young adult living communities. Perfect for young adults and those with a heart for young adults.
David M. O’Brien
David O’Brien served as Director of Adult Faith Formation and Lay Ministry for the Archdiocese of Mobile, Ala. He also taught as an adjunct faculty member at nearby Spring Hill College. Currently, O’Brien is a graduate fellow at the Kroc Institute for Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Along with being a popular Lenten Mission presenter, O’Brien speaks nationally at conferences and parishes and is a member of the Loyola Press “New Generation of Catechetical Leaders” speaker cohort.
6-19 My Parish is Becoming Hispanic: Suggestions to Organize Effective Hispanic Ministry in Your Community
Dr. Hosffman Ospino
Nearly 30 percent of all parishes in the United States offer services in Spanish, and the number will likely grow during the next few years. Ministers in parishes are increasingly asked to serve Hispanic Catholics both in English and Spanish. Many don’t know where to begin; others already began and would like to improve. This workshop does not offer magic formulas (there are none!), yet it offers some good insights learned from conversations in various parts of the country. Together, we will explore some basic ideas that can make Hispanic ministry a life-giving experience.
Hosffman Ospino, PhD
Dr. Hosffman Ospino is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. Dr. Ospino has lectured and presented to academic, pastoral and catechetical audiences in the United States, Europe and Latin America. His most recent book is entitled, “Peter’s Catechism: Who Do You Say That I Am? Why Did You Doubt? Do You Love Me?”
6-20 Introduction to the Second Vatican Council
This session will look at the historical context of the Second Vatican Council, the previous councils that provided the background for it, the main themes of the Council, and some ways in which it can be interpreted.
Fr. Michael B. Raschko
A priest of the Seattle Archdiocese, Fr. Michael Raschko is the Bertch Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Seattle University, where he has taught for 27 years. He also serves as a weekend assistant at Holy Rosary Parish in Seattle, and has presented to adult education classes in various parishes various groups throughout the Seattle Archdiocese and region. Fr. Raschko is a published author; his most recent book is entitled, “To Hunger for God: A Christian Understanding of Human Nature.”
6-21 The Three Pillars of Catholicism
Thomas J. Reese, SJ
This session will argue that the three pillars of Catholicism are Scripture, the Sacraments, and Charity. Personal and group reflection and prayer with the Scriptures is essential for an adult Catholic. This is where we learn about God and his plan for us. We meet and fall in love with Jesus. The sacraments, especially the Eucharist, are our response to the Scriptures. In the Eucharist, we give praise and thanks to God and become transformed into Christ’s body active in the world today. From the Eucharist, we go forth to build the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice and love.
6-22 Spirituality and the Different Stages of Our Lives: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
There are deeper levels of maturity, deeper levels of discipleship, and ever-deeper things to which we are called to by Jesus. The challenges Jesus lays out in Scripture speak to us in different ways at different times in our lives. The classical mystics distinguished three separate phases to Christian discipleship: 1) the struggle to get our lives together; 2) the struggle to give our lives away; and 3) the struggle to give our deaths away. This session will attempt to layout an overview of spirituality as it is seen in the classical Christian mystics.
6-23 The Innovative Religion Teacher: Contemporary Methodologies for the 21st-century Classroom
Ailís Travers and Elaine Mahon
We will explore a variety of methodologies that can help bring life to faith and faith to life for students. Included will be practical ideas to make greater use of digital technologies to enhance student learning and engagement.
6-24 Joyful, Holy Encounters
Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God. Each time we interact with another, we encounter mystery – it’s like touching the robe of God. As we companion with one another, we open each other to experience our God. What a joyful journey! It’s not enough for us to just sit around and wait; the only thing that will happen is we will get older. So we’ll explore the mystery in our connections with one another and find the joy, laughter and smiles that make each moment count.
Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
Dr. Anne Smollin, a Sister of St. Joseph, is a therapist, group facilitator, lecturer and consultant, and currently, Executive Director of Counseling for Laity based in Albany, N.Y. The former elementary schoolteacher and guidance counselor was on the adjunct faculty at several colleges. She lectures internationally and nationally on humor, joy, laughter, stress, communication and relationships, speaking to religious communities, conventions and businesses. Sr. Smollin has authored five books, including her most recent, “Making Each Moment Count.”
6-25 Improving Our Skills for Choirs and Cantors
Christopher Walker
How we sing in church is more important than what we sing! The music skills and spiritual focus of a cantor or choir member can encourage people in their spiritual experience of the Mass. Come and explore the ways this can happen.
6-26 Where There Is Ruin, There May Be Treasure: Recovery from Alcoholism 101
The deadly results of alcoholism and addiction spill over from individuals into families and our greater society. Recovery takes willingness, grace, hope and a lot of footwork. In this session, Fr. Thomas Weston will present some of the problems of the disease, and then share experiences, strength and hope to help people get out of the misery. He will focus on the 12 Steps of Recovery, and the power and joy of the recovering community.
Fr. Thomas Weston, SJ
Fr. Tom Weston is a Jesuit priest and Superior of the Jesuit Community of Oakland, Calif. He has taught history and theology at Loyola High School in Los Angeles and English to young adults and teachers in China, Thailand and Vietnam. Fr. Weston is a lifelong enthusiast of reading, an amateur historian and a lover of adult education. He has been a conference and education speaker for over 30 years – and working with alcoholics and addicts since 1976 – he is a leader of retreats for people in recovery from addiction.
6-27 Pope Benedict’s New Evangelization: Practical Applications for the Catechist and Catechetical Leader
Dr. Joseph D. White
What is the New Evangelization, and why is it necessary? How can the New Evangelization energize and animate catechetical ministry? How do we involve children and youth in evangelization? This workshop will discuss the primary themes and characteristics of the New Evangelization and how catechists can share it with their learners.
Joseph Nguyễn Công Đoan, SJ
Bốn sách Tin Mừng và các văn bản khác của Tân Ước nói với chúng ta về Chúa Giêsu Kitô như là màu nhiệm Tình Yếu của Thiên Chúa đối với chúng ta. Các tác giả Sách Tân Ước đều sử dụng rộng rãi và sâu sắc cả ba phần của Cựu Ước: “Sách Luật Môsê, các ngôn sứ và các thánh vịnh” (Lc 24,44). Chính Chúa Giêsu đã trao chìa khóa đó cho các môn đệ. Chúa cũng đề nghị các đối thủ của Ngài dùng chìa khóa này để hiểu Ngài, nhưng họ không chịu (x. Lc 6,2). Còn chúng ta?
Old Testament: The Key to Enter the Mystery of Jesus Christ
Joseph Doan Công Nguyen, SJ
The Gospel and other writings of the New Testament tell us about Jesus Christ as the mystery of God’s love for us. All the writers made an extensive and intensive use of the key Jesus himself handed over to them: “The Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms” (Lk 24:44). Jesus offered this key to his foes too (Lk 6:2), but they did not want to make use of it. How about us?
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