Religious Education Congress
Anaheim Convention Center
February 21, 2013 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Over the past years the greatest concern expressed by coordinators attending Youth Day is that often participants are unable to get into the Arena for events or workshops – even if they are holding tickets. Starting with Youth Day 2013 we will be running two separate tracks that allows everyone to experience an Arena rally, an Arena workshop, and an Arena liturgy. Everyone will experience the same Arena workshop speaker, and your group then gets to choose a speaker for your other workshop.
Religious Education Congress
Anaheim Convention Center
February 21, 2013 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
God calls each of us to link our lives with Him as we face the struggles and challenges of our days. Through the waters of baptism and the strength of Eucharist, we are given the necessary tools to stand fi rm in our faith. “Put on the armor provided by God, so that you are able to stand firm against the power of darkness,” says Ephesians 6:7. This fun and interactive workshop will help you to say “Yes,
My Lord” to the call to be faithful disciples.
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, currently serves as Director of Campus Ministry and Development Director for St. Augustine High School in New Orleans. He is also Director of Knight Time Ministries and Chief Editor for Two Knights Publishing Co. Fr. Ricard is a native of New Orleans and a former public school teacher. He has authored many books and has given keynote addresses, retreats, revivals and youth talks across the nation and has preached in 20 countries.
What does it mean to be a “Child of God”? How are we supposed to treat one another, especially those who are “different” from us? Is God speaking to us through others? How are we called to love ourselves? These and other questions will be explored during this workshop.
Ansel J. Augustine, MPS
Ansel Augustine is Associate Director and Coordinator of Black Youth and Young Adult Ministry for Catholic Youth Organization’s Office of the New Orleans Archdiocese. He is on the faculty at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana, where he also works with Campus Ministry. Augustine has published several articles related to ministry and has keynoted and presented workshops at youth rallies and conferences around the country, including as MC at the National Black Catholic Congress XI.
Is there a grudge that you are holding on to? Have you been betrayed, hurt or abandoned and still feel angry about the situation? Or have you done something to God, yourself or someone else that you just can’t forgive yourself for? Come learn the healing power of forgiveness and sing, pray, laugh with Jackie Francois.
Jackie Francois
Jackie Francois is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, speaker and youth minister from Placentia, Calif. In 2006, she served as Youth Minister for Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Ventura; a year later she returned to Placentia to begin full-time music ministry at retreats and youth conferences. Francois has performed at many major Catholic and interfaith events including World Youth Day 2000 in Rome. She is currently a host for Spirit and song’s “The Commons” webcast and their Perfect Playlist Podcasts.
Wouldn’t it be great to hear God speak? Who to date? What to do with my future? How to be an instrument of God in this world? But God does speak! He is talking! Come join Fr. Rob Galea as we discover how to recognize God’s voice.
Fr. Rob Galea
Singer/songwriter Fr. Rob Galea serves in Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. In addition to his series of recordings and four CD releases, he has also written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences. Fr. Galea is co-founder of the youth program “Stronger,” and has appeared on several TV and radio shows in Malta, Canada and Australia and at the past two World Youth Days.
Are you tired of hearing: “You get out of Mass whatever you put into Mass”? Really? Well, what can we do, on a weekly basis, to get more out of Mass? Every time we participate at Mass, we prepare to go on a journey. We are formed and transformed. Want to know what to do to experience transformation? Through prayer, Scripture, storytelling, song and movement, ValLimar Jansen will invite us to explore various ways to make the most of Mass and to go forth to love and serve the Lord. We are ready to Enter the Mystery.
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen serves the Church as a composer, singer, storyteller, inspirational speaker and evangelizer. She has served as a college/university professor, a leader of worship and prayer, and a workshop presenter at conferences across the United States and abroad. Jansen won UNITY Awards for her solo albums “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” and she and her husband, Frank, performed at the Loreto/Angora International Papal Event in Italy. Her latest CD is entitled “Give God The Glory” and her book is expected to be released at the 2013 L.A. Congress.
There are so many people who look in the mirror every day and think that they have nothing to offer. What they don’t realize is that they have a unique gift from God that can change lives and set the world on fire! Come join Paul J. Kim for a workshop filled with live beatboxing music, comedy and a powerful message that will kick-start your life!
Paul J. Kim
Paul Kim has been a professional speaker, musician and recording artist for the past five years. He has performed at Catholic Underground across the country and England, and has been the keynote speaker at diocesan youth events. The former youth minister has worked in the New York Archdiocese and the Diocese of Orange, Calif., where he now works as a marriage and family therapist intern. As a recording artist, Kim has released two albums: “Run Fly Fall” in 2010, and his second album was released in 2012.
“Trust, huh, what is it good for? Absolutely everything!” Come laugh and learn as we delve into what it means to trust not only God but everyone else who isn’t the Big Guy.
Judy McDonald
Judy McDonald has been a professional comedienne for the past 18 years. She formerly served as a Youth Minister for the San Diego Diocese and as a Residential Minister at the University of San Diego. For the past seven years McDonald has been in full-time traveling ministry, with shows for military bases in Germany, Italy and Belgium. She is in great demand at parishes and conferences across the United States
Tony Melendez will share how music, faith and a desire to achieve can help to overcome some of the toughest of struggles. He will amaze you with his God-given gift of toe-picking the guitar, and you’ll be moved by his inspiring story of perseverance and faith. Since 1987, when Melendez was commissioned by Pope John Paul II to be hope to the world, he has performed in 42 countries and all 50 states, making countless TV appearances, including on “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” among many others. You’ll laugh, cry and pray as Tony, with his band of experienced musicians – The Toe Jam Band – sings and shares from his heart. Come be embraced by an armless gift of hope!
Tony Melendez
Tony Melendez was born without arms as a result of his mother taking the prescription drug Thalidimide. He learned to do almost everything with his feet and taught himself how to play the guitar. In 1987, Melendez performed for Pope John Paul II during his visit to Los Angeles. Today, Melendez is known around the world for playing the guitar with his feet. He has performed at the last nine World Youth Day conferences, hosting pilgrim groups from the United States for the past five years. He has recorded five albums, and has won numerous awards.
It’s easy to mistake popularity for leadership. People count how many followers they have on Twitter or friends they have on Facebook, but let’s take another look at what it means to stand out from the crowd and lead in our own way.
Mike Patin
“Faith horticulturist” Mike Patin has worked in youth ministry since 1984, spending six years as a high school teacher and coach before working for the CYO/Youth Ministry Office for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He has also been on the adjunct faculty at the Notre Dame School of Theology Seminary in New Orleans. Since 2003, Patin has been speaking full time to young people and adults. His latest book is “This Was Not in the Brochure: Lessons from Work, Ministry and Life.”
What our friends think of us matters. We all seek the affirmation and respect of our peers. In this workshop, participants will reflect on the positive and negative effect our peers can have on our decision-making and happiness. It will offer concrete strategies for dealing with peer pressure from a uniquely Catholic perspective.
Bob Perron
With his comic blend of standup and storytelling, Bob Perron has been involved in ministry to young people and adults since 1984. He is currently Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston in Charleston, West Virginia. For over a decade Perron has been a workshop presenter at national youth events, including the National Catholic Youth Conference and the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, and has spoken at over 100 parishes and dioceses across the United States and Canada.
Using the Letters to the Philippians as a backdrop, and the movie, “Brave,” as a frame of reference, this session will include music and skits involving youth attendees and group leaders, acting out the parables consistent with the attitudes of the “servant.” This session will explore the use of the Pax Christi process of Scripture, prayer and action for reflection and change of attitude to be that of a servant
to others.Fr. Chris Ponnet
Born and raised at St. Luke’s in Temple City, Calif., Fr. Chris Ponnet was ordained a priest for the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1983, during the AIDS pandemic, and has been involved for over 25 years as Director of the Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry. He also serves as Pastor of St. Camillus Center for Spiritual Care. Fr. Ponnet has spoken about consistent life ethics and the death penalty at the Pax Christi Peace and Justice Conferences and at meetings around the county and local congregations. He has spoken at HIV/AIDS conferences
to youth and adults and at the RECongress as well as the regional L.A. congresses.T - MUSIC: THE VOICE OF MY HEART
Music is such an important part of your life. Discover ways it can help you grow, make decisions, and even pray! Listen to what God is trying to say to you through your music. Watch what will happen the next time you put on your headphones. Be prepared for a great workshop using the music you listen to everyday! Arrive happy!
Anna Scally
Anna Scally is President of Cornerstone Media, where she is a columnist for their Top Music Countdown and host of their audio show, “Burning Issues.” She has received the National Youth Ministry Performer, Artist and Author of the Year awards from the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry. Scally has made over 2,300 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days, as well as major conferences for religious educators in North America.
Sex is God’s idea. God’s design. But God did create sex with boundaries, to protect us and our future marriage. God wants sex to be the best it could possibly be! But after the “free love” generation of the ’60s, today’s students are facing an epidemic of sex-related problems – date rape, sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy. “Free love” was anything but free! In this workshop, Pam Stenzel combines her personal story and extensive pregnancy counseling experience into a hard-hitting look at the consequences of sex outside of the sacrament of marriage and how chastity can be practiced and lived.
Pam Stenzel
Pam Stenzel has traveled worldwide, speaking about the issues of sexuality, the importance of abstinence, and the physical and emotional consequences of sex outside of marriage. She is Director of Enlightenment Communications and previously was on the “front lines” as Director of Alpha Women’s Center, a counseling center for women undergoing crisis pregnancies. Stenzel has appeared on numerous national TV and radio programs, and her books include “Who’s in Your Social Network” and “Nobody Told Me.”
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