2013 RECongress Period 8
Religious Education Congress
Sunday, February 24, 2013
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
8-01 Weaving the Tapestry of Life and Liturgy and Liturgy and Life
Dr. Mary Amore
In what ways can the celebration of the sacraments deepen the faith experience of the gathered community? This presentation will offer catechetical leaders practical ways of weaving the sacramental life of the church into the very fabric of our daily lives.
8-02 From “The” Church to “My” Church: Growing in Discipleship
Rev. Lawrence Christian
The objective of Christian stewardship is to create deeper and more lasting discipleship. This presentation will look at growing the participation in parish life in a way that changes our way of viewing Church from “the” church to “my” church.
8-03 A New Religious Agenda: Less Talk About Church; More Talk About Faith
Rev. John C. Cusick
An increasing number of younger people see little value in religion and church – “I am a spiritual person, but not religious.” Have you heard that? Many of them have more basic issues: searching for faith. This workshop will address their basic issues and answer some of their questions with the insights, values and practices found in our religious tradition.
8-04 New Approaches with the New Evangelization: “We’ll Work With You” Rather Than “You Can’t Come In Until You Do”
To minister to the mystery of evangelization, we must use the “taking people where they are” approach as the starting point rather than beginning with “where we think they should be.” Especially in this year of New Evangelization, we need to re-propose that “we’ll work with you” approach of Christ as pivotal in raising people’s capacity to experience God for themselves. We need to minister like Jesus, evangelizing to what is happening today and not yesterday. Fr. Ken Deasy will lead us in the way to initiate a re-thinking of the importance of Christ and how we, as the Church community, must be there for one another.
Fr. Ken Deasy
Fr. Ken Deasy is presently Consultant to the Los Angeles Archdiocese’s Mission Office and Coordinator for the Holy Childhood Association, part of the Vatican’s Office for the Propagation of the Faith. He previously served as Pastor of St. Agatha’s Parish in Los Angeles. Fr. Deasy was a script advisor for the movie “Bruce Almighty” and served as mentor/advisor for ABC’s “Nothing Sacred.” Recently, he was co-hosting with Rabbi Jerry Cutler a radio movie-review program, “Review from the Pew.”
8-05 Evangelization and Catechesis
Frank P. DeSiano, CSP
This presentation explores how ideas of evangelization can sharpen and clarify the purpose of catechesis, and how Catholics can understand themes of conversion. Developing both personal and cultural modes of conversion, this session will situate catechesis and family evangelization in the wider objectives of pastoral life today.
8-06 Enter “The Mystery of Faith” that will usher in the Reign of God and get us all the glory!
Rev. Msgr. Raymond G. East & Sr./Dr. Oralisa Martin
Using the “Indicators of Vitality” introduced by Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington, D.C., this workshop provides concrete ways to develop a dynamic evangelization that catechizes and a catechesis that evangelizes. The indicators of vitality are: worship, formation (catechesis/faith formation), community, service, and administration (accountability).
8-07 Preparing Youth for Confirmation: Signed, Sealed and Delivered as Young Disciples
Tom East
How can our preparation for confirmation make this the beginning of renewed discipleship? This workshop will explore a vision for confirmation that is rooted in the best practices of comprehensive youth ministry and dynamic adolescent catechesis. This will include exploring methods for connecting with families, involving the parish community, selecting resources, and providing follow-through for confirmed youth.
8-08 Understanding Salvation in Contemporary Times
Barbara Fiand, SND de N
The Good News of our Gospels centers on an invitation and encounter – a “come and see.” There seems to have been little need for screening, no security checks, no systemic outsiders. The emphasis was on a vision and an experience of inclusion, of sharing, of fellowship, of love. The multitudes were fed and simple faith and trust opened up to healing and forgiveness. “Today, you shall be with me in paradise”; “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”; “Your faith has made you whole”: How can we understand this message today?
8-09 Drama and Sacramental Preparation: A Doorway to the Mystery
Anne Frawley-Mangan
Anne Frawley-Mangan invites you to join her in discovering ways of using drama to enhance religious education, with a particular focus on sacramental preparation. In this fun and interactive workshop, you will learn skills and techniques that will help you discover ways that drama enables children to gently enter into the mystery. Come prepared to move, play and enjoy!
8-10 RCIA: What Happens After the Easter Vigil?
Dr. Jerry Galipeau
This workshop will explore ways to minimize the “drop-out” rate of the newly initiated. We will focus on practical ways to involve catechumens and candidates in parish life long before their initiation, as well as explore strategies for an effective Mystagogy.
8-11 Jesus the Mystic: The Future of Mature Christian Spirituality
Richard F. Groves
“The Christian of the future will be a mystic or will not be at all,” prophesies Karl Rahner. The great spiritual teachers across religious traditions agree that Jesus was the ultimate mystic who led people to trust their own experience of the divine. Today’s prophetic voices tell us that the credibility of institutional Christianity depends on how we translate these mystical lessons for our times. This workshop will explore both the inspirational and challenging essence of mature spirituality as lived by Meister Eckhart, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Come and experience why Jesus the Mystic is key for personal healing and enlightenment.
8-12 I Am Convinced: God, the Truth and You
Darrell Hall
Christianity has intellectually satisfying answers to the questions of meaning, morality and existence, but any apologetic that does not flow from Jesus’ life, death and resurrection is ultimately a bankrupt apologetic. This is why we have hope. But how do we present this hope to our youth? They need to know and understand why they believe in Jesus so they can share that hope with others. This presentation will cover: the historical and theological evidence for who Jesus is; why the Incarnation, the death and resurrection of Jesus defy human logic, but make perfect sense; the answer to the question of why there is suffering and evil; and the two religions in the world – Christianity and everything else.
8-13 Cultivating Healthy Sexuality with Children
Tim Hogan, PsyD, CIRT, LP
Today’s lightning-fast social and cultural changes intensify the age-old challenge of cultivating healthy sexuality with children. This presentation will help us to skillfully identify and overcome the key barriers to teaching our children about sexuality in a way that is creative, passionate, informed and rooted in the insights of a thoroughly Christ-centered spirituality.
8-14 Mystery Unfolding Along the Way: Adult Faith Formation
The mystery unfolds along the way – confusion, humility and hospitality are essential to adult faith growth, and they lead us to authentic living and real discipleship. This workshop offers leaders some ways to reflect on their own journey and provides helpful direction to encourage adults along the way.
Dr. Michael P. Horan
Dr. Michael Horan is Chair of the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he is Professor of Religious Education and Pastoral Theology. He has ministered to youth and young adults in high schools and college campuses in New York and Washington, D.C. Dr. Horan is author of many essays on religious education, including contributing to RCL’s religious education series “Blest Are We” and two works on the General Directory for Catechesis.
8-15 Motivator, Model, Minister: Catechist, Who Do You Say You Are?
Dr. Saundra Kennedy
As Jesus asked the Apostles, “Who do you say that I am?” he also asks the same of us. Who do we say that Jesus is? And, the question we must ask of ourselves: Who do we say that we are as his disciples? The way we answer that question helps define who we are as believers, as Christians, as evangelizers, as people of faith. It determines how we identify ourselves as teachers and as catechists. In this session, the role of catechist as motivator, role model and minister will be discussed in light of Jesus’ call to catechetical ministry.
8-16 A Rabbi Reads the Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Matthew is a scriptural text written by a Jewish writer largely for a Jewish audience. In this session, Rabbi Michael Mayersohn will teach highlights of the Gospel from a Jewish perspective, showing how both Matthew and Jesus rely on Jewish teachings and Scripture in their teaching. Rabbi Mayersohn believes it is time for Jews and Judaism to look at Jesus’ teachings anew and see how rooted they are in Judaism. He will explore those Jewish roots in this workshop.
Rabbi Michael Mayersohn
Rabbi Michael Mayersohn is a Reform Rabbi devoted to teaching Christians the Jewish background and context of the life and ministry of Jesus. He has spoken and taught as a rabbi since 1979 and teaches the Bible, both Hebrew and New Testament, offering Jewish insights into Sacred Scriptures. Rabbi Mayersohn is committed to interfaith cooperation and learning. Since 2003, he has spoken at churches in Southern California and Arizona teaching Jewish roots of Christianity and Bible Studies. His recent publication is titled,“Are We Sinners?”
8-17 Parish Youth Ministry: A New Map for a Changing Territory!
Robert J. McCarty
In these challenging times, parish youth ministry is moving beyond religious education and youth group models. “It takes a whole Church to raise a child” and requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach. This workshop will provide a renewed vision for youth ministry, components for a new ministry map, a viable leadership structure, and practical programmatic approaches.
8-18 “Now Get Out of Here”: Lay People’s Role in the Church
David M. O’Brien
Tens of thousands of lay people serve the Catholic community as teachers, catechists, youth ministers, musicians and lay ministers. Still, we struggle to find our place in an institution that is structured around the ordained and those in recognized religious communities. Is there a place for us? What is it? Come be renewed and inspired to embrace your calling as a lay person in ministry, as well as a missionary in your everyday life. Come remember why this is the best thing you could be doing with your life.
8-19 Ministry to the Ministers
We who spend our time and energy ministering to people are often not very good about attending to our own spiritual needs. In the midst of these busy Congress days, come spend some time feeding your soul with music and prayerful reflection. Let God embrace you with grace and consolation so that we can continue our ministry grounded in our own life of the spirit.
Dan Schutte
A founding member of the St. Louis Jesuits, Dan Schutte has continued to compose music for personal prayer and communal worship for over 40 years. With more than 10 solo recordings to his credit, he travels extensively offering concerts and workshops on prayer and liturgy to parish communities. He is currently Composer-In-Residence at the University of San Francisco. His latest offerings include a book, “Walking the Sacred Path,” and a two-CD set to accompany the book of prayer.
8-20 The Traumatized Word: Were Some of the Writers of Scripture Traumatized?
Dr. Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Much of the Bible was written and edited under the conditions of violent conquest of Israelite peoples. Siege warfare, destruction of villages, death and flight are spoken of with painful frequency. Are there significant signs that the biblical writers themselves were traumatized by these events? Given what we now know about trauma and the impact on the human spirit (both mental and physical), what are the implications of recent work being done by scholars on “trauma” in ancient Scriptures?
8-21 Little Things Mean a Lot
Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, PhD
“Big doesn’t necessarily mean better. Sunflowers aren’t better than violets,” noted American novelist Edna Ferber. It’s in those few precious moments when we relax with another and give the gift of our presence that God gifts us with something yet undiscovered. Bringing the gift of joy to our encounters benefits both us and the other. A simple simile, a hardy laugh – such blessings can open us to our God of abundance.
8-22 Make Sure Your Students Never Have to Say “Nobody Told Me”
Today’s teens have not been told the whole truth about the consequences of their choices when it comes to sex! The culture hands them a daily dose of sex through music, television, movies, the Internet, social sites and texts, while never showing the devastation that sex outside of marriage leaves behind. Students love Pam Stenzel because she tells it like it is, no holding back, yet speaks the truth in love and in a language they can easily understand. Learn how to effectively communicate the message of chastity with your teens.
Pam Stenzel
Pam Stenzel has traveled worldwide, speaking about the issues of sexuality, the importance of abstinence, and the physical and emotional consequences of sex outside of marriage. She is Director of Enlightenment Communications and previously was on the “front lines” as Director of Alpha Women’s Center, a counseling center for women undergoing crisis pregnancies. Stenzel has appeared on numerous national TV and radio programs, and her books include “Who’s in Your Social Network” and “Nobody Told Me.”
8-23 Enter the Mystery – How to Turn Our Life into an Adventure the Catholic Way
David Wells
In his recent letter Porta Fidei, the Pope calls us to enter through the “door of faith” (Acts 14:27). That door is our life. In this session, we will consider the role that entering plays in a life of faith, and ask ourselves whether we too can stand in the exciting place between leaving and arriving, between baptism and death that we call the threshold. What can we learn from Jesus when he describes himself as “The Gate” (Jn 10:9) and how can our lives, in an imitation of him, become that open gate for others? Come and rediscover how we become an opening for the world in an adventure that is beyond our knowing. Let’s together Enter the Mystery by entering more fully into our lives.
8-24 The Methods and Miseries of the 100 Years’ War
Fr. Thomas Weston, SJ
Religious fanaticism, selfish nationalism, personal greed, political ambition: In the 17th century, Western Europe experienced 100 years of hatred, persecution and systemic violence as Lutheran, Calvinist and Catholic nations battled and struggled for dominance. In this session, we will look at some of the causes and some of the results, and some of the bitter lessons of this period of our history. We will end with a brief presentation on the separation of Church and state, the wisdom of the Second Vatican Council, and of the ecumenical movement.
8-70 Phát triển đức tin của người Việt trẻ trên đất Mỹ
Lê Xuan Hy
Liên hệ giữa giới teen và người lớn tuổi hơn gây nhiều khó khăn, nhất là khi hai giới sống với những giá trị và văn hoá khác nhau. Chúng tôi dựa vào Thánh Kinh, lý thuyết phát triển, khảo cứu, và kinh nghiệm (kể cả thất bại) để bàn tới một số phương pháp cho người trẻ cũng như cho thầy cô, phụ huynh, và cộng đoàn, để giúp tất cả phát triển đức tin.
Faith development of Vietnamese youth in the United States
Hy Xuan Le
Teen/adult relationships in the United States stress both sides, particularly when they operate in different cultures and values. We draw from Scripture, development theories, research findings, and experience (including failures) to suggest a range of strategies for teens, teachers, parents and communities to foster faith development in this challenging environment.
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