2013 RECongress Period 3
Religious Education Congress
Friday, February 22, 2013
3:00 - 4:30 pm
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= Recorded session
3-01 Parish Life Director Track
Bishop Gerald E. Wilkerson, Rev. Richard Vega,
Edward P. Hahnenberg, PhD and Jeffrey S. Siker“Parish Life Director” or “PLD” – When you hear that term, do you wonder what it means? Join us on Friday, February 22 for a full day of workshops, discussions, networking and prayer as we look at this role of the PLD: lay women and men who are given the overall pastoral care of a parish in the absence of a priest pastor. They are an important part of the lay ecclesial ministers serving our Church today. A panel of presenters will inform us of the possibilities in this field and give those of us already serving, challenging input. (Please make sure to also select Sessions 1-01 and 2-01.)
3-02 Service Projects and Mission Trips That Change Lives!
As parents, catechists and ministers, we spend lots of time teaching and sharing faith with our children and teens. It is when we have a chance to put all that learning into action that things begin to click and the light bulb goes on! We “get it” when we have the opportunity to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison. It isn’t just a lesson to learn from the past, but service has the potential still to change us all and to transform the world. This workshop will help you design great service projects and trips that will bring together the learning and the living of the Gospel message for middle and high school youth and their families.
Jane Angha
Jane Angha is a Youth Ministry Services Project Coordinator for the Young Neighbors in Action program of the Center for Ministry Development (CMD) and lives in Neenah, Wis. She worked in parish ministry as a Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry for nearly 20 years. She has spoken at the Green Bay diocesan education congress, parish missions, retreats, faculty meetings and stewardship leadership days. Angha is a contributing author for CMD’s Youth Ministry Access and their Fashioning Faith programs.
3-03 The Bible, the Saints, and the Renewal of the Church
Every period of reform in the Church has been connected with a return to the centrality of sacred Scripture. These ages of renewal have been led by great saints like Benedict, Francis, Dominic, Ignatius of Loyola and Therese of Lisieux. Discover how these saints can point the way for the Church and the New Evangelization today. Reading the Bible as evangelizing Catholics can advance the mission given to the Church by the Second Vatican Council, that “access to sacred Scripture be open wide to the Christian faithful,” and by Pope Benedict, hoping for “the flowering of a new season of greater love for sacred Scripture on the part ... of the People of God.”
Stephen J. Binz
Based in Baton Rouge, La., Stephen Binz is a Catholic biblical scholar and popular speaker. Following graduate biblical studies in Rome and Jerusalem, he has developed Bible studies in the Church for over 25 years. Binz is an award-winning author of more than two dozen books on the Bible, including his “Lectio Divina Bible Study,” “Ancient-Future Bible Study,” “Threshold Bible Study” and the “Conversing with God in Scripture” series.
3-04 The Mystery of Human Dignity Eclipsed
In our factories and fields, hotels and homes, the dignity of the human person has been eclipsed by our lifestyle demands and the huge profits from the sale of persons. How do we evangelize in a way that invites a personal response to injustice? How do we wake up our students and Catholic communities into awareness and move them into action regarding human trafficking? Does the mystery of God’s compassion for trafficked persons become part of our own prayer lives? Some ideas for ways to protect our youth and suggestions for adult catechesis will be presented. This Year of Faith calls us to be images of God’s compassion in our world today.
Sr. Kathleen Bryant, RSC
Sr. Kathleen Bryant, a Religious Sister of Charity, ministers as a retreat facilitator, spiritual director and workshop presenter. The former teacher and missionary now focuses on her interests in spirituality, formation, women’s spiritual development and the abolition of human trafficking. Sr. Bryant has authored numerous articles and books and has presented workshops in Australia, Ireland, Africa and throughout the United States.
3-05 Tell the Good News! Sing the Good News!
Australian Andrew Chinn leads a practical workshop for teachers and catechists on how to use song to teach the mystery of our story, our Scripture, and our sacraments to our children. We all know that children love to sing and to move, but this affinity can be used every day to teach children about our faith, important Scripture and the sacraments. Come and bring the “child within” and walk away with songs and strategies that will make each teaching day more joy-filled for you and the children you teach.
Andrew Chinn
Andrew Chinn worked as a classroom teacher in Catholic elementary schools in Sydney, Australia, for nearly 20 years before moving into full-time music ministry as Director of Butterfly Music. He has visited 900 Catholic elementary schools, has performed in 2,000 concerts and presented at Catholic education conferences in 20 dioceses across Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Chinn has released eight CDs, four DVDs and five picture books that are used widely by teachers and catechists in the faith development of children.
3-06 Catechesis & Family Evangelization
This session presents statistical and anecdotal information to highlight crucial areas of needed family evangelization, and explores how a revision of our catechetical models can further this important but difficult goal. The session will be quite interactive, soliciting the experiences of catechists and pastors.
Frank P. DeSiano, CSP
Ordained in 1972 as a Paulist priest, Fr. Frank DeSiano has served as pastor in downtown New York and Chicago parishes. He has written numerous books and articles on discipleship, spirituality and parish renewal. The nationally known preacher is a frequent speaker at diocesan clergy conferences, catechetical conferences and lay leadership training. In 1994, he was elected President of the Paulist Fathers; he now serves as President of Paulist Evangelization Ministries, based in Washington, D.C.
3-07 Bringing Scripture to Life with Children
Are you in need of some new ideas when approaching Scripture with children? If so, then come to this workshop! We will explore how bringing Scripture to life for children not only can but should be filled with joy and enthusiasm! Focus will be on creative ideas and techniques that can be immediately used in the learning setting with elementary-aged children.
Steven Ellair
Steven Ellair is a Senior Editor and National Presenter with Minnesota-based Saint Mary’s Press. He has been involved in catechetical ministry for 21 years and has served as a parish catechist, youth minister, Catholic schoolteacher, and catechetical consultant for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Ellair has been involved in Catholic publishing for nearly 11 years and continues to write and speak nationally on issues related to catechesis. He has presented at national religious education events for 18 years.
3-08 On Being His Body, Taking Our “AMEN” Seriously
Every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we celebrate not only Christ’s Body, but also our body in him. Contrary to the impression these days, Christianity is meant to be an action-oriented religion. Dogmas and doctrines, while important, were not what Jesus was about. His message was one of social transformation primarily involving our hearts. What does it mean to be Christ’s Body in today’s world? What does it mean to live the vision of Jesus? These are the questions we will explore together.
Barbara Fiand, SND de N
Sr. Barbara Fiand, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, is a consultant who lectures and gives retreats throughout the country and abroad. She previously taught at the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University in Chicago and at The Athenaeum of Ohio. Her primary area of interest is the transformation of consciousness and the inner conversion that this calls us to, as well as the theological challenges that it invites us to embrace. Sr. Fiand has has written nine books and is based in Cincinnati.
3-09 Catholic Education: From and For Faith
Catholic education began on a hillside in Galilee some 2,000 years ago when the Risen Christ commissioned his small community to evangelize and teach all nations. From there emerged the largest and most widespread educational system in human history. It arises from Catholic faith in that the deep convictions of Catholicism provide its foundational principles and normative guidelines. Likewise, it always has the mandate to educate for faith, both Catholic and “catholic.” This session will reflect on what it means to educate both from and for Catholic faith in our time.
Dr. Thomas Groome
Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and Religious Education, and Chair of the Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry Department at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry. The award-winning author has written more than half a dozen books and numerous articles and essays. Dr. Groome has made over 500 public presentations around the world throughout the last 25 years, including all the major North American conferences of religious educators, both Catholic and Protestant. His latest book is “Will There Be Faith.”
3-10 Befriending the Unknown: Spiritual Wisdom for Times of Crisis and Transition
For most people, the greatest source of spiritual suffering occurs during times of “un-asked-for” change. But change offers life’s greatest moments where our greatest potential can emerge. While the soul is an infallible compass that can guide us in times of transition and crisis, most people have not been taught how to trust their own powers of discernment. Changing the way we relate to the unknown – from dread to welcoming – offers peace and spiritual solace no matter how uncertain the circumstances. Don’t be afraid to bring your personal pain to this workshop; witness the healing power that comes from dissolving fear into hope and new possibility.
Richard F. Groves
Richard Groves is an internationally respected teacher of the sacred art of living and dying. He and his late wife, Mary, are co-founders of the Sacred Art of Living Center in Bend, Ore. Groves, who speaks nine languages, has been a chaplain for 30 years and has presented internationally throughout Asia, Europe, Africa and North America. His book, “The American Book of Living and Dying,” has been translated into several languages. His latest work, “Visualize: The Art of Transforming Spiritual Pain,” is to be published in 2013, and he is developing the Anamcara Project.
3-11 Screen Play: Creating Effective Evangelization and Catechesis Through Social Media
Whether it’s your parish Facebook page or your personal Twitter account, we have more technological tools at our disposal than ever before. So why aren’t countless souls flooding our parishes seeking Christ? How does a post translate to more tangible results? This session will unveil some important but often neglected facts about social media usage, offer ideas on how to use it more effectively, and give some quick “dos” and “don’ts” to apply to your next post before you hit “send.”
Mark Hart
Mark Hart serves as Executive Vice President for Life Teen International. He is a best-selling and award-winning author and co-author of over a dozen books. Hart has traveled the globe speaking to millions and is a regular guest on several Catholic radio programs, including a weekly radio spot on Sirius/XM Radio and a weekly podcast for Life Teen. He has a DVD Catholic Bible study titled “T3,” and his publications include “The ‘R’ Father” and “Holier Than Thou.”
3-12 Roman Catholic Rituals – Ever Ancient, Ever New
What do rituals, from centuries ago, offer our technologically advanced world of today? The earth is still holy; how do we honor the place of God’s incarnation? Daily prayer and worship are still vital in receiving God’s grace and giving blessings; do we place importance on praying and worshiping God daily? The seven sacraments still confer grace on the believer; how do we honor the sacraments in our daily lives? Through Scripture, storytelling, prayer, song and movement, ValLimar Jansen encourages us to Enter the Mystery and to explore the spirituality related to priceless Roman Catholic rituals that give meaning, beauty and power to our lives.
ValLimar Jansen
Composer, singer, storyteller, and evangelizer, ValLimar Jansen has served as a college/university professor, a leader of worship and prayer, and a workshop presenter at conferences across the United States and abroad. Jansen won UNITY Awards for her solo albums, and she and her husband, Frank, performed at the Loreto/Angora International Papal Event in Italy. Her latest CD is entitled “Give God The Glory” and her book is expected to be released at the 2013 L.A. Congress.
3-13 Why Pray? Sacraments, Miracles, and Changed Hearts
Prayer does make a difference. There are miracles everywhere! Lives are being changed through our prayer. How do we help this happen? How do we get in the way? Yes, when we pray, God hears us. Yet, prayers are often not answered the way we had hoped. How can we – and the children we love – understand that? In this session, Fr. Joe Kempf will include several unique experiences of prayer, practical suggestions for helping ourselves and our children, and lots to think and pray about!
Fr. Joe Kempf
Fr. Joe Kempf, Pastor of Assumption Parish in O’Fallon, Mo., is founder and President of Gospel Values. He is a well-known speaker at religious education gatherings from Los Angeles to Chicago, and from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Along with four volumes of “Big Al LIVE” DVDs, he is author of numerous books, including “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair,” “ ‘My Sister is Annoying...’ And Other Prayers for Children,” and “Don’t Drink the Holy Water.”
3-14 Living with the Lord’s Prayer
Dr. Josephine Lombardi will lead us through each petition of the Lord’s Prayer (The Our Father) and show how our salvation is connected to the fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer in our lives and in all of creation. A brief introduction to the Lord’s Prayer is followed by a presentation on how it can be a powerful guide for daily living. An ideal workshop for the Year of Faith, where we are called to retrieve the deeper meaning of our Church’s spiritual treasures. Handouts will be given with suggestions on how to start a study group on the Lord’s Prayer in your school or parish with activities and recommended resources.
Josephine Lombardi, PhD
Dr. Josephine Lombardi is presently Assistant Professor of Pastoral and Systematic Theology, Professor of Field Education, and Director of Lay Formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. An author and retreat leader, she has presented at numerous conferences and has had numerous appointments and pastoral experience in the Diocese of Hamilton and independently. Dr. Lombardi has worked in radio and television and hosts a weekly radio show in Canada called “New Evangelization.” Her book, “On Earth as it is in Heaven,” has been featured on Canada’s cable channel, Salt + Light Television.
3-15 This We Believe: Songs of Faith for the Year of Faith
The songs we sing carry much of the core of our faith tradition. Teachers, catechists and parish music ministers are invited to experience a range of contemporary intergenerational music, featuring songs from Michael Mangan’s newly released collection. This repertoire will especially engage upper-elementary and junior high students along with parish communities. Bring your voice and be ready to use it!
Michael Mangan
Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher and music liturgist from Brisbane, Australia. His 180 songs, psalms and Mass settings are used in parishes and schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Mangan, who is Music Director at All Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane, tours widely each year presenting school concerts, professional development workshops or keynotes at conferences. He is author of “This We Believe: Songs of Faith” and two settings for the Revised Roman Missal: “Mass Jubilee” and “Mass of Celebration”
3-16 Sharing Faith with Young People
In this session, you will laugh and learn about the key, not only to sharing faith with young people, but sharing faith with any age. There are countless ideas at this Congress event about how to share the faith. Let’s take a session to not only learn the “how” and to get in touch with not only the “why,” but most importantly with the “Who.”
Judy McDonald
Judy McDonald has been a professional comedienne for the past 18 years. She formerly served as a Youth Minister for the San Diego Diocese and as a Residential Minister at the University of San Diego. For the past seven years, McDonald has been in full-time traveling ministry, with shows for military bases in Germany, Italy and Belgium. She is in great demand at parishes and conferences across the United States and internationally, including Ireland, Croatia and Scotland.
3-17 Entering the Mystery: Where?
Where are the doorways that beckon us further into the mystery of our lives – the Spirit and the Body of Christ and the Trinity? If the mystery of God is everywhere by the power of the Resurrection, are there places where it’s easier to enter, to encounter, and to engage with this mystery and let it envelop us? Is this mystery a refuge, a strength? Come, let us enter into this place, this presence, this power together as the beloved of our God.
Megan McKenna
Megan McKenna, based in Albuquerque, N.M., travels internationally working with indigenous peoples, parishes, dioceses, religious orders and organizations that are engaged in work for peace, justice and human rights, through the lens of the Scriptures and storytelling. McKenna is the author of 49 books including, “This Will be Remembered of Her,” which was awarded by the Catholic Press Association, and her new book, “Like a Hammer Shattering Rock,” to be released in January 2013. She teachers at a number of universities, colleges and pastoral institutes around the world.
3-18 “All the Families on Earth Shall be Blessed” (Acts 3:25): The Scripture on Parenting
It has never been easy to be a parent. The Bible, though in timeless fashion, continues to have much to say, even in our technologically rich, time-deprived and busy lives as we seek to care for our children. This workshop will unpack some of the key biblical values and instructions that can help us steer a safe course, tackling head-on the many challenges confronting the modern parent.
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen, PhD
Fr. Pat Mullen, a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary and Pastor of Junipero Serra, both in Camarillo, Calif. He is author of “Dining with Pharisees” and “Sacred Scripture,” a high school introduction to the Scriptures out in 2012. Fr. Mullen has spoken yearly at the annual L.A. Congress, as well as regional conferences in San Diego, Las Vegas, Detroit, Reno, Nev., Boise, Idaho, Fresno, Calif., and often speaks to priests of various diocese in the Southwestern United States.
3-19 With Respect to the Paschal Mystery – The Mystery of Passing Over from Death to Life: Are You a Cheerleader or a Participant?
Consciously or unconsciously, most Catholics think of themselves as “cheerleaders for Jesus” when it comes to the Paschal Mystery – the passing over from death to life. One gets the impression that Jesus did the Paschal Mystery for us a really, really long time ago and every year during Holy Week we gather to remember the story and thank him ... again. Ah, but is it possible that with respect to the Paschal Mystery, the passing over from death to life, Jesus went first – and now, today, he invites us in to the mystery with him? What if the Paschal Mystery is “the rhythm of Love,” and to the extent that we have the guts to participate in this mystery, Jesus exquisitely companions us into New Life!
Terry Nelson-Johnson, DMin
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson is the Animator of Faith at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago. From 1980-1999 was a campus minister and theology teacher at Loyola Academy Jesuit High School in Wilmette, Ill. In 2000, he founded SoulPlay, and since then presents 80-90 speaking engagements a year to congregations, families, schools and faculties. Dr. Nelson-Johnson is also author of “Hidden Presence: Twelve Blessings That Transformed Sorrow or Loss.”
3-20 It Begins With a Question … Evangelizing Families
If you fall into the category of those of us who want to motivate families to make their home a place where faith is loved, learned and lived, then join us as we consider how to do just that. Perhaps the answer lies not in trying to find the answer but in trying to ask the right questions. This session will lead us to some practical ideas to inform, form and facilitate transformation in our families.
JoAnn Paradise, DMin
JoAnn Paradise is a National Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. She has served as a catechetical administrator in several parishes for the Pittsburgh Diocese for over 32 years and was most recently Director of Parish Ministerial Life and Spiritual Formation at St. Sebastian Parish. In addition to presenting keynotes and workshops at diocesan conferences throughout the United States and Canada, Paradise has also presented at national conferences, including the National Catholic Educational Association, and the L.A. Congress, among others.
3-21 Spiritual Concerns and Pastoral Practice in the Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics
This workshop will review Church documents with special attention given to the spiritual concerns and pastoral practice in the Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics. Discussion will explore the consistent life ethic and social justice teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other church documents. Focus will be on the lives of Catholics who identify themselves as gay or lesbian, or having homosexual orientation, as well as parents and families of these Catholics that are in our pews, schools or community. Participants will be invited to share their stories in person and reflect on the common question: What would Jesus say and do?
Fr. Chris Ponnet
Born and raised at St. Luke’s in Temple City, Calif., Fr. Chris Ponnet was ordained a priest for the Los Angeles Archdiocese in 1983. He has been Spiritual Director for the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics for many years, as well as the Chaplain/Director of Spiritual Care at Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center for the past 18 years. Fr. Ponnet has spoken on many occasions to gatherings across the county.
3-22 The Role of Religion in the 2012 Election
Religion played a prominent role in the 2012 election. Two Catholics and a Mormon ran in Republican primaries, with Catholics backing the Mormon, and Evangelicals backing the Catholics. The Mormon won and chose a Catholic as his running mate. The bishops launched a “Fortnight of Freedom” and spoke out on abortion, gay marriage, the Department of Health and Human Services’ contraceptive mandate and other issues during the campaign. The “Nuns of the Bus” toured a number of states, highlighting the work of sisters for the poor and criticizing the Paul Ryan budgets for slashing programs for the poor. Who did what, why and how? Did it matter?
Thomas J. Reese, SJ
Fr. Thomas Reese is a Senior Fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. From 1998 to 2005, he was Editor in Chief at America magazine. Fr. Reese has spoken at numerous parishes and universities across the country, including three appearances at the L.A. Congress. His many books include “Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church” and “A Survival Guide for Thinking Catholics,” due out in the fall of 2013.
3-23 Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self
Fr. Richard Rohr uses the title of his last book to lead us on a mining operation. What is the self that Jesus says “must die” and what is the self that must be found? What is wonderful and what is difficult about this search? Why is it so foundational to all healthy religion? How does God work in the soul to achieve the discovery of our own “immortal diamond”?
Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM
Fr. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province, founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, N.M., where he currently lives. He is also founder of The Rohr Institute and its Living School for Action and Contemplation. Fr. Rohr divides his time between local work and preaching/teaching around the world. He has made several audio and video recordings, and is best known for his writings, which include “The Naked Now” and “Everything Belongs.”
3-24 Hanging with the Holy Who Dat! We Have a Bounty on the Devil!
Somehow, the Devil became convinced that he could win in a battle with the Lord. For centuries, he has been trying hard to conquer our lives and win our souls. Well, today we say, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” We are God’s Sanctified Soldiers and ready for our war against evil. “Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the Devil,” says Ephesians 6:11. This interactive and fun workshop will help you to sharpen your Sword of the Spirit. Join “The Holy Who Dat” as he declares we have a bounty out on the Devil because the Devil can’t win!
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard, a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese, currently serves as Director of Campus Ministry and Development Director for St. Augustine High School in New Orleans. He is also Director of Knight Time Ministries and Chief Editor for Two Knights Publishing Co. Fr. Ricard is a native of New Orleans and a former public school teacher. He has authored many books and has given keynote addresses, retreats, revivals and youth talks across the nation and has preached in 20 countries.
3-25 Faith Formation for Every Adult in Your Church – It’s Possible Today!
What would it be like if your church really believed that you could provide faith formation for every adult in your faith community? What new insights and assumptions would you need to adopt? What would a “faith formation for every adult” plan look like? What would it be like if you conceptualized adult faith formation, not as a series of program offerings, but as a faith formation network – in online and physical settings – with a diversity of ways to learn and grow in faith? This session will present a 21st-century model of adult faith formation and a variety of strategies, resources and technologies to bring the model to life in a church.
John Roberto
John Roberto, President of LifelongFaith Associates, is editor of the Lifelong Faith Journal and coordinator of the Faith Formation 2020 Initiative and the Faith Formation Learning Exchange (with Vibrant Faith Ministries). He works as a consultant to churches and national organizations, and gives presentations and workshops in lifelong faith formation across the United States. Roberto previously was founder and Director of the Center for Ministry Development. His latest publication is entitled “Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith.”
3-26 The Curriculum Framework: New Opportunities for High Schools
This workshop will explore some of the theological and educational principles upon which the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for Young People of High School Age” is built. It will also present creative pedagogies, including the use of information technology (IT), through which the Framework Curriculum can be taught to high school students.
Ailís Travers
Ailís Travers is the High School Advisor and Digital Specialist for Veritas publications in Ireland, where she previously served as writer and researcher. She is the conceptual designer of the Credo website, as well as a text consultant and contributing author for the Credo series. Travers has previously taught religion in high schools and at Loreto College in Dublin and was a catechist at her parish. She has presented numerous talks, in-services and workshops throughout Ireland and worldwide.
Elaine Mahon
Elaine Mahon works as a Catechetical Specialist for Veritas in Ireland. She previously worked as a primary school teacher and parish catechist before becoming Diocesan Advisor for Primary Religious Education in the Dublin Archdiocese, where she developed digital resources to supplement the national catechetical program. Mahon also lectures at the post-graduate level in St. Patrick’s College in Dublin, in the area of religious education methodologies, and is a regular speaker at sacramental preparation meetings for parents, parishes and dioceses.
3-27 Are You Communicating? You Cannot Build Relationships Without It!
This workshop will provide the information and skills necessary to create positive relationships between parents and teachers. We know that there are schools and parishes in which everyone feels and acts as if they are family. That spirit is not an accident. It is a mission to which everyone is committed. To develop a Christ-like community takes effort. Char Wenc will empower you with the skills to make this happen at the parish school level and within the parish catechetical community.
Char Wenc, MEd
Professor, parent educator, professional speaker and author, Char Wenc is known internationally. She is a professor at Loyola University and at the Adler School of Professional Psychology, both in Chicago. Wenc is author of “Parenting: Are We Having Fun Yet?” and “Cooperation Learning through Laughter.” She is recipient of a “Those Who Excel in Education” award, and has 30 years teaching experience, 20 years in public speaking and 10 years as a Member of the National Speakers Association.
3-28 From Dei Verbum to Verbum Domini: How Catholics Can Be Transformed by the Word of God
Catholics have clearly rediscovered the Bible in the 50 years since the Second Vatican Council. But how well do Catholics use the Bible? Is there a distinctive Catholic approach to the Bible? How can we benefit from the Bible during this Year of Faith? We must be transformed by the Word of God!
Ronald D. Witherup, SS
A native of western Pennsylvania, Sulpician Fr. Ronald Witherup is currently Superior General of the Society of Saint Sulpice and lives in Paris, France. He formerly was provincial of the U.S. province and a Professor of Scripture and Academic Dean at St. Patrick Seminary in Menlo Park, Calif.. Fr. Witherup is author of “Gold Tested in Fire: A New Pentecost for the Catholic Priesthood,” New Testament Editor of the “Little Rock Catholic Study Bible,” and a contributor to Give Us This Day, as well as author of many other books and articles. He is a popular lecturer and retreat director who has appeared in various events around the world, including the Mid-Atlantic Congress; he last appeared at the L.A. Congress in 2010..
3-70 Phát triển đức tin của người Việt trẻ trên đất Mỹ
Liên hệ giữa giới teen và người lớn tuổi hơn gây nhiều khó khăn, nhất là khi hai giới sống với những giá trị và văn hoá khác nhau. Chúng tôi dựa vào Thánh Kinh, lý thuyết phát triển, khảo cứu, và kinh nghiệm (kể cả thất bại) để bàn tới một số phương pháp cho người trẻ cũng như cho thầy cô, phụ huynh, và cộng đoàn, để giúp tất cả phát triển đức tin.
How Lay People Can Learn Scripture to Live the Liturgy More Deeply
New opportunities give the laity new ways to appreciate Scripture – for personal nourishment and for teaching catechism. Feasible methods for personal and group studies are presented. We apply these simple methods to the understanding of Mass, so that we can live the liturgical life more deeply.
Lê Xuân Hy
Hy Xuan Le, PhDTiến sĩ Lê X. Hy dậy tâm lý và thần học mục vụ, làm giám đốc chương trình Công Giáo Học tại Seattle University. Chương trình Chuyên Viên Fulbright Cao Cấp gửi ông qua phục vụ bên Đất Thánh. Ông giúp thường huấn tại Việt Nam cho Cha Giáo các Đại Chủng Viện, cho Tỉnh Dòng Tên, và cho Liên Hiệp Bề Trên Thượng Cấp. Trong 20 năm qua ông là thành viên của Ủy Ban Giáo Lý Toàn Quốc và trình bày những đề tài về Thánh Kinh và phát triển tâm lý.
Dr. Hy Xuan Le teaches psychology and pastoral theology, directed the Catholic Studies Program, and currently heads the Institute for Human Development at Seattle University. He served as a Fulbright Senior Specialist to Israel. Professor Le conducts workshops and retreats for various groups in the United States and Vietnam, including the Vietnamese Conference of Major Superiors, Vietnamese seminary professors, and several Jesuit provinces. For the past 20 years, he has presented topics on Scripture and human development at Vietnamese American national catechetical conferences.
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