2019 RECongress Period 5
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 23, 2019
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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5-01 Thirsting for Justice: Global Perspectives on Clergy Abuse in the Church
Charles Dickens famously described the French Revolution as the “best of times, the worst of times.” Catholicism too seems to be experiencing a revolutionary moment fueled by the clerical sexual abuse scandals. After the explosion of the sex abuse crisis in 2002 in the United States and the bishops’ response with new policies, things seemed to improve. However, in the next decade, other hotspots around the world exploded. Again, 2019 has “turned up the heat” considerably on the story, this time with an emphasis on bishop accountability. Perhaps what this underscores is that our Catholic story is almost always a mix of the sublime and the outrageous.
John L. Allen Jr.
John Allen Jr. is President and Editor of Crux, an independent Catholic news site in partnership with the Knights of Columbus, De Sales Media and the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He is Senior Vatican Analyst for CNN and a popular speaker both in the United States and abroad. Allen previously served as both Associate Editor for the Boston Globe and Senior Correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter. He is author of 12 best-selling books on Vatican and Catholic affairs and numerous articles. He divides his time between Rome and his home in Denver, Colo.
5-02 CAMPUS MINISTRY TRACK: Rethinking Retreats and Small Groups
Are the retreats and small groups at your college campus ministry site stale, lacking depth and innovation? Are you looking for new ways to revamp your retreats and small groups? This workshop will help you rethink your retreat and small group programs to better serve the spiritual needs of your college students.
Kathryn Diller
Katie Diller is Director of Campus Ministry at St. John Catholic Student Center at her alma mater, Michigan State University, and Coordinator of Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Lansing, Mich. She has led international mission trips and taught for study abroad course for college students and served as National Coordinator for the ESTEEM Leadership Program for four years. She also holds an appointment to the Alliance for Campus Ministry, an advisory body to the Secretariat for Catholic Education within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Fr. Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv
Fr. Michael Martin, a Conventual Franciscan, has served as Director of Duke Catholic Center at Duke University in North Carolina since 2010. A lifelong educator, he has held a variety of teaching, coaching and administrative positions, including campus ministry, school leadership, personnel and facility planning. Fr. Martin has served on a number of boards and commissions and is a presenter on strategic issues facing campus ministry and Catholic schools today. In 2007, he received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal service to the Church from Pope Benedict.
Rosie Chinea Shawver, MDiv
Southern California native Rosie Shawver was at the University of New Mexico before becoming Parish and Faith Community Outreach Liaison for Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, N.M. She is now Director of Campus Ministry at Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center at the University of Southern California. She is on the Board of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and is a consultant for the Secretariat of Education at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Wyndsey Adams will help us to recognize the Imago Dei (the image of God) in those experiencing homelessness, acknowledging it in ourselves, and the powerful consequences of that simple gift.
Wyndsey Justin Tyler Adams
At age 16, Wyndsey Tyler served as a peer counselor and, at 18, started working in an adolescent acute psychiatric program, a vocation which she continued for 20 years. She now works on Skid Row as a Case Manager with Union Rescue Mission in Los Angeles. In ministry work, Adams followed the same call to service as in her professional life, spending time with young women and men held in detention centers. With her husband, Deacon Ryan Adams, they have started a mission that is focused on the needs of children in the Holy Land.
5-04 Faith at the Crossroads: Ministering to Young Adults
Hey, where did they all go? How can pastoral ministers work together to build communities that attract young adults, foster their faith and call forth discipleship? The divide-and-conquer strategy (kids go there, teens go over there, young adults there, grown-ups come here) has not always borne fruit. The Church is in the business of creating disciples. Steve Angrisano will offer principles and practical tools gleaned from his own journeys in ministry, particularly in the areas of how we as staff and volunteers can better facilitate the prayer, catechesis and evangelization of the young adult in our parish family.
Steve Angrisano
Musician, composer and youth minister, Steve Angrisano has made countless appearances from diocesan gatherings to major events around the world. He has been featured at numerous conferences, including seven World Youth Days. Angrisano served as MC for several National Catholic Youth Conferences, the National Pastoral Musicians Conference, and the L.A. Congress & Youth Day. He has shared his music – songs like “Go Make A Difference” and “We Are the Light of the World” – with thousands of people in more than 200 dioceses for nearly 20 years.
How can we dip into the well of refreshment and be freed for our journey of faith and justice? Let’s dance our way to the holy well! Come explore a handful of soul-deepening and enlivening Celtic practices through simple dance prayers. This series of embodied prayer songs was commissioned by Abbey of the Arts to help explore the incarnational aspects of Celtic spirituality. Drink in the practices (such as thresholds, encircling and seasonal cycles) as a wellspring of inspiration and come away with simple dances to help liberate the Body of Christ in your community!
Betsey Beckman, MM
Betsey Beckman is a dancer, teacher, spiritual director, author and founder of The Dancing Word: Embodying the Sacred in Liturgy and Life. Her ministry includes liturgical movement, online prayer resources created with Abbey of the Arts, embodied arts retreats and storytelling pilgrimages to sacred lands. The freelance choreographer presents nationally and has several DVDs. She is also Director of Movement Ministry at her home parish of St. Patrick Church in Seattle.
Laura Ash
Laura Ash is Music Director at St. Patrick Parish in Seattle, where she has supported the ministry of movement for over 20 years. She has presented with Betsey Beckman at a number of RECongress workshops over the last 17 years. Laura, with her husband David, have presented showcases at events of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, have composed and published three collections of liturgical music, and have co-written the music for the social justice musical, “Grace on the Margins.”
5-06 Mars and Venus – Partnering for Justice
Moses cried out to God, “What shall I do?” The Samaritan woman asked Jesus, “How can you, a Jew, ask me, a Samaritan woman?” We respond to God’s invitations in our own unique ways, as men and women called to justice. How do men and women respond differently? What are the masculine and feminine gifts that empower us to form just relationships and be transformed by each other for the work of peace?
Sr. Kathleen Bryant, RSC
Sr. Kathleen Bryant, a Religious Sister of Charity, ministers as a retreat facilitator, spiritual director and workshop presenter. Her special interests are in spirituality, formation, women’s spiritual development and abolition of human trafficking. Sr. Bryant has authored numerous articles and books and presented workshops in Australia, Ireland and Africa as well as throughout the United States.
Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of New Evangelization for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He taught for over a decade at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., and remains an Adjunct Professor at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. Fr. Clarke is also an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles. He is widely traveled with his work and education. His latest book is entitled “Soulful: Spirituality for People on the Go.”
5-07 Feed My Sheep: Ministry Through Song
As a musician and part-time sheep farmer, Ian Callanan has unique insight into the life of the shepherd and the sheep. Christians are the sheep of Jesus. How do we compose/direct/lead liturgical music as a ministry like a shepherd. A good shepherd knows his sheep – as a composer/director we need to know the liturgy and those for whom we are writing/directing. And the sheep listen to the shepherd’s voice – as the choir needs to have confidence in the composer/director and follow them. This workshop will focus on how to build confidence in our ministry, thereby enabling the sheep to listen to God’s voice more closely.
Ian Callanan
Ian Callanan is a composer, arranger and score editor who has presented at many events in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Spain and the United States. His music is sung throughout Europe and heard in many television and radio broadcasts. Callanan is Director of Music Ministry Together, a national liturgical music formation program in Ireland, and also Director of the “Emmanuel” program for the Archdiocese of Dublin and the “Seinn” program for the Archdiocese of Cashel and Emly, and the Diocese of Limerick and Killaloe.
5-08 Harness the Power of Story
Backed by Scripture, neuroscience and research on human motivation, liturgical composer and storyteller Jeanne Cotter explores the power of story to ignite faith, to motivate change in order to align one’s behavior with one’s values and, most urgently, to strengthen personal and communal healing.
Jeanne Cotter
Based in St. Paul, Minn., Jeanne Cotter is a liturgical composer, performer, storyteller and owner of Mythic Rain. She has presented throughout the United States, including the National Association of Pastoral Musicians and was a team member for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Cotter was a presenter at the National Association of Women Business Owners and at the National Speakers Association. A prolific author, her latest titles include “Encounter: From the Heart of Pope Francis.”
5-09 A New Heart: The Healing Grace of Forgiveness
In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus invites us to ask the Father: “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Jesus also reveals this promise: “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions” (Mt 6:12,14-15). We cannot live in peace without reconciliation – the wounds of the past will continue to hurt us. The only way to renew our heart is through forgiveness, and when we wait too long, everything becomes more difficult. This is the time to forgive!
Ivan Diaz
Ivan Diaz is a songwriter, educator and clinician for Oregon Catholic Press. He is also Musical Director at St. Francis de Sales Church in Miami Beach, Fla.; Chorus Director for the National Catholic Youth Conference; and Director of Choral Studies for the Broward County Schools in Florida. Diaz has appeared on EWTN and the Jesus Christ Network. His musical collection “Discipulos Misioneros” was inspired by the Fifth Encuentro in the United States with his piece, “Nuestra Alegria/Our Joy,” chosen as their official song.
5-10 Using Learning Styles to Enliven Religious Education
When different learning styles are understood and addressed, the learning environment can come alive in new ways. Come to this workshop to: 1) explore how to more effectively identify children’s learning styles; 2) understand your learning style and see how it influences how you teach; and 3) identify some steps to create a learning-optimized classroom for everyone!
Steven Ellair
Steven Ellair is a Managing Editor and Content Engagement Specialist for Saint Mary’s Press. He has been involved in catechetical ministry for 27 years and has served as a parish catechist, youth minister, Catholic schoolteacher and archdiocesan educational consultant. Ellair has been involved in Catholic publishing over 14 years and continues to write and speak nationally on issues related to Catholic education and strategies for engaged learning. He has presented at national religious education events for nearly 22 years.
5-11 Must We Forgive? The Difficult Demands of Just Relationships
Forgiveness of those who hurt us is one of the deepest spiritual struggles in life, perhaps second only to forgiving ourselves. How does forgiveness figure into justice? What does it mean to forgive anyway, on both an individual and communal level? How do we go about it? Come explore these questions and more. Then enter deeply into the experience of the Prodigal Son’s mother as she tells the story from her own perspective, illuminating the difficulties and the call to forgiveness in ways you’ve never heard before.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement consultant, and CEO of Corgenius Inc., a company that teaches professionals how to support clients in transition and loss. She has 30 years of parish and conference experience, taught in the graduate ministry department of Loyola University Chicago for 10 years, and has authored over 150 articles and four books. Florian travels the country presenting workshops, training sessions and retreats.
5-12 The Worm at the Core: Terror Management Theory and Christian Discipleship
American philosopher William James once dubbed the knowledge that we must die as “the worm at the core” of one’s human condition. Anxiety about death impacts what we do both consciously and unconsciously, leaving us overwhelmed at times about the knowledge of our ultimate fate. Fr. Richard Fragomeni will offer insights into our fear of death, suggestions for managing the “terror” and help us to realize that the “worm at the core” need not consume us.
Rev. Richard Fragomeni
A priest of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., Fr. Richard Fragomeni is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where he is also Chair of the Department of Word and Worship. He has written widely on liturgy, music, symbolism, the Catechumenate, the Eucharist and liturgies with children, among other subjects. In addition to his teaching and preaching duties, Fr. Fragomeni serves as spiritual director for the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii, an Italian-American parish in Chicago’s Little Italy.
5-13 Integral Ecology: Being Catholics for a Small Planet
The “environment” is the relationship between nature and society. Food, water and soil are the stuff of Catholic sacraments, because our Creator offers us the gifts of nature for our wellbeing and enjoyment. However, we are damaging nature at a scale and pace that is alarming. Laudato Sí, Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, urgently calls us to a Catholic way of being that integrates our faith, lifestyles and politics to protect and restore our planet. In this session, we will share ideas for being green Catholics, in practical ways, starting with simple, daily habits and what we choose to buy.
Paul Hicks
Paul Hicks is Director of Water and Land Restoration for Catholic Relief Services and has been based in El Salvador since 2009. He has nearly 25 years’ experience leading water and agricultural projects in developing countries, including Albania, the Philippines, Afghanistan and Central America. Hicks has presented to groups ranging from the Sustainable Coffee Association of America to the Vatican. He has written on water resource management and is a contributor to Coffeelands, a water management blog in the coffee sector.
Influential hashtag movements – including #MeToo #NeverAgain #blacklivesmatter #womensmarch #bringbackourgirls – have inspired revolutionary responses of solidarity all around the world, uniting humanity in inspirational ways. Centuries ago, St. Ignatius of Loyola offered a revolutionary view that God’s presence could be found in all places and circumstances. How does #hashtagging offer an opportunity to explore today’s largest storytelling space – social media? Here, participants will get a chance to prayerfully engage that space with some of the meditations, prayers and contemplative practices Ignatius outlines in his Spiritual Exercises.
Douglas Leal
Douglas Leal is Vice President of Mission Integration with Providence St. Joseph Health, based in Irvine, Calif. He previously led the Division of Adult Faith Formation for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Leal has also worked as a management consultant and a professional actor and director. He is author of the skill-building book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!” and co-author of the 2017 and 2019 editions of Liturgy Training Publications’ “Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Proclaimers.”
Margaret Matijasevic
Margaret Matijasevic is Executive Director of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, based in Washington, D.C. She previously worked for 14 years in parish and diocesan roles in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, focusing on leadership through collaboration and the utilization of technology to spread the Gospel. She has presented at local, regional and national gatherings, is published in Catechist magazine, writes a column for Catechetical Leader Magazine, and appears in a video series.
5-15 Living the Christian Encounter
Following in the footsteps of Christ presents us with one of the most difficult of his teachings: Teaching by example. This is the role of the catechist. Yet, it is our prayer in community that is essential for this to become a reality.
Tom Kendzia
Tom Kendzia has served as a professional liturgical musician, performer and speaker since 1980. He is currently Liturgy and Music Consultant for Sadlier Religion Publishers and Director of Music at Christ the King Church in Kingston, R.I. A clinician and author, Kendzia has presented at parish workshops/concerts and national diocesan gatherings throughout the United States, Canada, the West Indies, Europe and Asia. The well-known published composer’s music includes “Create In Me,” “Taste and See” and “Like a River.”
5-16 Thirsting for Hope in the Church
Hope can be a challenging virtue. Far from being wishful thinking about a future that is better than the present, it enables us to face the questions that arise from our experiences, even experiences of darkness, and respond to them with confidence that the darkness will not overwhelm us. This workshop presents a theology of hope; it explores the implications of this theology for the life of the Church at a time when clerical sexual abuse has damaged the lives of so many people and imperiled the Church’s witness to Christ.
Fr. Richard Lennan
Fr. Richard Lennan, a priest of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Australia, is currently Professor of Systematic Theology in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College. His research and teaching focus on the theology of church, the theology of ministry and fundamental theology, with a special interest in the work of Karl Rahner. Fr. Lennan is author or editor of seven books. He has also served as President of the Australian Catholic Theological Association.
5-17 The Pastoral Leader as Virtuous Leader
Human formation is just as important as spiritual formation. Cultivating good habits in Catholic leadership is a must. Dr. Josephine Lombardi will examine various virtues with special attention given to the four main human or cardinal virtues: self-control; prudence; justice; and courage (Wisdom 8:7). She will relate the virtues to a variety of pastoral scenarios, encouraging participants to think about their level of self-knowledge and leadership style.
Josephine Lombardi, PhD
Dr. Josephine Lombardi has worked in a variety of ministries and is currently Associate Professor of Pastoral and Systematic Theology, Professor of Field Education, and Director of Lay Formation at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. She is an author and retreat leader who has presented at numerous conferences. Dr. Lombardi has worked in radio and television and been appointed Series Theologian for the new Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ Religious Education program for Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories.
5-18 Your Parish Is the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Community
You’re exhausted from preparing all your Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults sessions (don’t even mention year-round!). You fret about the newly initiated who disappeared right after Easter. And even with announcements and the lure of free food, you still can’t get enough parishioners to help. Stop doing RCIA in a silo and stop trying to get the parish involved in it. The life-changing, surprisingly simple answer is this: Start getting the catechumens and candidates involved in the parish! When you make your parish the curriculum, you will form not only your RCIA group but your entire community into lifelong disciples.
Diana Macalintal
Diana Macalintal is a presenter and co-founder of Team RCIA. She has been keynote at several national gatherings, including the Mid-Atlantic Congress and the Collegeville Conference on Music, Liturgy and the Arts, in addition to her appearances at the L.A. Congress as prayer leader. A former Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif., Macalintal is author of several publications, including “Your Parish IS the Curriculum: RCIA in the Midst of the Community” and the liturgical year resource, “Living Liturgy.”
5-19 Connecting Junior High and High School Students with the Volatile Immigration Issues
Many of the Catholic students in our religious education programs, our Catholic schools and our confirmation programs know fellow students whose families have undocumented family members. There is much confusion about this issue especially the regular threats coming from Washington, D.C. against immigrants. This workshop will offer ideas to help integrate this timely topic into our regular curricula dealing with faith formation and our Gospel outreach.
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony
Cardinal Roger Mahony led the Los Angeles Archdiocese from 1985 until his retirement in 2011. Born in Hollywood, he was the first native “Angelino” to be elevated to the position of Cardinal. Cardinal Mahony oversaw the design and building of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, which was dedicated in 2002, and now serves the total archdiocese of over 5 million Catholics. Since his retirement, Cardinal Mahony has devoted himself to the cause of comprehensive immigration reform on behalf of our immigrant brothers and sisters as well as refugees and displaced persons around the world.
5-20 Being a Listening Church: Engaging Your Community in the National Dialogue
The focus of the Church has been on youth and young adults – the recent Fifth Encuentro focused on young Catholic Hispanics and the October 2019 General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops focused on the theme of “Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment.” A National Dialogue has been called for by the U.S. bishops to respond to both events and continue the process of listening to the young church so that, as ministry leaders, we can transform our ministry practice with young people and invite them to become missionary disciples. Come to this workshop to learn how your parish, school, campus, movement or diocese can participate.
Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale
Louisiana native Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale has been President of Ministry Training Source since 2000. Her recognitions include receiving the 2002 National Youth Ministry Award from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry for contributions nationally to the field of Catholic Youth Ministry. Dr. McCorquodale’s professional career in Catholic youth ministry and lay ecclesial ministry has spanned almost four decades, serving in parish, school, diocesan and university ministry settings.
5-21 “I Started in Genesis, but Died in Leviticus”: Bringing Beginners to the Bible
This session is for those who want to help their students take modern Bible scholarship seriously. It will offer parish Bible catechists ways to assist beginners to jump into successful Bible study.
Fr. J. Patrick Mullen, PhD
Fr. Patrick Mullen, a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, is Professor of Biblical Studies at St. John’s Seminary and Pastor of the neighboring Junipero Serra Church in Camarillo, Calif. He is author of “Dining with Pharisees” and the high school Scriptures introductory, “Sacred Scripture.” Fr. Mullen speaks annually at the Religious Education Congress and to diocesan priests in Phoenix, Utah and seven of the 12 dioceses of California, as well as diocesan conferences throughout the Southwest, Texas, Little Rock and Australia.
5-22 Beyond Conviction: Healing Through Victim Offender Dialogue
“Victim offender dialogue” in crimes of severe violence, including homicide, is perhaps the restorative justice practice that provides the deepest healing opportunity for crime victims, survivors and offenders. In a facilitated process, the victims/survivors voluntarily meet face-to-face with the offender. Many victims and survivors leave with greater understanding and a sense of closure, and many offenders experience a more complete understanding of the harm they have caused. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the dialogue process and hear from a crime victim/survivor whose Catholic faith inspired her to participate in victim offender dialogue.
Suzanne Elaine Neuhaus
Suzanne Neuhaus, a retired parole agent and Victim Services Specialist, now lives in Yorba Linda, Calif., and serves as a consultant in restorative justice. Formerly with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for over 20 years, she served as a trainer for the Department of Corrections, the Office for Victims of Crime, and the California Catholic Conference on Restorative Justice. Neuhaus focuses on bereavement ministry and remains actively involved in youth and adult ministries in her church.
Cheryl Ward-Kaiser
Cheryl Ward-Kaiser was an early supporter of victims-driven restorative justice and is now an advocate. She has spoken on the victim impact of violence for 37 years to women and men in prisons, young people in juvenile hall and students. Ward-Kaiser shares her story of a crisis pregnancy and her family’s encounter with unspeakable violence during a home invasion. Her mantra of restorative justice brought her to victim/offender mediation with three of those offenders.
5-23 “Don’t Bring Home No Graveyard Dirt!” – Living in Peace
After every funeral, my Momma would make us stand outside and stomp our shoes to make sure they were clean. She would say, “Don’t bring home no graveyard dirt!” In Matthew 10:12-14, Jesus says, “As you enter a house, wish it peace. … Whoever will not receive you or listen to your words – go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet.” Disagreeable dust is like graveyard dirt! This workshop will help you recognize the dirt in your lives and discuss ways you can leave it outside. In the name of Jesus, “Don’t bring home no graveyard dirt!”
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv
Fr. Tony Ricard is a priest of the New Orleans Archdiocese who currently serves as Pastor of St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, and Campus Minister and Chair of Theology at St. Augustine High School in New Orleans. He is also an instructor for the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University and Director of Knight Time Ministries. Fr. Ricard is a native of New Orleans and a former public schoolteacher. He has authored many books and has preached addresses, retreats and revivals across the nation and in 22 countries.
5-24 The Primacy of Prayer: Interior Renewal, Outward Impact
You know you’re in trouble when you start cutting corners in your prayer life to fit in more activity at the parish: “I don’t have time for prayer. I’m too busy doing the Lord’s work!” Pope Francis says catechists need to take in the “deep breath of prayer” just like humans need to take in oxygen. Learn how to fit more prayer into a busy schedule and practical ways to give the people you serve something greater than your gifts, talents and wisdom. You can give them more of Jesus radiating through you – but only if you make the interior life of prayer more of a priority.
Dr. Edward Sri
Theologian and author Dr. Edward Sri is an internationally known Catholic speaker. He is a founding leader of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and serves as Vice President of Formation. He is also Professor at the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colo.. and former Vice President of Mission. Dr. Sri has spoken to audiences of laity, catechists, clergy and religious. He is host of the video series, “Symbolon,” and author of the recently released “Rethinking Mary in the New Testaments” and “Into His Likeness.”
5-25 Of Womb and Tomb: Whole-Community Ministry for Families Who Struggle with Infertility, Miscarriage and Stillbirth
The loss of a child before birth is an often forgotten or unseen grief. Through storytelling, pastoral resources and prayer, open our hearts to make space within our communities for families who struggle with infertility, miscarriage and stillbirth.
Kate Williams
Kate Williams is a musician and workshop leader who presents workshops and conferences in the Chicago area as well as nationally. In her role as Senior Managing Editor at GIA Publications, Inc., she is an integral member of the editorial and manuscript teams, cultivating relationships and coordinating projects with composers. Williams also serves as a music minister in parishes around the Chicago Archdiocese, most recently as Director of Music Ministry at St. Nicholas Church in Evanston, Ill.
5-70 Chạnh Ḷng Thương: Hăy là khí cụ của T́nh Yêu và sự Chữa Lành
Sơ Lư Thị Bích Quyền (xem tiểu sử 3-70)
Thiên Chúa tạo dựng con người theo h́nh ảnh Ngài (St 1, 27). Ngài gieo trồng trong mỗi chúng ta hạt giống t́nh yêu và sự tốt lành. Làm thế nào để hạt giống này tiếp tục lớn mạnh và sinh hoa trái dồi dào nơi cuộc sống chúng ta? Sống trong thế giới tràn ngập khổ đau và biến động hôm nay, lời mời gọi trở nên khí cụ của T́nh Yêu và chữa lành càng trở nên khẩn thiết! Nhưng tại sao tôi phải bạn tâm đến khổ đau của người khác? Cả tôi nữa, có thể tôi cũng cần được yêu thương, được chữa lành. Tôi phải bắt đầu từ đâu và bằng cách nào để Tin Mừng trở nên sống động trong cuộc sống của tôi? Đâu là những cách thế đơn giản, nhỏ bé mà tôi có thể cam kết dấn thân để có thể là người chuyển tải t́nh yêu, niềm vui và hy vọng?
The Heart that Moved: Be an instrument of Love and Healing
God created humankind in His own image (Genesis 1:27). The seeds of goodness and love are planted in our hearts. How can we allow these seeds to grow and flourish more abundantly in our lives? Living in our troubled world today, God’s call for us to be instruments of love and healing is becoming more urgent. But why do I need to care for others? Where and how to make the Gospel alive in me? What are some of the simple and small ways that I can commit to in order to be a bearer of love, joy and hope? This workshop hopes to inspire and motivate you through discussions and lived experiences.
Sơ Lư Thị Bích Quyền
Thuộc Dòng Đức Bà Truyền Giáo, một Hội Ḍng thừa sai quốc tế đang hiện diện và phục vụ ở năm châu lục. Sơ là một trong năm thành viên của Ban Lănh Đạo Trung Ương của Hội Ḍng, sống và làm việc tại Roma. Sơ thăm viếng và cộng tác với các sơ tại hơn hai mươi quốc gia để điều phối đời sống và sứ mạng của Ḍng. Sơ Bích Quyên phục vụ trong lănh vực huấn luyện đào tạo nhân sự, tư vấn tâm lư, dạy học, mục vụ cho tù nhân và những người bên lề xă hội.
Sr. Bich Quyen Thi Ly
Sr. Bich Quyen Ly is a member of the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions. She lives in Rome and serves as a member of the General Council for her Congregation. She visits and works with sisters across five continents regarding life and mission of the Congregation. Sr. Ly has experienced working in formation ministry, counselling, prison ministry as well as serving marginalized people with education and pastoral ministries.
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