Religious Education Congress
March 21, 2019 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Every group must choose between the two tracks on Youth Day. Track 1 has the Arena sessions in the morning, Track 2 has the Arena in the afternoon. This allows every participant to experience all Arena activities while still allowing everyone to hear two additional workshops. To enter into the Arena for either Track 1 or Track 2, please line up and use the fountain doors nearest the Hilton Hotel. Your name badge will make it clear to which track you have been assigned. We ask you to not go to the Arena until your track's assigned time.
Religious Education Congress
March 21, 2019 (Youth Day)
Anaheim Convention CenterSee Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Both Youth Day tracks get to see our Arena Keynote speaker. In addition to the Arena Keynote, you make your choice of two Convention workshops from the remaining 14 sessions held in the Convention Center meeting rooms. Note this year, all workshops will be located in the Arena, Hall B or the new ACC North building, just east of the Arena.
Speaker: Fr. Mike Schmitz
Location: Convention ArenaHave you ever had someone ruin a movie for you by saying, “It was good, but I didn’t like how everyone died in the end”? Spoiler much? And yet, that’s the truth when it comes to every one of our stories: no one gets out alive. This world is dangerous. In fact, if you live long enough, something in this world will kill you. How is a person supposed to be able to walk through life with trust in God? Is real joy possible in a world of danger, pain and suffering? We face so many trials, is it possible to hold on to hope when things do not go our way?
Fr. Michael Schmitz is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth, Minn., and Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He has presented and preached to youth and young adults across the country, including the Steubenville Youth and Young Adult Conferences. Fr. Schmitz offers weekly homilies on iTunes and has appeared in programs for youth and young adults through Ascension Press, as well as through regular short video messages on Ascension PresentsCanada using her original blend of humor and storytelling to speak at events ranging from small sessions to national conferences.
Speaker: John Angotti
Location: ACC North 252-253 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmThis is a workshop that will break open the reality that racism occurs because we don’t know each other. Through music and dialogue, John Angotti along with hip hop producer James Dukes from Unapologetic Records will use real situations of racism today and how we can learn from each other to unite and celebrate our differences.
John Angotti travels the world presenting concerts, workshops, retreats, missions and worship. Angotti is a frequent presenter at diocesan and regional conferences in the United States and abroad, including all the major national youth conferences and World Youth Days in Sydney (2008) and Madrid (2011). He is also Director of Music and Liturgy at St. Philip Church in Franklin, Tenn. He is an accomplished composer, with numerous music collections under the World Library Publications label. John Angotti Music Mission (JAMM) debuted his original musical, “Job: The NOW Testament” in 2013. His articles have appeared in Today’s Liturgy and Pastoral Music Magazine among others.
Speaker: Katherine Angulo
Location: ACC North 251-252 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmHave you found yourself hanging out with people who don’t believe in God? Have you found that your family’s faith does not match your needs? Do you find that people are making fun of your faith? More and more I hear of teens feeling hopelessly alone in their faith by being “Catholic at church” but simply avoiding the topic of religion everywhere else. In this session, Katherine Angulo will point out the many obstacles that can keep us away from Jesus and will encourage us to be the counterculture that strongly responds: “Jesus, I gotchu back!”
Born in Mexico and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Katherine Angulo is fluent in English, Spanish and French, and has over 19 years of experience in youth ministry. Presently, she is Program Director of the Thriving in Ministry Initiative for the McGrath Institute at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Angulo has presented at diocesan and national events, including the National Catholic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. She is also Editor of The Mark, a Catholic magazine for teens, and Executive Producer for the volunteer training program, Called to Accompany/Llamados a Acompañar.
Speaker: Bishop Frank Caggiano
Location: ACC North Hall (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmSt. Theresa of Avila once taught her sisters, “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassionately on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. ... Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” What she reminds us is the obligation to live our Christian faith effectively in the world. Pope Francis speaks of our obligation to make mercy real in the world, living Christian charity one person at a time. During our time together, we will explore the meaning of serving as God’s instruments of justice and mercy in the world and how such service can deepen our own life of faith in Christ.
Bishop Frank Caggiano is currently head of Diocese of Bridgeport, Ct. The noted catechist was a speaker at World Youth Days in Sydney (2008), Madrid (2011) and a catechist in Rio de Janeiro (2013) and Krakow (2016). He was a featured speaker at World Youth Day REUNITE in Washington, D.C. (2017) and preached at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival in Tipperary, Ireland. Bishop Caggiano has also served as episcopal advisor of The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.
Speaker: Robert Feduccia
Location: ACC North 256-258 (upper Level 200)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmYou probably know the “what” about Mass. It is when we worship God and the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. But, so what? Why does this matter and what does it mean for a high school student trying the best with her or his life? Come to this workshop and you will never look at the Mass in the same way again.
Robert Feduccia Jr. was founding director of the national Youth Liturgical Leadership Program at Saint Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. In addition to his work as a parish youth minister, keynote speaker and retreat leader, he has been an instructor in deaconate formation programs and a speaker at various diocesan and major national youth conferences. Feduccia has led diocesan in-services in over 20 dioceses. He has several publications and is a regular contributor to “Youth Ministry Access” by the Center for Ministry Development and to “Today’s Liturgy,” a magazine from OCP. Now based in Tennessee, he now serves as Vice President of Christian Faith Events for Declan Weir Productions.
Speaker: Fr. Rob Galea
Location: ACC North 155-157 (lower Level 100)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmSometimes we just don’t realize how BIG God is. We limit God in our lives because we don’t know what He is capable of. He is bigger than your anxiety, bigger than your worries, bigger than sickness, death and the universe as we know it. Come and be amazed at the greatness of my God! Fr. Rob Galea will use music and story in this workshop to remember.
Fr. Rob Galea is a parish priest and university chaplain in the Diocese of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia. He is also founder and Director of FRG Ministry and, in 2008 (with the late Australian Bishop Joseph Grech) founded the Stronger Youth Program “By God’s Grace.” Fr. Galea speaks and sings at schools, churches and conferences across Australia and around the globe. The singer/songwriter has seven CD releases and has written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences, and his latest book is entitled “Breakthrough.”
Speaker: Christina Lamas
Location: ACC North 256-258 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmCome listen and dialogue with your peers. A panel of young people will share how they are living the Gospel in their home, at school and on social media. Pope Francis would call them “callejeros de la fe” (“street preachers”) in today’s world. Learn what’s working for them and walk away with a desire to trust in God and the confidence to say, “God’s Gotchu.”
Christina Lamas made her way into the field of Youth Ministry after 10 years of volunteering at her home parish. She went on to serve as Associate Director and Division Coordinator of Youth Ministry in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Lamas has presented to national and international audiences. Currently, she is serving as Executive Director of the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and brings with her more than 20 years of experience in catechesis and youth ministry.
Speaker: Katie Prejean McGrady
Location: ACC North Hall (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmWho is Mary? The nice, kind looking lady we see in statues, pictures, religious medals and holy cards? She always looks super calm and peaceful, with a slight smile and knowing eyes. But who is she really? She potty-trained baby Jesus, after all, so you know she’s got some stories, and can probably help us get to know Jesus pretty well. This workshop will explore who Mary is, why she’s important to us as Catholics, and how the life she lived – however quiet she may have been – is one that gives us a perfect example of how to be a faithful disciple of her Son, Jesus.
Katie Prejean McGrady is a freshman theology teacher at Saint Louis Catholic High School in Lake Charles, La. She has spoken at various events in 38 states and three countries. McGrady is also author of several books, including “Room 24: Adventures of a New Evangelist” and “Follow: Your Lifelong Adventure with Jesus,” and host of the podcast, “The Electric Waffle.” In addition to being one of three delegates chosen by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to attend the 2019 Pre-Synod Gathering, McGrady was also a presenter at that year’s USCCB General Assembly Meeting.
Speaker: Joe Melendrez
Location: ACC North 252-253 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmIt is said that music expresses that which cannot be shared through words. Music is powerful, it can change a person’s mood, attitude and energy. Why did God give us music? What is its purpose? How can we use music to glorify God? In this session, we will feel the power of God in music! Get ready to reflect, pray, dance and praise Jesus with every breath we take and every sound we make!
Billed as a Catholic performer who is “Latino, relevant, relatable, and deep,” Joe Melendrez is a speaker, musical performer, MC and retreat leader who currently serves as Assistant Director of Campus Ministry at Chaminade College Preparatory in West Hills, Calif. He has presented at numerous national and diocesan youth conferences across the United States in addition to World Youth Days in Brazil and Spain and the God is Good Festival in Germany. His CDs include “Kingdom Come” and “Fully Alive” along with his latest digital release, “Chosen.”
Speaker: Ted Miles
Location: ACC North 160 (lower Level 100)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmHave you ever thought of your life as a mission? Do you see yourself as mission, or as called to holiness? Pope Francis reminds us that “every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth” (Message for World Mission Day 2019). Explore the difference God invites YOU to make in helping to build the Kingdom! We live in a world in which God’s people and resources need to be watched over and protected. TRUST that YOU have something to offer, that our world needs YOUR leadership, and that God’s Gotchu in your efforts to make a difference. Join this interactive workshop of story-telling, dialogue and stepping toward global action to discover how to charge your life with mission! From his formative years as a Jesuit Volunteer in Belize to his current role as Executive Director for Maryknoll Lay Missioners,
Ted Miles has spent nearly 30 years exploring the social mission of the Church. Prior to arriving at Maryknoll, he served for 12 years at Catholic Relief Services, coordinating their youth and religious education outreach. Miles has presented in numerous international, regional, diocesan and parish/school settings and in addition to published articles he has developed educational, prayer and retreat resources for both Catholic Relief Services and the Center for Ministry Development.
Speaker: Mike Patin
Location: ACC North 155-157 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmAll you wanna do is livestream, post, chat or text. Then you lose your signal or connection – so frustrating! Today, we’re gonna look at SIN. We are all sinners. How does sin disconnect, frustrate, weaken us? And how do we get the “signal” back? Fear not. “Trust! God’s Gotchu.”
Mike Patin, the “engaging” Cajun, lives in Lafayette, La. He has served the church as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan staff person. Patin previously was with the CYO/Youth Ministry Office for the New Orleans Archdiocese and, since 2003, he has been a full-time “faith horticulturist” addressing groups across the United States and Canada as parish mission presenter, trainer, retreat facilitator and more. He has published two books: “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
Speaker: Bob Perron
Location: ACC North 251-252 (upper Level 200)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmEveryone knows someone who is adopted. But did you know that you are also adopted? Learn from a dad who has three adopted children what it means to be an adopted child of God and how that adoption has changed your life forever.
Bob Perron is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.Va. For over a decade he has presented in over 60 dioceses across the United States and Canada. Perron has been a keynote presenter at the National Catholic Youth Conference and the L.A. Youth Day along with numerous work-shops at the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry. His latest book is entitled “God Sized Family.”
Speaker: Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
Location: ACC North 161-162 (lower Level 100)
Times: 9:45 am & 2:15 pmIt’s hard watching your friends struggle. It’s like, “I wanna help, but I’m not sure how, and I don’t want to say the wrong thing! And I’ve got my own problems, so will helping them make mine worse?” In this session, you’ll learn how by using a few simple skills and remaining connected to Jesus you can help your friends while taking care of yourself.
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered in parish, school and diocesan settings. Today, he is a counselor in private practice in Lafayette, La., and hosts a podcast, “Today’s Teenager,” to help adults understand, reach and influence teens. He continues to present at regional and national conferences and workshops in over 30 dioceses across the United States. He has spoken at TEDx and has published several articles and books; his latest title is “Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: A Field Guide for Catholic Parents, Pastors, and Youth Leaders.”
Speaker: Susan Searle
Location: ACC North 160 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmYes, even you can learn to meditate! Sitting in meditation takes practice and, by its very nature, requires some preparation and training. A meditative prayer practice can teach you to be attentive to the presence of God while helping you to cope with the distractions and stresses in your daily life. Besides the obvious spiritual benefits, there are also several well-documented health advantages to beginning a meditation practice. We will practice meditation using a variety of techniques to help you develop the habit of praying in this transformative way. Come begin your quest into stillness and paying attention to the presence of God.
Based in Colorado Springs, Colo., Susan Searle is a Coordinator for Youth Ministry Services for The Center for Ministry Development (CMD) and is Project Coordinator for their Just5Days middle school missions and YouthLeader high school programs. She also provides nationwide ministry workshops, trainings and teaches courses for the National Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies. Searle has several published sessions for youth ministry and blogs quarterly for CMD.
Speaker: Doug Tooke
Location: ACC North 161-162 (lower Level 100)
Times: 8:15 am & 12:45 pmIn this workshop, Doug Tooke will guide to an exploration of the dynamic invitation to be a contagious, compelling and enthusiastic Catholic. Especially in a world needing the light of Christ now more than ever!
Doug Tooke is Director of Partnerships for ODB Films and owner of Monarch Catholic Ministries, based in Helena, Mont. He has over 20 years of professional ministry experience, traveling to over 75 dioceses in the past 20 years teaching, keynoting conventions and training youth ministers. Tooke has spoken at World Youth Day, the National Catholic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and continues to serve as a leader in the field.
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