2019 RECongress Period 4
Religious Education Congress
Saturday, March 23, 2019
10:00 - 11:30 am
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4-01 Speaking Prophetically for Justice – Principles for Christian Prophecy
A prophet makes a vow of love, not of alienation. But that isn’t easy to do. How do we speak out for justice in ways that will help melt hearts rather than freeze them? How do we avoid speaking out of anger rather than out of love? How do we speak for the margins in such a way that God’s message cannot be marginalized? How do we avoid falling into ideologies of the left and the right? How can we speak prophetically in a bitter time? Here are some principles for a Christian prophecy.
Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI
Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. The well-known lecturer’s books have been translated into many languages and his weekly column appears in more than 80 publications worldwide. Fr. Rolheiser formerly taught at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and served as Provincial Superior of his Oblate Province and on the General Council for the Oblates in Rome.
We are excited to offer this one-day track on college campus ministry. Participants will spend all three workshops with a community of those who serve college students, faculty and staff on university campuses, and will come away with enriching conversations, connections and tools to improve your ministry. Please be sure to register for all three Saturday sessions: 4-02, 5-02 and 6-02.
Mission drives every facet of church life, impacting planning, program, preaching and personnel. It determines what we say “yes” to and when to say “no.” It is the heartbeat of a congregation’s movement as a community. When mission is well articulated and lived out in our college campus ministries, money follows. This workshop will give practical advise on how to help articulate your college campus ministries’ mission, how to live the mission on our college campuses, and how money follows mission.
Kathryn Diller
Katie Diller is Director of Campus Ministry at St. John Catholic Student Center at her alma mater, Michigan State University, and Coordinator of Campus Ministry for the Diocese of Lansing, Mich. She has led international mission trips and taught for study abroad course for college students and served as National Coordinator for the ESTEEM Leadership Program for four years. She also holds an appointment to the Alliance for Campus Ministry, an advisory body to the Secretariat for Catholic Education within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Fr. Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv
Fr. Michael Martin, a Conventual Franciscan, has served as Director of Duke Catholic Center at Duke University in North Carolina since 2010. A lifelong educator, he has held a variety of teaching, coaching and administrative positions, including campus ministry, school leadership, personnel and facility planning. Fr. Martin has served on a number of boards and commissions and is a presenter on strategic issues facing campus ministry and Catholic schools today. In 2007, he received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal service to the Church from Pope Benedict.
Rosie Chinea Shawver, MDiv
Southern California native Rosie Shawver was at the University of New Mexico before becoming Parish and Faith Community Outreach Liaison for Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, N.M. She is now Director of Campus Ministry at Our Savior Parish & USC Caruso Catholic Center at the University of Southern California. She is on the Board of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and is a consultant for the Secretariat of Education at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
For many decades, we have expanded our understanding of the relationship among liturgy, belief and daily living. But in separating these categories out for reflection, we often create stark divisions between them that miss their porousness in the practice of everyday life. This workshop will explore the fluid relationship between liturgy, belief and daily living, rooting us in a theology that sees all of life as sacred, and pointing us toward what it means to live, pray and believe eucharistically.
Tony Alonso
Dr. Tony Alonso is a prominent voice in contemporary liturgical music. His music is sung in churches of a variety of Christian denominations throughout the world. A former director of music, Alonso appears at workshops and conferences across North America and Europe and is a frequent presenter at the Religious Education Congress. He teaches at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, where he also serves as Director of Catholic Studies. His most recent collections include “A House of Prayer” and “Revival: Traditional Hymns for Contemporary Ensembles.”
4-04 Touch Me Jesus, Heal Me Jesus, Love Me Jesus: Music and Prayer for the Broken
This workshop is both an encounter of healing through word, song and action, as well as a session filled with inspiration and practical ideas for sharing moments of healing prayer with your parish or with small faith groups. John Angotti and Fr. James Marchionda will help you discover the healing power of Jesus, and ways to share this gift with others in your community through music, Scripture and other forms of prayer.
John Angotti
Based in Memphis, Tenn., John Angotti is a full-time music missionary providing concerts, workshops, retreats and worship. He is a frequent presenter at parish missions as well as diocesan and regional conferences across the United States and abroad. Angotti is an accomplished composer with numerous works under the World Library Publications label. In 2013, John Angotti Music Mission (JAMM) debuted his original musical, “Job: The NOW Testament.”
Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP
Dominican priest Fr. Jim Marchionda is a preacher, composer and woodwind instrumentalist who has been engaged in full-time parish mission preaching since 1994. In 2015, he was named Provincial of the Chicago Dominican Province of St. Albert the Great. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Fr. Marchionda maintains a limited preaching schedule. He has several CDs, and one of his compositions, “I Was Hungry,” was sung during communion at the funeral of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
4-05 What a Wonderful World: Biblical Covenant and Laudato Sí
“We are not God,” Pope Francis declares. But we walk this Earth as if we are. This is a problem for our beautiful planet, which is also our home. Scripture and science agree that the universe as we know it will come to an end one day. What’s our responsibility to this fragile planet while it’s still in our power to act? This session anticipates the upcoming California Catholic Conference bishops’ pastoral on our common call to stewardship for the environment.
Alice Camille, MDiv
Alice Camille is a full-time freelance lay Catholic author and retreat leader, religious educator and conference presenter. She is a Scripture columnist and contributor to “Give Us This Day” daily prayer guide. She is also author of many articles, serials, audio materials and books, including her most recent, “For Everything There is a Season.” Camille’s work has received numerous awards, including the Catholic Press Association Book Award and their Best Regular Column Award, in addition to the Midwest Independent Publishers Association Award.
4-06 Contagious Catholicism: How We Can Help Families Pass on the Faith
We may know that faith is caught rather than taught, but how should that affect what we do in family faith formation? The early Jesus movement went “viral” long before social media, exploding as the Gospel spread from person to person. Learn how we, as Catholics, understand evangelization and how we can help families pass on the faith from one generation to the next and one family to the next. This practical, realistic workshop will offer key insights and many specific, real-life examples about how the faith can be shared among catechists, parents, and children.
Paul Canavese
Paul Canavese with his wife, Ann, are co-Directors of The Pastoral Center and the websites GospelLiving.org (focused on daily life) and GrowingUpCatholic.com (focused on coaching parents). He is creator of various electronic resources and is a frequent conference speaker at parish, deanery and diocesan events and has worked in a wide range of parish ministries, most recently as a pastoral consultant at St. Augustine in Oakland, Calif. Canavese lives with his family on a mini-urban farm in Alameda, Calif.
4-07 Freedom & Discipline: Lent and Free Will
For millennia, humanity has debated the question: Is our future predetermined or do we have choice? Catholic teaching answers this question in support of free will, but is choice possible in a world governed by laws of physics? In this presentation, we will explore two related questions: What does science tell us about free will? How do Lenten practices increase the exercise of our free will? Participants will learn how understanding the science of free will has deep implications for our relationship with God and why it makes sense to leverage Lenten practices to empower our choices.
Prof. Michael Dennin
Michael Dennin has served for 21 years as Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Irvine, where he is also Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. He has regularly engaged schools and adult education forums on science and superheroes for the past 18 years as well as appearing on numerous television programs, YouTube series and podcast/radio shows. Prof. Dennin is a popular speaker at churches and schools, building on his book: “Divine Science: Finding Reason at the Heart of Faith.”
4-08 What Our Young Adults Are Thirsting For
At Pentecost, the first disciples were propelled forth by the Spirit, from the comfort of the Upper Room out into the world to evangelize. Do our parish and catechetical ministries embrace Pope Francis’ call to remember that “Jesus is the Lord of risk, of the eternal ‘more,’ not the Lord of comfort, security and ease” (World Youth Day 2016). How can we leave our comfortable Upper Rooms (even virtually!) to make connections with a generation that has shown that they will not come knocking on our door? Fr. Dave Dwyer will speak about how we can be more proactive in reaching young adults.
Fr. David Dwyer, CSP
Paulist priest Fr. Dave Dwyer is Executive Director of Busted Halo Ministries, publisher of BustedHalo.com and YoungAdultMinistrylnaBox.com, presenter of the “Sacraments 101” videos and host of “The Busted Halo Show” on Channel 129 on SiriusXM radio. Fr. Dwyer has appeared on CNN, Fox News, NBC News as well as “Entertainment Tonight” and “The Daily Show.” The former campus minister at the universities of Colorado and Texas has been a major keynote speaker at Catholic events for the past 15 years.
One of the most pressing questions underlying the Second Vatican Council, a famous theologian once opined, was the problem of change and development. Catholicism is grounded in a living tradition, yet it is constantly under threat by a superficial fascination with contemporary fads on the one hand and the preoccupation of traditionalists who wish to cling to a dead past on the other. This workshop will explore how genuine change and development are necessary if our tradition is to be a living one.
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
Dr. Richard Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Theology at Boston College, where he is also Chair of the Theology Department. He has authored or edited 13 books and over 100 pastoral and academic articles. His major books include “An Unfinished Council: Vatican II, Pope Francis, and the Renewal of Catholicism” and “Go Into the Streets! The Welcoming Church of Pope Francis.” In 2019, Barry University in Florida conferred on Dr. Gaillardetz the Yves Congar Award for Theological Excellence.
4-10 Sex Abuse in the Church: Binding and Healing the Wounds
Rape, molestation, seduction, sexual exploitation and sexual harassment have all become exposed in the Church. The perpetrators and their silent accomplices who hid or overlooked such acts are slowly being identified. Sadly, not all are known. The whole of the Church must learn how to recognize, report, protect and guard against this evil – and must participate in healing the brokenhearted and wounded in our midst. This session will address the sexual exploitation crisis in the Church. An analysis of what has happened will be presented, while offering concrete suggestions as to how the whole of the Church should proceed in correcting this problem.
Dr. Greer G. Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon is a theologian, whose work has included the faculty positions at Regis College and at the University of Massachusetts; and as Diocesan Director in Washington, D.C., Oakland, Boston and Baton Rouge. Her publications include books, a video program and numerous articles. Dr. Gordon was the first woman to deliver the Baccalaureate Address for Boston University and is a frequent speaker at RECongress, having delivered the keynote and Sunday morning addresses. She is currently a theological consultant for a social service collective in South Louisiana.
As the Church faces the challenges of engaging and retaining our youth and young adults, we need to retrieve the wisdom of St. Augustine – that the most enticing appeal of Christian faith is to the heart first and only later to the head. To what hungers of the heart does Christian faith appeal? Dr. Tom Groome will demonstrate how to craft the Christian story so as to engage people’s deepest desires.
Dr. Thomas Groome
Dr. Tom Groome is Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College School of Theology, and Director of their Church in the 21st Century Center. The award-winning author has written or edited 10 books and numerous articles and essays. Dr. Groome has made over 800 public presentations throughout the last 42 years, both nationally and internationally. A favorite speaker of the Religious Education Congress; this marks his 38th year of giving presentations.
4-12 Morality, Conscience and Vocation
Many presentations about morality emphasize rules and avoiding sin. That remains good advice. But we also need to consider what makes anything sinful, how to form our consciences and what a sense of vocation has to do with all of this. Too often, considerations about morality are given without attention to the complex issues we face every day – issues for which there is no obvious right or wrong answer, but that can have significant impact on our relationship with God and others. Who we are as persons (and members of communities) and what should be our goal in life, need to be an essential part of any discussion of morality.
Fr. James Heft, SM
Marianist priest Fr. James Heft is Alton Brooks Professor of Religion at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and President of their Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies. He is author and editor of 12 books and over 190 articles. Fr. Heft taught at the university level for 40 years, many of those at the University of Dayton in Ohio in roles as Provost, Chancellor and as Chair of the Theology Department. In 2011, the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities honored him with the Theodore M. Hesburgh Award for his long and distinguished service to Catholic higher education.
4-13 Instructions for Living a Life: Pay Attention. Be Astonished. Tell About It.
Today, let us practice the sacrament of the blessed present. Using American poet Mary Oliver’s wise instructions: Before we decipher life, let us see life; before we give in to “if only,” let us hear this moment; before we trade in this life for the life we should have, let us taste this life. We make the choice to be open, available, willing to be surprised by joy, to know there is power in the word “enough.” We carry this capacity to honor the present into every encounter and relationship. We honor the dignity that is reflected by God’s goodness and grace, a place to invite mercy, encourage, heal, reconcile, repair, pray, celebrate, restore, refuel. Count me in. Join me.
Rev. Terry Hershey
Terry Hershey is an inspirational speaker, humorist, author, dad, Protestant minister and landscape designer on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound near Seattle. The internationally renowned speaker and retreat facilitator regularly travels throughout the United States and Canada. His work has been featured on The Hallmark Channel, CNN, PBS and NPR and his gardens and books have been featured in magazines and newspapers of the Pacific Northwest.
4-14 Neuroscience and Well-Being: Technology, Our Brains and Our Spiritual Lives
Our smart phones and computers are wonders, but they also bring some not-so-wonderful consequences to our bodies, brains and spiritual lives. In this session, we’ll explore the ramifications of digital distractions and how we can harness technology’s gifts to enhance our Christian journey. We’ll also discover helpful strategies to enrich both connected and disconnected times in our lives, deepening our faith and our spiritual paths.
Anne Kertz Kernion
Anne Kertz Kernion is owner and artist of Cards by Anne. She taught theology at Carlow University in Pittsburgh for over a decade and teaches chemistry and religion courses at a local community college. Kertz is a public speaker, retreat facilitator and teaches yoga. Her latest book is entitled “A Year of Spiritual Companionship.”
4-15 Jesus the Migrant: Contextual Christology and the Signs of the Times
President Trump wants to keep out migrants; for Pope Francis, they are “a new seed of evangelization.” In this session, Dr. Robert Lassalle-Klein, a theologian and advisor to the Seminar on Formation for Hispanic Ministry, will describe the Risen Jesus as revealed to him in the lives of migrants and refugees in his 32 years at the Oakland Catholic Worker. He will explore the biblical basis of the discovery by Pope Francis and Saint Oscar Romero that these migrants and refugees are the historical continuation of Jesus, the migrant Messiah who has revealed that God has chosen to save humanity through the poor and the rejected.
Robert Lassalle-Klein, PhD, MSW
Dr. Robert Lassalle-Klein is co-founder and Executive Director of the Oakland Catholic Worker in Northern California. Author of five books on Jesus and spirituality, his current projects include “Voices of Migrants and Refugees” and “Jesus the Migrant: A Contextual Christology.” Dr. Lassalle-Klein teaches as Professor of Religious Studies at Holy Names University in Oakland, and has held fellowships and faculty positions at DePaul University in Chicago; the Graduate Theological Union and the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley; and Ramon Llull University in Barcelona, Spain.
4-16 Just How Thirsty Are You?
Jesus is the water of life and, in the story of the Woman at the Well, he describes himself as the water of the Spirit that is both thirsting for us and springing up as life and refreshment in the desert. We are given a thirst for God, for the Word-made-flesh, for justice and peace (God’s thirst) at our baptism. This thirst is meant to grow stronger all ways as we drink from the wells of the Word and of the Poor – the least, the lost, the longing, the last – and can only be quenched by great gulps of God’s presence among us and by sharing his cup with others. Come, drink deeply.
Megan McKenna
A New York native now living in Albuquerque, N.M., Megan McKenna is a theologian and researcher who travels internationally as a speaker and storyteller. She is author of 49 books, including “The Book of the Poor: Wisdom Stories,” which will be released in 2019. Her previous publication, “This Will Be Remembered of Her,” won a Catholic Press Association award. McKenna teaches at various institutes around the world. She is an Ambassador of Peace for Pax Christi USA and was recipient of the Isaac Hecker Award for Justice and Peace.
4-17 Mary: Who Is She Really and Why She Matters
Non-Catholics are confused by Mary. Feminists, perplexed by Mary, recognize her unique and powerful role in salvation history. From academics to artists, Mary is a sign of wisdom, hope and beauty. For most Catholics, they have no idea or underappreciate who Mary truly is, why she matters and how to incorporate her presence into their spirituality in an authentically Catholic lifestyle. Fr. Leo Patalinghug, who has earned an advanced degree in Mariology from Rome, shares what he has learned to audiences around the world, presenting a realistic and joyful message, theologically rich and practically helpful to integrate Mary’s presence in the life of the faithful.
Rev. Leo E. Patalinghug, IVDei
Fr. Leo Patalinghug, born in the Philippines but raised in the Baltimore area, is a priest member of a secular institute of consecrated life called Voluntas Dei (The Will of God). He is founder and host of Plating Grace and founder and Chairman of The Table Foundation, which connects food to faith. Fr. Patalinghug is a best-selling author, internationally renowned speaker, host of the “Savoring Our Faith” TV series on EWTN, contributor to SiriusXM radio and host of the podcast, “Shoot the Shiitake with Fr. Leo.”
Stress, anxiety, depression, relationship and family problems are just a few of the issues that can affect young people. But you don’t have to be a counselor to accompany these hurting young people. In this session, you’ll learn how to recognize the signs of hurting youth and specific behaviors, phrases, questions and language that will help you effectively and artfully accompany young people.
Roy Petitfils, MS, LPC
For 20 years, Roy Petitfils has ministered among youth and young adults in parish, school and diocesan settings. Today, he is a counselor in private practice in Lafayette, La. Petitfils hosts a podcast, “Today’s Teenager,” and presents at regional and national conferences and workshops in over 30 dioceses across the United States. He has spoken at TEDx and has published several articles and books; his latest title is “Helping Teens with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression: A Field Guide for Catholic Parents, Pastors, and Youth Leaders.”
4-19 “Take Five”: Basic Principles for Cultivating Catechists
Cultivating catechists takes so much more than holding a series of meetings throughout the year. It is an act of stewardship and a way of being expressed through a set of guiding principles that speak to mission, parameters, empowerment, recognition, and engagement. Let’s “Take Five” together!
Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy
Jayne Ragasa-Mondoy is Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii. She serves as Vice-President of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership and is an advisory committee member to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Island Affairs. Ragasa-Mondoy is co-producer of the award-winning “One ‘Ohana” video series, has published numerous diocesan catechetical resources and articles, and is author of “Cultivating Your Catechists.”
4-20 The Hidden Perils of Distraction
We all know the statistics: People spend more time on their phones than with their friends. We spend time with the people we love looking at our screens. We waste hours a day with a thousand little distractions. But there is an even darker side to distractions, and it might not just cost us our time and productivity ... it could cost us heaven.
Rev. Michael Thomas Schmitz
Fr. Michael Schmitz is Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Duluth, Minn., and Chaplain for the Newman Center at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He has presented and preached to youth and young adults across the country, including the Steubenville Youth and Young Adult Conferences. Fr. Schmitz offers weekly homilies on iTunes and has appeared in programs for youth and young adults through Ascension Press, as well as through regular short video messages on Ascension Presents.
4-21 GDC … NDC … Easy as 1, 2, 3
The General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) set forth the process of evangelization – and the place of catechesis within that process – and continues to be an indispensable tool for all those engaged in ministry. As a companion to the GDC, the National Directory for Catechesis (NDC) builds upon the core themes of the GDC. In many ways, the GDC and the NDC can be thought of as addressing the how of evangelization and catechesis. The Holy See has recently issued a revision to the GDC. Wondering what that revision looks like? Come and see!
Julianne Stanz
Born in Ireland, Julianne Stanz is a nationally known speaker, retreat leader and storyteller. She has extensive workshop and presentation experience both locally and nationally and is author of several articles and books, including her two most recent: “Developing Disciples of Christ” and “The Catechist’s Backpack: Spiritual Essentials for the Catechist’s Journey.” Stanz is Director of Discipleship and Leadership Development for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wis., and a consultant to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Catechesis and Evangelization.
4-22 Catechesis from the Margins
Our catechetical efforts should reach everybody in the parish, including those who are at the margins of society. Today, many are struggling with how to relate and identify with the Church. If we listen carefully to the challenge of Pope Francis, we need to bring mercy to those people that are forgotten by society. In this workshop, we will focus on five strategies that will pull us out of our everyday routine in catechesis and look for ways to align our catechetics with those who normally do not “fit” into our definition of catechesis. We will discuss concrete recommendations on how we can accomplish these goals within our communities.
Victor Valenzuela
Born in Arizona to parents of Mexican descent, Victor Valenzuela is fully bilingual and bicultural. He currently lives in San Leandro, Calif. and is Vice President of Ministry Formation for Dignity Health. He has presented workshops to numerous groups both regionally and nationally. Valenzuela has been in ministry for over 30 years including classroom teaching, youth ministry, teacher training and development of new materials. He is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at Barry University in Miami.
4-23 Forgive Us Our Wrong Notes as We Forgive Our Music Director
Choir practice is a good time for exploring our own thirst for justice as we improve our musical skills. Using the Lord’s Prayer as a template, come and discover that the way we sing can bring a fresh awareness of the struggles and successes we experience personally and as a group – strengthening us for vibrant ministry.
Christopher Walker
Internationally known church composer and choral conductor, Christopher Walker is Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles, Calif., and formerly served at the Clifton Cathedral in the United Kingdom for 18 years. He is a worldwide speaker on church music and liturgy, choral and cantor techniques and children’s spirituality and has appeared in six recent broadcasts on the BBC Network. Walker’s music for adults and children is sung in churches worldwide. His latest work is entitled “Love Beyond Knowledge.”
4-24 Sacred Movement: Instrument for Justice and Liberation
Through movement enriched by vocal prayer and song, participants will join one another in supplication, prayer and praise to God for all those who thirst for justice. Through this workshop, in the spirit of St. Paul, we will use our bodies as “weapons of justice for God” (Rom. 6:13). Participants are encouraged to come with intentions and the names of loved ones in heart and in hand.
John West, Obl OSB, MEd, MA
John West is a sacred and liturgical dance workshop leader and clinician. His Religious Education Congress experience began in 1970, and since 1991, he has served on the Congress Liturgy Committee. An Oblate of St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, Calif., he is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy, on the Board of Directors of the Sacred Dance Guild and co-producer for Wordnet Productions. West has led local, national and international workshops, and his articles appear in various liturgy and sacred dance journals.
4-25 Women Deacons: Yes or No?
Women perform and have performed diaconal ministry throughout the history of the Church. What’s the problem with women deacons? Can they be ordained to the diaconate today? Why? Why not? There are two strands of thought to think about.
Dr. Phyllis Zagano
Dr. Phyllis Zagano is Senior Research Associate-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor of Religion at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. She has authored or edited hundreds of articles and 22 books, including “Holy Saturday: An Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in the Catholic Church” and “Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future.” In 2016, she was appointed to the Papal Commission for the Study of the Diaconate of Women.
4-70 Công Lý trong gia đình Việt Nam
Tìm kiếm công lý không phải là điều chỉ cần thực hiện ở những môi trường rộng lớn. Tìm kiếm công lý là điều cần phải thực hiện trước nhất ngay trong gia đình. Tình trạng “chồng chúa vợ tôi” và tình trạng “phụ xử tử vong, tử bất vong bất hiếu” có phải là truyền thống trong văn hoá gốc của người Việt Nam không? Chắc chắn là không. Dựa vào nền văn hoá truyền thống của dân tộc Việt Nam và dựa vào Thánh Kinh, các phần tử trong gia đình Việt Nam sẽ tìm thấy công lý trong gia đình mình.
Seeking Justice in Vietnamese Family Life
Seeking justice is not only something to be done through large institutions. Rather, fairness and integrity begin in the home with family interactions and activities. The situations where “husband is lord and wife is servant” or “father tells child to die, child does not obey, therefore child is disloyal” are certainly not in traditional Vietnamese culture. Based on the moral traditions and values of the Vietnamese culture and the Bible, members of Vietnamese families will find integrity and fairness in their own families.
Giáo Sư Tiến Sĩ Quyên Di
Trước 1975, Giáo-sư Quyên-Di là Phụ-tá Giám-đốc Ban Tu-Thư, viện Đại-học Đà-Lạt. Hiện nay ông huấn-luyện giáo-chức dạy tiếng Việt trên toàn thế-giới. Phục-vụ trong Uỷ-Ban Giáo-Lý Việt-Nam tại Hoa-Kỳ gần 30 năm nay. Ông dạy ngôn-ngữ, văn-chương và văn-hoá Việt-Nam tại UCLA & CSULB; dạy sư-phạm tại CSUF. Là giáo-sư thỉnh-giảng tại trường thần-học Oblate School of Theology. Ông cũng là linh-hướng và cố-vấn về gia-đình.
Professor Quyen Di, PhD
Before 1975, Prof. Quyen Di served as Assistant Director of the Board of Textbook and Curriculum Preparation at Dalat University in Vietnam. He now teaches the Vietnamese language around the world, and has served on the Vietnamese American National Catechetical Committee for nearly three decades. He lectures on Vietnamese language, culture and literature at the University of California, Los Angeles and at California State University, Long Beach. He also lectures on education and teaching methodologies at California State University, Fullerton. He is a visiting professor at the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. He is a trained spiritual director and family counselor.
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