2019 RECongress Period 2
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 22, 2019
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
2-01 Women Deacons: Who Were They? What Did They Do?
This session will present an exploration of the history of deacons in the church. What do we know about women deacons in the early Church? Were they ordained? What did they do? How did the diaconate – of men and women – die out, and why?
Dr. Phyllis Zagano
Dr. Phyllis Zagano is Senior Research Associate-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor of Religion at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. She has authored or edited hundreds of articles and 22 books, including “Holy Saturday: An Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in the Catholic Church” and “Women Deacons: Past, Present, Future.” In 2016, she was appointed to the Papal Commission for the Study of the Diaconate of Women.
2-02 RCIA and Church: Mystagogia – What It Is and What It Is Not
Mystagogia is the ancient art of helping people enter into deeper union with Jesus by unpacking the liturgies, seasons and sacraments we celebrate. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults sets forth the entire season of Easter to reflect upon the Easter story, the Triduum and the Easter sacraments. This session will explore the ins and outs of this final period of the RCIA process. We will consider why only one page in the RCIA text is devoted to it and hopefully come to the realization that it is a thread that runs through the entire process. Let’s discover what it is and what it’s not and determine a process for effectively uncovering the sacramental life of the Church.
Mary Birmingham
Mary Birmingham is the former Director of Liturgy, Music and Christian Initiation at Ascension Parish in Melbourne, Fla. She has been involved in RCIA ministry on a national level since 1992 and travels extensively throughout the United States and Canada providing diocesan workshops. Birmingham is a former team member of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. She is author of several works, including “Confirming Adult Catholics” and her most recent, “Purified and Enlightened: RCIA Sessions for Lent.”
2-03 Pray, Learn and Celebrate the Truths of Our Faith
In this workshop, John Burland, Australian composer and religious educator, will help teachers and catechists accompany children in their journey of faith through song and movement. You will learn a variety of engaging songs that deepen understanding, add enjoyment to learning, increase knowledge and foster celebration. These songs and associated activities will enrich and energize faith formation across a range of catechetical themes including Scripture, doctrine, the liturgical year, Catholic prayer and sacraments. Join us as we joyfully move our bodies and raise our voices in songs that help us to pray, learn and celebrate our Catholic faith.
John Burland
John Burland is an educator and composer of religious music for children and adults and has over 250 songs and has published 14 music collections internationally. With an extensive career in school and parish communities, Burland currently is the Education Officer for Liturgy and Music for Sydney Catholic Schools in Australia, and the National Music Consultant for Bayard, Inc. He is a regular speaker at conferences and gatherings across Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and North America.
2-04 The Challenges of Biblical Vocabulary
We’ve all grown familiar with biblical texts – some more than others. But often the peculiar challenges of translating the ancient language of the Bible can alter significantly how we understand those familiar texts. During this talk, we will look at some familiar key words and phrases from the Bible that will open up the meaning of these texts in surprising ways – words like baptize, Christ, Holy Spirit, and others.
Fr. William L. Burton, OFM
Fr. Bill Burton, a Franciscan friar priest of the Sacred Heart Province, has taught for more than 20 years. He is currently Professor of Scripture at the Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology in Berkeley, Calif. Outside the classroom, he has guided hundreds of students and pilgrims on study tours and pilgrimage travels throughout the Holy Land, Greece and Turkey. He has many published articles and several DVD series, including “The Biblicist Series.”
2-05 Why Does the Church Need the Consecrated Life?
How does the Church define “consecrated life,” and whom does Christ call to it? How does it differ from the universal call to holiness addressed to all the baptized, and what special witness is it expected to give? The past 50 years has seen a dramatic decline in vocations to the religious life and the emergence of new forms of consecration. If the consecrated life is one of Christ’s gifts to the Church, we need to understand what it is supposed to be and do. The reputation of saints like Mother Teresa and Padre Pio gives us a clue!
Sr. Sara Butler, MSBT
Sr. Sara Butler, a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity, is Director of New Evangelization at the Mother Boniface Spirituality Center in Philadelphia and Professor Emerita of Dogmatic Theology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill. Sr. Butler has lectured around the world. She has published over 50 scholarly articles and authored several books, including “The Catholic Priesthood and Women: A Guide to the Teaching of the Church.” Her most recent publications deal with the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the consecrated life.
All catechesis strives to deepen our initial conversion in faith by fostering an ever more personal relationship with the Lord in and through the Church. This deepening of our conversion in Christ is facilitated in many ways, especially through instruction, prayer, the life of our community and works of service. However, one of the most effective ways to deepen our relationship with the Lord Jesus is to serve as a joyful witness of faith to others. We will explore this vocation of joy, both as the hallmark of every missionary disciple and fundamental to the ministry of every catechist.
Bishop Frank J. Caggiano
Most Rev. Frank Caggiano is currently Bishop of Bridgeport, Ct. The noted catechist was a speaker at World Youth Days in Sydney (2008), Madrid (2011) and a catechist in Rio de Janeiro (2013) and Krakow (2016). He was a featured speaker at World Youth Day REUNITE in Washington, D.C. (2017) and preached at the Youth 2000 Summer Festival in Tipperary, Ireland. Bishop Caggiano has also served as episcopal advisor of The National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry.
2-07 Becoming Bridge Builders: Imagining a Theology of Welcome for a Changing Church
In this workshop, Chris de Silva will offer ways to celebrate young adults and different cultures from his experience of working in a diverse university setting, creating a place to belong, to believe and to become. This workshop begins a conversation on changing church demographics and seeks to build faith communities of Christian welcome and discipleship.
Chris de Silva
Composer, arranger and recording artist with GIA Publications, Chris de Silva shares his gift of music ministry – from parish and diocesan retreats and concerts to national conferences across the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. He has served at several faith communities in the Los Angeles Archdiocese and is presently Associate Director of Music and Liturgy at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. His musical collections include “Pilgrim,” “Castle of the Soul” and his latest sequel, “Colours 2.”
Are you exhausted from the overwhelming demands of career, ministry and family life? Do you feel pulled in a million directions with no time for rest? You’re not alone! As a wife, mother and pastoral minister, Becky Eldredge understands the challenges of juggling many roles in our rapid-paced life. She’s discovered ways to incorporate rituals that “Renew Energy in Spirit Time” (R.E.S.T.) in daily life. Becky will guide you through a process to create rituals of R.E.S.T. that will renew and sustain you. You will leave with a plan of action that you can implement immediately to rest, to prevent burnout and to continue to give generously to others.
Becky Eldredge
Becky Eldredge is an Ignatian-trained spiritual director, retreat facilitator and author of the book “Busy Lives & Restless Souls.” With two decades of ministry experience, she has led youth and young adult retreats, parish missions, Ignatian retreats and days of reflection. Eldredge has presented at the Spiritual Director’s International Conference, the Ignatian Spirituality Conference, and has appeared as a panelist at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Convocation of Catholic Leaders.
Recent research among youth and young adults shows that daily, personal prayer is a key factor for remaining active in the Church. We will look deeply at some of the data and find a path forward for those who say they are “spiritual, but not religious.” We will look at real strategies for developing daily encounters between our young people and Christ Jesus that makes them excited to be Catholic.
Robert Feduccia Jr.
Robert Feduccia was founding director of the national Youth Liturgical Leadership Program at Saint Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. In addition to his work as a parish youth minister, keynote speaker and retreat leader, he has spoken at various diocesan and major national youth conferences. Feduccia has been published in several publications. Now based in Tennessee, he is currently Vice President of Christian Faith Events for Declan Weir Productions.
The biblical story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman in John Chapter 4 is so much deeper than you might realize, dealing with themes of thirst as well as hunger, on the physical and spiritual levels, for both individuals and communities. This workshop will explore in depth this important Johannine story, which is read on the Third Sunday of Lent and used in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Scrutinies.
Fr. Felix Just, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Just is Minister of the Loyola House Jesuit Community in San Francisco, Calif. He formerly taught at all three Jesuit universities in California – Loyola Marymount University, the University of San Francisco, and Santa Clara University. He conducts adult faith formation programs and leads biblically-based days of prayer, parish missions and retreats. Fr. Just has produced seven audio-CD programs with Now You Know Media and maintains the internationally recognized website Catholic-Resources.org.
2-11 Sacramental Preparation & Ritual Prayer
One of the most memorable and effective experiences that takes place on sacramental retreat is the use of ritual prayer and music. But this needs to be a more common experience, not just once a year, to stand as a reminder of Christ alive in each of us. Practical and meaningful experiences of ritual prayer will be modeled at this session.
Tom Kendzia
Tom Kendzia has served as a professional liturgical musician, performer and speaker since 1980. He is currently Liturgy and Music Consultant for Sadlier Religion Publishers and Director of Music at Christ the King Church in Kingston, R.I. A clinician and author, Kendzia has presented at parish workshops/concerts and national diocesan gatherings throughout the United States, Canada, the West Indies, Europe and Asia. The well-known published composer’s music includes “Create In Me,” “Taste and See” and “Like a River.”
2-12 Where Is Justice in the Suffering of Humanity?
Why is humanity inundated with suffering, and where is justice in our struggles? How can we transform our pain and sorrow into redemptive suffering? In this highly visual, practical and interactive session, Sr. Grace Duc Le will base this presentation on both her own experience of struggles and the Lambertian Spirituality of the Cross (the spirituality of the Lovers of the Holy Cross stems from the spirituality of Bishop Pierre Lambert de la Motte) to help answer the difficult question of why one suffers. During the session, she will introduce different activities and games that bring about joy and hope.
Sr. Martha Grace Duc Le, LHC
Sr. Grace Duc Le is currently Superior General of the American Branch of the Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross, founded in Vietnam in 1670 by Bishop Pierre Lambert de la Motte. She has over 24 years of working with different groups of people – eight years as a Catholic schoolteacher, eight years as a vocation director for her community, and eight years as a Director of Faith Formation in a thriving parish. Sr. Le has taught several catechetical workshops and delivered many talks to a variety of groups.
In the last year, Christianity has fared fairly well, with major films released like “Mary Magdalene,” “Paul, Apostle of Christ” and Wim Wenders’ documentary, “Pope Francis: A Man of His Word.” Several other films have also embodied the best of our faith and the thirst for justice we are called to live. How can we critically appreciate these modern parables and use them in our spiritual formation, preaching and teaching?
Rev. Richard Leonard, SJ
Jesuit priest Fr. Richard Leonard is Director of the Catholic Office for Film & Broadcasting, based in Sydney, Australia. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Gregorian University in Rome and a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Los Angeles. A popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress, Fr. Leonard is author of 10 books, including his latest, “What Does It All Mean? A Guide to Being More Faithful, Hopeful and Loving.”
2-14 Stand Up and Pray: Movement and Gestures for All Ages
“Let them praise his name in dance” (Psalm 149:3). Join us as we pray with the whole body! Monica Luther and Nicole Masero will share movement and gestures for a variety of praise hymns. Perfect for educators working with preschool children through adults. Come join in and be prepared to fully participate in this exciting new workshop. Participants will learn a variety of movements and gestures to recognizable songs and will be able to use them with students right away.
Monica Luther
Monica Luther is a skilled educator who uses her gift of dance movement and knowledge of liturgy to enhance prayer services, concerts, liturgies and conferences across the country. She has shared the ministry of liturgical movement with assemblies at Los Angeles Religious Education Congress for over 22 years and currently serves on their Liturgy Committee. Luther works as an instructional specialist and national staff developer for public schools. She is currently a doctoral candidate at California State University, Fullerton.
Nicole Masero
Nicole Masero has over 20 years of experience teaching liturgical movement as prayer and how to incorporate the ministry into liturgies and prayer experiences. For over 15 years she has taught young adults and adults liturgical movement at various parishes in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and for the last six years she has taught at the Los Angeles Regional Congresses. Based in Long Beach, Calif., Masero also serves as Event Coordinator for the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership.
2-15 From Status Quo to Status Grow
All are welcome here ... really? Okay, they are welcome to come to Mass, to put money in the collection, to send their children to our programs, but what about the really important places of parish life? You know the places – like who reads the First Reading every year at the Easter Vigil, or who runs for President of “that” committee, or who distributes communion from the position next to Father every week. We have welcomed people into our place, now we must welcome them into the very life of our parish.
Jesse Manibusan
Jesse Manibusan, founder of Jesse Manibusan Music Ministries, has 32 years of experience as a liturgical music minister; youth worker, catechist and parish mission director. He has presented at all the major youth conferences, including the L.A. Religious Education Congress, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and World Youth Days in Denver, Toronto, Rome, Cologne, Sydney, Madrid and Rio de Janeiro. Manibusan has performed at various conferences worldwide and has several CDs published with Oregon Catholic Press.
2-16 Showing Welcome and Respect to LGBTQ People in Our Parishes
In many of our parishes, we have members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning. This session will offer ways to show welcome and respect to them and their families, as well as give insights from parishes that have successful outreach communities.
Rev. James Martin, SJ
Based in New York, Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin is Editor at Large of America magazine. He is author of numerous award-winning books including “My Life with the Saints,” “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything,” “Between Heaven and Mirth” and, most recently, “Building a Bridge.” Fr. Martin is a frequent presenter to parish groups and at retreats and national conferences. He has given presentations at the Religious Education Congress for the past several years and has appeared on various CNN documentaries.
2-17 Race and the Limits of Dialogue
Dialogue is the default setting for Catholic responses to racial conflicts and tensions. This session will look at how such appeals have functioned in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, showing their limitations and a possible way to a more adequate engagement in the light of faith.
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, STD
Fr. Bryan Massingale, a priest of the Milwaukee Archdiocese, is Theology Professor at Fordham University in New York. A noted authority on Catholic moral theology and social ethics, he has lectured extensively on ethical and racial justice issues throughout the United States and internationally. A previous Religious Education Congress keynote, Fr. Massingale is former President of the Catholic Theological Society of America and has been a leader of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium.
2-18 Why Is Immigration So Important to the Church?
Immigration plays a significant role in the life of churches around the world. In certain parts of the United States, near borders or in areas where refugees are being brought in from dangerous parts of the world, the Catholic Church is leading the effort to help families in need. While not everyone agrees with our country’s policy on immigration, there are people on both sides of the debate who agree that the laws are flawed and our system is broken. Come listen to this panel of experts as they discuss why migration is a global issue, how the Church is responding, and what we can do as a community to help change our laws.
Most Rev. David O’Connell
Bishop David O’Connell was ordained at All Hallows College in Dublin, Ireland, for the Los Angeles Archdiocese, where he has served for over 36 years. He has been associate pastor and pastor in the Archdiocese, most of those years serving in South Central Los Angeles. Bishop O’Connell served on the Archdiocesan Finance Council and on the Board of Together in Mission, the archdiocese’s annual appeal. He now serves the Archdiocese as Auxiliary Bishop of the San Gabriel Region.
Linda Dakin-Grimm
Linda Dakin-Grimm practices law in California, New York and Washington, D.C., and has successfully handled numerous jury and bench trials, appeals and arbitrations. Since 2016 she has concentrated her practice on pro bono matters in immigration proceedings with children and has organized a group of interpreters/mentors to assist them. Dakin-Grimm speaks on faith and immigration-related issues in schools and parishes throughout Los Angeles and at legal conferences across the United States, in Bermuda and London.
Dr. Luis Eduardo Zavala de Alba
Based in Monterrey, Mexico, Dr. Eduardo Zavala is Director of Casa Monarca, which offers humanitarian aid for migrants. He is a Visiting Professor at Yale University and academic advisor and consultant to many human rights organizations, including “Community of Democracies,” an international panel of experts. Dr. Zavala has been a Visiting Scholar at numerous universities including the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain, the University of Essex in England, and the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
2-19 Keeping Your Family Happily Catholic
Parents, religious educators, priests and lay minsters battle getting their kids to church and struggle with how to communicate the beauty of the Catholic faith to children of all ages. What should we do and how do we explain our faith in ways that keep families inspired by their faith? We will learn and share some “best practices” from those who have intact Catholic families and be inspired by those who have overcome many challenges in communicating and sharing their faith and now have “happily Catholic” families. Fr. Leo Patalinghug’s approach is easy to understand, entertaining and encouraging!
Rev. Leo E. Patalinghug, IVDei
Fr. Leo Patalinghug, born in the Philippines but raised in the Baltimore area, is a priest member of a secular institute of consecrated life called Voluntas Dei (The Will of God). He is founder and host of Plating Grace and founder and Chairman of The Table Foundation, which connects food to faith. Fr. Patalinghug is a best-selling author, internationally renowned speaker, host of the “Savoring Our Faith” TV series on EWTN, contributor to SiriusXM radio and host of the podcast, “Shoot the Shiitake with Fr. Leo.”
2-20 Poetry to Enrich, Refresh & Deepen Our Spiritual Journey
Poetry provides a wonderful way to explore and express the rich meaning and symbolism at the heart of great works of art and literature. The invitation to engage in poetry has the power to start a fire in the heart and bring one’s whole attention to the present moment. This session will invite us to step into the company of great men and women such as Mary Oliver, Jessica Powers, Antonio Machado, David Whyte, and more. These creative voices will companion us and speak to us. We will unfold layers of wisdom embedded in themes of journey, transformation, mindfulness, hope, death and resurrection – all equally experienced in the Lenten-Easter season.
Sr. Edith Prendergast, RSC
Sr. Edith Prendergast, a Religious Sister of Charity, is former Director of the Office of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. She is a frequent keynote and workshop presenter at local, national and international conferences. Sr. Prendergast has written and contributed to several articles on spirituality and catechesis, and is author of “Grace Abounds.” In 2015, she received the “Evangelii Gaudium – Joy of the Gospel” Award from St. John’s Seminary, and in 2017, she was awarded the “Religious Service Angel Award” from the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders.
2-21 What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Assisted Reproductive Technology?
A common misconception is that the Catholic Church says “NO” to most reproductive technologies when, in fact, the Church says a loving and merciful “YES” to some reproductive technologies and to a way of healing the underlying causes of infertility that upholds the dignity of the couple and the child they hope to conceive. This session will elaborate on what the Church teaches with regard to in vitro fertilization, surrogacy and more. By explaining licit reproductive technologies and describing the Catholic treatment alternatives, this session will offer a clear understanding of Church teaching on these bioethical issues.
Angelique Ruhi-Lopez
Based in Miami, Fla., and inspired by her own infertility journey, Angelique Ruhi-Lopez is co-author of “The Infertility Companion for Catholics: Spiritual and Practical Support for Couples,” written as a resource to provide answers on the Church’s view on infertility and adoption. The freelance journalist and editor, Ruhi-Lopez has traveled across the nation to speak on infertility. She has served on the Archdiocese of Miami’s Synod committee on the family and serves with her husband as NFP promoters and marriage preparation ministers.
Carmen L. Santamaria
Carmen Santamaria is an attorney who lives in Miami, Fla., and is co-author of the award-winning book, “The Infertility Companion for Catholics.” She has traveled the nation speaking at more than 20 Catholic infertility/marriage/pro-life workshops, retreats, radio and TV shows. Santamaria is on the Board of Directors of the Couple to Couple League, she serves on the Archdiocese of Miami’s Planned Giving Advisory Council and is a Legatus Chapter Administrator. She and her husband are catechists, serve in marriage preparation and are NFP instructors.
2-22 Thirsting for Justice: Religious Education and Children with Disabilities
Gleaning from the newly revised U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities,” this workshop will examine how promoting the active engagement of youth with disabilities in faith formation and the sacraments is an expression of our thirst for justice. A variety of models of fostering belonging, effective teaching methods, best practices and resources that will assist catechetical leaders, catechists and parents will be shared.
Sr. Kathleen Schipani, IHM, MEd
Sr. Kathleen Schipani, a sister of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is Director of the Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Deaf Apostolate in the Philadelphia Archdiocese. She formerly served as Board Chair for the National Catholic Partnership on Disability. Sr. Schipani has 39 years of teaching experience with children and adults of all abilities. She has collaborated in national and international projects related to disabilities, presented workshops and trainings and co-authored teacher guides and DVD curricula to prepare individuals who are deaf for the sacraments of initiation.
2-23 Moments, Missions and Milestones: Three Things Every Family Needs to Grow Their Domestic Church
We know faith begins and ends in the home. We know parents are the most powerful influence of faith with their children. We know the Church underscores time and again the critical catechetical role parents possess in faith transmission. But do we know how to get from “here” to “there” in helping parents and families understand and embrace these realities in their daily life? Come and join others hungering for some practical, hands-on approaches to help parents grow, sustain and celebrate faith within their domestic church.
Michael Theisen
Michael Theisen has been involved in youth ministry and faith formation for over 30 years, authoring numerous articles and more than 15 books. His experience as a speaker, trainer and ministry leader ranges from parish to diocesan and national levels. Theisen serves as Director of Ministry Formation for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry in Washington, D.C., where he also is the National Coordinator for their Strong Catholic Families Initiative. He resides with his family in Rochester, N.Y.
Rural, small, clustered, combined are all unique ministry environments. Come explore some incredible, dynamic, successful practices and strategies for long-term success!
Doug Tooke
Based in Helena, Mont., Doug Tooke is Director of Partnerships for ODB Films and owner of Monarch Catholic Ministries. He has over 20 years of professional ministry experience, traveling to over 75 dioceses in the past 20 years teaching, keynoting conventions and training youth ministers. Tooke has spoken at World Youth Day, the National Catholic Youth Conference, the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry and continues to serve as a leader in the field.
2-25 Bring Life and Relevance to Your School Liturgies – Prayer and Praise Through Music
Children can find church boring. We will look at ways to energize our school liturgies from the beginning of the school year to graduation. Through well-planned liturgy and music, we can help our children connect their worship experiences to real life.
Christopher Walker
Internationally known church composer and choral conductor, Christopher Walker is Director of Music at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Los Angeles, Calif., and formerly served at the Clifton Cathedral in the United Kingdom for 18 years. He is a worldwide speaker on church music and liturgy, choral and cantor techniques and children’s spirituality and has appeared in six recent broadcasts on the BBC Network. Walker’s music for adults and children is sung in churches worldwide. His latest work is entitled “Love Beyond Knowledge.”
2-70 Thân xác người nam và người nữ là đền thờ Chúa Thánh Thần
Thuyết trình viên sẽ nói về con người, là nam là nữ, dưới tầm nhìn nhân học Kitô giáo theo thánh Giáo hoàng Gioan Phaolô II, với ba chiều kích căn bản về giới tính, xã hội tính, và sự sống phong nhiêu. Và những hệ luận mục vụ đặc biệt về hôn nhân và gia đình được quan tâm như: những vấn đề về tính dục, đồng tính luyến ái, ngoại tình, ly thân, ly dị, sống chung không hôn phối, sống thử, truyền sinh, ngừa thai, phá thai, thụ tinh nhân tạo…
Our Male and Female Bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit
In this session we will first focus on our humanity, male and female, using the Christian theology of St. Pope John Paul II that features three basic dimensions: sexuality, sociality, and fertility. From there, we will discuss the issues affecting marriage and family: sexuality, homosexuality, adultery, separation, divorce, cohabitation, trial marriage, generation, contraception, abortion, in vitro fertilization, etc.
Giám mục Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn
Đức Cha Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn gốc Quảng Nam, Đà Nẳng, Cử nhân Khoa học, ngành Toán và Vi tính trước khi gia nhập Đại chủng viện Thánh Giuse Sài Gòn. 1999 Thụ phong Linh Mục cho TGP Sài gòn / Thánh Phố HCM. Từ 2007 Giám đốc Chủng sinh dự bị, trưởng ban Mục vụ gia đình Giáo Phận và thư ký Ủy ban Mục vụ gia đình thuộc HĐGMVN. 2017 ĐGH Phanxicô bổ nhiệm Cha Louis Nguyễn Anh Tuấn làm Giám Mục Phụ Tá TGP Sài gòn.
Bishop Louis Nguyên Anh Tuan
Bishop Louis Nguyen, born in Quang Nam, Da Nang, Vietnam, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics and Computer Science before he entered St. Joseph Seminary in Saigon and was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Saigon, Vietnam. In 2007 he was named Rector of the preseminary of St. Paul Loc, Director of the Commission on Family Life, and Secretary of the Episcopal Commission on Family Ministry. In 2017, Pope Francis appointed him Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).
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