Religious Education Congress
Friday Workshops - Period 8
February 17, 2002 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
8-00 God Stories
How are our most urgent hopes and concerns related to what we read in Scripture? How can we connect with these stories in a way that makes them real, personal and contemporary? Our imagination has an important contribution to make to understanding how faith connects with the events, activities and relationships of daily life. Mary Rose Betten brings a wealth of insight into the relationship between faith, imagination and life in her use of meditation and drama that draws us into a living relationship with Gospel stories and realities we can too easily take for granted.
Mary Rose Betten
Author, speaker and character actress Mary Rose Betten has appeared numerous times on stage , screen and episodic television. A three-time Clio award-winner for comedy in commercials, she has presented or appeared on stage in locations from performance centers to cathedrals. She is also an Oblate at St. Andrew’s Abbey in Valyermo, Calif. This is her return visit to the Religious Education Congress.
8-01 Celebrating Our Faith in Song with Children
John Burland
This workshop will be a practical demonstration of how music, song and movement can assist in the faith development and spiritual formation of children from early childhood to the elementary level. John Burland will share many of the songs from his Australian CDs and discuss/demonstrate their practical application in celebrating our faith with children.
8-02 Nourishing the Spiritual Life: Human Symbol Making
Rev. William Cieslak, O.F.M.Cap.
Human beings are symbol makers. Symbols are the "stuff" of dreams, human communication, imagination, thinking and praying. How can we nourish this dimension of our lives? How can we grow spiritually in church, at home, in nature and in the workplace? Our Roman Catholic faith, because it is sacramental, feeds and forms our spiritual lives. This session explores the relationship between symbol making and our spiritual life.
8-03 Arts and Disability
Bro. Rick Curry
The imagination has no physical boundaries. In this session you will discover how art education is a road to lift up the human spirit of persons with disabilities.
8-04 Sacraments and Devotions: Facts and Myths about the Religious Practices of American Catholics
James D. Davidson
This session reviews recent research on Catholics’ participation in the Sacraments and a variety of devotional practices. Their beliefs about Sacraments and devotions are also considered, along with the implications the findings have for clergy and lay leaders.
8-05 The Challenge of Teaching Junior High Young People How To Pray
Ken Doran
This workshop will focus on creative approaches and strategies that can help these young people
experience prayer as a gift that can change lives. Teaching patience and the reliance on hope in an age of instant everything is just one of the challenges! Come see what can work.8-06 Developing Leadership in Youth
This workshop will explore some practical ways that parishes can invite, mentor and train young people for leadership roles within the parish and community. Participants will be invited to think about the various ways they can help young people discover their gifts and develop their talents to serve the Kingdom today and in the future.
Ann Marie Eckert
Ann Marie Eckert has been involved in leadership training of youth for over 15 years through the Christian Leadership Institute, Youth Leader and many other programs. She currently serves as a Consultant for Youth Ministry Services at the Center for Ministry Development. Eckert is a writer, facilitator and workshop presenter.
8-07 Happiness In Spite of It All!
Lee Ezell
Learn how to turn your key for happiness and find contentment in the face of crummy circumstances. Lee Ezell will offer practical steps to walk into God’s freedom, in spite of the difficult people you have to deal with!
8-08 Ten Things Catholics Need to Know about Church Authority
Richard Gaillardetz
Many of the most controversial issues in the Church today are concerned with Church authority. In this session, we will consider some important insights regarding the nature, limits and exercise of authority in the Church today. Attention will be given to the unique role of the Pope and bishops, the contributors of the
sensus fidelium and the question of whether a Catholic can disagree with Church teaching and still be Catholic.8-09 When a Parent Dies: Hope and Help for Adults
Rev. Richard B. Gilbert, D.Min.
Yes, parents die. For adults, there are unique and necessary grief experiences and challenges easily diminished in a society that expects parents to die first. There also are important issues around caring for a dying parent, rebuilding the family after a death, helping a surviving parent and dealing with tough issues and sometimes very harsh memories.
8-10 To Be an Echo of Faith: Where Liturgy and Discipleship Meet
David Haas
Sunday Liturgy, the Liturgical Year, the Sacraments: they all call us to a deeper and more authentic challenge to live as Jesus did – as disciples, on fire with the Gospel to preach, witness and live our faith in service and to help build the city of God. This session will be a prayerful and reflective session, with music, Scripture, poetry and symbol as our guide. Come sing, pray and be challenged to turn liturgical celebration and music into a gathering where transformation, restoration and a spirituality of action can concretely be experienced and lived.
8-11 Inviting Young Families into the Life of the Parish!
Jeannie Hannemann, M.A.
The future vitality of the Church depends, in large measure, on our ability to welcome young families into the life of the Church. In this workshop, the founder of Elizabeth Ministry will present constructive ways to bring young families into the life of the parish and strengthen those families who are already active in the parish community. You will discover new evangelization tools that cherish children, encourage parents and build community.
8-12 Personal Transformation – THE Promise of the 12 Steps
Twelve-Step Spirituality may be the most important spiritual development of the 20th century, say both Richard Rohr and Scott Peck. Twelve-Step Spirituality provides an antidote to all addictions by leading people to God. Herb Kaighan will discuss how he was given a personal and effective relationship with God through the 12-step process.
Herb Kaighan
A successful business and family man, Herb Kaighan is currently Senior Vice President of AON Consulting, a global employee benefits group. He is active in a variety of parish ministries, including serving as director of parish liturgy, lector trainer and a certified spiritual director. As an experienced retreat director and "12-step" speaker, he conducts day- and year-long workshops.
8-13 Sacred Acts – Holy Change: A Model for Faithful Transformation
Rev. Eric H.F. Law
Our Church communities are facing many challenges presented by a complex and diverse society. This workshop, based on materials from the presenter’s latest book, will offer a practical and theologically grounded model and process to enable local Church communities to create action-plans that will address the issues and concerns raised by living in a multicultural society.
8-14 The Hiding Place
In the "busyness" of today’s world, what helps us find solace and calm? This workshop will explore the ways in which God calls us into the quiet so that we can be healed and replenished. It explores the spirituality of the ancient Irish monks that can teach us much today about finding a hiding place with God.
Liam Lawton
A frequent presenter at the Religious Education Congress, Liam Lawton is Director of Music for the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin, Ireland, where he is also on staff at Carlow College. He serves on the Irish Bishops’ Commission for Sacred Music and is an Advisor to the Religious Broadcasting Television Network in Ireland. An avid performer, Lawton has recorded five collections of music.
8-15 Gift Overflowing: Sent to Make a Difference
Rev. J-Glenn Murray
How is the rhythm of our weekly gathering and sending making a difference in the world?
8-16 Mary-ways for Pain-filled Days
Dr. Patricia M. McCormack, I.H.M.
The response of Mary to the painful events in her life offers hope and direction to us in times of suffering. For Mary, sorrows were transformational events; they can be so for us! This workshop leads participants in a reflection of "Your Sorrow is My Sorrow."
8-17 Between the Lines
Leland Nagel
The gifts of God’s love ooze out of the stories, parables and events found in the Bible. Utilizing a variety of methods, Leland Nagel will teach participants ways that allow Scripture to transform the Word into flesh. The session will present real strategies for the Lenten Gospels and more.
8-18 Effective Catechesis: The Bottom Line
There are many ways one could talk about effective catechesis. But there are some "bottom line" essentials that every catechetical experience ... class ... program should include. Some may ask, "Aren’t a catechist and a textbook enough?" This workshop will answer that question and explore the numerous essentials that ought to be included in catechetical sessions and their importance in passing on the faith.
Rev. Terry M. Odien
Fr. Terry Odien currently serves as the Pastor of Holy Saviour Church in Westmont, N.J. He conducts various workshops and presentations at national and diocesan congresses throughout the United States. He has served as President for the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership and currently serves as Consultant to Harcourt Brace’s new elementary series, "Walking by Faith."
8-19 Living Catholic Social Teaching Today
David Robinson
This workshop will invite participants to explore the relevance of Catholic social teaching for today’s challenges. How are Catholics effectively and faithfully applying their Catholic values and tradition to challenge racism, militarism, globalization and domination in the world today?
8-20 Journey of the Sacred – Revisiting Small Faith Communities
Robert Piercy & Friends
Experience the sacred writings of John of the Cross and Teresa of Avila in adult formation. Find ways of making music and ritual an integral part of any faith group gathering. Come away with knowledge of the current state of small faith communities in the United States. (In this session, Robert Piercy will be joined by Rosemary Blueher, Associate Director for Adult Formation in the Diocese of Joliet in Illinois, and Denise La Giglia, spiritual director and musician in the Chicago Archdiocese.)
8-21 How to Communicate with Anyone – Anywhere
This fast-paced, lively and interactive workshop offers skills for more effective and charismatic communication. Learn confidence-building tools for practical, real-life situations, including body language to build rapport, diffuse conflict and increase cooperation and teamwork. Discover interpersonal skills to meet people on their level. Handouts will be provided.
Sheryl Roush
Sheryl Roush is an international speaker/trainer, a consultant and a published author of books and audio tapes. One of only five female "Accredited Speakers" through Toastmasters International, she is also a member of the National Speakers Association. She has presented throughout Australia, Canada, England, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland, Singapore and the United States.
8-22 We Love You, Big Momma!
Rev. R. Tony Ricard
"Jesus said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home" (John 19:27). Mary, the mother of God and our Mother, is our most perfect example of true discipleship. Among all of the saintly mothers we know, Mary, Jesus’ Mother, is the "Big Momma." This mariological workshop will focus on renewing our relationship with our
Redemptoris Mater.8-23 Instilling an Attitude of Success in Our Children
Patt & Steve Saso
Let’s face it. Raising kids in today’s society is just plain scary at times. There are many negative influences that affect the choices our children make, things we have little control over. So how do we teach our children to make positive choices and to develop a spirit of success? Learn the eight essential building blocks children need to grow up healthy, caring and responsible.
8-24 The Church’s Mission of Hope: An Asian Perspective
Rev. Luis Antonio G. Tagle
The whole of humanity has barely started to journey toward the Third Millennium, but we already feel the urgent need for hope. What is Christian hope? How can the Church make hope the focus of its mission? This workshop will propose directions for a mission of hope from the perspectives and experiences of Asian Churches.
8-25 Some Desperate Christians Need All 12 Steps of Recovery
Rev. Thomas C. Weston, S.J.
We can learn a lot of practical skills for living with ourselves and with others by using the 12 Steps as given to the world by Alcoholics Anonymous. We Church people can be difficult and cranky and fall and fail seven times a day. With the Steps, we can learn how to focus on the common good, keep our side of the street clean, ask God for the grace to be honest and useful. We can learn how important it is to let go of resentments. The spiritual life is not just a theory. It has to be practical if it is to be alive and real.
8-26 Adolescent Confirmation: Common Concerns and Challenges
Tom Zanzig
Preparing young people for Confirmation presents particular concerns and challenges, from the roles and responsibilities of parents and sponsors to the myriad of service projects, from choosing confirmation names to determining readiness for the Sacrament. This workshop will cover it all!
8-70 The Eucharist: Broken Bread for a New World (Vietnamese workshop)
Rev. Peter Nguyen Van Hien
"Do this in memory of me": This command of Jesus asks us not only to repeat His actions and words or to remember Jesus and what He did but also to participate in His holy sacrifice or His Passover. We are called to discover the eschatological dimension of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist
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