2002 Religious Education Congress
Saturday Workshops - Period 4
February 16, 2002 • 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
4-00 The Liturgy as a Display of God’s Justice
Rev. Robert Barron, S.T.D.
In the eucharistic Liturgy, the dynamics and dimensions of the Christian life are ritually on display. In the acts of gathering, confessing, reading, preaching, praying, offering, communing and going out, we body forth what it means to be a Christian community. And in so doing, we link ourselves to the rhythms and movements of the heavenly community, allowing the justice (the right order) of God to shine iconically here below.
4-01 Genethics: A Catholic View
This workshop will examine the moral implications of the "new genetics." It will explore the morality of the human genome project, gene therapy and predictive testing.
Rev. Richard Benson, C.M.
Fr. Richard Benson is presently Assistant Professor of Moral Theology and Academic Dean/Vice Rector at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. He formerly served as Vocations Director for the Vincentian Fathers and as Superior and Director at Amat House of Formation in Los Angeles. He has lectured on medical ethics and has presented clergy workshops in California and Utah dioceses.
4-02 The Art of Living: Wisdom in the Old Testament
The Wisdom Tradition in the Old Testament is a body of literature comprising Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon. It is also a powerful and abiding influential movement within Israel. And, perhaps most profoundly, it is an attitude that can ground and illumine our Christian faith and lifestyle.
Camilla Burns, S.N.D. de N., Ph.D.
Camilla Burns is the Director of the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University in Chicago as well as an Associate Professor of Biblical Studies. A former teacher, administrator and principal, she lectures widely in the United States and abroad.
4-03 Discipline and Punishment: Why One Works and The Other Only Appears To
Discipline that gives life to students’ learning can be a path to self-discipline. Punishment and its cousin, zero tolerance, are roadblocks on that path. This session will cover ways to help our students become self-disciplined, compassionate, responsible, resourceful, resilient human beings who can act in their own best interests, stand up for themselves and exercise their own rights while respecting the rights and legitimate needs of others.
Barbara Coloroso
Barbara Coloroso is an author and speaker in the areas of parenting, teaching, school discipline, non-violent conflict resolution and reconciliatory justice. She is an educational consultant for school districts, the medical and business communities, the criminal justice system and other education associations in the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, Asia, Australia and Iceland.
4-04 Vatican II and Prophetic Lay Spirituality
Most Rev. Remi J. De Roo
A major shift has emerged because of Vatican II: Disciples are called from passive receptivity to personal and communal responsibility. We shall overview a prophetic people of God shaping their own history, the pilgrims enroute to the reign of God, and the "already" and the "not yet."
4-05 Contemplating Jesus: The Heart of Prayer
First, a look at Jesus’ full itinerary: from heaven to Incarnation on earth and taking our humanity home to heaven. Then, we shall focus on the importance of scriptural contemplative prayer for knowing Him – fully God and fully human – bonding heart to heart and being drawn up already in Spirit to heaven.
Fr. Gregory Elmer, O.S.B.
Born and raised in Southern California, Fr. Greg Elmer is a retreat master and Director of the Santa Barbara Bay Area Oblates (Third Order, Order of St. Benedict). He is a member of the North American Board for East-West Dialogue and for the Inter-Religious Council of Southern California. He has written several poems that appear in "Place of Passage."
4-06 The Birthing of God in Our Time
Barbara Fiand, S.N.D.
We will explore together an approach to the dogmas of creation, incarnation and redemption that will prove exciting and time-appropriate for the contemporary Christian. We will address the importance of "root metaphors" in the telling of our faith and try to see how the celebration of community, of Eucharist, of our liturgical feasts is, in fact, enhanced through this. Our time together will be particularly helpful to those involved in evangelization and catechesis.
4-07 Perilous Vows: A Spirituality of Marriage for the 21st Century
During this session, we will explore a spirituality of marriage that honors the very real and difficult work that authentic Christian marriage demands today. For married couples, the marriage relationship is the privileged place where we "work out our salvation."
Richard Gaillardetz
Richard Gaillardetz is the Murray/Bacik Chair of Catholic Studies at the University of Toledo, Ohio. The professor is author of numerous books and articles and is a frequent speaker at pastoral conferences. His books include "Perilous Vows," "Transforming Our Days" and "Teaching with Authority."
4-08 The Challenge of U.S. Latino/Latina Theology
This session will explore the principle themes of U.S. Latino/a theology. Special attention will be given to the role of popular Catholicism and the historical experience of mestizaje in the thought of U.S. Latino/a theologians.
Dr. Roberto S. Goizueta
Dr. Roberto Goizueta, a Cuban-American, is Professor of Theology at Boston College. He has lectured throughout the United States on U.S. Latino theology and has written two books. He is married and has three children.
4-09 What Makes Us Catholic: Gifts for Life (Part I)
This session will offer Catholic responses to some great questions for life! Who do we think we are? What’s it all about? Are we made for each other? (Continued in Session 5-11.)
Thomas H. Groome
Tom Groome is Senior Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College. He is author of several books and over 100 articles and essays. He has made over 500 public presentations in the past 25 years, including keynote addresses at all the major conferences of religious educators in North America, both Catholic and Protestant.
4-10 Imagine That!
Marlene Halpin, O.P.
Imagination is a tried-and-true way of leading into prayer of great depth. Scripture and stories engage children delightfully. How to go from the story to reflection, from reflection to intimately quiet prayer will be shown and practiced. (Sixteen years of doing this with K-8 assures that children do it eagerly!)
4-11 Eucharist As a Foretaste of God’s Reign
Marty Haugen
When Christians break bread together in the memory and presence of the Risen Christ, we believe that life is changed for all of us. How can our words, music and actions become a consistent and strong witness to the transformative power of the Sacrament of Eucharist? This workshop will explore how our choice of music and the way in which that music is presented play a key role in the formative experience of Eucharist for all members of the Christian community.
4-12 We Walk with Jesus on His Journey to the Cross
Dr. Diana L. Hayes
We walk with Jesus on His journey to the cross, but through the lens of the contemporary church and society. Today, it is the poor, women, people of color, the marginalized and the invisibilized who are hung on the cross. Using the perspective of African-American spirituality, we explore the meaning of Jesus’ journey for us today.
4-13 Seven Habits of People Who Love Life: Embracing a Few Things that Matter
One day we will all die, but the question is how will we spend our days? Are we fidgeting over "moles and varmints," or glorying year by year in the daffodils? Terry Hershey talks about the seven habits of men and women who see life as sacred, "who live on purpose," who live life to the fullest, and who know that growth is a journey and success doesn’t require arrival – the ones who give no power to public opinion, who embrace moments of grace and understand that laughter is a type of prayer.
Rev. Terry Hershey
A popular presenter at the Los Angeles Congress, Terry Hershey has served as a Protestant minister and is now a writer and landscape designer on Vashon Island, near Seattle. The author of seven books, he speaks throughout the United States on relationships, spirituality and gardening.
4-14 For Christ’s Sake: Whole Community Catechesis
Bill Huebsch
The "General Directory for Catechesis" calls us to a new level of catechesis in our parish communities – a level that involves adults, young adults and children alike, in a setting that fosters both understanding of the faith and how to live it in our everyday lives. This new challenge means that every parish director, school principal and volunteer catechist must embrace a big, new vision: whole community catechesis. This workshop provides a dozen practical suggestions to help implement this new vision into your parishes and schools. Fasten your seatbelts, this will be a dynamic and fun workshop!
4-15 Practical Steps for Building Inclusive Communities
What is an "inclusive community"? How do we maintain our Christian identity while being inclusive of people who have different cultural backgrounds, genders, ages, abilities, etc.? This workshop answers these questions through theological reflection and action-oriented strategies. This model of inclusion is applicable to a variety of ministries.
Rev. Eric H.F. Law
The Rev. Eric Law has been a consultant and trainer for Building Inclusive Communities, a Los Angeles event, for 10 years. An internationally known author, his models, theories and skills have been used widely by the Roman Catholic, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Lutheran churches. He is author of four books, including his latest, "Sacred Acts, Holy Change."
4-16 Global Village or Virtual Pandora’s Box: A Critical Discussion of the Reality of the Online World
With the Internet a reality for today’s youth, are we moving toward a Global Village or opening a virtual Pandora’s Box? This session will examine the impact and consequent social implications of the medium, with moderated panel discussion.
Robert Kopecky, Ph.D.
Dr. Robert Kopecky is Associate Academic Vice President at
Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. He is the author of numerous
articles and has given presentations and workshops on coping with change and
how emerging technology affects society.
Victoria Palmer
Victoria Palmer’s career in marketing communications has included working in both the public and private arenas. She is presently an Account Executive with Pieper & Associates. An Internet user since 1995, her research has concentrated on the communication, marketing and legal implication of the medium.
4-17 One-Liners from God
Sr. Mary Christelle Macaluso, R.S.M.
One-liners are affirmation statements based on Scripture. Discover the importance of feeding your soul with good thoughts. Changing your thought life is a spiritual aid to holiness. Remember, "as you sow shall you reap and as you perceive in your heart so it is." Negative thinking causes stress, and positive thinking reduces it. You’ll be educated and entertained!
4-18 Fortress America
One critic has called it the most extreme American outbreak of punitive xenophobia since the Japanese internment camps of World War II: Since 1996, the U.S. government has detained more than three times the number of immigrants and asylum-seekers. Why? Who are these people? Fr. Rob McChesney will introduce some folks who spent time inside the walls of immigration detention and will give their first-hand perspective. Then, legislative reform vehicles will be highlighted, and options for church engagement at the local level will be examined.
Rev. Robert W. McChesney, S.J.
Jesuit priest Rob McChesney is past National Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service/USA. He is the founding and current Director of the JRS Immigration Detention Program in Los Angeles that serves four INS detention facilities in Los Angeles County. Fr. McChesney is a frequent speaker and has published numerous articles on the Illegal Immigration Reform Act of 1996.
4-19 Catholic Sacraments: Where Are They Going?
What is the future shape for our Catholic Sacraments, and what will change in the teaching of Sacraments? In this session, we will consider Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation in a special way.
Rev. Kenan B. Osborne
Rev. Kenan Osborne, currently Professor Emeritus, has been a Professor of Systematic Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif., for 33 years. Fr. Osborne has lectured throughout the world. He is author of three books, the latest, "Christian Sacraments in a Post-Modern World," is on Sacraments and ministry.
4-20 Catechesis that Cooks!
Young people have hungers; they also like to eat. Come and have some fun as we use cooking imagery to talk about hungers, appetites, creativity, presentation and indigestion. (We couldn’t get Emeril Lagasse, Paul Prudhomme or Justin Wilson – but at least he’s Cajun!)
Michael Patin
Mike Patin, a native of Lafayette, has lived his whole life in Louisiana. Since 1994, he has served as the Director of CYO/Youth Ministry for the New Orleans Archdiocese. He has worked with teenagers and adults in a variety of settings for the past 17 years, and to date, he has spoken to over 450 groups in 40 dioceses.
4-21 The Cosmic Dance: Seeing the Sacred In All of Life
Joyce Rupp
Quantum theory holds that each element of the cosmos is related and interdependent. Incarnational theology proclaims that all of life is sacred. The compassionate heart is one that is in deep communion with these aspects of creation. Joyce Rupp describes the beauty and the challenge of this vibrant dance inherent in us and in all of the cosmos. She invites participants to a keener awareness of these dimensions through story, poetry and Scripture and teaches how to be more attentive to the dance in all of life.
4-22 A New People in a New Time: Matthew’s Vision of the Church
Rev. Donald Senior, C.P.
The early Christian community that produced the Gospel of Matthew lived at a time of extraordinary transition in the life of the early Church. The evangelist retells the story of Jesus and His disciples to give new direction to a community that feared to lose its way, helping it retain its powerful Jewish heritage while opening its horizon to incorporate new and different peoples. This session will trace Matthew’s theological vision and consider its meaning for our Church in our time.
4-23 Stories of Spiritual Wisdom
In the spiritual traditions of the world, storytelling has always been placed in the service of spiritual development. From earliest times, spiritual teachers have created stories to evoke Spirit and introduce people into the subtle dynamics of the spiritual life. Although the stories are historically conditioned, rife with the assumptions and conflicts of the times in which they were written, they are still able to express and communicate spiritual wisdom. These stories are an inheritance, a rich resource for the contemporary interest in spirituality. We will tell and explore stories from Jewish, Christian, Sufi, Buddhist and Native American traditions.
John Shea
John Shea is currently the Advocate Healthcare Senior Scholar in Residence at the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith and Ethics as well as the Research Professor at the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University, Chicago. Author of 11 books of theology or spirituality and two books of poetry, he lectures nationally and internationally on theology and faith-based health care.
4-24 The Life Principles Project
Fr. Robert Spitzer has written a comprehensive philosophy of the pro-life movement entitled, "Healing the Culture: A Commonsense Philosophy of Happiness, Freedom and the Life Issues." In this session, Fr. Spitzer will give an overview of the philosophy and the Life Principles Institute. The Institute, based in Seattle, is training facilitators to bring resources and programs into major U.S. archdioceses and dioceses.
Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.
Fr. Robert Spitzer, a member of the Society of Jesus, Oregon Province, is currently President of Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash. Fr. Spitzer has served the Church in a variety of ways – spiritual director to contemplative religious, an advisor to lay religious groups and a frequent lecturer in Catholic higher education on Christology, ecclesiology and spiritual life.
4-25 The Mystery of God: Biblical Images
The Bible provides a variety of images for God, lenses through which the biblical writers viewed the Mystery of God. At times, some biblical images are more appealing than others. This workshop will explore some of the Bible’s insights into just how to perceive God in the world. Participants will look at the images for God in the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), Jesus’ images for God and the Bible’s portrayal of the Holy Spirit. Emphasis will be placed on how these various biblical images help us gain insight into who God is and how to respond to God’s activity in our lives and our world.
Arthur E. Zannoni
Arthur Zannoni is an award-winning freelance writer, Scripture scholar, teacher, theologian, workshop leader and consultant in the areas of biblical studies and Christian-Jewish relations. He conducts adult education programs, parish missions and retreats based on the Bible. Over the past 20 years, Zannoni has given keynotes, numerous lectures and workshops for adult education programs.
4-70 Cult of the Ancestors: Can It be Practiced by Christians?
Dr. Peter C. Phan
The cult (worship, veneration) of ancestors is a sacred practice in many Asian countries. What is its meaning, and can/must Christians practice it? Insights will be derived from the rites controversy and applied to the liturgical and pastoral context of today.
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