2002 Religious Education Congress
Friday Workshops - Period 2
February 15, 2002 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
2-00 The Soul Work of Sexuality
We need to help our young people understand that healthy sexuality is not about how fun, how fast and how much. It’s about touching the soul of another person.
Bob Bartlett
Bob Bartlett has been working with young people since 1975 as a youth minister, retreat director, teacher and counselor. He has spoken nationally to schools, youth rallies and parishes. His book is titled "Growing Toward Intimacy." He is married and has three children.
2-01 Spirituality: Exploring the Deeper Dimensions of Life through Television
Television is often written off as corrupting at worst, superficial at best. This session will explore how TV can be a valuable resource for our spiritual lives at home and even in church.
Rev. Bernard R. Bonnot, Ph.D.
Fr. Bob Bonnot is a priest of the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, specializing in television since 1980. He currently serves as Senior Vice-President for Religious Affairs at the Hallmark Channel and ministers as a resident at St. John Baptist de la Salle in Granada Hills, Calif.
2-02 Teaching and Preaching the Lenten Lectionary: Possibilities and Perils
The Lectionary exposes Catholics to a wide range of Scripture texts and provides a rich source of Lectionary-based catechesis. Yet in its present form, the Lectionary gives rise to problems. For example, the juxtaposition of readings often reduces the Old Testament to mere preparation for the Gospel text, and readings about women are scarce. This workshop will focus on the Sunday Lectionary for Lent 2002 as a means of reflecting more deeply on two central issues in today’s Church: eliminating anti-Judaism and making women’s experience more central to worship.
Mary C. Boys, S.N.J.M.
Mary Boys, a "teacher of teachers," holds the Skinner and McAlpin Chair in Religion and Education at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. She is also an adjunct member of the faculties for the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and Teachers College at Columbia University. Author of seven books and 60 articles, she brings extensive experience to Catholic-Jewish dialogue.
2-03 Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church
This workshop will deal with major biblical, moral and pastoral questions: for example, the role of an annulment, excommunication and attendance at the Eucharist. The emphasis will be on practical pastoral questions and concerns.
Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, S.S.
Rev. Gerald Coleman is currently President/Rector at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, Calif. He is a Professor of Moral Theology and is Chairman of the Medical-Moral Board for the San Francisco Archdiocese. Fr. Coleman has written numerous articles on morality which have appeared in
America, Church and The Priest magazines, among others.2-04 The Challenge to Pray as Jesus Taught Us
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells us how to pray His official "Household Prayer," traditionally called "The Lord’s Prayer" or "Our Father." Jesus’ Prayer demands certain attitudes as we pray it and witness to it – like justice and a lack of hypocrisy. It also calls for a transformation of the world. No wonder it once was a secret prayer!
Michael H. Crosby, O.F.M.Cap.
Fr. Michael Crosby lives in downtown Milwaukee in a Capuchin Franciscan Community dedicated to the poor. He serves on many boards and religious institutions to help promote social responsibility in investments. He has taught at both the University of Notre Dame and the Graduate Theological Union and now conducts retreats and workshops on biblical spirituality and contemporary life.
2-05 Memories of a Vatican II Council Father
Bishop Remi De Roo will recall his personal experiences as a participant in all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). He will recount anecdotes, key events, enriching relationships, contentious issues, political strategies and a vision for the future.
Most Rev. Remi J. De Roo
Remi J. De Roo is the retired Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. While bishop, he served as a Vatican II Council Father. He also was Chairman of the Human Rights Commission of British Columbia, President, of the Social Affairs Commission of EEEB-Canada, and President of the Western Conference of Catholic Bishops–Canada.
2-06 Family Catechesis for All Ages
Family catechesis is faith formation for adults as well as children. This workshop will look at family catechesis within the family at home and for the family at the parish. We will focus on both the adults and children involved.
Judith A. Dunlap
Judith Dunlap has been involved in parish catechesis for nearly 30 years. She has worked as a youth minister, a family faith minister and a DRE. She was a columnist for "Church" magazine for 10 years and co-authored the catechetical series "God is Calling." Currently, she is a Catechetical Consultant for St. Anthony Messenger Press-Franciscan Communication.
Mary Wlodarski
Mary Wlodarski is the Christian Formation Minister for Holy Trinity Parish and a teacher of pastoral supervision at United Theological Seminary, both located in Dayton, Ohio. A former DRE, she has co-written with Judith Dunlap a family-based catechetical series entitled, "God is Calling," in addition to articles published by
St. Anthony Messenger and Catechist magazines.2-07 Images of God in Our Time
We will reflect together on the contemporary longing for relevance with respect to our God-language and search for meaningful symbols of the Divine in our age. We will begin by exploring the age-old emphasis on stillness and listening as we approach the Holy and ask ourselves what that might look like today. The question we wish primarily to address in our time together: If all God-language is metaphoric, how might we understand religious speech today? How might we reverently approach pronouncements of faith in our time?
Barbara Fiand, S.N.D.
Barbara Fiand, a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, lectures throughout the country and abroad on issues related to holistic, feminine and quantum spirituality as well as prayer and religious life. She is the author of six books, a variety of articles as well as cassette tapes. She is working on her seventh book, a collection of meditative essays.
2-08 Jesus, the New Adam, and Our Temptations
How and why did the first Adam and Eve yield to temptation in the garden and damage our desires? How does Jesus, the new Adam, led into the desert by the tempter, show us the way through all of our temptations to the healing and fulfilling of our desires? Dr. Paul Ford will lead workshop participants in an in-depth analysis of the spirituality of the readings and songs of the First Sunday of Lent, Year A, as the key to a holy Lent.
Paul F. Ford, Ph.D.
Paul Ford, a cradle Catholic, studied for the priesthood but was never ordained; joined as a Benedictine monk at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Valyermo, Calif., but never solemnly professed. Now Professor of Theology and Liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., Dr. Ford is an authority on the life and writings of C.S. Lewis.
2-09 The Jesus Prayer: Christian Practice
A teaching on the Jesus Prayer: How can I pray without ceasing? What’s the difference between the Jesus Prayer and Prayer of the Heart? Sr. Meg Funk will do a catechesis for beginners.
Mary Margaret Funk, O.S.B.
Since 1994, Sr. Meg Funk has served as the Executive Director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue and is the author of "Thoughts Matter" and "Tools Matter." She teaches, writes and is a student of monastic practices.
2-10 Elizabeth Ministry: Nurturing Families During the Joys and Trials of the Childbearing Years
What help can we offer families who are mourning the loss of a child through miscarriage, infant or child death or those struggling with infertility or prenatal testing concerns? How can we encourage those who are pregnant, have given birth or are in the adoptive process and assist families experiencing a child crisis or special need? Join in this life-affirming workshop, presented by the founder of Elizabeth Ministry, which offers resources and information on how this international movement can collaborate with your parish to serve families.
Jeannie Hannemann, M.A.
Jeannie Hannemann is founder and Director of Elizabeth Ministry, an international movement that offers support to women and their families during childbearing years and beyond. The former teacher is a popular speaker (locally in Wisconsin for 20 years, nationally for six years), consultant and author.
2-11 Passing on Our Faith Through Story, Song & Rite
Music is a powerful tool in passing on faith from one generation to another. How does the worship life of a community support, inspire and encourage the faith development of children and youth? This workshop will focus particularly on the role that other cultures offer us of an alternative vision of faith and community. The workshop will look at the diversity of liturgical musical resources available to the parish.
Marty Haugen
For the past 20 years, composer Marty Haugen has presented workshops and concerts across North America, Europe, Polynesia, Asia and Central America to both Roman Catholics and Protestants. His vast range of musical compositions appear in numerous hymnals for Canadian and Australian Catholics, the U.S. Evangelical Lutherans as well as countless Catholic and Protestant denominations.
2-12 Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: The Challenge of a Mature Faith in a Secular World
How do we, as faithful and faith-filled Catholics, continue to grow in our faith as adults? Using the recent document on adult religious education by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC), we will explore the meaning of a mature faith in today’s culturally diverse church.
Dr. Diana L. Hayes
Dr. Diana Hayes is an Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Georgetown University, specializing in liberation theology. She holds doctorates in law, philosophy and sacred theology, the latter two from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. She lectures widely in the United States and internationally.
2-13 Prophets: Foundation for Ministry in a Global Context
Dr. Gina Hens-Piazza
What is a prophet? Contemporary research in biblical studies has begun to challenge some of our common assumptions and previous notions about these biblical figures. Moreover, recent studies suggest new ways the prophet becomes a relevant and challenging model for expanding notions of ministry in our global church.
2-14 Gospel Drama: Walking with the Women and Men of the Bible
Experience how drama and storytelling can draw you into the heart of Scripture. In this "mini retreat," you will meet some of your favorite Scripture characters and learn the spiritual truths they have to impart. We’ll talk briefly about how and why, but mostly the monologues and dramatizations will invite us into prayer and reflection. Experience humor, pathos and joy, and let these familiar Bible characters teach you again how to live the Gospel each day and in every part of your life.
Graziano Marcheschi
Graziano Marcheschi is Director of the Lay Ministry Programs Office for the Chicago Archdiocese. He serves, along with his wife Nancy, on the faculty of the Institute of Pastoral Stueies, Loyola University Chicago, and Retreat International at the University of Notre Dame. A number of their poetry, gesture prayer and Scripture dramtizations have been published.
Nancy Seitz Marcheschi
Nancy Marcheschi, along with husband Graziano, is Director of the Anawim Players. They have been using performing arts for over 20 years at conferences in their local Chicago area as well as across the country. Currently, Nancy is on staff at Pope John XXIII School in Evanston, Ill.
2-15 When the Bough Breaks
Substantial and incontrovertible evidence has proven the debilitating affect family loss has on the well being of the children impacted by such an event. Although some children are resilient, most do not bounce back easily from a death, divorce, abandonment, or having a parent in prison or absent due to depression or addiction. Even the resilient ones suffer and grieve. They must be supported to triumph over their loss.
Suzy Yehl Marta
Suzy Yehl Marta, a divorced mother of three boys, gave up the security of three jobs to establish Rainbows, a non-profit organization for single parent and stepfamily children grieving over the loss of a parent through death, divorce, separation or other painful transition. Rainbows’ curriculum has served more than 900,000 youth throughout the United States, Canada and abroad.
2-16 School Year/Church Year: Customs and Decorations in the Catholic Classroom
Pumpkins in October, turkeys in November, Valentines in February. But why? Do you ever think, "As a Catholic school teacher, I can be doing so much more"? This workshop offers a crash course on the Church’s year and suggests customs, activities and decorations to bring to students the best of their rich biblical and liturgical heritage in celebration of the Church’s year of grace.
Peter Mazar
Peter Mazar is Acquisitions Editor for Liturgy Training Publications in Chicago. A former editor with World Library Publications, he is the author of four publications. His focus has been on keeping the liturgical year at home, in church and in the church school.
2-17 When the Saints Come Marching In
Art is a great way to teach kids about saints and symbols. This workshop will offer an emphasis on saints as seen with contemporary eyes through art and story. Practical suggestions and project ideas will be offered.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath, O.S.F.S.
Michael O’Neill McGrath is a nationally recognized artist, speaker and leader of retreats and workshops. His work is familiar to readers of many of today’s leading Catholic publishers. For the past seven years, Bro. Michael has worked full time as a speaker, presenter and retreat director. He has spoken at the East Coast Religious Education Conference and the NCEA in 1999 and 2000.
2-18 Radical Amazement & Prophetic Sympathy: A Mystical-Prophetic Approach to Pastoral Ministry
Wonder, awe, praise, gratefulness, faith, passion, compassion: Ministry is the response of being moved, whether by God, traces of grace or the awareness of suffering. This workshop will explore ministry as the cultivation and extension of amazement and sympathy.
Dan Miller
Dan Miller is a writer, teacher and spiritual guide. For the past 22 years, he has worked as a pastoral associate, liturgy coordinator, hospital chaplain, pastoral counselor and spiritual director. He currently is Director of Christian Initiation at St. John Vianney Church in Hacienda Heights, Calif. Miller has given numerous talks and retreats in New Jersey, Washington and California.
2-19 Preaching 101: Happy Homiletics
Called to preach the Word, Christians must bring the Message of God to the people in such a way that they receive and understand God’s unconditional Love. Preaching can be fun if your heart is open to being used by the Holy Spirit. This workshop will focus on truly Catholic preaching techniques.
Rev. R. Tony Ricard
Fr. Tony Ricard is Pastor/Parochial Administrator for Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish and St. Philip the Apostle Parish in New Orleans, La. He is also the Core Instructor of Church Doctrine for the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University. A returning speaker at Congress, Fr. Ricard has given keynote addresses, retreats, revivals and youth talks across the nation.
2-20 There Is Something Essential That You Only Know By "Dying"
Richard Rohr will present the similar patterns of faith found among those who suffer, all mystics and those who have survived near-death experiences. Is this not exactly what Jesus was always teaching? For some reason, we did not fully get it. We too quickly started worshiping the messenger instead of living His clear message.
Rev. Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
Fr. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan of the New Mexico Province, now lives in a Franciscan community in New Mexico and divides his time between local work and preaching/teaching around the world. Best known for his audio- and videotapes, Fr. Rohr has written articles for numerous national and foreign publications. His latest books are "Job and the Mystery of Suffering" and "Everything Belongs."
2-21 Reach Your Teens – Guaranteed!
Jesus knew exactly how to work in different cultures. Why don’t we discover these gems of wisdom in our ministry with young people? Discover the most effective ways to make the Gospel relevant to teens in honorable new ways! Capture the enthusiasm and energy of your teens as they take on leadership in ministry. This stuff works! Guaranteed!
Anna Scally
A workshop and youth rally speaker, youth ministry training consultant and disc jockey, Anna Scally has made over 2,000 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days, including major conferences for religious educators in North America. Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is also a columnist for their "Top Music Countdown" quarterly poster.
2-22 How to Reduce Conflict Between You and Your Teenager
Are you tired and frustrated by the continuous conflict between you and your teen? Arguing is often seen as detrimental to relationships. Learn the secrets of transforming conflict into harmony and discover better ways of talking and listening that will improve your relationship by clearing up misunderstandings and hurt.
Patt Saso
Patt Saso, Co-Owner of Saso Seminars & Counseling Services, has been a professional speaker for more than a decade. She and her husband Steve are authors of the award-winning book, "10 Best Gifts For Your Teen" and a set of parenting cassette tapes. She integrates body and spirit in her seminars and private practice.
Steve Saso
Steve Saso draws upon his 30 years of experience as a high school educator to mobilize parents and teachers to build influential relationships with kids. He has been a professional speaker for more than 10 years, and has produced with his wife a book and a set of parenting cassette tapes.
2-23 Building a Healthy Conscience in Junior- and Senior-Highers, the College-aged and Young Adults
This workshop will focus on developing and forming a healthy, functioning conscience in adolescence and young adulthood (ages 11 through 25). The presenter will provide a multidimensional view of conscience that the adult minister/educator can use to build young people’s consciences. Emphasis will be placed on pastoral and practical applications and interventions adults can use with youth.
Charles M. Shelton, S.J., Ph.D.
Author of five books and awarded by the Catholic Press Association, Fr. Charles Shelton is Associate Professor of Psychology at Regis University in Denver and is a licensed psychologist in private practice. He has made over 50 presentations to ministerial and mental-health professionals throughout the country as well as in Canada, Ireland, Taiwan, Thailand and Cambodia.
2-24 The Necessity of Hope
"Hope is believing in spite of the evidence and watching the evidence change": Despite the tragedy of recent events, I still believe in that hope. Now, more than ever, we need to reclaim the possibility of hope. In my travels around the world, I have seen how people from all walks of life are making a difference in their communities. The faith community is getting mobilized like never before and the work of faith-based organizations is in the news every day. Join me on a journey that brings you face to face with stories of faith and hope.
Jim Wallis
A preacher and activist, Jim Wallis is currently Editor-in-Chief of
Sojourners magazine and Convener of the Call to Renewal network. Author of numerous books, he has had columns in hundreds of newspapers and magazines. Wallis travels extensively nationwide and internationally leading seminars and retreats.2-25 God as Lover: The Gospel According to Hosea
Dr. Daniel Smith-Christopher
The Prophet Hosea, introducing the language of love in the vocabulary of Israel and thus biblical religion, had a huge impact on the biblical tradition of faith. But are we
still too cautious in accepting Hosea’s "gospel" of God and God’s people as lovers?2-26 Churches at War and Peace: The Eastern & Western Churches, the Muslims and the Council of Florence 1439
In the stormy 1,000 years of tension and disagreement between the Eastern and Western Churches, there was a brief moment of hope of reconciliation in the 15th century. We will visit that time and place and revisit the hopes and fears, then visit the world of today, in the circumstances of long ago. This talk is presented in honor and respect to Pope John Paul II and his outreach to the Eastern Church and the other children of Abraham.
Rev. Thomas C. Weston, S.J.
Fr. Tom Weston teaches, gardens and speaks on matters of faith and living at retreat houses and parishes throughout North America. He has been a member of the California Province of the Society of Jesus since 1965 and was ordained in 1978. Fr. Weston has lived in Oakland, Calif., since 1981.
2-70 Vietnamese Workshop
Frere Phong
Thursday: | Youth
Day • Registration There is NO online registration for Youth Day |
Friday: |
1 • Period 2 • Period
3 Period 4 • Period 5 • Period 6 Period 7 • Period 8 |
Viernes: |
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• Período 3 Período 4 • Período 5 • Período 6 Período 7 • Período 8 |
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• Hotels • Young Adults • Exhibitors • Exhibit Hours |
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