2002 Speaker Listing
Religious Education Congress
February 15-17, 2002Schedule • Speaker Index • Speaker Topics • Exhibitors
Abraham, Domathoti Topic: Keynote & Social Justice
Angrisano, Steve Topic: (Youth Day) - Prayer & Liturgy
Bañuelas, Rev. Msgr. Arturo J. Topic: Christian Leadership
Barron, Rev. Robert Topic: Theology
Books available at Congress:
Crossroad Publishers booth
Orbis Books boothBartlett, Bob Topic: (Youth Day) - Relationships
Books available at Congress:
"Growing Toward Intimacy" (Good Ground Press)Beaudoin, Thomas More Topic: Young Adults
Becker, Mary Lee Topic: Junior High
Beckman, Betsey Topic: Liturgical Dance
Bellante, Rev. Ruben Francisco Topic: (Spanish) Communication
Benson, Rev. Richard Topic: Morality
Betten, Mary Rose Topic: Catechesis
Web: http://www.valyermo.com/retreats.html
Books available at Congress (St. Andrew’s Abbey booth):
“God Stories” – read at Fr. Joseph Brennan’s workshop
“People of the Passion” (Sheed and Ward)Bird, Nancy Topic: Catechesis
Bishop, Sr. Peg Topic: Leadership; Speaking with Tom Sweetser
Web: http://www.pepparish.org
Books at Congress:
"The Parish As Covenant, A Call To Pastoral Partnership”
"Transforming the Parish” (Sheed and Ward)
“Recreating the Parish” (Sheed and Ward)
“Changing Pastors” (Sheed and Ward)Boadt, Rev. Lawrence Topic: Scripture
Books available at Congress (at the Paulist Press booth):
"Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction" (Paulist Press)Bonnot, Rev. Bob Topic: Spirituality
Boyle, Rev. Greg Topic: Detention Ministry/Gangs
Boys, Mary C. Topic: Catechesis
Brennan, Rev. Patrick J. Topic: Parish Evangelization
Bright, Thomas J. Topic: (Youth Day)
Burland, John Topic: Sacraments/Elem/Early Childhood/Music
Web: http://www.nedderpublishing.com/music.html#music
Music CD and music book collections:
“Songs For The Journey”
“Let's Celebrate”
“Let's Celebrate Too!”
“Sacred Moments”
“Celebrating The Sacraments”Burns, Camilla Topic: Scripture
Campbell, Rev. Antony Topic: Scripture
Carotta, Michael Topic: Family
Carrillo, Carlos Topic: (Spanish) Young Adults
Cerveny, Caroline Topic: Technology
Cieslak, Rev. William Topic: Liturgy
Web site: http://www.fst.edu
Coleman, Rev. Gerald D. Topic: Gay & Lesbian Min
Books Available as Congress:
"Divorce and Remarriage in the Catholic Church" (Paulist Press)
"Human Sexuality: an All-Embracing Gift" (Alba House)
"Homosexuality: Catholic Teaching and Pastoral Practice" (Paulist Press)
"Following in the Footsteps of Christ" (Paulist Press)Coloroso, Barbara Topic: Life Issues
Cortez, Jaime Topic: (Spanish) Music & Liturgy
Cozzens, Rev. Donald B. Topic: Priesthood & Ministry
Crosby, Rev. Michael H. Topic: Social Justice
Cruz, Rev. Faustino Topic: Multicultural Catechesis
Curry, Bro. Rick Topic: Disability Education
Cusick, Rev. John C. Topic: Young Adult Ministry
Davidson, James D. Topic: Young Adult/Sacraments
Books available at Congress:
"American Catholics: Gender, Generation, and Commitment," co-authored by William V. D'Antonio, Dean R. Hoge, and Katherine Meyer (Alta Mira Press)de la Parte París, Ángel Topic: (Spanish) Ecclesiology
De Roo, Most Rev. Remi J. Topic: Vatican II
Web site: http://www.remideroo.com
Books available at Congress (Booth 505) and at http://www.enneagram-applications.com:
"Even Greater Things: Hope after Vatican II" (co-authored)
"Biblical Characters and the Enneagram: Images of Transformation" (co-authored)Del Rey-Schaller, María Topic: Music/Catechesis
Web site: http://www.mariadelrey.com and http://www.soundcovenant.org
DeMartini, Rev. Rodney J. Topic: HIV/AIDS
Dembrowsky, Constance Topic: Life Issues/Psychology
Web site: http://www.iasd.com
Doran, Ken Topic: Junior High Catechesis
Dunlap, Judith A. Topic: Catechesis
Early Childhood Advisory Board, Topic: Early Childhood
East, Tom Topic: Youth Ministry
Eckert, Ann Marie Topic: (Youth Day) & Youth Ministry
Web site: http://cmdnet.org
Books available at Congress:
"Environmental Justice Resource Manual" (National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry).Elmer, Rev. Gregory Topic: Spirituality
Ezell, Lee Topic: Topics of Choice
Web site: http://www.leeezell.com
Fabing, Rev. Bob Topic: Sacraments
Ferder, Fran Topic: Human Sexuality
Web site: http://www.TARAseattle.org
Books available at Congress:
"Fire and Tenderness: The Christian Quest for a Liberating Sexuality" with John Heagle (Crossroad, Feb 2002)
"Words Made Flesh: Scripture, Psychology and Human Communication" (Ave Maria)
"Your Sexual Self Pathway to Authentic Intimacy" with John Heagle (Ave Maria)Fiand, Barbara Topic: Spirituality
Finke, Rudolf Topic: (Spanish) Christology
Florian, Amy Topic: Elementary/Evangelization
Web site: http://www.amyflorian.com
Books available at Congress:
“Sign & Symbol, Word & Song: Creating and Celebrating Classroom Rituals” (Ave Maria Press)Florián, Dr. Lorenzo R. Topic: (Spanish) Music & Catechesis
Web site: http://lorenzoflorian.iuma.com
Ford, Paul F. Topic: Spirituality
Fragomeni, Rev. Richard Topic: Liturgy / Catechumenate
Web site: http://www.ourladyofpompeii.org
Funk, Sr. Mary Margaret Topic: Spirituality
Gaillardetz, Richard R. Topic: Theology & Spirituality
Gallen, Rev. John Topic: Liturgy
Garcia-Mina Freire, Ana Topic: (Spanish) Psychology/Catechesis
Gaupin, Linda L. Topic: Confirmation
Available at Congress (at William H. Sadlier booth):
"The Spirit Sets Us Free -- Confirmation Preparation for Youth" (Student & catechist guide and video)Gilbert, Rev. Richard B. Topic: Bereavement
Books available at Congress:
“Finding Your Way After Your Parent Dies: Hope for Adults” (Ave Maria Press)
“Healthcare & Spirituality: Listening, Assessing, Caring” (Baywood Publishing)Ginel Vielva, Rev. Alvaro Topic: (Spanish) Adult Catechesis
Goebel, Jerry Topic: (Youth Day)
Goizueta, Roberto S. Topic: Theology/Culture
Gordon, Greer Topic: Spirituality/Sexuality
Books available at Congress:
"Symphonies of the Heart: Spiritual Harmony and the Quest for Holiness" (Pauline Books & Media); http://www.pauline.orgGroome, Thomas H. Topic: Catechesis & Evangelization
Books available at Congress:
"Educating for Life: A Spiritual Vision for Every Teacher and Parent" (Crossroads) -- available at both Crossroad and Sadlier booths
"What Makes Us Catholic: Eight Gifts for Life" (Harper, new)Groves, Richard F. Topic: Bereavement
Guajardo, Guadalupe Topic: Multicultural Catechesis
Haas, David Topic: Liturgy & Music
Hailer, Sr. Gretchen Topic: Media
Halpin, Marlene Topic: Elementary-Prayer
Hannemann, Jeannie Topic: Elizabeth Ministry-motherhood
Hartman, Rev. Msgr. Thomas A. Topic: (Youth Day) / Ecumenism
Haugen, Marty Topic: Liturgy & Music
Hayes, Diana L. Topic: Social Justice
Heagle, Rev. John L. Topic: Human Sexuality
Web site: http://www.TARAseattle.org
Books available at Congress:
"Fire and Tenderness: The Christian Quest for a Liberating Sexuality" with Fran Ferder (Crossroad, Feb 2002)
"Your Sexual Self Pathway to Authentic Intimacy" with Fran Ferder (Ave Maria)HealthWorks, Topic: (Youth Day)
Web site: http://www.healthworkstheatre.com
Hens-Piazza, Dr. Gina Topic: Scripture
Hershey, Rev. Terry Topic: Adult Education/Spirituality
Web site: http://www.terryhershey.com and http://www.soulgardening.com
Books available at Congress:
“Soul Gardening: Cultivating The Good Life” (Augsburg Press)Hilkert, Mary Catherine Topic: Liturgy/Spirituality
Books available as Congress:
“Naming Grace: Preaching and the Sacramental Imagination” (Continuum)
“Speaking with Authority: Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today” (Paulist)Ho Lung, Rev. Richard Topic: Liturgy & Music
Huebsch, Bill Topic: Adult Ed/Spirituality
Books available at Congress:
“A New Look at Grace" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"Rethinking Sacraments" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"A New Look at Prayer" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"A Radical Guide for Catholics" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"People of God at Prayer" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"The General Directory of Catechesis in Plain English" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"New Scripture Way of the Cross" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"John XXIII Way of the Cross" (Twenty-Third Publications)
"Praying with John XXIII" (St. Mary's Press)Hurley, Rev. John Topic: Evangelization/Catechesis
Web site: http://www.usccb.org/evangelization
Jabro, Sr. Suzanne Topic: Detention Ministry
Jansen, Val Limar Topic: Music
Joncas, Rev. Michael Topic: Theology/Music/Liturgy
NOTE: Michael Joncas has had to cancel. His replacements, presenting the same workshops, are:
#6-09 Kenan Osborne
#7-17 Marty HaugenKaighan, Herb Topic: Spirituality
Kendzia, Tom Topic: Music
Kline, Rt. Rev. Francis Topic: Spirituality/Prayer
Books available at Congress:
"Lovers of the Place" (Liturgical Press)Kopecky, Robert Topic: Media
Lanzagorta Bonilla, Teresita Topic: (Spanish) Young Adults
Law, Rev. Eric H.F. Topic: Multiculturalism
Web: http://www.chalicepress.com
Books available:
"Sacred Acts, Holy Change" (Chalice Press, new Jan. 2002)
"Inclusion" (Chalice Press)
"The Bush Was Blazing But Not Consumed" (Chalice Press)
"The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb" (Chalice Press)Lawton, Liam F. Topic: Liturgy & Music
Levine, Dr. Alexandra M. Topic: HIV/AIDS
Livingston, Patricia H. Topic: Spirituality
Macaluso, Sr. Mary Christelle, The “Fun Nun” Topic: Catechesis/Evangelization
Web: http://www.funnun.com/faxmailorder.html
Books available at Congress:
“God Knows Best About Stress: Biblical Reflections To Lift Up The Heart”
“One-Liners From God: Biblical Affirmations To Lift Up The Heart”
“God Knows Best About Joy: Biblical Reflections To Lift Up The Heart”Malave, Reinardo “Rey” Topic: (Youth Day)
Marcheschi, Nancy Topic: Drama & Catechesis
Marcheschi, Graziano Topic: Drama & Catechesis
Marins, José F. Topic: (Spanish) Small Christian Comm.
Marta, Suzy Yehl Topic: Family
Martínez, Dr. Gabriel N. Topic: (Spanish) Family Communication
Massingale, Rev. Bryan N. Topic: Social Ethics/Morality
Mazar, Peter Topic: Catechesis
McCarty, Robert J. Topic: (Youth Day) & Youth Ministry
McChesney, Rev. Robert W. Topic: Detention Ministry
Web site: http://www.jesref.org
Published on the web:
"Immigration and Terrorism" (America magazine, October 29, 2001)McCormack, Dr. Patricia M. Topic: Family (Spirituality & Parenting)
McGrath, Bro. Michael O'Neill Topic: Elementary Catechesis & Art
Web site: http://beestill.com
Books available at Congress:
"Patrons and Protectors" (Liturgy Training Publications)
"Journey with Therese of Lisieux" (Sheed and Ward)
"Clip Art for the Parish" (World Library Publications)McKenna, Megan Topic: Justice & Peace
Books available at Congress:
"Prophets: Words of Fire" (Orbis Books)
"Mary, Mother of All Nations" (Orbis Books)
"2001 Lent" 2 Vol (Orbis Books)
"Marrow of Mystery" (Sheed and Ward, 2002)Mecum, Shelly Topic: Evangelization/Catechesis
Web site: http://www.godsphotoalbum.com
Books available at Congress:
"God's Photo Album: How We Looked for God and Saved Our School" (Harper San Francisco)Miller, Dan Topic: Spirituality
Mitchell, Nathan Topic: Liturgy
Books available at Congress:
"Real Presence: The Work of Eucharist" (Liturgy Training Publications)Mullen, Rev. J. Patrick Topic: Scripture
Murray, Rev. J-Glenn Topic: Liturgy
Nagel, Leland Topic: Catechesis
Neeley, Rev. Peter G. Topic: (Spanish) Detention Ministry
Web site: http://www.jesref.org
Web resource: http://www.LIRS.orgNoguez Alcántara, Armando Topic: (Spanish) New Testament
Books/libros at Congress (Editorial Dabar booth):
"Biblia, ética y Apocalipsis"Cuadernos de estudio at Congress (Editorial Dabar booth):
"Apocalipsis, revelación de Jesucristo"
"Éxodo"O'Dea, Shelia Topic: RCIA/Catechumenate
Odien, Rev. Terry M. Topic: Catechesis
Osborne, Rev. Kenan B. Topic: Sacraments
Pacatte, Rose Topic: Media
Web: http://www.pauline.org/store/index.html
Books available at Congress (Pauline Books & Media booth):
“Lights, Camera, Faith... A Movie Lectionary, Cycle A"Palmer, Victoria Topic: Media
Parra Sánchez, Abundio Topic: (Spanish) Old Testament
Patin, Michael Topic: (Youth Day) & Youth Catechesis/Morality
Phan, Dr. Peter C. Topic: Asian Pacific Perspective
Phong, Frère Topic: Catechesis (Vietnamese)
Piercy, Robert Topic: Liturgy
Pilar Latorre, María Topic: (Spanish) Catechesis
Ponnet, Rev. Chris Topic: HIV/AIDS
Web: http://www.la-archdiocese.org and http://circlesofhope.org
Prejean, Sr. Helen Topic: (Youth Day)
Ricard, Rev. R. Tony Topic: (Youth Day) / Topics of choice
Ristow, Kate Topic: Elementary Catechesis
Web site: http://faithfirst.com
Robinson, David Topic: Justice & Peace
Web site: http://www.paxchristiusa.org
Rodríguez, Cardinal Oscar Andrés Topic: Keynote & workshop
Rodríguez, Rev. Domingo Topic: (Spanish) Evangelization & Culture
Books available at Congress:
"El Momento Catolico" (Claretian booth)Rodríguez, Rev. Edmundo Topic: (Spanish) Ecclesiology
Rohr, Rev. Richard Topic: Catechesis & Evangelization
Books available at Congress:
“Everything Belongs” (Crossroad Press)
“Job and the Mystery of Suffering” (Crossroad Press)
“The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective” (Crossroad Press)
“Hope Against Darkness” (St. Anthony Messenger Press)
“Radical Grace” (St. Anthony Messenger Press)
“The Great Themes of Scripture” (St. Anthony Messenger Press)
“Jesus' Plan for a New World” (St. Anthony Messenger Press)
“Near Occasions of Grace” (Orbis)Roof, Dr. Wade Clark Topic: Morality/Values
Rose, David R. Topic: Special Education
Roush, Sheryl Topic: Communication
Web site: http://www.SparklePresentations.com
Books available for Congress:
"Solid Gold Newsletter Design"Rubalcava, Pedro Topic: (Spanish) Music & Catechesis
Web site: http://www.ocp.org/composers/rubalcava.html
Web site: http://www.wlp.jspaluch.com/artist.asp?authid=AUT00000364Ruiz de Arana Marone, Crista Topic: Family
Rupp, Joyce Topic: Spirituality/Prayer
Web site: http://www.JoyceRupp.com
Books available at Congress:
"The Cosmic Dance: Experiencing Our Oneness" (Orbis Books)Rye, Rev. Gary C. Topic: Scripture
Saso, Patt & Steve Topic: Parenting/Family
Web site: http://www.SasoSeminars.com
Web resource: Saso Seminars email newsletter
Books available at Congress (at Ave Maria booth):
"10 Best Gifts for Your Teen" (Sorin Books)
Books and Cassettes available at Congress (at U.S. Catholic booth)Saunders, Kevin Topic: Scripture-NT
Scally, Anna Topic: Youth Ministry
Web site: http://cornerstonemedia.org
Senior, Rev. Donald Topic: Scripture
Shea, John Topic: Storytelling/Scripture/Spirituality
Shelton, Rev. Charles Topic: Morality
Books available at Congress:
"Achieving Moral Health" (Crossroad)Slon, Rev. Thomas R. Topic: Liturgy
Smith-Christopher, Dr. Daniel Topic: Scripture
Books available at Congress:
"Subverting Hatred: Essays on Nonviolence and World Religions" (Orbis Books)Sparough, J. Thomas Topic: (Youth Day) Youth Ministry & Spirituality
Spitzer, Robert J. Topic: Respect Life
Stauring, Javier Topic: (Spanish) Reconciliation/Violence
Steinfels, Margaret O'Brien Topic: Keynote
Sweetser, Rev. Thomas J. Topic: Leadership; Speaking with Sr. Peg Bishop
Web site: http://www.pepparish.org
Books at Congress:
“The Parish As Covenant, A Call To Pastoral Partnership”
”Transforming the Parish” (Sheed and Ward)
“Recreating the Parish” (Sheed and Ward)
“Changing Pastors” (Sheed and Ward)Tagle, Rev. Luis Antonio G. Topic: Ecclesiology
Toan, John Francis "Cha" Topic: Vietnamese/English Workshop
Van Hien, Rev. Peter Nguyen Topic: Vietnamese/English Workshop
Vela, Rudy Topic: (Spanish) Liturgy
Villarroya, Rev. Pedro Topic: (Spanish) Social Justice
Walker, Christopher Topic: Liturgy
Latest publication: "Christ We Proclaim" (Oregon Catholic Press, new 2002)
Wallis, Jim Topic: Justice
Web site: http://www.sojo.net
Books available at Congress:
"Faith Works: Lessons From the Life of an Activist Preacher" (Sojourners) on the webWanland, Donna Maree Topic: Scripture & Life Challenges
Weber, Jean Marie Topic: Evangelization & Catechesis
Welch, Bud Topic: Detention Ministry
Wells, David Topic: Adult Catechesis
Weston, Rev. Thomas C. Topic: Ecclesiology/Spirituality
Web site: http://www.inlight.com (for tapes and schedule)
Witter, Jacquelyne Topic: Adult Catechesis
Wlodarski, Mary Topic: Catechesis
Yzaguirre, Dr. John Topic: (Spanish) Psychology/Family
Zannoni, Arthur E. Topic: Scripture
Books available at Congress:
"Jesus of the Gospels: Teacher, Storyteller, Friend, Messiah" (St. Anthony Messenger Press)
"Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations" (Paulist Press)
"Tell Me Your Name: Images of god in the Bible" (Liturgy Training Publications)
"Tell Me Your Story:The Parables of Jesus" (Liturgy Training Publications)Zanotto, Rev. Luigi Topic: (Spanish) Theology
Zanzig, Tom Topic: Confirmation
Web site: http://smp.org
Books available at Congress:
"Confirmed in a Faithful Community"Zuniga, Luis Topic: (Spanish) Sacraments
We've asked our speakers to respond and send link information if they have a web site or a publication available at Congress 2002. Only those who have responded are listed here. If you'd like to add something, let us know.
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