2002 Religious Education Congress
Saturday Workshops - Period 5
February 16, 2002 • 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
5-00 Social Transformation – Building a Just Society
This session will demonstrate how humanization and evangelization can promote human dignity and will discuss animation, an empowerment education of the poor, to bring awareness of discrimination in every form. The speaker will highlight the Building Peoples non-violent movement in India to bring about social transformation.
Domathoti Abraham
Domathoti Abraham presently serves as Executive Director of Andhra Pradesh Social Service Society, a regional official organization of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Andhra Pradesh, India, involved in the empowerment education of rural, adult poor. Born to a poor, rural Catholic family, Domathoti has spoken at national and international conferences for the past 15 years.
5-01 Jamming the Consumer Society – Through Ministry
Thomas Beaudoin, Ph.D.
What ministerial strategies help us to help others "jam" consumer society? That is, how can we creatively and Christianly disrupt negative influences in our everyday lives – so as to practice a more faithful economic discipleship?
5-02 Dance with All Creation
Can we join the dance of all creation – the whirling planets, spark of sun and wind of Spirit? Discover our unique capacity as humans to use the gift of our bodies to express our awe of God’s goodness. Explore gesture, sign language, movement and drama as ways of involving our assemblies in the great dance of liturgy. Come and practice the possibility of embodied prayer as a tool for transformation – and celebration!
Betsey Beckman
Betsey Beckman is a freelance liturgical dancer, choreographer, movement therapist, author and storyteller based in Seattle. She spent six years on the teaching staff at the Institute for Transformational Movement in Seattle and now is a presenter/performer at numerous national conventions. She also has a book and audio cassettes on movement prayer and is featured in the video, "The Dancing Word – Miriam & Mary."
5-03 The Tree of Life: Woman Wisdom
Camilla Burns, S.N.D. de N., Ph.D.
In the Old Testament, Wisdom is personified as a woman. Woman Wisdom first appears in the Book of Proverbs, and the story of her evolution is portrayed in Job, Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon. Many contemporary theologians are using this material to talk about Christology and the Trinity.
5-04 Capital Punishment and Catholic Teaching
Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, S.S.
This workshop will deal with the question of capital punishment in its historical aspects and current moral and pastoral concerns as well as address the teaching of the catechism, "The Gospel of Life" and John Paul II.
5-05 Profile of the Effective Pastor/Lay Minister
A workshop examining the characteristics (the habits of soul) and the skills of effective pastoral ministers – ordained, vowed religious and lay – in today’s parishes and congregations.
Rev. Donald B. Cozzens, Ph.D.
Donald Cozzens is a resident scholar at the Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research at St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. He formerly served as President-Rector of St. Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology in Cleveland, Ohio. Fr. Cozzens is author of the best-seller "The Changing Face of the Priesthood" and editor of "The Spirituality of the Diocesan Priest."
5-06 Disability: A Blessing or a Curse?
This workshop will explore attitudes surrounding persons with disabilities as held by the person with the disability, care givers, the public and the Church and how those attitudes impact society.
Bro. Rick Curry
Bro. Rick Curry is founder and Artistic Director of the National Theatre Workshop of the Handicapped. A Jesuit brother, Curry received the President’s Award of the National Council on Culture and Arts and was honored by the President of the United States with the Distinguished Service Award of the President’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
5-07 Theology-on-Tap: Understanding the Strategies Behind the Most Successful Young Adult Program
Twenty-one years ago, Theology-on-Tap began in one parish. This young adult program of catechesis and evangelization to young adults in their 20s and 30s has become the must effective and popular program in the Church. This workshop will explore the strategies that have led to its success and how your parish might benefit from it.
Rev. John C. Cusick
Fr. John Cusick, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, served as an associate pastor until joining the faculty of Niles College at Loyola University in Chicago. Concurrent with his work at the college seminary, he was appointed Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry for the archdiocese. Fr. Cusick is a frequent speaker at the Los Angeles Congress.
5-08 Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Developing Empathy in Children
Constance Dembrowsky
How much more efficiently would your classroom run, how much more peaceful would interactions in your family be if children could empathize with others when they experience difficulties? This practical session will give you three specific steps to teach children to see things from another person’s point of view. Use these techniques and watch your children begin to manifest the tolerance, compassion and tenderness that empathy generates.
5-09 Finding God When Life’s Not Fair
This lively session, laughing and learning with Lee Ezell, will tackle some hard questions about random suffering. Focused on why bad things happen to good people, she offers hope for those whose faith has been challenged through life’s soul shakers and aftershocks!
Dr. Lee Ezell
Dr. Lee Ezell, a "humor therapist," is author of eight award-winning books translated into 14 different languages. She may be best known for her book, "The Missing Piece" (her life’s story), a poignant real-life drama of a virgin teenager with an unplanned pregnancy. Ezell is an internationally sought-after speaker for schools, fundraisers, conventions and churches of all denominations.
5-10 Heal My Heart: Pastoral Responses to Sexual and Relational Violence
We tend to think of violence in global terms – ethnic cleansing, international terrorism, environmental disasters. As fearful as these realities are, the most radical forms of destruction are more immediate, hidden and interpersonal – domestic violence, sexual abuse and the exploitation of women, children and sexual minorities. This presentation explores the reality of sexual violence and its effects on those we love. It also suggests ways that faith communities, pastoral ministers and families can break the cycles of oppression and support the journey toward healing.
Fran Ferder, F.S.P.A.
Fran Ferder is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration and a clinical psychologist. A psychotherapist and professor in the Graduate School of Theology and Ministry at Seattle University, she maintains a busy schedule of national and international speaking and writing. She is published alone and with John Heagle; their latest book is due out in 2002.
Rev. John Heagle
John Heagle, along with Fran Ferder, is Co-Director of Therapy and Renewal Associates (TARA), located in Seattle. He has 25 years of teaching experience at the college level and maintains a full national and international speaking schedule, often with Fran Ferder. The former pastor and Office of Justice and Peace director is an author on his own and has co-authored with Ferder.
5-11 What Makes Us Catholic: Gifts for Life (Part II)
Thomas H. Groome
This session will offer Catholic responses to some great questions for life! In what will we invest? What are our politics? Who is our neighbor?
(Continuation of Session 4-09; does not require attendance of Part I.)5-12 The Ministry and Mission of Sung Prayer
Music ministry, and its role in the Liturgy, is more than just singing and playing the notes. The call of all music makers at worship – cantors, choir members, instrumentalists and even the assembly – is to a deeper sense of prayer leadership and conversion. This interactive, musical session will be an opportunity to reflect more deeply on our common mission and the skills and sensitivities needed to be an integrity-filled leader of sung prayer. We will also delve into the preparation and placement of music in the Liturgy, with lots of singing and samples galore! Come pray, sing and be challenged!
(Bio on next page)
David Haas
David Haas is Director of The Emmaus Center for Music, Prayer and Ministry and is Campus Minister/Artist in Residence at Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School in St. Louis Park, Minn. Haas is well known as a liturgical composer, concert performer, recording artist, retreat leader and speaker at conferences and conventions throughout the United States and abroad.
5-13 Catherine of Siena and the Voices of Women Today
Mary Catherine Hilkert, O.P.
In 1970, the 14th-century laywoman Catherine of Siena was named a Doctor of the Church for her mystical wisdom and her "charism for exhortation." Her gift for "speaking the truth in love" exerted an influence that extended from popes and politicians to prisoners awaiting execution. This session will explore two questions: What empowered this woman to speak and act with authority in the name of Christ? What inspiration can contemporary women – and the entire Church – draw from Catherine of Siena’s boldness, fidelity and love of the broken body of Christ and a wounded world?
5-14 Caribbean Music
The music for the Caribbean Mass with its mento, revival, ska and reggae rhythms is very popular in the Caribbean Islands and is spreading in the United States. This workshop will teach this type of music, and those who attend this session will be invited to join together as a choir for the Caribbean Liturgy. Excellent music for the young at heart!
Rev. Richard Ho Lung & Friends
Born and raised on the island of Jamaica, Fr. Richard Ho Lung has dedicated 20 years of his life to serving the poor and has founded the Missionaries of the Poor. Along with a community of 115 young religious brothers and priests, they house and care for abandoned children, lepers and people with AIDS in India, the Philippines, Haiti and Jamaica. Music is a primary source of their revenue.
5-15 Reconciliation: A Time to Listen ... A Time to Heal
Fr. John Hurley
Reconciliation begins with recognizing a relationship with another. As Christians, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. To begin reconciliation, we must begin there. This workshop will explore different ways of reaching out to inactive Catholics for reconciling communities of faith. "A Time to Listen ... A Time to Heal: A Resource Directory for Reaching Out to Inactive Catholics" will help guide the workshop and discussion. "The Prodigal Son" by Henri Nouwen will also aid our reflections.
5-16 Parish-based Model for Healing: Circle of Reconciliation
"Restorative justice" is a philosophy that offers us a chance to practice the qualities that make people great: compassion, healing, mercy and reconciliation. Restorative justice offers the processes whereby those affected by criminal behavior, whether they be victims, offenders, the families involved or the wider community, all can have a part in resolving the issues that flow from the offending. This workshop welcomes the testimony of a murder victim family’s member, a former prisoner, a parent, and a child of a parent in prison, who embrace healing rather than vengeance.
Sr. Suzanne Jabro, C.S.J.
Sr. Suzanne Jabro is a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet. For the last 27 years she has been involved in Catholic detention ministry in facilities in Southern California and Washington state. She has served as a prison chaplain for a number of prisons and juvenile facilities and is currently Director of Detention Ministry for the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
5-17 What Happened to June & Ward Cleaver? Ministering to Families in Crisis
Suzy Yehl Marta
Society and family structure are changing. In the "good old days," families pulled together and weathered each crisis. Today, mobility, high divorce rates, death, unemployment and even chemical dependency have separated families and left them unprepared and without any visible means of support. As Church, we are called to empower families to face their pain as we minister to their emotional wounds. This workshop will address the emotions and needs of family members as well as concrete, practical skills for ministering to families in crisis.
5-18 Jesus: The Overflowing Grace and Gift
Dr. Megan McKenna
God gave the world the person of Jesus Christ as the astounding reversal of fortune for human beings. We are acquitted! We are liberated! We are freed! We are dealt with mercifully! We are given abounding life! We are given obedience as the new way of being graceful. Who is this Jesus? Come, listen to stories and experiences of Jesus from Scripture and from around the world today. People are still dying (and living) to hear the story of God’s gift to us in Jesus.
5-19 HIV/AIDS: Pastorally (and Through Education) Transforming the World
This session will offer a brief medical and global update by Dr. Alexandra Levine, with pastoral and educational suggestions in the context of a panel living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. Fr. Chris Ponnet will speak and moderate the panel – a multicultural voice of the Church representing both men and women.
Rev. Chris Ponnet
Fr. Chris Ponnet is Liaison for Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Also, as Pastor of St. Camillus in East Los Angeles, his role is as Chaplain/Director for the LAC/USA Medical Center and AIDS Chaplain at the APLA/Carl Bean House. He has given talks to a variety of audiences: regional conferences, TV and radio shows, chaplains and AIDS ministers.
Alexandra M. Levine, M.D.
Dr. Alexandra Levine is currently the Medical Director of the USC/Norris Cancer Hospital in Los Angeles. Her research interests have led her to publish more than 180 articles, over 50 book chapters and edit two books. In 1981, she began an active program of AIDS research and 14 years later was appointed by President Clinton to the Presidential HIV/AIDS Advisory Council and served as Chair of the Research Committee for the Council through 2001.
5-20 Simba & Rafiki – Journey in Adolescent Spirituality
Michael Patin
Using Disney’s "The Lion King," we’ll take a look at the emotional states of teens and identify key phases of their spirituality – and how we can befriend them.
5-21 Faith in a Time of Exile
Rev. Richard Rohr, O.F.M.
How does one live a biblical faith when we are living in an almost totally secular culture and a partially secular church? What do the Scriptures teach about the unique character and challenge of faith "in exile"? How does one live as a "resident alien" after we have "seen the promised land"? This will be a study in biblical spirituality for our time.
5-22 Gather Faithfully Together: Signing God’s Words
Responding to Cardinal Mahony’s Pastoral Letter, "Gather Faithfully Together," Holy Angels Church of the Deaf established a new lay parish leadership: the Triad. It consists of three directors – all deaf or hard of hearing – and a festive liturgical celebration, along with the vibrating deaf community as well as parents, siblings and friends. In this session we will celebrate trilingually, in American Sign Language, English and Spanish. Come and see what Holy Angels Church of the Deaf has to offer that makes the parish alive.
David R. Rose
David Rose is Deaf Director of Liturgy and Spirituality at Holy Angels Church of the Deaf, located in Vernon, Calif. He is also a special education teacher in his sixth year at South Hills High School in West Covina, Calif. Rose has been a past speaker at the Religious Education Congress.
5-23 The Neglected Question: How Do We Go About Building Conscience Both in the Adult Minister and Those They Minister To?
Charles M. Shelton, S.J., Ph.D.
This workshop will focus on a rarely addressed theme in ministry: What are the ways that help adult ministers/educators to become "morally healthy" adult ministers? Also, what are the ways/methods we can use to help the adults to whom we minister develop healthy consciences? What does a morally healthy adult conscience look like, and how can we further its on-going development? Emphasis will be placed on concrete pastoral and practical applications and interventions that the adult minister/educator can use with those to whom he or she ministers.
5-24 The Philosophy and Cultural Consequences of the Roe vs. Wade Decision
Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.
After many years, the cultural consequences of the Roe vs. Wade decision have become evident. The wording and promulgation of the decision have changed our view of "person," "inalienable rights," "common good" and even "ethics," "freedom" and "happiness." Fr. Robert Spitzer will address how these essential categories of cultural discourse devolved and will suggest a remedy that involves all who believe in the primacy of
Agape (love or care without expectation of reciprocity).5-25 Paul Through the Looking Glass
During his lifetime, Paul of Tarsus was thrust into situations that called on him to make critical choices. He always made them but not without anxiety and not without deep, personal consequence. This workshop will take a new look at the very beginnings of Paul’s mission and the early, crucial decisions made by a man filled with both fear and trust, divine call and human struggle. Paul is a saint for the person who lives within a world of anxiety and confusion but clings stubbornly to a God who promises never to abandon us in our struggles.
Donna Maree Wanland
Chicago-native Donna Wanland has spent nearly 50 years teaching, the last 28 as Senior Member of the Theology Faculty at Loyola High School in Los Angeles. A Master Catechist and author of numerous articles on the teaching of religion to young people, she has been a speaker at the Religious Education Congress and for parishes throughout the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
5-26 Proclaim the Good News to All the World: The Theology and Praxis of Adult Faith Formation
Jacquelyne Witter
In their statement on adult faith formation, "Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us," the U.S. bishops "call the Church in our country to a renewed commitment to adult faith formation, positioning it at the heart of our catechetical vision and practice." If we are going to respond to the bishops’ call, we need to consider three key questions that will be explored in this workshop: What is the message we proclaim? How can we proclaim it to adults? What are our hopes for our listeners?
5-70 Vietnamese Workshop
Frére Phong
Thursday: | Youth
Day • Registration There is NO online registration for Youth Day |
Friday: |
1 • Period 2 • Period
3 Period 4 • Period 5 • Period 6 Period 7 • Period 8 |
Viernes: |
1 • Período 2
• Período 3 Período 4 • Período 5 • Período 6 Período 7 • Período 8 |
General: |
• Speaker Topics • Guidebook
• Hotels • Young Adults • Exhibitors • Exhibit Hours |
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