2015 RECongress Period 7
Religious Education Congress
Sunday, March 15, 2015
10:00 - 11:30 am
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= Recorded session
7-01 The Francis Mission: Progress Report on a Populist Pope and His Historic Reform
John L. Allen, Jr. (bio 5-01)
The Boston Globe’s John Allen will review the latest twists in the Pope Francis story, bringing into focus the overall strategy of this populist pope for a renewed and evangelically dynamic Catholicism. We will examine reform moves by Francis on financial transparency, sexual abuse, the family, and ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, suggesting what they mean not just for Rome but for the Church at all levels and in all places.
7-02 Many Paths, One Lord, One Family of Faith
How do I know what God is calling me to do? Who is God calling me to be? Come and hear how two very different brothers share the paths of their lives with humor, faith and music. Discuss with other young adults about discerning your path in life or how to build your own family of faith. This session could help you see what God is doing in your life!
Fr. Christopher Bazyouros
Ordained in 2003, Fr. Chris Bazyouros has served the Los Angeles Archdiocese in various parishes. He now works as the Adult Faith Formation Consultant for the Office of Religious Education and is also involved in the Catholic Bible Institute and various programs in that field. Fr. Chris was a member of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission for five years, two years of which he served as Chair. He has presented workshops and facilitated retreats at numerous diocesan events.
Joseph Bazyouros
Joe Bazyouros is Director of Music at the University of Southern California Caruso Catholic Center. He formerly served in the Los Angeles Archdiocese as Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Frances of Rome in Azusa and as Director of Music at St. Martin de Porres in Yorba Linda. Joe has served on the Music Advisory Board for the Office for Worship for the Diocese of Orange and as Chair on the Diocesan Liturgical Commission. He is also in his 14th season as a member of Los Angeles Master Chorale.
7-03 Serving the World Based on Need Not Creed: Interreligious Collaboration and the New Evangelization
Michele F. Broemmelsiek (bio 5-05)
For over 70 years, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has been a living witness to the U.S. Catholic community’s commitment to the poor and vulnerable around the world. Through its partnership with local interreligious leaders, CRS has helped to shed light on what it means to respond to Jesus’ invitation to be “peacemakers” in our day. Join Michele Broemmelsiek, Vice President of Overseas Operations for Catholic Relief Services, as she shares how the Catholic Church is bringing the Good News to the ends of the earth.
7-04 Seeing Reality with a Double Vision
Adult faith and spirituality are always seeing with a “double vision,” through both the inner and outer lens of our humanity. We cannot separate faith from lived reality without doing serious damage to our relationships. This workshop will explore the necessary mature relationships between the human and the divine aspect of reality.
Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD
Fr. Jim Clarke is Director of Spiritual Formation and an Assistant Professor of Spiritual Theology at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. With an extensive academic background in the fields of spirituality, adult education, counseling, ritual and depth psychology, Dr. Clarke currently serves as Chair of the Spirituality Commission of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and is an Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests.
7-05 See the Bright Star of Black Catholic Evangelization!
Come see the bright future of evangelization in the black Catholic community. Using James Weldon Johnson’s song-poem, “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” come and hymn hope for peoples of African descent living in a world too often unaware of their gifts. Examine what the Holy Spirit is doing through the New Evangelization among 200 million black Catholics worldwide. Envision the “bright gleam of the bright star” in our future Church for all people of all backgrounds. All are welcome; bring your voices and eyewitness accounts of the “Joy of the Gospel.”
Msgr. Raymond G. East
The grandson of Baptist missionaries to South Africa, Msgr. Ray East was born in Newark, N.J., and raised in San Diego. A priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., he served in six local parishes before being named Pastor of St. Teresa of Avila Church. Msgr. East was Director of the Office of Black Catholics and Vicar for Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. He is a regular and popular speaker at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and he continues to present workshops, facilitations and keynote addresses at major national events.
7-06 Awesome Prayer Experiences with Adolescents
Steven Ellair (bio 3-05)
In this engaging and experiential workshop, we will explore how essential prayer is for the adolescent and learn easy techniques and styles of prayer that help create powerful experiences with youth. We will also identify the keys necessary for nurturing an adolescent’s relationship to God. Don’t miss this one!
7-07 Art and Hispanic Popular Piety: Doors to the Sacred
Recently Pope Francis, echoing Aparecida (the 2007 meeting of Latin American bishops), has been reminding us of the great spiritual riches found in popular religious expressions. By way of their altars, processions, vigils and other manifestations, these artistic dances, dramas and food are often not only the way in which a people celebrate the mysteries of the faith, such as Christmas and Easter, but also the way in which they pass on their beliefs to the next generations. This workshop presents various vibrant examples of these artistic manifestations, allowing participants to reflect on how God often becomes present through beauty in their own cultures.
Rev. Eduardo C. Fernandez, SJ
Fr. Eduardo Fernandez teaches at the California Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University and at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley; he gives workshops and retreats and assists at local parishes. His two latest books are the award-winning “Mexican American Catholics” and one co-written with Kenneth McGuire, CSP, and Anne Hansen, “Culture-Sensitive Ministry: Helpful Strategies for Pastoral Ministers.”
Nancy Pineda-Madrid, PhD
Dr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid is Associate Professor of Theology and U.S. Latina/o Ministry in the School of Theology and Ministry at Boston College, where she has taught since 2005. She presents lectures and workshops around the country and internationally. Dr. Pineda-Madrid is author of “Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Juarez” and co-editor of the book “Hope: Promise, Possibility and Fulfillment.”
7-08 The Early Church’s Practice of Eucharist: A Provocative Treasure
Edward Foley, OFM Cap (bio 5-12)
Some believe Christianity was born in uniformity and has become more diverse over the centuries. This consideration of Eucharistic practice in the first three centuries will dismantle that myth. Exploring some of the great diversity of practice in these centuries will allow for fresh interpretations of our Eucharistic traditions. In the process, we will challenge narrow thinking about a moment of consecration, and offer pathways for thinking about inculturating worship today, founded upon ancient and foundational practices of Christian communities.
7-09 Songs, Stories and the Spirit of God
Fr. Rob Galea will share stories and songs about his search for God. A journey from “victim” to “victor,” this session will be heartfelt and inspirational. Music from his latest releases will be featured.
Fr. Rob Galea
Fr. Rob Galea, a Catholic priest, currently serves as an assistant parish priest and as Chaplain at Notre Dame College, both in Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. He is a singer and songwriter with an international fan base. In addition to his series of recordings and CD releases, Fr. Galea has also written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences. He is co-founder of Stronger, a youth program that is becoming one of Victoria state’s largest Catholic youth movements.
7-10 The Faith of Ruth, Esther & Judith: Hidden Gems of the Bible and Pope Francis
Recent scholarship has called attention to the importance of the books of Ruth, Esther and Judith. Though Ruth and Esther are often grouped together in Hebrew for liturgical purposes, in this session all three will be examined as representative of an incarnational or lived theology that Pope Francis focuses upon in his book, “Open Mind, Faithful Heart.” The three biblical books make a powerful statement on the value of constructing theology based on lived experience and boundary-breaking love.
Garrett Galvin, OFM
Dr. Garrett Galvin, a Franciscan Friar of St. Barbara Province, teaches a variety of Old and New Testament courses at the Franciscan School of Theology and at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif. Dr. Galvin has lectured at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific, was Adjunct Professor at the American Baptist Seminary of the West, and a Teaching Fellow at The Catholic University of America. Author of “Egypt as a Place of Refuge,” he is currently working on his next book.
7-11 Justice and the Table: Eucharistic Spirituality
Dr. Greer G. Gordon (bio 3-11)
Christian understanding of the centrality of the Eucharist has become distant from daily life. For many, the adoration of Christ in the Sacred Species is limited to a form of personal spirituality that is completely private. If Christ in the Eucharist is at the center of God’s presence in the Church, then that fellowship offered to us in and through the presence of Christ in the Eucharist requires us to act justly and to live righteously in the midst of this unjust and unrighteous world. This workshop is an exploration of the relationship between the Eucharist and our daily lives. It will present insights into Eucharistic spirituality, while discussing the theology of the Eucharist, and the social teachings of the Church.
7-12 A Deep Theological Truth revealed: Everybody’s a Bit Weird!
Darrell Hall (bio 6-12)
We all want to see and think of ourselves as normal, but the Bible insists that no one is truly normal: “We are all like sheep that have gone astray” and “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Ever notice how many messed up families there are in Genesis? Why does the writer of Genesis include all this stuff? The writer is trying to establish a deep theological truth: Everybody’s a bit weird! Despite our weirdness, we were made for relationships, but all relationships are broken. The solution to our brokenness? The carpenter from Nazareth!
7-13 the Psalms and the Catechesis of the Heart
Like actors learning and rehearsing a script, making the words of the psalms our own in prayer and song allows them to tutor our hearts, drawing us “from image to appropriate affect and back again,” as one theologian has put it. In reflection and song, Bob Hurd will explore this catechesis of the heart by the psalms, especially their role in the unfolding Liturgy of the Word.
Bob Hurd
Bob Hurd has served as a teacher, composer and liturgist in various pastoral and academic settings in California, including Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, and St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. He currently teaches in the Graduate Pastoral Ministries Program of Santa Clara University. His widely used liturgical music is featured in numerous hymnals in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia. Dr. Hurd has authored many articles and has contributed to several books.
7-14 Who Do You See at the Center? Creating a Culture of Adult Faith Formation
Our Church documents encourage us to put “adults at the center” of our faith formation efforts. What does a parish community that really puts adults and young adults at the center look like? It’s not so much about creating more programs as it is about creating a culture where adults are encouraged and nourished to grow in faith together – a community that transforms lives and creates disciples. What supports do we need to provide – and what impediments do we need to remove? We will explore what an “adult growing in faith” looks like, and how we might nurture an engaged community of adult faithful committed to lifelong formation.
Douglas Leal
Douglas Leal is Director of Mission Services for St. Joseph Health in Mission Viejo, Calif. He formerly served as Division Coordinator for Adult Faith Formation and Young Adult Ministry in the Office of Religious Education for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Leal, who has worked as a management consultant and a professional actor and director, has presented at national and local diocesan events. He is also author of the skill-building book for lectors, “Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming!”
7-15 Meeting Them Where They Are: Catechizing YOUNG PEOPLE through Visual Language
Lir Mac Cárthaigh (bio 2-16)
From illuminated manuscripts to Instagram, the combination of Word and image has long been one of the catechist’s most effective tools. This workshop provides insights into the ways in which educators can employ graphics and imagery to connect with the lives of today’s digital natives.
7-16 Multicultural Church: Many and One
Jump into an experience that embraces the variety and diversity in our parishes and in the world. Moving toward oneness and communion in many cultures requires a small portion of courage, humility and, dare we say, faith! This workshop will transform more than your liturgies. Come and see!
Jesse Manibusan
With over 28 years of ministry in the church, Jesse Manibusan is an itinerant witness, songwriter, speaker, joy cultivator, storyteller and evangelizer. Together with his wife, Jodi, they are co-founders of 2by2 Ministries. Manibusan is a keynote speaker, workshop clinician and musician at numerous national and international events. He is a composer and recording artist with spiritandsong.com and has various CDs published by Oregon Catholic Press.
7-17 Youth and Discipleship in Cyberspace
Pope Francis says the Internet is a wonderful thing … just don’t overdo it. The Pope gets it; he knows where our teens are sometimes better than we do! Do you, as a parent, priest or youth minister, understand how to post, tweet, tag, upload and hashtag Jesus into your teens’ hearts? (Warning: The technology I just referred to might be obsolete by the time RECongress happens!)
Judy McDonald
Judy McDonald, a professional comedienne for the past 20 years, is in great demand at parishes and conferences across the United States and internationally. She was a residential minister at the University of San Diego and became Youth Minster for the San Diego Diocese. McDonald has been in full-time traveling ministry for over 10 years, including shows for military bases in Germany, Italy, Belgium and parishes in Ireland, Croatia, Scotland and across the United States.
7-18 Pope Francis and the Joy of the Good News
Refresh the eyes and ears of your soul through the beautiful paintings and rich insights of Brother Mickey McGrath and the soulful sounds of John Angotti. Renowned for the ways that he sparks the Catholic imagination, Bro. McGrath will share his new works of art that are inspired by the words of Pope Francis, while Angotti’s music will bring an added dimension to the Pope’s words. Come and be inspired by a new awareness of God’s loving presence and discover new ways to bring that love and mercy to others each day.
Bro. Michael O’Neill McGrath
Brother Mickey McGrath, an Oblate of St. Francis de Sales, is an artist, author and popular speaker at retreats and religious education conferences around the country. He also creates art for many Catholic publishers including America Magazine and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bro. McGrath’s work and ministry have been featured in St. Anthony Messenger, USA Today, and Catholic newspapers around the country. In 2014, he received a Catholic Press award for his book, “Go to Joseph.”
John Angotti
John Angotti is a full-time music missionary. He travels worldwide providing concerts, workshops, retreats, missions, conferences and liturgies. Angotti has won numerous awards, including “Male Vocalist of the Year” from the United Catholic Music and Video Association. He performed at the 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia, and at Carnegie Hall in New York. His song, “Stand in the Light,” was the 2007 RECongress theme song and is the title of one of his latest recordings.
7-19 Seeing Good Church: Healing Our Fearful Blindness to Risk
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson (bio 6-16)
“Good Church” means encountering Jesus in a way that transforms, provokes, disturbs, prods or even offends. Good Church requires risk. Jesus was risky all the time. In the Congress theme scripture (John 9:1-41), Jesus messily (with mud and spit!) heals a blind man. Rather than celebrate a miracle, the Pharisees argue about accuracy, propriety and consequences. What if, unlike the Pharisees, we courageously risked an authentic encounter with Jesus? What would that look like? It will be messy. It will be demanding. It will heal and transform. It will be Good Church!
7-20 Religious Freedom in the United States and Abroad
Rev. Thomas J. Reese, SJ (bio 3-24)
Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right that was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. People are persecuted and killed for their faith in many countries around the world, and wars are waged between different faith groups. Even in the United States, the bishops complain believers’ freedom of religion is being violated by some laws. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce you to these issues and give you the tools to think about them.
7-21 Why Should I Feel Discouraged? Facing the Disappointments of Ministry While Singing Hallelujah
Rev. R. Tony Ricard, MTh, MDiv (bio 6-19)
St. John Paul II said, “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and Hallelujah is our song.” Sometimes, it is not easy to live as an Easter people in an eternal Good Friday world. We have so many situations that can discourage us from being about the business of God. Yet, God calls to be strengthened by our very moments of disappointment. This interactive workshop will present ways to deal with the disappointments of ministry while staying true to the joys of Christianity. Come learn ways to deal with circumstances that may be blocking you from reflecting the light of Christ.
7-22 The Life Issues in Light of the Fundamental Principles of Justice
Rev. Robert J. Spitzer, SJ, PhD (bio 3-26)
The teachings of Jesus Christ and their interpretation by the Church have led to the formulation of many of the fundamental principles of justice embraced by secular society today: the principle of unjust laws (St. Augustine); the inherent dignity of the person (Bartolome de las Casas, OP); and even inalienable rights (Francisco Suarez, SJ). Fr. Robert Spitzer will show how disregard for these principles led to both the Dred Scott decision (sanctioning slavery) and the Roe v. Wade (abortion) decision. He will then suggest a strategy to restore these principles to public consciousness so that they can again guide our country toward a culture of life.
7-23 Parents Matter: Involving Parents in Chastity Education
Pam Stenzel (bio 2-26)
The most important voice in developing faith and values for students is still the parents’. It is imperative that parents are equipped and empowered to be an integral part of the faith formation of their children, especially when it comes to chastity. We will discuss tools for involving parents, and the importance of parental involvement not only for the faith formation of their child but for the parents’ own continued education and spiritual growth. We will also discuss the character qualities needed for a student to make moral choices when it comes to sexuality.
7-24 All Are Welcome: Catechesis & Special Needs
Dr. Joseph White & Ana Arista (bios 2-28)
We know the Gospel message is for everybody, but how can we make it more accessible for children and teens with special needs? In this session, we will discuss what our Church teaches about inclusion of persons with disabilities and learn basic skills that catechists and catechetical leaders can use to ensure that everyone can discover the faith.
7-25 How to Ask for What We Need
When our needs are not met by the people we care about, we often end up venting our frustrations, complaining, criticizing or sometimes we might resign ourselves and withdraw and detach emotionally from them. Unfortunately, none of these approaches help others respond to our needs. In this session, Dr. John Yzaguirre will offer a more effective way to communicate our needs described as “interpersonal coaching.” This approach is an essential component in building relationships of high mutuality.
Dr. John Yzaguirre
Psychologist and author Dr. John Yzaguirre specializes in family life and Catholic spirituality. He co-directs the California Prosocial Institute with his wife, Claire Frazier-Yzaguirre, MFT, MDiv, with whom he has co-authored “Thriving Marriages.” Dr. Yzaguirre has been a keynote speaker at conventions in Europe, Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States. In addition to his active private practice in Irvine, Calif., he offers numerous marriage and family formation seminars at churches across the country.
7-70 Sự liên hệ giữa lịch sử, truyền thống và sự truyền bá Đức Tin của người Công Giáo Việt Nam
Đức Cha Cosma Hoàng văn Đạt, SJ (buhay 2-70)
Một chuỗi dài về truyền thống và lịch sử của người VN. Con người của tín ngưỡng. Làm sao người Công Giáo Việt Nam dùng những truyền thống Đức Tin của cha ông để lại và truyền bá đức tin ấy như thế nào, để mọi người nhìn thấy Thiên Chúa trong môi trường đang sống.
The Relationship Between History, Tradition AND Evangelization of the Catholic Faith in Vietnam
Bishop Cosma Hoang Van Dat, SJ (bio 2-70)
There is a long chain of tradition and history for the Vietnamese people – a religious people. How can the Vietnamese use the Catholic faith traditions from our ancestors to evangelize to help the people “see” God in the society in which we live.
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