2015 RECongress Period 2
Religious Education Congress
Friday, March 13, 2015
1:00 - 2:30 pm
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= Recorded session
2-01 In Endless Song
Singing is one of the most expressive of all human activities, the way in which we sing our lives to God and to those we love. This workshop will explore the relationship between the music we make in worship and the music we experience in the world, inviting ways beyond polarized conversations about musical styles to a deeper reflection on the richness of God’s gift of song.
Tony Alonso
Tony Alonso‘s contemporary liturgical music appears in compilations and hymnals throughout the world. An emerging theologian, he is currently a doctoral student at Emory University in Atlanta. Alonso previously was Director of Music at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and at St. Nicholas Church in Evanston, Ill. He has presented workshops and conferences across North America and Europe. His latest work is titled, “In Endless Song.”
2-02 Rhythm, Prayer, Move
Experience a heightened form of prayer in rhythm, breath and movement. The rpm (rhythm, prayer, move) method of embodied prayer will open up new pathways for healing and inner peace through intention combined with movement of the body, accompanied by music and chant. Learn to apply this to your own fitness routine, whether it be at the gym, on a treadmill, dancing, biking, running or walking through nature. Specially prepared rhythm and music will support this wonderful method for deepening your prayer and spiritual life, leading you to health and holiness! Bring comfortable clothes and shoes.
Lisa Ferlita Bagladi
Lisa Bagladi has been a movement prayer practitioner and musician for over 30 years. She has led ongoing studio classes in the Chicago area as well as led workshops in movement prayer in parish, diocesan and national conferences throughout the country. In addition to her recent rpm project with Pedro Rubalcava, Bagladi is also a parish consultant with J.S. Paluch Company/World Library Publications, providing service to parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Orange.
Pedro Rubalcava
Pedro Rubalcava is a bilingual/bicultural composer, clinician, performing artist, cantor and pastoral minister. He currently serves as Director of Hispanic Ministries at Oregon Catholic Press in Portland, Ore. He has been a pastoral associate and director of liturgy at various parishes in the San Diego Diocese, where he also served as associate director of the Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry. Rubalcava is a frequent presenter at liturgy and other ministry conferences on the national, diocesan and parish levels.
2-03 Dancing with the Saints
Many saints and holy ones have encouraged us to “open our eyes” to embodied practices of prayer and praise. Through simple song-dances developed for the Abbey of the Arts and based on the spirituality and teachings of the saints, come see these mentors in a new way – as partners in embodied prayer. Kick off your shoes and learn how you (and your students of all ages) can dance with the likes of King David and the prophet Miriam, with Hildegard of Bingen and Mary our Mother, with Francis of Assisi and Thomas Merton. No previous movement experience needed … just a willing heart!
Betsey Beckman, MM
Based in Seattle, Betsey Beckman is a liturgical movement artist, storyteller, spiritual director, author and InterPlay leader. She regularly appears as artist/presenter at national conventions, international pilgrimages and in online and live retreats for Abbey of the Arts. Beckman is Director of Movement Ministry at St. Patrick Church in Seattle, and for her company, The Dancing Word, which produces DVD series and resources, including “The Creation” and “Grace on the Margins: The Musical.”
Laura Ash
Laura Ash is Music Director at St. Patrick Church in Seattle, where she has supported the ministry of movement for over 20 years. She and her husband, David, have composed and published three collections of liturgical music and have created music for many dance offerings with Betsey Beckman, whom she has co-presented with at a number of RECongress workshops over the last 12 years. Ash’s most recent work is music for the musical “Grace on the Margins,” which debuted in April 2013.
2-04 Come and See! Songs for Celebrating the Life of Jesus
Song is an effective, creative and prayerful way to share the riches of Scripture with children. In this vibrant and practical workshop, John Burland will lead us on a journey through the New Testament celebrating the life of Jesus in song. These songs are faithful to the Scriptures, highly engaging, and incorporate a variety of musical styles suitable for children at the elementary level. Come ready to sing, move and celebrate the life of Jesus!
John Burland
John Burland is an educator and composer of religious music for children and adults. He has worked as a classroom teacher, assistant principal and religious education coordinator for over 20 years in school and parish communities. Burland is Project Officer-Liturgy/Music for the Catholic Education Office in Sydney, Australia. He is also a workshop presenter, composer and touring musician for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division. He is a regular speaker at conventions and gatherings across Australia, New Zealand and North America.
2-05 Transforming Confirmation
Given what we now know about adolescent spirituality, effective catechesis and good youth ministry, how can we enhance confirmation’s potential to be a more formative experience in the lives of young people? Instead of focusing on the practical, we will weigh the merits of what’s possible. Eight specific enhancements will be discussed and you will be asked to choose one or two that might best enhance your program.
Michael Carotta
Mike Carotta is a nationally recognized religious educator, author and national consultant. His confirmation resources include the new digital supplement, “Discipleship for Confirmation and Beyond,” an online download for candidates and parents offered in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, along with “Have Faith: A Candidate and Sponsor” resource and “Spirit and Truth: A Self-Guided Scripture Study for Confirmation and Beyond.”
2-06 Let’s Take a Walk Together – Through Catholic Mass
Beginning with the Sign of the Cross and ending with our “Thanks be to God,” the Mass is a great compilation of prayers, readings, gestures and rituals that come from a number of cultures and have been a part of our highest form of worship for centuries. This workshop will explain all these elements and more – from that Sign of the Cross to our response at the end, “Thanks be to God!”
Rev. John C. Cusick
Fr. John Cusick, a priest of the Chicago Archdiocese, was creator, coordinator and Director of their Young Adult Ministry from 1970-2013. He is a part-time adjunct faculty member in the Department of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. In 2012, Fr. Cusick received the Blessed John XXIII Award from the Association of Chicago Priests for excellence in priestly ministry and significant contributions to the life of the Church in Chicago.
2-07 Must We Forgive? Prodigals, Mothers and God
Forgiveness of those who hurt us is one of the deepest spiritual struggles in life. Do we “forgive and forget”? What does it mean to forgive anyway? How do we go about it? Come explore these questions and more. Then enter deeply into the experience of the Prodigal Son’s mother as she tells the story from her own perspective, illuminating the difficulties and the call to forgiveness in ways you’ve never heard before.
Amy Florian
Amy Florian is a liturgy and bereavement consultant, instructor in a graduate ministry program, and CEO of Corgenius, a company that teaches professionals how to support grieving clients. She has 30 years of parish and conference experience, and has authored over 90 articles and three books. An adjunct faculty member at Loyola University of Chicago, Florian has spanned the country presenting workshops, training sessions and retreats to both national and diocesan conferences.
2-08 When We Say We Are Afraid of Dying, of What Are We Afraid? A Christian Understanding of Life and Death
This session will explore the anxiety of dying and allow the anxiety to be a portal to hope. This journey of life and death will include stories, testimonies, fears and hope encountered by people facing death.
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Fr. Richard Fragomeni, a priest of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Homiletics, and Chair of the Department of Word and Worship at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. In addition, Fr. Fragomeni serves as Spiritual Director for the Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii in Chicago’s Little Italy. His works include the book and CD, “In Shining Splendor,” 50 Eastertime meditations accompanied by Jane Pitz, and two works with Brother Michael O’Neill McGrath.
2-09 Leadership & Social Justice: How Catholic Schools Can Change Our World
Catholic schools are called to be leaders in a world of change. Leadership skills can be learned and lived by every single child within a school setting, regardless of their age. This dynamic presentation will demonstrate how children from kindergarten to grade 12 can use the power of a “Social Justice” mind, the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” and “Effective Behavioral Supports” to become leaders for a lifetime. Using practical examples, Dan Friedt will give the educator a step-by-step process to support the current culture of their school, and invite every child to practice the habits of effective leadership that can change our world.
Dan Friedt
Dan Friedt is Principal of St. Charles Elementary Catholic School in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He has 35 years of teaching experience, 16 years of administration experience and is a recognized Apple Distinguished Educator. Friedt has conducted and presented liturgical workshops at many parishes throughout Alberta over the past 25 years, spoken to staffs, educational departments, administrators and superintendents and has presented at conferences throughout North America.
2-10 Moving Forward by Retreating: Creating Meaningful Retreat Experiences
The road while preparing a retreat is unique terrain. Sometimes the path is smooth, but other times the journey can be filled with surprises or sharp turns. This workshop seeks to offer a road map for navigating meaningful retreat experiences. Meant to support and inspire those ministering through the use of retreats, this session will provide information, examples, resources and discussion on various retreat related topics, both practical and spiritual in nature. We will explore subjects such as gathering and training effective retreat teams, being consistent while cultivating fresh ideas, and encouraging openness, all while remaining centered in God.
Diane Gasper
Her early days as a student leader in campus ministry led Diane Gasper to realize that she could have a career utilizing her skills. With experience in Whole Community Catechesis and as a religion teacher and catechist, she has worked for the past 23 years in retreat ministry, primarily as a Catholic high school retreat director and campus minister. Gasper currently is a core member in the development of the Cornerstone women’s retreat, serving as retreat MC and mini-retreats director at her parish, St. Monica Church in Santa Monica, Calif.
2-11 effective Online Evangelization
In today’s wired world, learn to effectively share your faith in social media venues. We will discuss how to faithfully navigate the Catholic blogosphere, how to parse Catholic news and information, and how to evangelize online without losing your soul in the process.
Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa Hendey is founder and Editor of CatholicMom.com and best-selling author of “The Grace of Yes” and “The Handbook for Catholic Moms.” She is a technology contributor for EWTN’s “SonRise Morning Show” and host and producer for KNXT television. Hendey blogs on the Catholic Channel at Patheos and her articles have appeared in the National Catholic Register and Our Sunday Visitor. She gives frequent workshops and was a recipient of the Egan Journalism Fellowship from Catholic Relief Services.
2-12 “See! Ver!” Music, Spirituality and Catechesis: A Celestial Trio
Using new and transformative music, ValLimar Jansen will lead us on a spiritual journey, examining the science of music. Music must be important to our spiritual development, for throughout the Holy Scriptures we are commanded, “Sing to the Lord!” Psalm 150, in no uncertain terms, states the many ways to use music to praise God. Come! See! Experience this musical sojourn, as Jansen shows us how to use music to stir physical kinesis, shape the emotional state, inspire and uplift the soul and catechize our intellectual being. As Plato wrote, “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”
ValLimar Jansen
ValLimar Jansen is a composer, singer, storyteller, inspirational speaker and evangelizer. She received critical acclaim for her solo albums “You Gotta Move” and “Anointing,” winning UNITY Awards recognition in 2008 and 2010. Jansen was the MC for the National Catholic Youth Conference in 2011, and performed for over 300,000 people at the Loreto/Angora international papal event in Italy, broadcast around the globe. Her latest CD is titled “Give God The Glory.”
2-13 “Lord, Let Me See!” – Letting Blind Bartimaeus Help Us
The two stories of Jesus giving sight to blind men are not only pivotal in Mark’s Gospel, but are also crucial for our own understanding of Christian discipleship. The first story, of the blind man near Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26), gives us an example of inadequate faith, while in the second story (Mark 10:46-52), the blind beggar Bartimaeus becomes the perfect role model of Christian discipleship. This workshop will explore how Bartimaeus can help us open our eyes to see Jesus more clearly and to follow him more faithfully as his disciples today.
Rev. Felix Just, SJ, PhD
Jesuit priest Fr. Felix Just is Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality in Orange, Calif. He has taught at all three Jesuit universities in California – Loyola Marymount University, the University of San Francisco, and Santa Clara University. Fr. Just conducts many adult faith formation programs for parishes and dioceses, leads biblically based days of prayer, parish missions and weekend or week-long retreats. He also maintains the large internationally recognized “Catholic Resources” website.
2-14 What Do You See in the Mirror?
Do you like what you see? Do you think you see rightly? What does God see? And what do we want our children to see? The harshness with which we judge ourselves, the messages we grew up with, and the distorted images that surround us all cloud our view. But there is a different way to see. As only he can, Fr. Joe Kempf offers insight, humor and practical wisdom to help us – and the children entrusted to our care – enjoy the freedom of looking into the mirror and seeing rightly.
Fr. Joseph G. Kempf
Fr. Joe Kempf, a priest of the St. Louis Archdiocese, is founder and President of the non-profit Gospel Values. He has presented at religious education gatherings across the United States and Canada. Fr. Kempf is author of numerous books, videos and CDs for children of all ages, including “Mini-Retreats for Meaningful Living – Family,” “Sometimes Life Is Just Not Fair” and “My Sister is Annoying!” He also has four volumes of DVDs under the “Big Al LIVE” series.
2-15 Christian Simplicity: A Gospel Value
Drawing on the Passionist Earth and Spirit Center’s Lent 4.5 program, this workshop addresses three interrelated challenges: extreme levels of busyness and stress in the developed nations; chronic poverty and social unrest in many developing countries; and the degradation of God’s creation across the globe. Embracing the Gospel value of simplicity can be a solution for all three. In this workshop, we will consider how simplifying our lives – in terms of food, consumption, water use, energy and transportation – can bring spiritual, social and planetary healing.
Kyle T. Kramer
Founder of the Genesis Organic Farm in Spencer County, Ind., Kyle Kramer is a farmer, writer and lay ministry program director. He is Executive Director of Passionist Earth and Spirit Center in Louisville, Ky. Kramer serves as President of the Association of Graduate Programs in Ministry at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in Southern Indiana, and is a regular contributor to America magazine and Saint Anthony Messenger Press.
2-16 From the Gallery to the Classroom: The Use of Art in Religious Education
Walking through a museum anywhere in the Western world, the majority of the artwork we see was created to communicate a specifically Christian message. We will explore the power of these visual images and examine the ways they can be harnessed by today’s educators.
Lir Mac Cárthaigh
Lir Mac Cárthaigh is a visual communicator with a diverse media background. Formerly Editor and Art Director at the cinema magazine Film Ireland, he is now Art Director with Veritas Publications, based in Dublin, Ireland. Mac Cárthaigh has lectured on the history of the printed book. His recent projects include “Credo,” a curriculum series for high schools in the United States, and “Grow in Love,” the new religious education program for Irish elementary schools.
2-17 Stop Doing Marriage Preparation, Start Forming Married Disciples
With increased divorce, fewer Catholic weddings and empty pews on Sundays, we need to do something different when we prepare couples for marriage. What would happen if we focused less on getting married and more on becoming married disciples? You can do this if you commit to a conversion process that involves your entire parish. Discover six doable steps to revolutionize how you and your parish do marriage preparation that will transform your couples and your community together.
Diana Macalintal
Diana Macalintal, Director of Worship for the Diocese of San Jose, Calif., is a presenter and co-founded of TeamRCIA. She has been keynote at several gatherings, including the Mid-Atlantic Congress and the Collegeville Conference on Music, Liturgy and the Arts, in addition to her appearances at the L.A. Congress as prayer leader. Macalintal is author of four books, her latest, “Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing,” was co-authored with her husband, Nick Wagner.
2-18 transforming Leadership
The call of the New Evangelization and for parish renewal means that the Church must embrace new pastoral models. This is a change that must be led – simply managing the status quo is no longer an option. This workshop will explore the subject of leading pastoral conversion. For pastors, lay associates and all involved in leadership, this workshop will look at how to lead pastoral conversion in our parishes and ministries. It will consider the importance of vision in any exercise of leadership, and how to form it, share it, execute it and expand it. It will examine how the personal charisms of leaders will shape their ministries and their own experience of leadership.
Fr. James Mallon
Fr. James Mallon is Pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and founder of JPII Media, which creates video resources for catechesis and evangelization. He is the creator of the video-based catechetical series, “Catholicism 201,” and the video-based theology course, “Dogmatic Theology.” In 2014 he produced the television series “CrossTraining: Working Out the Whole Person” and published his first book, “Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish.”
2-19 Indigenous Liturgical Inculturation: The Australian Experience
Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a spirituality and tradition spanning some 60,000 years. Over recent decades, the Australian Church has incorporated elements of this spirituality in prayer and worship, especially at major gatherings. Michael Mangan has been Music Director and Anne Frawley-Mangan Creative Director for a number of these celebrations. Together with Australian indigenous artists, they will share the power of liturgical inculturation offering an experience of indigenous didgeridoo, dance, story, art and ritual. This workshop is especially recommended for those attending Friday’s Australian Culture Liturgy.
Michael Mangan
Michael Mangan is a composer, teacher and music liturgist from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. He is a member of the Australian Academy of Liturgy, Deputy Chair of the Australian Pastoral Musicians Network and Music Director at All Saints Catholic Parish in Brisbane. The former elementary school music teacher’s 250 compositions are used in parishes and schools throughout Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. He has been performing concerts for the last 18 years.
Anne Frawley-Mangan
Anne Frawley-Mangan is an experienced educator, presenter, writer and artist who specializes in using the arts (particularly drama) to enhance religious education and liturgy. Anne lives in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and presents workshops and keynotes nationally and internationally. The former elementary school teacher/drama teacher is presently Creative Director for Litmus Productions in Albany Creek, and lecturer at Holy Spirit Seminary and at Australian Catholic University.
2-20 Who is Jesus?
The person at the center of our lives, Jesus, can sometimes seem so distant. But by entering more deeply into the Gospel narratives, we can come to know him more deeply. Fr. James Martin will help you look at both the historical Jesus (the man who walked the dusty earth of first-century Palestine) and encounter the “Christ of faith” (the one who performed miracles, rose from the dead and now lives with us through the Holy Spirit). Come and meet Jesus anew!
Fr. James Martin, SJ
Fr. James Martin is a Jesuit priest and Editor at Large of America magazine. He is author of several award-winning books, including “Jesus: A Pilgrimage,” “Together on Retreat,” “Between Heaven and Mirth,” “The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything” and “My Life with the Saints.” The popular speaker has given retreats and presented to parish groups and national conferences, and for the past several years has been a frequent speaker at the Religious Education Congress.
2-21 New Evangelization in Britain
The call to a New Evangelization of our people and culture is a very urgent need in the British context as it faces the challenges of increasing secularization in a multiracial and multicultural society. This session will examine the response of the Catholic Church in England and Wales to this rapidly changing situation, and explore ways forward.
Most Rev. Malcolm McMahon, OP
Bishop Malcolm McMahon was appointed Archbishop of Liverpool, England in 2014. The London-born former Bishop for the Diocese of Nottingham and provincial for the English Dominican Province has served in a variety of pastoral and academic posts. Archbishop McMahon is Chair of the Department for Catholic Education and Formation of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. He was also a member of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission that produced the agreed statement, “Mary, Grace and Hope in Christ.”
2-22 Limitless: The Junior Higher
Early adolescence is a time of change, challenge and potential. Especially in this selfie-Instagram-Snapchat day and age. Energy to burn. Continual partial attention. High-tech toys and gadgets. How do we embrace and minister to this most unique creation of God? The possibilities are “limit-less.”
Mike Patin
“Faith horticulturist” Mike Patin has worked in ministry since 1984 as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan youth minister for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, La., and lives in the neighboring diocese of Lafayette. Patin has been on the adjunct faculty at the Graduate School of Theology at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. He has spoken to groups in over 130 dioceses in the United States and Canada and has published two books – “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
2-23 See the Possibilities! Forming Disciples
Adolescent catechesis is more than educating youth in the faith. It is about forming disciples and transforming lives! This workshop will explore how we can explode youth faith formation out of its old boundaries and create impacting moments for youth to connect, deepen, engage and change their world! Let’s see the possibilities and create a new story for adolescent catechesis that is relational, creative, experiential and, at times, even messy!
Ela Milewska
Ela Milewska is Associate Director of Cultivation Ministries, a youth ministry training and consulting organization based in the Chicago area. She previously served as Project Coordinator for the National Initiative on Adolescent Catechesis. Milewska has worked with hundreds of parish and diocesan communities across the United States and internationally, including the major youth conferences in the United States and keynote at the National John Paul II Youth Ministry Symposium held in the Republic of South Korea.
2-24 Resurrection Faith
Jesus rose from the dead, but what happened to his body? What will happen to our bodies when we are raised from the dead? Such questions have puzzled theologians for centuries and continue to be raised today. But a resurrection faith is more than a dogma about resuscitated bodies. In this session, we will examine a modern approach to resurrection faith, giving new life and hope to Christian disciples.
Brian Schmisek
Dr. Brian Schmisek was founding Dean of the School of Ministry at the University of Dallas. He is currently Director of the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University Chicago. Dr. Schmisek has presented at universities and several diocesan conferences in addition to the L.A. Congress. His works include “Resurrection of the Flesh or Resurrection from the Dead,” “The Apostles’ Creed: Articles of Faith for the 21st Century” and the four-volume “Catholic Biblical Study Program.”
2-25 Restless Hearts: Writing the Spiritual Journey
“You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you”: St. Augustine described his own spiritual journey as a “restless heart,” never satisfied, always seeking God. Reading the autobiographies of those who have pursued the Lord – for example, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, Dorothy Day and C.S. Lewis – sheds light on our own spiritual journey. We look for the moment of “crisis,” literally, the turning point in their lives that made all the difference. (This workshop is based upon his undergraduate course at Fordham University.)
Rev. Thomas J. Scirghi, SJ, ThD
Jesuit priest Fr. Thomas Scirghi is currently Associate Professor of Theology at Fordham University in New York, where he teaches sacramental theology. He has taught and spoken nationally and internationally and has conducted workshops, both for clergy and laity. Fr. Scirghi’s works include the book “Everything is Sacred: An Introduction to the Sacrament of Baptism” and the DVD and CD lecture series, “Signs of God’s Grace: A Journey Through the Sacraments.”
2-26 The Good, Bad and the Ugly: Understanding the Sexual Trends of Students and How to Reach Them
Raised by baby boomers, today’s generation is breaking new ground in their understanding of sexuality, their boundaries (or lack thereof), and their development of a whole new language around sexual choices. Understanding the trends, thinking, influences and language that surround this generation is imperative if we are going to speak truth amid the cacophony of noise that daily invades their minds.
Pam Stenzel
Pam Stenzel has traveled worldwide and has appeared on numerous national TV and radio programs speaking about the consequences of physical and emotional sex outside of marriage. She is currently Director of Enlightenment Communications, based in Minnesota. Stenzel served on the “front lines” as Director of Alpha Women’s Center, a counseling center for women with crisis pregnancies. She speaks full time across the country as well as in Mexico, Australia, Ireland, South Africa and Canada.
2-27 Seeing Him
Pope Francis tells us that people prefer to listen to witnesses: They “call for evangelizers to speak of a God whom they themselves know, as if they were seeing him.” As a young teacher I discovered quickly that I could not be a witness to something I hadn’t seen. As one student asked me, “Sir, do you believe this?” In that moment the student didn’t want a teacher, he was looking for a witness. In this session, we will explore what it means to “see him” and how our testimony can give vitality and effervescence to our ministry.
David Wells
David Wells began his career as a high school and adult education teacher before working for the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Since then, his work has taken him all over the world, speaking at more than 350 conferences in Europe and North America and guest lectures at three English universities. Wells is author of the book, “The Reluctant Disciple,” due February 2015. He is currently Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Plymouth, England.
2-28 Engaging the Family in the Early Childhood Years
How can catechetical leaders, catechists and preschool teachers connect families to the faith and to the parish during the early childhood years? This workshop, co-presented by a family psychologist and a director of religious education, will explore ways to connect with and involve families as we form young disciples.
Dr. Joseph D. White
Dr. Joseph White is a clinical child psychologist and National Catechetical Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing and Curriculum. He has taught at the University of Dallas and at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. Joseph is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop presenter at national and diocesan conferences, a frequent guest on national Catholic radio shows, and maintains a blog on catechesis.
Ana Arista White
Ana Arista is a parish Director of Religious Education in Austin, Texas, and a National Consultant for Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Co. Ana is author of several books on catechesis, including “Teach It: Early Childhood” and “Teach It: Eucharist and the Mass,” and is a popular catechetical speaker at diocesan and national conferences.
2-70 Con người nhìn thấy Thiên Chúa trong mọi hoàn cảnh nhờ Đức Tin
Chúng ta thấy được Việt Nam là 1 dân tộc của nhiều tôn giáo, vì thế con người sống trong 1 Đức Tin rất mạnh khi họ tin vào 1 tôn giáo nào. Nhờ Đức Tin mạnh mẽ đó mà trong mọi hoàn cảnh của cuộc sống họ nhìn thấy Chúa được qua những đau khổ, gian nan mà họ gặp hằng ngày, như những người bệnh phong.
Through Faith, People Can See God in Every Situation
Vietnam is one nation of many religions. When people believe in one religion, they have a very strong faith. Because of that strong faith, they see God in every situation of life, through the sufferings and hardships they face every day, like those with leprosy.
Đức Cha Cosma Hoàng văn Đạt, SJ
Sinh năm 1947 tại Hà Nội, 1967 Cha vào Dòng Tên học Triết và Thần học tại Giáo Hoàng Học Viện St., Pio X tại Đà Lạt. Chịu chức Linh Mục năm 1976 và khấn trọn đời 1982. Cha đã phục vụ 16 năm tại trại phong, và sau đó dạy và linh hướng trong ĐCV Hà Nội. 2008 ĐGH Bênêdictô 16 đã bổ nhiệm Cha Cosma Hoàng văn Đạt làm Giám Mục Giáo Phận Bắc Ninh.
Bishop Cosma Hoang Van Dat, SJ
Bishop Cosma Hoang Van Dat was born in 1947 in Hanoi, Vietnam. He entered the Jesuits in 1967 and studied philosophy and theology at the Pius X Pontifical Institute in Da Lat, southern Vietnam. He was ordained a priest in 1976, and took final vows in 1982. For 16 years he provided pastoral care at a leprosy center; he teaches and is spiritual adviser at the St. Joseph Major Seminary in Hanoi. In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Bac Ninh, Vietnam.
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