Religious Education Congress
Anaheim Convention Center
March 12, 2015 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
There are two tracks to Youth Day and every group must choose one Track 1 has the Arena in the morning, Track 2 gets the Arena in the afternoon. This allows every participant to experience all Arena activities while still giving everyone the chance to hear two workshops (one is automatically chosen for you when you are in the Arena). To enter into the Arena for either Track 1 or Track 2, please line up and use the doors nearest the Hilton Hotel. Your name badge will make it clear as to which track you have been assigned. We ask you to not go to the Arena until your assigned track.
Religious Education Congress
Anaheim Convention Center
March 12, 2015 (Youth Day)See Youth Day Home Page • See Youth Day Schedule • See Youth Day Workshops • Go to the Congress Days
Both Youth Day tracks get to see our Arena speaker. You can make your choice of Convention Workshop from the remaining 12 speakers whose sessions are held in the Convention Center meeting rooms.
Arena - Barking to the Choir – Now Entering the Kinship of God
This workshop will explore what “being in the world” means, and where we can find God in the world – in compassion and loving kindness. Fr. Greg Boyle will reflect on the sacredness of life through the lens of Ignatian spirituality, drawn from more than 30 years of work with formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women in Los Angeles.
Rev. Greg Boyle, SJ
Fr. Greg Boyle is founder and Executive Director of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang rehabilitation program in the United States. The native Angeleno was ordained a Jesuit priest and transformed by his work in Bolivia, Mexico and Folsom State Prison in California. It was in the Boyle Heights community of Los Angeles that Fr. Boyle started Homeboy Industries. He is author of the New York Times best-selling book, “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.”
A Bringing Christ to Your Family
Is Christ part of your life? Do you live out your Catholic faith? Do you try to share and involve your faith with your family? The New Evangelization challenges teens to work together and empower their families to proclaim Christ’s love and mercy to the world. Come and explore new ways in which you can become a disciple who comfortably shares the joy of your Catholic faith with your family.
Katherine Angulo
Born in Mexico and raised in Bogota, Colombia, Katherine Angulo is fluent in English, Spanish and French. She has over 14 years of experience in youth, campus ministry and religious education in the dioceses of Richmond, Va.; Knoxville, Tenn.; and Miami. Angulo is presently on staff at the Department of Catholic Formation and Evangelization as Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Raleigh, N.C. She has presented at both local and national events, and has been a trainer at the Youth Leadership Institute for the Diocese of Knoxville, Tenn.
B Real Talk: The Power of Prayer
In this workshop, we will look at the importance of prayer: communicating with God. Why do we find it hard to pray at times? What can we do when we know we need to pray but don’t know how? How do we handle the times when it seems like God is not listening to our prayers? How do we wait on Him?
Dr. Ansel Augustine
Dr. Ansel Augustine has worked in ministry for over 15 years around the country and in his hometown of New Orleans, La., where he is Director for the Office of Black Catholic Ministries for the New Orleans Archdiocese and serves on the faculty at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University of Louisiana. Dr. Augustine, who also serves on the board for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, has presented at various national conferences and has written for several publications related to ministry.
C The Truth About Love, Sex and Relationships
This session presents the two hottest topics on the planet for teens: God and sex. Focusing on the virtue of chastity as being more than just “no sex,” this talk exposes the lies the world offers regarding relationships and sex, and points to a deeper truth of authentic love found in Christ. Through funny stories and compelling witness, Mary Bielski presents a message of hope for purity and freedom found in the power of Jesus.
Mary Bielski
Born in Indianapolis, Mary Bielski lived her passion through youth ministry. In 2006 she founded ALL4HIM Ministries and three years later left her pharmaceutical sales job to immerse herself in full-time ministry. With 15 years of experience in youth ministry and 12 years as a national speaker, Bielski has spoken to over 75,000 teens and adults around the nation at high schools and young adult retreats, from major national youth conferences to parish and diocesan rallies.
D Digital Catholics
Our world is increasingly a media world. But, are you perfectly happy with the way you use media, the way your friends and family use media? How can we live Catholic in a digital world? How do we make media work for us and not against us? How can we be more Christ-like on social media? Ever wish you could just unplug? Where’s God in a wired world? Technology doesn’t make us civilized – the way we use it does.
Sr. Helena Burns, fsp
Sr. Helena Burns, a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, is a movie reviewer for Life Teen, writer-director of the documentary on the life of Blessed Fr. James Alberione, founder of the Daughters of St. Paul, and a co-producer on She is also on the vocation team of the Daughters of St. Paul. Sr. Burns has presented media literacy talks and seminars since the ’90s, and since 2006 she has presented Theology of the Body talks to teens and adults across the United States and Canada.
E Do It Scared!
For too long we have let fear stop us from reaching our God-promised potential. Fr. Rob Galea will share stories of his journey from victim to victor. You will learn ways to overcome and face your fears to become all you are called to be in Christ.
Fr. Rob Galea
Singer/songwriter Fr. Rob Galea, a Catholic priest, is an assistant parish priest and also a Chaplain at Notre Dame College, both in Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. In addition to his series of recordings and CD releases, Fr. Galea has written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences. He was selected to sing the official 2008 World Youth Day song, “Receive the Power,” and performed in some key events before the 500,000 pilgrims in Sydney. He is co-founder of Stronger, a youth program that is quickly becoming one of Victoria state’s largest Catholic youth movements.
H Talk Jesus, Talk We … A World That Journeys Together Toward One Love
Catholic Relief Services and local service and outreach ministries invite you to an experience of entering into the lives and stories of people around the world. Through storytelling, decision-making and learning of the consequences of those decisions, discover the realities that many young people face around the world and how we can journey together toward greater unity, justice and love.
Ted Miles
Since 2005, Baltimore-native Ted Miles has been Catholic Relief Services’ Relationship Manager for Religious Education and Coordinator of their Youth Outreach in the United States. Prior to joining CRS, Miles served in parish youth ministry, social ministry and Catholic high school education and faith formation for over 25 years, including the development of Baltimore Archdiocese’s “Justice Action Week.” In 2009, he was honored with the national award for leadership in youth ministry from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry.
Sergio Lopez
Musician and speaker Sergio Lopez is a former youth minister and worship leader from the Los Angeles Archdiocese. He has presented at the Los Angeles Regional Congresses, the Fresno Diocesan Youth Day, the Christian Leadership Institute in Santa Barbara, Calif., and The Center for Ministry and Development in Buffalo, N.Y. Since 2014, Lopez has worked for Catholic Relief Services as a Relationship Manager, and is based in Simi Valley, Calif.
K Dealing with Stress
Are you stressed? Does just being asked the question stress you out? We all get stressed from time to time, but how we choose to deal with it can really say something about us. Come to this session if you are OK with laughing and loving God and, oh ya, totally stressed out!
Judy McDonald
Judy McDonald, a professional comedienne for the past 20 years, is in great demand at parishes and conferences across the United States and internationally. She was a residential minister at the University of San Diego and became Youth Minster for the San Diego Diocese. McDonald has been in full-time traveling ministry for over 10 years, including shows for military bases in Germany, Italy, Belgium and parishes in Ireland, Croatia, Scotland and across the United States.
M The Happy Catholic
Jesus is like us in all things except sin. I bet he laughed, really hard! So why are so many Catholics always so serious? If the joy of the Lord is our strength, it would seem that we should find ourselves in the midst of a lot of “happy” Christians. Why does it seem like our Catholic faith isn’t joyful at times? How can we truly find joy in our Catholicism? This workshop looks at the beauty of being Catholic and embracing joy.
Chris Padgett
Songwriter, musician, speaker and worship leader Chris Padgett travels around the world giving talks, missions and concerts. As a founding member of Scarecrow and Tinmen in 1994, he wrote, recorded and toured with the band for seven years. Since then he has been on his own presenting keynotes and concerts, writing articles and presenting at four World Youth Days, several Steubenville youth conferences and numerous diocesan events. He also has four solo albums. He and his wife, Linda, recently published their first book, “Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex: One Couple’s Return to Chastity.”
P Triple D: Discerning, Deciding & Doing
Fr. Leo Patalinghug, who hosts the TV show “Savoring Our Faith” and the radio show “Entertaining Truth,” provides practical tools to discern God’s will for you and shows how to develop the necessary virtue to do it.
Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Baltimore-based Fr. Leo Patalinghug, a priest member of Voluntas Dei, is founder, host and Director of Grace Before Meals, a family, faith and food movement. In addition to his priestly duties, Fr. Patalinghug is host for the EWTN TV show “Savoring Our Faith” and co-host with Tom Leopold of the SiriusXM radio show “Entertaining Truth.” A best-selling author and contributor to newspaper and magazines, the popular speaker has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS and even the Food Network, where he appeared on “Throw Down! with Bobby Flay.”
S Be the One!
Over 160,000 students miss school every day due to a fear of this. Many teens say it’s a greater problem than racism, sexual pressure or the use of drugs and alcohol. Some people say it’s why there have been tragic things happening in schools. Could you “be the one” to see it ... and stop it? Challenging stuff. For all ages.
Mike Patin
“Faith horticulturist” Mike Patin has worked in ministry since 1984 as a high school teacher, coach and diocesan youth minister for the Archdiocese of New Orleans, La., and lives in the neighboring diocese of Lafayette. He also was on the adjunct faculty at the Graduate School of Theology at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. Patin has spoken to groups in over 130 dioceses in the United States and Canada and has published two books, “A Standing Invitation” and “This Was Not in the Brochures: Lessons from Work, Life and Ministry.”
X Snapchat Relationships
Have intimacy issues? Do relationships last as long as a Snapchat picture? Do we understand what it means to be intimate? This workshop will look at healthy intimacy in all our relationships – with others and especially with Christ.
Bob Perron
Bob Perron has been sharing his style of standup and storytelling for over a decade. He has presented at major national youth ministry conferences in over 60 dioceses across the United States and Canada. Perron is Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W.V., and previously served as Executive Director at the St. Thomas More Center in the Diocese of Des Moines, Iowa. He is author of “Lessons Learned From a God-Sized Family: In a Me-Sized World.”
Z Light It Up, Salty
Everyone always tells high school students to witness to the faith and to stand up for their beliefs. But what does it mean to witness, and how are you supposed to even do that? And do you even really know what it is that you believe and why you believe it in the first place? Katie Prejean is a theology teacher and parish youth director who likes to dance, should probably never sing (ever), and wants to help you discover how you can truly become the salt of the earth and the light of the world. It isn’t easy to always witness to the faith, nor are you expected to evangelize alone. Let’s figure out what we believe and how we can share it … join us!
Katie Prejean
Youth minister and speaker Katie Prejean is a teacher at St. Louis Catholic High School and Youth Director at Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church, both in Lake Charles, La. She has spoken at various events across the country, ranging from a workshop at the National Catholic Youth Conference to smaller events. She reads voraciously, blogs occasionally, is a diehard New Orleans Saints fan, binge watches Netflix, loves Jesus, works out every day, and doesn’t like to be hugged.
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