2005 PERIOD 4Religious Education Congress
Saturday, February 19, 2005
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
THURSDAY • Youth Day Schedule • Youth Day Workshops FRIDAY:
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4-01 Jesus’ Vision: The Coming Kingdom (workshop closed)
Working on your personal spirituality? Planning a retreat for adults, youth, children? Or a class presentation, homily, or day of reflection in your parish and you need material, ideas, theology? This presentation will focus on Jesus’ vision of the coming reign of God as the most authentic source for our ministry and spirituality. We will focus on “reign of God” catechesis.
Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas
Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas was ordained in the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, where he founded the Tepeyac Institute, a diocesan lay ministry formation center. In 1989, he co-founded the Academy of Catholic Hispanics of the United States and in 1992 he was recipient of their Virgilio Elizondo Award. Currently Pastor at St. Pius X in El Paso, Msgr. Bañuelas travels the country offering retreats and giving talks on topics of border culture and issues.
4-02 When There Are More Parishes Than Priests (workshop closed)
This workshop will provide an alternative model, chosen by the Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif., to staff parishes where there is no priest-pastor. Bishop Gerald Barnes speaks about parish staffing from the diocesan point of view; Lynn Zupan describes how it plays out in a parish setting.
Bishop Gerald R. Barnes
Though born in Phoenix, Gerald Barnes grew up in the Boyle Heights area of East Los Angeles. While student-teaching at local high schools he discerned a vocation to the priesthood and, in 1975, was ordained a priest for the San Antonio Archdiocese. He later became Auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of San Bernardino, Calif., and in March 1996, he was appointed as their Bishop.
Lynn Zupan
Lynn Zupan is the Pastoral Coordinator at San Gorgonio Catholic Church in Banning, Calif. She brings 10 years of parish experience and 10 years of diocesan experience to her position at one of the parishes in the San Bernardino Diocese without a resident priest. Mother of four grown daughters, Zupan has a master’s degree in religious studies from Mount St. Mary’s College.
4-03 Homosexuality, Celibacy and the Priesthood: Opening Up the Conversation
American Catholics sometimes find it difficult to know whether or how to talk about the reality of homosexuality and the ordained priesthood. Recent events in the Church have shown how important it is to be credible witnesses of the Gospel through the integrity of our lives. This session will develop ways to encourage honest and charitable conversations, in the ministerial life of the local church, about homosexuality and the priesthood. (Dr. Tom Beaudoin will moderate a panel that includes Dr. Greer Gordon and Fr. James Martin, S.J.)
Dr. Tom Beaudoin
Dr. Tom Beaudoin is Assistant Professor in the Religious Studies Department at Santa Clara University. He is author of “Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X “ and “Consuming Faith: Integrating Who We Are With What We Buy,” as well as many articles on theology and culture. Dr. Beaudoin is a frequent and popular speaker at the Religious Education Congress.
Greer Gordon
Dr. Greer Gordon is Director of the Frederick Douglass Unity House and a member of the faculty of the Department of African/African American Studies and Philosophy at the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth. The Baton Rouge, La., native is a former teacher, religious education director and consultant.
James Martin, S.J.
Since 1998 Fr. James Martin has served as Associate Editor and TV Columnist for America magazine. In addition to his articles in America magazine and other publications, he is author of the award-winning book, “This Our Exile: A Spiritual Journey with the Refugees of East Africa,” and editor of “How Can I Find God?” He is co-editor of “Professions of Faith: Living and Working as a Catholic,” and his latest book is “Searching for God at Ground Zero.”
4-04 Faith in an Age of Science: Evolution and Genesis – Can Both Be Right? (workshop closed)
This workshop will examine two important and complementary issues: 1) Can one reconcile true faith with confidence in science? 2) Can a committed Catholic believe in evolution?
Rev. Richard Benson, C.M., Ph.D., S.T.D.
Fr. Richard Benson has been teaching moral theology for the past 11 years at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif., where he is currently Academic Dean and Chair of the Moral Theology Department. He speaks on moral topics to groups of Catholic laity and clergy throughout California. Most recently he has worked with the California Catholic Conference project “Embracing the Dying.”
4-05 Exploring Jeremiah and His Struggle with God’s Call in Life (workshop closed)
The Book of Jeremiah is the most autobiographical book of the Old Testament. It reveals Jeremiah as a man struggling with the mission God had given him and the canonical writers’ view of this as a model of faith and what makes an ideal prophet. By examining the key passages in this Book we will discover the significant issues for service and ministry in the Church today, and how to find God in the difficult situations of life – when our desires and what God and others expect of us do not agree.
Rev. Lawrence Boadt, C.S.P.
Fr. Lawrence Boadt is President and Publisher of Paulist Press, based in New Jersey. Since 1997 he has served as Professor Emeritus of Scripture Studies at Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C., and has taught at both Fordham and St John’s universities. Fr. Boadt is the author of “Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction.”
4-06 Catechists to Accompany Adults: Breaking New Ground
Joanne Chafe
This session will cover: finding catechists to work with adults, and forming them to meet a diversity of needs; guiding principles from “Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community” and the “General Directory for Catechesis”; and practical models and projects for dioceses, parishes and institutions in keeping with national hopes and expectations.
4-07 God and the Sandwich Generation (workshop closed)
Dr. Kathleen O. Chesto
Whatever happened to retirement? Our “children” are staying home into young adulthood, challenging the mores and faith of their parents, seeking to reintegrate into families they have never truly left. Our elderly are living longer, many becoming the children of the family they once raised. Those of us caught in the middle, often caring for parents and grandchildren, are searching for a spirituality to support this new family. What does our new style of “extended family” have to teach us about ourselves, our faith, our God?
4-08 Awakening to the Power of Transformative Ritual (workshop closed)
One of the great gifts that the Church offers humankind is its abundant use of symbol and ritual. Unfortunately, in many areas of the Church, these gifts have remained locked in ecclesial structure rather than transforming secular environments. In this workshop, Fr. Jim Clarke will offer some insights and practical suggestions for creating transformative rituals in times of transition or loss, such as divorce, retirement, family blending, entry into pubescence, or death.
Rev. Jim Clarke
Fr. Jim Clarke is presently Director of Spiritual Formation and Chairman of the Spiritual Theology Department at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. He is also Associate Spiritual Director at the Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests, located in Los Angeles. Fr. Clarke is a popular retreat director and conference speaker throughout the Southern California area and beyond.
4-09 Youth: Learning & Living the Faith (workshop closed)
Tom East
How can we share a living and lived faith with this generation of young disciples? How do we evangelize youth and their families? This workshop will provide a synthesis of the most recent research about youth ministry and adolescent faith formation. This will include practical suggestions and resources for parishes in developing faith formation, adolescent catechesis and Confirmation preparation.
4-10 Making the Word Come Alive (workshop closed)
Amy Florian
We know the Scriptures are God’s living Word among us. But how do you convey their life and meaning? What can you do in children’s Liturgy of the Word, in RCIA, in formation sessions, or with teens to enact readings in ways that reach them? This practical session will give a series of examples illustrating various ways to make Scripture readings leap off the page and into your assembly’s hearts.
4-11 Seven Ways to Creatively Proclaim the Word of God (workshop closed)
Rev. Richard N. Fragomeni
Come and explore the ways in which preachers, catechists and teachers awake us to the “Grace of Christ.” This session will explore seven ways Christians are called to preach the Word of God in liturgy, catechetical sessions, retreats, parish ministry, stewardship, and so forth.
4-12 Unity in Essentials, Liberty in Doubtful Matters, and in All Things Charity
Richard R. Gaillardetz, Ph.D.
The title of this workshop is an ancient axiom officially invoked by both Pope John XXIII and Vatican II. This presentation will explore the application of this axiom as a way of addressing divisive Church issues. Perhaps some of the divisions that beset our Church can be overcome by a clearer distinction between essentials and non-essentials in Church life. We will also explore the helpfulness of this axiom in the area of ecumenical dialogue.
4-13 You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet: Real People, Real Transformation, Making A Real Difference In Our World
Rev. Terry Hershey
“I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” Lily Tomlin was right. We all live with the fantasies that will change our lives for the better. And we read books that promise this new life. But transformation is not about spiritual coping strategies or life management skills. Transformation happens when we embrace and are embraced by Grace. In Grace you are called to be of all things – you! We learn to live, to risk. We practice the power of gratitude, giving up our “if onlys.” In this session, Terry Hershey will share transformation stories of inspiration, hope, affirmation, encouragement and empowerment.
4-14 Teaching Adults About Prayer
Bill Huebsch
We all know that prayer is not something which can successfully be taught like math or reading. And yet, it’s at the very heart of the Christian life and so necessary if we are to truly walk with Christ in our daily lives. This workshop will lay out a strategy with which you can help adults learn to pray better. It will provide the theological background, rooted in Catholic history and practice. And it will review the many ways Christians pray. The workshop will be rooted in whole community catechesis.
4-15 Forgiveness in Action
In January 1995 San Diego State University student Tariq Khamisa was killed by an eighth-grade gang member. Nine months later, Azim Khamisa founded the Tariq Khamisa Foundation in his son’s memory. Azim reached out in forgiveness to Ples Felix, grandfather and guardian of his son’s killer, and invited him to join in the work of the Foundation. Together, they speak about the devastation caused by gangs, violence and revenge and the importance of becoming “peacemakers,” helping to prevent youth violence in our schools.
Azim Khamisa
Azim Khamisa, an international investment banker, is Chairman, CEO and founder of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, in memory of his 20-year-old son. The peace activist is a popular national and international speaker who has been before audiences of adults, juveniles and children. Khamisa, also an author, is recipient of several local, regional, national and international awards.
Ples W. Felix Jr.
Ples Felix is Special Incentive Manager in the Community & Economic Development Department for the City of San Diego. In 1995 he was invited to join Azim Khamisa in the formation of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation, where he is now Vice President and Executive Board Member. Since that time he has presented to youth and adult audiences the topics of violence prevention among youth, forgiveness in action, and changing behaviors of intent.
4-16 In the Quiet
In the Celtic world, the importance of solitude could not be underestimated. God was found in the natural surroundings, in the Sacred Scriptures, but above all in the silence of the heart. In this workshop, Liam Lawton uses his music and his knowledge of Celtic spirituality to walk the way of the ancient monks in search of a way of contemplation for today.
Liam Lawton
Fr. Liam Lawton, a priest of the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin, Ireland, is currently on staff at St. Patrick’s College in Carlow, Ireland. For the past six years he has been a composer of music both in his native Gaelic language and in English in the traditional Celtic style. He has recorded eight albums of music and recently published his first book, “Song of My People.”
4-17 Racial Justice and Catholic Teaching: Current and Future Directions (workshop closed)
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, S.T.D.
Racism is a social evil that still deeply impacts our society. As we celebrate the anniversaries of several milestones of the civil rights movement, this workshop will provide an overview of current Catholic teaching on the sin of racism. It also will look to the future and explore new avenues of Catholic engagement toward building the “Beloved Community.”
4-18 The Grace of Body, Bone, Blood and Soul
Megan McKenna
Come revel for a time in the presence of Grace! Learn the art of transfiguration, by steeping yourself in the clear light of the Gospel of Grace, the person of Jesus, the shadow of the Spirit and the Words of the Father. Find yourself among friends: ancient ancestors, prophets of fire and freedom, followers learning to be friends with God. We are summoned by the Holy Ones: “Listen to him!” There is a saying, “God is listening, what are we saying? God is watching us, what are we doing?” Come know the touch of the one who dwells close among us, rubbing shoulders and skin with us, longing to find intimacy and acceptance among us. These stories of God will help us be graceful again.
4-19 The Heart of Healing (workshop closed)
Susan J. Paul shares her journey through cancer with her music, art and gentle wisdom. Her focus is on spirituality and creativity in healing: The spiritual path and the creative process go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated. One leads to the other, and healing always follows.
Susan J. Paul
Susan J. Paul is an accomplished singer, songwriter and artist. She wrote the the popular song “River of Hope” as well as the 2002 L.A. Congress theme song, “We Will Remember.” She has recorded four albums; her latest CD, “Big Love,” reflects her recent triumph over cancer. Paul has toured with David Wilcox and Graham Nash, among others, has received national airplay, and has done work in commercials and movies.
4-20 The Inclusive Embrace of Catholicity: The Church’s Real Light to the Nations – and the Neighbors
Ron Rolheiser, O.M.I.
In a world of division, bitterness, historical hurt, intoxicating ideologies and growing intolerance, what kind of Church do we need to build in order to be a light to the nations – and the neighbors? In this session, we will share principles for an ecclesial embrace that radiates the “many rooms in God’s house.”
4-21 Use Their Issues, Touch Their Hearts: Respond to Junior-Highers in an Effective Way! (workshop closed)
With junior-high people growing and changing quickly, how do you stay on target in your ministry to them? Use their issues as a dialogue tool. This workshop will show you that their issues are found in their culture, and articulated in their media. And so are the solutions to their concerns.
Anna Scally
Anna Scally is a youth ministry training consultant and host/disc jockey of her own audio show, “Burning Issues.” She has made over 2,000 public presentations at youth rallies, training events, retreats and adult education days, including major conferences for religious educators in North America. Scally, President of Cornerstone Media, is also a columnist for their “Top Music Countdown” quarterly poster.
4-22 Biblical Jerusalem: City of Tears, City of Hope
Donald Senior, C.P.
The terrible conflict between Israelis and Palestinians in the Holy Land has placed the city of Jerusalem in the daily headlines. For Christians, together with their Jewish and Muslim brethren, Jerusalem has both a historic and profoundly spiritual meaning. This presentation will explore the various biblical images of Jerusalem in its unfolding history and the ways they suggest components of a biblical spirituality for today.
4-23 What are the Great Stories of St. John’s Gospel Saying? (workshop closed)
The liturgical and catechetical practices of the Church place great emphasis on the Woman at the Well, the Man Born Blind, and the Raising of Lazarus. These stories are clever, witty and dramatic. But they are also maps to how people develop spiritually. Their insights are as truthful and relevant today as they were in the days of the Johannine community. As we track the characters and plots of these stories, we will drink from the well that Jesus turns into a fountain, wash our eyes in the pool of Siloam, and hear the loud voice that unbinds the dead and lets them go free.
John Shea
Theologian and storyteller, John Shea lectures nationally and internationally. Formerly, he was Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illl., and a research professor at the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University of Chicago. He is a popular speaker at the L.A. Religious Education Congress.
4-24 HIV and AIDS in Africa: Hopeless or Hopeful?
With 42 million people worldwide infected with HIV, and 5 million dying annually, the numbers seem overwhelming and hopeless. What gives hope to the millions infected and affected, and to those involved in helping to address the pandemic? After an introduction to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, this session will address challenges and obstacles to stemming the tide – past, current and future. Prevention, compassionate care and treatment of those living with HIV/AIDS, and the unprecedented wider introduction of anti-retroviral therapy in resource-constrained countries foster hope. (A question-and-answer period will round out the session.)
Carl Stecker, R.N., M.P.H., Ed.D.
Dr. Carl Stecker is Senior Program Director HIV/AIDS for Catholic Relief Services and Chief of Party for the five-organization consortium AIDSRelief. With more than 25 years of international health experience in Africa, he is a recognized leader in nearly all aspects of HIV/AIDS prevention and care, particularly as it relates to the developing world. Dr. Stecker is fluent in English, French and Gbaya, a central-African language.
4-25 A “Graceful” People of God
Robert VerEecke, S.J. with Jamie Huggins
How “graceful” would you like to be? Some of us feel that graceful, rhythmic movement is not in our repertoire or the Church’s! Can we find ways to become a more graceful people in our liturgical prayer? Gestures and movement will be taught to capture a sense of the gracefulness of the Spirit of God.
4-26 Life at the Frontier: Leadership Through Courageous Conversation – a poet’s perspective
David Whyte
People and organizations need a point of contact with the world where real conversation is possible. This conversational edge may be difficult to sustain, but is absolutely necessary and vital for maintaining a personal life amid the continual demands of leadership. Yet many of our inherited ideas about leadership no longer fit the everyday reality of a changing, multicultural world. What qualities do we need to foster to meet this new reality? How can you have strong leadership without coercion or manipulation? This session will look at the essential elements of real conversation and how to thrive over the long term in a difficult, complex and changing world.
4-27 Though the Narrow Gate: Experience the Remarkable Gift of Humility (workshop closed)
A sense of inner ease, simplicity, gentle yet strong compassion, and an ability to let spiritual sadness blossom into new wisdom are but several of the gifts to be explored in this contemporary rendering of the classic virtue of humility. “Through the Narrow Gate” is a presentation that invites you to let go so you can experience a new sense of inner ease.
Dr. Robert J. Wicks
Dr. Robert Wicks is a Professor at Loyola College in Maryland. He previously taught in universities and professional schools of psychology, medicine, social work, nursing and theology. Dr. Wicks has published over 40 books and has served as General Editor for three book series. His latest work is entitled, “Riding the Dragon: Ten Lessons for Inner Strength in Challenging Times,” and he is now preparing a book on medical practice and secondary stress.
4-70 vietnamese workshop
Phan Ðình Cho
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