Period 8 - Sunday, February 22, 2004
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Religious Education Congress
February 19, 2004 (Youth Day)
February 20-22, 2004
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NOTE: Workshops filled by Feb 2 are indicated by "(Workshop Closed)."
8-01 Eucharist Spirituality for Daily Life (Workshop Closed)
This presentation will cater to catechists searching for a "daily life" spirituality based on the Paschal Mystery: Jesus’ Passion, death and Resurrection. The Eucharist is a central source of spirituality, and this presentation offers reflections on how to live the mass in our contemporary world in preparation for the final Last Supper in the coming Kingdom of God
Msgr. Arturo J. Bañuelas
Ordained in the Diocese of El Paso, Texas, Msgr. Arturo Bañuelas founded there the Instituto Tepeyac, a diocesan lay ministry formation center. In 1989 he co-founded the Academia Catotica de Teologistas Hispanos en los Estados Unidos and in 1992 he was recipient of their Virgilio Elizondo Award. He is currently Pastor at St. Pius X and conference speaker throughout the country.
8-02 The Pope, The President and the Conflict in Iraq
Fr. Richard Benson, C.M.
This workshop will examine and review Catholic teachings on social justice, war and the common good. Its goal is to help clarify the Catholic citizen’s civic duties and obligations in light of their Christian discipleship.
8-03 Healing Fiction as Balm for the World
As a people of Word and Sacrament, we are called to be steeped in the stories of people. It is in these stories that we encounter the face of Divine Mercy. In this workshop, Fr. Jim Clarke will demonstrate how the classic stories of mythology act as a template for our own storied struggles and reveal imaginative ways of healing resolution.
Rev. Jim Clarke
Fr. Jim Clarke is presently Director of Spiritual Formation and Chairman of the Spiritual Theology Department at St. John Seminary in Camarillo, Calif. A popular retreat director and conference speaker, he is also an Associate Spiritual Director at The Cardinal Manning House of Prayer for Priests in Los Angeles.
8-04 The Consistent Ethic of Life and Capital Punishment
Rev. Gerald D. Coleman, S.S.
This workshop is aimed at those who deal with the moral question of the value of life and how this value informs the question of capital punishment. The "Catechism of the Catholic Church" permits the possibility of capital punishment, whereas John Paul II has consistently demonstrated a non-supportive stance. An analysis of this concern will also help us get a helpful sense of what theologians call the "consistent ethic of life."
8-05 Seeking Meaning, Finding Faith
Michael H. Crosby, O.F.M.Cap.
"It doesn’t mean anything anymore" is the complaint (or explanation) we hear so often, especially regarding being involved in the Church. What has happened to make it so? Is it so? How can we offer people a faith in which they can believe? Such faith will be the basis for a new meaning system that speaks to the fears and concerns of our contemporary world.
8-06 Some Contemporary Pastoral Skills for Effective Ministry
Rev. John C. Cusick
Today’s Catholic is seeking some things from the church and its pastoral ministers that are needed to assist their presence and participation in church life. This workshop will present and describe some very practical strategies to enhance pastoral ministry in a local parish.
8-07 Eucharist as Mystagogy: The Word Responds
Edward Foley
This poetic and musical refraction will explore the transformative power of the proclaimed Word and its accompanying rituals. We begin by considering passion as the trigger for every human response to Godly initiatives. Then, ponder how the Word is a dynamic mode of God’s narrative love. Finally, we turn to the promise from the Word and consider how the divine utterance imparts both a Godly promise of constancy and sustenance but also extracts a promise from us of discipleship and mission.
8-08 The Formative Power of Liturgical Prayer: Sacramental Catechesis for Confirmation (Workshop Closed)
Linda L. Gaupin, C.D.P., Ph.D.
Liturgical prayer has the power to form all believers into the sacramental mysteries of the Church. Yet the "General Directory for Catechesis" notes that so often we have marginalized liturgical celebrations in our catechetical programs [#30]. This workshop will explore the use of liturgical prayer as the first formation for a sacramental catechesis for Confirmation. Practical suggestions will be provided linking the words, symbols and gestures of prayer to the catechesis which follows.
8-09 Mexican Immigration and Christian Spirituality
This workshop will look at the dynamics of Mexican immigration, Christian spirituality and human transformation. It will also look at effective ways of ministerial outreach to the growing presence of Latinos in the Church.
Fr. Daniel Groody, C.S.C.
Fr. Daniel Groody is currently an Assistant Professor of Theology and Director of Latino Ecclesial and Pastoral Concerns at the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Latino Studies. A member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, he has spent many years working in Latin America, particularly along the U.S.-Mexican Border. He has done much writing and has lectured in Europe, Central, South and North America on spirituality/immigration.
8-10 Reach Toward Heaven: Singing The Journey of Faith
David Haas
Liturgy is where the people of God come together to be "Church," and to praise, lament, give thanks, share the story, feast in the common banquet, and commit themselves in mission and service. Come and pray, sing, reflect on how music can help the Body of Christ find their voice, and thus, focus their belief and vocation as disciples. Come ready to sing and experience how music can be the path for deepening our ministry.
8-11 Mary: Model of a Christ-centered Life (Workshop Closed)
Dorothy Hulburt
While Mary is uniquely our Savior’s mother, it is as His faithful disciple that she serves as the primary model of a Christ-centered life. Like Mary, we uncover the secret of who we are in discovering Christ at the center of our lives. To discover Christ in the center of who we are is to encounter, as Thomas Merton wrote, "mercy, within mercy, within mercy." This workshop will consider the heart of Mary in the Gospels – a heart saturated with prayer, a heart that is indeed balm for the world.
8-12 Jesus Christ – Movie Star
Rev. Richard Leonard
Whether we realize it or not for more than 100 years film has given us vivid and moving pictures of Jesus. They are the ground upon which many of our students build their image of Jesus. While many of these images have been helpful to faith, some of the theology contained in these films needs critical reading and attention. We need to be careful about what we are buying when we see Jesus on the silver screen.
8-13 Liberation Theology Today: Still Seeking Justice for the Poor
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, S.T.D.
Liberation theology challenges faith to a concern and care for the poor. The session will give an overview and history of the main themes of this theological movement, and will explore the future directions of this important and provocative theological development.
8-14 Leadership In a Changing Church
In this session we will take a look at the models of Church contained in the documents of Vatican II and their influence on leadership patterns in the Church today.
Bishop Malcolm McMahon, O.P.
Since 2000 Rev. Malcolm McMahon has served as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Nottingham, England. The London-born former provincial for the English Dominican Province has served in a variety of pastoral and academic posts, including lecturing at Blackfriar’s College at Oxford University.
8-15 Using Peer Leaders: Models of Hope (Workshop Closed)
Greg "Dobie" Moser
Young people are a gift to be celebrated! Knowing this, learn more about how to develop peer leaders who use their talents and skills to help others grow in faith. Discover strategies to help young people be servant-leaders for youth and the Lord!
8-16 "This Jesus, Whom You Crucified": The New Testament and Anti-Semitism
Rev. J. Patrick Mullen, Ph.D.
Jews have suffered for centuries at the hands of Catholics and others who read the Scriptures selectively and responded in un-Christian ways. This workshop will attempt to offer insights to teachers and preachers on how to teach an honest, faithful and healing perspective on Catholic-Jewish relationships based on the person of Jesus Christ – an observant Jew – and a broad reading of the evidence found in the New Testament.
8-17 Being Responsible at Home: A Most Important Ingredient for Being Responsible in the Classroom
John M. Platt, Ed.D.
Lessons of responsibility taught in the home are directly related to children being responsible at school. This workshop will explore specific techniques for helping parents develop responsible, contributing, healthy children. Choices, logical consequences and encouragement will be discussed in detail. Learning with laughter is always part of Dr. John Platt’s workshops.
8-18 A Preferential Option for the Lost
Rev. Erik Riechers, S.A.C.
This session seeks to provide 10 practical steps required for evangelization. It offers a simple, direct method of approaching men and women with the Gospel message and helps to open them to faith.
8-19 Women Deserve Better Than Abortion: The Final Strategy for Pro-Life Victory (Workshop Closed)
Austin Ruse
This workshop will tell the story of an idea that takes away the final argument for abortion. No longer is the humanity of the unborn child a debatable point. Science has taken that argument away from pro-abortion advocates. All that is left for them is that abortion is supposed to be good for women. This talk will describe a new, national campaign – a pro-woman campaign – that now takes away this final pro-abortion argument.
8-20 Teaching Young Adolescents Their Biblical ABC’s
Teaching young adolescents their biblical ABC’s (Access, Big picture, Context) is both fun and challenging. Focusing on several Old Testament heroes, this workshop will provide examples of how to teach Bible stories in ways that reveal their deeper truth to young people.
Brian Singer-Towns
Brian Singer-Towns has more than 20 years of experience in youth ministry and religious education. He is currently Coordinating Editor for Parish and Family Resources for Saint Mary’s Press, where he served as General Editor on "The Catholic Youth Bible." He is an adjunct faculty member for religious studies at Orchard Lake Seminary in Minnesota, and is a regional and national workshop presenter on Catholic youth and Scripture.
8-21 Health, Aging, Humor (HAH): It’s a Matter of Laugh or Death
Anne Bryan Smollin, C.S.J., Ph.D.
We can use humor to remain young at heart, mind, body and spirit. World-renowned anthropologist Ashley Montagu suggested we should all try to "die young as late as possible." Laughter exercises our hearts and souls – and bodies! We will explore ways that laughter enhances our health and spirit as we travel our spiritual journey toward wholeness/holiness. Remember s/he who laughs, lasts!
8-22 Leadership: Practical Principles
Loughlan Sofield, S.T.
Effective leadership in the church or in the world requires a combination of personal development, skills and guiding principles that influence leadership styles and decisions. This workshop will develop a number of principles that should guide anyone wishing to be an effective leader in the church.
8-23 Imagining a Just World: Vision and Values
Nancy Sylvester, I.H.M.
As we look at the global situation we know that things cannot continue as they are. We need to imagine anew. This presentation will reflect on the vision of Jesus and the values of Catholic social justice teaching as glimpses of what could be and explore how we can imagine a more just, sustainable and non-violent planetary community.
8-24 Move, Members, Move!
Robert VerEecke, S.J.
This workshop on liturgical movement and embodied prayer invites participants to learn simple movement patterns to familiar liturgical music, e.g., "God Beyond All Names," "Bread of Life," "Alleluia, Raise the Gospel" and "Christ Be Our Light" (songs by Bernadette Farrell).
8-25 Comedy and Tragedy: Get the Message Across
David Wells with Jo Boyce & Mike Stanley
Explore how comedy and tragedy bring us together as the body of Christ. Using stories and music, Dave Wells – together with Jo Boyce and Mike Stanley – consider how taking life a little less seriously is good for you! Ideal skills for leaders to adapt and develop! (This is a continuation of Session 3-24, but is a separate and distinct session.)
8-70 VIETNAMESE WORKSHOP (Workshop Closed)
Bro. Fortunat "Frère" Phong, F.S.C.
8-80 TAGALOG WORKSHOP: Kayamanan ka ba ng Simbahan?
Bishop Luis Antonio Tagle
Lumalalim ang kamalayan ng simbahan sa bahagi ng kultura sa buhay-pananampalataya. Ang pagtugon sa Diyos ay nangyayari sa loob ng kultura. Ang pagbabagong-loob ay gayon din. Ibig nating siyasatin kung ano nga ba ang Pilipino at ang kanyang kultura sa loob ng simbahan. Kayamanan ba ng simbahan ang ating pagiging Pilipino?
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