Period 7 - Sunday, February 22, 2004
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Religious Education Congress
February 19, 2004 (Youth Day)
February 20-22, 2004
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NOTE: Workshops filled by Feb 2 are indicated by "(Workshop Closed)."
7-01 The Cultural Gap Between Rome and America
John L. Allen Jr.
In both the sex abuse crisis and the war in Iraq the Vatican and the United States often found themselves struggling to understand one another. This session will explore these misunderstandings and seek to provide a common language for conversation.
7-02 The Greatest Commandment: Insight into Life-giving Relationships (Workshop Closed)
Bob Bartlett
Relationships are one of our best insights into God. Using the Greatest Commandment as a foundation, this workshop will touch on the moral, as well as the practical, dimensions necessary for healthy, enduring, supportive relationships with the people in our lives.
7-03 Exodus and Passover – Easter and Eucharist: A Biblical View
Rev. Lawrence Boadt, C.S.P.
The remarkable power of the Passover and Exodus experience of Israel became the dominating pattern of all Old Testament religious insight, in the Psalms and prophets, the historical narratives and wisdom. It also became both the instrument of Jesus’ new community and the basic pattern by which the early church made sense of the death and resurrection of Jesus and His life with us still. The links between them all are monumental.
7-04 Sing To God! Singing Our Faith With Children (Workshop Closed)
John Burland
How can music assist in the faith development, knowledge and spiritual formation of children? Using songs, this session will demonstrate practical ways of weaving music, Scripture and movement into teachable moments with children. These songs are suitable for children at the elementary level. Come ready to sing, move and celebrate!
7-05 The Communion Rite and Its Musical Challenges (Workshop Closed)
There are several moments where music can become integral to the Communion Rite. How do we make the ritual action flow in the most effective and natural way? What does the new "General Instruction of the Roman Missal" (GIRM) say? What are the most common musical and pastoral challenges? (Musical examples throughout.)
Jaime Cortez
Jaime Cortez is a pastoral musician, composer, clinician and author of many bilingual songs for multicultural liturgies. He lives in Mesa, Ariz., where he serves as Music Director of St. Bridget Catholic Church and music teacher for Queen of Peace School. He has made presentations at many national conferences, including the L.A. Congress and NPM, as well as in Japan and England.
7-06 Desire: The Heart of Catholic Spirituality
Fr. Kevin Cronin, O.F.M.
"The desire for union with God is already its beginning," says St. John of the Cross. Go to that place in your deepest self to find your true spirituality ... go to your passions to find out who you really are! In the "Mystical Journey of the Mind to God," St. Bonaventure urges us to find our answers "in the longing of will, not in the understanding; in the sighs of prayer, not in research ... seek the bridegroom, not the teacher." As St. Francis said: "This is what I want, this is what I want with all my heart!" What do you really want?
7-07 "Come to Me All You Who are Weary" – The Gospel of HIV/AIDS
For more than two decades, the AIDS pandemic has burdened humankind and challenged people to find effective and creative resources. The Gospel provides food for this long journey and Gospel stories are continuing to be written by people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS to enrich the Church with examples of faith, hope and healing love. This session will both present and invite the sharing of stories for companions on the journey.
Rev. Rodney J. DeMartini
Fr. Rodney DeMartini, a priest of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, Calif., was on the founding Board of Directors for the National Catholic AIDS Network and currently serves as their Executive Director. Nationally recognized as a leader in AIDS education, he lectures throughout the United States and Canada. Fr. DeMartini has authored a book and continues to write articles on topics of ministry to persons with HIV/AIDS.
Rev. Chris Ponnet
Fr. Chris Ponnet is Liaison for Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. In addition to his role as Pastor of St. Camillus in East Los Angeles, he is Chaplain/Director for the LAC/USC Medical Center and AIDS Chaplain at the SPLA/Carl Bean House. His audiences are wide – from regional conferences and TV and radio shows to chaplains and AIDS ministers.
7-08 Finding God in the Darkness: Spiritual and Pastoral Responses to Mental Illness (Workshop Closed)
Fran Ferder & Rev. John Heagle
Individuals and families who live with mental illness are painfully familiar with the social stigma that they must continually face in our culture. Unfortunately, their sense of isolation is often intensified by a similar "spiritual stereotyping" in their religious traditions. This workshop reflects on a spirituality of healing, and explores the practical steps that parish communities can take to respond more compassionately to those who struggle with emotional anguish.
7-09 Lectio Divina: A Way of Praying (Workshop Closed)
Mary Margaret Funk, O.S.B.
Lectio Divina is a Christian way of praying through Scripture, experience or nature. It is a form that we can learn to pray always.
7-10 The Apprenticeship Model for Christian Initiation
Jerry Galipeau
The vision for Christian formation that the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) puts forward is rooted in an apprenticeship model. In this session you will discover ways to align your initiation ministry more closely to the vision of the rite.
7-11 Creating the Best Immediate Preparation for Confirmation (Workshop Closed)
The "General Directory for Catechesis" has inspired us with a whole new way of approaching sacramental catechesis in the Church: "Catechumenal formation should inspire the other forms of catechesis in both their objectives and dynamism" [#59]. This workshop will provide a new context for doing sacramental preparation for Confirmation that renews the entire parish community, is liturgically based, promotes harmony vs. fragmentation, and promotes a "conversion" catechesis for Confirmation that leads to transformation of the person.
Linda L. Gaupin, C.D.P., Ph.D.
Sr. Linda Gaupin is currently diocesan Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Orlando, Fla. The Sister of Divine Providence formerly served on the faculty at La Roche College in Pittsburgh, and was Director of Worship for the Diocese of Wilmington, Del. A noted author and speaker, she has given presentations, workshops and keynotes in over 30 U.S. and Canadian dioceses.
7-12 Tending God’s Garden
Lessons from the garden will become insights for the catechetical leader as we explore our role in today’s church.
Edmund F. Gordon
For the past 20 years Ed Gordon has been Secretary for Catholic Education and Director for Religious Education in the Diocese of Wilmington, Del. He is a Past President of the National Conference of Catechetical Leadership. The former parish DRE and youth minister now speaks at national and diocesean conferences around the globe – from North America to India and New Zealand.
7-13 Apostles, Priests and Prophets: Recalling Women in the New Testament
Diana L. Hayes, J.D., Ph.D., S.T.D.
What do we really know about the lives and roles of women in Scripture – since most of their stories have been told by men? This workshop will look at women in the New Testament and how their lives continue to impact women and men in the Church today.
7-14 The Sacred Necessities of Life: All We Need to Live the Good Life
Rev. Terry Hershey
We are bombarded endlessly by advertisements about the life we should have. But the good life is not about stuff. The good life is about practicing the sacrament of the blessed present, about cherishing and wanting what we already hold. In this workshop Terry Hershey talks about the sacred necessities to embrace this good life: finding and cherishing sacred space for restoration and replenishment; paying attention to the little gifts; the freedom to sit still and revel in the "unproductive"; and the freedom to live wrapped in the exuberance of grace.
7-15 An Eye for an Eye and Soon the Whole World Is Blind: Teaching Restoration and Forgiveness
How can peacemaking concepts teach kids forgiveness instead of revenge? How can we help move them beyond the pain, anger and grief toward forgiveness and healing?
Azim Khamisa
Azim Khamisa is founder and President of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation. The foundation was created in memory of his 20-year-old son, Tariq, who was murdered in January 1995. In an act of forgiveness, Khamisa reached out to Ples Felix, the grandfather and guardian of his son’s killer, and created a foundation to stop "children from killing children."
Ples W. Felix Jr.
Ples Felix is Vice President and Executive Board Member of the Tariq Khamisa Foundation. Felix joined Azim Khamisa in the formation of the foundation after Felix’s 14-year-old grandson shot and killed Khamisa’s only son. The men were guided to form the foundation whose aim is to break the escalating cycle of retribution and revenge in youth violence.
7-16 Service Issues: Why Youth Need to Be Involved (Workshop Closed)
Jim Knowles
What makes service a vital element to any successful youth ministry program? What service projects are available for Catholic youth? How do I do my own? What do the Church documents say about service? Come and see!
7-17 Christianity and Islam: A Judaeo-Christian-Muslim Tradition?
An examination of the common roots of the three major monotheistic religions of the world, this presentation will explore ways in which Christians can better understand Islam as a faith which is not as totally "other" as one might initially think.
Keith Lewis, Ph.D.
For the last 15 years, Keith Lewis has been on the faculty at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, Calif.; presently he is Associate Professor of Church History. He spent two years as a fellow-in-residence at an ecumenical research institute in Germany, and has published in international journals. Dr. Lewis is currently completing a book-length project, and is a popular speaker in the Los Angeles Archdiocese.
7-18 Creating Communities that Save: Practical Ways to Enhance Community Life in the Local Church
John J. Markey, O.P.
This session will examine the very practical implications of "communion ecclesiology." That is, how do we create and maintain authentic communities that offer direction, meaning, purpose and hope to average people in their everyday lives?
7-19 Social Reconciliation: Balm for the World (Workshop Closed)
This workshop will explore the Gospel call to social reconciliation and relate it to contemporary social, cultural and ethical issues.
Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, S.T.D.
A priest of the Milwaukee Archdiocese, Fr. Bryan Massingale is a Professor of Moral Theology at St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee and at the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at Xavier University in New Orleans, La. He publishes and lectures nationally on social justice issues and black Catholic life.
7-20 The Liturgy of the Hours & the Prayer of the Heart (Workshop Closed)
Rt. Rev. Francis Kline, O.C.S.O.
A theology of the Liturgy of the Hours reveals the riches of the tradition of prayer in the Church. At the same time, it provides the faithful with a spirituality at once deeply personal and intensely ecclesial. The Eucharist emerges as the sacramental, mysterious and contemplative link between the Church at prayer and the Church at worship.
7-21 The Rite of Communion: Meanings and Ministries (Workshop Closed)
Nathan D. Mitchell, Ph.D.
When the new "third typical edition" of the Roman Missal was published in Latin in 2002, its GIRM ("General Instruction on the Roman Missal") included new guidelines governing the reception and ministries involved in the Rite of Holy Communion at Mass. In this workshop we will first take a look at the history and meaning of Communion as the "ultimate act of participation" in the Eucharist; we will then look at the new guidelines and the way these shape our pastoral practice.
7-22 Love is the Only Antidote to Fear
John O’Donohue, Ph.D.
We find ourselves becoming more afraid, allowing outside images to enter and disturb us. We become evicted from our hearts and the ground around us becomes thin and shaky. In this session we will explore our inner ground, what Meister Eckhart describes as "that place in the soul where neither time nor flesh nor any created thing can touch." This is our inner sanctuary where tranquility and love dwell. Each of us has that special sanctuary within. Love is the force that transfigures fear and unearths the concealed treasure at the heart of anxiety.
7-23 We MUST Sing at Liturgy – We MUST Sing in Religious Education (Workshop Closed)
R.W. Piercy
Our liturgy demands us to sing, and so do our religious education sessions. Come learn music that sings the themes of religious education. Learn how music is more than just words and notes but are experiences of faith and belief, challenge yourself to find your voice and sing the songs of liturgy in every religious education gathering, help form our assemblies to become better at what they do.
7-24 Teaching Stories: Catalysts of Spiritual Development
John Shea
Spiritual traditions contain crafted stories meant to evoke spirit and introduce people into the subtle dynamics of the spiritual life. Although the stories are historically conditioned, rife with the assumptions and conflicts of the times in which they were written, they are still able to illumine our minds and inspire our wills. We will tell some of these stories and explore how they can be integrated into preaching and teaching.
7-25 A World of Blessings Between Haiti and South Pasadena
This is a simple story integrated with compelling visuals – the story of an average parish in South Pasadena, Calif., reaching beyond its boundaries and entering into partnership with the poor of Haiti. No one expected what happened. No one dreamed how many lives would be changed. No one foresaw a revitalized parish. Is it for you?
Anamaria Young
A wife and mother, Anamaria Young is Chairperson of Mission:Haiti Ministry of Holy Family Church in South Pasadena, Calif. Professionally, she is a bilingual speech and language pathologist with Los Angeles Unified School District/Head Start Program. She has been a presenter of speech and language disorders to diagnostic teams, and a presenter of Mission:Haiti to parishes.
7-26 Preserving Culture, Preserving Faith: Vietnamese Catechesis and the Arts
Come experience the Vietnamese world of sacred dance, devotional chants, songs and stories. Bro. Rufino Zaragoza will narrate the festivals and celebrations of the Vietnamese community as presented by the San Jose La Sallian Youth. Learn how Holy Week celebrations, Marian devotions, stories of the saints, and cultural events have been incultured in ways that engage both youth and the larger faith community.
Bro. Rufino Zaragoza, O.F.M.
Bro. Rufino Zaragoza, based in the Diocese of Oakland, Calif., serves as a liturgical music consultant, while continuing studies in multicultural ministry, focusing on the Vietnamese-American community. He continues to contribute bilingual material to the Spanish hymnal "Flor y Canto," and is project coordinator for the initial Vietnamese/English song booklet, "Chung Loi Tan Tung."
Rev. Anthony Quang Dao
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