The Religious Education Congress is sponsored by
The Los Angeles Catholic Archdiocese
Office of Religious Education
See comments for Congress 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
View our current comments or submit your own
Comments for Congress 2005
Name: Dean
Date: March 17, 2005
CommentsI enjoyed my first youth day and look forward to coming again next year. I have attended the adult conference three times and it is great also. A couple of comments: How and to whom do I recommend a speaker? And I usually buy tapes but I am running into a problem -- my two new cars no longer have cassette players. None of the new cars have them and this is where I listen to the Congress sessions I couldn't get to. I think the move to CDs is important.
Thanks for your comments, Dean. Youth Day speaker suggestions can be made to the Youth Day Coordinator, Mike Norman, and Congress speaker suggestions can be made to Congress Coordinator, Vikki Shepp.
As for providing audio CDs, this request has been made for a few years now. We're trying to weigh these requests and the popularity of cassettes. We may look into it for next year.
Name: Tom Guenther
Date: March 14, 2005
CommentsI came back very inspired from my first R.E. Congress! The workshops were mostly well-prepared, but many seemed prepared years ago, or "recycled," and threw in the word "Grace," but did not take the time to customize their programs for this year's theme. The exception was Jesse Manibusan, who is not only able to miraculously connect with today's youth and old people alike, but his entire 90-minute workshop kept steadily with the theme of "Awaking to Grace." And if that wasn't enough, it was very motivational and compelling.
One additional comment: cassettes are getting outdated as a media, but before moving to CDs, consider that workshops that include video, dance, sign language, and other physical gestures don't come through well on any type of audio media. VHS shouldn't be that expensive to produce or purchase. Just my 2 cents.
Name: R. Bauman
Date: March 07, 2005
CommentsI have several observations regarding Congress 2005:
1) At the closing Liturgy, the children who brought forward the gifts, if they truly cannot afford appropriate shoes for the occasion, can't the Congress Committee provide shoes for them?
2) For the thousands of Catholics that were present that weekend during Lent arrangements should have been made to provide something other than turkey and ham for lunch on Friday.
3) I found the sand in the Baptismal Fonts to be horrendous. We are told by the Congregation for Divine Worship in Rome that it is not permitted to remove water from the fonts during Lent, why does the Archdiocese not obey what Rome is telling them?
4) A suggestion for a wonderful speaker for next year is Dennis Prager, a radio talk show host, a Jew, author, lecturer, and a brilliant mind, eloquent, he has much to offer both adults and youth. He is on KRLA 870 in Los Angeles - weekdays 9 a.m. to noon.
Name: Sister Elva Garcia
Date: March 04, 2005
CommentsI really liked this past Congress but I'd like to suggest some Spanish speakers for the next Congress: like Father Luis Jorge Gonzalez, OCD, (Teresianum, Rome), who is sometimes out here at this time of year. Others are Father Francisco Monarrez from the Mayor Seminarium of Tijuana; Father Antonio Zambrano, also at the Seminarium of Tijuana; and, of course, Bishop Rafael Romo Munoz.
Name: Gina
Date: March 01, 2005
CommentsI thoroughly enjoyed Congress this year. This is my 4th year in a row, and I find I get more out of it every year. Thank you for all your hard work to make it all that it is.
I do have a complaint and to me this is a major complaint. There was one huge hole for me this year--Ceili Rain! They are such a great, energetic, spirit-filled group of performers that have the ability to inspire while entertaining. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesse Manibusan, Danielle Rose, the OCP gang, etc. Ceili Rain is a great complement to all these other singers. The fact that their music is less liturgical and more real-life rounds out the music-experience for me at Congress.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you're going to try to get them back next year!!! Thank you again for coordinating such an affirming, life-giving, spirit-filled, faith-enriching event.
Name: Donna
Date: March 01, 2005
CommentsLoved RECongress 2005! I love the liturgical dancers -- very moving and spiritual. I also love the way you decorate the Arena. One would never guess it's also used for basketball games! Nice job.
I put in my vote for CDs instead of (or at least in addition to) cassette tapes. I and several of my group this year would have purchased them for some workshops we were not able to attend (and some awesome ones we did attend!) but we actually have no access to tape players anymore! Our cars are all equipped with CD players now!
Bring Ceili Rain back! They are a wonderful Catholic answer to all those Christian rock bands. I just love their moving lyrics and exceptional music.
Keep up the great work. God bless you all.
Name: Neal
Date: March 01, 2005
CommentsI was a little disturbed by the liturgical dancing. It is not appropriate and has been addressed by Rome. From looking at this, I would at first glance call it a concert rather than a Mass. I don't expect that you will allow this to be posted on your site, but I thought that maybe educators would want to educate. Call it constructive criticism.
Name: Susie
Date: February 24, 2005
CommentsDo you know who will perform in 2006. Or will it be posted when it gets closer to that time.
Our Registration Guidebook comes out in October, we should have our Congress 2006 information posted on our web site around then.
Name: Carrie-Lou Gray
Date: February 23, 2005
CommentsI have attended Congress nearly every year since 1970. I have to say that never in my life have I seen such a lack of the presence of both Convention Center Staff AND law enforcement. When I was trying to get my daughter to a safe drop off point, people continuously walked across the crosswalk with no regard to the fact that there was a line of cars waiting which was at least six cars long in both lanes. It took me 40 minutes to go through this crosswalk, only to be told by staff at the BACK parking lot that there were no more spaces. They were sending people to the Hilton Parking lot, and no one was being allowed in to that unless they were guests. It was such a mess that I ended up paying for valet parking so that I could eat lunch with my parish.
All weekend long, I didn't see enough traffic control, and people were being pushed and shoved in every direction. It was terrible! I know that this is not the fault of the Congress Committee, but maybe we should start looking at an even larger facility, or cutting off registration at a lower count. I am disabled and my daughter is seven months pregnant and was in a wheelchair during the weekend due to a pulled muscle.
Normally, I return home from Congress invigorated, but this year, I was just too tired to be enthusiastic.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Name: Carolyn
Date: February 23, 2005
CommentsI couldn't believe that the facility didn't make accommodations for thousands of Catholics on a Friday during Lent. I realize the facility is not a Catholic owned entity, but they need to be aware and accommodate a group as large as this.
Name: Juanita Lynn
Date: February 23, 2005
CommentsThis was my second Congress. It was great! Next year would you coordinate with the Convention Center to offer more lunch choices on Friday? There was way too much meat consumed and not enough choices for us Catholics. We are not to eat meat during lent on Fridays. Please take this into consideration for next year. Thank you, Blessings to all
We do make the hotels and Convention Center aware when Congress falls during lent, but we have no control over what they choose to provide for food options.
Name: Judy
Date: February 22, 2005
CommentsI had a tremendous time at the 2005 RECongress. I attended all four days. I still feel as though my soul is floating with Jesus! Thank you for all your hard work!!!!
Name: Nona
Date: February 22, 2005
CommentsI had a great time this year.
This is the second time I've gone and I really enjoyed it and learned a lot! I live out of state now, but that won't stop me from going to the RECongress as long as I can. Thanks for the wonderful experience! Good to see such a "RAINBOW" of people. God Bless!
Nona from Grupos de Vida "Naim"
Santa Rosa Catholic Church
San Fernando, CA (Arizona for now)
Name: Diana Blais
Date: February 22, 2005
CommentsHello, Just wanted to let you know that I had a fantastic time at my first RE Congress!! (Even if I did go alone! But how alone could I be with 29,000 other Catholics.) I'm looking forward to having others join me next year. Just wondered if the Eucharistic Liturgies were videotaped. If so, where may I purchase copies of the videotapes.
Thank you.
Name: Don L. Dominic
Date: February 21, 2005
CommentsDear REC,
2005 was GREAT! I know, I know that you just finished 2005 but do you have dates for 2006? or when will you have the dates for 2006?God BlessDonReply
Dates for Congress 2006 are set for March 30 (Youth Day) and March 31-April 2, 2006.
Name: Barbara Pratt
Date: February 21, 2005
CommentsDear L.A. Congress Committee,
Can't tell you how much we enjoyed LA Youth Day and Congress this year. Although only our second year, we truly enjoyed the workshops and liturgy. Until we understand the logistics of the hall, everything went smoothly.
Just wondering when we can start booking our hotel for next year's convention? Yes, the kids are already planning it! Until then, thank you once again for all you do and looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Josephine, you can keep an eye on our website for hotel information. We should have the first hotel contracts sometime around April.
Name: Barbara Pratt
Date: February 20, 2005
CommentsJeanne Cotter was awesome in "Embracing the Cross." It was my favorite workshop of all! I would like to have her email address and I thought they gave it out, but now I can't find it. Is it available?
Mythic Rain is an independent publishing company featuring the original music of pianist, composer, and vocalist Jeanne Cotter. Located in St. Paul, Minn., Mythic Rain offers Jeanne Cotter's merchandise as well as information on concerts, workshops and retreats. The web site is Her contact information can be found at
Name: Hank Ramirez
Date: February 18, 2005
CommentsJacob and Matthew are awesome!!! One day I hope I can play on stage like them. Once I get a band I will.
St. Joseph, Calif. ROX!
Name: Cristina
Date: February 18, 2005
CommentsJacob and Matthew was super good. Do they have a website? Where can I buy their CDs?
Jacob and Matthew's web site is Apostle Music lists their contact information (
Name: Pat
Date: February 16, 2005
CommentsWill the workshops have any assistive listening devices for the deaf or hearing impaired?
We make every effort to assure that Congress is accessible to deaf and hard of hearing persons. Please let us know if you have need of interpreters or Assistive Listening Devices. The Closing Liturgy on Sunday will be interpreted. Special seating for all deaf community members is located near the front of the Arena floor. If you would have the need for an interpreter, please make the request upon your arrival.
Name: Clare
Date: February 16, 2005
CommentsI registered via snail mail. You responded well and I received the booklet and my tickets to individual sessions. Now I've lost both the brochure and the tickets. What can I do?
Clare, registration problems can be handled on site at Congress at the Registration area. There will be a window just for replacement tickets. The Registration Booth will open at 8 a.m., Friday through Sunday of Congress.
Name: Bret
Date: February 14, 2005
CommentsI am really excited that Jacob and Matthew are joining us for Youth Day this year! At what times will they be playing?
Youth Day newcomers Jacob and Matthew will be performing at the Opening Sessions at 8:30 a.m. and again for the final Rallies at 2:45 p.m.
Name: John
Date: February 12, 2005
CommentsFollow up question -- If you are registered for Congress, do you have to pay the cover fee for the dance?
Yes, the fee for all is $5 per person at the door -- registered for/attending Congress or not.
Name: Marlene
Date: February 12, 2005
CommentsIs there any internet access to plug in my laptop, while attending the three days of Congress?
The Convention Center offers wireless access to the Internet (for a fee). The Tech Center (under the "Computer Demonstration" banner in Hall A) offers times to check your email.
Name: Jared
Date: February 11, 2005
CommentsIs there an entrance fee for the young adult dance on Saturday evening? I have a group of young adults that are very interested in coming to the dance and liturgy.
The Saturday Young Adult Liturgy is in the Arena at 5:15 p.m.. The dance starts at 9:30 p.m. at the Marriott. The fee at the door is $5 per person.
Name: Nerizza Besabe
Date: January 11, 2005
CommentsI called a few of the hotels on the RECongress hotel list which were noted as having shuttle service to the convention center and the places I called said they do not provide any type complimentary transportation to the convention center. Just thought I'd give this feed back. Thank you.
Most of the hotels in the local area surrounding the Convention Center and Disneyland, known as the Anaheim Resort Area, use the ART (Anaheim Resort Transit) shuttle service. You can find their list of participating hotels.
Name: Sharon Erickson
Date: January 10, 2005
CommentsI would like to know if this web site is a secure web site before I register as I have had credit card hacking on the net in the past year.
It is a very good idea to watch that you submit credit card information on a secure page (one with a "locked" padlock in the bottom corner of your browser). RECongress uses a secure page for credit card processing. Your data is encrypted, and we never see your credit card number. Once you are approved you will receive a "V number," which is our record of your payment.
Name: Dione Grillo
Date: December 18, 2004
CommentsI would not only look into Dennis Prager but Hugh Hewitt. Mr. Hewitt wrote a wonderful book entitled, "In But Not Of" which, according to, "['In, But Not Of'] provides readers with valuable insights, wisdom, personal experiences, and advice on how to rise in the world and achieve the kind of radical success that honors God." He would be great for a Keynote! I would even attend a Keynote if he (or Dennis Prager) was there, and I NEVER attend anything beyond my sessions and visiting the Exhibit floor. Take care and God bless!
Thank you for your suggestion. We'll look into it for Congress 2006. And we invite you to hear our Keynote for Congress 2005, Sr. Donna Markham. Donna J. Markham, OP, Ph.D, is an Adrian Dominican Sister and is President of the Southdown Institute near Toronto, Ontario, Canada, a multidisciplinary mental heath-care facility treating church professionals from across the English-speaking world. Donna holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and for the past 25 years has been involved in leadership development, organizational transformation and community formation.
Sr. Donna Markham
Name: Mickey Sanders
Date: December 10, 2004
CommentsSuggestion for a future theme:
Gathered in peace, ruled in justice, sheltered by God's radiant glory.Reply
Mickey, thank you for your ideas. It's interesting that you mention suggesting a theme. I don't think many know that the Congress theme is chosen by the staff of the Office of Religious Education. During one of the staff days in March the staff is read the readings for the weekend of Congress. It's through reflection of these readings that a "brainstorming" of theme ideas develops, and over the course of a week or so a theme for Congress is finally settled upon.
Name: Faye Yoshida
Date: December 06, 2004
CommentsSt. Catherine's Church in Kapaa, Hawaii sent a group to Congress last year. I was the only one that received a Registration Guidebook. Would you happen to know what happened to the rest? Most of us do not have access to a computer.
Everyone who registered for Congress 2004 and gave an address would automatically receive a Registration Guidebook for Congress 2005. There is no way of knowing why apparently the rest of the group didn't receive a book. Guidebooks can be ordered by phone (213-637-7648) or online or, for those with broadband access, downloaded from the site.
Name: C.E.
Date: November 23, 2004
CommentsI was wondering if a person can attend just the exhibits without the $50 registration fee? I just want to purchase books, religious articles and not attend the workshops. I noticed it says badges must be worn at all times but I just want to go to exhibits. Is it possible just to do that. Thanks and God Bless.
The Exhibit Hall (Hall A) is a benefit for those who have registered for Congress. You would need to register ... though, what other conference gives you three days of admission for $50?!
Name: George Rock
Date: November 23, 2004
CommentsLast evening I registered for Congress. When I got to signing up for my workshops I got a message that "this page could not be activated." I went through the entire process including submitting my credit card and authorizing its use. My question did I get registered and now how to I register for the workshops?
Let us know right away if you think you've paid for registration but were not allowed to enter workshop choices. When you authorize a payment, it is a live transaction ... and if you do it twice you will be charged twice! Check the Online Registration Help Page or contact us at for online registration problems.
Name: Toni DeRaddo
Date: November 01, 2004
CommentsI love to go to bookstores to search for faith-based books. I would love to see authors of many denominations of Christians, not just Catholics. Please consider adding an area where we can buy books from our fellow Christian authors. Also, some of the aisles are filled with junk. How about using that space for something more spiritual?
I have come to, I think, five or six Congresses. I love it. I have a suggestion for a speaker: How about Dennis Prager? I know that he was a speaker many years ago, but he is awesome in his thinking about morality and social justice. Please consider adding him to the speaker's list again. Also, we missed Fr. Weston last year. :)
Thanks, Toni, you're the second to mention Dennis Prager. We'll look into it for Congress 2006 since this year's speakers have already been slated.
Thanks again for your comments,
Vikki Shepp, Congress Coordinator
Name: Al
Date: October 05, 2004
CommentsI agree with Diane (March 14, 2004 comment), the exhibitors area is resembling a flea market. Vendors are are on the edge of rudeness. I know it can be a long day for them, but who is going to spend the money?
All exhibitors present at Congress are by invitation only. We strive to provide a variety in our offerings and work hard to make the presentations attractive, all the while trying not to obstruct the flow of people coming through the Exhibit Hall.
Name: Donna
Date: September 20, 2004
CommentsIt would be nice if there were more workshops like: Balancing secular life with a faith life; Coping with hardship while maintaining your faith; Age with prayer; etc.
Name: Mike - Seven Sorrows
Date: September 11, 2004
CommentsI am in a Catholic band called Seven Sorrows and we would love to play Congress this year. So far this year we have been at three conferences: We played Steubenville S.D. and SCRC and well as having a booth at the Catholic Family Conference. We were also volunteers at Steubenville when we were not playing. Everything we do is for free (even CDs and shirts) all for our Blessed Mother. We would also love to have a booth at Congress as well. We would be happy to send a CD if you would like one, or you could listen to us on our website We are geared toward youth, but have played all types of audiences, from Mass, to youth groups, to church carnivals, to conferences, to adoration.
We have already booked our artists for Youth Day 2005. You could mail a CD to me at our office and we will consider them. Mike Norman, 3424 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator
Name: Joshua Ayala
Date: September 08, 2004
CommentsWhere will Jacob and Matthew be playing?
Youth Day newcomers Jacob and Matthew will be part of Youth Day's opening session in Hall B on February 17, 2005.
Name: Gregorio
Date: August 30, 2004
CommentsI have always enjoyed watching the ceremonies at Anaheim, but I would like to know how I can become involved. The spirit squad, the youth day choir, and the liturgy actors are some of the positions that my friends and I have wanted to do.
Emcees, musicians and Spirit Squad members are faced with some basic questions, including...
- Are you in high school (grade 9-12)?
- Are you registered for Youth Day with a school or parish?
- Do you like performing in front of large crowds?
- Can you arrive at Youth Day in Anaheim by 8:30 a.m.?
- Can you attend a REQUIRED training day or other rehearsals if needed?
If you answered "yes" to each question, you might be eligible to be a behind-the-scenes part of Youth Day. You can contact Mike Norman for detailed information.
Name: Renate Hayum, S.P.
Date: August 19, 2004
CommentsI have attended Congress for 13 years and always stayed at the Hilton or Marriott. We are three older ladies who cannot walk too far. The Hilton is already booked, although there are rooms available at regular price. Is it not possible to reserve a bigger block for Congress? I am afraid we will not be able to go this year since we cannot walk distances.
We would love to get more rooms at the Hilton but it is not possible. You might consider the Annabella, which is very close, or the Days Inn (right behind the Marriott).
Sr. Edith Prendergast, Director, Office of Religious Education
Name: Connie
Date: August 17, 2004
CommentsWhat ever happened to Clayton Barbeau, therapist and noted author of "How to Raise Parents," as well as past speaker at the REC?
Name: James Straight
Date: August 15, 2004
CommentsWhen did the Church begin allowing Bishops to change the Mass as they please? From the few photos available it is possible to notice quite a few liturgical abuses going on. These things are prohibited by the Church. What right does the Cardinal have to allow these things when it is his responsibility to ensure that they do not happen in his Diocese?
Name: MJ Donnelly
Date: August 14, 2004
When was dancing allowed as part of the Catholic liturgy? The photos appear as if there are many liturgical abuses going on.
Name: Christine Kudija
Date: August 04, 2004
CommentsTo Congress organizers:
Two things: 1) Have you ever considered having Dennis Prager (author, moralist, teacher, radio talk host, former host of KABC's "Religion on the Line" program) as a Congress speaker? He'd be ideal on topics concerning Judeaism and Christianity, as well as a participant or host of a panel on ecumenical issues. He is a moderate, conservative speaker and would be a marvelous addition to the Congress retinue.
2) Every year the signage for various locations has been improved, and I congratulate you on this. However, it seems to me that signage posted on the outside of the convention center doors pointing to the Registration table would be useful – the reflective nature of the glass makes it impossible to see the location of the table from the outside. Anything to relieve stress on arriving at Congress would be appreciated. Also, a "greeter" at the Registration line entry area would be helpful to direct registrants to the "next available" registration volunteer – similar to what they do at Best Buy and Fry's. It helps newcomers deal with the confusion.
P.S. I can only echo the comment below about exhibitors and Catholic or otherwise "spiritual" schlock items for sale. Don't need it -- don't want it. I'd appreciate more books (and not just Catholic mass-market paperback!) and music, and quality religious art.
Christine, we do appreciate your comments. Our speakers are chosen with a lot of input from various individuals and we always welcome new ideas. We will look into Dennis Prager for 2006; however, our 2005 workshops have already been slated. (See our Congress 2005 Speaker Listing.)
Your comments on signage and registration will be forwarded to the appropriate committees. I will see what type of outside signage we can do. We have added new exhibitors for 2005, hopefully you will find what you are looking for.
Again, thank you for your comments and we look forward to seeing you at Congress 2005!
Vikki Shepp, Congress Coordinator
Name: Mike - Seven Sorrows
Date: July 27, 2004
CommentsHello, I am in a Catholic band called Seven Sorrows. We are very interested in playing at Congress 2005. We just finished playing Steubenville San Diego, which had over 3,000 teens in attendance. Please check out our webpage, you can listen to us there and find out much information about us.
God Bless Mike - Seven Sorrows
Name: Cherie and David Herrera
Date: July 01, 2004
CommentsTo the Congress organizers,
You may already have the speakers for the next Congress, but if not I would like to suggest more speakers who are involved in contemplative prayer, like Trappists Fr. Thomas Keating, Fr. Basil Pennington or Fr. William Menninger, who are deeply committed to bringing the contemplative dimension of the Gospel to the world.
Also, another wonderful author and speaker is Frank X Tuoti, a former Trappist who lived and studied with Thomas Merton. He wrote "Why Not Be a Mystic?" As Karl Rahner said, "In the coming age we must all become mystics – or be nothing at all."
My husband and I have been attending Congress for 7 years now and we also do centering prayer, twice each day. We have been very happy to go to Fr. Lawrence Freeman's talk as well as the contemplative masses. However, we always wonder why there are not more workshops about prayer to enrich our spiritual lives?
Name: Courtney
Date: June 01, 2004
CommentsI was just wondering if any plans have been made for performers at Youth Day next year?
Why, yes, they have. We will have Jesse Manibusan, Nellie Cruz, Jacob and Matthew, Matt Maher and Danielle Rose with us for Youth Day 2005.
Name: J. Cruz
Date: April 15, 2004
CommentsWould you consider burning the Congress talks onto CDs? People could place their order and have all the talks they want on one or two CDs. If the turnaround time would be comparable, it seems that you'd save a lot of money on tapes. The quality would also be better.
This is actually not a new issue. We have considered audio CDs for the past two years. However, the demand is not there ... yet. Apparently, the average Congress attendee, for now, prefers a cassette tape over a CD.
Name: Jenn Kelly
Date: March 27, 2004
CommentsWill Matt Maher be at Youth Day next year?
We have not made plans at this point, but we will consider having him return. We should have decisions made by mid-May.
Thank you,
Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator
Name: maria
Date: March 22, 2004
CommentsDr. Wayne W. Dyer, affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, is someone you might want to look into as having for a speaker ( Dr. Dyer is one of the most widely known and respected people in the field of self-empowerment.
Name: Ron Erin
Date: March 19, 2004
CommentsIs there any way to get Jeannie Cotter to do a workshop next year? She use to do workshops several years back and I was always inspired by her talent, intelligence, honesty, and spiritually. Though it was nice to see her as a vendor at Mythic Rain, I miss the 'journey' of her workshops. Any chance? Cordially, Ron Erin
Name: Diane
Date: March 14, 2004
CommentsExcept for one year when I was undergoing cancer treatment, I have been attending Congress for 37 years. I'm always impressed by the depth and breadth of the speakers, and one of the highlights of my days there is watching friendships renewed and made.
My concern deals with the exhibitor screening process. The exhibit hall is WAY too small for the number of booths and people shopping between sessions and at lunch. I understand why most of the exhibitors are there . . . music, books, liturgical goods. But I went off the deep end when I saw the booths selling rocks from the Holy Land! It seems that the exhibit hall is being turned into the Saturday morning swap meet at the drive-in. I wonder how many other people think that we can dispense with "dolls of the saints" and "stones from the Dead Sea." Please re-focus and rethink some of the exhibits, please.
P.S. Just checked on a reservation for Congress 2005. The Hilton Anaheim is booked solid already!
Name: Katie Singleton
Date: March 14, 2004
CommentsI was just wondering if Matt Maher will be performing at Youth Day 2005. He is such an inspiration to so many at my youth ministry including me. He brings something so special to Youth Day, it would be really great if he played next year.
It is nice to hear how much you and others enjoyed him. We have not made plans at this point, but we will consider having him return. We should have decisions made by mid-May.
Thank you,
Mike Norman, Youth Day Coordinator
See comments for Congress 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999
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